path: root/test/riscv-tests/rv64ui-p-or.dump
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/riscv-tests/rv64ui-p-or.dump')
1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/riscv-tests/rv64ui-p-or.dump b/test/riscv-tests/rv64ui-p-or.dump
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca0b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/riscv-tests/rv64ui-p-or.dump
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+rv64ui-p-or: file format elf64-littleriscv
+Disassembly of section .text.init:
+0000000080000000 <_start>:
+ 80000000: 04c0006f j 8000004c <reset_vector>
+0000000080000004 <trap_vector>:
+ 80000004: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause
+ 80000008: 00800f93 li t6,8
+ 8000000c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,80000040 <write_tohost>
+ 80000010: 00900f93 li t6,9
+ 80000014: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,80000040 <write_tohost>
+ 80000018: 00b00f93 li t6,11
+ 8000001c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,80000040 <write_tohost>
+ 80000020: 80000f17 auipc t5,0x80000
+ 80000024: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start-0x80000000>
+ 80000028: 000f0463 beqz t5,80000030 <trap_vector+0x2c>
+ 8000002c: 000f0067 jr t5
+ 80000030: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause
+ 80000034: 000f5463 bgez t5,8000003c <handle_exception>
+ 80000038: 0040006f j 8000003c <handle_exception>
+000000008000003c <handle_exception>:
+ 8000003c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337
+0000000080000040 <write_tohost>:
+ 80000040: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1
+ 80000044: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 80001000 <tohost>
+ 80000048: ff9ff06f j 80000040 <write_tohost>
+000000008000004c <reset_vector>:
+ 8000004c: f1402573 csrr a0,mhartid
+ 80000050: 00051063 bnez a0,80000050 <reset_vector+0x4>
+ 80000054: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
+ 80000058: 01028293 addi t0,t0,16 # 80000064 <reset_vector+0x18>
+ 8000005c: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0
+ 80000060: 18005073 csrwi satp,0
+ 80000064: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
+ 80000068: 01c28293 addi t0,t0,28 # 80000080 <reset_vector+0x34>
+ 8000006c: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0
+ 80000070: fff00293 li t0,-1
+ 80000074: 3b029073 csrw pmpaddr0,t0
+ 80000078: 01f00293 li t0,31
+ 8000007c: 3a029073 csrw pmpcfg0,t0
+ 80000080: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
+ 80000084: 01828293 addi t0,t0,24 # 80000098 <reset_vector+0x4c>
+ 80000088: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0
+ 8000008c: 30205073 csrwi medeleg,0
+ 80000090: 30305073 csrwi mideleg,0
+ 80000094: 30405073 csrwi mie,0
+ 80000098: 00000193 li gp,0
+ 8000009c: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
+ 800000a0: f6828293 addi t0,t0,-152 # 80000004 <trap_vector>
+ 800000a4: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0
+ 800000a8: 00100513 li a0,1
+ 800000ac: 01f51513 slli a0,a0,0x1f
+ 800000b0: 00055863 bgez a0,800000c0 <reset_vector+0x74>
+ 800000b4: 0ff0000f fence
+ 800000b8: 00100193 li gp,1
+ 800000bc: 00000073 ecall
+ 800000c0: 80000297 auipc t0,0x80000
+ 800000c4: f4028293 addi t0,t0,-192 # 0 <_start-0x80000000>
+ 800000c8: 00028e63 beqz t0,800000e4 <reset_vector+0x98>
+ 800000cc: 10529073 csrw stvec,t0
+ 800000d0: 0000b2b7 lui t0,0xb
+ 800000d4: 1092829b addiw t0,t0,265
+ 800000d8: 30229073 csrw medeleg,t0
+ 800000dc: 30202373 csrr t1,medeleg
+ 800000e0: f4629ee3 bne t0,t1,8000003c <handle_exception>
+ 800000e4: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0
+ 800000e8: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
+ 800000ec: 01428293 addi t0,t0,20 # 800000fc <test_2>
+ 800000f0: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0
+ 800000f4: f1402573 csrr a0,mhartid
+ 800000f8: 30200073 mret
+00000000800000fc <test_2>:
+ 800000fc: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 80000100: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000104: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000108: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 8000010c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000110: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000114: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000118: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 8000011c: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000120: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 80000124: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000128: 00200193 li gp,2
+ 8000012c: 5bdf1663 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000130 <test_3>:
+ 80000130: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 80000134: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 80000138: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 8000013c: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000140: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 80000144: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 80000148: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 8000014c: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 80000150: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000154: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 80000158: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 8000015c: 00300193 li gp,3
+ 80000160: 57df1c63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000164 <test_4>:
+ 80000164: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 80000168: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 8000016c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000170: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000174: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000178: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 8000017c: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 80000180: 00400193 li gp,4
+ 80000184: 55df1a63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000188 <test_5>:
+ 80000188: 000f00b7 lui ra,0xf0
+ 8000018c: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 80000190: 00c09093 slli ra,ra,0xc
+ 80000194: 00f08093 addi ra,ra,15 # f000f <_start-0x7ff0fff1>
+ 80000198: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 8000019c: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800001a0: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 800001a4: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 800001a8: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800001ac: 000f1eb7 lui t4,0xf1
+ 800001b0: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 800001b4: 00ce9e93 slli t4,t4,0xc
+ 800001b8: 0ffe8e93 addi t4,t4,255 # f10ff <_start-0x7ff0ef01>
+ 800001bc: 00500193 li gp,5
+ 800001c0: 51df1c63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800001c4 <test_6>:
+ 800001c4: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 800001c8: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 800001cc: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 800001d0: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 800001d4: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 800001d8: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800001dc: 0020e0b3 or ra,ra,sp
+ 800001e0: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 800001e4: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 800001e8: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 800001ec: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 800001f0: 00600193 li gp,6
+ 800001f4: 4fd09263 bne ra,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800001f8 <test_7>:
+ 800001f8: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 800001fc: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000200: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000204: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 80000208: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 8000020c: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000210: 0020e133 or sp,ra,sp
+ 80000214: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 80000218: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 8000021c: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 80000220: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000224: 00700193 li gp,7
+ 80000228: 4bd11863 bne sp,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+000000008000022c <test_8>:
+ 8000022c: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 80000230: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000234: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000238: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 8000023c: 0010e0b3 or ra,ra,ra
+ 80000240: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 80000244: f01e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-255
+ 80000248: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 8000024c: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 80000250: 00800193 li gp,8
+ 80000254: 49d09263 bne ra,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000258 <test_9>:
+ 80000258: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 8000025c: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 80000260: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000264: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000268: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 8000026c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000270: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000274: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000278: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
+ 8000027c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000280: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000284: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,8000025c <test_9+0x4>
+ 80000288: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 8000028c: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000290: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 80000294: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000298: 00900193 li gp,9
+ 8000029c: 43d31e63 bne t1,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800002a0 <test_10>:
+ 800002a0: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800002a4: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 800002a8: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 800002ac: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 800002b0: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800002b4: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 800002b8: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 800002bc: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800002c0: 00000013 nop
+ 800002c4: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
+ 800002c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 800002cc: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 800002d0: fc521ae3 bne tp,t0,800002a4 <test_10+0x4>
+ 800002d4: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 800002d8: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 800002dc: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 800002e0: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 800002e4: 00a00193 li gp,10
+ 800002e8: 3fd31863 bne t1,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800002ec <test_11>:
+ 800002ec: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800002f0: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 800002f4: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 800002f8: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 800002fc: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000300: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000304: 00000013 nop
+ 80000308: 00000013 nop
+ 8000030c: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
+ 80000310: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000314: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000318: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,800002f0 <test_11+0x4>
+ 8000031c: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 80000320: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 80000324: 00b00193 li gp,11
+ 80000328: 3bd31863 bne t1,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+000000008000032c <test_12>:
+ 8000032c: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000330: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 80000334: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000338: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 8000033c: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 80000340: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000344: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000348: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 8000034c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000350: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000354: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,80000330 <test_12+0x4>
+ 80000358: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 8000035c: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000360: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 80000364: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000368: 00c00193 li gp,12
+ 8000036c: 37df1663 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000370 <test_13>:
+ 80000370: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000374: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 80000378: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 8000037c: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 80000380: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000384: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 80000388: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 8000038c: 00000013 nop
+ 80000390: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000394: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000398: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 8000039c: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,80000374 <test_13+0x4>
+ 800003a0: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 800003a4: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 800003a8: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 800003ac: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 800003b0: 00d00193 li gp,13
+ 800003b4: 33df1263 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800003b8 <test_14>:
+ 800003b8: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800003bc: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 800003c0: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 800003c4: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 800003c8: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800003cc: 00000013 nop
+ 800003d0: 00000013 nop
+ 800003d4: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800003d8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 800003dc: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 800003e0: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,800003bc <test_14+0x4>
+ 800003e4: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 800003e8: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 800003ec: 00e00193 li gp,14
+ 800003f0: 2fdf1463 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800003f4 <test_15>:
+ 800003f4: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800003f8: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 800003fc: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000400: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000404: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 80000408: 00000013 nop
+ 8000040c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000410: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000414: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000418: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 8000041c: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000420: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,800003f8 <test_15+0x4>
+ 80000424: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 80000428: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 8000042c: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 80000430: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000434: 00f00193 li gp,15
+ 80000438: 2bdf1063 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+000000008000043c <test_16>:
+ 8000043c: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000440: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 80000444: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 80000448: 00000013 nop
+ 8000044c: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 80000450: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000454: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 80000458: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 8000045c: 00000013 nop
+ 80000460: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000464: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000468: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 8000046c: fc521ae3 bne tp,t0,80000440 <test_16+0x4>
+ 80000470: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 80000474: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000478: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 8000047c: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 80000480: 01000193 li gp,16
+ 80000484: 25df1a63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000488 <test_17>:
+ 80000488: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 8000048c: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 80000490: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 80000494: 00000013 nop
+ 80000498: 00000013 nop
+ 8000049c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 800004a0: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800004a4: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800004a8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 800004ac: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 800004b0: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,8000048c <test_17+0x4>
+ 800004b4: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 800004b8: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 800004bc: 01100193 li gp,17
+ 800004c0: 21df1c63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800004c4 <test_18>:
+ 800004c4: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800004c8: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 800004cc: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800004d0: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 800004d4: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 800004d8: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 800004dc: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 800004e0: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800004e4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 800004e8: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 800004ec: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,800004c8 <test_18+0x4>
+ 800004f0: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 800004f4: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 800004f8: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 800004fc: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 80000500: 01200193 li gp,18
+ 80000504: 1ddf1a63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000508 <test_19>:
+ 80000508: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 8000050c: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 80000510: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000514: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 80000518: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 8000051c: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 80000520: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 80000524: 00000013 nop
+ 80000528: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 8000052c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000530: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000534: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,8000050c <test_19+0x4>
+ 80000538: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 8000053c: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000540: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 80000544: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 80000548: 01300193 li gp,19
+ 8000054c: 19df1663 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000550 <test_20>:
+ 80000550: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000554: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000558: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 8000055c: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 80000560: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 80000564: 00000013 nop
+ 80000568: 00000013 nop
+ 8000056c: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000570: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000574: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000578: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,80000554 <test_20+0x4>
+ 8000057c: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 80000580: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 80000584: 01400193 li gp,20
+ 80000588: 15df1863 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+000000008000058c <test_21>:
+ 8000058c: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000590: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000594: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 80000598: 00000013 nop
+ 8000059c: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 800005a0: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 800005a4: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 800005a8: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 800005ac: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800005b0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 800005b4: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 800005b8: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,80000590 <test_21+0x4>
+ 800005bc: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
+ 800005c0: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 800005c4: 014e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x14
+ 800005c8: f0fe8e93 addi t4,t4,-241 # f0f <_start-0x7ffff0f1>
+ 800005cc: 01500193 li gp,21
+ 800005d0: 11df1463 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800005d4 <test_22>:
+ 800005d4: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 800005d8: 000f1137 lui sp,0xf1
+ 800005dc: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 800005e0: 00c11113 slli sp,sp,0xc
+ 800005e4: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f10f0 <_start-0x7ff0ef10>
+ 800005e8: 00000013 nop
+ 800005ec: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
+ 800005f0: ff00809b addiw ra,ra,-16
+ 800005f4: 00000013 nop
+ 800005f8: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 800005fc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000600: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000604: fc521ae3 bne tp,t0,800005d8 <test_22+0x4>
+ 80000608: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 8000060c: ff1e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-15
+ 80000610: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 80000614: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # fff0 <_start-0x7fff0010>
+ 80000618: 01600193 li gp,22
+ 8000061c: 0bdf1e63 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000620 <test_23>:
+ 80000620: 00000213 li tp,0
+ 80000624: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
+ 80000628: f0f1011b addiw sp,sp,-241
+ 8000062c: 00000013 nop
+ 80000630: 00000013 nop
+ 80000634: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 80000638: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 8000063c: 0020ef33 or t5,ra,sp
+ 80000640: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start-0x7fffffff>
+ 80000644: 00200293 li t0,2
+ 80000648: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,80000624 <test_23+0x4>
+ 8000064c: 0fff1eb7 lui t4,0xfff1
+ 80000650: fffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,-1
+ 80000654: 01700193 li gp,23
+ 80000658: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+000000008000065c <test_24>:
+ 8000065c: 000100b7 lui ra,0x10
+ 80000660: f010809b addiw ra,ra,-255
+ 80000664: 01009093 slli ra,ra,0x10
+ 80000668: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 8000066c: 00106133 or sp,zero,ra
+ 80000670: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
+ 80000674: f01e8e9b addiw t4,t4,-255
+ 80000678: 010e9e93 slli t4,t4,0x10
+ 8000067c: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_start-0x7fff0100>
+ 80000680: 01800193 li gp,24
+ 80000684: 05d11a63 bne sp,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+0000000080000688 <test_25>:
+ 80000688: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
+ 8000068c: 0ff0809b addiw ra,ra,255
+ 80000690: 0000e133 or sp,ra,zero
+ 80000694: 00ff0eb7 lui t4,0xff0
+ 80000698: 0ffe8e9b addiw t4,t4,255
+ 8000069c: 01900193 li gp,25
+ 800006a0: 03d11c63 bne sp,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800006a4 <test_26>:
+ 800006a4: 000060b3 or ra,zero,zero
+ 800006a8: 00000e93 li t4,0
+ 800006ac: 01a00193 li gp,26
+ 800006b0: 03d09463 bne ra,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+00000000800006b4 <test_27>:
+ 800006b4: 111110b7 lui ra,0x11111
+ 800006b8: 1110809b addiw ra,ra,273
+ 800006bc: 22222137 lui sp,0x22222
+ 800006c0: 2221011b addiw sp,sp,546
+ 800006c4: 0020e033 or zero,ra,sp
+ 800006c8: 00000e93 li t4,0
+ 800006cc: 01b00193 li gp,27
+ 800006d0: 01d01463 bne zero,t4,800006d8 <fail>
+ 800006d4: 00301c63 bne zero,gp,800006ec <pass>
+00000000800006d8 <fail>:
+ 800006d8: 0ff0000f fence
+ 800006dc: 00018063 beqz gp,800006dc <fail+0x4>
+ 800006e0: 00119193 slli gp,gp,0x1
+ 800006e4: 0011e193 ori gp,gp,1
+ 800006e8: 00000073 ecall
+00000000800006ec <pass>:
+ 800006ec: 0ff0000f fence
+ 800006f0: 00100193 li gp,1
+ 800006f4: 00000073 ecall
+ 800006f8: c0001073 unimp
+ 800006fc: 0000 unimp
+ 800006fe: 0000 unimp
+ 80000700: 0000 unimp
+ 80000702: 0000 unimp