path: root/isa/rv64ui/ma_data.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'isa/rv64ui/ma_data.S')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/isa/rv64ui/ma_data.S b/isa/rv64ui/ma_data.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01576e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isa/rv64ui/ma_data.S
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# ma_data.S
+# Test misaligned ld/st data.
+# Based on rv64mi-ma_addr.S
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ la s0, data
+#define SEXT(x, n) ((-((x) >> ((n)-1)) << (n)) | ((x) & ((1 << (n))-1)))
+/* Check that a misaligned load reads the correct value. */
+#define MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(testnum, insn, base, offset, res) \
+ li TESTNUM, testnum; \
+ li t1, res; \
+ insn t2, offset(base); \
+ bne t1, t2, fail; \
+# within quadword
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(1, lh, s0, 1, SEXT(0x0201, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(2, lhu, s0, 1, 0x0201)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(3, lw, s0, 1, SEXT(0x04030201, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(4, lw, s0, 2, SEXT(0x05040302, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(5, lw, s0, 3, SEXT(0x06050403, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(6, lwu, s0, 1, 0x04030201)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(7, lwu, s0, 2, 0x05040302)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(8, lwu, s0, 3, 0x06050403)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(9, ld, s0, 1, 0x0807060504030201)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(10, ld, s0, 2, 0x0908070605040302)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(11, ld, s0, 3, 0x0a09080706050403)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(12, ld, s0, 4, 0x0b0a090807060504)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(13, ld, s0, 5, 0x0c0b0a0908070605)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(14, ld, s0, 6, 0x0d0c0b0a09080706)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(15, ld, s0, 7, 0x0e0d0c0b0a090807)
+# octword crossing
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(16, lh, s0, 31, SEXT(0x201f, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(17, lhu, s0, 31, 0x201f)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(18, lw, s0, 29, SEXT(0x201f1e1d, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(19, lw, s0, 30, SEXT(0x21201f1e, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(20, lw, s0, 31, SEXT(0x2221201f, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(21, lwu, s0, 29, 0x201f1e1d)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(22, lwu, s0, 30, 0x21201f1e)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(23, lwu, s0, 31, 0x2221201f)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(24, ld, s0, 25, 0x201f1e1d1c1b1a19)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(25, ld, s0, 26, 0x21201f1e1d1c1b1a)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(26, ld, s0, 27, 0x2221201f1e1d1c1b)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(27, ld, s0, 28, 0x232221201f1e1d1c)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(28, ld, s0, 29, 0x24232221201f1e1d)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(29, ld, s0, 30, 0x2524232221201f1e)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(30, ld, s0, 31, 0x262524232221201f)
+# cacheline crossing
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(31, lh, s0, 63, SEXT(0x403f, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(32, lhu, s0, 63, 0x403f)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(33, lw, s0, 61, SEXT(0x403f3e3d, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(34, lw, s0, 62, SEXT(0x41403f3e, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(35, lw, s0, 63, SEXT(0x4241403f, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(36, lwu, s0, 61, 0x403f3e3d)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(37, lwu, s0, 62, 0x41403f3e)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(38, lwu, s0, 63, 0x4241403f)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(39, ld, s0, 57, 0x403f3e3d3c3b3a39)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(40, ld, s0, 58, 0x41403f3e3d3c3b3a)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(41, ld, s0, 59, 0x4241403f3e3d3c3b)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(42, ld, s0, 60, 0x434241403f3e3d3c)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(43, ld, s0, 61, 0x44434241403f3e3d)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(44, ld, s0, 62, 0x4544434241403f3e)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(45, ld, s0, 63, 0x464544434241403f)
+/* Check that a misaligned store writes the correct value. */
+#define MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(testnum, st_insn, ld_insn, base, offset, st_data) \
+ li TESTNUM, testnum; \
+ li t1, st_data; \
+ st_insn t1, offset(base); \
+ ld_insn t2, offset(base); \
+ bne t1, t2, fail; \
+# within quadword
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(46, sh, lh, s0, 1, SEXT(0x8180, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(47, sh, lhu, s0, 1, 0x8382)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(48, sw, lw, s0, 1, SEXT(0x87868584, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(49, sw, lw, s0, 2, SEXT(0x8b8a8988, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(50, sw, lw, s0, 3, SEXT(0x8f8e8d8c, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(51, sw, lwu, s0, 1, 0x93929190)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(52, sw, lwu, s0, 2, 0x97969594)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(53, sw, lwu, s0, 3, 0x9b9a9998)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(54, sd, ld, s0, 1, 0xa3a2a1a09f9e9d9c)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(55, sd, ld, s0, 2, 0xabaaa9a8a7a6a5a4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(56, sd, ld, s0, 3, 0xb3b2b1b0afaeadac)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(57, sd, ld, s0, 4, 0xbbbab9b8b7b6b5b4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(58, sd, ld, s0, 5, 0xc3c2c1c0bfbebdbc)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(59, sd, ld, s0, 6, 0xcbcac9c8c7c6c5c4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(60, sd, ld, s0, 7, 0xd3d2d1d0cfcecdcc)
+# octword crossing
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(61, sh, lh, s0, 31, SEXT(0xd5d4, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(62, sh, lhu, s0, 31, 0xd7d6)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(63, sw, lw, s0, 29, SEXT(0xdbdad9d8, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(64, sw, lw, s0, 30, SEXT(0xdfdedddc, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(65, sw, lw, s0, 31, SEXT(0xe3e2e1e0, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(66, sw, lwu, s0, 29, 0xe7e6e5e4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(67, sw, lwu, s0, 30, 0xebeae9e8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(68, sw, lwu, s0, 31, 0xefeeedec)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(69, sd, ld, s0, 25, 0xf7f6f5f4f3f2f1f0)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(70, sd, ld, s0, 26, 0xfffefdfcfbfaf9f8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(71, sd, ld, s0, 27, 0x0706050403020100)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(72, sd, ld, s0, 28, 0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(73, sd, ld, s0, 29, 0x1716151413121110)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(74, sd, ld, s0, 30, 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a1918)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(75, sd, ld, s0, 31, 0x2726252423222120)
+# cacheline crossing
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(76, sh, lh, s0, 63, SEXT(0x3534, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(77, sh, lhu, s0, 63, 0x3736)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(78, sw, lw, s0, 61, SEXT(0x3b3a3938, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(79, sw, lw, s0, 62, SEXT(0x3f3e3d3c, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(80, sw, lw, s0, 63, SEXT(0x43424140, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(81, sw, lwu, s0, 61, 0x47464544)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(82, sw, lwu, s0, 62, 0x4b4a4948)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(83, sw, lwu, s0, 63, 0x4f4e4d4c)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(84, sd, ld, s0, 57, 0x5756555453525150)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(85, sd, ld, s0, 58, 0x5f5e5d5c5b5a5958)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(86, sd, ld, s0, 59, 0x6766656463626160)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(87, sd, ld, s0, 60, 0x6f6e6d6c6b6a6968)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(88, sd, ld, s0, 61, 0x7776757473727170)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(89, sd, ld, s0, 62, 0x7f7e7d7c7b7a7978)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(90, sd, ld, s0, 63, 0x8786858483828180)
+/* Check that a misaligned store writes the correct value, checked by a narrower load. */
+#define MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(testnum, st_insn, ld_insn, base, st_offset, ld_offset, st_data, ld_data) \
+ li TESTNUM, testnum; \
+ li t1, st_data; \
+ li t2, ld_data; \
+ st_insn t1, st_offset(base); \
+ ld_insn t3, ld_offset(base); \
+ bne t2, t3, fail; \
+# within quadword
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(91, sh, lb, s0, 1, 1, 0x9998, SEXT(0x98, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(92, sh, lb, s0, 1, 2, 0x9b9a, SEXT(0x9b, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(93, sh, lbu, s0, 1, 1, 0x9d9c, 0x9c)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(94, sh, lbu, s0, 1, 2, 0x9f9e, 0x9f)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(95, sw, lb, s0, 1, 1, 0xa3a2a1a0, SEXT(0xa0, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(96, sw, lbu, s0, 2, 3, 0xa7a6a5a4, 0xa5)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(97, sw, lh, s0, 3, 4, 0xabaaa9a8, SEXT(0xaaa9, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(98, sw, lhu, s0, 3, 5, 0xafaeadac, 0xafae)
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(99, sd, lb, s0, 1, 7, 0xb7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0, SEXT(0xb6, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(100, sd, lbu, s0, 2, 3, 0xbfbebdbcbbbab9b8, 0xb9)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(101, sd, lh, s0, 3, 9, 0xc7c6c5c4c3c2c1c0, SEXT(0xc7c6, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(102, sd, lhu, s0, 4, 5, 0xcfcecdcccbcac9c8, 0xcac9)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(103, sd, lw, s0, 5, 9, 0xd7d6d5d4d3d2d1d0, SEXT(0xd7d6d5d4, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(104, sd, lw, s0, 6, 8, 0xdfdedddcdbdad9d8, SEXT(0xdddcdbda, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(105, sd, lwu, s0, 7, 8, 0xe7e6e5e4e3e2e1e0, 0xe4e3e2e1)
+# octword crossing
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(106, sh, lb, s0, 31, 31, 0xe9e8, SEXT(0xe8, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(107, sh, lb, s0, 31, 32, 0xebea, SEXT(0xeb, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(108, sh, lbu, s0, 31, 31, 0xedec, 0xec)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(109, sh, lbu, s0, 31, 32, 0xefee, 0xef)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(110, sw, lb, s0, 29, 29, 0xf3f2f1f0, SEXT(0xf0, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(111, sw, lbu, s0, 30, 32, 0xf7f6f5f4, 0xf6)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(112, sw, lh, s0, 29, 31, 0xfbfaf9f8, SEXT(0xfbfa, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(113, sw, lhu, s0, 31, 31, 0xfffefdfc, 0xfdfc)
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(114, sd, lb, s0, 25, 32, 0x0706050403020100, SEXT(0x07, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(115, sd, lbu, s0, 26, 33, 0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908, 0x0f)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(116, sd, lh, s0, 27, 31, 0x1716151413121110, SEXT(0x1514, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(117, sd, lhu, s0, 28, 31, 0x1f1e1d1c1b1a1918, 0x1c1b)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(118, sd, lw, s0, 29, 29, 0x2726252423222120, SEXT(0x23222120, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(119, sd, lw, s0, 30, 30, 0x2f2e2d2c2b2a2928, SEXT(0x2b2a2928, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(120, sd, lwu, s0, 31, 31, 0x3736353433323130, 0x33323130)
+# cacheline crossing
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(121, sh, lb, s0, 63, 63, 0x4948, SEXT(0x48, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(122, sh, lb, s0, 63, 64, 0x4b4a, SEXT(0x4b, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(123, sh, lbu, s0, 63, 63, 0x4d4c, 0x4c)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(124, sh, lbu, s0, 63, 64, 0x4f4e, 0x4f)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(125, sw, lb, s0, 61, 61, 0x53525150, SEXT(0x50, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(126, sw, lbu, s0, 62, 64, 0x57565554, 0x56)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(127, sw, lh, s0, 61, 63, 0x5b5a5958, SEXT(0x5b5a, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(128, sw, lhu, s0, 63, 63, 0x5f5e5d5c, 0x5d5c)
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(129, sd, lb, s0, 57, 64, 0x6766656463626160, SEXT(0x67, 8))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(130, sd, lbu, s0, 58, 65, 0x6f6e6d6c6b6a6968, 0x6f)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(131, sd, lh, s0, 59, 63, 0x7776757473727170, SEXT(0x7574, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(132, sd, lhu, s0, 60, 63, 0x7f7e7d7c7b7a7978, 0x7c7b)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(133, sd, lw, s0, 61, 61, 0x8786858483828180, SEXT(0x83828180, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(134, sd, lw, s0, 62, 62, 0x8f8e8d8c8b8a8988, SEXT(0x8b8a8988, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(135, sd, lwu, s0, 63, 63, 0x9796959493929190, 0x93929190)
+/* Memory contents at this point should be:
+.word 0x10080000
+.word 0x30282018
+.word 0x34333231
+.word 0x0f373635
+.word 0x13121110
+.word 0x17161514
+.word 0x10080018
+.word 0x30282018
+.word 0x34333231
+.word 0x27373635
+.word 0x2b2a2928
+.word 0x2f2e2d2c
+.word 0x33323130
+.word 0x37363534
+.word 0x70686038
+.word 0x90888078
+.word 0x94939291
+.word 0x47979695
+.word 0x4b4a4948
+.word 0x4f4e4d4c
+.word 0x53525150
+.word 0x57565554
+.word 0x5b5a5958
+.word 0x5f5e5d5c
+.word 0x63626160
+.word 0x67666564
+.word 0x6b6a6968
+.word 0x6f6e6d6c
+.word 0x73727170
+.word 0x77767574
+.word 0x7b7a7978
+.word 0x7f7e7d7c
+/* Check that a misaligned store writes the correct value, checked by a wider load. */
+# within quadword
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(136, sb, lh, s0, 1, 1, 0x98, SEXT(0xb898, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(137, sb, lhu, s0, 2, 1, 0x99, 0x9998)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(138, sh, lw, s0, 1, 1, 0x9b9a, SEXT(0xc8c09b9a, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(139, sh, lw, s0, 3, 2, 0x9d9c, SEXT(0xd09d9c9b, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(140, sh, lw, s0, 5, 3, 0x9f9e, SEXT(0x9f9e9d9c, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(141, sb, lwu, s0, 2, 1, 0xa0, 0x9d9ca09a)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(142, sh, lwu, s0, 3, 2, 0xa2a1, 0x9ea2a1a0)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(143, sh, lwu, s0, 5, 3, 0xa4a3, 0xa4a3a2a1)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(144, sb, ld, s0, 2, 1, 0xa5, 0xe1e0a4a3a2a1a59a)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(145, sh, ld, s0, 7, 2, 0xa7a6, 0xe2a7a6a4a3a2a1a5)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(146, sh, ld, s0, 9, 3, 0xa9a8, 0xa9a8a7a6a4a3a2a1)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(147, sw, ld, s0, 5, 4, 0xadacabaa, 0xe4a9a8adacabaaa2)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(148, sw, ld, s0, 7, 5, 0xb1b0afae, 0xe5e4b1b0afaeabaa)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(149, sw, ld, s0, 9, 6, 0xb5b4b3b2, 0xe6b5b4b3b2afaeab)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(150, sw, ld, s0, 11, 7, 0xb9b8b7b6, 0xb9b8b7b6b3b2afae)
+# octword crossing
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(151, sb, lh, s0, 31, 31, 0xba, SEXT(0x31ba, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(152, sb, lhu, s0, 32, 31, 0xbb, 0xbbba)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(153, sh, lw, s0, 30, 30, 0xbdbc, SEXT(0x32bbbdbc, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(154, sh, lw, s0, 31, 30, 0xbfbe, SEXT(0x32bfbebc, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(155, sh, lw, s0, 32, 30, 0xc1c0, SEXT(0xc1c0bebc, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(156, sb, lwu, s0, 32, 31, 0xc2, 0x33c1c2be)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(157, sh, lwu, s0, 31, 29, 0xc4c3, 0xc4c3bc20)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(158, sh, lwu, s0, 32, 30, 0xc6c5, 0xc6c5c3bc)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(159, sb, ld, s0, 32, 25, 0xc7, 0xc7c3bc2018100800)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(160, sh, ld, s0, 31, 26, 0xc9c8, 0xc6c9c8bc20181008)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(161, sh, ld, s0, 31, 27, 0xcbca, 0x33c6cbcabc201810)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(162, sw, ld, s0, 32, 28, 0xcfcecdcc, 0xcfcecdcccabc2018)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(163, sw, ld, s0, 31, 29, 0xd3d2d1d0, 0x35cfd3d2d1d0bc20)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(164, sw, ld, s0, 30, 30, 0xd7d6d5d4, 0x3635cfd3d7d6d5d4)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(165, sw, ld, s0, 29, 31, 0xdbdad9d8, 0x373635cfd3d7dbda)
+# cacheline crossing
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(166, sb, lh, s0, 63, 63, 0xdc, SEXT(0x91dc, 16))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(167, sb, lhu, s0, 64, 63, 0xdd, 0xdddc)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(168, sh, lw, s0, 62, 62, 0xdfde, SEXT(0x92dddfde, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(169, sh, lw, s0, 63, 62, 0xe1e0, SEXT(0x92e1e0de, 32))
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(170, sh, lw, s0, 64, 62, 0xe3e2, SEXT(0xe3e2e0de, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(171, sb, lwu, s0, 64, 63, 0xe4, 0x93e3e4e0)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(172, sh, lwu, s0, 63, 61, 0xe6e5, 0xe6e5de80)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(173, sh, lwu, s0, 64, 62, 0xe8e7, 0xe8e7e5de)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(174, sb, ld, s0, 64, 57, 0xe9, 0xe9e5de8078706860)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(175, sh, ld, s0, 63, 58, 0xebea, 0xe8ebeade80787068)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(176, sh, ld, s0, 63, 59, 0xedec, 0x93e8edecde807870)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(177, sw, ld, s0, 64, 60, 0xf1f0efee, 0xf1f0efeeecde8078)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(178, sw, ld, s0, 63, 61, 0xf5f4f3f2, 0x95f1f5f4f3f2de80)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(179, sw, ld, s0, 62, 62, 0xf9f8f7f6, 0x9695f1f5f9f8f7f6)
+ MISMATCHED_STORE_TEST(180, sw, ld, s0, 61, 63, 0xfdfcfbfa, 0x979695f1f5f9fdfc)
+ .data
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