path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libstdc++-v3/docs/html/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/Makefile b/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f75752e..0000000
--- a/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-all: documentation.html \
- faq/index.txt \
- 17_intro/confdeps.png \
- 17_intro/porting.html \
- 17_intro/porting-howto.html
-# chock full of GNUism, probably
-documentation.html: $(wildcard */howto.html)
- sed -n '1,/beginlist/p' $@ > tmp.top
- sed -n '/endlist/,$$p' $@ > tmp.bottom
- echo ' <ul>' > tmp.middle
- for i in [0-9]*/howto.html; do \
- title=`grep 'h1 ' $$i |\
- sed 's=.*\(Chapter [[:digit:]]*\):[[:space:]]*\(.*\)</a>.*=\2 (\1)='` ;\
- awk -v file=$$i -v "title=$$title" -f makedoc.awk $$i >> tmp.middle ;\
- done
- awk -v file=ext/howto.html -v "title=Extensions to the Standard Library"\
- -f makedoc.awk ext/howto.html >> tmp.middle ;\
- echo ' </ul>' >> tmp.middle
- cat tmp.top tmp.middle tmp.bottom > $@
- rm tmp.top tmp.middle tmp.bottom
-faq/index.txt: faq/index.html
- lynx -dump $< | sed "s%file://localhost`${PWD_COMMAND}`%..%" > $@
-17_intro/porting.html: 17_intro/porting.texi
- ${MAKEINFO} -I ${INC} --html --no-split $< -o $@
-17_intro/confdeps.png: 17_intro/confdeps.dot
- dot -Tpng -o $@ $<
-# vim:noet ts=4