path: root/doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex
diff options
authorPrashanth Mundkur <prashanth.mundkur@gmail.com>2019-06-06 16:25:15 -0700
committerPrashanth Mundkur <prashanth.mundkur@gmail.com>2019-06-06 17:26:36 -0700
commitaf0925e363a7ec40d97a3c26e83deb0223840950 (patch)
tree8adb0a59187141c790c17c0ef881a76f7a1d80b5 /doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex
parent6019eb69020cb87216ec1889eb82be7443fa1fb3 (diff)
Doc updates
. add a dependency diagram to the reading guide . simplify the OS boot instructions using the new Linux image . put funding ack in top-level readme
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex b/doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37dd637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/figs/riscvspecdeps.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ node distance=5mm,
+ align=center,
+ spec/.style={rectangle, rounded corners=3mm, minimum size=10mm,
+ thick, draw=black},
+ dep/.style={black, very thick}
+ ]
+ % layout the axial nodes
+ \node (prelude) [spec] {\textbf{prelude}\\
+ helpers (\texttt{prelude\_*})\\
+ raw physical memory (\texttt{prelude\_mem})};
+ \node (types) [spec, above=of prelude] {\texttt{riscv\_reg\_type, riscv\_types}\\
+ registers, indices,\\
+ exceptions, privilege-levels, \ldots};
+ % compute location for virtmem
+ \coordinate (vmloc) at ($(prelude)!5!(types)$);
+ \node (virtmem) [spec] at (vmloc) {\textbf{virtual memory}\\
+ PTE formats, TLB (\texttt{riscv\_vmem\_common})\\
+ page table walks (\texttt{riscv\_vmem\_svNN})\\
+ address translation (\texttt{riscv\_vmem\_rvNN})};
+ \node (addrchk) [spec, right=of virtmem] {\textbf{address checks, transforms}\\
+ \texttt{riscv\_addr\_checks*}};
+ \node (insts) [spec, above=of virtmem] {\textbf{instructions}\\
+ decode, execute, assembler (\texttt{riscv\_insts\_*})};
+ \node (fetch) [spec, above=of insts] {\texttt{riscv\_step}\\
+ fetch-execute\\
+ interrupt dispatch\\
+ clock tick};
+ % locate physmem on the right
+ \coordinate (midpt) at ($(types.north)!0.5!(virtmem.south)$);
+ \coordinate (pmloc) at ($(midpt)!1!-90:(virtmem.south)$);
+ \node (physmem) [spec] at (pmloc) {\textbf{physical memory}\\
+ \textit{platform memory map},\\
+ \textit{MMIO devices} (\texttt{riscv\_platform})\\
+ memory access (\texttt{riscv\_mem})};
+ % locate regfile and excepts on the left
+ \coordinate (rfhgt) at ($(types.north)!0.3!(virtmem.south)$);
+ \coordinate (exhgt) at ($(types.north)!0.7!(virtmem.south)$);
+ \coordinate (lftax) at ($(pmloc)!2!(midpt)$);
+ \node (regfile) [spec] at (lftax |- rfhgt) {\texttt{riscv\_regs, riscv\_sys\_regs}\\
+ PC (+\texttt{riscv\_pc\_access})\\
+ integer (user)\\
+ system regs\\
+ current privilege};
+ \node (excepts) [spec] at (lftax |- exhgt) {\textbf{privilege transition}\\
+ exceptions, interrupts\\
+ returns\\
+ (\texttt{riscv\_sync\_exception},\\
+ \texttt{riscv\_sys\_control})};
+ \draw[<-,dep] (prelude) edge (types);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (types) edge (physmem)
+ edge (regfile);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (regfile) edge (excepts)
+ edge [out=0, in=270] (virtmem)
+ edge [out=180, in=180] (insts)
+ edge [out=180, in=180] (fetch);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (excepts) edge (virtmem)
+ edge [out=90, in=180] (insts);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (physmem) edge (virtmem);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (virtmem) edge (insts);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (addrchk) edge (insts);
+ \draw[<-,dep] (insts) edge (fetch);