path: root/rust/qemu-api/src/callbacks.rs
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diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/callbacks.rs b/rust/qemu-api/src/callbacks.rs
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index 0000000..314f9dc
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+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/callbacks.rs
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+//! Utility functions to deal with callbacks from C to Rust.
+use std::{mem, ptr::NonNull};
+/// Trait for functions (types implementing [`Fn`]) that can be used as
+/// callbacks. These include both zero-capture closures and function pointers.
+/// In Rust, calling a function through the `Fn` trait normally requires a
+/// `self` parameter, even though for zero-sized functions (including function
+/// pointers) the type itself contains all necessary information to call the
+/// function. This trait provides a `call` function that doesn't require `self`,
+/// allowing zero-sized functions to be called using only their type.
+/// This enables zero-sized functions to be passed entirely through generic
+/// parameters and resolved at compile-time. A typical use is a function
+/// receiving an unused parameter of generic type `F` and calling it via
+/// `F::call` or passing it to another function via `func::<F>`.
+/// QEMU uses this trick to create wrappers to C callbacks. The wrappers
+/// are needed to convert an opaque `*mut c_void` into a Rust reference,
+/// but they only have a single opaque that they can use. The `FnCall`
+/// trait makes it possible to use that opaque for `self` or any other
+/// reference:
+/// ```ignore
+/// // The compiler creates a new `rust_bh_cb` wrapper for each function
+/// // passed to `qemu_bh_schedule_oneshot` below.
+/// unsafe extern "C" fn rust_bh_cb<T, F: for<'a> FnCall<(&'a T,)>>(
+/// opaque: *mut c_void,
+/// ) {
+/// // SAFETY: the opaque was passed as a reference to `T`.
+/// F::call((unsafe { &*(opaque.cast::<T>()) }, ))
+/// }
+/// // The `_f` parameter is unused but it helps the compiler build the appropriate `F`.
+/// // Using a reference allows usage in const context.
+/// fn qemu_bh_schedule_oneshot<T, F: for<'a> FnCall<(&'a T,)>>(_f: &F, opaque: &T) {
+/// let cb: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void) = rust_bh_cb::<T, F>;
+/// unsafe {
+/// bindings::qemu_bh_schedule_oneshot(cb, opaque as *const T as *const c_void as *mut c_void)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Each wrapper is a separate instance of `rust_bh_cb` and is therefore
+/// compiled to a separate function ("monomorphization"). If you wanted
+/// to pass `self` as the opaque value, the generic parameters would be
+/// `rust_bh_cb::<Self, F>`.
+/// `Args` is a tuple type whose types are the arguments of the function,
+/// while `R` is the returned type.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use qemu_api::callbacks::FnCall;
+/// fn call_it<F: for<'a> FnCall<(&'a str,), String>>(_f: &F, s: &str) -> String {
+/// F::call((s,))
+/// }
+/// let s: String = call_it(&str::to_owned, "hello world");
+/// assert_eq!(s, "hello world");
+/// ```
+/// Note that the compiler will produce a different version of `call_it` for
+/// each function that is passed to it. Therefore the argument is not really
+/// used, except to decide what is `F` and what `F::call` does.
+/// Attempting to pass a non-zero-sized closure causes a compile-time failure:
+/// ```compile_fail
+/// # use qemu_api::callbacks::FnCall;
+/// # fn call_it<'a, F: FnCall<(&'a str,), String>>(_f: &F, s: &'a str) -> String {
+/// # F::call((s,))
+/// # }
+/// let x: &'static str = "goodbye world";
+/// call_it(&move |_| String::from(x), "hello workd");
+/// ```
+/// # Safety
+/// Because `Self` is a zero-sized type, all instances of the type are
+/// equivalent. However, in addition to this, `Self` must have no invariants
+/// that could be violated by creating a reference to it.
+/// This is always true for zero-capture closures and function pointers, as long
+/// as the code is able to name the function in the first place.
+pub unsafe trait FnCall<Args, R = ()>: 'static + Sync + Sized {
+ /// Referring to this internal constant asserts that the `Self` type is
+ /// zero-sized. Can be replaced by an inline const expression in
+ /// Rust 1.79.0+.
+ const ASSERT_ZERO_SIZED: () = { assert!(mem::size_of::<Self>() == 0) };
+ /// Call the function with the arguments in args.
+ fn call(a: Args) -> R;
+macro_rules! impl_call {
+ ($($args:ident,)* ) => (
+ // SAFETY: because each function is treated as a separate type,
+ // accessing `FnCall` is only possible in code that would be
+ // allowed to call the function.
+ unsafe impl<F, $($args,)* R> FnCall<($($args,)*), R> for F
+ where
+ F: 'static + Sync + Sized + Fn($($args, )*) -> R,
+ {
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn call(a: ($($args,)*)) -> R {
+ let _: () = Self::ASSERT_ZERO_SIZED;
+ // SAFETY: the safety of this method is the condition for implementing
+ // `FnCall`. As to the `NonNull` idiom to create a zero-sized type,
+ // see https://github.com/rust-lang/libs-team/issues/292.
+ let f: &'static F = unsafe { &*NonNull::<Self>::dangling().as_ptr() };
+ let ($($args,)*) = a;
+ f($($args,)*)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+impl_call!(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5,);
+impl_call!(_1, _2, _3, _4,);
+impl_call!(_1, _2, _3,);
+impl_call!(_1, _2,);
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ // The `_f` parameter is unused but it helps the compiler infer `F`.
+ fn do_test_call<'a, F: FnCall<(&'a str,), String>>(_f: &F) -> String {
+ F::call(("hello world",))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_call() {
+ assert_eq!(do_test_call(&str::to_owned), "hello world")
+ }