path: root/binary.tcl
diff options
authorSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2011-04-21 15:13:12 +1000
committerSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2011-06-10 14:00:32 +1000
commita7f2bb4a3504802f41456944ee3fddffaa646cd5 (patch)
treea75be1a2ae2768519d89547bd73d7cca914b4a35 /binary.tcl
parent9290c4ae2dcb84c12903938eaa993a335f48de07 (diff)
Implement the [binary] command
Supports everything except floating point types binary is implemented in Tcl on top of the low level [pack] and [unpack] commands Signed-off-by: Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
Diffstat (limited to 'binary.tcl')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binary.tcl b/binary.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9ae3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binary.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# Implements the 'binary scan' and 'binary format' commands.
+# (c) 2010 Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
+# See LICENCE in this directory for licensing.
+package require pack
+package require regexp
+proc binary {cmd args} {
+ tailcall "binary $cmd" {*}$args
+proc "binary format" {formatString args} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ set result {}
+ foreach {conv t u n} [regexp -all -inline {([a-zA-Z@])(u)?([*0-9]*)} $formatString] {
+ if {$t in {a A}} {
+ set value [binary.nextarg args]
+ set sn [string bytelength $value]
+ if {$n ne "*"} {
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ if {$n > $sn} {
+ # Need to pad the string with spaces or nulls
+ append value [string repeat [dict get {A " " a \x00} $t] $($n - $sn)]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set n $sn
+ }
+ if {$n} {
+ set bitoffset [pack result $value -str $(8 * $n) $bitoffset]
+ }
+ } elseif {[binary.intinfo $t] ne ""} {
+ # An integer type
+ lassign [binary.intinfo $t] type endian size prefix
+ set value [binary.nextarg args]
+ if {$type ne "int"} {
+ set value [split $value {}]
+ }
+ set vn [llength $value]
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set n $vn
+ } elseif {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ set value [list $value]
+ } elseif {$vn < $n} {
+ if {$type eq "int"} {
+ return -code error "number of elements in list does not match count"
+ } else {
+ # Need to pad the list with zeros
+ lappend value {*}[lrepeat $($n - $vn) 0]
+ }
+ } elseif {$vn > $n} {
+ # Need to truncate the list
+ set value [lrange $value 0 $n-1]
+ }
+ if {$endian eq "host"} {
+ set endian $($::tcl_platform(byteOrder) eq "bigEndian" ? "be" : "le")
+ }
+ foreach v $value {
+ set bitoffset [pack result $prefix$v -int$endian $size $bitoffset]
+ }
+ # Now pad out with zeros to the end of the current byte
+ if {$bitoffset % 8} {
+ set bitoffset [pack result 0 -int$endian $(8 - $bitoffset % 8) $bitoffset]
+ }
+ } elseif {$t eq "x"} {
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ return -code error {cannot use "*" in format string with "x"}
+ }
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ loop i 0 $n {
+ set bitoffset [pack result 0 -intbe 8 $bitoffset]
+ }
+ } elseif {$t eq "@"} {
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ return -code error {missing count for "@" field specifier}
+ }
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set bitoffset $(8 * [string bytelength $result])
+ } else {
+ # May need to pad it out
+ set max [string bytelength $result]
+ while {$n > $max} {
+ append result \x00
+ incr max
+ }
+ set bitoffset $(8 * $n)
+ }
+ } elseif {$t eq "X"} {
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ } elseif {$n eq ""} {
+ incr bitoffset -8
+ } else {
+ incr bitoffset $($n * -8)
+ }
+ if {$bitoffset < 0} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ return -code error "bad field specifier \"$t\""
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+proc "binary scan" {value formatString {args varName}} {
+ # Pops the next arg from the front of the list and returns it.
+ # Throws an error if no more args
+ set bitoffset 0
+ set count 0
+ foreach {conv t u n} [regexp -all -inline {([a-zA-Z@])(u)?([*0-9]*)} $formatString] {
+ set rembytes $([string bytelength $value] - $bitoffset / 8)
+ if {$t in {a A}} {
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set n $rembytes
+ } elseif {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ if {$n > $rembytes} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set var [binary.nextarg varName]
+ set result [unpack $value -str $bitoffset $($n * 8)]
+ incr bitoffset $([string bytelength $result] * 8)
+ if {$t eq "A"} {
+ set result [string trimright $result]
+ }
+ } elseif {[binary.intinfo $t] ne ""} {
+ # An integer type
+ lassign [binary.intinfo $t] type endian size prefix
+ set var [binary.nextarg varName]
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set n $($rembytes * 8 / $size)
+ } else {
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {$n * $size > $rembytes * 8} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$type ne "int"} {
+ set u u
+ }
+ if {$endian eq "host"} {
+ set endian $($::tcl_platform(byteOrder) eq "bigEndian" ? "be" : "le")
+ }
+ set result {}
+ loop i 0 $n {
+ set v [unpack $value -${u}int$endian $bitoffset $size]
+ if {$type eq "int"} {
+ lappend result $v
+ } else {
+ append result [lindex {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f} $v]
+ }
+ incr bitoffset $size
+ }
+ # Now skip to the end of the current byte
+ if {$bitoffset % 8} {
+ incr bitoffset $(8 - ($bitoffset % 8))
+ }
+ } elseif {$t eq "x"} {
+ # Skip bytes
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set n $rembytes
+ } elseif {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ if {$n > $rembytes} {
+ set n $rembytes
+ }
+ incr bitoffset $($n * 8)
+ continue
+ } elseif {$t eq "X"} {
+ # Back up bytes
+ if {$n eq "*"} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ set n 1
+ }
+ if {$n * 8 > $bitoffset} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ continue
+ }
+ incr bitoffset -$($n * 8)
+ continue
+ } elseif {$t eq "@"} {
+ if {$n eq ""} {
+ return -code error {missing count for "@" field specifier}
+ }
+ if {$n eq "*" || $n > $rembytes + $bitoffset / 8} {
+ incr bitoffset $($rembytes * 8)
+ } elseif {$n < 0} {
+ set bitoffset 0
+ } else {
+ set bitoffset $($n * 8)
+ }
+ continue
+ } else {
+ return -code error "bad field specifier \"$t\""
+ }
+ uplevel 1 [list set $var $result]
+ incr count
+ }
+ return $count
+# Pops the next arg from the front of the list and returns it.
+# Throws an error if no more args
+proc binary.nextarg {&arglist} {
+ if {[llength $arglist] == 0} {
+ return -level 2 -code error "not enough arguments for all format specifiers"
+ }
+ set arglist [lassign $arglist arg]
+ return $arg
+proc binary.intinfo {type} {
+ set info {
+ c {int be 8}
+ s {int le 16}
+ t {int host 16}
+ S {int be 16}
+ i {int le 32}
+ I {int be 32}
+ n {int host 32}
+ w {int le 64}
+ W {int be 64}
+ m {int host 64}
+ h {hex le 4 0x}
+ H {hex be 4 0x}
+ b {bin le 1}
+ B {bin be 1}
+ }
+ if {[exists info($type)]} {
+ return $info($type)
+ }
+ return ""