path: root/jim_tcl.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'jim_tcl.txt')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jim_tcl.txt b/jim_tcl.txt
index 754210f..2ad1f25 100644
--- a/jim_tcl.txt
+++ b/jim_tcl.txt
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Changes since 0.78
3. Add support for `aio lock -wait`
4. Add `signal block` to prevent delivery of signals
5. Add support for `file split`
+6. Add support for `json::encode` and `json::decode`
Changes between 0.77 and 0.78
@@ -5331,6 +5332,69 @@ independently (but synchronously) of the main interpreter.
alias for +'parentcmd'+ in the parent interpreter, with the given, fixed arguments.
The alias may be deleted in the child with 'rename'.
+The Tcl -> JSON encoder is part of the optional 'json' package.
++*json::encode* 'value ?schema?'+::
+Encode a Tcl value as JSON according to the schema (defaults to +'str'+). The following schema types are supported:
+* 'str' - Tcl string -> JSON string
+* 'num' - Tcl value -> bare numeric value or null
+* 'bool' - Tcl boolean value -> true, false
+* 'obj ?name subschema ...?' - Tcl dict -> JSON object. For each dict key matching 'name', the corresponding 'subschema'
+is applied. The special name +'*'+ matches any keys not otherwise matched, otherwise the default +'str'+ is used.
+* 'list ?subschema?' - Tcl list -> JSON array. The 'subschema' (default +'str'+) is applied for each element of the list/array.
+* 'mixed ?subschema ...?' = Tcl list -> JSON array. Each 'subschema' is applied for the corresponding element of the list/array.
+ ::
+The following are examples:
+ . json::encode {1 2 true false null 5.0} list
+ [ "1", "2", "true", "false", "null", "5.0" ]
+ . json::encode {1 2 true false null 5.0} {list num}
+ [ 1, 2, true, false, null, 5.0 ]
+ . json::encode {0 1 2 true false 5.0 off} {list bool}
+ [ false, true, true, true, false, true, false ]
+ . json::encode {a 1 b hello c {3 4}} obj
+ { "a":"1", "b":"hello", "c":"3 4" }
+ . json::encode {a 1 b hello c {3 4}} {obj a num c {list num}}
+ { "a":1, "b":"hello", "c":[ 3, 4 ] }
+ . json::encode {true true {abc def}} {mixed str num obj}
+ [ "true", true, { "abc":"def" } ]
+ . json::encode {a 1 b 3.0 c hello d null} {obj c str * num}
+ { "a":1, "b":3.0, "c":"hello", "d":null }
+The JSON -> Tcl decoder is part of the optional 'json' package.
++*json::decode* ?*-null* 'string'? ?*-schema*? 'json-string'+::
+Decodes the given JSON string (must be array or object) into a Tcl data structure. If '+-schema+' is specified, returns a
+list of +'{data schema}'+ where the schema is compatible with `json::encode`. Otherwise just returns the data.
+Decoding is as follows (with schema types listed in parentheses):
+* object -> dict ('obj')
+* array -> list ('mixed' or 'list')
+* number -> as-is ('num')
+* boolean -> as-is ('bool')
+* string -> string ('str')
+* null -> supplied null string or the default +'"null"'+ ('num')
+ ::
+ Note that an object decoded into a dict will return the keys in the same order as the original string.
+ . json::decode {[1, 2]}
+ {1 2}
+ . json::decode -schema {[1, 2]}
+ {1 2} {list num}
+ . json::decode -schema {{"a":1, "b":2}}
+ {a 1 b 2} {obj a num b num}
+ . json::decode -schema {[1, 2, {a:"b", c:false}, "hello"]}
+ {1 2 {a b c false} hello} {mixed num num {obj a str c bool} str}