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6 files changed, 493 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/README.oo b/README.oo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8015c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.oo
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+OO Package for Jim Tcl
+Author: Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
+Date: 1 Nov 2010 09:18:40
+The pure-Tcl oo package leverages Jim's unique strengths
+to provide support for Object Oriented programming.
+The oo package can be statically linked with Jim or installed
+as a separate Tcl package and loaded with:
+ package require oo
+A class is declared with the 'class' proc as follows.
+ class myclass ?baseclasses? classvars
+This declares a class named 'myclass' with the given dictionary,
+'classvars', providing the initial state of all new objects.
+It is important to list all class variables in 'classvars', even
+if initialised only to the empty string, since the class makes
+these variables available in methods and via [myclass vars].
+A list of zero or more base classes may also be specified from
+which methods and class variables are imported. See INHERITANCE
+below for more details.
+Declaring a class creates a procedure with the class name along
+with some related procedures. For example:
+ . class Account {balance 0}
+ Account
+ . info procs Account*
+ {Account get} {Account methods} {Account eval} Account {Account new} {Account destroy}
+ {Account vars} {Account classname} {Account classvars} {Account method}
+Notice that apart from the main 'Account' procedure, all the remaining procedures (methods)
+are prefixed with 'Account' and a space.
+Decaring a class pre-defines a number of "class" methods. i.e. those which don't
+require an object and simply return or manipulate properties of the class. These are:
+ new ?instancevars?::
+ Creates and returns new object, optionally overriding the default class variable values.
+ Note that the class name is an alias for 'classname new {}' and can be used as a shorthand
+ for creating new objects with default values.
+ method name arglist body::
+ Creates or redefines a method for the class with the given name, argument list and body.
+ methods::
+ Returns a list of the methods supported by this class, including both class methods
+ and instance methods. Also includes base class methods.
+ vars::
+ Returns a list of the class variables for this class (names
+ only). Also includes base class variables.
+ classvars::
+ Returns a dictionary the class variables, including initial values, for this class.
+ Also includes base class variables.
+ classname::
+ Returns the classname. This can be useful as [$self classname].
+Class methods may be invoked either via the class name or via an object of the class.
+For example:
+ . class Account {balance 0}
+ Account
+ . Account methods
+ classname classvars destroy eval get method methods new vars
+ . set a [Account]
+ <reference.<Account>.00000000000000000001>
+ . $a methods
+ classname classvars destroy eval get method methods new vars
+Decaring a class pre-defines a number of "object" methods. i.e. those which operate
+on a specific object.
+ destroy::
+ Destroys the object. This method may be overridden, but note that it should
+ delete the object with {rename $self ""}. This method will also be called
+ if the object is reaped during garbage collection.
+ get varname::
+ Returns the value of the given instance variable.
+ eval ?locals? body::
+ Makes any given local variables available to the body, along with
+ the instance variables, and evaluate the body in that context.
+ This can be used for one-off evaluation to avoid declaring a method.
+An object is created with the 'new' method, or simply by using the classname shortcut.
+If the 'new' method is used, the variables for the newly created object (instance variables)
+may be initialised. Otherwise they are set to the default values specified when the
+class was declared.
+For example:
+ . class Account {balance 0}
+ Account
+ . set a [Account]
+ <reference.<Account>.00000000000000000001>
+ . set b [Account new {balance 1000}]
+ <reference.<Account>.00000000000000000002>
+ . $a get balance
+ 0
+ . $b get balance
+ 1000
+In addition to the predefined methods, new methods may be decared, or existing
+methods redefined with the class method, method.
+Declaring a method is very similar to defining a proc, and the arglist
+has identical syntax. For example:
+ . Account method show {{channel stdout}} { $channel puts "Balance of account is $balance" }
+ . $b show
+ Balance of account is 1000
+All instance variables are available within the method and any
+changes to these variables are maintained by the object.
+In addition, the $self variables is defined and refers to the current object.
+This may be used to invoke further methods on the object. For example:
+ . Account method show {} { puts "Balance of account is [$self get balance]" }
+ . $b show
+ Balance of account is 1000
+* It is a bad idea to unset an instance variable.
+* In general, you should avoid redefining any of the pre-defined methods, except for 'destroy'.
+* When accessing the caller's scope with upvar or uplevel, note that there
+ are two frame levels between the caller and the method. Thus it is necessary
+ to use 'upvar 2' or 'uplevel 2'
+For each base class given in a new class declaration, the methods
+and variables of those classes are imported into the new class being
+defined. Base classes are imported in left to right order, so that if a
+method is defined in more than one base class, the later definition
+is selected. This applies similarly to class variables.
+Within a method, 'super' may be used to explicitly invoke a
+base class method on the object. This applies only to the *last*
+base class given. For example:
+ # Assumes the existence of classes Account and Client
+ . Account method debit {amount} { incr balance -$amount }
+ . class CreditAccount {Client Account} {type visa}
+ CreditAccount
+ . CreditAccount method debit {amount} {
+ puts "Debit $type card"
+ super debit $amount
+ }
+ . set a [CreditAccount]
+ <reference.<Account>.00000000000000000001>
+ . $a debit 20
+ Debit visa card
+ . $a balance
+ -20
+In the CreditAccount debit method, the call to 'super debit' invokes
+the method 'Account debit' since Account is the last base class listed.
+Objects are implemented as lambdas. That is, they are procedures with state
+and are named as references. This means that when an object is no longer
+reachable by any name and garbage collection runs, the object will be
+discarded and the destructor will be invoked. Note that the garbage collector
+can be invoked manually with 'collect' if required.
+ . class Account {}
+ Account
+ . Account method destroy {} { puts dying...; rename $self "" }
+ Account destroy
+ . proc a {} { set b [Account]; return "" }
+ a
+ . a
+ . collect
+ dying...
+ 1
+All methods defined with 'method' operate on objects (instances).
+If a class method is required, it is possible to simply declare one with 'proc'.
+The method dispatcher will automatically be able to dispatch to this method.
+Using this approach, it is also possible to add class static variables by
+defining static variables to the proc. Although strictly these variables
+are accessible only to that proc, not the class as a whole.
+For example:
+ . class Account {}
+ Account
+ . proc {Account nextid} {} {{id 0}} { incr id }
+ Account nextid
+ . Account nextid
+ 1
+ . Account nextid
+ 2
+ . set a [Account]
+ <reference.<Account>.00000000000000000001>
+ . $a nextid
+ 3
+ . $a eval { $self nextid }
+ 4
+All class and object methods are name "classname methodname".
+The class method dispatcher is named "classname". When invoked with a methodname,
+it simply invokes the method "classname methodname".
+The method dispatch is via a two step process. Firstly the object procedure is invoked
+with the method name. This procedure then invokes "classname method" which sets up
+the appropriate access to the object variables, and then invokes the method body.
+The 'tree' package is implemented using the 'oo' package.
+See the source code in tree.tcl and a usage example in tests/tree.test
+Of particular note is how callbacks and recursive invocation is used in the 'walk' method.
+A comprehensive OO example is provided in examples/ootest.tcl.
+It can be run simply as:
+ ./jimsh examples/ootest.tcl
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index f4d1f08..6992085 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1354,7 +1354,8 @@ Optional Packages:
These are disabled by default:
nvp - Name-value pairs C-only API
- tree - Similar to tcllib ::struct::tree using references
+ oo - Jim OO extension
+ tree - OO tree structure, similar to tcllib ::struct::tree
readline - Interface to libreadline
rlprompt - Tcl wrapper around the readline extension
sqlite - Interface to sqlite
@@ -3843,12 +3844,12 @@ in_list()
# Tcl extensions
-ext_tcl="stdlib glob tclcompat tree rlprompt"
+ext_tcl="stdlib glob tclcompat tree rlprompt oo"
# C extensions
ext_c="load package readdir array clock exec file posix regexp signal aio eventloop syslog nvp readline sqlite sqlite3 win32"
# Tcl extensions which can be modules
-ext_tcl_mod="glob tree rlprompt"
+ext_tcl_mod="glob tree rlprompt oo"
# C extensions which can be modules
ext_c_mod="readdir array clock file posix regexp syslog readline sqlite sqlite3 win32"
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 23e3070..824373f 100755
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ in_list()
# Tcl extensions
-ext_tcl="stdlib glob tclcompat tree rlprompt"
+ext_tcl="stdlib glob tclcompat tree rlprompt oo"
# C extensions
ext_c="load package readdir array clock exec file posix regexp signal aio eventloop syslog nvp readline sqlite sqlite3 win32"
# Tcl extensions which can be modules
-ext_tcl_mod="glob tree rlprompt"
+ext_tcl_mod="glob tree rlprompt oo"
# C extensions which can be modules
ext_c_mod="readdir array clock file posix regexp syslog readline sqlite sqlite3 win32"
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(jim-ext,
These are disabled by default:
nvp - Name-value pairs C-only API
- tree - Similar to tcllib ::struct::tree using references
+ oo - Jim OO extension
+ tree - OO tree structure, similar to tcllib ::struct::tree
readline - Interface to libreadline
rlprompt - Tcl wrapper around the readline extension
sqlite - Interface to sqlite
diff --git a/examples/ootest.tcl b/examples/ootest.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d04951e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ootest.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package require oo
+# Create a class, the usual bank account, with two instance variables:
+class Account {
+ balance 0
+ name "Unknown"
+# We have some class methods predefined
+# Note we can call (e.g.) either Account.methods or 'Account methods'
+puts "---- class Account ----"
+puts "Account vars=[Account vars]"
+puts "Account methods=[Account methods]"
+puts ""
+# Now flesh out the class with some methods
+# Could use 'Account method' here instead
+Account method deposit {amount} {
+ set balance [+ $balance $amount]
+Account method see {} {
+ set balance
+Account method withdraw {amount} {
+ if {$amount > $balance} {error "Sorry $name, can only withdraw $balance"}
+ set balance [- $balance $amount]
+Account method describe {} {
+ puts "I am object $self of class [$self classname]"
+ puts "My 'see' method returns [$self see]"
+ puts "My variables are:"
+ foreach i [$self vars] {
+ puts " $i=[set $i]"
+ }
+# Now an instance, initialisition some fields
+set a [Account new {name "Bob Smith"}]
+puts "---- object Account ----"
+# We can use class methods on the instance too
+puts a.vars=[$a vars]
+puts a.classname=[$a classname]
+# Now object methods
+$a deposit 100
+puts "deposit 100 -> [$a see]"
+$a withdraw 40
+puts "withdraw 40 -> [$a see]"
+catch {$a withdraw 1000} res
+puts "withdraw 1000 -> $res\n"
+# Tell me something about the object
+$a describe
+puts ""
+# Now create a new subclass
+class CreditAccount Account {
+ limit -1000
+# Override the 'withdraw' method to allow overdrawing
+CreditAccount method withdraw {amount} {
+ if {$balance - $amount < $limit} {error "Sorry $name, that would exceed your credit limit of [expr -$limit]"}
+ set balance [- $balance $amount]
+# Override the 'describe' method, but invoke the baseclass method first
+CreditAccount method describe {} {
+ # First invoke the base class 'describe'
+ super describe
+ if {$balance < 0} {
+ puts "*** Account is in debit"
+ }
+puts "---- class CreditAccount ----"
+puts "CreditAccount vars=[CreditAccount vars]"
+puts "CreditAccount methods=[CreditAccount methods]"
+puts ""
+puts "---- object CreditAccount ----"
+set b [CreditAccount new {name "John White"}]
+puts b.vars=[$b vars]
+puts b.classname=[$b classname]
+$b deposit 100
+puts "deposit 100 -> [$b see]"
+$b withdraw 40
+puts "withdraw 40 -> [$b see]"
+$b withdraw 1000
+puts "withdraw 1000 -> [$b see]"
+puts ""
+# Tell me something about the object
+$b describe
+puts ""
+# 'eval' is similar to 'dict with' for an object, except it operates
+# in it's own scope. A list of variables can be imported into the object scope.
+# It is useful for ad-hoc operations for which it is not worth defining a method.
+set total 0
+$a eval total { incr total $balance }
+incr total [$b get balance]
+puts "Total of accounts [$a get name] and [$b eval {return "$name (Credit Limit: $limit)"}] is: $total"
+# Can we find all objects in the system?
+# Almost. We can't really distinguish those which aren't real classes.
+# This will get all references which aren't simple lambdas.
+puts "---- All objects ----"
+Account new {name "Terry Green" balance 20}
+set x [Account]
+lambda {} {dummy}
+ref blah blah
+foreach r [info references] {
+ if {[getref $r] ne {}} {
+ try {
+ $r eval {
+ puts [format "Found %14s: Owner: %14s, Balance: %+5d, in object %s" [$self classname] $name $balance $self]
+ }
+ } on error msg {
+ puts "Not an object: $r"
+ }
+ }
+unset r
+# And goodbye
+$a destroy
+# Let the garbage collection take care of this one
+unset b
diff --git a/jim-load-static-exts.c b/jim-load-static-exts.c
index 003b74b..e025521 100644
--- a/jim-load-static-exts.c
+++ b/jim-load-static-exts.c
@@ -54,5 +54,11 @@ int Jim_InitStaticExtensions(Jim_Interp *interp)
#ifdef jim_ext_syslog
+#ifdef jim_ext_oo
+ LOAD_EXT(oo);
+#ifdef jim_ext_tree
+ LOAD_EXT(tree);
return JIM_OK;
diff --git a/oo.tcl b/oo.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6b96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oo.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# OO support for Jim Tcl, with multiple inheritance
+# Create a new class $classname, with the given
+# dictionary as class variables. These are the initial
+# variables which all newly created objects of this class are
+# initialised with.
+# If a list of baseclasses is given,
+# methods and instance variables are inherited.
+# The *last* baseclass can be accessed directly with [super]
+# Later baseclasses take precedence if the same method exists in more than one
+proc class {classname {baseclasses {}} classvars} {
+ foreach baseclass $baseclasses {
+ # Start by mapping all methods to the parent class
+ foreach method [$baseclass methods] { alias "$classname $method" "$baseclass $method" }
+ # Now import the base class classvars
+ set classvars [dict merge $classvars [$baseclass classvars]]
+ # The last baseclass will win here
+ proc "$classname baseclass" {} baseclass { return $baseclass }
+ }
+ # Make sure that classvars is a dictionary
+ set vars [lsort [dict keys $classvars]]
+ # This is the class dispatcher for $classname
+ # It simply dispatches 'classname cmd' to a procedure named {classname cmd}
+ # with a nice message if the class procedure doesn't exist
+ proc $classname {{cmd new} args} classname {
+ if {![exists -proc "$classname $cmd"]} {
+ return -code error "$classname, unknown command \"$cmd\": should be [join [$classname methods] ", "]"
+ }
+ tailcall "$classname $cmd" {*}$args
+ }
+ # Constructor
+ proc "$classname new" {{instvars {}}} {classname classvars} {
+ set instvars [dict merge $classvars $instvars]
+ # This is the object dispatcher for $classname.
+ # Store the classname in both the ref value and tag, for debugging
+ # ref tag (for debugging)
+ proc [ref $classname $classname "$classname finalize"] {method args} {classname instvars} {
+ if {![exists -proc "$classname $method"]} {
+ return -code error "$classname, unknown method \"$method\": should be [join [$classname methods] ", "]"
+ }
+ "$classname $method" {*}$args
+ }
+ }
+ # Finalizer to invoke destructor during garbage collection
+ proc "$classname finalize" {ref classname} { $ref destroy }
+ # Method creator
+ proc "$classname method" {method arglist body} classname {
+ proc "$classname $method" $arglist {body} {
+ # Make sure this isn't incorrectly called without an object
+ if {![uplevel exists instvars]} {
+ return -code error -level 2 "\"[lindex [info level 0] 0]\" method called with no object"
+ }
+ lassign [info level -1] self
+ # Note that we can't use 'dict with' here because
+ # the dict isn't updated until the body completes.
+ foreach _ [$self vars] {upvar 1 instvars($_) $_}
+ eval $body
+ }
+ }
+ # Other simple class procs
+ proc "$classname vars" {} vars { return $vars }
+ proc "$classname classvars" {} classvars { return $classvars }
+ proc "$classname classname" {} classname { return $classname }
+ proc "$classname methods" {} classname {
+ lsort [lmap p [info procs "$classname *"] {
+ lindex [split $p " "] 1
+ }]
+ }
+ # Pre-defined some instance methods
+ $classname method destroy {} { rename $self "" }
+ $classname method get {var} { set $var }
+ $classname method eval {{locals {}} code} {
+ foreach var $locals { upvar 2 $var $var }
+ eval $code
+ }
+ return $classname
+# From within a method, invokes the given method on the base class.
+# Note that this will only call the last baseclass given
+proc super {method args} {
+ upvar self self
+ uplevel 2 [$self baseclass] $method {*}$args