path: root/zlib/FAQ
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diff --git a/zlib/FAQ b/zlib/FAQ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0feb6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/FAQ
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ Frequently Asked Questions about zlib
+If your question is not there, please check the zlib home page
+http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/ which may have more recent information.
+1) I need a Windows DLL
+2) I need a Visual Basic interface to zlib
+3) compress() returns Z_BUF_ERROR
+4) deflate or inflate returns Z_BUF_ERROR
+5) Where is the zlib documentation (man pages, etc...)?
+6) Why don't you use GNU autoconf, libtool, etc...?
+7) There is a bug in zlib.
+8) I get "undefined reference to gzputc"
+1) I need a Windows DLL
+ The zlib sources can be compiled without change to produce a DLL.
+ If you want a precompiled DLL, see http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll
+2) I need a Visual Basic interface to zlib
+ See http://www.tcfb.com/dowseware/cmp-z-it.zip
+ http://web2.airmail.net/markn/articles/zlibtool/zlibtool.htm
+ and contrib/visual-basic.txt
+3) compress() returns Z_BUF_ERROR
+ Make sure that before the call of compress, the length of the
+ compressed buffer is equal to the total size of the compressed buffer
+ and not zero. For Visual Basic, check that this parameter is passed
+ by reference ("as any"), not by value ("as long").
+4) deflate or inflate returns Z_BUF_ERROR
+ Make sure that before the call avail_in and avail_out are not zero.
+5) Where is the zlib documentation (man pages, etc...)?
+ It's in zlib.h for the moment. Volunteers to transform this
+ to man pages, please contact jloup@gzip.org. Examples of zlib usage
+ are in the files example.c and minigzip.c.
+6) Why don't you use GNU autoconf, libtool, etc...?
+ Because we would like to keep zlib as a very small and simple package.
+ zlib is rather portable and doesn't need much configuration.
+7) There is a bug in zlib.
+ Most of the time, such problems are due to an incorrect usage
+ of zlib. Please try to reproduce the problem with a small
+ program and send us the corresponding source at zlib@quest.jpl.nasa.gov
+ Do not send multi-megabyte data files without prior agreement.
+8) I get "undefined reference to gzputc"
+ If "make test" produces something like
+ example.o(.text+0x174):
+ check that you don't have old files libz.* in /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib
+ or /usr/X11R6/lib. Remove old versions then do "make install".