path: root/docs/yaml/objects
diff options
authorDaniel Mensinger <daniel@mensinger-ka.de>2021-08-21 16:27:56 +0200
committerDaniel Mensinger <daniel@mensinger-ka.de>2021-10-03 11:46:34 +0200
commit2b482e39a90fa1929e0fa4006861f4264f28adb2 (patch)
tree0af5ef229d25bef1b974445406fc3c9d28c0756f /docs/yaml/objects
parentad65a699f93a7659739287882ca27c58c564670b (diff)
docs: Add the YAML Reference manual
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/yaml/objects')
26 files changed, 1300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/alias_tgt.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/alias_tgt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd36502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/alias_tgt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: alias_tgt
+long_name: Alias target
+description: Opaque object returned by [[alias_target]].
+extends: tgt
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/both_libs.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/both_libs.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e5baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/both_libs.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: both_libs
+long_name: Both libraries object
+extends: lib
+description: Container for both a static and shared library.
+since: 0.46.0
+ - name: get_shared_lib
+ returns: lib
+ description: Returns the stored shared library
+ - name: get_static_lib
+ returns: lib
+ description: Returns the stored static library
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/build_tgt.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/build_tgt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c8a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/build_tgt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: build_tgt
+long_name: Build target
+extends: tgt
+description: |
+ A build target is either an executable, shared library, static library,
+ both shared and static library or shared module.
+ TODO: Missing methods, links
+- name: full_path
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Returns a full path pointing to the result target file.
+ **NOTE:** In most cases using the object itself will do the same job
+ as this and will also allow Meson to setup inter-target dependencies
+ correctly. Please file a bug if that doesn't work for you.
+- name: path
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.59.0
+ deprecated: 0.59.0
+ description: |
+ Does the exact same as [[build_tgt.full_path]]. **NOTE**: This
+ function is solely kept for compatebility with [[@external_program]] objects.
+ It will be removed once the, also deprecated, corresponding `path()`
+ function in the [[@external_program]] object is removed.
+- name: name
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.54.0
+ description: Returns the name of the target.
+- name: found
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.59.0
+ description: |
+ Always returns `true`. This function is meant to make executables
+ objects feature compatible with [[@external_program]] objects. This
+ simplifies use-cases where an executable is used instead of
+ an [[@external_program]].
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/cfg_data.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/cfg_data.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a66b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/cfg_data.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+name: cfg_data
+long_name: Configuration data object
+description: |
+ This object encapsulates
+ configuration values to be used for generating configuration files. A
+ more in-depth description can be found in the [the configuration wiki
+ page](Configuration.md).
+- name: set
+ returns: void
+ description: Sets a variable to a given value
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to set
+ value:
+ type: str | int | bool
+ description: The value to set
+ kwargs:
+ description:
+ type: str
+ description: |
+ Message / Comment that will be written in the
+ result file. The replacement assumes a file with C syntax. If your
+ generated file is source code in some other language, you probably
+ don't want to add a description field because it most likely will
+ cause a syntax error.
+- name: set10
+ returns: void
+ description: |
+ Is the same as [[cfg_data.set]] but the value
+ is either `true` or `false` and will be written as 1 or 0,
+ respectively
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to set
+ value:
+ type: bool
+ description: The value to set as either `1` or `0`
+ kwargs_inherit: cfg_data.set
+- name: set_quoted
+ returns: void
+ description: Is same as [[cfg_data.set]] but quotes the value in double quotes (`"`)
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to set
+ value:
+ type: str | int | bool
+ description: The value to set
+ kwargs_inherit: cfg_data.set
+- name: get
+ returns: str | int | bool
+ since: 0.38.0
+ description: |
+ Returns the value of `varname`, if the
+ value has not been set returns `default_value` if it is defined
+ *(since 0.38.0)* and errors out if not
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to query
+ optargs:
+ default_value:
+ type: str | int | bool
+ description: The default value to return when `varname` does not exist
+- name: get_unquoted
+ returns: str | int | bool
+ since: 0.44.0
+ description: |
+ Returns the value
+ of `varname` but without surrounding double quotes (`"`). If the value has
+ not been set returns `default_value` if it is defined and errors out if not.
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to query
+ optargs:
+ default_value:
+ type: str | int | bool
+ description: The default value to return when `varname` does not exist
+- name: has
+ returns: bool
+ description: returns `true` if the specified variable is set
+ posargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to query
+- name: keys
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.57.0
+ description: |
+ Returns an array of keys of
+ the configuration data object.
+ You can iterate over this array with the [`foreach`
+ statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements).
+- name: merge_from
+ returns: void
+ since: 0.42.0
+ description: |
+ Takes as argument a different
+ configuration data object and copies all entries from that object to
+ the current.
+ posargs:
+ other:
+ type: cfg_data
+ description: The other [[@cfg_data]] object to merge into this one.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/compiler.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/compiler.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f0715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/compiler.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+name: compiler
+long_name: Compiler object
+description: |
+ This object is returned by [[meson.get_compiler]].
+ It represents a compiler for a given language and allows you to query its properties.
+- |
+ These compiler checks do not use compiler arguments added
+ with `add_*_arguments()`, via `-Dlang_args` on the command-line, or
+ through `CFLAGS`/`LDFLAGS`, etc in the environment. Hence, you can
+ trust that the tests will be fully self-contained, and won't fail
+ because of custom flags added by other parts of the build file or by
+ users.
+- |
+ Note that if you have a single prefix with all your dependencies, you
+ might find it easier to append to the environment variables
+ `C_INCLUDE_PATH` with GCC/Clang and `INCLUDE` with MSVC to expand the
+ default include path, and `LIBRARY_PATH` with GCC/Clang and `LIB` with
+ MSVC to expand the default library search path.
+ However, with GCC, these variables will be ignored when
+ cross-compiling. In that case you need to use a specs file. See:
+ http://www.mingw.org/wiki/SpecsFileHOWTO
+# Helper methods to pre-define common posargs
+- name: _code
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ posargs:
+ code:
+ type: str | file
+ description: |
+ The source code to check.
+ If a string is passed, the code is used directly. If a [[@file]] object
+ is passed, it's content is used for the compiler check.
+# Helper methods to pre-define common kwargs
+- name: _args
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ args:
+ type: list[str]
+ description: |
+ Used to pass a list of compiler arguments.
+ Defining include paths for headers not in the default include path
+ via `-Isome/path/to/header` is generally supported, however, usually not
+ recommended.
+ This is because include directories can also be specified via the
+ `include_directories` or the `dependency` kwarg (if present).
+ The same is also true for passing libraries to link with `-lfoo`.
+- name: _include_directories
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ include_directories:
+ type: inc | list[inc]
+ since: 0.38.0
+ description: Extra directories for header searches.
+- name: _dependencies
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ dependencies:
+ type: dep | list[dep]
+ description: Additionally dependencies required for compiling and / or linking.
+- name: _prefix
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ prefix:
+ type: str
+ description: |
+ Used to add `#include`s and other things that are required
+ for the symbol to be declared. System definitions should be
+ passed via compiler args (eg: `_GNU_SOURCE` is often required for
+ some symbols to be exposed on Linux, and it should be passed via
+ `args` keyword argument).
+- name: _no_builtin_args
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ no_builtin_args:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: When set to `true`, the compiler arguments controlled by built-in configuration options are not added.
+- name: _name
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs:
+ name:
+ type: str
+ description: |
+ The name to use for printing a message about the compiler check.
+ If this keyword argument is not passed, no message will be printed about the check.
+# Even more convinient
+- name: _common
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs_inherit:
+ - compiler._args
+ - compiler._include_directories
+ - compiler._dependencies
+ - compiler._no_builtin_args
+ - compiler._prefix
+- name: _compiles
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs_inherit:
+ - compiler._args
+ - compiler._include_directories
+ - compiler._dependencies
+ - compiler._no_builtin_args
+ - compiler._name
+- name: _header
+ returns: void
+ description: You have found a bug if you can see this!
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ kwargs:
+ required:
+ type: bool | feature
+ default: false
+ since: 0.50.0
+ description: If set to `true`, Meson will halt if the header check fails.
+# Star of the actual functions
+- name: version
+ returns: str
+ description: Returns the compiler's version number as a string.
+- name: cmd_array
+ returns: list[str]
+ description: Returns an array containing the command(s) for the compiler.
+- name: alignment
+ returns: int
+ description: Returns the alignment of the specified type.
+ posargs:
+ typename:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the type to check.
+ kwargs_inherit:
+ - compiler._args
+ - compiler._prefix
+ - compiler._dependencies
+ # TODO: why not also allow passing `include_directories`?
+- name: run
+ returns: runresult
+ description: Attempts to compile and execute the given code fragment.
+ posargs_inherit: compiler._code
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._compiles
+- name: get_id
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Returns a string identifying the compiler.
+ For example, `gcc`, `msvc`, [and more](Reference-tables.md#compiler-ids).
+- name: get_linker_id
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.53.0
+ description: |
+ Returns a string identifying the linker.
+ For example, `ld.bfd`, `link`, [and more](Reference-tables.md#linker-ids).
+- name: symbols_have_underscore_prefix
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.37.0
+ description: Returns `true` if the C symbol mangling is one underscore (`_`) prefixed to the symbol.
+- name: has_member
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns true if the type has the specified member.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ typename:
+ type: str
+ description: The type to check.
+ membername:
+ type: str
+ description: The member to check.
+- name: has_members
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns `true` if the type has *all* the specified members.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ typename:
+ type: str
+ description: The type to check.
+ varargs:
+ name: member
+ type: str
+ min_varargs: 1
+ description: The members to check
+- name: has_function
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ Returns true if the given function is provided
+ by the standard library or a library passed in with the `args` keyword.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ funcname:
+ type: str
+ description: The function to check.
+- name: has_type
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns `true` if the specified token is a type.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ typename:
+ type: str
+ description: The type to check.
+- name: compute_int
+ returns: int
+ since: 0.40.0
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ description: |
+ Computes the value of the given expression
+ (as an example `1 + 2`). When cross compiling this is evaluated with
+ an iterative algorithm, you can specify keyword arguments `low`
+ (defaults to -1024), `high` (defaults to 1024) and `guess` to
+ specify max and min values for the search and the value to try
+ first.
+ posargs:
+ expr:
+ type: str
+ description: The expression to compute.
+ kwargs:
+ low:
+ type: int
+ default: -1024
+ description: The min value.
+ high:
+ type: int
+ default: 1024
+ description: The max value.
+ guess:
+ type: int
+ description: The value to try first.
+- name: sizeof
+ returns: int
+ description: returns the size of the given type (e.g. `'int'`) or -1 if the type is unknown.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ typename:
+ type: str
+ description: The type to compute.
+- name: get_define
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.40.0
+ description: |
+ Returns the given preprocessor symbol's value
+ as a string or empty string if it is not defined.
+ *(since 0.47.0)* This method will concatenate string literals as
+ the compiler would. E.g. `"a" "b"` will become `"ab"`.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ posargs:
+ definename:
+ type: str
+ description: The define to check.
+- name: compiles
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns true if the code compiles.
+ posargs_inherit: compiler._code
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._compiles
+- name: links
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns true if the code compiles and links.
+ posargs_inherit: compiler._code
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._compiles
+- name: check_header
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.47.0
+ description: |
+ Returns true if the specified header is *usable*
+ with the specified prefix, dependencies, and arguments.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._header
+ posargs:
+ header_name:
+ type: str
+ description: The header to check.
+- name: has_header
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ Returns true if the specified header is *exists*
+ with the specified prefix, dependencies, and arguments.
+ This method is faster than [[compiler.check_header]] since it only does a
+ pre-processor check.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._header
+ posargs_inherit: compiler.check_header
+- name: has_header_symbol
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ Detects whether a particular symbol is declared in the specified header.
+ Symbols here include function, variable, `#define`, type definition, etc.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._header
+ posargs:
+ heade:
+ type: str
+ description: The header to check.
+ symbol:
+ type: str
+ description: The symbol to check.
+- name: find_library
+ returns: dep
+ description: Tries to find the library specified in the positional argument.
+ kwargs_inherit: compiler._common
+ kwargs:
+ required:
+ type: bool | feature
+ default: true
+ description: |
+ If set `true`, Meson will abort with an error if the library could not
+ be found. Otherwise, Meson will continue and the found method of the
+ returned object will return `false`.
+ *(since 0.47.0)* The value of a [`feature`](Build-options.md#features)
+ option can also be passed here.
+ has_headers:
+ type: list[str]
+ since: 0.50.0
+ description: |
+ List of headers that must be found as well.
+ This is check is equivalent to checking each herader with an
+ [[compiler.has_header]] call.
+ static:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ since: 0.51.0
+ description: |
+ If `true`, the search is limited to static libraries only.
+ Setting this value to `false` (the default) will search for both shared
+ *and* static libraries.
+ disabler:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ since: 0.49.0
+ description: If `true`, this method will return a [[@disabler]] on a failed check.
+ dirs:
+ type: list[str]
+ description: |
+ Additional directories to search in.
+ By default the library is searched for in the system library directory
+ (e.g. /usr/lib). Specifying more directories here, causes Meson to search
+ in those directories as well as the system directories.
+# Compiler arguments
+- name: has_argument
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ Returns `true` if the compiler accepts the specified command line argument,
+ that is, can compile code without erroring out or printing a warning about
+ an unknown flag.
+ posargs:
+ argument:
+ type: str
+ description: The argument to check.
+- name: has_multi_arguments
+ since: 0.37.0
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ the same as [[compiler.has_argument]] but takes multiple arguments
+ and uses them all in a single compiler invocation.
+ varargs:
+ name: arg
+ type: str
+ description: The arguments to check.
+- name: get_supported_arguments
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.43.0
+ varargs_inherit: compiler.has_multi_arguments
+ description: |
+ Returns an array containing only the arguments supported by the compiler,
+ as if [[compiler.has_argument]] were called on them individually.
+ kwargs:
+ checked:
+ type: str
+ since: 0.59.0
+ default: "'off'"
+ description: |
+ Supported values:
+ - `'off'`: Quietely ignore unsupported arguments
+ - `'warn'`: Print a warning for unsupported arguments
+ - `'require'`: Abort if at least one argument is not supported
+- name: first_supported_argument
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.43.0
+ varargs_inherit: compiler.has_multi_arguments
+ description: |
+ Given a list of strings, returns the first argument that passes the
+ [[compiler.has_argument]] test or an empty array if none pass.
+# Linker arguments
+- name: has_link_argument
+ since: 0.46.0
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ Returns `true` if the linker accepts the specified command line argument,
+ that is, can
+ compile and link code without erroring out or printing a warning
+ about an unknown flag. Link arguments will be passed to the
+ compiler, so should usually have the `-Wl,` prefix. On VisualStudio
+ a `/link` argument will be prepended.
+ posargs:
+ argument:
+ type: str
+ description: The argument to check.
+- name: has_multi_link_arguments
+ since: 0.46.0
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ the same as [[compiler.has_link_argument]] but takes multiple arguments
+ and uses them all in a single compiler invocation.
+ varargs:
+ name: arg
+ type: str
+ description: The link arguments to check.
+- name: get_supported_link_arguments
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.46.0
+ varargs_inherit: compiler.has_multi_link_arguments
+ description: |
+ Returns an array containing only the arguments supported by the compiler,
+ as if [[compiler.has_link_argument]] were called on them individually.
+ # TODO: why is this not present here?
+ # kwargs:
+ # checked:
+ # type: str
+ # sinec: 0.59.0
+ # default: "'off'"
+ # description: |
+ # Supported values:
+ # - `'off'`: Quietely ignore unsupported arguments
+ # - `'warn'`: Print a warning for unsupported arguments
+ # - `'require'`: Abort if at least one argument is not supported
+- name: first_supported_link_argument
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.46.0
+ varargs_inherit: compiler.has_multi_link_arguments
+ description: |
+ Given a list of strings, returns the first argument that passes the
+ [[compiler.has_link_argument]] test or an empty array if none pass.
+- name: has_function_attribute
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.48.0
+ description: |
+ Returns `true` if the compiler supports the GNU style (`__attribute__(...)`) `name`.
+ This is preferable to manual compile checks as it may be optimized for compilers that
+ do not support such attributes.
+ [This table](Reference-tables.md#gcc-__attribute__) lists all of the supported attributes.
+ posargs:
+ name:
+ type: str
+ description: The attribute nane to check.
+- name: get_supported_function_attributes
+ returns: list[str]
+ since: 0.48.0
+ description: |
+ Returns an array containing any names that are supported GCC style attributes.
+ Equivalent to [[compiler.has_function_attribute]] was called on each of
+ them individually.
+ # TODO: Again why doesn't this function have the checked kwarg?
+- name: get_argument_syntax
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.49.0
+ description: |
+ returns a string identifying the type of arguments the compiler takes.
+ Can be one of `gcc`, `msvc`, or an undefined
+ string value. This method is useful for identifying compilers that are not
+ gcc or msvc, but use the same argument syntax as one of those two compilers
+ such as clang or icc, especially when they use different syntax on different
+ operating systems.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/custom_idx.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/custom_idx.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68440ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/custom_idx.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+name: custom_idx
+long_name: Custom target index
+description: References a specific output file of a [[@custom_tgt]] object.
+ - name: full_path
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.54.0
+ description: |
+ Returns a full path pointing to the result target file
+ NOTE: In most cases using the object itself will do the same job as
+ this and will also allow Meson to setup inter-target dependencies
+ correctly. Please file a bug if that doesn't work for you.
+ See [[custom_tgt.full_path]]
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/custom_tgt.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/custom_tgt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5102ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/custom_tgt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+name: custom_tgt
+long_name: Custom target
+extends: tgt
+description: |
+ This object is returned by [[custom_target]] and contains a target with the following methods:
+ - name: full_path
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Returns a full path pointing to the result target file
+ NOTE: In most cases using the object itself will do the same job as
+ this and will also allow Meson to setup inter-target dependencies
+ correctly. Please file a bug if that doesn't work for you.
+ *(since 0.54.0)* It can be also called on indexes objects:
+ `custom_targets[i].full_path()`.
+ - name: "[index]"
+ returns: custom_idx
+ description: |
+ Returns an opaque object that references this target, and
+ can be used as a source in other targets. When it is used as such it
+ will make that target depend on this custom target, but the only
+ source added will be the one that corresponds to the index of the
+ custom target's output argument.
+ - name: to_list
+ returns: list[custom_idx]
+ since: 0.54.0
+ description: |
+ Returns a list of opaque objects that references this target,
+ and can be used as a source in other targets. This can be used to
+ iterate outputs with `foreach` loop.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/dep.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/dep.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23092c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/dep.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+name: dep
+long_name: Dependency object
+description: Abstract representation of a dependency
+ - name: found
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns whether the dependency was found.
+ - name: name
+ since: 0.48.0
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Returns the name of the dependency that was searched.
+ Returns `'internal'` for dependencies created with
+ [[declare_dependency]].
+ - name: get_pkgconfig_variable
+ since: 0.36.0
+ deprecated: 0.56.0
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Gets the pkg-config variable specified,
+ or, if invoked on a non pkg-config
+ dependency, error out.
+ posargs:
+ var_name:
+ type: str
+ description: Name of the variable to query
+ kwargs:
+ define_variable:
+ type: list[str]
+ since: 0.44.0
+ description: |
+ You can also redefine a
+ variable by passing a list to this kwarg
+ that can affect the retrieved variable: `['prefix', '/'])`.
+ default:
+ type: str
+ since: 0.45.0
+ description: |
+ The value to return if the variable was not found.
+ A warning is issued if the variable is not defined and this kwarg is not set.
+ - name: get_configtool_variable
+ since: 0.44.0
+ deprecated: 0.56.0
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Gets the command line argument from the config tool (with `--` prepended), or,
+ if invoked on a non config-tool dependency, error out.
+ posargs:
+ var_name:
+ type: str
+ description: Name of the variable to query
+ - name: type_name
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ Returns a string describing the type of the
+ dependency, the most common values are `internal` for deps created
+ with [[declare_dependency]] and `pkgconfig` for system dependencies
+ obtained with Pkg-config.
+ - name: version
+ returns: str
+ description: |
+ the version number as a string,
+ for example `1.2.8`.
+ `unknown` if the dependency provider doesn't support determining the
+ version.
+ - name: include_type
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.52.0
+ description: Returns the value set by the `include_type` kwarg.
+ - name: as_system
+ returns: dep
+ since: 0.52.0
+ description: |
+ Returns a copy of the dependency object, which has changed the value of `include_type`
+ to `value`. The `value` argument is optional and
+ defaults to `'preserve'`.
+ optargs:
+ value:
+ type: str
+ description: The new value. See [[dependency]] for supported values.
+ - name: as_link_whole
+ returns: dep
+ since: 0.56.0
+ description: |
+ Only dependencies created with [[declare_dependency]],
+ returns a copy of the dependency object with all
+ link_with arguments changed to link_whole. This is useful for example for
+ fallback dependency from a subproject built with `default_library=static`.
+ Note that all `link_with` objects must be static libraries otherwise an error
+ will be raised when trying to `link_whole` a shared library.
+ - name: partial_dependency
+ returns: dep
+ since: 0.46.0
+ description: |
+ Returns a new dependency object with the same name, version, found status,
+ type name, and methods as the object that called it. This new
+ object will only inherit other attributes from its parent as
+ controlled by keyword arguments.
+ If the parent has any dependencies, those will be applied to the new
+ partial dependency with the same rules. So, given:
+ ```meson
+ dep1 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=foo', link_with : 'libfoo')
+ dep2 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=bar', dependencies : dep1)
+ dep3 = dep2.partial_dependency(compile_args : true)
+ ```
+ dep3 will add `['-Werror=foo', '-Werror=bar']` to the compiler args
+ of any target it is added to, but libfoo will not be added to the
+ link_args.
+ The following arguments will add the following attributes:
+ - compile_args: any arguments passed to the compiler
+ - link_args: any arguments passed to the linker
+ - links: anything passed via link_with or link_whole
+ - includes: any include_directories
+ - sources: any compiled or static sources the dependency has
+ warnings:
+ - A bug present until 0.50.1 results in the above behavior
+ not working correctly.
+ kwargs:
+ compile_args:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: Whether to include compile_args
+ link_args:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: Whether to include link_args
+ links:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: Whether to include links
+ includes:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: Whether to include includes
+ sources:
+ type: bool
+ default: false
+ description: Whether to include sources
+ - name: get_variable
+ returns: str
+ since: 0.51.0
+ description: |
+ A generic variable getter method, which replaces the
+ `get_*type*_variable` methods. This allows one to get the variable
+ from a dependency without knowing specifically how that dependency
+ was found. If `default_value` is set and the value cannot be gotten
+ from the object then `default_value` is returned, if it is not set
+ then an error is raised.
+ optargs:
+ varname:
+ type: str
+ since: 0.58.0
+ description: |
+ This argument is used as a default value
+ for `cmake`, `pkgconfig`, `configtool` and `internal` keyword
+ arguments. It is useful in the common case where `pkgconfig` and `internal`
+ use the same variable name, in which case it's easier to write `dep.get_variable('foo')`
+ instead of `dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'foo', internal: 'foo')`.
+ kwargs:
+ cmake:
+ type: str
+ description: The CMake variable name
+ pkgconfig:
+ type: str
+ description: The pkgconfig variable name
+ configtool:
+ type: str
+ description: The configtool variable name
+ internal:
+ type: str
+ since: 0.54.0
+ description: The internal variable name
+ default_value:
+ type: str
+ description: The davault value to return when the variable does not exist
+ pkgconfig_define:
+ type: list[str]
+ description: See [[dep.get_pkgconfig_variable]]
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/disabler.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/disabler.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd785bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/disabler.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: disabler
+long_name: Disabler
+description: |
+ A disabler object is an object that behaves in much the same way as
+ NaN numbers do in floating point math. That is when used in any
+ statement (function call, logical op, etc) they will cause the
+ statement evaluation to immediately short circuit to return a disabler
+ object. A disabler object has one method:
+- name: found
+ returns: bool
+ description: Always returns `false`
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/env.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/env.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea11d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/env.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+name: env
+long_name: Environment
+description: |
+ This object is returned by [[environment]] and stores
+ detailed information about how environment variables should be set
+ during tests. It should be passed as the `env` keyword argument to
+ tests and other functions.
+ *Since 0.58.0* [[env.append]] and [[env.prepend]] can be called multiple times
+ on the same `varname`. Earlier Meson versions would warn and only the last
+ operation took effect.
+example: |
+ ```meson
+ env = environment()
+ # MY_PATH will be '0:1:2:3'
+ env.set('MY_PATH', '1')
+ env.append('MY_PATH', '2')
+ env.append('MY_PATH', '3')
+ env.prepend('MY_PATH', '0')
+ ```
+- name: append
+ returns: void
+ description: |
+ appends the given values to
+ the old value of the environment variable, e.g. `env.append('FOO',
+ 'BAR', 'BAZ', separator : ';')` produces `BOB;BAR;BAZ` if `FOO` had
+ the value `BOB` and plain `BAR;BAZ` if the value was not defined.
+ posargs:
+ variable:
+ type: str
+ description: The variable to modify
+ varargs:
+ type: str
+ name: Value
+ description: The values to append
+ kwargs:
+ separator:
+ type: str
+ description: |
+ The seperator to use. If not explicitly specified, the default path
+ separator for the host operating system will be used, i.e. ';' for
+ Windows and ':' for UNIX/POSIX systems.
+- name: prepend
+ returns: void
+ description: Same as `append` except that it writes to the beginning of the variable.
+ posargs:
+ variable:
+ type: str
+ description: The variable to modify
+ varargs:
+ type: str
+ name: Value
+ description: The values to prepend
+ kwargs_inherit: env.append
+- name: set
+ returns: void
+ description: |
+ Sets the environment variable
+ specified in the first argument to the values in the varargs
+ joined by the separator. For instance, `env.set('FOO', 'BAR'),` sets envvar
+ `FOO` to value `BAR`.
+ posargs:
+ variable:
+ type: str
+ description: The variable to modify
+ varargs:
+ type: str
+ name: Value
+ description: The values to set
+ kwargs_inherit: env.append
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/exe.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/exe.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7be05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/exe.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: exe
+long_name: Executable target
+description: An executable
+extends: build_tgt
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/external_program.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/external_program.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e476f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/external_program.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: external_program
+long_name: External program
+description: TODO
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/extracted_obj.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/extracted_obj.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c418faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/extracted_obj.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: extracted_obj
+long_name: Extracted object file
+description: Opaque object representing extracted object files from build targets
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/feature.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/feature.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b451e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/feature.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+name: feature
+long_name: Feature option object
+since: 0.47.0
+description: Meson object representing a [`feature` options](Build-options.md#features)
+- name: enabled
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns whether the feature was set to `'enabled'`
+- name: disabled
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns whether the feature was set to `'disabled'`
+- name: auto
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns whether the feature was set to `'auto'`
+- name: allowed
+ since: 0.59.0
+ returns: bool
+ description: Returns whether the feature was set to `'enabled'` or `'auto'`
+- name: disable_auto_if
+ since: 0.59.0
+ returns: feature
+ description: |
+ Returns the feature, with `'auto'` converted to `'disabled'` if value is true.
+ | Feature / Condition | `value = true` | `value = false` |
+ | ------------------- | -------------- | --------------- |
+ | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
+ | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
+ | Auto | Disabled | Auto |
+ posargs:
+ value:
+ type: bool
+ description: See the table above
+- name: require
+ returns: feature
+ since: 0.59.0
+ description: |
+ Returns the object itself if the value is true; an error if the object is
+ `'enabled'` and the value is false; a disabled feature if the object
+ is `'auto'` or `'disabled'` and the value is false.
+ example: |
+ `require` is useful to restrict the applicability of `'auto'` features,
+ for example based on other features or on properties of the host machine:
+ ```
+ if get_option('directx').require(host_machine.system() == 'windows',
+ error_message: 'DirectX only available on Windows').allowed() then
+ src += ['directx.c']
+ config.set10('HAVE_DIRECTX', 1)
+ endif
+ ```
+ posargs:
+ value:
+ type: bool
+ description: The value to check
+ kwargs:
+ error_message:
+ type: str
+ default: "''"
+ description: The error Message to print if the check fails
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/file.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/file.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aa0b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/file.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: file
+long_name: File
+description: Opaque object that stores the path to an existing file
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/generated_list.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/generated_list.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/generated_list.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: generated_list
+long_name: Generated list object
+description: Opaque object representing the result of a [[generator.process]] call.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/generator.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/generator.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b866a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/generator.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+name: generator
+long_name: Generator object
+description: |
+ This object is returned by [[generator]] and contains a
+ generator that is used to transform files from one type to another by
+ an executable (e.g. `idl` files into source code and headers).
+ - name: process
+ returns: generated_list
+ description: |
+ Takes a list of files, causes them to be processed and returns an object containing the result
+ which can then, for example, be passed into a build target definition.
+ varargs:
+ name: source
+ min_varargs: 1
+ type: str | file | custom_tgt | custom_idx | generated_list
+ description: List of sources to process.
+ kwargs:
+ extra_args:
+ type: list[str]
+ description: |
+ If present, will be used to replace an entry `@EXTRA_ARGS@` in the argument list.
+ preserve_path_from:
+ type: str
+ since: 0.45.0
+ description: |
+ If given, specifies that the output files need to maintain their directory structure
+ inside the target temporary directory. The most common value for this is
+ `meson.current_source_dir()`. With this value when a file called
+ `subdir/one.input` is processed it generates a file `{target private
+ directory}/subdir/one.out` as opposed to `{target private
+ directory}/one.out`.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/inc.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/inc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f5e684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/inc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: inc
+long_name: Include directories
+description: Opaque wrapper for storing include directories
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/jar.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/jar.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e79ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/jar.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: jar
+long_name: JAR build target
+description: A Java JAR build target
+extends: build_tgt
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/lib.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/lib.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da28489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/lib.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: lib
+long_name: Library target
+extends: build_tgt
+description: Represents either a shared or static library
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/module.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/module.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd98faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/module.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name: module
+long_name: Imported module object
+description: |
+ Base type for all modules.
+ Modules provide their own specific implementation methods, but all modules
+ proivide the following methods:
+- name: found
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.59.0
+ description: Returns `true` if the module was successfully imported, otherwise `false`.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/range.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/range.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9e981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/range.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: range
+long_name: Range object
+since: 0.58.0
+description: Opaque object that can be used in a loop and accessed via `[num]`.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/run_tgt.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/run_tgt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7805878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/run_tgt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name: run_tgt
+long_name: Run target
+description: Opaque object returned by [[run_target]].
+extends: tgt
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/runresult.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/runresult.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36079a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/runresult.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: runresult
+long_name: Run result object
+description: |
+ This object encapsulates the result of trying to compile and run a
+ sample piece of code with [[compiler.run]] or
+ [[run_command]].
+- name: compiled
+ returns: bool
+ description: |
+ If `true`, the compilation succeeded, if `false` it did not
+ and the other methods return unspecified data. This is only available
+ for `compiler.run()` results.
+- name: returncode
+ returns: int
+ description: The return code of executing the compiled binary
+- name: stderr
+ returns: str
+ description: The standard error produced when the command was run.
+- name: stdout
+ returns: str
+ description: The standard out produced when the command was run.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/subproject.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/subproject.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84e3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/subproject.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+name: subproject
+long_name: Subproject object
+description: This object is returned by [[subproject]] and is an opaque object representing it.
+- name: found
+ returns: bool
+ since: 0.48.0
+ description: Returns whether the subproject was successfully setup.
+- name: get_variable
+ returns: any
+ description: |
+ fetches the specified variable from inside the subproject.
+ This is useful to, for instance, get a
+ [[declare_dependency]] from the [subproject](Subprojects.md).
+ If the variable does not exist, the variable `fallback` is returned.
+ If a fallback is not specified, then attempting to read a non-existing
+ variable will cause a fatal error.
+ posargs:
+ var_name:
+ type: str
+ description: The name of the variable to query
+ optargs:
+ fallback:
+ type: any
+ description: The fallback value to return if `var_name` does not exist.
diff --git a/docs/yaml/objects/tgt.yaml b/docs/yaml/objects/tgt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d0285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/yaml/objects/tgt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+name: tgt
+long_name: Meson Target
+description: Opaque base object for all Meson targets