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authorKen Dockser <kdockser@tenstorrent.com>2024-04-23 18:03:48 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-04-23 18:03:48 -0500
commit4d427c1c992b657f2893386f624e330aba2f12b1 (patch)
parent1153db082b34950dc282bc9b87727199c005c3ad (diff)
parentc128ce67174caf0f997bc9310018ae52bba240b9 (diff)
Merge pull request #1359 from riscv/bfloat16riscv-isa-release-4d427c1-2024-04-23
Bfloat16 - added chapter
2 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bfloat16.adoc b/src/bfloat16.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba3e8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bfloat16.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+== "BF16" Extensions for for BFloat16-precision Floating-Point, Version 1.0
+=== Introduction
+When FP16 (officially called binary16) was first introduced by the IEEE-754 standard,
+it was just an interchange format. It was intended as a space/bandwidth efficient
+encoding that would be used to transfer information. This is in line with the Zfhmin
+However, there were some applications (notably graphics) that found that the smaller
+precision and dynamic range was sufficient for their space. So, FP16 started to see
+some widespread adoption as an arithmetic format. This is in line with
+the Zfh extension.
+While it was not the intention of '754 to have FP16 be an arithmetic format, it is
+supported by the standard. Even though the '754 committee recognized that FP16 was
+gaining popularity, the committee decided to hold off on making it a basic format
+in the 2019 release. This means that a '754 compliant implementation of binary
+floating point, which needs to support at least one basic format, cannot support
+only FP16 - it needs to support at least one of binary32, binary64, and binary128.
+Experts working in machine learning noticed that FP16 was a much more compact way of
+storing operands and often provided sufficient precision for them. However, they also
+found that intermediate values were much better when accumulated into a higher precision.
+The final computations were then typically converted back into the more compact FP16
+encoding. This approach has become very common in machine learning
+(ML) inference where the weights and
+activations are stored in FP16 encodings. There was the added benefit that smaller
+multiplication blocks could be created for the FP16's smaller number of significant bits. At this
+point, widening multiply-accumulate instructions became much more common. Also, more
+complicated dot product instructions started to show up including those that packed two
+FP16 numbers in a 32-bit register, multiplied these by another pair of FP16 numbers in
+another register, added these two products to an FP32 accumulate value in a 3rd register
+and returned an FP32 result.
+Experts working in machine learning at Google who continued to work with FP32 values
+noted that the least significant 16 bits of their mantissas were not always needed
+for good results, even in training. They proposed a truncated version of FP32, which was
+the 16 most significant bits of the FP32 encoding. This format was named BFloat16
+(or BF16). The B in BF16, stands for Brain since it was initially introduced
+by the Google Brain team. Not only did they find that the number of
+significant bits in BF16 tended to be sufficient for their work (despite being fewer than
+in FP16), but it was very easy for them to reuse their existing data; FP32 numbers could
+be readily rounded to BF16 with a minimal amount of work. Furthermore, the even smaller
+number of the BF16 significant bits enabled even smaller
+multiplication blocks to be built. Similar
+to FP16, BF16 multiply-accumulate widening and dot-product instructions started to
+// include::riscv-bfloat16-audience.adoc[]
+=== Intended Audience
+Floating-point arithmetic is a specialized subject, requiring people with many different
+backgrounds to cooperate in its correct and efficient implementation.
+Where possible, we have written this specification to be understandable by
+all, though we recognize that the motivations and references to
+algorithms or other specifications and standards may be unfamiliar to those
+who are not domain experts.
+This specification anticipates being read and acted on by various people
+with different backgrounds.
+We have tried to capture these backgrounds
+here, with a brief explanation of what we expect them to know, and how
+it relates to the specification.
+We hope this aids people's understanding of which aspects of the specification
+are particularly relevant to them, and which they may (safely!) ignore or
+pass to a colleague.
+Software developers::
+These are the people we expect to write code using the instructions
+in this specification.
+They should understand the motivations for the
+instructions we include, and be familiar with most of the algorithms
+and outside standards to which we refer.
+Computer architects::
+We expect architects to have some basic floating-point background.
+Furthermore, we expect architects to be able to examine our instructions
+for implementation issues, understand how the instructions will be used
+in context, and advise on how they best to fit the functionality.
+Digital design engineers & micro-architects::
+These are the people who will implement the specification inside a
+core. Floating-point expertise is assumed as not all of the corner
+cases are pointed out in the specification.
+Verification engineers::
+Responsible for ensuring the correct implementation of the extension
+in hardware. These people are expected to have some floating-point
+expertise so that they can identify and generate the interesting corner
+cases --- include exceptions --- that are common in floating-point
+architectures and implementations.
+These are by no means the only people concerned with the specification,
+but they are the ones we considered most while writing it.
+=== Number Format
+==== BF16 Operand Format
+BF16 bits::
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: 'frac'},
+{bits: 8, name: 'expo'},
+{bits: 1, name: 'S'},
+IEEE Compliance: While BF16 (also known as BFloat16) is not an IEEE-754 _standard_ format, it is a valid
+floating-point format as defined by IEEE-754.
+There are three parameters that specify a format: radix (b), number of digits in the significand (p),
+and maximum exponent (emax).
+For BF16 these values are:
+.BF16 parameters
+[cols = "2,1"]
+| Parameter | Value
+|radix (b)|2
+|significand (p)|8
+.Obligatory Floating Point Format Table
+[cols = "1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"]
+|Format|Sign Bits|Expo Bits|fraction bits|padded 0s|encoding bits|expo max/bias|expo min
+|FP16 |1| 5|10| 0|16| 15| -14
+|BF16|1| 8| 7| 0|16| 127|-126
+|TF32 |1| 8|10|13|32| 127|-126
+|FP32 |1| 8|23| 0|32| 127|-126
+|FP64 |1|11|52| 0|64|1023|-1022
+|FP128 |1|15|112|0|128|16,383|-16,382
+==== BF16 Behavior
+For these BF16 extensions, instruction behavior on BF16 operands is the same as for other floating-point
+instructions in the RISC-V ISA. For easy reference, some of this behavior is repeated here.
+===== Subnormal Numbers:
+Floating-point values that are too small to be represented as normal numbers, but can still be expressed
+by the format's smallest exponent value with a "0" integer bit and at least one "1" bit
+in the trailing fractional bits are called subnormal numbers. Basically, the idea is there is
+a trade off of precision to support _gradual underflow_.
+All of the BF16 instructions in the extensions defined in this specification (i.e., Zfbfmin, Zvfbfmin
+and Zvfbfwma) fully support subnormal numbers. That is, instructions are able to accept subnormal values as
+inputs and they can produce subnormal results.
+Future floating-point extensions, including those that operate on BF16 values, may chose not to support subnormal numbers.
+The comments about supporting subnormal BF16 values are limited to those instructions defined in this specification.
+===== Infinities:
+Infinities are used to represent values that are too large to be represented by the target format.
+These are usually produced as a result of overflows (depending on the rounding mode), but can also
+be provided as inputs. Infinities have a sign associated with them: there are positive infinities and negative infinities.
+Infinities are important for keeping meaningless results from being operated upon.
+===== NaNs
+NaN stands for Not a Number.
+There are two types of NaNs: signalling (sNaN) and quiet (qNaN). No computational
+instruction will ever produce an sNaN; These are only provided as input data. Operating on an sNaN will cause
+an invalid operation exception. Operating on a Quiet NaN usually does not cause an exception.
+QNaNs are provided as the result of an operation when it cannot be represented
+as a number or infinity. For example, performing the square root of -1 will result in a qNaN because
+there is no real number that can represent the result. NaNs can also be used as inputs.
+NaNs include a sign bit, but the bit has no meaning.
+NaNs are important for keeping meaningless results from being operated upon.
+Except where otherwise explicitly stated, when the result of a floating-point operation is a qNaN, it
+is the RISC-V canonical NaN. For BF16, the RISC-V canonical NaN corresponds to the pattern of _0x7fc0_ which
+is the most significant 16 bits of the RISC-V single-precision canonical NaN.
+===== Scalar NaN Boxing
+RISC-V applies NaN boxing to scalar results and checks for NaN boxing when a floating-point operation
+--- even a vector-scalar operation --- consumes a value from a scalar floating-point register.
+If the value is properly NaN-boxed, its least significant bits are used as the operand, otherwise
+it is treated as if it were the canonical QNaN.
+NaN boxing is nothing more than putting the smaller encoding in the least significant bits of a register
+and setting all of the more significant bits to “1”. This matches the encoding of a qNaN (although
+not the canonical NaN) in the larger precision.
+Nan-boxing never affects the value of the operand itself, it just changes the bits of the register that
+are more significant than the operand's most significant bit.
+===== Rounding Modes:
+As is the case with other floating-point instructions,
+the BF16 instructions support all 5 RISC-V Floating-point rounding modes.
+These modes can be specified in the `rm` field of scalar instructions
+as well as in the `frm` CSR
+.RISC-V Floating Point Rounding Modes
+[cols = "1,1,1"]
+|Rounding Mode | Mnemonic | Meaning
+|000 | RNE | Round to Nearest, ties to Even
+|001 | RTZ | Round towards Zero
+|010 | RDN | Round Down (towards −∞)
+|011 | RUP | Round Up (towards +∞)
+|100 | RMM | Round to Nearest, ties to Max Magnitude
+As with other scalar floating-point instructions, the rounding mode field
+`rm` can also take on the
+`DYN` encoding, which indicates that the instruction uses the rounding
+mode specified in the `frm` CSR.
+.Additional encoding for the `rm` field of scalar instructions
+[cols = "1,1,1"]
+|Rounding Mode | Mnemonic | Meaning
+|111 | DYN | select dynamic rounding mode
+In practice, the default IEEE rounding mode (round to nearest, ties to even) is generally used for arithmetic.
+===== Handling exceptions
+RISC-V supports IEEE-defined default exception handling. BF16 is no exception.
+Default exception handling, as defined by IEEE, is a simple and effective approach to producing results
+in exceptional cases. For the coder to be able to see what has happened, and take further action if needed,
+BF16 instructions set floating-point exception flags the same way as all other floating-point instructions
+in RISC-V.
+====== Underflow
+The IEEE-defined underflow exception requires that a result be inexact and tiny, where tininess can be
+detected before or after rounding. In RISC-V, tininess is detected after rounding.
+It is important to note that the detection of tininess after rounding requires its own rounding
+that is different from the final result rounding. This tininess detection requires rounding as if the
+exponent were unbounded.
+This means that the input to the rounder is always a normal number.
+This is different from the final result rounding where the input to the rounder is a subnormal number when
+the value is too small to be represented as a normal number in the target format.
+The two different roundings can result in underflow being signalled for results that are rounded
+back to the normal range.
+As is defined in '754, under default exception handling, underflow is only signalled when the result is tiny
+and inexact. In such a case, both the underflow and inexact flags are raised.
+=== Extensions
+The group of extensions introduced by the BF16 Instruction Set
+Extensions is listed here.
+Detection of individual BF16 extensions uses the
+unified software-based RISC-V discovery method.
+At the time of writing, these discovery mechanisms are still a work in
+The BF16 extensions defined in this specification (i.e., `Zfbfmin`,
+`Zvfbfmin`, and `Zvfbfwma`) depend on the single-precision floating-point extension
+`F`. Furthermore, the vector BF16 extensions (i.e.,`Zvfbfmin`, and
+`Zvfbfwma`) depend on the `"V"` Vector Extension for Application
+Processors or the `Zve32f` Vector Extension for Embedded Processors.
+As stated later in this specification,
+there exists a dependency between the newly defined extensions:
+`Zvfbfwma` depends on `Zfbfmin`
+and `Zvfbfmin`.
+This initial set of BF16 extensions provides very basic functionality
+including scalar and vector conversion between BF16 and
+single-precision values, and vector widening multiply-accumulate
+// include::riscv-bfloat16-zfbfmin.adoc[]
+[[zfbfmin, Zfbfmin]]
+==== `Zfbfmin` - Scalar BF16 Converts
+This extension provides the minimal set of instructions needed to enable scalar support
+of the BF16 format. It enables BF16 as an interchange format as it provides conversion
+between BF16 values and FP32 values.
+This extension requires the single-precision floating-point extension
+`F`, and the `FLH`, `FSH`, `FMV.X.H`, and `FMV.H.X` instructions as
+defined in the `Zfh` extension.
+While conversion instructions tend to include all supported formats, in these extensions we
+only support conversion between BF16 and FP32 as we are targeting a special use case.
+These extensions are intended to support the case where BF16 values are used as reduced
+precision versions of FP32 values, where use of BF16 provides a two-fold advantage for
+storage, bandwidth, and computation. In this use case, the BF16 values are typically
+multiplied by each other and accumulated into FP32 sums.
+These sums are typically converted to BF16
+and then used as subsequent inputs. The operations on the BF16 values can be performed
+on the CPU or a loosely coupled coprocessor.
+Subsequent extensions might provide support for native BF16 arithmetic. Such extensions
+could add additional conversion
+instructions to allow all supported formats to be converted to and from BF16.
+BF16 addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square-root operations can be
+faithfully emulated by converting the BF16 operands to single-precision, performing the
+operation using single-precision arithmetic, and then converting back to BF16. Performing
+BF16 fused multiply-addition using this method can produce results that differ by 1-ulp
+on some inputs for the RNE and RMM rounding modes.
+Conversions between BF16 and formats larger than FP32 can be
+Exact widening conversions from BF16 can be synthesized by first
+converting to FP32 and then converting from FP32 to the target
+Conversions narrowing to BF16 can be synthesized by first
+converting to FP32 through a series of halving steps and then
+converting from FP32 to the target precision.
+As with the fused multiply-addition instruction described above,
+this method of converting values to BF16 can be off by 1-ulp
+on some inputs for the RNE and RMM rounding modes.
+|FCVT.BF16.S | <<insns-fcvt.bf16.s>>
+|FCVT.S.BF16 | <<insns-fcvt.s.bf16>>
+|FLH |
+|FSH |
+|FMV.H.X |
+|FMV.X.H |
+// include::riscv-bfloat16-zvfbfmin.adoc[]
+==== `Zvfbfmin` - Vector BF16 Converts
+This extension provides the minimal set of instructions needed to enable vector support of the BF16
+format. It enables BF16 as an interchange format as it provides conversion between BF16 values
+and FP32 values.
+This extension requires either the
+"V" extension or the `Zve32f` embedded vector extension.
+While conversion instructions tend to include all supported formats, in these extensions we
+only support conversion between BF16 and FP32 as we are targeting a special use case.
+These extensions are intended to support the case where BF16 values are used as reduced
+precision versions of FP32 values, where use of BF16 provides a two-fold advantage for
+storage, bandwidth, and computation. In this use case, the BF16 values are typically
+multiplied by each other and accumulated into FP32 sums.
+These sums are typically converted to BF16
+and then used as subsequent inputs. The operations on the BF16 values can be performed
+on the CPU or a loosely coupled coprocessor.
+Subsequent extensions might provide support for native BF16 arithmetic. Such extensions
+could add additional conversion
+instructions to allow all supported formats to be converted to and from BF16.
+BF16 addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square-root operations can be
+faithfully emulated by converting the BF16 operands to single-precision, performing the
+operation using single-precision arithmetic, and then converting back to BF16. Performing
+BF16 fused multiply-addition using this method can produce results that differ by 1-ulp
+on some inputs for the RNE and RMM rounding modes.
+Conversions between BF16 and formats larger than FP32 can be
+faithfully emulated.
+Exact widening conversions from BF16 can be synthesized by first
+converting to FP32 and then converting from FP32 to the target
+precision. Conversions narrowing to BF16 can be synthesized by first
+converting to FP32 through a series of halving steps using
+vector round-towards-odd narrowing conversion instructions
+(_vfncvt.rod.f.f.w_). The final convert from FP32 to BF16 would use
+the desired rounding mode.
+| vfncvtbf16.f.f.w | <<insns-vfncvtbf16.f.f.w>>
+| vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v | <<insns-vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v>>
+// include::riscv-bfloat16-zvfbfwma.adoc[]
+==== `Zvfbfwma` - Vector BF16 widening mul-add
+This extension provides
+a vector widening BF16 mul-add instruction that accumulates into FP32.
+This extension requires the `Zvfbfmin` extension and the `Zfbfmin` extension.
+|VFWMACCBF16 | <<insns-vfwmaccbf16>>
+[[BF16_insns, reftext="BF16 Instructions"]]
+=== Instructions
+// include::insns/fcvt_BF16_S.adoc[]
+// <<<
+[[insns-fcvt.bf16.s, Convert FP32 to BF16]]
+==== fcvt.bf16.s
+Convert FP32 value to a BF16 value
+fcvt.bf16.s rd, rs1
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010011', attr: ['OP-FP']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'rd'},
+{bits: 3, name: 'rm'},
+{bits: 5, name: 'rs1'},
+{bits: 5, name: '01000', attr: ['bf16.s']},
+{bits: 2, name: '10', attr: ['h']},
+{bits: 5, name: '01000', attr: 'fcvt'},
+While the mnemonic of this instruction is consistent with that of the other RISC-V floating-point convert instructions,
+a new encoding is used in bits 24:20.
+`BF16.S` and `H` are used to signify that the source is FP32 and the destination is BF16.
+Narrowing convert FP32 value to a BF16 value. Round according to the RM field.
+This instruction is similar to other narrowing
+floating-point-to-floating-point conversion instructions.
+Exceptions: Overflow, Underflow, Inexact, Invalid
+Included in: <<zfbfmin>>
+// include::insns/fcvt_S_BF16.adoc[]
+// <<<
+[[insns-fcvt.s.bf16, Convert BF16 to FP32]]
+==== fcvt.s.bf16
+Convert BF16 value to an FP32 value
+fcvt.s.bf16 rd, rs1
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010011', attr: ['OP-FP']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'rd'},
+{bits: 3, name: 'rm'},
+{bits: 5, name: 'rs1'},
+{bits: 5, name: '00110', attr: ['bf16']},
+{bits: 2, name: '00', attr: ['s']},
+{bits: 5, name: '01000', attr: 'fcvt'},
+While the mnemonic of this instruction is consistent with that of the other RISC-V floating-point
+convert instructions, a new encoding is
+used in bits 24:20 to indicate that the source is BF16.
+Converts a BF16 value to an FP32 value. The conversion is exact.
+This instruction is similar to other widening
+floating-point-to-floating-point conversion instructions.
+If the input is normal or infinity, the BF16 encoded value is shifted
+to the left by 16 places and the
+least significant 16 bits are written with 0s.
+The result is NaN-boxed by writing the most significant `FLEN`-32 bits with 1s.
+Exceptions: Invalid
+Included in: <<zfbfmin>>
+// include::insns/vfncvtbf16_f_f_w.adoc[]
+// <<<
+[[insns-vfncvtbf16.f.f.w, Vector convert FP32 to BF16]]
+==== vfncvtbf16.f.f.w
+Vector convert FP32 to BF16
+vfncvtbf16.f.f.w vd, vs2, vm
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010111', attr:['OP-V']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vd'},
+{bits: 3, name: '001', attr:['OPFVV']},
+{bits: 5, name: '11101', attr:['vfncvtbf16']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vs2'},
+{bits: 1, name: 'vm'},
+{bits: 6, name: '010010', attr:['VFUNARY0']},
+Reserved Encodings::
+* `SEW` is any value other than 16
+| Vs2 | input | 32 | FP32 Source
+| Vd | output | 16 | BF16 Result
+Narrowing convert from FP32 to BF16. Round according to the _frm_ register.
+This instruction is similar to `vfncvt.f.f.w` which converts a
+floating-point value in a 2*SEW-width format into an SEW-width format.
+However, here the SEW-width format is limited to BF16.
+Exceptions: Overflow, Underflow, Inexact, Invalid
+Included in: <<zvfbfmin>>
+// include::insns/vfwcvtbf16_f_f_v.adoc[]
+// <<<
+[[insns-vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v, Vector convert BF16 to FP32]]
+==== vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v
+Vector convert BF16 to FP32
+vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v vd, vs2, vm
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010111', attr:['OP-V']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vd'},
+{bits: 3, name: '001', attr:['OPFVV']},
+{bits: 5, name: '01101', attr:['vfwcvtbf16']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vs2'},
+{bits: 1, name: 'vm'},
+{bits: 6, name: '010010', attr:['VFUNARY0']},
+Reserved Encodings::
+* `SEW` is any value other than 16
+| Vs2 | input | 16 | BF16 Source
+| Vd | output | 32 | FP32 Result
+Widening convert from BF16 to FP32. The conversion is exact.
+This instruction is similar to `vfwcvt.f.f.v` which converts a
+floating-point value in an SEW-width format into a 2*SEW-width format.
+However, here the SEW-width format is limited to BF16.
+If the input is normal or infinity, the BF16 encoded value is shifted
+to the left by 16 places and the
+least significant 16 bits are written with 0s.
+Exceptions: Invalid
+Included in: <<zvfbfmin>>
+// include::insns/vfwmaccbf16.adoc[]
+// <<<
+[#insns-vfwmaccbf16, reftext="Vector BF16 widening multiply-accumulate"]
+==== vfwmaccbf16
+Vector BF16 widening multiply-accumulate
+vfwmaccbf16.vv vd, vs1, vs2, vm +
+vfwmaccbf16.vf vd, rs1, vs2, vm +
+Encoding (Vector-Vector)::
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010111', attr:['OP-V']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vd'},
+{bits: 3, name: '001', attr:['OPFVV']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vs1'},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vs2'},
+{bits: 1, name: 'vm'},
+{bits: 6, name: '111011', attr:['vfwmaccbf16']},
+Encoding (Vector-Scalar)::
+[wavedrom, , svg]
+{bits: 7, name: '1010111', attr:['OP-V']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vd'},
+{bits: 3, name: '101', attr:['OPFVF']},
+{bits: 5, name: 'rs1'},
+{bits: 5, name: 'vs2'},
+{bits: 1, name: 'vm'},
+{bits: 6, name: '111011', attr:['vfwmaccbf16']},
+Reserved Encodings::
+* `SEW` is any value other than 16
+| Vd | input | 32 | FP32 Accumulate
+| Vs1/rs1 | input | 16 | BF16 Source
+| Vs2 | input | 16 | BF16 Source
+| Vd | output | 32 | FP32 Result
+This instruction performs a widening fused multiply-accumulate
+operation, where each pair of BF16 values are multiplied and their
+unrounded product is added to the corresponding FP32 accumulate value.
+The sum is rounded according to the _frm_ register.
+In the vector-vector version, the BF16 elements are read from `vs1`
+and `vs2` and FP32 accumulate value is read from `vd`. The FP32 result
+is written to the destination register `vd`.
+The vector-scalar version is similar, but instead of reading elements
+from `vs1`, a scalar BF16 value is read from the FPU register `rs1`.
+Exceptions: Overflow, Underflow, Inexact, Invalid
+This `vfwmaccbf16.vv` instruction is equivalent to widening each of the BF16 inputs to
+FP32 and then performing an FMACC as shown in the following
+instruction sequence:
+vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v T1, vs1, vm
+vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v T2, vs2, vm
+vfmacc.vv vd, T1, T2, vm
+Likewise, `vfwmaccbf16.vf` is equivalent to the following instruction sequence:
+fcvt.s.bf16 T1, rs1
+vfwcvtbf16.f.f.v T2, vs2, vm
+vfmacc.vf vd, T1, T2, vm
+Included in: <<zvfbfwma>>
+// include::../bibliography.adoc[ieee]
+=== Bibliography
+// bibliography::[]
+https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8766229[754-2019 - IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic] +
+https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/4610935[754-2008 - IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic]
diff --git a/src/riscv-unprivileged.adoc b/src/riscv-unprivileged.adoc
index 673f380..c34b0c1 100644
--- a/src/riscv-unprivileged.adoc
+++ b/src/riscv-unprivileged.adoc
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ include::zawrs.adoc[]