path: root/IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/X64/FspApiEntryT.nasm
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1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/X64/FspApiEntryT.nasm b/IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/X64/FspApiEntryT.nasm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9f5f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/X64/FspApiEntryT.nasm
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+;; @file
+; Provide FSP API entry points.
+; Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ SECTION .text
+%include ""
+%include ""
+; Following are fixed PCDs
+extern ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase))
+extern ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize))
+extern ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdFspReservedBufferSize))
+; Following functions will be provided in PlatformSecLib
+extern ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspBaseAddress)
+extern ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspInfoHeader)
+;extern ASM_PFX(LoadMicrocode) ; @todo: needs a weak implementation
+extern ASM_PFX(SecPlatformInit) ; @todo: needs a weak implementation
+extern ASM_PFX(SecCarInit)
+; Define the data length that we saved on the stack top
+; @todo: These structures are moved from to avoid
+; build error. This needs to be fixed later on.
+struc MicrocodeHdr
+ .MicrocodeHdrVersion: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrRevision: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrDate: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrProcessor: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrChecksum: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrLoader: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrFlags: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrDataSize: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrTotalSize: resd 1
+ .MicrocodeHdrRsvd: resd 3
+ .size:
+struc ExtSigHdr
+ .ExtSigHdrCount: resd 1
+ .ExtSigHdrChecksum: resd 1
+ .ExtSigHdrRsvd: resd 3
+ .size:
+struc ExtSig
+ .ExtSigProcessor: resd 1
+ .ExtSigFlags: resd 1
+ .ExtSigChecksum: resd 1
+ .size:
+struc LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24
+ .FspUpdHeaderSignature: resd 2
+ .FspUpdHeaderRevision: resb 1
+ .FspUpdHeaderReserved: resb 23
+ ; }
+ .FsptArchRevision: resb 1
+ .FsptArchReserved: resb 3
+ .FsptArchLength: resd 1
+ .FspDebugHandler resq 1
+ .FsptArchUpd: resd 4
+ ; }
+ .MicrocodeCodeAddr: resq 1
+ .MicrocodeCodeSize: resq 1
+ .CodeRegionBase: resq 1
+ .CodeRegionSize: resq 1
+ ; }
+ .size:
+; @todo: The strong/weak implementation does not work.
+; This needs to be reviewed later.
+;;global ASM_PFX(SecPlatformInitDefault)
+; ; Inputs:
+; ; ymm7 -> Return address
+; ; Outputs:
+; ; rax -> 0 - Successful, Non-zero - Failed.
+; ; Register Usage:
+; ; rax is cleared and rbp is used for return address.
+; ; All others reserved.
+; ; Save return address to RBP
+; xor rax, rax
+; jmp rbp
+global ASM_PFX(LoadMicrocodeDefault)
+ ; Inputs:
+ ; rsp -> LoadMicrocodeParams pointer
+ ; Register Usage:
+ ; rsp Preserved
+ ; All others destroyed
+ ; Assumptions:
+ ; No memory available, stack is hard-coded and used for return address
+ ; Executed by SBSP and NBSP
+ ; Beginning of microcode update region starts on paragraph boundary
+ ;
+ ; Save return address to RBP
+ ;
+ cmp rsp, 0
+ jz ParamError
+ mov eax, dword [rsp + 8] ; Parameter pointer
+ cmp eax, 0
+ jz ParamError
+ mov esp, eax
+ ; skip loading Microcode if the MicrocodeCodeSize is zero
+ ; and report error if size is less than 2k
+ ; first check UPD header revision
+ cmp byte [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FspUpdHeaderRevision], 2
+ jb ParamError
+ cmp byte [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FsptArchRevision], 2
+ jne ParamError
+ ; UPD structure is compliant with FSP spec 2.4
+ mov eax, dword [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeSize]
+ cmp eax, 0
+ jz Exit2
+ cmp eax, 0800h
+ jl ParamError
+ mov esi, dword [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeAddr]
+ cmp esi, 0
+ jnz CheckMainHeader
+ mov rax, 08000000000000002h
+ jmp Exit2
+ ; Get processor signature and platform ID from the installed processor
+ ; and save into registers for later use
+ ; ebx = processor signature
+ ; edx = platform ID
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid
+ mov ebx, eax
+ mov ecx, MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID
+ rdmsr
+ mov ecx, edx
+ shr ecx, 50-32 ; shift (50d-32d=18d=0x12) bits
+ and ecx, 7h ; platform id at bit[52..50]
+ mov edx, 1
+ shl edx, cl
+ ; Current register usage
+ ; esp -> stack with parameters
+ ; esi -> microcode update to check
+ ; ebx = processor signature
+ ; edx = platform ID
+ ; Check for valid microcode header
+ ; Minimal test checking for header version and loader version as 1
+ mov eax, dword 1
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrVersion], eax
+ jne AdvanceFixedSize
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrLoader], eax
+ jne AdvanceFixedSize
+ ; Check if signature and plaform ID match
+ cmp ebx, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrProcessor]
+ jne LoadMicrocodeDefault1
+ test edx, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrFlags ]
+ jnz LoadCheck ; Jif signature and platform ID match
+ ; Check if extended header exists
+ ; First check if MicrocodeHdrTotalSize and MicrocodeHdrDataSize are valid
+ xor rax, rax
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize], eax
+ je NextMicrocode
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize], eax
+ je NextMicrocode
+ ; Then verify total size - sizeof header > data size
+ mov ecx, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize]
+ sub ecx, MicrocodeHdr.size
+ cmp ecx, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize]
+ jng NextMicrocode ; Jif extended header does not exist
+ ; Set edi -> extended header
+ mov edi, esi
+ add edi, MicrocodeHdr.size
+ add edi, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrDataSize]
+ ; Get count of extended structures
+ mov ecx, dword [edi + ExtSigHdr.ExtSigHdrCount]
+ ; Move pointer to first signature structure
+ add edi, ExtSigHdr.size
+ ; Check if extended signature and platform ID match
+ cmp dword [edi + ExtSig.ExtSigProcessor], ebx
+ jne LoadMicrocodeDefault2
+ test dword [edi + ExtSig.ExtSigFlags], edx
+ jnz LoadCheck ; Jif signature and platform ID match
+ ; Check if any more extended signatures exist
+ add edi, ExtSig.size
+ loop CheckExtSig
+ ; Advance just after end of this microcode
+ xor rax, rax
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize], eax
+ je LoadMicrocodeDefault3
+ add esi, dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrTotalSize]
+ jmp CheckAddress
+ add esi, dword 2048
+ jmp CheckAddress
+ ; Advance by 4X dwords
+ add esi, dword 1024
+ ; Check UPD header revision
+ cmp byte [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FspUpdHeaderRevision], 2
+ jb ParamError
+ cmp byte [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FsptArchRevision], 2
+ jne ParamError
+ ; UPD structure is compliant with FSP spec 2.4
+ ; Is automatic size detection ?
+ mov rax, qword [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeSize]
+ cmp rax, 0ffffffffffffffffh
+ jz LoadMicrocodeDefault4
+ ; Address >= microcode region address + microcode region size?
+ add rax, qword [rsp + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeAddr]
+ cmp rsi, rax
+ jae Done ;Jif address is outside of microcode region
+ jmp CheckMainHeader
+ ; Is valid Microcode start point ?
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrVersion], 0ffffffffh
+ jz Done
+ ; Get the revision of the current microcode update loaded
+ mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
+ xor eax, eax ; Clear EAX
+ xor edx, edx ; Clear EDX
+ wrmsr ; Load 0 to MSR at 8Bh
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid
+ mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
+ rdmsr ; Get current microcode signature
+ ; Verify this microcode update is not already loaded
+ cmp dword [esi + MicrocodeHdr.MicrocodeHdrRevision], edx
+ je Continue
+ ; EAX contains the linear address of the start of the Update Data
+ ; EDX contains zero
+ ; ECX contains 79h (IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG)
+ ; Start microcode load with wrmsr
+ mov eax, esi
+ add eax, MicrocodeHdr.size
+ xor edx, edx
+ mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG
+ wrmsr
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid
+ jmp NextMicrocode
+ mov eax, 1
+ cpuid
+ mov ecx, MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID
+ rdmsr ; Get current microcode signature
+ xor eax, eax
+ cmp edx, 0
+ jnz Exit2
+ mov eax, 0800000000000000Eh
+ jmp rbp
+global ASM_PFX(EstablishStackFsp)
+ ;
+ ; Save parameter pointer in rdx
+ ;
+ mov rdx, qword [rsp + 8]
+ ;
+ ; Enable FSP STACK
+ ;
+ mov rax, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase))
+ mov esp, DWORD[rax]
+ mov rax, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize))
+ add esp, DWORD[rax]
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], DATA_LEN_OF_MCUD ; Size of the data region
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], 4455434Dh ; Signature of the data region 'MCUD'
+ ; check UPD structure revision (rdx + 8)
+ cmp byte [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FspUpdHeaderRevision], 2
+ jb ParamError1
+ cmp byte [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.FsptArchRevision], 2
+ je Fsp24UpdHeader
+ mov rax, 08000000000000002h
+ jmp EstablishStackFspExit
+ ; UPD structure is compliant with FSP spec 2.4
+ xor rax, rax
+ mov rax, qword [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.CodeRegionSize] ; Code size sizeof(FSPT_UPD_COMMON) + 18h
+ sub rsp, 8
+ mov qword[rsp], rax
+ mov rax, qword [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.CodeRegionBase] ; Code base sizeof(FSPT_UPD_COMMON) + 10h
+ sub rsp, 8
+ mov qword[rsp], rax
+ mov rax, qword [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeSize] ; Microcode size sizeof(FSPT_UPD_COMMON) + 8h
+ sub rsp, 8
+ mov qword[rsp], rax
+ mov rax, qword [rdx + LoadMicrocodeParamsFsp24.MicrocodeCodeAddr] ; Microcode base sizeof(FSPT_UPD_COMMON) + 0h
+ sub rsp, 8
+ mov qword[rsp], rax
+ ;
+ ; Save API entry/exit timestamp into stack
+ ;
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], DATA_LEN_OF_PER0 ; Size of the data region
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], 30524550h ; Signature of the data region 'PER0'
+ rdtsc
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], edx
+ sub esp, 4
+ mov dword[esp], eax
+ LOAD_TS rax
+ push rax
+ ;
+ ; Terminator for the data on stack
+ ;
+ push 0
+ ;
+ ; Set ECX/EDX to the BootLoader temporary memory range
+ ;
+ mov rcx, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase))
+ mov edx, [ecx]
+ mov rcx, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamSize))
+ add edx, [ecx]
+ mov rcx, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdFspReservedBufferSize))
+ sub edx, [ecx]
+ mov rcx, ASM_PFX(PcdGet32 (PcdTemporaryRamBase))
+ mov ecx, [ecx]
+ cmp ecx, edx ; If PcdFspReservedBufferSize >= PcdTemporaryRamSize, then error.
+ jb EstablishStackFspSuccess
+ mov rax, 08000000000000003h ; EFI_UNSUPPORTED
+ jmp EstablishStackFspExit
+ xor rax, rax
+; TempRamInit API
+; This FSP API will load the microcode update, enable code caching for the
+; region specified by the boot loader and also setup a temporary stack to be
+; used till main memory is initialized.
+global ASM_PFX(TempRamInitApi)
+ ;
+ ; Ensure both SSE and AVX are enabled
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Save RBP, RBX, RSI, RDI and RSP in YMM7, YMM8 and YMM6
+ ;
+ ;
+ ; Save BFV address in YMM9
+ ;
+ SAVE_BFV rbp
+ ;
+ ; Save timestamp into YMM6
+ ;
+ rdtsc
+ shl rdx, 32
+ or rax, rdx
+ SAVE_TS rax
+ ;
+ ; Check Parameter
+ ;
+ mov rax, qword [rsp + 8]
+ cmp rax, 0
+ mov rax, 08000000000000002h
+ jz TempRamInitExit
+ ;
+ ; Sec Platform Init
+ ;
+ CALL_YMM ASM_PFX(SecPlatformInit)
+ cmp eax, 0
+ jnz TempRamInitExit
+ ; Load microcode
+ CALL_YMM ASM_PFX(LoadMicrocodeDefault)
+ SAVE_UCODE_STATUS rax ; Save microcode return status in SLOT 0 in YMM9 (upper 128bits).
+ ; @note If return value rax is not 0, microcode did not load, but continue and attempt to boot.
+ ; Call Sec CAR Init
+ cmp rax, 0
+ jnz TempRamInitExit
+ CALL_YMM ASM_PFX(EstablishStackFsp)
+ cmp rax, 0
+ jnz TempRamInitExit
+ LOAD_UCODE_STATUS rax ; Restore microcode status if no CAR init error from SLOT 0 in YMM9 (upper 128bits).
+ mov bl, al ; save al data in bl
+ mov al, 07Fh ; API exit postcode 7f
+ out 080h, al
+ mov al, bl ; restore al data from bl
+ ;
+ ; Load RBP, RBX, RSI, RDI and RSP from YMM7, YMM8 and YMM6
+ ;
+ LOAD_BFV rbp
+ ret
+; Module Entrypoint API
+global ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint)
+ jmp $