diff options
3 files changed, 459 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/qapi/Makefile.objs b/qapi/Makefile.objs
index d0b0c16..5f5846e 100644
--- a/qapi/Makefile.objs
+++ b/qapi/Makefile.objs
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
qapi-obj-y = qapi-visit-core.o qapi-dealloc-visitor.o qmp-input-visitor.o
qapi-obj-y += qmp-output-visitor.o qmp-registry.o qmp-dispatch.o
-qapi-obj-y += string-input-visitor.o string-output-visitor.o
+qapi-obj-y += string-input-visitor.o string-output-visitor.o opts-visitor.o
diff --git a/qapi/opts-visitor.c b/qapi/opts-visitor.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a59d306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qapi/opts-visitor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ * Options Visitor
+ *
+ * Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2012
+ *
+ * Author: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
+ * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory.
+ *
+ */
+#include "opts-visitor.h"
+#include "qemu-queue.h"
+#include "qemu-option-internal.h"
+#include "qapi-visit-impl.h"
+struct OptsVisitor
+ Visitor visitor;
+ /* Ownership remains with opts_visitor_new()'s caller. */
+ const QemuOpts *opts_root;
+ unsigned depth;
+ /* Non-null iff depth is positive. Each key is a QemuOpt name. Each value
+ * is a non-empty GQueue, enumerating all QemuOpt occurrences with that
+ * name. */
+ GHashTable *unprocessed_opts;
+ /* The list currently being traversed with opts_start_list() /
+ * opts_next_list(). The list must have a struct element type in the
+ * schema, with a single mandatory scalar member. */
+ GQueue *repeated_opts;
+ bool repeated_opts_first;
+ /* If "opts_root->id" is set, reinstantiate it as a fake QemuOpt for
+ * uniformity. Only its "name" and "str" fields are set. "fake_id_opt" does
+ * not survive or escape the OptsVisitor object.
+ */
+ QemuOpt *fake_id_opt;
+static void
+destroy_list(gpointer list)
+ g_queue_free(list);
+static void
+opts_visitor_insert(GHashTable *unprocessed_opts, const QemuOpt *opt)
+ GQueue *list;
+ list = g_hash_table_lookup(unprocessed_opts, opt->name);
+ if (list == NULL) {
+ list = g_queue_new();
+ /* GHashTable will never try to free the keys -- we supply NULL as
+ * "key_destroy_func" in opts_start_struct(). Thus cast away key
+ * const-ness in order to suppress gcc's warning.
+ */
+ g_hash_table_insert(unprocessed_opts, (gpointer)opt->name, list);
+ }
+ /* Similarly, destroy_list() doesn't call g_queue_free_full(). */
+ g_queue_push_tail(list, (gpointer)opt);
+static void
+opts_start_struct(Visitor *v, void **obj, const char *kind,
+ const char *name, size_t size, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ *obj = g_malloc0(size > 0 ? size : 1);
+ if (ov->depth++ > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ov->unprocessed_opts = g_hash_table_new_full(&g_str_hash, &g_str_equal,
+ NULL, &destroy_list);
+ QTAILQ_FOREACH(opt, &ov->opts_root->head, next) {
+ /* ensured by qemu-option.c::opts_do_parse() */
+ assert(strcmp(opt->name, "id") != 0);
+ opts_visitor_insert(ov->unprocessed_opts, opt);
+ }
+ if (ov->opts_root->id != NULL) {
+ ov->fake_id_opt = g_malloc0(sizeof *ov->fake_id_opt);
+ ov->fake_id_opt->name = "id";
+ ov->fake_id_opt->str = ov->opts_root->id;
+ opts_visitor_insert(ov->unprocessed_opts, ov->fake_id_opt);
+ }
+static gboolean
+ghr_true(gpointer ign_key, gpointer ign_value, gpointer ign_user_data)
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+opts_end_struct(Visitor *v, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ GQueue *any;
+ if (--ov->depth > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* we should have processed all (distinct) QemuOpt instances */
+ any = g_hash_table_find(ov->unprocessed_opts, &ghr_true, NULL);
+ if (any) {
+ const QemuOpt *first;
+ first = g_queue_peek_head(any);
+ error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, first->name);
+ }
+ g_hash_table_destroy(ov->unprocessed_opts);
+ ov->unprocessed_opts = NULL;
+ g_free(ov->fake_id_opt);
+ ov->fake_id_opt = NULL;
+static GQueue *
+lookup_distinct(const OptsVisitor *ov, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ GQueue *list;
+ list = g_hash_table_lookup(ov->unprocessed_opts, name);
+ if (!list) {
+ error_set(errp, QERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, name);
+ }
+ return list;
+static void
+opts_start_list(Visitor *v, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ /* we can't traverse a list in a list */
+ assert(ov->repeated_opts == NULL);
+ ov->repeated_opts = lookup_distinct(ov, name, errp);
+ ov->repeated_opts_first = (ov->repeated_opts != NULL);
+static GenericList *
+opts_next_list(Visitor *v, GenericList **list, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ GenericList **link;
+ if (ov->repeated_opts_first) {
+ ov->repeated_opts_first = false;
+ link = list;
+ } else {
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ opt = g_queue_pop_head(ov->repeated_opts);
+ if (g_queue_is_empty(ov->repeated_opts)) {
+ g_hash_table_remove(ov->unprocessed_opts, opt->name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ link = &(*list)->next;
+ }
+ *link = g_malloc0(sizeof **link);
+ return *link;
+static void
+opts_end_list(Visitor *v, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ ov->repeated_opts = NULL;
+static const QemuOpt *
+lookup_scalar(const OptsVisitor *ov, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ if (ov->repeated_opts == NULL) {
+ GQueue *list;
+ /* the last occurrence of any QemuOpt takes effect when queried by name
+ */
+ list = lookup_distinct(ov, name, errp);
+ return list ? g_queue_peek_tail(list) : NULL;
+ }
+ return g_queue_peek_head(ov->repeated_opts);
+static void
+processed(OptsVisitor *ov, const char *name)
+ if (ov->repeated_opts == NULL) {
+ g_hash_table_remove(ov->unprocessed_opts, name);
+ }
+static void
+opts_type_str(Visitor *v, char **obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ opt = lookup_scalar(ov, name, errp);
+ if (!opt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ *obj = g_strdup(opt->str ? opt->str : "");
+ processed(ov, name);
+/* mimics qemu-option.c::parse_option_bool() */
+static void
+opts_type_bool(Visitor *v, bool *obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ opt = lookup_scalar(ov, name, errp);
+ if (!opt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (opt->str) {
+ if (strcmp(opt->str, "on") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(opt->str, "yes") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(opt->str, "y") == 0) {
+ *obj = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(opt->str, "off") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(opt->str, "no") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(opt->str, "n") == 0) {
+ *obj = false;
+ } else {
+ error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, opt->name,
+ "on|yes|y|off|no|n");
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *obj = true;
+ }
+ processed(ov, name);
+static void
+opts_type_int(Visitor *v, int64_t *obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ const char *str;
+ long long val;
+ char *endptr;
+ opt = lookup_scalar(ov, name, errp);
+ if (!opt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ str = opt->str ? opt->str : "";
+ errno = 0;
+ val = strtoll(str, &endptr, 0);
+ if (*str != '\0' && *endptr == '\0' && errno == 0 && INT64_MIN <= val &&
+ val <= INT64_MAX) {
+ *obj = val;
+ processed(ov, name);
+ return;
+ }
+ error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, opt->name, "an int64 value");
+static void
+opts_type_uint64(Visitor *v, uint64_t *obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ const char *str;
+ opt = lookup_scalar(ov, name, errp);
+ if (!opt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ str = opt->str;
+ if (str != NULL) {
+ while (isspace((unsigned char)*str)) {
+ ++str;
+ }
+ if (*str != '-' && *str != '\0') {
+ unsigned long long val;
+ char *endptr;
+ /* non-empty, non-negative subject sequence */
+ errno = 0;
+ val = strtoull(str, &endptr, 0);
+ if (*endptr == '\0' && errno == 0 && val <= UINT64_MAX) {
+ *obj = val;
+ processed(ov, name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, opt->name,
+ "an uint64 value");
+static void
+opts_type_size(Visitor *v, uint64_t *obj, const char *name, Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ const QemuOpt *opt;
+ int64_t val;
+ char *endptr;
+ opt = lookup_scalar(ov, name, errp);
+ if (!opt) {
+ return;
+ }
+ val = strtosz_suffix(opt->str ? opt->str : "", &endptr,
+ if (val != -1 && *endptr == '\0') {
+ *obj = val;
+ processed(ov, name);
+ return;
+ }
+ error_set(errp, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, opt->name,
+ "a size value representible as a non-negative int64");
+static void
+opts_start_optional(Visitor *v, bool *present, const char *name,
+ Error **errp)
+ OptsVisitor *ov = DO_UPCAST(OptsVisitor, visitor, v);
+ /* we only support a single mandatory scalar field in a list node */
+ assert(ov->repeated_opts == NULL);
+ *present = (lookup_distinct(ov, name, NULL) != NULL);
+OptsVisitor *
+opts_visitor_new(const QemuOpts *opts)
+ OptsVisitor *ov;
+ ov = g_malloc0(sizeof *ov);
+ ov->visitor.start_struct = &opts_start_struct;
+ ov->visitor.end_struct = &opts_end_struct;
+ ov->visitor.start_list = &opts_start_list;
+ ov->visitor.next_list = &opts_next_list;
+ ov->visitor.end_list = &opts_end_list;
+ /* input_type_enum() covers both "normal" enums and union discriminators.
+ * The union discriminator field is always generated as "type"; it should
+ * match the "type" QemuOpt child of any QemuOpts.
+ *
+ * input_type_enum() will remove the looked-up key from the
+ * "unprocessed_opts" hash even if the lookup fails, because the removal is
+ * done earlier in opts_type_str(). This should be harmless.
+ */
+ ov->visitor.type_enum = &input_type_enum;
+ ov->visitor.type_int = &opts_type_int;
+ ov->visitor.type_uint64 = &opts_type_uint64;
+ ov->visitor.type_size = &opts_type_size;
+ ov->visitor.type_bool = &opts_type_bool;
+ ov->visitor.type_str = &opts_type_str;
+ /* type_number() is not filled in, but this is not the first visitor to
+ * skip some mandatory methods... */
+ ov->visitor.start_optional = &opts_start_optional;
+ ov->opts_root = opts;
+ return ov;
+opts_visitor_cleanup(OptsVisitor *ov)
+ if (ov->unprocessed_opts != NULL) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy(ov->unprocessed_opts);
+ }
+ g_free(ov->fake_id_opt);
+ memset(ov, '\0', sizeof *ov);
+Visitor *
+opts_get_visitor(OptsVisitor *ov)
+ return &ov->visitor;
diff --git a/qapi/opts-visitor.h b/qapi/opts-visitor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea1a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qapi/opts-visitor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Options Visitor
+ *
+ * Copyright Red Hat, Inc. 2012
+ *
+ * Author: Laszlo Ersek <lersek@redhat.com>
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.
+ * See the COPYING.LIB file in the top-level directory.
+ *
+ */
+#include "qapi-visit-core.h"
+#include "qemu-option.h"
+typedef struct OptsVisitor OptsVisitor;
+/* Contrarily to qemu-option.c::parse_option_number(), OptsVisitor's "int"
+ * parser relies on strtoll() instead of strtoull(). Consequences:
+ * - string representations of negative numbers yield negative values,
+ * - values below INT64_MIN or LLONG_MIN are rejected,
+ * - values above INT64_MAX or LLONG_MAX are rejected.
+ */
+OptsVisitor *opts_visitor_new(const QemuOpts *opts);
+void opts_visitor_cleanup(OptsVisitor *nv);
+Visitor *opts_get_visitor(OptsVisitor *nv);