path: root/tcltest.tcl
diff options
authorSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2014-10-11 08:57:58 +1000
committerSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2014-10-15 08:22:22 +1000
commit423eafffda751903ab5fb15e42aca7bd55c6d77b (patch)
treec50e723e873a9bb076430a509eebe738387a4d3a /tcltest.tcl
parent1b301ed89c90e35a7879b7f550358b0d095670b2 (diff)
Install tcltest compatibility package
Allow 3rd party tests to be written and use: package require tcltest Signed-off-by: Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
Diffstat (limited to 'tcltest.tcl')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcltest.tcl b/tcltest.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5810da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcltest.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# tcltest compatibilty/wrapper/extension
+# Common code
+set testinfo(verbose) 0
+set testinfo(numpass) 0
+set testinfo(stoponerror) 0
+set testinfo(numfail) 0
+set testinfo(numskip) 0
+set testinfo(numtests) 0
+set testinfo(failed) {}
+set testdir [file dirname $::argv0]
+set bindir [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
+if {[lsearch $argv "-verbose"] >= 0 || [info exists env(testverbose)]} {
+ incr testinfo(verbose)
+if {[lsearch $argv "-stoponerror"] >= 0 || [info exists env(stoponerror)]} {
+ incr testinfo(stoponerror)
+proc needs {type what {packages {}}} {
+ if {$type eq "constraint"} {
+ if {![info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} {
+ set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what) 0
+ }
+ if {![set ::tcltest::testConstraints($what)]} {
+ skiptest " (constraint $what)"
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if {$type eq "cmd"} {
+ # Does it exist already?
+ if {[info commands $what] ne ""} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {$packages eq ""} {
+ # e.g. exec command is in exec package
+ set packages $what
+ }
+ foreach p $packages {
+ catch {package require $p}
+ }
+ if {[info commands $what] ne ""} {
+ return
+ }
+ skiptest " (command $what)"
+ }
+ error "Unknown needs type: $type"
+proc skiptest {{msg {}}} {
+ puts [format "%16s: --- skipped$msg" $::argv0]
+ exit 0
+# If tcl, just use tcltest
+if {[catch {info version}]} {
+ package require Tcl 8.5
+ package require tcltest 2.1
+ namespace import tcltest::*
+ if {$testinfo(verbose)} {
+ configure -verbose bps
+ }
+ testConstraint utf8 1
+ testConstraint tcl 1
+ proc testreport {} {
+ ::tcltest::cleanupTests
+ }
+ return
+lappend auto_path $testdir $bindir [file dirname [pwd]]
+# For Jim, this is reasonable compatible tcltest
+proc makeFile {contents name} {
+ set f [open $name w]
+ stdout puts "About to 'puts $f $contents'"
+ puts $f $contents
+ close $f
+ return $name
+proc removeFile {name} {
+ file delete $name
+# In case tclcompat is not selected
+if {![exists -proc puts]} {
+ proc puts {{-nonewline {}} {chan stdout} msg} {
+ if {${-nonewline} ni {-nonewline {}}} {
+ ${-nonewline} puts $msg
+ } else {
+ $chan puts {*}${-nonewline} $msg
+ }
+ }
+ proc close {chan args} {
+ $chan close {*}$args
+ }
+ proc fileevent {args} {
+ {*}$args
+ }
+proc script_source {script} {
+ lassign [info source $script] f l
+ if {$f ne ""} {
+ puts "At : $f:$l"
+ return \t$f:$l
+ }
+proc error_source {} {
+ lassign [info stacktrace] p f l
+ if {$f ne ""} {
+ puts "At : $f:$l"
+ return \t$f:$l
+ }
+proc package-or-skip {name} {
+ if {[catch {
+ package require $name
+ }]} {
+ puts [format "%16s: --- skipped" $::argv0]
+ exit 0
+ }
+proc testConstraint {constraint bool} {
+ set ::tcltest::testConstraints($constraint) $bool
+testConstraint {utf8} [expr {[string length "\xc2\xb5"] == 1}]
+testConstraint {references} [expr {[info commands ref] ne ""}]
+testConstraint {jim} 1
+testConstraint {tcl} 0
+proc bytestring {x} {
+ return $x
+# Note: We don't support -output or -errorOutput yet
+proc test {id descr args} {
+ set a [dict create -returnCodes {ok return} -match exact -result {} -constraints {} -body {} -setup {} -cleanup {}]
+ if {[lindex $args 0] ni [dict keys $a]} {
+ if {[llength $args] == 2} {
+ lassign $args body result constraints
+ } elseif {[llength $args] == 3} {
+ lassign $args constraints body result
+ } else {
+ return -code error "$id: Wrong syntax for tcltest::test v1"
+ }
+ tailcall test $id $descr -body $body -result $result -constraints $constraints
+ }
+ # tcltest::test v2 syntax
+ array set a $args
+ incr ::testinfo(numtests)
+ if {$::testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts -nonewline "$id "
+ }
+ foreach c $a(-constraints) {
+ if {[info exists ::tcltest::testConstraints($c)]} {
+ if {$::tcltest::testConstraints($c)} {
+ continue
+ }
+ incr ::testinfo(numskip)
+ if {$::testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts "SKIP"
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ catch {uplevel 1 $a(-setup)}
+ set rc [catch {uplevel 1 $a(-body)} result opts]
+ catch {uplevel 1 $a(-cleanup)}
+ if {[info return $rc] ni $a(-returnCodes) && $rc ni $a(-returnCodes)} {
+ set ok 0
+ set expected "rc=$a(-returnCodes) result=$a(-result)"
+ set result "rc=[info return $rc] result=$result"
+ } else {
+ if {$a(-match) eq "exact"} {
+ set ok [string equal $a(-result) $result]
+ } elseif {$a(-match) eq "glob"} {
+ set ok [string match $a(-result) $result]
+ } elseif {$a(-match) eq "regexp"} {
+ set ok [regexp $a(-result) $result]
+ } else {
+ return -code error "$id: unknown match type: $a(-match)"
+ }
+ set expected $a(-result)
+ }
+ if {$ok} {
+ if {$::testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts "OK $descr"
+ }
+ incr ::testinfo(numpass)
+ return
+ }
+ if {!$::testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts -nonewline "$id "
+ }
+ puts "ERR $descr"
+ if {$rc in {0 2}} {
+ set source [script_source $a(-body)]
+ } else {
+ set source [error_source]
+ }
+ puts "Expected: '$expected'"
+ puts "Got : '$result'"
+ puts ""
+ incr ::testinfo(numfail)
+ lappend ::testinfo(failed) [list $id $descr $source $expected $result]
+ if {$::testinfo(stoponerror)} {
+ exit 1
+ }
+proc ::tcltest::cleanupTests {} {
+ tailcall testreport
+proc testreport {} {
+ if {$::testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts -nonewline "\n$::argv0"
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline [format "%16s" $::argv0]
+ }
+ puts [format ": Total %5d Passed %5d Skipped %5d Failed %5d" \
+ $::testinfo(numtests) $::testinfo(numpass) $::testinfo(numskip) $::testinfo(numfail)]
+ if {$::testinfo(numfail)} {
+ puts [string repeat - 60]
+ puts "FAILED: $::testinfo(numfail)"
+ foreach failed $::testinfo(failed) {
+ foreach {id descr source expected result} $failed {}
+ puts "$source\t$id"
+ }
+ puts [string repeat - 60]
+ }
+ if {$::testinfo(numfail)} {
+ exit 1
+ }
+proc testerror {} {
+ error "deliberate error"
+if {$testinfo(verbose)} {
+ puts "==== $argv0 ===="