path: root/sim/mips/sim-main.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1020 deletions
diff --git a/sim/mips/sim-main.h b/sim/mips/sim-main.h
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index 76e6374..0000000
--- a/sim/mips/sim-main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1020 +0,0 @@
-/* MIPS Simulator definition.
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Contributed by Cygnus Support.
-This file is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef SIM_MAIN_H
-#define SIM_MAIN_H
-/* This simulator doesn't cache the Current Instruction Address */
-/* hobble some common features for moment */
-mips_core_signal ((SD), (CPU), (CIA), (MAP), (NR_BYTES), (ADDR), (TRANSFER), (ERROR))
-#include "sim-basics.h"
-typedef address_word sim_cia;
-#include "sim-base.h"
-#include "bfd.h"
-/* Deprecated macros and types for manipulating 64bit values. Use
- ../common/sim-bits.h and ../common/sim-endian.h macros instead. */
-typedef signed64 word64;
-typedef unsigned64 uword64;
-#define WORD64LO(t) (unsigned int)((t)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define WORD64HI(t) (unsigned int)(((uword64)(t))>>32)
-#define SET64LO(t) (((uword64)(t))&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define SET64HI(t) (((uword64)(t))<<32)
-#define WORD64(h,l) ((word64)((SET64HI(h)|SET64LO(l))))
-#define UWORD64(h,l) (SET64HI(h)|SET64LO(l))
-/* Check if a value will fit within a halfword: */
-#define NOTHALFWORDVALUE(v) ((((((uword64)(v)>>16) == 0) && !((v) & ((unsigned)1 << 15))) || (((((uword64)(v)>>32) == 0xFFFFFFFF) && ((((uword64)(v)>>16) & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF)) && ((v) & ((unsigned)1 << 15)))) ? (1 == 0) : (1 == 1))
-/* Floating-point operations: */
-#include "sim-fpu.h"
-#include "cp1.h"
-/* FPU registers must be one of the following types. All other values
- are reserved (and undefined). */
-typedef enum {
- fmt_single = 0,
- fmt_double = 1,
- fmt_word = 4,
- fmt_long = 5,
- fmt_ps = 6,
- /* The following are well outside the normal acceptable format
- range, and are used in the register status vector. */
- fmt_unknown = 0x10000000,
- fmt_uninterpreted = 0x20000000,
- fmt_uninterpreted_32 = 0x40000000,
- fmt_uninterpreted_64 = 0x80000000U,
-} FP_formats;
-/* For paired word (pw) operations, the opcode representation is fmt_word,
- but register transfers (StoreFPR, ValueFPR, etc.) are done as fmt_long. */
-#define fmt_pw fmt_long
-/* This should be the COC1 value at the start of the preceding
- instruction: */
-#define PREVCOC1() ((STATE & simPCOC1) ? 1 : 0)
-/* FIXME: this should be enabled for all targets, but needs testing first. */
- ? ((SR & status_FR) ? 64 : 32) \
-/* HI/LO register accesses */
-/* For some MIPS targets, the HI/LO registers have certain timing
- restrictions in that, for instance, a read of a HI register must be
- separated by at least three instructions from a preceeding read.
- The struct below is used to record the last access by each of A MT,
- MF or other OP instruction to a HI/LO register. See mips.igen for
- more details. */
-typedef struct _hilo_access {
- signed64 timestamp;
- address_word cia;
-} hilo_access;
-typedef struct _hilo_history {
- hilo_access mt;
- hilo_access mf;
- hilo_access op;
-} hilo_history;
-/* Integer ALU operations: */
-#include "sim-alu.h"
-#define ALU32_END(ANS) \
- SignalExceptionIntegerOverflow (); \
- (ANS) = (signed32) ALU32_OVERFLOW_RESULT
-#define ALU64_END(ANS) \
- SignalExceptionIntegerOverflow (); \
-/* The following is probably not used for MIPS IV onwards: */
-/* Slots for delayed register updates. For the moment we just have a
- fixed number of slots (rather than a more generic, dynamic
- system). This keeps the simulator fast. However, we only allow
- for the register update to be delayed for a single instruction
- cycle. */
-#define PSLOTS (8) /* Maximum number of instruction cycles */
-typedef struct _pending_write_queue {
- int in;
- int out;
- int total;
- int slot_delay[PSLOTS];
- int slot_size[PSLOTS];
- int slot_bit[PSLOTS];
- void *slot_dest[PSLOTS];
- unsigned64 slot_value[PSLOTS];
-} pending_write_queue;
-#define PENDING_TRACE 0
-#define PENDING_IN ((CPU)->pending.in)
-#define PENDING_OUT ((CPU)->pending.out)
-#define PENDING_TOTAL ((CPU)->pending.total)
-#define PENDING_SLOT_SIZE ((CPU)->pending.slot_size)
-#define PENDING_SLOT_BIT ((CPU)->pending.slot_bit)
-#define PENDING_SLOT_DELAY ((CPU)->pending.slot_delay)
-#define PENDING_SLOT_DEST ((CPU)->pending.slot_dest)
-#define PENDING_SLOT_VALUE ((CPU)->pending.slot_value)
-/* Invalidate the pending write queue, all pending writes are
- discarded. */
-memset (&(CPU)->pending, 0, sizeof ((CPU)->pending))
-/* Schedule a write to DEST for N cycles time. For 64 bit
- destinations, schedule two writes. For floating point registers,
- the caller should schedule a write to both the dest register and
- the FPR_STATE register. When BIT is non-negative, only BIT of DEST
- is updated. */
- do { \
- sim_engine_abort (SD, CPU, cia, \
- "PENDING_SCHED - buffer overflow\n"); \
- sim_io_eprintf (SD, "PENDING_SCHED - 0x%lx - dest 0x%lx, val 0x%lx, bit %d, size %d, pending_in %d, pending_out %d, pending_total %d\n", \
- (unsigned long) cia, (unsigned long) &(DEST), \
- (unsigned long) (VAL), (BIT), (int) sizeof (DEST),\
- } while (0)
-#define PENDING_TICK() pending_tick (SD, CPU, cia)
-#define PENDING_FLUSH() abort () /* think about this one */
-#define PENDING_FP() abort () /* think about this one */
-/* For backward compatibility */
-#define PENDING_FILL(R,VAL) \
-do { \
- if ((R) >= FGR_BASE && (R) < FGR_BASE + NR_FGR) \
- { \
- PENDING_SCHED(FPR_STATE[(R) - FGR_BASE], fmt_uninterpreted, 1, -1); \
- } \
- else \
- PENDING_SCHED(GPR[(R)], VAL, 1, -1); \
-} while (0)
-enum float_operation
- {
- };
-/* The internal representation of an MDMX accumulator.
- Note that 24 and 48 bit accumulator elements are represented in
- 32 or 64 bits. Since the accumulators are 2's complement with
- overflow suppressed, high-order bits can be ignored in most contexts. */
-typedef signed32 signed24;
-typedef signed64 signed48;
-typedef union {
- signed24 ob[8];
- signed48 qh[4];
-} MDMX_accumulator;
-/* Conventional system arguments. */
-#define SIM_STATE sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia
-#define SIM_ARGS CPU, cia
-struct _sim_cpu {
- /* The following are internal simulator state variables: */
-#define CIA_GET(CPU) ((CPU)->registers[PCIDX] + 0)
-#define CIA_SET(CPU,CIA) ((CPU)->registers[PCIDX] = (CIA))
- address_word dspc; /* delay-slot PC */
-#define DSPC ((CPU)->dspc)
-#define DELAY_SLOT(TARGET) NIA = delayslot32 (SD_, (TARGET))
-#define NULLIFY_NEXT_INSTRUCTION() NIA = nullify_next_insn32 (SD_)
- /* State of the simulator */
- unsigned int state;
- unsigned int dsstate;
-#define STATE ((CPU)->state)
-#define DSSTATE ((CPU)->dsstate)
-/* Flags in the "state" variable: */
-#define simHALTEX (1 << 2) /* 0 = run; 1 = halt on exception */
-#define simHALTIN (1 << 3) /* 0 = run; 1 = halt on interrupt */
-#define simTRACE (1 << 8) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = trace address activity */
-#define simPCOC0 (1 << 17) /* COC[1] from current */
-#define simPCOC1 (1 << 18) /* COC[1] from previous */
-#define simDELAYSLOT (1 << 24) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = delay slot entry exists */
-#define simSKIPNEXT (1 << 25) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = skip instruction */
-#define simSIGINT (1 << 28) /* 0 = do nothing; 1 = SIGINT has occured */
-#define simJALDELAYSLOT (1 << 29) /* 1 = in jal delay slot */
- { \
- /* Perform any pending writes */ \
- /* Set previous flag, depending on current: */ \
- if (STATE & simPCOC0) \
- STATE |= simPCOC1; \
- else \
- STATE &= ~simPCOC1; \
- /* and update the current value: */ \
- if (GETFCC(0)) \
- STATE |= simPCOC0; \
- else \
- STATE &= ~simPCOC0; \
- }
-/* This is nasty, since we have to rely on matching the register
- numbers used by GDB. Unfortunately, depending on the MIPS target
- GDB uses different register numbers. We cannot just include the
- relevant "gdb/tm.h" link, since GDB may not be configured before
- the sim world, and also the GDB header file requires too much other
- state. */
-#ifndef TM_MIPS_H
-#define LAST_EMBED_REGNUM (96)
-#define FP0_REGNUM 38 /* Floating point register 0 (single float) */
-#define FCRCS_REGNUM 70 /* FP control/status */
-#define FCRIR_REGNUM 71 /* FP implementation/revision */
-/* To keep this default simulator simple, and fast, we use a direct
- vector of registers. The internal simulator engine then uses
- manifests to access the correct slot. */
- unsigned_word registers[LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1];
- int register_widths[NUM_REGS];
-#define REGISTERS ((CPU)->registers)
-#define GPR (&REGISTERS[0])
-#define GPR_SET(N,VAL) (REGISTERS[(N)] = (VAL))
-#define LO (REGISTERS[33])
-#define HI (REGISTERS[34])
-#define PCIDX 37
-#define CAUSE (REGISTERS[36])
-#define SRIDX (32)
-#define SR (REGISTERS[SRIDX]) /* CPU status register */
-#define FCR0IDX (71)
-#define FCR0 (REGISTERS[FCR0IDX]) /* really a 32bit register */
-#define FCR31IDX (70)
-#define FCR31 (REGISTERS[FCR31IDX]) /* really a 32bit register */
-#define FCSR (FCR31)
-#define Debug (REGISTERS[86])
-#define DEPC (REGISTERS[87])
-#define EPC (REGISTERS[88])
-#define AC0LOIDX (33) /* Must be the same register as LO */
-#define AC0HIIDX (34) /* Must be the same register as HI */
-#define AC1LOIDX (90)
-#define AC1HIIDX (91)
-#define AC2LOIDX (92)
-#define AC2HIIDX (93)
-#define AC3LOIDX (94)
-#define AC3HIIDX (95)
-#define DSPCRIDX (96) /* DSP control register */
-#define DSPCR_POS_SHIFT (0)
-#define DSPCR_POS_MASK (0x3f)
-#define DSPCR_SCOUNT_MASK (0x3f)
-#define DSPCR_CARRY_SHIFT (13)
-#define DSPCR_CARRY_MASK (1)
-#define DSPCR_EFI_SHIFT (14)
-#define DSPCR_EFI_MASK (1)
-#define DSPCR_EFI (1 << DSPCR_EFI_MASK)
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG_SHIFT (16)
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG_MASK (0xff)
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG4 (1 << (DSPCR_OUFLAG_SHIFT + 4))
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG5 (1 << (DSPCR_OUFLAG_SHIFT + 5))
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG6 (1 << (DSPCR_OUFLAG_SHIFT + 6))
-#define DSPCR_OUFLAG7 (1 << (DSPCR_OUFLAG_SHIFT + 7))
-#define DSPCR_CCOND_SHIFT (24)
-#define DSPCR_CCOND_MASK (0xf)
- /* All internal state modified by signal_exception() that may need to be
- rolled back for passing moment-of-exception image back to gdb. */
- unsigned_word exc_trigger_registers[LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1];
- unsigned_word exc_suspend_registers[LAST_EMBED_REGNUM + 1];
- int exc_suspended;
-#define SIM_CPU_EXCEPTION_TRIGGER(SD,CPU,CIA) mips_cpu_exception_trigger(SD,CPU,CIA)
-#define SIM_CPU_EXCEPTION_SUSPEND(SD,CPU,EXC) mips_cpu_exception_suspend(SD,CPU,EXC)
-#define SIM_CPU_EXCEPTION_RESUME(SD,CPU,EXC) mips_cpu_exception_resume(SD,CPU,EXC)
- unsigned_word c0_config_reg;
-#define C0_CONFIG ((CPU)->c0_config_reg)
-/* The following are pseudonyms for standard registers */
-#define ZERO (REGISTERS[0])
-#define V0 (REGISTERS[2])
-#define A0 (REGISTERS[4])
-#define A1 (REGISTERS[5])
-#define A2 (REGISTERS[6])
-#define A3 (REGISTERS[7])
-#define T8IDX 24
-#define T8 (REGISTERS[T8IDX])
-#define SPIDX 29
-#define RAIDX 31
- /* While space is allocated in the main registers arrray for some of
- the COP0 registers, that space isn't sufficient. Unknown COP0
- registers overflow into the array below */
-#define NR_COP0_GPR 32
- unsigned_word cop0_gpr[NR_COP0_GPR];
-#define COP0_GPR ((CPU)->cop0_gpr)
-#define COP0_BADVADDR (COP0_GPR[8])
- /* While space is allocated for the floating point registers in the
- main registers array, they are stored separatly. This is because
- their size may not necessarily match the size of either the
- general-purpose or system specific registers. */
-#define NR_FGR (32)
- fp_word fgr[NR_FGR];
-#define FGR ((CPU)->fgr)
- /* Keep the current format state for each register: */
- FP_formats fpr_state[32];
-#define FPR_STATE ((CPU)->fpr_state)
- pending_write_queue pending;
- /* The MDMX accumulator (used only for MDMX ASE). */
- MDMX_accumulator acc;
-#define ACC ((CPU)->acc)
- /* LLBIT = Load-Linked bit. A bit of "virtual" state used by atomic
- read-write instructions. It is set when a linked load occurs. It
- is tested and cleared by the conditional store. It is cleared
- (during other CPU operations) when a store to the location would
- no longer be atomic. In particular, it is cleared by exception
- return instructions. */
- int llbit;
-#define LLBIT ((CPU)->llbit)
-/* The HIHISTORY and LOHISTORY timestamps are used to ensure that
- corruptions caused by using the HI or LO register too close to a
- following operation is spotted. See mips.igen for more details. */
- hilo_history hi_history;
-#define HIHISTORY (&(CPU)->hi_history)
- hilo_history lo_history;
-#define LOHISTORY (&(CPU)->lo_history)
- sim_cpu_base base;
-/* MIPS specific simulator watch config */
-void watch_options_install PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd));
-struct swatch {
- sim_event *pc;
- sim_event *clock;
- sim_event *cycles;
-/* FIXME: At present much of the simulator is still static */
-struct sim_state {
- struct swatch watch;
- sim_cpu cpu[MAX_NR_PROCESSORS];
-#if (WITH_SMP)
-#define STATE_CPU(sd,n) (&(sd)->cpu[n])
-#define STATE_CPU(sd,n) (&(sd)->cpu[0])
- sim_state_base base;
-/* Status information: */
-/* TODO : these should be the bitmasks for these bits within the
- status register. At the moment the following are VR4300
- bit-positions: */
-#define status_KSU_mask (0x18) /* mask for KSU bits */
-#define status_KSU_shift (3) /* shift for field */
-#define ksu_kernel (0x0)
-#define ksu_supervisor (0x1)
-#define ksu_user (0x2)
-#define ksu_unknown (0x3)
-#define SR_KSU ((SR & status_KSU_mask) >> status_KSU_shift)
-#define status_IE (1 << 0) /* Interrupt enable */
-#define status_EIE (1 << 16) /* Enable Interrupt Enable */
-#define status_EXL (1 << 1) /* Exception level */
-#define status_RE (1 << 25) /* Reverse Endian in user mode */
-#define status_FR (1 << 26) /* enables MIPS III additional FP registers */
-#define status_SR (1 << 20) /* soft reset or NMI */
-#define status_BEV (1 << 22) /* Location of general exception vectors */
-#define status_TS (1 << 21) /* TLB shutdown has occurred */
-#define status_ERL (1 << 2) /* Error level */
-#define status_IM7 (1 << 15) /* Timer Interrupt Mask */
-#define status_RP (1 << 27) /* Reduced Power mode */
-/* Specializations for TX39 family */
-#define status_IEc (1 << 0) /* Interrupt enable (current) */
-#define status_KUc (1 << 1) /* Kernel/User mode */
-#define status_IEp (1 << 2) /* Interrupt enable (previous) */
-#define status_KUp (1 << 3) /* Kernel/User mode */
-#define status_IEo (1 << 4) /* Interrupt enable (old) */
-#define status_KUo (1 << 5) /* Kernel/User mode */
-#define status_IM_mask (0xff) /* Interrupt mask */
-#define status_IM_shift (8)
-#define status_NMI (1 << 20) /* NMI */
-#define status_NMI (1 << 20) /* NMI */
-/* Status bits used by MIPS32/MIPS64. */
-#define status_UX (1 << 5) /* 64-bit user addrs */
-#define status_SX (1 << 6) /* 64-bit supervisor addrs */
-#define status_KX (1 << 7) /* 64-bit kernel addrs */
-#define status_TS (1 << 21) /* TLB shutdown has occurred */
-#define status_PX (1 << 23) /* Enable 64 bit operations */
-#define status_MX (1 << 24) /* Enable MDMX resources */
-#define status_CU0 (1 << 28) /* Coprocessor 0 usable */
-#define status_CU1 (1 << 29) /* Coprocessor 1 usable */
-#define status_CU2 (1 << 30) /* Coprocessor 2 usable */
-#define status_CU3 (1 << 31) /* Coprocessor 3 usable */
-/* Bits reserved for implementations: */
-#define status_SBX (1 << 16) /* Enable SiByte SB-1 extensions. */
-#define cause_BD ((unsigned)1 << 31) /* L1 Exception in branch delay slot */
-#define cause_BD2 (1 << 30) /* L2 Exception in branch delay slot */
-#define cause_CE_mask 0x30000000 /* Coprocessor exception */
-#define cause_CE_shift 28
-#define cause_EXC2_mask 0x00070000
-#define cause_EXC2_shift 16
-#define cause_IP7 (1 << 15) /* Interrupt pending */
-#define cause_SIOP (1 << 12) /* SIO pending */
-#define cause_IP3 (1 << 11) /* Int 0 pending */
-#define cause_IP2 (1 << 10) /* Int 1 pending */
-#define cause_EXC_mask (0x1c) /* Exception code */
-#define cause_EXC_shift (2)
-#define cause_SW0 (1 << 8) /* Software interrupt 0 */
-#define cause_SW1 (1 << 9) /* Software interrupt 1 */
-#define cause_IP_mask (0x3f) /* Interrupt pending field */
-#define cause_IP_shift (10)
-#define cause_set_EXC(x) CAUSE = (CAUSE & ~cause_EXC_mask) | ((x << cause_EXC_shift) & cause_EXC_mask)
-#define cause_set_EXC2(x) CAUSE = (CAUSE & ~cause_EXC2_mask) | ((x << cause_EXC2_shift) & cause_EXC2_mask)
-/* NOTE: We keep the following status flags as bit values (1 for true,
- 0 for false). This allows them to be used in binary boolean
- operations without worrying about what exactly the non-zero true
- value is. */
-/* UserMode */
-#ifdef SUBTARGET_R3900
-#define UserMode ((SR & status_KUc) ? 1 : 0)
-#define UserMode ((((SR & status_KSU_mask) >> status_KSU_shift) == ksu_user) ? 1 : 0)
-#endif /* SUBTARGET_R3900 */
-/* BigEndianMem */
-/* Hardware configuration. Affects endianness of LoadMemory and
- StoreMemory and the endianness of Kernel and Supervisor mode
- execution. The value is 0 for little-endian; 1 for big-endian. */
-/*(state & simBE) ? 1 : 0)*/
-/* ReverseEndian */
-/* This mode is selected if in User mode with the RE bit being set in
- SR (Status Register). It reverses the endianness of load and store
- instructions. */
-#define ReverseEndian (((SR & status_RE) && UserMode) ? 1 : 0)
-/* BigEndianCPU */
-/* The endianness for load and store instructions (0=little;1=big). In
- User mode this endianness may be switched by setting the state_RE
- bit in the SR register. Thus, BigEndianCPU may be computed as
- (BigEndianMem EOR ReverseEndian). */
-#define BigEndianCPU (BigEndianMem ^ ReverseEndian) /* Already bits */
-/* Exceptions: */
-/* NOTE: These numbers depend on the processor architecture being
- simulated: */
-enum ExceptionCause {
- Interrupt = 0,
- TLBModification = 1,
- TLBLoad = 2,
- TLBStore = 3,
- AddressLoad = 4,
- AddressStore = 5,
- InstructionFetch = 6,
- DataReference = 7,
- SystemCall = 8,
- BreakPoint = 9,
- ReservedInstruction = 10,
- CoProcessorUnusable = 11,
- IntegerOverflow = 12, /* Arithmetic overflow (IDT monitor raises SIGFPE) */
- Trap = 13,
- FPE = 15,
- DebugBreakPoint = 16, /* Impl. dep. in MIPS32/MIPS64. */
- MDMX = 22,
- Watch = 23,
- MCheck = 24,
- CacheErr = 30,
- NMIReset = 31, /* Reserved in MIPS32/MIPS64. */
-/* The following exception code is actually private to the simulator
- world. It is *NOT* a processor feature, and is used to signal
- run-time errors in the simulator. */
- SimulatorFault = 0xFFFFFFFF
-#define TLB_REFILL (0)
-#define TLB_INVALID (1)
-/* The following break instructions are reserved for use by the
- simulator. The first is used to halt the simulation. The second
- is used by gdb for break-points. NOTE: Care must be taken, since
- this value may be used in later revisions of the MIPS ISA. */
-#define HALT_INSTRUCTION (0x03ff000d)
-#define HALT_INSTRUCTION2 (0x0000ffcd)
-#define BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION (0x0005000d)
-#define BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION2 (0x0000014d)
-void interrupt_event (SIM_DESC sd, void *data);
-void signal_exception (SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int exception, ...);
-#define SignalException(exc,instruction) signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, (exc), (instruction))
-#define SignalExceptionInterrupt(level) signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, Interrupt, level)
-#define SignalExceptionInstructionFetch() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, InstructionFetch)
-#define SignalExceptionAddressStore() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, AddressStore)
-#define SignalExceptionAddressLoad() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, AddressLoad)
-#define SignalExceptionDataReference() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, DataReference)
-#define SignalExceptionSimulatorFault(buf) signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, SimulatorFault, buf)
-#define SignalExceptionFPE() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, FPE)
-#define SignalExceptionIntegerOverflow() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, IntegerOverflow)
-#define SignalExceptionCoProcessorUnusable(cop) signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, CoProcessorUnusable)
-#define SignalExceptionNMIReset() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, NMIReset)
-#define SignalExceptionTLBRefillStore() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, TLBStore, TLB_REFILL)
-#define SignalExceptionTLBRefillLoad() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, TLBLoad, TLB_REFILL)
-#define SignalExceptionTLBInvalidStore() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, TLBStore, TLB_INVALID)
-#define SignalExceptionTLBInvalidLoad() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, TLBLoad, TLB_INVALID)
-#define SignalExceptionTLBModification() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, TLBModification)
-#define SignalExceptionMDMX() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, MDMX)
-#define SignalExceptionWatch() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, Watch)
-#define SignalExceptionMCheck() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, MCheck)
-#define SignalExceptionCacheErr() signal_exception (SD, CPU, cia, CacheErr)
-/* Co-processor accesses */
-/* XXX FIXME: For now, assume that FPU (cp1) is always usable. */
-#define COP_Usable(coproc_num) (coproc_num == 1)
-void cop_lw PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int coproc_num, int coproc_reg, unsigned int memword));
-void cop_ld PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int coproc_num, int coproc_reg, uword64 memword));
-unsigned int cop_sw PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int coproc_num, int coproc_reg));
-uword64 cop_sd PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int coproc_num, int coproc_reg));
-#define COP_LW(coproc_num,coproc_reg,memword) \
-cop_lw (SD, CPU, cia, coproc_num, coproc_reg, memword)
-#define COP_LD(coproc_num,coproc_reg,memword) \
-cop_ld (SD, CPU, cia, coproc_num, coproc_reg, memword)
-#define COP_SW(coproc_num,coproc_reg) \
-cop_sw (SD, CPU, cia, coproc_num, coproc_reg)
-#define COP_SD(coproc_num,coproc_reg) \
-cop_sd (SD, CPU, cia, coproc_num, coproc_reg)
-void decode_coproc PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, unsigned int instruction));
-#define DecodeCoproc(instruction) \
-decode_coproc (SD, CPU, cia, (instruction))
-int sim_monitor (SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, unsigned int arg);
-/* FPR access. */
-unsigned64 value_fpr (SIM_STATE, int fpr, FP_formats);
-#define ValueFPR(FPR,FMT) value_fpr (SIM_ARGS, (FPR), (FMT))
-void store_fpr (SIM_STATE, int fpr, FP_formats fmt, unsigned64 value);
-#define StoreFPR(FPR,FMT,VALUE) store_fpr (SIM_ARGS, (FPR), (FMT), (VALUE))
-unsigned64 ps_lower (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op);
-#define PSLower(op) ps_lower (SIM_ARGS, op)
-unsigned64 ps_upper (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op);
-#define PSUpper(op) ps_upper (SIM_ARGS, op)
-unsigned64 pack_ps (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats from);
-#define PackPS(op1,op2) pack_ps (SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt_single)
-/* FCR access. */
-unsigned_word value_fcr (SIM_STATE, int fcr);
-#define ValueFCR(FCR) value_fcr (SIM_ARGS, (FCR))
-void store_fcr (SIM_STATE, int fcr, unsigned_word value);
-#define StoreFCR(FCR,VALUE) store_fcr (SIM_ARGS, (FCR), (VALUE))
-void test_fcsr (SIM_STATE);
-#define TestFCSR() test_fcsr (SIM_ARGS)
-/* FPU operations. */
-void fp_cmp (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt, int abs, int cond, int cc);
-#define Compare(op1,op2,fmt,cond,cc) fp_cmp(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt, 0, cond, cc)
-unsigned64 fp_abs (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define AbsoluteValue(op,fmt) fp_abs(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_neg (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Negate(op,fmt) fp_neg(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_add (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Add(op1,op2,fmt) fp_add(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_sub (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Sub(op1,op2,fmt) fp_sub(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_mul (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Multiply(op1,op2,fmt) fp_mul(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_div (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Divide(op1,op2,fmt) fp_div(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_recip (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Recip(op,fmt) fp_recip(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_sqrt (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define SquareRoot(op,fmt) fp_sqrt(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_rsqrt (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define RSquareRoot(op,fmt) fp_rsqrt(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_madd (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2,
- unsigned64 op3, FP_formats fmt);
-#define MultiplyAdd(op1,op2,op3,fmt) fp_madd(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, op3, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_msub (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2,
- unsigned64 op3, FP_formats fmt);
-#define MultiplySub(op1,op2,op3,fmt) fp_msub(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, op3, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_nmadd (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2,
- unsigned64 op3, FP_formats fmt);
-#define NegMultiplyAdd(op1,op2,op3,fmt) fp_nmadd(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, op3, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_nmsub (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2,
- unsigned64 op3, FP_formats fmt);
-#define NegMultiplySub(op1,op2,op3,fmt) fp_nmsub(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, op3, fmt)
-unsigned64 convert (SIM_STATE, int rm, unsigned64 op, FP_formats from, FP_formats to);
-#define Convert(rm,op,from,to) convert (SIM_ARGS, rm, op, from, to)
-unsigned64 convert_ps (SIM_STATE, int rm, unsigned64 op, FP_formats from,
- FP_formats to);
-#define ConvertPS(rm,op,from,to) convert_ps (SIM_ARGS, rm, op, from, to)
-/* MIPS-3D ASE operations. */
-#define CompareAbs(op1,op2,fmt,cond,cc) \
-fp_cmp(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt, 1, cond, cc)
-unsigned64 fp_add_r (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define AddR(op1,op2,fmt) fp_add_r(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_mul_r (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define MultiplyR(op1,op2,fmt) fp_mul_r(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_recip1 (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Recip1(op,fmt) fp_recip1(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_recip2 (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define Recip2(op1,op2,fmt) fp_recip2(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_rsqrt1 (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op, FP_formats fmt);
-#define RSquareRoot1(op,fmt) fp_rsqrt1(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-unsigned64 fp_rsqrt2 (SIM_STATE, unsigned64 op1, unsigned64 op2, FP_formats fmt);
-#define RSquareRoot2(op1,op2,fmt) fp_rsqrt2(SIM_ARGS, op1, op2, fmt)
-/* MDMX access. */
-typedef unsigned int MX_fmtsel; /* MDMX format select field (5 bits). */
-#define ob_fmtsel(sel) (((sel)<<1)|0x0)
-#define qh_fmtsel(sel) (((sel)<<2)|0x1)
-#define fmt_mdmx fmt_uninterpreted
-#define MX_VECT_AND (0)
-#define MX_VECT_NOR (1)
-#define MX_VECT_OR (2)
-#define MX_VECT_XOR (3)
-#define MX_VECT_SLL (4)
-#define MX_VECT_SRL (5)
-#define MX_VECT_ADD (6)
-#define MX_VECT_SUB (7)
-#define MX_VECT_MIN (8)
-#define MX_VECT_MAX (9)
-#define MX_VECT_MUL (10)
-#define MX_VECT_MSGN (11)
-#define MX_VECT_SRA (12)
-#define MX_VECT_ABSD (13) /* SB-1 only. */
-#define MX_VECT_AVG (14) /* SB-1 only. */
-unsigned64 mdmx_cpr_op (SIM_STATE, int op, unsigned64 op1, int vt, MX_fmtsel fmtsel);
-#define MX_Add(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_ADD, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_And(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_AND, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Max(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MAX, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Min(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MIN, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Msgn(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MSGN, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Mul(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MUL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Nor(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_NOR, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Or(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_OR, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_ShiftLeftLogical(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SLL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_ShiftRightArith(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SRA, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_ShiftRightLogical(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SRL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Sub(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SUB, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Xor(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_XOR, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_AbsDiff(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_ABSD, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_Avg(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cpr_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_AVG, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_C_EQ 0x1
-#define MX_C_LT 0x4
-void mdmx_cc_op (SIM_STATE, int cond, unsigned64 op1, int vt, MX_fmtsel fmtsel);
-#define MX_Comp(op1,cond,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_cc_op(SIM_ARGS, cond, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-unsigned64 mdmx_pick_op (SIM_STATE, int tf, unsigned64 op1, int vt, MX_fmtsel fmtsel);
-#define MX_Pick(tf,op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_pick_op(SIM_ARGS, tf, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_VECT_ADDA (0)
-#define MX_VECT_ADDL (1)
-#define MX_VECT_MULA (2)
-#define MX_VECT_MULL (3)
-#define MX_VECT_MULS (4)
-#define MX_VECT_MULSL (5)
-#define MX_VECT_SUBA (6)
-#define MX_VECT_SUBL (7)
-#define MX_VECT_ABSDA (8) /* SB-1 only. */
-void mdmx_acc_op (SIM_STATE, int op, unsigned64 op1, int vt, MX_fmtsel fmtsel);
-#define MX_AddA(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_ADDA, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_AddL(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_ADDL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_MulA(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MULA, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_MulL(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MULL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_MulS(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MULS, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_MulSL(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_MULSL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_SubA(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SUBA, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_SubL(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_SUBL, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_AbsDiffC(op1,vt,fmtsel) mdmx_acc_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_VECT_ABSDA, op1, vt, fmtsel)
-#define MX_FMT_OB (0)
-#define MX_FMT_QH (1)
-/* The following codes chosen to indicate the units of shift. */
-#define MX_RAC_L (0)
-#define MX_RAC_M (1)
-#define MX_RAC_H (2)
-unsigned64 mdmx_rac_op (SIM_STATE, int, int);
-#define MX_RAC(op,fmt) mdmx_rac_op(SIM_ARGS, op, fmt)
-void mdmx_wacl (SIM_STATE, int, unsigned64, unsigned64);
-#define MX_WACL(fmt,vs,vt) mdmx_wacl(SIM_ARGS, fmt, vs, vt)
-void mdmx_wach (SIM_STATE, int, unsigned64);
-#define MX_WACH(fmt,vs) mdmx_wach(SIM_ARGS, fmt, vs)
-#define MX_RND_AS (0)
-#define MX_RND_AU (1)
-#define MX_RND_ES (2)
-#define MX_RND_EU (3)
-#define MX_RND_ZS (4)
-#define MX_RND_ZU (5)
-unsigned64 mdmx_round_op (SIM_STATE, int, int, MX_fmtsel);
-#define MX_RNAS(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_AS, vt, fmt)
-#define MX_RNAU(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_AU, vt, fmt)
-#define MX_RNES(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_ES, vt, fmt)
-#define MX_RNEU(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_EU, vt, fmt)
-#define MX_RZS(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_ZS, vt, fmt)
-#define MX_RZU(vt,fmt) mdmx_round_op(SIM_ARGS, MX_RND_ZU, vt, fmt)
-unsigned64 mdmx_shuffle (SIM_STATE, int, unsigned64, unsigned64);
-#define MX_SHFL(shop,op1,op2) mdmx_shuffle(SIM_ARGS, shop, op1, op2)
-/* Memory accesses */
-/* The following are generic to all versions of the MIPS architecture
- to date: */
-/* Memory Access Types (for CCA): */
-#define Uncached (0)
-#define CachedNoncoherent (1)
-#define CachedCoherent (2)
-#define Cached (3)
-#define isINSTRUCTION (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
-#define isDATA (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
-#define isLOAD (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
-#define isSTORE (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
-#define isREAL (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
-#define isRAW (1 == 1) /* TRUE */
-/* The parameter HOST (isTARGET / isHOST) is ignored */
-#define isTARGET (1 == 0) /* FALSE */
-/* #define isHOST (1 == 1) TRUE */
-/* The "AccessLength" specifications for Loads and Stores. NOTE: This
- is the number of bytes minus 1. */
-#define AccessLength_BYTE (0)
-#define AccessLength_HALFWORD (1)
-#define AccessLength_TRIPLEBYTE (2)
-#define AccessLength_WORD (3)
-#define AccessLength_QUINTIBYTE (4)
-#define AccessLength_SEXTIBYTE (5)
-#define AccessLength_SEPTIBYTE (6)
-#define AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD (7)
-#define AccessLength_QUADWORD (15)
- ? AccessLength_DOUBLEWORD /*7*/ \
- : AccessLength_WORD /*3*/)
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (int) address_translation PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *, address_word cia, address_word vAddr, int IorD, int LorS, address_word *pAddr, int *CCA, int raw));
-#define AddressTranslation(vAddr,IorD,LorS,pAddr,CCA,host,raw) \
-address_translation (SD, CPU, cia, vAddr, IorD, LorS, pAddr, CCA, raw)
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) load_memory PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, uword64* memvalp, uword64* memval1p, int CCA, unsigned int AccessLength, address_word pAddr, address_word vAddr, int IorD));
-#define LoadMemory(memvalp,memval1p,CCA,AccessLength,pAddr,vAddr,IorD,raw) \
-load_memory (SD, CPU, cia, memvalp, memval1p, CCA, AccessLength, pAddr, vAddr, IorD)
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) store_memory PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int CCA, unsigned int AccessLength, uword64 MemElem, uword64 MemElem1, address_word pAddr, address_word vAddr));
-#define StoreMemory(CCA,AccessLength,MemElem,MemElem1,pAddr,vAddr,raw) \
-store_memory (SD, CPU, cia, CCA, AccessLength, MemElem, MemElem1, pAddr, vAddr)
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) cache_op PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int op, address_word pAddr, address_word vAddr, unsigned int instruction));
-#define CacheOp(op,pAddr,vAddr,instruction) \
-cache_op (SD, CPU, cia, op, pAddr, vAddr, instruction)
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) sync_operation PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int stype));
-#define SyncOperation(stype) \
-sync_operation (SD, CPU, cia, (stype))
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) prefetch PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, int CCA, address_word pAddr, address_word vAddr, int DATA, int hint));
-#define Prefetch(CCA,pAddr,vAddr,DATA,hint) \
-prefetch (SD, CPU, cia, CCA, pAddr, vAddr, DATA, hint)
-void unpredictable_action (sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia);
-#define NotWordValue(val) not_word_value (SD_, (val))
-#define Unpredictable() unpredictable (SD_)
-#define UnpredictableResult() /* For now, do nothing. */
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (unsigned32) ifetch32 PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, address_word vaddr));
-#define IMEM32(CIA) ifetch32 (SD, CPU, (CIA), (CIA))
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (unsigned16) ifetch16 PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia, address_word vaddr));
-#define IMEM16(CIA) ifetch16 (SD, CPU, (CIA), ((CIA) & ~1))
-#define IMEM16_IMMED(CIA,NR) ifetch16 (SD, CPU, (CIA), ((CIA) & ~1) + 2 * (NR))
-void dotrace PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, FILE *tracefh, int type, SIM_ADDR address, int width, char *comment, ...));
-extern FILE *tracefh;
-extern int DSPLO_REGNUM[4];
-extern int DSPHI_REGNUM[4];
-INLINE_SIM_MAIN (void) pending_tick PARAMS ((SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu *cpu, address_word cia));
-extern SIM_CORE_SIGNAL_FN mips_core_signal;
-char* pr_addr PARAMS ((SIM_ADDR addr));
-char* pr_uword64 PARAMS ((uword64 addr));
-#define GPR_CLEAR(N) do { GPR_SET((N),0); } while (0)
-void mips_cpu_exception_trigger(SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu* cpu, address_word pc);
-void mips_cpu_exception_suspend(SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu* cpu, int exception);
-void mips_cpu_exception_resume(SIM_DESC sd, sim_cpu* cpu, int exception);
-extern int mips_mach_multi(SIM_DESC sd);
-#define MIPS_MACH(SD) mips_mach_multi(SD)
-/* Macros for determining whether a MIPS IV or MIPS V part is subject
- to the hi/lo restrictions described in mips.igen. */
- (MIPS_MACH (SD) != bfd_mach_mips5500)
- (MIPS_MACH (SD) != bfd_mach_mips5500)
- (MIPS_MACH (SD) != bfd_mach_mips5500)
-#include "sim-main.c"