path: root/mesonbuild
diff options
authorXavier Claessens <xavier.claessens@collabora.com>2023-05-03 09:39:26 -0400
committerXavier Claessens <xavier.claessens@collabora.com>2023-08-06 09:39:55 -0400
commit48c17b7ae651b5819938392502d341377cb4435a (patch)
tree1260bbe66f01fede78143500b65fbc1527ff6ce2 /mesonbuild
parent78337653fce90d6745d2ce46eaba9d25ab9e18d2 (diff)
UserArrayOption: Remove user_input argument
The only place it can be set to False is from optinterpreter. Better check value there and deprecate string usage.
Diffstat (limited to 'mesonbuild')
4 files changed, 14 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/mesonbuild/compilers/compilers.py b/mesonbuild/compilers/compilers.py
index 7a8ae72..c7af1ca 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/compilers/compilers.py
+++ b/mesonbuild/compilers/compilers.py
@@ -1380,11 +1380,11 @@ def get_global_options(lang: str,
cargs = coredata.UserArrayOption(
description + ' compiler',
- comp_options, split_args=True, user_input=True, allow_dups=True)
+ comp_options, split_args=True, allow_dups=True)
largs = coredata.UserArrayOption(
description + ' linker',
- link_options, split_args=True, user_input=True, allow_dups=True)
+ link_options, split_args=True, allow_dups=True)
if comp.INVOKES_LINKER and comp_key == envkey:
# If the compiler acts as a linker driver, and we're using the
diff --git a/mesonbuild/coredata.py b/mesonbuild/coredata.py
index 54d9b1d..975719e 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/coredata.py
+++ b/mesonbuild/coredata.py
@@ -247,23 +247,16 @@ class UserComboOption(UserOption[str]):
class UserArrayOption(UserOption[T.List[str]]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]],
- split_args: bool = False, user_input: bool = False,
+ split_args: bool = False,
allow_dups: bool = False, yielding: bool = DEFAULT_YIELDING,
choices: T.Optional[T.List[str]] = None,
deprecated: T.Union[bool, str, T.Dict[str, str], T.List[str]] = False):
super().__init__(description, choices if choices is not None else [], yielding, deprecated)
self.split_args = split_args
self.allow_dups = allow_dups
- self.value = self.validate_value(value, user_input=user_input)
- def listify(self, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]], user_input: bool = True) -> T.List[str]:
- # User input is for options defined on the command line (via -D
- # options). Users can put their input in as a comma separated
- # string, but for defining options in meson_options.txt the format
- # should match that of a combo
- if not user_input and isinstance(value, str) and not value.startswith('['):
- raise MesonException('Value does not define an array: ' + value)
+ self.set_value(value)
+ def listify(self, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]]) -> T.List[str]:
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.startswith('['):
@@ -283,8 +276,8 @@ class UserArrayOption(UserOption[T.List[str]]):
raise MesonException(f'"{value}" should be a string array, but it is not')
return newvalue
- def validate_value(self, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]], user_input: bool = True) -> T.List[str]:
- newvalue = self.listify(value, user_input)
+ def validate_value(self, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]]) -> T.List[str]:
+ newvalue = self.listify(value)
if not self.allow_dups and len(set(newvalue)) != len(newvalue):
msg = 'Duplicated values in array option is deprecated. ' \
diff --git a/mesonbuild/mcompile.py b/mesonbuild/mcompile.py
index 4e46702..950b27c 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/mcompile.py
+++ b/mesonbuild/mcompile.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if T.TYPE_CHECKING:
import argparse
def array_arg(value: str) -> T.List[str]:
- return UserArrayOption(None, value, allow_dups=True, user_input=True).value
+ return UserArrayOption(None, value, allow_dups=True).value
def validate_builddir(builddir: Path) -> None:
if not (builddir / 'meson-private' / 'coredata.dat').is_file():
diff --git a/mesonbuild/optinterpreter.py b/mesonbuild/optinterpreter.py
index 8377614..2756997 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/optinterpreter.py
+++ b/mesonbuild/optinterpreter.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from . import coredata
from . import mesonlib
from . import mparser
from . import mlog
-from .interpreterbase import FeatureNew, typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs, ContainerTypeInfo, KwargInfo
+from .interpreterbase import FeatureNew, FeatureDeprecated, typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs, ContainerTypeInfo, KwargInfo
from .interpreter.type_checking import NoneType, in_set_validator
@@ -266,6 +266,11 @@ class OptionInterpreter:
def string_array_parser(self, description: str, args: T.Tuple[bool, _DEPRECATED_ARGS], kwargs: StringArrayArgs) -> coredata.UserOption:
choices = kwargs['choices']
value = kwargs['value'] if kwargs['value'] is not None else choices
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ if value.startswith('['):
+ FeatureDeprecated('String value for array option', '1.2.0').use(self.subproject)
+ else:
+ raise mesonlib.MesonException('Value does not define an array: ' + value)
return coredata.UserArrayOption(description, value,