path: root/libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h')
1 files changed, 619 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h b/libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h
index e5b63b2..78b36c1 100644
--- a/libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h
+++ b/libstdc++/stl/stl_hashtable.h
@@ -46,128 +46,150 @@
-template <class Value>
-struct __hashtable_node
+template <class _Val>
+struct _Hashtable_node
- __hashtable_node* next;
- Value val;
+ _Hashtable_node* _M_next;
+ _Val _M_val;
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc = alloc>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc = alloc>
class hashtable;
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc>
-struct __hashtable_iterator;
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc>
-struct __hashtable_const_iterator;
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc>
-struct __hashtable_iterator {
- typedef hashtable<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
- hashtable;
- typedef __hashtable_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,
- ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>
+struct _Hashtable_iterator;
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>
+struct _Hashtable_const_iterator;
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>
+struct _Hashtable_iterator {
+ typedef hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>
+ _Hashtable;
+ typedef _Hashtable_iterator<_Val, _Key, _HashFcn,
+ _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc>
- typedef __hashtable_const_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,
- ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
+ typedef _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val, _Key, _HashFcn,
+ _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc>
- typedef __hashtable_node<Value> node;
+ typedef _Hashtable_node<_Val> _Node;
typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- typedef Value value_type;
+ typedef _Val value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef Value& reference;
- typedef Value* pointer;
+ typedef _Val& reference;
+ typedef _Val* pointer;
- node* cur;
- hashtable* ht;
+ _Node* _M_cur;
+ _Hashtable* _M_ht;
- __hashtable_iterator(node* n, hashtable* tab) : cur(n), ht(tab) {}
- __hashtable_iterator() {}
- reference operator*() const { return cur->val; }
+ _Hashtable_iterator(_Node* __n, _Hashtable* __tab)
+ : _M_cur(__n), _M_ht(__tab) {}
+ _Hashtable_iterator() {}
+ reference operator*() const { return _M_cur->_M_val; }
pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int);
- bool operator==(const iterator& it) const { return cur == it.cur; }
- bool operator!=(const iterator& it) const { return cur != it.cur; }
+ bool operator==(const iterator& __it) const
+ { return _M_cur == __it._M_cur; }
+ bool operator!=(const iterator& __it) const
+ { return _M_cur != __it._M_cur; }
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Alloc>
-struct __hashtable_const_iterator {
- typedef hashtable<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
- hashtable;
- typedef __hashtable_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,
- ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>
+struct _Hashtable_const_iterator {
+ typedef hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>
+ _Hashtable;
+ typedef _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,
+ _ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>
- typedef __hashtable_const_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn,
- ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>
+ typedef _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val, _Key, _HashFcn,
+ _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc>
- typedef __hashtable_node<Value> node;
+ typedef _Hashtable_node<_Val> _Node;
typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- typedef Value value_type;
+ typedef _Val value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef const Value& reference;
- typedef const Value* pointer;
- const node* cur;
- const hashtable* ht;
- __hashtable_const_iterator(const node* n, const hashtable* tab)
- : cur(n), ht(tab) {}
- __hashtable_const_iterator() {}
- __hashtable_const_iterator(const iterator& it) : cur(it.cur), ht(it.ht) {}
- reference operator*() const { return cur->val; }
+ typedef const _Val& reference;
+ typedef const _Val* pointer;
+ const _Node* _M_cur;
+ const _Hashtable* _M_ht;
+ _Hashtable_const_iterator(const _Node* __n, const _Hashtable* __tab)
+ : _M_cur(__n), _M_ht(__tab) {}
+ _Hashtable_const_iterator() {}
+ _Hashtable_const_iterator(const iterator& __it)
+ : _M_cur(__it._M_cur), _M_ht(__it._M_ht) {}
+ reference operator*() const { return _M_cur->_M_val; }
pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
const_iterator& operator++();
const_iterator operator++(int);
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& it) const { return cur == it.cur; }
- bool operator!=(const const_iterator& it) const { return cur != it.cur; }
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& __it) const
+ { return _M_cur == __it._M_cur; }
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& __it) const
+ { return _M_cur != __it._M_cur; }
// Note: assumes long is at least 32 bits.
static const int __stl_num_primes = 28;
static const unsigned long __stl_prime_list[__stl_num_primes] =
- 53, 97, 193, 389, 769,
- 1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
- 49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433,
- 1572869, 3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843,
- 50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189, 805306457,
- 1610612741, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul
+ 53ul, 97ul, 193ul, 389ul, 769ul,
+ 1543ul, 3079ul, 6151ul, 12289ul, 24593ul,
+ 49157ul, 98317ul, 196613ul, 393241ul, 786433ul,
+ 1572869ul, 3145739ul, 6291469ul, 12582917ul, 25165843ul,
+ 50331653ul, 100663319ul, 201326611ul, 402653189ul, 805306457ul,
+ 1610612741ul, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul
-inline unsigned long __stl_next_prime(unsigned long n)
+inline unsigned long __stl_next_prime(unsigned long __n)
- const unsigned long* first = __stl_prime_list;
- const unsigned long* last = __stl_prime_list + __stl_num_primes;
- const unsigned long* pos = lower_bound(first, last, n);
- return pos == last ? *(last - 1) : *pos;
+ const unsigned long* __first = __stl_prime_list;
+ const unsigned long* __last = __stl_prime_list + __stl_num_primes;
+ const unsigned long* pos = lower_bound(__first, __last, __n);
+ return pos == __last ? *(__last - 1) : *pos;
+// Forward declaration of operator==.
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+class hashtable;
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+bool operator==(const hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>& __ht1,
+ const hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>& __ht2);
-template <class Value, class Key, class HashFcn,
- class ExtractKey, class EqualKey,
- class Alloc>
+// Hashtables handle allocators a bit differently than other containers
+// do. If we're using standard-conforming allocators, then a hashtable
+// unconditionally has a member variable to hold its allocator, even if
+// it so happens that all instances of the allocator type are identical.
+// This is because, for hashtables, this extra storage is negligible.
+// Additionally, a base class wouldn't serve any other purposes; it
+// wouldn't, for example, simplify the exception-handling code.
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HashFcn,
+ class _ExtractKey, class _EqualKey, class _Alloc>
class hashtable {
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Value value_type;
- typedef HashFcn hasher;
- typedef EqualKey key_equal;
+ typedef _Key key_type;
+ typedef _Val value_type;
+ typedef _HashFcn hasher;
+ typedef _EqualKey key_equal;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
@@ -176,90 +198,126 @@ public:
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- hasher hash_funct() const { return hash; }
- key_equal key_eq() const { return equals; }
+ hasher hash_funct() const { return _M_hash; }
+ key_equal key_eq() const { return _M_equals; }
- hasher hash;
- key_equal equals;
- ExtractKey get_key;
+ typedef _Hashtable_node<_Val> _Node;
- typedef __hashtable_node<Value> node;
- typedef simple_alloc<node, Alloc> node_allocator;
+ typedef typename _Alloc_traits<_Val,_Alloc>::allocator_type allocator_type;
+ allocator_type get_allocator() const { return _M_node_allocator; }
+ typename _Alloc_traits<_Node, _Alloc>::allocator_type _M_node_allocator;
+ _Node* _M_get_node() { return _M_node_allocator.allocate(1); }
+ void _M_put_node(_Node* __p) { _M_node_allocator.deallocate(__p, 1); }
+# define __HASH_ALLOC_INIT(__a) _M_node_allocator(__a),
+ typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
+ allocator_type get_allocator() const { return allocator_type(); }
+ typedef simple_alloc<_Node, _Alloc> _M_node_allocator_type;
+ _Node* _M_get_node() { return _M_node_allocator_type::allocate(1); }
+ void _M_put_node(_Node* __p) { _M_node_allocator_type::deallocate(__p, 1); }
+# define __HASH_ALLOC_INIT(__a)
+#endif /* __STL_USE_STD_ALLOCATORS */
- vector<node*,Alloc> buckets;
- size_type num_elements;
+ hasher _M_hash;
+ key_equal _M_equals;
+ _ExtractKey _M_get_key;
+ vector<_Node*,_Alloc> _M_buckets;
+ size_type _M_num_elements;
- typedef __hashtable_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey,
- Alloc>
- iterator;
- typedef __hashtable_const_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey,
- Alloc>
- const_iterator;
+ typedef _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>
+ iterator;
+ typedef _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,
+ _Alloc>
+ const_iterator;
friend struct
- __hashtable_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>;
+ _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>;
friend struct
- __hashtable_const_iterator<Value, Key, HashFcn, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Alloc>;
+ _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HashFcn,_ExtractKey,_EqualKey,_Alloc>;
- hashtable(size_type n,
- const HashFcn& hf,
- const EqualKey& eql,
- const ExtractKey& ext)
- : hash(hf), equals(eql), get_key(ext), num_elements(0)
+ hashtable(size_type __n,
+ const _HashFcn& __hf,
+ const _EqualKey& __eql,
+ const _ExtractKey& __ext,
+ const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
+ : __HASH_ALLOC_INIT(__a)
+ _M_hash(__hf),
+ _M_equals(__eql),
+ _M_get_key(__ext),
+ _M_buckets(__a),
+ _M_num_elements(0)
- initialize_buckets(n);
+ _M_initialize_buckets(__n);
- hashtable(size_type n,
- const HashFcn& hf,
- const EqualKey& eql)
- : hash(hf), equals(eql), get_key(ExtractKey()), num_elements(0)
+ hashtable(size_type __n,
+ const _HashFcn& __hf,
+ const _EqualKey& __eql,
+ const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
+ : __HASH_ALLOC_INIT(__a)
+ _M_hash(__hf),
+ _M_equals(__eql),
+ _M_get_key(_ExtractKey()),
+ _M_buckets(__a),
+ _M_num_elements(0)
- initialize_buckets(n);
+ _M_initialize_buckets(__n);
- hashtable(const hashtable& ht)
- : hash(ht.hash), equals(ht.equals), get_key(ht.get_key), num_elements(0)
+ hashtable(const hashtable& __ht)
+ : __HASH_ALLOC_INIT(__ht.get_allocator())
+ _M_hash(__ht._M_hash),
+ _M_equals(__ht._M_equals),
+ _M_get_key(__ht._M_get_key),
+ _M_buckets(__ht.get_allocator()),
+ _M_num_elements(0)
- copy_from(ht);
+ _M_copy_from(__ht);
- hashtable& operator= (const hashtable& ht)
+ hashtable& operator= (const hashtable& __ht)
- if (&ht != this) {
+ if (&__ht != this) {
- hash = ht.hash;
- equals = ht.equals;
- get_key = ht.get_key;
- copy_from(ht);
+ _M_hash = __ht._M_hash;
+ _M_equals = __ht._M_equals;
+ _M_get_key = __ht._M_get_key;
+ _M_copy_from(__ht);
return *this;
~hashtable() { clear(); }
- size_type size() const { return num_elements; }
+ size_type size() const { return _M_num_elements; }
size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
- void swap(hashtable& ht)
+ void swap(hashtable& __ht)
- __STD::swap(hash, ht.hash);
- __STD::swap(equals, ht.equals);
- __STD::swap(get_key, ht.get_key);
- buckets.swap(ht.buckets);
- __STD::swap(num_elements, ht.num_elements);
+ __STD::swap(_M_hash, __ht._M_hash);
+ __STD::swap(_M_equals, __ht._M_equals);
+ __STD::swap(_M_get_key, __ht._M_get_key);
+ _M_buckets.swap(__ht._M_buckets);
+ __STD::swap(_M_num_elements, __ht._M_num_elements);
iterator begin()
- for (size_type n = 0; n < buckets.size(); ++n)
- if (buckets[n])
- return iterator(buckets[n], this);
+ for (size_type __n = 0; __n < _M_buckets.size(); ++__n)
+ if (_M_buckets[__n])
+ return iterator(_M_buckets[__n], this);
return end();
@@ -267,9 +325,9 @@ public:
const_iterator begin() const
- for (size_type n = 0; n < buckets.size(); ++n)
- if (buckets[n])
- return const_iterator(buckets[n], this);
+ for (size_type __n = 0; __n < _M_buckets.size(); ++__n)
+ if (_M_buckets[__n])
+ return const_iterator(_M_buckets[__n], this);
return end();
@@ -280,329 +338,345 @@ public:
- size_type bucket_count() const { return buckets.size(); }
+ size_type bucket_count() const { return _M_buckets.size(); }
size_type max_bucket_count() const
{ return __stl_prime_list[__stl_num_primes - 1]; }
- size_type elems_in_bucket(size_type bucket) const
+ size_type elems_in_bucket(size_type __bucket) const
- size_type result = 0;
- for (node* cur = buckets[bucket]; cur; cur = cur->next)
- result += 1;
- return result;
+ size_type __result = 0;
+ for (_Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__bucket]; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ __result += 1;
+ return __result;
- pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type& obj)
+ pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const value_type& __obj)
- resize(num_elements + 1);
- return insert_unique_noresize(obj);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + 1);
+ return insert_unique_noresize(__obj);
- iterator insert_equal(const value_type& obj)
+ iterator insert_equal(const value_type& __obj)
- resize(num_elements + 1);
- return insert_equal_noresize(obj);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + 1);
+ return insert_equal_noresize(__obj);
- pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique_noresize(const value_type& obj);
- iterator insert_equal_noresize(const value_type& obj);
+ pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique_noresize(const value_type& __obj);
+ iterator insert_equal_noresize(const value_type& __obj);
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert_unique(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
+ template <class _InputIterator>
+ void insert_unique(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l)
- insert_unique(f, l, iterator_category(f));
+ insert_unique(__f, __l, __ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f));
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert_equal(InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
+ template <class _InputIterator>
+ void insert_equal(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l)
- insert_equal(f, l, iterator_category(f));
+ insert_equal(__f, __l, __ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__f));
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert_unique(InputIterator f, InputIterator l,
+ template <class _InputIterator>
+ void insert_unique(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l,
- for ( ; f != l; ++f)
- insert_unique(*f);
+ for ( ; __f != __l; ++__f)
+ insert_unique(*__f);
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert_equal(InputIterator f, InputIterator l,
+ template <class _InputIterator>
+ void insert_equal(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l,
- for ( ; f != l; ++f)
- insert_equal(*f);
+ for ( ; __f != __l; ++__f)
+ insert_equal(*__f);
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void insert_unique(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l,
+ template <class _ForwardIterator>
+ void insert_unique(_ForwardIterator __f, _ForwardIterator __l,
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(f, l, n);
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_unique_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = 0;
+ distance(__f, __l, __n);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_unique_noresize(*__f);
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void insert_equal(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l,
+ template <class _ForwardIterator>
+ void insert_equal(_ForwardIterator __f, _ForwardIterator __l,
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(f, l, n);
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_equal_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = 0;
+ distance(__f, __l, __n);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_equal_noresize(*__f);
- void insert_unique(const value_type* f, const value_type* l)
+ void insert_unique(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l)
- size_type n = l - f;
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_unique_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = __l - __f;
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_unique_noresize(*__f);
- void insert_equal(const value_type* f, const value_type* l)
+ void insert_equal(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l)
- size_type n = l - f;
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_equal_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = __l - __f;
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_equal_noresize(*__f);
- void insert_unique(const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
+ void insert_unique(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l)
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(f, l, n);
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_unique_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = 0;
+ distance(__f, __l, __n);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_unique_noresize(*__f);
- void insert_equal(const_iterator f, const_iterator l)
+ void insert_equal(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l)
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(f, l, n);
- resize(num_elements + n);
- for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++f)
- insert_equal_noresize(*f);
+ size_type __n = 0;
+ distance(__f, __l, __n);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + __n);
+ for ( ; __n > 0; --__n, ++__f)
+ insert_equal_noresize(*__f);
- reference find_or_insert(const value_type& obj);
+ reference find_or_insert(const value_type& __obj);
- iterator find(const key_type& key)
+ iterator find(const key_type& __key)
- size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- node* first;
- for ( first = buckets[n];
- first && !equals(get_key(first->val), key);
- first = first->next)
+ size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ _Node* __first;
+ for ( __first = _M_buckets[__n];
+ __first && !_M_equals(_M_get_key(__first->_M_val), __key);
+ __first = __first->_M_next)
- return iterator(first, this);
+ return iterator(__first, this);
- const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const
+ const_iterator find(const key_type& __key) const
- size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- const node* first;
- for ( first = buckets[n];
- first && !equals(get_key(first->val), key);
- first = first->next)
+ size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ const _Node* __first;
+ for ( __first = _M_buckets[__n];
+ __first && !_M_equals(_M_get_key(__first->_M_val), __key);
+ __first = __first->_M_next)
- return const_iterator(first, this);
+ return const_iterator(__first, this);
- size_type count(const key_type& key) const
+ size_type count(const key_type& __key) const
- const size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- size_type result = 0;
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ size_type __result = 0;
- for (const node* cur = buckets[n]; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (equals(get_key(cur->val), key))
- ++result;
- return result;
+ for (const _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__n]; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), __key))
+ ++__result;
+ return __result;
- pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key);
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) const;
+ pair<iterator, iterator>
+ equal_range(const key_type& __key);
- size_type erase(const key_type& key);
- void erase(const iterator& it);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
+ pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>
+ equal_range(const key_type& __key) const;
- void erase(const const_iterator& it);
- void erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
+ size_type erase(const key_type& __key);
+ void erase(const iterator& __it);
+ void erase(iterator __first, iterator __last);
- void resize(size_type num_elements_hint);
+ void erase(const const_iterator& __it);
+ void erase(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last);
+ void resize(size_type __num_elements_hint);
void clear();
- size_type next_size(size_type n) const { return __stl_next_prime(n); }
+ size_type _M_next_size(size_type __n) const
+ { return __stl_next_prime(__n); }
- void initialize_buckets(size_type n)
+ void _M_initialize_buckets(size_type __n)
- const size_type n_buckets = next_size(n);
- buckets.reserve(n_buckets);
- buckets.insert(buckets.end(), n_buckets, (node*) 0);
- num_elements = 0;
+ const size_type __n_buckets = _M_next_size(__n);
+ _M_buckets.reserve(__n_buckets);
+ _M_buckets.insert(_M_buckets.end(), __n_buckets, (_Node*) 0);
+ _M_num_elements = 0;
- size_type bkt_num_key(const key_type& key) const
+ size_type _M_bkt_num_key(const key_type& __key) const
- return bkt_num_key(key, buckets.size());
+ return _M_bkt_num_key(__key, _M_buckets.size());
- size_type bkt_num(const value_type& obj) const
+ size_type _M_bkt_num(const value_type& __obj) const
- return bkt_num_key(get_key(obj));
+ return _M_bkt_num_key(_M_get_key(__obj));
- size_type bkt_num_key(const key_type& key, size_t n) const
+ size_type _M_bkt_num_key(const key_type& __key, size_t __n) const
- return hash(key) % n;
+ return _M_hash(__key) % __n;
- size_type bkt_num(const value_type& obj, size_t n) const
+ size_type _M_bkt_num(const value_type& __obj, size_t __n) const
- return bkt_num_key(get_key(obj), n);
+ return _M_bkt_num_key(_M_get_key(__obj), __n);
- node* new_node(const value_type& obj)
+ _Node* _M_new_node(const value_type& __obj)
- node* n = node_allocator::allocate();
- n->next = 0;
+ _Node* __n = _M_get_node();
+ __n->_M_next = 0;
- construct(&n->val, obj);
- return n;
+ construct(&__n->_M_val, __obj);
+ return __n;
- __STL_UNWIND(node_allocator::deallocate(n));
+ __STL_UNWIND(_M_put_node(__n));
- void delete_node(node* n)
+ void _M_delete_node(_Node* __n)
- destroy(&n->val);
- node_allocator::deallocate(n);
+ destroy(&__n->_M_val);
+ _M_put_node(__n);
- void erase_bucket(const size_type n, node* first, node* last);
- void erase_bucket(const size_type n, node* last);
+ void _M_erase_bucket(const size_type __n, _Node* __first, _Node* __last);
+ void _M_erase_bucket(const size_type __n, _Node* __last);
- void copy_from(const hashtable& ht);
+ void _M_copy_from(const hashtable& __ht);
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A>
-__hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>&
-__hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>::operator++()
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
- const node* old = cur;
- cur = cur->next;
- if (!cur) {
- size_type bucket = ht->bkt_num(old->val);
- while (!cur && ++bucket < ht->buckets.size())
- cur = ht->buckets[bucket];
+ const _Node* __old = _M_cur;
+ _M_cur = _M_cur->_M_next;
+ if (!_M_cur) {
+ size_type __bucket = _M_ht->_M_bkt_num(__old->_M_val);
+ while (!_M_cur && ++__bucket < _M_ht->_M_buckets.size())
+ _M_cur = _M_ht->_M_buckets[__bucket];
return *this;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A>
-inline __hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>
-__hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>::operator++(int)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>
- iterator tmp = *this;
+ iterator __tmp = *this;
- return tmp;
+ return __tmp;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A>
-__hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>&
-__hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>::operator++()
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
- const node* old = cur;
- cur = cur->next;
- if (!cur) {
- size_type bucket = ht->bkt_num(old->val);
- while (!cur && ++bucket < ht->buckets.size())
- cur = ht->buckets[bucket];
+ const _Node* __old = _M_cur;
+ _M_cur = _M_cur->_M_next;
+ if (!_M_cur) {
+ size_type __bucket = _M_ht->_M_bkt_num(__old->_M_val);
+ while (!_M_cur && ++__bucket < _M_ht->_M_buckets.size())
+ _M_cur = _M_ht->_M_buckets[__bucket];
return *this;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class A>
-inline __hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>
-__hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, A>::operator++(int)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
+ const_iterator __tmp = *this;
- return tmp;
+ return __tmp;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
inline forward_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const __hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+iterator_category(const _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
return forward_iterator_tag();
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
-inline V* value_type(const __hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline _Val*
+value_type(const _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
- return (V*) 0;
+ return (_Val*) 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
-inline hashtable<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>::difference_type*
-distance_type(const __hashtable_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>::difference_type*
+distance_type(const _Hashtable_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
- return (hashtable<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>::difference_type*) 0;
+ return (hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>::difference_type*) 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
inline forward_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const __hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+iterator_category(const _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,
+ _ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
return forward_iterator_tag();
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
-inline V*
-value_type(const __hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline _Val*
+value_type(const _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
- return (V*) 0;
+ return (_Val*) 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class ExK, class EqK, class All>
-inline hashtable<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>::difference_type*
-distance_type(const __hashtable_const_iterator<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>&)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _ExK, class _EqK,
+ class _All>
+inline hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>::difference_type*
+distance_type(const _Hashtable_const_iterator<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>&)
- return (hashtable<V, K, HF, ExK, EqK, All>::difference_type*) 0;
+ return (hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_ExK,_EqK,_All>::difference_type*) 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-bool operator==(const hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>& ht1,
- const hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>& ht2)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+inline bool operator==(const hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>& __ht1,
+ const hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>& __ht2)
- typedef typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::node node;
- if (ht1.buckets.size() != ht2.buckets.size())
+ typedef typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::_Node _Node;
+ if (__ht1._M_buckets.size() != __ht2._M_buckets.size())
return false;
- for (int n = 0; n < ht1.buckets.size(); ++n) {
- node* cur1 = ht1.buckets[n];
- node* cur2 = ht2.buckets[n];
- for ( ; cur1 && cur2 && cur1->val == cur2->val;
- cur1 = cur1->next, cur2 = cur2->next)
+ for (int __n = 0; __n < __ht1._M_buckets.size(); ++__n) {
+ _Node* __cur1 = __ht1._M_buckets[__n];
+ _Node* __cur2 = __ht2._M_buckets[__n];
+ for ( ; __cur1 && __cur2 && __cur1->_M_val == __cur2->_M_val;
+ __cur1 = __cur1->_M_next, __cur2 = __cur2->_M_next)
- if (cur1 || cur2)
+ if (__cur1 || __cur2)
return false;
return true;
@@ -610,253 +684,265 @@ bool operator==(const hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>& ht1,
-template <class Val, class Key, class HF, class Extract, class EqKey, class A>
-inline void swap(hashtable<Val, Key, HF, Extract, EqKey, A>& ht1,
- hashtable<Val, Key, HF, Extract, EqKey, A>& ht2) {
- ht1.swap(ht2);
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Extract, class _EqKey,
+ class _All>
+inline void swap(hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Extract, _EqKey, _All>& __ht1,
+ hashtable<_Val, _Key, _HF, _Extract, _EqKey, _All>& __ht2) {
+ __ht1.swap(__ht2);
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-pair<typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::iterator, bool>
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::insert_unique_noresize(const value_type& obj)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+pair<typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::iterator, bool>
+ ::insert_unique_noresize(const value_type& __obj)
- const size_type n = bkt_num(obj);
- node* first = buckets[n];
- for (node* cur = first; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (equals(get_key(cur->val), get_key(obj)))
- return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(cur, this), false);
- node* tmp = new_node(obj);
- tmp->next = first;
- buckets[n] = tmp;
- ++num_elements;
- return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(tmp, this), true);
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num(__obj);
+ _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n];
+ for (_Node* __cur = __first; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), _M_get_key(__obj)))
+ return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(__cur, this), false);
+ _Node* __tmp = _M_new_node(__obj);
+ __tmp->_M_next = __first;
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __tmp;
+ ++_M_num_elements;
+ return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(__tmp, this), true);
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::iterator
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::insert_equal_noresize(const value_type& obj)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::iterator
+ ::insert_equal_noresize(const value_type& __obj)
- const size_type n = bkt_num(obj);
- node* first = buckets[n];
- for (node* cur = first; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (equals(get_key(cur->val), get_key(obj))) {
- node* tmp = new_node(obj);
- tmp->next = cur->next;
- cur->next = tmp;
- ++num_elements;
- return iterator(tmp, this);
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num(__obj);
+ _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n];
+ for (_Node* __cur = __first; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), _M_get_key(__obj))) {
+ _Node* __tmp = _M_new_node(__obj);
+ __tmp->_M_next = __cur->_M_next;
+ __cur->_M_next = __tmp;
+ ++_M_num_elements;
+ return iterator(__tmp, this);
- node* tmp = new_node(obj);
- tmp->next = first;
- buckets[n] = tmp;
- ++num_elements;
- return iterator(tmp, this);
+ _Node* __tmp = _M_new_node(__obj);
+ __tmp->_M_next = __first;
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __tmp;
+ ++_M_num_elements;
+ return iterator(__tmp, this);
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::reference
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::find_or_insert(const value_type& obj)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::reference
+hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::find_or_insert(const value_type& __obj)
- resize(num_elements + 1);
+ resize(_M_num_elements + 1);
- size_type n = bkt_num(obj);
- node* first = buckets[n];
+ size_type __n = _M_bkt_num(__obj);
+ _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n];
- for (node* cur = first; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (equals(get_key(cur->val), get_key(obj)))
- return cur->val;
+ for (_Node* __cur = __first; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), _M_get_key(__obj)))
+ return __cur->_M_val;
- node* tmp = new_node(obj);
- tmp->next = first;
- buckets[n] = tmp;
- ++num_elements;
- return tmp->val;
+ _Node* __tmp = _M_new_node(__obj);
+ __tmp->_M_next = __first;
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __tmp;
+ ++_M_num_elements;
+ return __tmp->_M_val;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-pair<typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::iterator,
- typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::iterator>
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::equal_range(const key_type& key)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+pair<typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::iterator,
+ typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::iterator>
+hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::equal_range(const key_type& __key)
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pii;
- const size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- for (node* first = buckets[n]; first; first = first->next) {
- if (equals(get_key(first->val), key)) {
- for (node* cur = first->next; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (!equals(get_key(cur->val), key))
- return pii(iterator(first, this), iterator(cur, this));
- for (size_type m = n + 1; m < buckets.size(); ++m)
- if (buckets[m])
- return pii(iterator(first, this),
- iterator(buckets[m], this));
- return pii(iterator(first, this), end());
+ typedef pair<iterator, iterator> _Pii;
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ for (_Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n]; __first; __first = __first->_M_next)
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__first->_M_val), __key)) {
+ for (_Node* __cur = __first->_M_next; __cur; __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (!_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), __key))
+ return _Pii(iterator(__first, this), iterator(__cur, this));
+ for (size_type __m = __n + 1; __m < _M_buckets.size(); ++__m)
+ if (_M_buckets[__m])
+ return _Pii(iterator(__first, this),
+ iterator(_M_buckets[__m], this));
+ return _Pii(iterator(__first, this), end());
- }
- return pii(end(), end());
+ return _Pii(end(), end());
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-pair<typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::const_iterator,
- typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::const_iterator>
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::equal_range(const key_type& key) const
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+pair<typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::const_iterator,
+ typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::const_iterator>
+ ::equal_range(const key_type& __key) const
- typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> pii;
- const size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- for (const node* first = buckets[n] ; first; first = first->next) {
- if (equals(get_key(first->val), key)) {
- for (const node* cur = first->next; cur; cur = cur->next)
- if (!equals(get_key(cur->val), key))
- return pii(const_iterator(first, this),
- const_iterator(cur, this));
- for (size_type m = n + 1; m < buckets.size(); ++m)
- if (buckets[m])
- return pii(const_iterator(first, this),
- const_iterator(buckets[m], this));
- return pii(const_iterator(first, this), end());
+ typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> _Pii;
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ for (const _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n] ;
+ __first;
+ __first = __first->_M_next) {
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__first->_M_val), __key)) {
+ for (const _Node* __cur = __first->_M_next;
+ __cur;
+ __cur = __cur->_M_next)
+ if (!_M_equals(_M_get_key(__cur->_M_val), __key))
+ return _Pii(const_iterator(__first, this),
+ const_iterator(__cur, this));
+ for (size_type __m = __n + 1; __m < _M_buckets.size(); ++__m)
+ if (_M_buckets[__m])
+ return _Pii(const_iterator(__first, this),
+ const_iterator(_M_buckets[__m], this));
+ return _Pii(const_iterator(__first, this), end());
- return pii(end(), end());
+ return _Pii(end(), end());
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-typename hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::size_type
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(const key_type& key)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+typename hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::size_type
+hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::erase(const key_type& __key)
- const size_type n = bkt_num_key(key);
- node* first = buckets[n];
- size_type erased = 0;
- if (first) {
- node* cur = first;
- node* next = cur->next;
- while (next) {
- if (equals(get_key(next->val), key)) {
- cur->next = next->next;
- delete_node(next);
- next = cur->next;
- ++erased;
- --num_elements;
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num_key(__key);
+ _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__n];
+ size_type __erased = 0;
+ if (__first) {
+ _Node* __cur = __first;
+ _Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ while (__next) {
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__next->_M_val), __key)) {
+ __cur->_M_next = __next->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__next);
+ __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ ++__erased;
+ --_M_num_elements;
else {
- cur = next;
- next = cur->next;
+ __cur = __next;
+ __next = __cur->_M_next;
- if (equals(get_key(first->val), key)) {
- buckets[n] = first->next;
- delete_node(first);
- ++erased;
- --num_elements;
+ if (_M_equals(_M_get_key(__first->_M_val), __key)) {
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __first->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__first);
+ ++__erased;
+ --_M_num_elements;
- return erased;
+ return __erased;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(const iterator& it)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::erase(const iterator& __it)
- if (node* const p = it.cur) {
- const size_type n = bkt_num(p->val);
- node* cur = buckets[n];
- if (cur == p) {
- buckets[n] = cur->next;
- delete_node(cur);
- --num_elements;
+ if (_Node* const __p = __it._M_cur) {
+ const size_type __n = _M_bkt_num(__p->_M_val);
+ _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__n];
+ if (__cur == __p) {
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __cur->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__cur);
+ --_M_num_elements;
else {
- node* next = cur->next;
- while (next) {
- if (next == p) {
- cur->next = next->next;
- delete_node(next);
- --num_elements;
+ _Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ while (__next) {
+ if (__next == __p) {
+ __cur->_M_next = __next->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__next);
+ --_M_num_elements;
else {
- cur = next;
- next = cur->next;
+ __cur = __next;
+ __next = __cur->_M_next;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>
+ ::erase(iterator __first, iterator __last)
- size_type f_bucket = first.cur ? bkt_num(first.cur->val) : buckets.size();
- size_type l_bucket = last.cur ? bkt_num(last.cur->val) : buckets.size();
+ size_type __f_bucket = __first._M_cur ?
+ _M_bkt_num(__first._M_cur->_M_val) : _M_buckets.size();
+ size_type __l_bucket = __last._M_cur ?
+ _M_bkt_num(__last._M_cur->_M_val) : _M_buckets.size();
- if (first.cur == last.cur)
+ if (__first._M_cur == __last._M_cur)
- else if (f_bucket == l_bucket)
- erase_bucket(f_bucket, first.cur, last.cur);
+ else if (__f_bucket == __l_bucket)
+ _M_erase_bucket(__f_bucket, __first._M_cur, __last._M_cur);
else {
- erase_bucket(f_bucket, first.cur, 0);
- for (size_type n = f_bucket + 1; n < l_bucket; ++n)
- erase_bucket(n, 0);
- if (l_bucket != buckets.size())
- erase_bucket(l_bucket, last.cur);
+ _M_erase_bucket(__f_bucket, __first._M_cur, 0);
+ for (size_type __n = __f_bucket + 1; __n < __l_bucket; ++__n)
+ _M_erase_bucket(__n, 0);
+ if (__l_bucket != _M_buckets.size())
+ _M_erase_bucket(__l_bucket, __last._M_cur);
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
inline void
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last)
+hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::erase(const_iterator __first,
+ const_iterator __last)
- erase(iterator(const_cast<node*>(first.cur),
- const_cast<hashtable*>(first.ht)),
- iterator(const_cast<node*>(last.cur),
- const_cast<hashtable*>(last.ht)));
+ erase(iterator(const_cast<_Node*>(__first._M_cur),
+ const_cast<hashtable*>(__first._M_ht)),
+ iterator(const_cast<_Node*>(__last._M_cur),
+ const_cast<hashtable*>(__last._M_ht)));
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
inline void
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase(const const_iterator& it)
+hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::erase(const const_iterator& __it)
- erase(iterator(const_cast<node*>(it.cur),
- const_cast<hashtable*>(it.ht)));
+ erase(iterator(const_cast<_Node*>(__it._M_cur),
+ const_cast<hashtable*>(__it._M_ht)));
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::resize(size_type num_elements_hint)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>
+ ::resize(size_type __num_elements_hint)
- const size_type old_n = buckets.size();
- if (num_elements_hint > old_n) {
- const size_type n = next_size(num_elements_hint);
- if (n > old_n) {
- vector<node*, A> tmp(n, (node*) 0);
+ const size_type __old_n = _M_buckets.size();
+ if (__num_elements_hint > __old_n) {
+ const size_type __n = _M_next_size(__num_elements_hint);
+ if (__n > __old_n) {
+ vector<_Node*, _All> __tmp(__n, (_Node*)(0),
+ _M_buckets.get_allocator());
- for (size_type bucket = 0; bucket < old_n; ++bucket) {
- node* first = buckets[bucket];
- while (first) {
- size_type new_bucket = bkt_num(first->val, n);
- buckets[bucket] = first->next;
- first->next = tmp[new_bucket];
- tmp[new_bucket] = first;
- first = buckets[bucket];
+ for (size_type __bucket = 0; __bucket < __old_n; ++__bucket) {
+ _Node* __first = _M_buckets[__bucket];
+ while (__first) {
+ size_type __new_bucket = _M_bkt_num(__first->_M_val, __n);
+ _M_buckets[__bucket] = __first->_M_next;
+ __first->_M_next = __tmp[__new_bucket];
+ __tmp[__new_bucket] = __first;
+ __first = _M_buckets[__bucket];
- buckets.swap(tmp);
+ _M_buckets.swap(__tmp);
catch(...) {
- for (size_type bucket = 0; bucket < tmp.size(); ++bucket) {
- while (tmp[bucket]) {
- node* next = tmp[bucket]->next;
- delete_node(tmp[bucket]);
- tmp[bucket] = next;
+ for (size_type __bucket = 0; __bucket < __tmp.size(); ++__bucket) {
+ while (__tmp[__bucket]) {
+ _Node* __next = __tmp[__bucket]->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__tmp[__bucket]);
+ __tmp[__bucket] = __next;
@@ -866,75 +952,80 @@ void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::resize(size_type num_elements_hint)
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase_bucket(const size_type n,
- node* first, node* last)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>
+ ::_M_erase_bucket(const size_type __n, _Node* __first, _Node* __last)
- node* cur = buckets[n];
- if (cur == first)
- erase_bucket(n, last);
+ _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__n];
+ if (__cur == __first)
+ _M_erase_bucket(__n, __last);
else {
- node* next;
- for (next = cur->next; next != first; cur = next, next = cur->next)
+ _Node* __next;
+ for (__next = __cur->_M_next;
+ __next != __first;
+ __cur = __next, __next = __cur->_M_next)
- while (next) {
- cur->next = next->next;
- delete_node(next);
- next = cur->next;
- --num_elements;
+ while (__next) {
+ __cur->_M_next = __next->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__next);
+ __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ --_M_num_elements;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::erase_bucket(const size_type n, node* last)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>
+ ::_M_erase_bucket(const size_type __n, _Node* __last)
- node* cur = buckets[n];
- while (cur != last) {
- node* next = cur->next;
- delete_node(cur);
- cur = next;
- buckets[n] = cur;
- --num_elements;
+ _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__n];
+ while (__cur != __last) {
+ _Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__cur);
+ __cur = __next;
+ _M_buckets[__n] = __cur;
+ --_M_num_elements;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::clear()
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>::clear()
- for (size_type i = 0; i < buckets.size(); ++i) {
- node* cur = buckets[i];
- while (cur != 0) {
- node* next = cur->next;
- delete_node(cur);
- cur = next;
+ for (size_type __i = 0; __i < _M_buckets.size(); ++__i) {
+ _Node* __cur = _M_buckets[__i];
+ while (__cur != 0) {
+ _Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ _M_delete_node(__cur);
+ __cur = __next;
- buckets[i] = 0;
+ _M_buckets[__i] = 0;
- num_elements = 0;
+ _M_num_elements = 0;
-template <class V, class K, class HF, class Ex, class Eq, class A>
-void hashtable<V, K, HF, Ex, Eq, A>::copy_from(const hashtable& ht)
+template <class _Val, class _Key, class _HF, class _Ex, class _Eq, class _All>
+void hashtable<_Val,_Key,_HF,_Ex,_Eq,_All>
+ ::_M_copy_from(const hashtable& __ht)
- buckets.clear();
- buckets.reserve(ht.buckets.size());
- buckets.insert(buckets.end(), ht.buckets.size(), (node*) 0);
+ _M_buckets.clear();
+ _M_buckets.reserve(__ht._M_buckets.size());
+ _M_buckets.insert(_M_buckets.end(), __ht._M_buckets.size(), (_Node*) 0);
- for (size_type i = 0; i < ht.buckets.size(); ++i) {
- if (const node* cur = ht.buckets[i]) {
- node* copy = new_node(cur->val);
- buckets[i] = copy;
- for (node* next = cur->next; next; cur = next, next = cur->next) {
- copy->next = new_node(next->val);
- copy = copy->next;
+ for (size_type __i = 0; __i < __ht._M_buckets.size(); ++__i) {
+ if (const _Node* __cur = __ht._M_buckets[__i]) {
+ _Node* __copy = _M_new_node(__cur->_M_val);
+ _M_buckets[__i] = __copy;
+ for (_Node* __next = __cur->_M_next;
+ __next;
+ __cur = __next, __next = __cur->_M_next) {
+ __copy->_M_next = _M_new_node(__next->_M_val);
+ __copy = __copy->_M_next;
- num_elements = ht.num_elements;
+ _M_num_elements = __ht._M_num_elements;