diff options
2 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
index 8bb32f4..118206c 100644
@@ -4229,3 +4229,8 @@ Code Coverage Tools
M: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>
S: Odd Fixes
F: scripts/coverage/
+Machine development tool
+M: Maksim Davydov <davydov-max@yandex-team.ru>
+S: Supported
+F: scripts/compare-machine-types.py
diff --git a/scripts/compare-machine-types.py b/scripts/compare-machine-types.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2af3995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/compare-machine-types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Script to compare machine type compatible properties (include/hw/boards.h).
+# compat_props are applied to the driver during initialization to change
+# default values, for instance, to maintain compatibility.
+# This script constructs table with machines and values of their compat_props
+# to compare and to find places for improvements or places with bugs. If
+# during the comparison, some machine type doesn't have a property (it is in
+# the comparison table because another machine type has it), then the
+# appropriate method will be used to obtain the default value of this driver
+# property via qmp command (e.g. query-cpu-model-expansion for x86_64-cpu).
+# These methods are defined below in qemu_property_methods.
+# Copyright (c) Yandex Technologies LLC, 2023
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import sys
+from os import path
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter, Namespace
+import pandas as pd
+from contextlib import ExitStack
+from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Generator, Tuple, Union, Any, Set
+ qemu_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(path.dirname(__file__)))
+ sys.path.append(path.join(qemu_dir, 'python'))
+ from qemu.machine import QEMUMachine
+except ModuleNotFoundError as exc:
+ print(f"Module '{exc.name}' not found.")
+ print("Try export PYTHONPATH=top-qemu-dir/python or run from top-qemu-dir")
+ sys.exit(1)
+default_qemu_args = '-enable-kvm -machine none'
+default_qemu_binary = 'build/qemu-system-x86_64'
+# Methods for gettig the right values of drivers properties
+# Use these methods as a 'whitelist' and add entries only if necessary. It's
+# important to be stable and predictable in analysis and tests.
+# Be careful:
+# * Class must be inherited from 'QEMUObject' and used in new_driver()
+# * Class has to implement get_prop method in order to get values
+# * Specialization always wins (with the given classes for 'device' and
+# 'x86_64-cpu', method of 'x86_64-cpu' will be used for '486-x86_64-cpu')
+class Driver():
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine, name: str, abstract: bool) -> None:
+ self.vm = vm
+ self.name = name
+ self.abstract = abstract
+ self.parent: Optional[Driver] = None
+ self.property_getter: Optional[Driver] = None
+ def get_prop(self, driver: str, prop: str) -> str:
+ if self.property_getter:
+ return self.property_getter.get_prop(driver, prop)
+ else:
+ return 'Unavailable method'
+ def is_child_of(self, parent: 'Driver') -> bool:
+ """Checks whether self is (recursive) child of @parent"""
+ cur_parent = self.parent
+ while cur_parent:
+ if cur_parent is parent:
+ return True
+ cur_parent = cur_parent.parent
+ return False
+ def set_implementations(self, implementations: List['Driver']) -> None:
+ self.implementations = implementations
+class QEMUObject(Driver):
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine, name: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(vm, name, True)
+ def set_implementations(self, implementations: List[Driver]) -> None:
+ self.implementations = implementations
+ # each implementation of the abstract driver has to use property getter
+ # of this abstract driver unless it has specialization. (e.g. having
+ # 'device' and 'x86_64-cpu', property getter of 'x86_64-cpu' will be
+ # used for '486-x86_64-cpu')
+ for impl in implementations:
+ if not impl.property_getter or\
+ self.is_child_of(impl.property_getter):
+ impl.property_getter = self
+class QEMUDevice(QEMUObject):
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine) -> None:
+ super().__init__(vm, 'device')
+ self.cached: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
+ def get_prop(self, driver: str, prop_name: str) -> str:
+ if driver not in self.cached:
+ self.cached[driver] = self.vm.cmd('device-list-properties',
+ typename=driver)
+ for prop in self.cached[driver]:
+ if prop['name'] == prop_name:
+ return str(prop.get('default-value', 'No default value'))
+ return 'Unknown property'
+class QEMUx86CPU(QEMUObject):
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine) -> None:
+ super().__init__(vm, 'x86_64-cpu')
+ self.cached: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
+ def get_prop(self, driver: str, prop_name: str) -> str:
+ if not driver.endswith('-x86_64-cpu'):
+ return 'Wrong x86_64-cpu name'
+ # crop last 11 chars '-x86_64-cpu'
+ name = driver[:-11]
+ if name not in self.cached:
+ self.cached[name] = self.vm.cmd(
+ 'query-cpu-model-expansion', type='full',
+ model={'name': name})['model']['props']
+ return str(self.cached[name].get(prop_name, 'Unknown property'))
+# Now it's stub, because all memory_backend types don't have default values
+# but this behaviour can be changed
+class QEMUMemoryBackend(QEMUObject):
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine) -> None:
+ super().__init__(vm, 'memory-backend')
+ self.cached: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
+ def get_prop(self, driver: str, prop_name: str) -> str:
+ if driver not in self.cached:
+ self.cached[driver] = self.vm.cmd('qom-list-properties',
+ typename=driver)
+ for prop in self.cached[driver]:
+ if prop['name'] == prop_name:
+ return str(prop.get('default-value', 'No default value'))
+ return 'Unknown property'
+def new_driver(vm: QEMUMachine, name: str, is_abstr: bool) -> Driver:
+ if name == 'object':
+ return QEMUObject(vm, 'object')
+ elif name == 'device':
+ return QEMUDevice(vm)
+ elif name == 'x86_64-cpu':
+ return QEMUx86CPU(vm)
+ elif name == 'memory-backend':
+ return QEMUMemoryBackend(vm)
+ else:
+ return Driver(vm, name, is_abstr)
+# End of methods definition
+class VMPropertyGetter:
+ """It implements the relationship between drivers and how to get their
+ properties"""
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine) -> None:
+ self.drivers: Dict[str, Driver] = {}
+ qom_all_types = vm.cmd('qom-list-types', abstract=True)
+ self.drivers = {t['name']: new_driver(vm, t['name'],
+ t.get('abstract', False))
+ for t in qom_all_types}
+ for t in qom_all_types:
+ drv = self.drivers[t['name']]
+ if 'parent' in t:
+ drv.parent = self.drivers[t['parent']]
+ for drv in self.drivers.values():
+ imps = vm.cmd('qom-list-types', implements=drv.name)
+ # only implementations inherit property getter
+ drv.set_implementations([self.drivers[imp['name']]
+ for imp in imps])
+ def get_prop(self, driver: str, prop: str) -> str:
+ # wrong driver name or disabled in config driver
+ try:
+ drv = self.drivers[driver]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 'Unavailable driver'
+ assert not drv.abstract
+ return drv.get_prop(driver, prop)
+ def get_implementations(self, driver: str) -> List[str]:
+ return [impl.name for impl in self.drivers[driver].implementations]
+class Machine:
+ """A short QEMU machine type description. It contains only processed
+ compat_props (properties of abstract classes are applied to its
+ implementations)
+ """
+ # raw_mt_dict - dict produced by `query-machines`
+ def __init__(self, raw_mt_dict: Dict[str, Any],
+ qemu_drivers: VMPropertyGetter) -> None:
+ self.name = raw_mt_dict['name']
+ self.compat_props: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ # properties are applied sequentially and can rewrite values like in
+ # QEMU. Also it has to resolve class relationships to apply appropriate
+ # values from abstract class to all implementations
+ for prop in raw_mt_dict['compat-props']:
+ driver = prop['qom-type']
+ try:
+ # implementation adds only itself, abstract class adds
+ # lementation (abstract classes are uninterestiong)
+ impls = qemu_drivers.get_implementations(driver)
+ for impl in impls:
+ if impl not in self.compat_props:
+ self.compat_props[impl] = {}
+ self.compat_props[impl][prop['property']] = prop['value']
+ except KeyError:
+ # QEMU doesn't know this driver thus it has to be saved
+ if driver not in self.compat_props:
+ self.compat_props[driver] = {}
+ self.compat_props[driver][prop['property']] = prop['value']
+class Configuration():
+ """Class contains all necessary components to generate table and is used
+ to compare different binaries"""
+ def __init__(self, vm: QEMUMachine,
+ req_mt: List[str], all_mt: bool) -> None:
+ self._vm = vm
+ self._binary = vm.binary
+ self._qemu_args = args.qemu_args.split(' ')
+ self._qemu_drivers = VMPropertyGetter(vm)
+ self.req_mt = get_req_mt(self._qemu_drivers, vm, req_mt, all_mt)
+ def get_implementations(self, driver_name: str) -> List[str]:
+ return self._qemu_drivers.get_implementations(driver_name)
+ def get_table(self, req_props: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ table: List[pd.DataFrame] = []
+ for mt in self.req_mt:
+ name = f'{self._binary}\n{mt.name}'
+ column = []
+ for driver, prop in req_props:
+ try:
+ # values from QEMU machine type definitions
+ column.append(mt.compat_props[driver][prop])
+ except KeyError:
+ # values from QEMU type definitions
+ column.append(self._qemu_drivers.get_prop(driver, prop))
+ table.append(pd.DataFrame({name: column}))
+ return pd.concat(table, axis=1)
+script_desc = """Script to compare machine types (their compat_props).
+* save info about all machines: ./scripts/compare-machine-types.py --all \
+--format csv --raw > table.csv
+* compare machines: ./scripts/compare-machine-types.py --mt pc-q35-2.12 \
+* compare binaries and machines: ./scripts/compare-machine-types.py \
+--mt pc-q35-6.2 pc-q35-7.0 --qemu-binary build/qemu-system-x86_64 \
+ ╒════════════╤══════════════════════════╤════════════════════════════\
+ │ Driver │ Property │ build/qemu-system-x86_64 \
+│ build/qemu-system-x86_64 │ build/qemu-exp │ build/qemu-exp │
+ │ │ │ pc-q35-6.2 \
+│ pc-q35-7.0 │ pc-q35-6.2 │ pc-q35-7.0 │
+ ╞════════════╪══════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════\
+ │ PIIX4_PM │ x-not-migrate-acpi-index │ True \
+│ False │ False │ False │
+ ├────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────\
+ │ virtio-mem │ unplugged-inaccessible │ False \
+│ auto │ False │ auto │
+ ╘════════════╧══════════════════════════╧════════════════════════════\
+If a property from QEMU machine defintion applies to an abstract class (e.g. \
+x86_64-cpu) this script will compare all implementations of this class.
+"Unavailable method" - means that this script doesn't know how to get \
+default values of the driver. To add method use the construction described \
+at the top of the script.
+"Unavailable driver" - means that this script doesn't know this driver. \
+For instance, this can happen if you configure QEMU without this device or \
+if machine type definition has error.
+"No default value" - means that the appropriate method can't get the default \
+value and most likely that this property doesn't have it.
+"Unknown property" - means that the appropriate method can't find property \
+with this name."""
+def parse_args() -> Namespace:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ description=script_desc)
+ parser.add_argument('--format', choices=['human-readable', 'json', 'csv'],
+ default='human-readable',
+ help='returns table in json format')
+ parser.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true',
+ help='prints ALL defined properties without value '
+ 'transformation. By default, only rows '
+ 'with different values will be printed and '
+ 'values will be transformed(e.g. "on" -> True)')
+ parser.add_argument('--qemu-args', default=default_qemu_args,
+ help='command line to start qemu. '
+ f'Default: "{default_qemu_args}"')
+ parser.add_argument('--qemu-binary', nargs="*", type=str,
+ default=[default_qemu_binary],
+ help='list of qemu binaries that will be compared. '
+ f'Deafult: {default_qemu_binary}')
+ mt_args_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ mt_args_group.add_argument('--all', action='store_true',
+ help='prints all available machine types (list '
+ 'of machine types will be ignored)')
+ mt_args_group.add_argument('--mt', nargs="*", type=str,
+ help='list of Machine Types '
+ 'that will be compared')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def mt_comp(mt: Machine) -> Tuple[str, int, int, int]:
+ """Function to compare and sort machine by names.
+ It returns socket_name, major version, minor version, revision"""
+ # none, microvm, x-remote and etc.
+ if '-' not in mt.name or '.' not in mt.name:
+ return mt.name, 0, 0, 0
+ socket, ver = mt.name.rsplit('-', 1)
+ ver_list = list(map(int, ver.split('.', 2)))
+ ver_list += [0] * (3 - len(ver_list))
+ return socket, ver_list[0], ver_list[1], ver_list[2]
+def get_mt_definitions(qemu_drivers: VMPropertyGetter,
+ vm: QEMUMachine) -> List[Machine]:
+ """Constructs list of machine definitions (primarily compat_props) via
+ info from QEMU"""
+ raw_mt_defs = vm.cmd('query-machines', compat_props=True)
+ mt_defs = []
+ for raw_mt in raw_mt_defs:
+ mt_defs.append(Machine(raw_mt, qemu_drivers))
+ mt_defs.sort(key=mt_comp)
+ return mt_defs
+def get_req_mt(qemu_drivers: VMPropertyGetter, vm: QEMUMachine,
+ req_mt: Optional[List[str]], all_mt: bool) -> List[Machine]:
+ """Returns list of requested by user machines"""
+ mt_defs = get_mt_definitions(qemu_drivers, vm)
+ if all_mt:
+ return mt_defs
+ if req_mt is None:
+ print('Enter machine types for comparision')
+ exit(0)
+ matched_mt = []
+ for mt in mt_defs:
+ if mt.name in req_mt:
+ matched_mt.append(mt)
+ return matched_mt
+def get_affected_props(configs: List[Configuration]) -> Generator[Tuple[str,
+ str],
+ None, None]:
+ """Helps to go through all affected in machine definitions drivers
+ and properties"""
+ driver_props: Dict[str, Set[Any]] = {}
+ for config in configs:
+ for mt in config.req_mt:
+ compat_props = mt.compat_props
+ for driver, prop in compat_props.items():
+ if driver not in driver_props:
+ driver_props[driver] = set()
+ driver_props[driver].update(prop.keys())
+ for driver, props in sorted(driver_props.items()):
+ for prop in sorted(props):
+ yield driver, prop
+def transform_value(value: str) -> Union[str, bool]:
+ true_list = ['true', 'on']
+ false_list = ['false', 'off']
+ out = value.lower()
+ if out in true_list:
+ return True
+ if out in false_list:
+ return False
+ return value
+def simplify_table(table: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """transforms values to make it easier to compare it and drops rows
+ with the same values for all columns"""
+ table = table.map(transform_value)
+ return table[~table.iloc[:, 3:].eq(table.iloc[:, 2], axis=0).all(axis=1)]
+# constructs table in the format:
+# Driver | Property | binary1 | binary1 | ...
+# | | machine1 | machine2 | ...
+# ------------------------------------------------------ ...
+# driver1 | property1 | value1 | value2 | ...
+# driver1 | property2 | value3 | value4 | ...
+# driver2 | property3 | value5 | value6 | ...
+# ... | ... | ... | ... | ...
+def fill_prop_table(configs: List[Configuration],
+ is_raw: bool) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ req_props = list(get_affected_props(configs))
+ if not req_props:
+ print('No drivers to compare. Check machine names')
+ exit(0)
+ driver_col, prop_col = tuple(zip(*req_props))
+ table = [pd.DataFrame({'Driver': driver_col}),
+ pd.DataFrame({'Property': prop_col})]
+ table.extend([config.get_table(req_props) for config in configs])
+ df_table = pd.concat(table, axis=1)
+ if is_raw:
+ return df_table
+ return simplify_table(df_table)
+def print_table(table: pd.DataFrame, table_format: str) -> None:
+ if table_format == 'json':
+ print(comp_table.to_json())
+ elif table_format == 'csv':
+ print(comp_table.to_csv())
+ else:
+ print(comp_table.to_markdown(index=False, stralign='center',
+ colalign=('center',), headers='keys',
+ tablefmt='fancy_grid',
+ disable_numparse=True))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = parse_args()
+ with ExitStack() as stack:
+ vms = [stack.enter_context(QEMUMachine(binary=binary, qmp_timer=15,
+ args=args.qemu_args.split(' '))) for binary in args.qemu_binary]
+ configurations = []
+ for vm in vms:
+ vm.launch()
+ configurations.append(Configuration(vm, args.mt, args.all))
+ comp_table = fill_prop_table(configurations, args.raw)
+ if not comp_table.empty:
+ print_table(comp_table, args.format)