path: root/parse.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parse.py')
1 files changed, 872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parse.py b/parse.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..970c29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from constants import *
+import re
+import glob
+import os
+import pprint
+import logging
+import collections
+import yaml
+import sys
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s:: %(message)s')
+def process_enc_line(line, ext):
+ '''
+ This function processes each line of the encoding files (rv*). As part of
+ the processing, the function ensures that the encoding is legal through the
+ following checks::
+ - there is no over specification (same bits assigned different values)
+ - there is no under specification (some bits not assigned values)
+ - bit ranges are in the format hi..lo=val where hi > lo
+ - value assigned is representable in the bit range
+ - also checks that the mapping of arguments of an instruction exists in
+ arg_lut.
+ If the above checks pass, then the function returns a tuple of the name and
+ a dictionary containing basic information of the instruction which includes:
+ - variables: list of arguments used by the instruction whose mapping
+ exists in the arg_lut dictionary
+ - encoding: this contains the 32-bit encoding of the instruction where
+ '-' is used to represent position of arguments and 1/0 is used to
+ reprsent the static encoding of the bits
+ - extension: this field contains the rv* filename from which this
+ instruction was included
+ - match: hex value representing the bits that need to match to detect
+ this instruction
+ - mask: hex value representin the bits that need to be masked to extract
+ the value required for matching.
+ '''
+ single_dict = {}
+ # fill all bits with don't care. we use '-' to represent don't care
+ # TODO: hardcoded for 32-bits.
+ encoding = ['-'] * 32
+ # get the name of instruction by splitting based on the first space
+ [name, remaining] = line.split(' ', 1)
+ # replace dots with underscores as dot doesn't work with C/Sverilog, etc
+ name = name.replace('.', '_')
+ # remove leading whitespaces
+ remaining = remaining.lstrip()
+ # check each field for it's length and overlapping bits
+ # ex: 1..0=5 will result in an error --> x<y
+ # ex: 5..0=0 2..1=2 --> overlapping bits
+ temp_instr = ['-'] * 32
+ entries = [
+ x[0] for x in re.findall(
+ r'((\d)+\.\.(\d)+\=((0b\d+)|(0x\d+)|(\d)+))*',
+ remaining) if x[0] != ''
+ ]
+ for temp_entry in entries:
+ entry = temp_entry.split('=')[0]
+ f1, f2 = entry.split('..')
+ for ind in range(int(f1), int(f2)):
+ # overlapping bits
+ if temp_instr[ind] == 'X':
+ logging.error(
+ f'{line.split(" ")[0]:<10} has {ind} bit overlapping in it\'s opcodes'
+ )
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ temp_instr[ind] = 'X'
+ # check x < y
+ if int(f1) < int(f2):
+ logging.error(
+ f'{line.split(" ")[0]:<10} has position {f1} less than position {f2} in it\'s encoding'
+ )
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # illegal value assigned as per bit width
+ entry_value = temp_entry.split('=')[1]
+ temp_base = 16 if 'x' in entry_value else 2 if 'b' in entry_value else 10
+ if len(str(int(entry_value,
+ temp_base))[2:]) > (int(f1) - int(f2)):
+ logging.error(
+ f'{line.split(" ")[0]:<10} has an illegal value {entry_value} assigned as per the bit width {f1 - f2}'
+ )
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # extract bit pattern assignments of the form hi..lo=val. fixed_ranges is a
+ # regex expression present in constants.py. The extracted patterns are
+ # captured as a list in args where each entry is a tuple (msb, lsb, value)
+ args = fixed_ranges.sub(' ', remaining)
+ # parse through the args and assign constants 1/0 to bits which need to be
+ # hardcoded for this instruction
+ for (msb, lsb, value) in fixed_ranges.findall(remaining):
+ value = int(value, 0)
+ msb = int(msb, 0)
+ lsb = int(lsb, 0)
+ value = f"{value:032b}"
+ for i in range(0, msb - lsb + 1):
+ encoding[31 - (i + lsb)] = value[31 - i]
+ # do the same as above but for <lsb>=<val> pattern. single_fixed is a regex
+ # expression present in constants.py
+ for (lsb, value, drop) in single_fixed.findall(remaining):
+ lsb = int(lsb, 0)
+ value = int(value, 0)
+ encoding[31 - lsb] = str(value)
+ # convert the list of encodings into a single string for match and mask
+ match = "".join(encoding).replace('-','0')
+ mask = "".join(encoding).replace('0','1').replace('-','0')
+ # check if all args of the instruction are present in arg_lut present in
+ # constants.py
+ args = single_fixed.sub(' ', args).split()
+ for a in args:
+ if a not in arg_lut:
+ logging.error(f' Found variable {a} in instruction {name} whose mapping in arg_lut does not exist')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # update the fields of the instruction as a dict and return back along with
+ # the name of the instruction
+ single_dict['encoding'] = "".join(encoding)
+ single_dict['variable_fields'] = args
+ single_dict['extension'] = [ext.split('/')[-1]]
+ single_dict['match']=hex(int(match,2))
+ single_dict['mask']=hex(int(mask,2))
+ return (name, single_dict)
+def create_inst_dict(file_filter, include_pseudo=False):
+ '''
+ This function return a dictionary containing all instructions associated
+ with an extension defined by the file_filter input. The file_filter input
+ needs to be rv* file name with out the 'rv' prefix i.e. '_i', '32_i', etc.
+ Each node of the dictionary will correspond to an instruction which again is
+ a dictionary. The dictionary contents of each instruction includes:
+ - variables: list of arguments used by the instruction whose mapping
+ exists in the arg_lut dictionary
+ - encoding: this contains the 32-bit encoding of the instruction where
+ '-' is used to represent position of arguments and 1/0 is used to
+ reprsent the static encoding of the bits
+ - extension: this field contains the rv* filename from which this
+ instruction was included
+ - match: hex value representing the bits that need to match to detect
+ this instruction
+ - mask: hex value representin the bits that need to be masked to extract
+ the value required for matching.
+ In order to build this dictionary, the function does 2 passes over the same
+ rv<file_filter> file. The first pass is to extract all standard
+ instructions. In this pass, all pseudo ops and imported instructions are
+ skipped. For each selected line of the file, we call process_enc_line
+ function to create the above mentioned dictionary contents of the
+ instruction. Checks are performed in this function to ensure that the same
+ instruction is not added twice to the overall dictionary.
+ In the second pass, this function parses only pseudo_ops. For each pseudo_op
+ this function checks if the dependent extension and instruction, both, exit
+ before parsing it. The pseudo op is only added to the overall dictionary is
+ the dependent instruction is not present in the dictionary, else its
+ skipped.
+ '''
+ opcodes_dir = f'./'
+ instr_dict = {}
+ # file_names contains all files to be parsed in the riscv-opcodes directory
+ file_names = []
+ for fil in file_filter:
+ file_names += glob.glob(f'{opcodes_dir}{fil}')
+ # first pass if for standard/regular instructions
+ logging.debug('Collecting standard instructions first')
+ for f in file_names:
+ logging.debug(f'Parsing File: {f}')
+ with open(f) as fp:
+ lines = (line.rstrip()
+ for line in fp) # All lines including the blank ones
+ lines = list(line for line in lines if line) # Non-blank lines
+ lines = list(
+ line for line in lines
+ if not line.startswith("#")) # remove comment lines
+ # go through each line of the file
+ for line in lines:
+ # if the an instruction needs to be imported then go to the
+ # respective file and pick the line that has the instruction.
+ # The variable 'line' will now point to the new line from the
+ # imported file
+ # ignore all lines starting with $import and $pseudo
+ if '$import' in line or '$pseudo' in line:
+ continue
+ logging.debug(f' Processing line: {line}')
+ # call process_enc_line to get the data about the current
+ # instruction
+ (name, single_dict) = process_enc_line(line, f)
+ # if an instruction has already been added to the filtered
+ # instruction dictionary throw an error saying the given
+ # instruction is already imported and raise SystemExit
+ if name in instr_dict:
+ var = instr_dict[name]["extension"]
+ if instr_dict[name]['encoding'] != single_dict['encoding']:
+ err_msg = f'instruction : {name} from '
+ err_msg += f'{f.split("/")[-1]} is already '
+ err_msg += f'added from {var} but each have different encodings for the same instruction'
+ logging.error(err_msg)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ instr_dict[name]['extension'].append(single_dict['extension'])
+ # update the final dict with the instruction
+ instr_dict[name] = single_dict
+ # second pass if for pseudo instructions
+ logging.debug('Collecting pseudo instructions now')
+ for f in file_names:
+ logging.debug(f'Parsing File: {f}')
+ with open(f) as fp:
+ lines = (line.rstrip()
+ for line in fp) # All lines including the blank ones
+ lines = list(line for line in lines if line) # Non-blank lines
+ lines = list(
+ line for line in lines
+ if not line.startswith("#")) # remove comment lines
+ # go through each line of the file
+ for line in lines:
+ # ignore all lines not starting with $pseudo
+ if '$pseudo' not in line:
+ continue
+ logging.debug(f' Processing line: {line}')
+ # use the regex pseudo_regex from constants.py to find the dependent
+ # extension, dependent instruction, the pseudo_op in question and
+ # its encoding
+ (ext, orig_inst, pseudo_inst, line) = pseudo_regex.findall(line)[0]
+ # check if the file of the dependent extension exist. Throw error if
+ # it doesn't
+ if not os.path.exists(ext):
+ ext1 = f'unratified/{ext}'
+ if not os.path.exists(ext1):
+ logging.error(f'Pseudo op {pseudo_inst} in {f} depends on {ext} which is not available')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ else:
+ ext = ext1
+ # check if the dependent instruction exist in the dependent
+ # extension. Else throw error.
+ found = False
+ for oline in open(ext):
+ if not re.findall(f'^\s*{orig_inst}',oline):
+ continue
+ else:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ logging.error(f'Orig instruction {orig_inst} not found in {ext}. Required by pseudo_op {pseudo_inst} present in {f}')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # add the pseudo_op to the dictionary only if the original
+ # instruction is not already in the dictionary.
+ if orig_inst.replace('.','_') not in instr_dict or include_pseudo:
+ (name, single_dict) = process_enc_line(pseudo_inst + ' ' + line, f)
+ # update the final dict with the instruction
+ if name not in instr_dict:
+ instr_dict[name] = single_dict
+ else:
+ logging.debug(f'Skipping pseudo_op {pseudo_inst} since original instruction {orig_inst} already selected in list')
+ # third pass if for imported instructions
+ logging.debug('Collecting imported instructions')
+ for f in file_names:
+ logging.debug(f'Parsing File: {f}')
+ with open(f) as fp:
+ lines = (line.rstrip()
+ for line in fp) # All lines including the blank ones
+ lines = list(line for line in lines if line) # Non-blank lines
+ lines = list(
+ line for line in lines
+ if not line.startswith("#")) # remove comment lines
+ # go through each line of the file
+ for line in lines:
+ # if the an instruction needs to be imported then go to the
+ # respective file and pick the line that has the instruction.
+ # The variable 'line' will now point to the new line from the
+ # imported file
+ # ignore all lines starting with $import and $pseudo
+ if '$import' not in line :
+ continue
+ logging.debug(f' Processing line: {line}')
+ (import_ext, reg_instr) = imported_regex.findall(line)[0]
+ # check if the file of the dependent extension exist. Throw error if
+ # it doesn't
+ if not os.path.exists(import_ext):
+ ext1 = f'unratified/{import_ext}'
+ if not os.path.exists(ext1):
+ logging.error(f'Instruction {reg_instr} in {f} cannot be imported from {import_ext}')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ else:
+ ext = ext1
+ else:
+ ext = import_ext
+ # check if the dependent instruction exist in the dependent
+ # extension. Else throw error.
+ found = False
+ for oline in open(ext):
+ if not re.findall(f'^\s*{reg_instr}',oline):
+ continue
+ else:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ logging.error(f'imported instruction {reg_instr} not found in {ext}. Required by {line} present in {f}')
+ logging.error(f'Note: you cannot import pseudo ops.')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ # call process_enc_line to get the data about the current
+ # instruction
+ (name, single_dict) = process_enc_line(oline, f)
+ # if an instruction has already been added to the filtered
+ # instruction dictionary throw an error saying the given
+ # instruction is already imported and raise SystemExit
+ if name in instr_dict:
+ var = instr_dict[name]["extension"]
+ if instr_dict[name]['encoding'] != single_dict['encoding']:
+ err_msg = f'imported instruction : {name} in '
+ err_msg += f'{f.split("/")[-1]} is already '
+ err_msg += f'added from {var} but each have different encodings for the same instruction'
+ logging.error(err_msg)
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ instr_dict[name]['extension'].append(single_dict['extension'])
+ # update the final dict with the instruction
+ instr_dict[name] = single_dict
+ return instr_dict
+def make_priv_latex_table():
+ latex_file = open('priv-instr-table.tex','w')
+ type_list = ['R-type','I-type']
+ system_instr = ['_h','_s','_system','_svinval', '64_h']
+ dataset_list = [ (system_instr, 'Trap-Return Instructions',['sret','mret'], False) ]
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Interrupt-Management Instructions',['wfi'], False))
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Supervisor Memory-Management Instructions',['sfence_vma'], False))
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Hypervisor Memory-Management Instructions',['hfence_vvma', 'hfence_gvma'], False))
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Hypervisor Virtual-Machine Load and Store Instructions',
+ ['hlv_b','hlv_bu', 'hlv_h','hlv_hu', 'hlv_w', 'hlvx_hu', 'hlvx_wu', 'hsv_b', 'hsv_h','hsv_w'], False))
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Hypervisor Virtual-Machine Load and Store Instructions, RV64 only', ['hlv_wu','hlv_d','hsv_d'], False))
+ dataset_list.append((system_instr, 'Svinval Memory-Management Instructions', ['sinval_vma', 'sfence_w_inval','sfence_inval_ir', 'hinval_vvma','hinval_gvma'], False))
+ caption = '\\caption{RISC-V Privileged Instructions}'
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ latex_file.close()
+def make_latex_table():
+ '''
+ This function is mean to create the instr-table.tex that is meant to be used
+ by the riscv-isa-manual. This function basically creates a single latext
+ file of multiple tables with each table limited to a single page. Only the
+ last table is assigned a latex-caption.
+ For each table we assign a type-list which capture the different instruction
+ types (R, I, B, etc) that will be required for the table. Then we select the
+ list of extensions ('_i, '32_i', etc) whose instructions are required to
+ populate the table. For each extension or collection of extension we can
+ assign Title, such that in the end they appear as subheadings within
+ the table (note these are inlined headings and not captions of the table).
+ All of the above information is collected/created and sent to
+ make_ext_latex_table function to dump out the latex contents into a file.
+ The last table only has to be given a caption - as per the policy of the
+ riscv-isa-manual.
+ '''
+ # open the file and use it as a pointer for all further dumps
+ latex_file = open('instr-table.tex','w')
+ # create the rv32i table first. Here we set the caption to empty. We use the
+ # files rv_i and rv32_i to capture instructions relevant for rv32i
+ # configuration. The dataset is a list of 4-element tuples :
+ # (list_of_extensions, title, list_of_instructions, include_pseudo_ops). If list_of_instructions
+ # is empty then it indicates that all instructions of the all the extensions
+ # in list_of_extensions need to be dumped. If not empty, then only the
+ # instructions listed in list_of_instructions will be dumped into latex.
+ caption = ''
+ type_list = ['R-type','I-type','S-type','B-type','U-type','J-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_i','32_i'], 'RV32I Base Instruction Set', [], True)]
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ type_list = ['R-type','I-type','S-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['64_i'], 'RV64I Base Instruction Set (in addition to RV32I)', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['_zifencei'], 'RV32/RV64 Zifencei Standard Extension', [], False))
+ dataset_list.append((['_zicsr'], 'RV32/RV64 Zicsr Standard Extension', [], False))
+ dataset_list.append((['_m','32_m'], 'RV32M Standard Extension', [], False))
+ dataset_list.append((['64_m'],'RV64M Standard Extension (in addition to RV32M)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ type_list = ['R-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_a'],'RV32A Standard Extension', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['64_a'],'RV64A Standard Extension (in addition to RV32A)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ type_list = ['R-type','R4-type','I-type','S-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_f'],'RV32F Standard Extension', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['64_f'],'RV64F Standard Extension (in addition to RV32F)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ type_list = ['R-type','R4-type','I-type','S-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_d'],'RV32D Standard Extension', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['64_d'],'RV64D Standard Extension (in addition to RV32D)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ type_list = ['R-type','R4-type','I-type','S-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_q'],'RV32Q Standard Extension', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['64_q'],'RV64Q Standard Extension (in addition to RV32Q)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ caption = '\\caption{Instruction listing for RISC-V}'
+ type_list = ['R-type','R4-type','I-type','S-type']
+ dataset_list = [(['_zfh', '_d_zfh','_q_zfh'],'RV32Zfh Standard Extension', [], False)]
+ dataset_list.append((['64_zfh'],'RV64Zfh Standard Extension (in addition to RV32Zfh)', [], False))
+ make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 32, caption)
+ ## The following is demo to show that Compressed instructions can also be
+ # dumped in the same manner as above
+ #type_list = ['']
+ #dataset_list = [(['_c', '32_c', '32_c_f','_c_d'],'RV32C Standard Extension', [])]
+ #dataset_list.append((['64_c'],'RV64C Standard Extension (in addition to RV32C)', []))
+ #make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset_list, latex_file, 16, caption)
+ latex_file.close()
+def make_ext_latex_table(type_list, dataset, latex_file, ilen, caption):
+ '''
+ For a given collection of extensions this function dumps out a complete
+ latex table which includes the encodings of the instructions.
+ The ilen input indicates the length of the instruction for which the table
+ is created.
+ The caption input is used to create the latex-table caption.
+ The type_list input is a list of instruction types (R, I, B, etc) that are
+ treated as header for each table. Each table will have its own requirements
+ and type_list must include all the instruction-types that the table needs.
+ Note, all elements of this list must be present in the latex_inst_type
+ dictionary defined in constants.py
+ The latex_file is a file pointer to which the latex-table will dumped into
+ The dataset is a list of 3-element tuples containing:
+ (list_of_extensions, title, list_of_instructions)
+ The list_of_extensions must contain all the set of extensions whose
+ instructions must be populated under a given title. If list_of_instructions
+ is not empty, then only those instructions mentioned in list_of_instructions
+ present in the extension will be dumped into the latex-table, other
+ instructions will be ignored.
+ Once the above inputs are received then function first creates table entries
+ for the instruction types. To simplify things, we maintain a dictionary
+ called latex_inst_type in constants.py which is created in the same way the
+ instruction dictionary is created. This allows us to re-use the same logic
+ to create the instruction types table as well
+ Once the header is created, we then parse through every entry in the
+ dataset. For each list dataset entry we use the create_inst_dict function to
+ create an exhaustive list of instructions associated with the respective
+ collection of the extension of that dataset. Then we apply the instruction
+ filter, if any, indicated by the list_of_instructions of that dataset.
+ Thereon, for each instruction we create a latex table entry.
+ Latex table specification for ilen sized instructions:
+ Each table is created with ilen+1 columns - ilen columns for each bit of the
+ instruction and one column to hold the name of the instruction.
+ For each argument of an instruction we use the arg_lut from constants.py
+ to identify its position in the encoding, and thus create a multicolumn
+ entry with the name of the argument as the data. For hardcoded bits, we
+ do the same where we capture a string of continuous 1s and 0s, identify
+ the position and assign the same string as the data of the
+ multicolumn entry in the table.
+ '''
+ column_size = "".join(['p{0.002in}']*(ilen+1))
+ type_entries = '''
+ \\multicolumn{3}{l}{31} &
+ \\multicolumn{2}{r}{27} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{26} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{r}{25} &
+ \\multicolumn{3}{l}{24} &
+ \\multicolumn{2}{r}{20} &
+ \\multicolumn{3}{l}{19} &
+ \\multicolumn{2}{r}{15} &
+ \\multicolumn{2}{l}{14} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{r}{12} &
+ \\multicolumn{4}{l}{11} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{r}{7} &
+ \\multicolumn{6}{l}{6} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{r}{0} \\\\
+ \\cline{2-33}\n& \n\n
+''' if ilen == 32 else '''
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{15} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{14} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{13} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{12} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{11} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{10} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{9} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{8} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{7} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{6} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{5} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{4} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{3} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{2} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{1} &
+ \\multicolumn{1}{c}{0} \\\\
+ \\cline{2-17}\n& \n\n
+ # depending on the type_list input we create a subset dictionary of
+ # latex_inst_type dictionary present in constants.py
+ type_dict = {key: value for key, value in latex_inst_type.items() if key in type_list}
+ # iterate ovr each instruction type and create a table entry
+ for t in type_dict:
+ fields = []
+ # first capture all "arguments" of the type (funct3, funct7, rd, etc)
+ # and capture their positions using arg_lut.
+ for f in type_dict[t]['variable_fields']:
+ (msb, lsb) = arg_lut[f]
+ name = f if f not in latex_mapping else latex_mapping[f]
+ fields.append((msb, lsb, name))
+ # iterate through the 32 bits, starting from the msb, and assign
+ # argument names to the relevant portions of the instructions. This
+ # information is stored as a 3-element tuple containing the msb, lsb
+ # position of the arugment and the name of the argument.
+ msb = ilen - 1
+ y = ''
+ for r in range(0,ilen):
+ if y != '':
+ fields.append((msb,ilen-1-r+1,y))
+ y = ''
+ msb = ilen-1-r-1
+ if r == 31:
+ if y != '':
+ fields.append((msb, 0, y))
+ y = ''
+ # sort the arguments in decreasing order of msb position
+ fields.sort(key=lambda y: y[0], reverse=True)
+ # for each argument/string of 1s or 0s, create a multicolumn latex table
+ # entry
+ entry = ''
+ for r in range(len(fields)):
+ (msb, lsb, name) = fields[r]
+ if r == len(fields)-1:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb -lsb +1} }}{{|c|}}{{ {name} }} & {t} \\\\ \n'
+ elif r == 0:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb- lsb + 1} }}{{|c|}}{{ {name} }} &\n'
+ else:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb -lsb + 1} }}{{c|}}{{ {name} }} &\n'
+ entry += f'\\cline{{2-{ilen+1}}}\n&\n\n'
+ type_entries += entry
+ # for each entry in the dataset create a table
+ content = ''
+ for (ext_list, title, filter_list, include_pseudo) in dataset:
+ instr_dict = {}
+ # for all extensions list in ext_list, create a dictionary of
+ # instructions associated with those extensions.
+ for e in ext_list:
+ instr_dict.update(create_inst_dict(['rv'+e], include_pseudo))
+ # if filter_list is not empty then use that as the official set of
+ # instructions that need to be dumped into the latex table
+ inst_list = list(instr_dict.keys()) if not filter_list else filter_list
+ # for each instruction create an latex table entry just like how we did
+ # above with the instruction-type table.
+ instr_entries = ''
+ for inst in inst_list:
+ if inst not in instr_dict:
+ logging.error(f'in make_ext_latex_table: Instruction: {inst} not found in instr_dict')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ fields = []
+ # only if the argument is available in arg_lut we consume it, else
+ # throw error.
+ for f in instr_dict[inst]['variable_fields']:
+ if f not in arg_lut:
+ logging.error(f'Found variable {f} in instruction {inst} whose mapping is not available')
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ (msb,lsb) = arg_lut[f]
+ name = f.replace('_','.') if f not in latex_mapping else latex_mapping[f]
+ fields.append((msb, lsb, name))
+ msb = ilen -1
+ y = ''
+ if ilen == 16:
+ encoding = instr_dict[inst]['encoding'][16:]
+ else:
+ encoding = instr_dict[inst]['encoding']
+ for r in range(0,ilen):
+ x = encoding [r]
+ if ((msb, ilen-1-r+1)) in latex_fixed_fields:
+ fields.append((msb,ilen-1-r+1,y))
+ msb = ilen-1-r
+ y = ''
+ if x == '-':
+ if y != '':
+ fields.append((msb,ilen-1-r+1,y))
+ y = ''
+ msb = ilen-1-r-1
+ else:
+ y += str(x)
+ if r == ilen-1:
+ if y != '':
+ fields.append((msb, 0, y))
+ y = ''
+ fields.sort(key=lambda y: y[0], reverse=True)
+ entry = ''
+ for r in range(len(fields)):
+ (msb, lsb, name) = fields[r]
+ if r == len(fields)-1:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb -lsb +1} }}{{|c|}}{{ {name} }} & {inst.upper().replace("_",".")} \\\\ \n'
+ elif r == 0:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb- lsb + 1} }}{{|c|}}{{ {name} }} &\n'
+ else:
+ entry += f'\\multicolumn{{ {msb -lsb + 1} }}{{c|}}{{ {name} }} &\n'
+ entry += f'\\cline{{2-{ilen+1}}}\n&\n\n'
+ instr_entries += entry
+ # once an entry of the dataset is completed we create the whole table
+ # with the title of that dataset as sub-heading (sort-of)
+ if title != '':
+ content += f'''
+\\multicolumn{{{ilen}}}{{c}}{{}} & \\\\
+\\multicolumn{{{ilen}}}{{c}}{{\\bf {title} }} & \\\\
+ &
+ else:
+ content += f'''
+ header = f'''
+ \\begin{{tabular}} {{{column_size}l}}
+ {" ".join(['&']*ilen)} \\\\
+ &
+ endtable=f'''
+ # dump the contents and return
+ latex_file.write(header+content+endtable)
+def make_chisel(instr_dict):
+ chisel_names=''
+ cause_names_str=''
+ csr_names_str = ''
+ for i in instr_dict:
+ chisel_names += f' def {i.upper().replace(".","_"):<18s} = BitPat("b{instr_dict[i]["encoding"].replace("-","?")}")\n'
+ for num, name in causes:
+ cause_names_str += f' val {name.lower().replace(" ","_")} = {hex(num)}\n'
+ cause_names_str += ''' val all = {
+ val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
+ for num, name in causes:
+ cause_names_str += f' res += {name.lower().replace(" ","_")}\n'
+ cause_names_str += ''' res.toArray
+ }'''
+ for num, name in csrs+csrs32:
+ csr_names_str += f' val {name} = {hex(num)}\n'
+ csr_names_str += ''' val all = {
+ val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
+ for num, name in csrs:
+ csr_names_str += f''' res += {name}\n'''
+ csr_names_str += ''' res.toArray
+ }
+ val all32 = {
+ val res = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer(all:_*)
+ for num, name in csrs32:
+ csr_names_str += f''' res += {name}\n'''
+ csr_names_str += ''' res.toArray
+ }'''
+ chisel_file = open('inst.chisel','w')
+ chisel_file.write(f'''
+/* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes */
+object Instructions {{
+object Causes {{
+object CSRs {{
+ chisel_file.close()
+def make_rust(instr_dict):
+ mask_match_str= ''
+ for i in instr_dict:
+ mask_match_str += f'const MATCH_{i.upper().replace(".","_")}: u32 = {(instr_dict[i]["match"])};\n'
+ mask_match_str += f'const MASK_{i.upper().replace(".","_")}: u32 = {(instr_dict[i]["mask"])};\n'
+ for num, name in csrs+csrs32:
+ mask_match_str += f'const CSR_{name.upper()}: u16 = {hex(num)};\n'
+ for num, name in causes:
+ mask_match_str += f'const CAUSE_{name.upper().replace(" ","_")}: u8 = {hex(num)};\n'
+ rust_file = open('inst.rs','w')
+ rust_file.write(f'''
+/* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes */
+ rust_file.close()
+def make_sverilog(instr_dict):
+ names_str = ''
+ for i in instr_dict:
+ names_str += f" localparam [31:0] {i.upper().replace('.','_'):<18s} = 32'b{instr_dict[i]['encoding'].replace('-','?')};\n"
+ names_str += ' /* CSR Addresses */\n'
+ for num, name in csrs+csrs32:
+ names_str += f" localparam logic [11:0] CSR_{name.upper()} = 12'h{hex(num)[2:]};\n"
+ sverilog_file = open('inst.sverilog','w')
+ sverilog_file.write(f'''
+/* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes */
+package riscv_instr;
+ sverilog_file.close()
+def make_c(instr_dict):
+ mask_match_str = ''
+ declare_insn_str = ''
+ for i in instr_dict:
+ mask_match_str += f'#define MATCH_{i.upper().replace(".","_")} {instr_dict[i]["match"]}\n'
+ mask_match_str += f'#define MASK_{i.upper().replace(".","_")} {instr_dict[i]["mask"]}\n'
+ declare_insn_str += f'DECLARE_INSN({i.replace(".","_")}, MATCH_{i.upper().replace(".","_")}, MASK_{i.upper().replace(".","_")})\n'
+ csr_names_str = ''
+ declare_csr_str = ''
+ for num, name in csrs+csrs32:
+ csr_names_str += f'#define CSR_{name.upper()} {hex(num)}\n'
+ declare_csr_str += f'DECLARE_CSR({name}, CSR_{name.upper()})\n'
+ causes_str= ''
+ declare_cause_str = ''
+ for num, name in causes:
+ causes_str += f"#define CAUSE_{name.upper().replace(' ', '_')} {hex(num)}\n"
+ declare_cause_str += f"DECLARE_CAUSE(\"{name}\", CAUSE_{name.upper().replace(' ','_')})\n"
+ with open('encoding.h', 'r') as file:
+ enc_header = file.read()
+ commit = os.popen('git log -1 --format="format:%h"').read()
+ enc_file = open('encoding.out.h','w')
+ enc_file.write(f'''
+* This file is auto-generated by running 'make' in
+* https://github.com/riscv/riscv-opcodes ({commit})
+/* Automatically generated by parse_opcodes. */
+ enc_file.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print(f'Running with args : {sys.argv}')
+ extensions = sys.argv[1:]
+ for i in ['-c','-latex','-chisel','-sverilog','-rust']:
+ if i in extensions:
+ extensions.remove(i)
+ print(f'Extensions selected : {extensions}')
+ instr_dict = create_inst_dict(extensions)
+ with open('instr_dict.yaml', 'w') as outfile:
+ yaml.dump(instr_dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
+ instr_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(instr_dict.items()))
+ if '-c' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ make_c(instr_dict)
+ logging.info('encoding.out.h generated successfully')
+ if '-chisel' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ make_chisel(instr_dict)
+ logging.info('inst.chisel generated successfully')
+ if '-sverilog' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ make_sverilog(instr_dict)
+ logging.info('inst.sverilog generated successfully')
+ if '-rust' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ make_rust(instr_dict)
+ logging.info('inst.rs generated successfully')
+ if '-latex' in sys.argv[1:]:
+ make_latex_table()
+ logging.info('instr-table.tex generated successfully')
+ make_priv_latex_table()
+ logging.info('priv-instr-table.tex generated successfully')