diff options
6 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 1b5e00d..fbbc4ee 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ install: all @TCL_EXTS@ install-exec install-docs
install-exec: all
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) jimdb $(DESTDIR)@bindir@
rm -f $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/$(JIMSH)
diff --git a/examples/dbgtest.tcl b/examples/dbgtest.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6b56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dbgtest.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# An example script useful for testing the Jim debugger
+# Taken from http://www.nist.gov/msidlibrary/doc/libes93c.ps
+set b 1
+proc p4 {x} {
+ return [
+ expr 5+[expr 1+$x]]
+set z [
+ expr 1+[expr 2+[p4 $b]]
+proc p3 {} {
+ set m 0
+proc p2 {} {
+ set c 4
+ p3
+ set d 5
+proc p1 {} {
+ set a 2
+ p2
+ set a 3
+ set a 5
+set k 7
diff --git a/examples/jcov b/examples/jcov
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1508f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jcov
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env jimsh
+# vim:se syntax=tcl:
+# Experimental code coverage for Jim Tcl
+set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname $argv0]/jimlib]
+set opt_all 0
+if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "-all"} {
+ incr opt_all
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+set argv [lassign $argv argv0]
+set coverage($argv0) {}
+proc xcov {type file line result name arglist} {
+ upvar ::coverage($file) info
+ incr info($line)
+xtrace xcov
+# Catch exit but not error
+set rc [catch -noerror -exit {source $argv0} msg opts]
+proc show-coverage {filename} {
+ set info $::coverage($filename)
+ puts "=== $filename ==="
+ set f [open $filename]
+ set n 0
+ while {[$f gets buf] >= 0} {
+ incr n
+ if {[info exists info($n)]} {
+ set prefix [format "%4d: " $info($n)]
+ } else {
+ set b [string trimleft $buf]
+ if {$b eq "" || [string match "#*" $b] || [string match "\}*" $b]} {
+ set prefix " -: "
+ } else {
+ set prefix "####: "
+ }
+ }
+ puts "$prefix$buf"
+ }
+ $f close
+puts [dict keys $coverage]
+if {$opt_all} {
+ foreach filename [lsort [dict keys $coverage]] {
+ if {$filename in {"" jcov}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ show-coverage $filename
+ puts ""
+ }
+} else {
+ show-coverage $argv0
+#parray coverage
diff --git a/examples/jtime b/examples/jtime
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f1929f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jtime
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env jimsh
+# vim:se syntax=tcl:
+# Experimental code coverage for Jim Tcl
+set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname $argv0]/jimlib]
+set argv [lassign $argv argv0]
+set jtime::fileinfo($argv0) {}
+set jtime::last [clock micros]
+proc jtime::xtrace {type file line result name arglist} {
+ variable fileinfo
+ variable last
+ set now [clock micros]
+ if {![exists fileinfo($file)]} {
+ set info {}
+ } else {
+ set info $fileinfo($file)
+ }
+ incr info($line) $($now - $last)
+ set fileinfo($file) $info
+ set last $now
+xtrace jtime::xtrace
+# Catch exit but not error
+set rc [catch -noerror -exit {source $argv0} msg opts]
+set info $jtime::fileinfo($argv0)
+set f [open $argv0]
+set n 0
+while {[$f gets buf] >= 0} {
+ incr n
+ if {[info exists info($n)]} {
+ set prefix [format "%8d: " $info($n)]
+ } else {
+ set b [string trimleft $buf]
+ if {$b eq "" || [string match "#*" $b] || [string match "\}*" $b]} {
+ set prefix " -: "
+ } else {
+ set prefix " ####: "
+ }
+ }
+ puts "$prefix$buf"
diff --git a/examples/jtrace b/examples/jtrace
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87aee8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/jtrace
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env jimsh
+# vim:se syntax=tcl:
+# Experimental code coverage for Jim Tcl
+set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file dirname $argv0]/jimlib]
+set argv [lassign $argv argv0]
+proc jtime::xtrace {type file line result name arglist} {
+ set indent [string repeat " " [info level]]
+ if {[string length $arglist] > 45} {
+ set arglist [string range $arglist 0 45]...
+ }
+ stderr puts "$indent$name [string map {\r \\r \n \\n} $arglist]"
+xtrace jtime::xtrace
+# Catch exit but not error
+set rc [catch -noerror -exit {source $argv0} msg opts]
diff --git a/jimdb b/jimdb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..929dac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jimdb
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env jimsh
+# vim:se syntax=tcl:
+# A simple command line debugger for Jim Tcl.
+set opt_trace 0
+set argv [lassign $argv argv0]
+if {[string match -t* $argv0]} {
+ set opt_trace 1
+ set argv [lassign $argv argv0]
+if {$argv0 eq ""} {
+ stderr puts "Usage: jimdb ?-trace? script ?args ...?"
+ exit 1
+puts "Jim Tcl debugger v1.0 - Use ? for help\n"
+# --- debugger implementation ---
+proc debugger::w {&s} {
+ set n 0
+ foreach t $s(stacktrace) {
+ lassign $t f l p args
+ set args [debugger::_squash $args]
+ if {$f eq ""} {
+ set loc ""
+ } else {
+ set loc " @ $f:$l"
+ }
+ puts [format "%s #%s %s" $($n == $s(level) ? ">" : " ") $n "$p $args $loc"]
+ incr n
+ }
+proc debugger::? {&s {cmd ""}} {
+ set help {
+ s {s "step into" "Step to the next command"}
+ w {w "where (stacktrace)" "Displays the current stack trace. The current frame is identified with >"}
+ n {n "step over" "Step to the next command without entering procs"}
+ l {"l [loc]" "list source" "Lists source code. loc may be filename, filename:line, line, procname"}
+ r {r "step out" "Continue until the current proc exits"}
+ v {v "local vars" "Display all local variables in the current frame"}
+ c {c "continue" "Continue until a breakpoint or ^C"}
+ u {u "up stack frame" "Move up stack frame (towards #0)"}
+ p {"p [expr]" "print" "Prints an expression (or variable). e.g. p x, p \$x / 3"}
+ d {d "down stack frame" "Move down stack frame (away from #0)"}
+ b {"b [loc]" "breakpoints" "List breakpoints (no args), or set a breakpoint at filename:line, line or procname"}
+ t {"t [0|1|2]" "trace" "Toggle command tracing on/off, or sets given trace mode"}
+ ? {"? [cmd]" "help" "Display general help or for the given command"}
+ q {q "quit" "Quit the script"}
+ }
+ if {$cmd eq ""} {
+ foreach {cmd1 info1 cmd2 info2} $help {
+ lassign $info1 u1 desc1
+ lassign $info2 u2 desc2
+ puts [format " %-9s %-20s %-9s %-20s" $u1 $desc1 $u2 $desc2]
+ }
+ } elseif {[exists help($cmd)]} {
+ lassign $help($cmd) u desc detail
+ puts "$u $detail"
+ } else {
+ puts "No such command: $cmd"
+ }
+proc debugger::c {&s} {
+ return -code break
+proc debugger::p {&s expr} {
+ if {[catch {uplevel #$s(level) [list expr $expr]} msg]} {
+ if {[uplevel #$s(level) exists $expr]} {
+ puts "p \$$expr"
+ catch {uplevel #$s(level) [list set $expr]} msg
+ }
+ }
+ return $msg
+proc debugger::q {&s} {
+ exit 0
+proc debugger::b {&s {loc ""}} {
+ if {$loc eq ""} {
+ foreach bp [lsort [dict keys $s(bplines)]] {
+ puts "Breakpoint at [dict get $s bplines $bp] ($bp)"
+ }
+ foreach bp [lsort [dict keys $s(bpprocs)]] {
+ puts "Breakpoint at $bp"
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ lassign [debugger::_findloc s $loc 0] file line
+ if {$file ne ""} {
+ dict set s(bplines) $file:$line $loc
+ puts "Breakpoint at $file:$line"
+ } else {
+ set procs [lsort [info procs $loc]]
+ if {[llength $procs] > 5} {
+ puts "Too many matches: $procs"
+ } elseif {[llength $procs] == 0} {
+ dict set s(bpprocs) $loc 1
+ puts "Breakpoint at $loc (future)"
+ } else {
+ foreach p $procs {
+ lassign [debugger::_findloc s $p] file line
+ dict set s(bpprocs) $p $file:$line
+ puts "Breakpoint at $p ($file:$line)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc debugger::n {&s} {
+ set s(bplevel) $s(blevel)
+ return -code break
+proc debugger::r {&s} {
+ incr s(bplevel) -1
+ return -code break
+proc debugger::s {&s} {
+ set s(bpany) 1
+ return -code break
+proc debugger::v {&s {pat *}} {
+ set level #$s(level)
+ if {$s(level) == 0} {
+ set vars [info globals $pat]
+ } else {
+ set vars [uplevel $level info locals $pat]
+ }
+ foreach i [lsort $vars] {
+ puts "$i = [debugger::_squash [uplevel $level set $i]]"
+ }
+proc debugger::u {&s} {
+ if {$s(level) > 0} {
+ incr s(level) -1
+ }
+ tailcall debugger::w s
+proc debugger::d {&s} {
+ if {$s(level) < [info level] - 2} {
+ incr s(level)
+ }
+ tailcall debugger::w s
+proc debugger::t {&s {mode {}}} {
+ if {$mode eq ""} {
+ set mode $(!$s(trace))
+ }
+ switch -exact -- $mode {
+ 0 {
+ set msg off
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set msg on
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set msg full
+ }
+ default {
+ error "Unknown trace mode: $mode"
+ }
+ }
+ set s(trace) $mode
+ puts "Tracing is now $msg"
+proc debugger::l {&s {loc {}}} {
+ if {$loc eq ""} {
+ lassign $s(active) file line
+ if {$file eq ""} {
+ return "No source location available"
+ }
+ } else {
+ lassign [debugger::_findloc s $loc] file line
+ }
+ if {$file eq ""} {
+ return "Don't know anything about: $loc"
+ }
+ puts "@ $file"
+ debugger::_showlines s $file $line 8
+ set s(lastcmd) "l $file:$($line + 8)"
+ return
+# ----- internal commands below this point -----
+# This proc can be overridden to read commands from
+# some other location, such as remote socket
+proc debugger::_getcmd {&s &cmd} {
+ if {![exists s(historyfile)]} {
+ set s(historyfile) [env HOME]/.jimdb_history
+ history load $s(historyfile)
+ }
+ while 1 {
+ if {[history getline "dbg> " cmd] < 0} {
+ signal default SIGINT
+ puts "Use q to quit, ? for help"
+ set cmd ""
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {$cmd eq "h"} {
+ history show
+ continue
+ }
+ # Don't bother adding single char commands to the history
+ if {[string length $cmd] > 1} {
+ history add $cmd
+ history save $s(historyfile)
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+proc debugger::?? {&s} {
+ parray s
+ return ""
+proc debugger::_squash {arglist} {
+ set arglist [regsub -all "\[\n\t\r \]+" $arglist { }]
+ if {[string length $arglist] > 60} {
+ set arglist [string range $arglist 0 57]...
+ }
+ return $arglist
+# Converts something which looks like a location into a file/line
+# number -> file=active, line=number
+# filename -> file=filename, line=1
+# filename:number -> file=filename, line=number
+# procname -> file, line = of first line of body
+proc debugger::_findloc {&s loc {checkproc 1}} {
+ lassign $s(active) afile aline
+ if {[string is integer -strict $loc]} {
+ set result [list $afile $loc]
+ } else {
+ if {[string match *:* $loc]} {
+ regexp (.*):(.*) $loc -> file line
+ } else {
+ set file $loc
+ set line 1
+ }
+ if {[file exists $file]} {
+ set result [list $file $line]
+ } elseif {$checkproc && [exists -proc $loc]} {
+ set result [info source [info body $loc]]
+ } else {
+ set result ""
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+proc debugger::_showlines {&s file line context} {
+ lassign $s(active) afile aline
+ if {[catch {
+ set file [debugger::_findfile $file]
+ set f [open $file]
+ set file [file tail $file]
+ set afile [file tail $afile]
+ set n 0
+ set lines [split [$f read] \n]
+ if {$line >= [llength $lines]} {
+ set line [llength $lines]
+ }
+ foreach l $lines {
+ incr n
+ if {$n > $line + $context} {
+ break
+ }
+ if {$n >= $line - $context} {
+ if {$n == $aline && $file eq $afile} {
+ set marker ">"
+ } elseif {$n == $line} {
+ set marker "*"
+ } else {
+ set marker " "
+ }
+ puts [format "%s%4d %s" $marker $n $l]
+ }
+ }
+ $f close
+ } msg]} {
+ puts $msg
+ }
+proc debugger::_showloc {&s file line name arglist} {
+ set tail [file tail $file]
+ if {$file eq ""} {
+ puts "@ $name [debugger::_squash $arglist]"
+ } else {
+ puts "@ $tail:$line $name [debugger::_squash $arglist]"
+ debugger::_showlines s $file $line 1
+ }
+proc debugger::_checkbp {&s file line name} {
+ if {[signal check -clear SIGINT] ne ""} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {$s(bpany) == 0} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ # We don't want to stop on the same line with a different command
+ # when stepping with 'n'. This isn't perfect since the same
+ # command might be part of a nested expression, but we have no additional
+ # information available.
+ if {$s(laststop) eq "$file:$line" && $s(prevname) ne $name} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {$s(blevel) <= $s(bplevel)} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $s(bplines) $file:$line]} {
+ puts "Breakpoint @ $file:$line"
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+proc debugger::_findfile {filename} {
+ # Search for the given file in likely places
+ foreach dir [list {*}$::auto_path . [file dirname $::argv0] [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] {
+ if {[file exists $dir/$filename]} {
+ return $dir/$filename
+ }
+ }
+ return $filename
+# The execution trace (xtrace) callback
+proc debugger::_db {type file line result name arglist} {
+ upvar #0 debugger::state s
+ #puts "@ $file:$line ($result) $type $name [debugger::_squash $arglist]"
+ # proc is only used to activate breakpoints
+ if {$type eq "proc"} {
+ # If we aren't already going to stop at the next command
+ # do so if we have a proc breakpoint
+ if {$s(bpany) != 1} {
+ set s(bpany) [dict exists $s bpprocs $name]
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ # level is the proc frame level
+ set s(level) $([info level] - 1)
+ # blevel is the breakpoint level for n, r commands
+ set s(blevel) [info level]
+ set s(active) [list $file $line $name $arglist]
+ incr s(bpany) -1
+ if {[catch -nobreak -noreturn {
+ if {[debugger::_checkbp s $file $line $name]} {
+ # Breakpoint here
+ set s(bpany) 0
+ set s(bplevel) -1
+ set s(laststop) $file:$line
+ set s(prevname) $name
+ # Build the active stacktrace
+ set s(stacktrace) {}
+ foreach level [range 1 [info level]] {
+ lassign [info frame $level] p f l
+ lassign [info level $level] p pargs
+ lappend s(stacktrace) [list $f $l $p $pargs]
+ }
+ lappend s(stacktrace) $s(active)
+ if {$result ne ""} {
+ puts "=> [debugger::_squash $result]"
+ }
+ debugger::_showloc s $file $line $name $arglist
+ set buf {}
+ while {1} {
+ set rc [debugger::_getcmd s buf]
+ if {$rc == -1} {
+ # Stop tracing
+ return
+ }
+ if {$buf eq ""} {
+ set buf $s(lastcmd)
+ } else {
+ set s(lastcmd) $buf
+ }
+ # Mark the active stack frame
+ set s(active) [lindex $s(stacktrace) $s(level)]
+ set args [lassign $buf cmd]
+ catch -nobreak {
+ if {[exists -proc debugger::$cmd]} {
+ debugger::$cmd s {*}$args
+ } else {
+ uplevel #$s(level) $buf
+ }
+ } result
+ if {$result ne ""} {
+ puts $result
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$s(trace) && $file ne ""} {
+ if {$s(trace) == 2 && $result ne ""} {
+ puts "=> [debugger::_squash $result]"
+ }
+ if {$file ne $s(lastsource)} {
+ puts "@ $file"
+ }
+ set s(lastsource) $file
+ debugger::_showlines s $file $line 0
+ }
+ } err opts]} {
+ puts [errorInfo $err]
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Allows a breakpoint to be manually inserted
+# The message is for documentation purposes
+proc breakpoint {{msg ""}} {
+ set ::debugger::state(bpany) 1
+signal ignore SIGINT
+set debugger::state {
+ bplevel -1
+ bpany -1
+ bplines {}
+ bpprocs {}
+ lastcmd ""
+ laststop ""
+ level 0
+ trace 0
+ active {}
+ prevname {}
+ stacktrace {}
+ lastsource {}
+set debugger::state(trace) $opt_trace
+# Break at the very next command after source
+set debugger::state(bpany) 2
+# Install the debugger
+xtrace debugger::_db
+source $argv0