path: root/EdkModulePkg/Universal/Disk/Partition/Dxe/Mbr.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-12-31Retiring the ANT/JAVA build and removing the older EDK II packages that requi...lhauch1-328/+0
2007-03-16Fix a critical bug: When reading block succeeds but detecting MBR fails, it s...qhuang81-1/+4
2007-03-16Perfect the msa of the following modules, DiskIo, Partition, English and Ebc.lgao41-2/+2
2007-02-28Add range checking of partition for MBR.xli241-3/+3
2007-01-25Partially make EdkModulePkg pass intel IPF compiler with /W4 /WX switched on.xli241-0/+1
2007-01-23Fixed bug in partition driver:yshang11-7/+10
2006-11-03Include EfiGpt.h, ElTorito.h, Mbr.h header files from MdePkg's Industry Starn...qwang121-1/+0
2006-10-16I fixed following bugs.mikewuping1-3/+8
2006-04-21Initial import.bbahnsen1-0/+317