path: root/BaseTools/Plugin/DebugMacroCheck/tests/
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1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BaseTools/Plugin/DebugMacroCheck/tests/ b/BaseTools/Plugin/DebugMacroCheck/tests/
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index 0000000..7abc0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BaseTools/Plugin/DebugMacroCheck/tests/
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+# @file
+# Contains unit tests for the DebugMacroCheck build plugin.
+# An example of running these tests from the root of the workspace:
+# python -m unittest discover -s ./BaseTools/Plugin/DebugMacroCheck/tests -v
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import inspect
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import unittest
+# Import the build plugin
+test_file = pathlib.Path(__file__)
+# flake8 (E402): Ignore flake8 module level import not at top of file
+import DebugMacroCheck # noqa: E402
+from os import linesep # noqa: E402
+from tests import DebugMacroDataSet # noqa: E402
+from tests import MacroTest # noqa: E402
+from typing import Callable, Tuple # noqa: E402
+# This metaclass is provided to dynamically produce test case container
+# classes. The main purpose of this approach is to:
+# 1. Allow categories of test cases to be defined (test container classes)
+# 2. Allow test cases to automatically (dynamically) be assigned to their
+# corresponding test container class when new test data is defined.
+# The idea being that infrastructure and test data are separated. Adding
+# / removing / modifying test data does not require an infrastructure
+# change (unless new categories are defined).
+# 3. To work with the unittest discovery algorithm and VS Code Test Explorer.
+# Notes:
+# - (1) can roughly be achieved with unittest test suites. In another
+# implementation approach, this solution was tested with relatively minor
+# modifications to use test suites. However, this became a bit overly
+# complicated with the dynamic test case method generation and did not
+# work as well with VS Code Test Explorer.
+# - For (2) and (3), particularly for VS Code Test Explorer to work, the
+# dynamic population of the container class namespace needed to happen prior
+# to class object creation. That is why the metaclass assigns test methods
+# to the new classes based upon the test category specified in the
+# corresponding data class.
+# - This could have been simplified a bit by either using one test case
+# container class and/or testing data in a single, monolithic test function
+# that iterates over the data set. However, the dynamic hierarchy greatly
+# helps organize test results and reporting. The infrastructure though
+# inheriting some complexity to support it, should not need to change (much)
+# as the data set expands.
+# - Test case categories (container classes) are derived from the overall
+# type of macro conditions under test.
+# - This implementation assumes unittest will discover test cases
+# (classes derived from unittest.TestCase) with the name pattern "Test_*"
+# and test functions with the name pattern "test_x". Individual tests are
+# dynamically numbered monotonically within a category.
+# - The final test case description is also able to return fairly clean
+# context information.
+class Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck(type):
+ """
+ Metaclass for debug macro test case class factory.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases, **kwargs):
+ """Returns the test case namespace for this class."""
+ candidate_macros, cls_ns, cnt = [], {}, 0
+ if "category" in kwargs.keys():
+ candidate_macros = [m for m in DebugMacroDataSet.DEBUG_MACROS if
+ m.category == kwargs["category"]]
+ else:
+ candidate_macros = DebugMacroDataSet.DEBUG_MACROS
+ for cnt, macro_test in enumerate(candidate_macros):
+ f_name = f'test_{macro_test.category}_{cnt}'
+ t_desc = f'{macro_test!s}'
+ cls_ns[f_name] = mcls.build_macro_test(macro_test, t_desc)
+ return cls_ns
+ def __new__(mcls, name, bases, ns, **kwargs):
+ """Defined to prevent variable args from bubbling to the base class."""
+ return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, ns)
+ def __init__(mcls, name, bases, ns, **kwargs):
+ """Defined to prevent variable args from bubbling to the base class."""
+ return super().__init__(name, bases, ns)
+ @classmethod
+ def build_macro_test(cls, macro_test: MacroTest.MacroTest,
+ test_desc: str) -> Callable[[None], None]:
+ """Returns a test function for this macro test data."
+ Args:
+ macro_test (MacroTest.MacroTest): The macro test class.
+ test_desc (str): A test description string.
+ Returns:
+ Callable[[None], None]: A test case function.
+ """
+ def test_func(self):
+ act_result = cls.check_regex(macro_test.macro)
+ self.assertCountEqual(
+ act_result,
+ macro_test.result,
+ test_desc + f'{linesep}'.join(
+ ["", f"Actual Result: {act_result}", "=" * 80, ""]))
+ return test_func
+ @classmethod
+ def check_regex(cls, source_str: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
+ """Returns the plugin result for the given macro string.
+ Args:
+ source_str (str): A string containing debug macros.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[int, int, int]: A tuple of the number of formatting errors,
+ number of print specifiers, and number of arguments for the macros
+ given.
+ """
+ return DebugMacroCheck.check_debug_macros(
+ DebugMacroCheck.get_debug_macros(source_str),
+ cls._get_function_name())
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_function_name(cls) -> str:
+ """Returns the function name from one level of call depth.
+ Returns:
+ str: The caller function name.
+ """
+ return "function: " + inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
+# Test container classes for dynamically generated macro test cases.
+# A class can be removed below to skip / remove it from testing.
+# Test case functions will be added to the appropriate class as they are
+# created.
+class Test_NoSpecifierNoArgument(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="no_specifier_no_argument_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_EqualSpecifierEqualArgument(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="equal_specifier_equal_argument_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_MoreSpecifiersThanArguments(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="more_specifiers_than_arguments_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_LessSpecifiersThanArguments(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="less_specifiers_than_arguments_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_IgnoredSpecifiers(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="ignored_specifiers_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_SpecialParsingMacroTest(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="special_parsing_macro_test"):
+ pass
+class Test_CodeSnippetMacroTest(
+ unittest.TestCase,
+ metaclass=Meta_TestDebugMacroCheck,
+ category="code_snippet_macro_test"):
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()