path: root/autosetup/system.tcl
diff options
authorSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2019-05-20 15:36:32 +1000
committerSteve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>2019-07-01 11:14:58 +1000
commit822df774aa79cbd4738ebf2624c7dbffe2ca26d9 (patch)
tree1e7773b529799e3ecd30cddbb9562e7f64c29c40 /autosetup/system.tcl
parent376414498fc647ef10346c27f725083b35a45bd1 (diff)
Update autosetup to v0.6.9
Diffstat (limited to 'autosetup/system.tcl')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/autosetup/system.tcl b/autosetup/system.tcl
index 37377eb..b98b5c0 100644
--- a/autosetup/system.tcl
+++ b/autosetup/system.tcl
@@ -133,6 +133,102 @@ proc write-if-changed {file buf {script {}}} {
+# @include-file infile mapping
+# The core of make-template, called recursively for each @include
+# directive found within that template so that this proc's result
+# is the fully-expanded template.
+# The mapping parameter is how we expand @varname@ within the template.
+# We do that inline within this step only for @include directives which
+# can have variables in the filename arg. A separate substitution pass
+# happens when this recursive function returns, expanding the rest of
+# the variables.
+proc include-file {infile mapping} {
+ # A stack of true/false conditions, one for each nested conditional
+ # starting with "true"
+ set condstack {1}
+ set result {}
+ set linenum 0
+ foreach line [split [readfile $infile] \n] {
+ incr linenum
+ if {[regexp {^@(if|else|endif)(\s*)(.*)} $line -> condtype condspace condargs]} {
+ if {$condtype eq "if"} {
+ if {[string length $condspace] == 0} {
+ autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Invalid expression: $line"
+ }
+ if {[llength $condargs] == 1} {
+ # ABC => [get-define ABC] ni {0 ""}
+ # !ABC => [get-define ABC] in {0 ""}
+ lassign $condargs condvar
+ if {[regexp {^!(.*)} $condvar -> condvar]} {
+ set op in
+ } else {
+ set op ni
+ }
+ set condexpr "\[[list get-define $condvar]\] $op {0 {}}"
+ } else {
+ # Translate alphanumeric ABC into [get-define ABC] and leave the
+ # rest of the expression untouched
+ regsub -all {([A-Z][[:alnum:]_]*)} $condargs {[get-define \1]} condexpr
+ }
+ if {[catch [list expr $condexpr] condval]} {
+ dputs $condval
+ autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Invalid expression: $line"
+ }
+ dputs "@$condtype: $condexpr => $condval"
+ }
+ if {$condtype ne "if"} {
+ if {[llength $condstack] <= 1} {
+ autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Error: @$condtype missing @if"
+ } elseif {[string length $condargs] && [string index $condargs 0] ne "#"} {
+ autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Error: Extra arguments after @$condtype"
+ }
+ }
+ switch -exact $condtype {
+ if {
+ # push condval
+ lappend condstack $condval
+ }
+ else {
+ # Toggle the last entry
+ set condval [lpop condstack]
+ set condval [expr {!$condval}]
+ lappend condstack $condval
+ }
+ endif {
+ if {[llength $condstack] == 0} {
+ user-notice "$infile:$linenum: Error: @endif missing @if"
+ }
+ lpop condstack
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ } elseif {[regexp {^@include\s+(.*)} $line -> filearg]} {
+ set incfile [string map $mapping $filearg]
+ if {[file exists $incfile]} {
+ lappend ::autosetup(deps) [file-normalize $incfile]
+ lappend result {*}[include-file $incfile $mapping]
+ } else {
+ user-error "$infile:$linenum: Include file $incfile is missing"
+ }
+ continue
+ } elseif {[regexp {^@define\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)} $line -> var val]} {
+ define $var $val
+ continue
+ }
+ # Only output this line if the stack contains all "true"
+ if {"0" in $condstack} {
+ continue
+ }
+ lappend result $line
+ }
+ return $result
# @make-template template ?outfile?
# Reads the input file '<srcdir>/$template' and writes the output file '$outfile'
@@ -195,70 +291,23 @@ proc make-template {template {out {}}} {
define srcdir [relative-path [file join $::autosetup(srcdir) $outdir] $outdir]
define top_srcdir [relative-path $::autosetup(srcdir) $outdir]
- set mapping {}
- foreach {n v} [array get ::define] {
- lappend mapping @$n@ $v
- }
- # A stack of true/false conditions, one for each nested conditional
- # starting with "true"
- set condstack {1}
- set result {}
- set linenum 0
- foreach line [split [readfile $infile] \n] {
- incr linenum
- if {[regexp {^@(if|else|endif)\s*(.*)} $line -> condtype condargs]} {
- if {$condtype eq "if"} {
- if {[llength $condargs] == 1} {
- # ABC => [get-define ABC] ni {0 ""}
- # !ABC => [get-define ABC] in {0 ""}
- lassign $condargs condvar
- if {[regexp {^!(.*)} $condvar -> condvar]} {
- set op in
- } else {
- set op ni
- }
- set condexpr "\[[list get-define $condvar]\] $op {0 {}}"
- } else {
- # Translate alphanumeric ABC into [get-define ABC] and leave the
- # rest of the expression untouched
- regsub -all {([A-Z][[:alnum:]_]*)} $condargs {[get-define \1]} condexpr
- }
- if {[catch [list expr $condexpr] condval]} {
- dputs $condval
- autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Invalid expression: $line"
- }
- dputs "@$condtype: $condexpr => $condval"
- }
- if {$condtype ne "if" && [llength $condstack] <= 1} {
- autosetup-error "$infile:$linenum: Error: @$condtype missing @if"
- }
- switch -exact $condtype {
- if {
- # push condval
- lappend condstack $condval
- }
- else {
- # Toggle the last entry
- set condval [lpop condstack]
- set condval [expr {!$condval}]
- lappend condstack $condval
- }
- endif {
- if {[llength $condstack] == 0} {
- user-notice "$infile:$linenum: Error: @endif missing @if"
- }
- lpop condstack
- }
- }
- continue
+ # Build map from global defines to their values so they can be
+ # substituted into @include file names.
+ proc build-define-mapping {} {
+ set mapping {}
+ foreach {n v} [array get ::define] {
+ lappend mapping @$n@ $v
- # Only output this line if the stack contains all "true"
- if {"0" in $condstack} {
- continue
- }
- lappend result $line
+ return $mapping
+ set mapping [build-define-mapping]
+ set result [include-file $infile $mapping]
+ # Rebuild the define mapping in case we ran across @define
+ # directives in the template or a file it @included, then
+ # apply that mapping to the expanded template.
+ set mapping [build-define-mapping]
write-if-changed $out [string map $mapping [join $result \n]] {
msg-result "Created [relative-path $out] from [relative-path $template]"