path: root/libphobos/src/std/string.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libphobos/src/std/string.d')
1 files changed, 6952 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/string.d b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a1452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
@@ -0,0 +1,6952 @@
+// Written in the D programming language.
+String handling functions.
+$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
+$(DIVC quickindex,
+$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions) )
+$(TR $(TDNW Searching)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF column)
+ $(MYREF indexOf)
+ $(MYREF indexOfAny)
+ $(MYREF indexOfNeither)
+ $(MYREF lastIndexOf)
+ $(MYREF lastIndexOfAny)
+ $(MYREF lastIndexOfNeither)
+ )
+$(TR $(TDNW Comparison)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF isNumeric)
+ )
+$(TR $(TDNW Mutation)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF capitalize)
+ )
+$(TR $(TDNW Pruning and Filling)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF center)
+ $(MYREF chomp)
+ $(MYREF chompPrefix)
+ $(MYREF chop)
+ $(MYREF detabber)
+ $(MYREF detab)
+ $(MYREF entab)
+ $(MYREF entabber)
+ $(MYREF leftJustify)
+ $(MYREF outdent)
+ $(MYREF rightJustify)
+ $(MYREF strip)
+ $(MYREF stripLeft)
+ $(MYREF stripRight)
+ $(MYREF wrap)
+ )
+$(TR $(TDNW Substitution)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF abbrev)
+ $(MYREF soundex)
+ $(MYREF soundexer)
+ $(MYREF succ)
+ $(MYREF tr)
+ $(MYREF translate)
+ )
+$(TR $(TDNW Miscellaneous)
+ $(TD
+ $(MYREF assumeUTF)
+ $(MYREF fromStringz)
+ $(MYREF lineSplitter)
+ $(MYREF representation)
+ $(MYREF splitLines)
+ $(MYREF toStringz)
+ )
+Objects of types $(D _string), $(D wstring), and $(D dstring) are value types
+and cannot be mutated element-by-element. For using mutation during building
+strings, use $(D char[]), $(D wchar[]), or $(D dchar[]). The $(D xxxstring)
+types are preferable because they don't exhibit undesired aliasing, thus
+making code more robust.
+The following functions are publicly imported:
+$(TR $(TH Module) $(TH Functions) )
+$(LEADINGROW Publicly imported functions)
+ $(TR $(TD std.algorithm)
+ $(TD
+ $(REF_SHORT cmp, std,algorithm,comparison)
+ $(REF_SHORT count, std,algorithm,searching)
+ $(REF_SHORT endsWith, std,algorithm,searching)
+ $(REF_SHORT startsWith, std,algorithm,searching)
+ ))
+ $(TR $(TD std.array)
+ $(TD
+ $(REF_SHORT join, std,array)
+ $(REF_SHORT replace, std,array)
+ $(REF_SHORT replaceInPlace, std,array)
+ $(REF_SHORT split, std,array)
+ $(REF_SHORT empty, std,array)
+ ))
+ $(TR $(TD std.format)
+ $(TD
+ $(REF_SHORT format, std,format)
+ $(REF_SHORT sformat, std,format)
+ ))
+ $(TR $(TD std.uni)
+ $(TD
+ $(REF_SHORT icmp, std,uni)
+ $(REF_SHORT toLower, std,uni)
+ $(REF_SHORT toLowerInPlace, std,uni)
+ $(REF_SHORT toUpper, std,uni)
+ $(REF_SHORT toUpperInPlace, std,uni)
+ ))
+There is a rich set of functions for _string handling defined in other modules.
+Functions related to Unicode and ASCII are found in $(MREF std, uni)
+and $(MREF std, ascii), respectively. Other functions that have a
+wider generality than just strings can be found in $(MREF std, algorithm)
+and $(MREF std, range).
+ $(LIST
+ $(MREF std, algorithm) and
+ $(MREF std, range)
+ for generic range algorithms
+ ,
+ $(MREF std, ascii)
+ for functions that work with ASCII strings
+ ,
+ $(MREF std, uni)
+ for functions that work with unicode strings
+ )
+Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2007-.
+License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
+Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright),
+ $(HTTP erdani.org, Andrei Alexandrescu),
+ Jonathan M Davis,
+ and David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis
+Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_string.d)
+module std.string;
+version (unittest)
+ struct TestAliasedString
+ {
+ string get() @safe @nogc pure nothrow { return _s; }
+ alias get this;
+ @disable this(this);
+ string _s;
+ }
+ bool testAliasedString(alias func, Args...)(string s, Args args)
+ {
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ auto a = func(TestAliasedString(s), args);
+ auto b = func(s, args);
+ static if (is(typeof(equal(a, b))))
+ {
+ // For ranges, compare contents instead of object identity.
+ return equal(a, b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return a == b;
+ }
+ }
+public import std.format : format, sformat;
+import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
+public import std.uni : icmp, toLower, toLowerInPlace, toUpper, toUpperInPlace;
+import std.meta; // AliasSeq, staticIndexOf
+import std.range.primitives; // back, ElementEncodingType, ElementType, front,
+ // hasLength, hasSlicing, isBidirectionalRange, isForwardRange, isInfinite,
+ // isInputRange, isOutputRange, isRandomAccessRange, popBack, popFront, put,
+ // save;
+import std.traits; // isConvertibleToString, isNarrowString, isSomeChar,
+ // isSomeString, StringTypeOf, Unqual
+//public imports for backward compatibility
+public import std.algorithm.comparison : cmp;
+public import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith, endsWith, count;
+public import std.array : join, replace, replaceInPlace, split, empty;
+/* ************* Exceptions *************** */
+ Exception thrown on errors in std.string functions.
+ +/
+class StringException : Exception
+ import std.exception : basicExceptionCtors;
+ ///
+ mixin basicExceptionCtors;
+ Params:
+ cString = A null-terminated c-style string.
+ Returns: A D-style array of $(D char) referencing the same string. The
+ returned array will retain the same type qualifiers as the input.
+ $(RED Important Note:) The returned array is a slice of the original buffer.
+ The original data is not changed and not copied.
+inout(char)[] fromStringz(inout(char)* cString) @nogc @system pure nothrow {
+ import core.stdc.string : strlen;
+ return cString ? cString[0 .. strlen(cString)] : null;
+@system pure unittest
+ assert(fromStringz(null) == null);
+ assert(fromStringz("foo") == "foo");
+ Params:
+ s = A D-style string.
+ Returns: A C-style null-terminated string equivalent to $(D s). $(D s)
+ must not contain embedded $(D '\0')'s as any C function will treat the
+ first $(D '\0') that it sees as the end of the string. If $(D s.empty) is
+ $(D true), then a string containing only $(D '\0') is returned.
+ $(RED Important Note:) When passing a $(D char*) to a C function, and the C
+ function keeps it around for any reason, make sure that you keep a
+ reference to it in your D code. Otherwise, it may become invalid during a
+ garbage collection cycle and cause a nasty bug when the C code tries to use
+ it.
+ +/
+immutable(char)* toStringz(const(char)[] s) @trusted pure nothrow
+out (result)
+ import core.stdc.string : strlen, memcmp;
+ if (result)
+ {
+ auto slen = s.length;
+ while (slen > 0 && s[slen-1] == 0) --slen;
+ assert(strlen(result) == slen);
+ assert(result[0 .. slen] == s[0 .. slen]);
+ }
+ import std.exception : assumeUnique;
+ /+ Unfortunately, this isn't reliable.
+ We could make this work if string literals are put
+ in read-only memory and we test if s[] is pointing into
+ that.
+ /* Peek past end of s[], if it's 0, no conversion necessary.
+ * Note that the compiler will put a 0 past the end of static
+ * strings, and the storage allocator will put a 0 past the end
+ * of newly allocated char[]'s.
+ */
+ char* p = &s[0] + s.length;
+ if (*p == 0)
+ return s;
+ +/
+ // Need to make a copy
+ auto copy = new char[s.length + 1];
+ copy[0 .. s.length] = s[];
+ copy[s.length] = 0;
+ return &assumeUnique(copy)[0];
+/++ Ditto +/
+immutable(char)* toStringz(in string s) @trusted pure nothrow
+ if (s.empty) return "".ptr;
+ /* Peek past end of s[], if it's 0, no conversion necessary.
+ * Note that the compiler will put a 0 past the end of static
+ * strings, and the storage allocator will put a 0 past the end
+ * of newly allocated char[]'s.
+ */
+ immutable p = s.ptr + s.length;
+ // Is p dereferenceable? A simple test: if the p points to an
+ // address multiple of 4, then conservatively assume the pointer
+ // might be pointing to a new block of memory, which might be
+ // unreadable. Otherwise, it's definitely pointing to valid
+ // memory.
+ if ((cast(size_t) p & 3) && *p == 0)
+ return &s[0];
+ return toStringz(cast(const char[]) s);
+pure nothrow @system unittest
+ import core.stdc.string : strlen;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ auto p = toStringz("foo");
+ assert(strlen(p) == 3);
+ const(char)[] foo = "abbzxyzzy";
+ p = toStringz(foo[3 .. 5]);
+ assert(strlen(p) == 2);
+ string test = "";
+ p = toStringz(test);
+ assert(*p == 0);
+ test = "\0";
+ p = toStringz(test);
+ assert(*p == 0);
+ test = "foo\0";
+ p = toStringz(test);
+ assert(p[0] == 'f' && p[1] == 'o' && p[2] == 'o' && p[3] == 0);
+ const string test2 = "";
+ p = toStringz(test2);
+ assert(*p == 0);
+ Flag indicating whether a search is case-sensitive.
+alias CaseSensitive = Flag!"caseSensitive";
+ Searches for character in range.
+ Params:
+ s = string or InputRange of characters to search in correct UTF format
+ c = character to search for
+ startIdx = starting index to a well-formed code point
+ cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
+ Returns:
+ the index of the first occurrence of $(D c) in $(D s) with
+ respect to the start index $(D startIdx). If $(D c)
+ is not found, then $(D -1) is returned.
+ If $(D c) is found the value of the returned index is at least
+ $(D startIdx).
+ If the parameters are not valid UTF, the result will still
+ be in the range [-1 .. s.length], but will not be reliable otherwise.
+ Throws:
+ If the sequence starting at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
+ formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
+ See_Also: $(REF countUntil, std,algorithm,searching)
+ +/
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(Range s, in dchar c,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ static import std.ascii;
+ static import std.uni;
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byCodeUnit, UTFException, codeLength;
+ alias Char = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
+ {
+ static if (Char.sizeof == 1 && isSomeString!Range)
+ {
+ if (std.ascii.isASCII(c) && !__ctfe)
+ { // Plain old ASCII
+ static ptrdiff_t trustedmemchr(Range s, char c) @trusted
+ {
+ import core.stdc.string : memchr;
+ const p = cast(const(Char)*)memchr(s.ptr, c, s.length);
+ return p ? p - s.ptr : -1;
+ }
+ return trustedmemchr(s, cast(char) c);
+ }
+ }
+ static if (Char.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ if (c <= 0x7F)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s)
+ {
+ if (c == c2)
+ return i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s.byDchar())
+ {
+ if (c == c2)
+ return i;
+ i += codeLength!Char(c2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else static if (Char.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ if (c <= 0xFFFF)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s)
+ {
+ if (c == c2)
+ return i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c <= 0x10FFFF)
+ {
+ // Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair
+ const wchar c1 = cast(wchar)((((c - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3FF) + 0xD800);
+ const wchar c2 = cast(wchar)(((c - 0x10000) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00);
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ for (auto r = s.byCodeUnit(); !r.empty; r.popFront())
+ {
+ if (c1 == r.front)
+ {
+ r.popFront();
+ if (r.empty) // invalid UTF - missing second of pair
+ break;
+ if (c2 == r.front)
+ return i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else static if (Char.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s)
+ {
+ if (c == c2)
+ return i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (std.ascii.isASCII(c))
+ { // Plain old ASCII
+ immutable c1 = cast(char) std.ascii.toLower(c);
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s.byCodeUnit())
+ {
+ if (c1 == std.ascii.toLower(c2))
+ return i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // c is a universal character
+ immutable c1 = std.uni.toLower(c);
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ foreach (const c2; s.byDchar())
+ {
+ if (c1 == std.uni.toLower(c2))
+ return i;
+ i += codeLength!Char(c2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(Range s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ static if (isSomeString!(typeof(s)) ||
+ (hasSlicing!(typeof(s)) && hasLength!(typeof(s))))
+ {
+ if (startIdx < s.length)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s[startIdx .. $], c, cs);
+ if (foundIdx != -1)
+ {
+ return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach (i; 0 .. startIdx)
+ {
+ if (s.empty)
+ return -1;
+ s.popFront();
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s, c, cs);
+ if (foundIdx != -1)
+ {
+ return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'W') == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'Z') == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'w', No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'W', 4) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'Z', 100) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(s, 'w', 3, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(auto ref Range s, in dchar c,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, c, cs);
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range)(auto ref Range s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, c, startIdx, cs);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", '/'));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, cast(dchar)'a') == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a') == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), cast(dchar)'a') == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'f') == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("Abba"), cast(dchar)'a', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'F', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ assert(indexOf("def", cast(char)'f', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'P', No.caseSensitive) == 23);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'R', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ }
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", '\u0100', cs) == 9);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, '\u0100', cs) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 9);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byWchar, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143".byDchar, '\u0100', cs) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U000007FF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, 'l', cs) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U000007FF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U0000EFFF\u0100\U00010143".byChar, '\u0100', cs) == 8);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010100".byWchar, '\U00010100', cs) == 5);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010100".byWchar, '\U00010101', cs) == -1);
+ }
+ char[10] fixedSizeArray = "0123456789";
+ assert(indexOf(fixedSizeArray, '2') == 2);
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", '/', 3));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ import std.utf : byCodeUnit, byChar, byWchar;
+ assert("hello".byCodeUnit.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 1) == 2);
+ assert("hello".byWchar.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 1) == 2);
+ assert("hello".byWchar.indexOf(cast(dchar)'l', 6) == -1);
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, cast(dchar)'a', 1) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 1) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), cast(dchar)'a', 1) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'f', 1) == 2);
+ assert((to!S("def")).indexOf(cast(dchar)'a', 1,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 1,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'a', 12,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("AbbA"), cast(dchar)'a', 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), cast(dchar)'F', 2, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ assert(indexOf("def", cast(char)'f', cast(uint) 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'P', 12, No.caseSensitive) == 23);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, cast(char)'R', cast(ulong) 1,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ }
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", '\u0100', 2, cs)
+ == 9);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, '\u0100', 3, cs)
+ == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, '\u0100', 6, cs)
+ == 6);
+ }
+ Searches for substring in $(D s).
+ Params:
+ s = string or ForwardRange of characters to search in correct UTF format
+ sub = substring to search for
+ startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
+ cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
+ Returns:
+ the index of the first occurrence of $(D sub) in $(D s) with
+ respect to the start index $(D startIdx). If $(D sub) is not found,
+ then $(D -1) is returned.
+ If the arguments are not valid UTF, the result will still
+ be in the range [-1 .. s.length], but will not be reliable otherwise.
+ If $(D sub) is found the value of the returned index is at least
+ $(D startIdx).
+ Throws:
+ If the sequence starting at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
+ formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
+ Bugs:
+ Does not work with case insensitive strings where the mapping of
+ tolower and toupper is not 1:1.
+ +/
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range, Char)(Range s, const(Char)[] sub,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ isSomeChar!Char)
+ alias Char1 = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ {
+ import std.algorithm.searching : find;
+ const(Char1)[] balance;
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
+ {
+ balance = find(s, sub);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ balance = find!
+ ((a, b) => toLower(a) == toLower(b))
+ (s, sub);
+ }
+ return () @trusted { return balance.empty ? -1 : balance.ptr - s.ptr; } ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (s.empty)
+ return -1;
+ if (sub.empty)
+ return 0; // degenerate case
+ import std.utf : byDchar, codeLength;
+ auto subr = sub.byDchar; // decode sub[] by dchar's
+ dchar sub0 = subr.front; // cache first character of sub[]
+ subr.popFront();
+ // Special case for single character search
+ if (subr.empty)
+ return indexOf(s, sub0, cs);
+ if (cs == No.caseSensitive)
+ sub0 = toLower(sub0);
+ /* Classic double nested loop search algorithm
+ */
+ ptrdiff_t index = 0; // count code unit index into s
+ for (auto sbydchar = s.byDchar(); !sbydchar.empty; sbydchar.popFront())
+ {
+ dchar c2 = sbydchar.front;
+ if (cs == No.caseSensitive)
+ c2 = toLower(c2);
+ if (c2 == sub0)
+ {
+ auto s2 = sbydchar.save; // why s must be a forward range
+ foreach (c; subr.save)
+ {
+ s2.popFront();
+ if (s2.empty)
+ return -1;
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive ? c != s2.front
+ : toLower(c) != toLower(s2.front)
+ )
+ goto Lnext;
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ Lnext:
+ index += codeLength!Char1(c2);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
+ in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (startIdx < s.length)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOf(s[startIdx .. $], sub, cs);
+ if (foundIdx != -1)
+ {
+ return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(indexOf(s, "Wo", 4) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(s, "Zo", 100) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(s, "wo", 3, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(indexOf(s, "Wo") == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(s, "Zo") == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(s, "wO", No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ptrdiff_t indexOf(Range, Char)(auto ref Range s, const(Char)[] sub,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+if (!(isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ isSomeChar!Char) &&
+ is(StringTypeOf!Range))
+ return indexOf!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, sub, cs);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!indexOf("std/string.d", "string"));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff")) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff")) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
+ assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("MY fAVe"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("mY fAVOriTe"), No.caseSensitive) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("mArS:"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("rOcK"), No.caseSensitive) == 17);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("Un."), No.caseSensitive) == 41);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T(sPlts), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ // Thanks to Carlos Santander B. and zwang
+ assert(indexOf("sus mejores cortesanos. Se embarcaron en el puerto de Dubai y",
+ to!T("page-break-before"), No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ }();
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 9);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 6);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+@safe pure @nogc nothrow
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ import std.utf : byWchar;
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOf("".byWchar, "", cs) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "", cs) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "l", cs) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf("heLLo".byWchar, "LL", cs) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "lox", cs) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf("hello".byWchar, "betty", cs) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100*\U00010143".byWchar, "\u0100*", cs) == 7);
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 0) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), 2) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), 1) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), 1) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), 5) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 2, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("abba"), to!T("a"), 3, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("def"), to!T("f"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fff"), 2, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fff"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ assert(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("öä"), 9, No.caseSensitive) == 9,
+ to!string(indexOf(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("öä"), 9, No.caseSensitive))
+ ~ " " ~ S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
+ assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("MY fAVe"), 10,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOf(sMars, to!T("mY fAVOriTe"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("mArS:"), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("rOcK"), 12, No.caseSensitive) == 17);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T("Un."), 32, No.caseSensitive) == 41);
+ assert(indexOf(sPlts, to!T(sPlts), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOf("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), 0, No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ // Thanks to Carlos Santander B. and zwang
+ assert(indexOf("sus mejores cortesanos. Se embarcaron en el puerto de Dubai y",
+ to!T("page-break-before"), 10, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ // In order for indexOf with and without index to be consistent
+ assert(indexOf(to!S(""), to!T("")) == indexOf(to!S(""), to!T(""), 0));
+ }();
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143", to!S("\u0100"),
+ 3, cs) == 9);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w, to!S("\u0100"),
+ 3, cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOf("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d, to!S("\u0100"),
+ 3, cs) == 6);
+ }
+ }
+ Params:
+ s = string to search
+ c = character to search for
+ startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
+ cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
+ Returns:
+ The index of the last occurrence of $(D c) in $(D s). If $(D c) is not
+ found, then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D s) in
+ the following way $(D s[0 .. startIdx]). $(D startIdx) represents a
+ codeunit index in $(D s).
+ Throws:
+ If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
+ formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
+ $(D cs) indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ +/
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char)(const(Char)[] s, in dchar c,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char)
+ static import std.ascii, std.uni;
+ import std.utf : canSearchInCodeUnits;
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
+ {
+ if (canSearchInCodeUnits!Char(c))
+ {
+ foreach_reverse (i, it; s)
+ {
+ if (it == c)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach_reverse (i, dchar it; s)
+ {
+ if (it == c)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (std.ascii.isASCII(c))
+ {
+ immutable c1 = std.ascii.toLower(c);
+ foreach_reverse (i, it; s)
+ {
+ immutable c2 = std.ascii.toLower(it);
+ if (c1 == c2)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ immutable c1 = std.uni.toLower(c);
+ foreach_reverse (i, dchar it; s)
+ {
+ immutable c2 = std.uni.toLower(it);
+ if (c1 == c2)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char)(const(Char)[] s, in dchar c, in size_t startIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char)
+ if (startIdx <= s.length)
+ {
+ return lastIndexOf(s[0u .. startIdx], c, cs);
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'l') == 9);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'Z') == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'L', No.caseSensitive) == 9);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'l', 4) == 3);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'Z', 1337) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, 'L', 7, No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a') == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a') == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abba"), 'a') == 3);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f') == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö') == 0);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbA"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'F', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödef"), 'ö', No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("i\u0100def"), to!dchar("\u0100"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f', No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'M', No.caseSensitive) == 34);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'S', No.caseSensitive) == 40);
+ }
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", '\u0100', cs) == 4);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, '\u0100', cs) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, '\u0100', cs) == 1);
+ }
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a') == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a') == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abba"), 'a', 3) == 0);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("deff"), 'f', 3) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'a', No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbAa"), 'a', to!ushort(4), No.caseSensitive) == 3,
+ to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("AbbAa"), 'a', 4, No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'F', 3, No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("def"), 'f', 4, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'M', sPlts.length -2, No.caseSensitive) == 34);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, 'S', sPlts.length -2, No.caseSensitive) == 40);
+ }
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", '\u0100', cs) == 4);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, '\u0100', cs) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, '\u0100', cs) == 1);
+ }
+ Params:
+ s = string to search
+ sub = substring to search for
+ startIdx = the index into s to start searching from
+ cs = $(D Yes.caseSensitive) or $(D No.caseSensitive)
+ Returns:
+ the index of the last occurrence of $(D sub) in $(D s). If $(D sub) is
+ not found, then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D s)
+ in the following way $(D s[0 .. startIdx]). $(D startIdx) represents a
+ codeunit index in $(D s).
+ Throws:
+ If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not represent a well
+ formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be thrown.
+ $(D cs) indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ +/
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
+ static import std.uni;
+ import std.utf : strideBack;
+ if (sub.empty)
+ return -1;
+ if (walkLength(sub) == 1)
+ return lastIndexOf(s, sub.front, cs);
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
+ {
+ static if (is(Unqual!Char1 == Unqual!Char2))
+ {
+ import core.stdc.string : memcmp;
+ immutable c = sub[0];
+ for (ptrdiff_t i = s.length - sub.length; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ if (s[i] == c)
+ {
+ if (__ctfe)
+ {
+ foreach (j; 1 .. sub.length)
+ {
+ if (s[i + j] != sub[j])
+ continue;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto trustedMemcmp(in void* s1, in void* s2, size_t n) @trusted
+ {
+ return memcmp(s1, s2, n);
+ }
+ if (trustedMemcmp(&s[i + 1], &sub[1],
+ (sub.length - 1) * Char1.sizeof) == 0)
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i = s.length; !s.empty;)
+ {
+ if (s.endsWith(sub))
+ return cast(ptrdiff_t) i - to!(const(Char1)[])(sub).length;
+ i -= strideBack(s, i);
+ s = s[0 .. i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i = s.length; !s.empty;)
+ {
+ if (endsWith!((a, b) => std.uni.toLower(a) == std.uni.toLower(b))
+ (s, sub))
+ {
+ return cast(ptrdiff_t) i - to!(const(Char1)[])(sub).length;
+ }
+ i -= strideBack(s, i);
+ s = s[0 .. i];
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOf(Char1, Char2)(const(Char1)[] s, const(Char2)[] sub,
+ in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char1 && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (startIdx <= s.length)
+ {
+ return lastIndexOf(s[0u .. startIdx], sub, cs);
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "ll") == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "Zo") == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "lL", No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : No;
+ string s = "Hello World";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "ll", 4) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "Zo", 128) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(s, "lL", 3, No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOf("hello");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOf("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("").lastIndexOf("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c")) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd")) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef")) == 8, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c")) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cd")) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x")) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy")) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("")) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö")) == 0, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy"), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö"), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("def"), No.caseSensitive) == 7, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("ödfeffgfff"), to!T("ö"), Yes.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ S sPlts = "Mars: the fourth Rock (Planet) from the Sun.";
+ S sMars = "Who\'s \'My Favorite Maritian?\'";
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T("RiTE maR"), No.caseSensitive) == 14, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sPlts, to!T("FOuRTh"), No.caseSensitive) == 10, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T("whO\'s \'MY"), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(sMars, to!T(sMars), No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
+ }();
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ enum csString = to!string(cs);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 4, csString);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 2, csString);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, to!S("\u0100"), cs) == 1, csString);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+@safe pure unittest // issue13529
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
+ auto idx = lastIndexOf(to!T("Hällö Wörldö ö"),to!S("ö ö"));
+ assert(idx != -1, to!string(idx) ~ " " ~ typeStr);
+ idx = lastIndexOf(to!T("Hällö Wörldö ö"),to!S("ö öd"));
+ assert(idx == -1, to!string(idx) ~ " " ~ typeStr);
+ }
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 5) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 3) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6) == 4, typeStr ~
+ format(" %u", lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6)));
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 5) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cd"), 3) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefx"), to!T("x"), 1) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefxy"), to!T("xy"), 6) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), 8) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("öafö"), to!T("ö"), 3) == 0, typeStr ~
+ to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("öafö"), to!T("ö"), 3))); //BUG 10472
+ assert(lastIndexOf(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 5, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr ~
+ " " ~ to!string(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("cD"), 3, No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"),3 , No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdefXY"), to!T("xy"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T(""), 7, No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 4, No.caseSensitive) == 2, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("def"), 6, No.caseSensitive) == 3, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOf(to!S(""), to!T(""), 0) == lastIndexOf(to!S(""), to!T("")), typeStr);
+ }();
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ enum csString = to!string(cs);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello", to!S("\u0100"), 6, cs) == 4, csString);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"w, to!S("\u0100"), 6, cs) == 2, csString);
+ assert(lastIndexOf("\U00010143\u0100\U00010143hello"d, to!S("\u0100"), 3, cs) == 1, csString);
+ }
+ }
+private ptrdiff_t indexOfAnyNeitherImpl(bool forward, bool any, Char, Char2)(
+ const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ import std.algorithm.searching : canFind, findAmong;
+ if (cs == Yes.caseSensitive)
+ {
+ static if (forward)
+ {
+ static if (any)
+ {
+ size_t n = haystack.findAmong(needles).length;
+ return n ? haystack.length - n : -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach (idx, dchar hay; haystack)
+ {
+ if (!canFind(needles, hay))
+ {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static if (any)
+ {
+ import std.range : retro;
+ import std.utf : strideBack;
+ size_t n = haystack.retro.findAmong(needles).source.length;
+ if (n)
+ {
+ return n - haystack.strideBack(n);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach_reverse (idx, dchar hay; haystack)
+ {
+ if (!canFind(needles, hay))
+ {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
+ if (needles.length <= 16 && needles.walkLength(17))
+ {
+ size_t si = 0;
+ dchar[16] scratch = void;
+ foreach ( dchar c; needles)
+ {
+ scratch[si++] = toLower(c);
+ }
+ static if (forward)
+ {
+ foreach (i, dchar c; haystack)
+ {
+ if (canFind(scratch[0 .. si], toLower(c)) == any)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach_reverse (i, dchar c; haystack)
+ {
+ if (canFind(scratch[0 .. si], toLower(c)) == any)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static bool f(dchar a, dchar b)
+ {
+ return toLower(a) == b;
+ }
+ static if (forward)
+ {
+ foreach (i, dchar c; haystack)
+ {
+ if (canFind!f(needles, toLower(c)) == any)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach_reverse (i, dchar c; haystack)
+ {
+ if (canFind!f(needles, toLower(c)) == any)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Returns the index of the first occurrence of any of the elements in $(D
+ needles) in $(D haystack). If no element of $(D needles) is found,
+ then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D startIdx) slices $(D haystack) in the
+ following way $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). $(D startIdx) represents a
+ codeunit index in $(D haystack). If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx)
+ does not represent a well formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf)
+ may be thrown.
+ Params:
+ haystack = String to search for needles in.
+ needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
+ startIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). If
+ the startIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
+ returns $(D -1).
+ cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ptrdiff_t indexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, true)(haystack, needles, cs);
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t indexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack, const(Char2)[] needles,
+ in size_t startIdx, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (startIdx < haystack.length)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOfAny(haystack[startIdx .. $], needles, cs);
+ if (foundIdx != -1)
+ {
+ return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".indexOfAny("Wr");
+ assert(i == 5);
+ i = "öällo world".indexOfAny("lo ");
+ assert(i == 4, to!string(i));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".indexOfAny("Wr", 4);
+ assert(i == 5);
+ i = "Foo öällo world".indexOfAny("lh", 3);
+ assert(i == 8, to!string(i));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto r = to!S("").indexOfAny("hello");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("hello").indexOfAny("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("").indexOfAny("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("feg")) == 1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("zfeffgfff"), to!T("ACDC"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("DEA"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("FBI"), No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), No.caseSensitive)
+ == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("BND"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.traits : EnumMembers;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("AaF"), 0) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("NSa"), 2) == 3);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("fbi"), 1) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("foo"), 2) == 3);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fsb"), 5) == 6);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("NDS"), 1,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("DRS"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("SI"), 3,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("deO"), to!T("ASIO"), 1,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fbh"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("fEe"), 4,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 4);
+ assert(indexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgffföä"), to!T("föä"), 9,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 9);
+ assert(indexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"), 0,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ }();
+ foreach (cs; EnumMembers!CaseSensitive)
+ {
+ assert(indexOfAny("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143",
+ to!S("e\u0100"), 3, cs) == 9);
+ assert(indexOfAny("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"w,
+ to!S("h\u0100"), 3, cs) == 7);
+ assert(indexOfAny("hello\U00010143\u0100\U00010143"d,
+ to!S("l\u0100"), 5, cs) == 6);
+ }
+ }
+ Returns the index of the last occurrence of any of the elements in $(D
+ needles) in $(D haystack). If no element of $(D needles) is found,
+ then $(D -1) is returned. The $(D stopIdx) slices $(D haystack) in the
+ following way $(D s[0 .. stopIdx]). $(D stopIdx) represents a codeunit
+ index in $(D haystack). If the sequence ending at $(D startIdx) does not
+ represent a well formed codepoint, then a $(REF UTFException, std,utf) may be
+ thrown.
+ Params:
+ haystack = String to search for needles in.
+ needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
+ stopIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[0 .. stopIdx]). If
+ the stopIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
+ returns $(D -1).
+ cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+ @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, true)(haystack, needles, cs);
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfAny(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t stopIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (stopIdx <= haystack.length)
+ {
+ return lastIndexOfAny(haystack[0u .. stopIdx], needles, cs);
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".lastIndexOfAny("Wlo");
+ assert(i == 8);
+ i = "Foo öäöllo world".lastIndexOfAny("öF");
+ assert(i == 8);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ ptrdiff_t i = "helloWorld".lastIndexOfAny("Wlo", 4);
+ assert(i == 3);
+ i = "Foo öäöllo world".lastIndexOfAny("öF", 3);
+ assert(i == 0);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOfAny("hello");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOfAny("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("").lastIndexOfAny("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("a")) == 3);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 6);
+ ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 9;
+ if (is(S == wstring) || is(S == dstring))
+ {
+ oeIdx = 8;
+ }
+ auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfeffgföf"), to!T("feg"));
+ assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("zfeffgfff"), to!T("ACDC"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abba"), to!T("DEA"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 3);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("def"), to!T("FBI"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ oeIdx = 2;
+ if (is(S == wstring) || is(S == dstring))
+ {
+ oeIdx = 1;
+ }
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ödfeffgfff"), to!T("BND"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == oeIdx);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny("\u0100", to!T("\u0100"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ enum typeStr = S.stringof ~ " " ~ T.stringof;
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("c"), 7) == 6,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("cd"), 5) == 3,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("ef"), 6) == 5,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefCdef"), to!T("c"), 8) == 2,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("x"), 7) == -1,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("xy"), 4) == -1,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("öabcdefcdef"), to!T("ö"), 2) == 0,
+ typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("C"), 7,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("cd"), 5,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 3, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abcdefcdef"), to!T("EF"), 6,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 5, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFcDEF"), to!T("C"), 8,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("x"), 7,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("abCdefcdef"), to!T("XY"), 4,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1, typeStr);
+ assert(lastIndexOfAny(to!S("ÖABCDEFCDEF"), to!T("ö"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0, typeStr);
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ Returns the index of the first occurrence of any character not an elements
+ in $(D needles) in $(D haystack). If all element of $(D haystack) are
+ element of $(D needles) $(D -1) is returned.
+ Params:
+ haystack = String to search for needles in.
+ needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
+ startIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[startIdx .. $]). If
+ the startIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
+ returns $(D -1).
+ cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ptrdiff_t indexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+ @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, false)(haystack, needles, cs);
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t indexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t startIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+ @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (startIdx < haystack.length)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t foundIdx = indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(true, false)(
+ haystack[startIdx .. $], needles, cs);
+ if (foundIdx != -1)
+ {
+ return foundIdx + cast(ptrdiff_t) startIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(indexOfNeither("abba", "a", 2) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfNeither("def", "de", 1) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfNeither("dfefffg", "dfe", 4) == 6);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(indexOfNeither("def", "a") == 0);
+ assert(indexOfNeither("def", "de") == 2);
+ assert(indexOfNeither("dfefffg", "dfe") == 6);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto r = to!S("").indexOfNeither("hello");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("hello").indexOfNeither("");
+ assert(r == 0, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("").indexOfNeither("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither("abba", "a") == 1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("D"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("ABca"), to!T("a"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("f"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 0);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("DfEfffg"), to!T("dFe"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ if (is(S == string))
+ {
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 8,
+ to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
+ No.caseSensitive)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 7,
+ to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("äDfEfffg"), to!T("ädFe"),
+ No.caseSensitive)));
+ }
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(indexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 1) == 1,
+ to!string(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("a"), 1)));
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfff"), to!T("a"), 4,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 4);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("D"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("ABca"), to!T("a"), 3,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("tzf"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == -1);
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("DfEfffg"), to!T("dFe"), 5,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ if (is(S == string))
+ {
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 3, to!string(indexOfNeither(
+ to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(indexOfNeither(to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2, to!string(indexOfNeither(
+ to!S("öDfEfffg"), to!T("äDi"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
+ }
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ Returns the last index of the first occurence of any character that is not
+ an elements in $(D needles) in $(D haystack). If all element of
+ $(D haystack) are element of $(D needles) $(D -1) is returned.
+ Params:
+ haystack = String to search for needles in.
+ needles = Strings to search for in haystack.
+ stopIdx = slices haystack like this $(D haystack[0 .. stopIdx]) If
+ the stopIdx is greater equal the length of haystack the functions
+ returns $(D -1).
+ cs = Indicates whether the comparisons are case sensitive.
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+ @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, false)(haystack, needles, cs);
+/// Ditto
+ptrdiff_t lastIndexOfNeither(Char,Char2)(const(Char)[] haystack,
+ const(Char2)[] needles, in size_t stopIdx,
+ in CaseSensitive cs = Yes.caseSensitive)
+ @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Char2)
+ if (stopIdx < haystack.length)
+ {
+ return indexOfAnyNeitherImpl!(false, false)(haystack[0 .. stopIdx],
+ needles, cs);
+ }
+ return -1;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither("abba", "a") == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither("def", "f") == 1);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither("def", "rsa", 3) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither("abba", "a", 2) == 1);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto r = to!S("").lastIndexOfNeither("hello");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("hello").lastIndexOfNeither("");
+ assert(r == 4, to!string(r));
+ r = to!S("").lastIndexOfNeither("");
+ assert(r == -1, to!string(r));
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a")) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("rsa")) == 2);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 2);
+ ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 8;
+ if (is(S == string))
+ {
+ oeIdx = 9;
+ }
+ auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("ödfefegff"), to!T("zeg"));
+ assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("zfeffgfsb"), to!T("FSB"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 5);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 2, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"),
+ to!T("MI6"), No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
+ to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("defbi"), to!T("FBI"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 6);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfffö"), to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"),
+ No.caseSensitive) == 8, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfeffgfffö"),
+ to!T("BNDabCHIJKQEPÖÖSYXÄ??ß"), No.caseSensitive)));
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(cast(S) null, to!T("a"), 1337) == -1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("f")) == 1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("fgh")) == 2);
+ ptrdiff_t oeIdx = 4;
+ if (is(S == string))
+ {
+ oeIdx = 5;
+ }
+ auto foundOeIdx = lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("ödfefegff"), to!T("zeg"),
+ 7);
+ assert(foundOeIdx == oeIdx, to!string(foundOeIdx));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("zfeffgfsb"), to!T("FSB"), 6,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 5);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"), to!T("MI6"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("def"),
+ to!T("MI6"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), 6,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 5, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
+ to!S("abbadeafsb"), to!T("fSb"), 6, No.caseSensitive)));
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("defbi"), to!T("FBI"), 3,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1);
+ assert(lastIndexOfNeither(to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), 2,
+ No.caseSensitive) == 1, to!string(lastIndexOfNeither(
+ to!S("dfefffg"), to!T("NSA"), 2, No.caseSensitive)));
+ }();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ * Returns the _representation of a string, which has the same type
+ * as the string except the character type is replaced by $(D ubyte),
+ * $(D ushort), or $(D uint) depending on the character width.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * s = The string to return the _representation of.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The _representation of the passed string.
+ */
+auto representation(Char)(Char[] s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
+if (isSomeChar!Char)
+ import std.traits : ModifyTypePreservingTQ;
+ alias ToRepType(T) = AliasSeq!(ubyte, ushort, uint)[T.sizeof / 2];
+ return cast(ModifyTypePreservingTQ!(ToRepType, Char)[])s;
+@safe pure unittest
+ string s = "hello";
+ static assert(is(typeof(representation(s)) == immutable(ubyte)[]));
+ assert(representation(s) is cast(immutable(ubyte)[]) s);
+ assert(representation(s) == [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]);
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ import std.traits : Fields;
+ import std.typecons : Tuple;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ void test(Char, T)(Char[] str)
+ {
+ static assert(is(typeof(representation(str)) == T[]));
+ assert(representation(str) is cast(T[]) str);
+ }
+ foreach (Type; AliasSeq!(Tuple!(char , ubyte ),
+ Tuple!(wchar, ushort),
+ Tuple!(dchar, uint )))
+ {
+ alias Char = Fields!Type[0];
+ alias Int = Fields!Type[1];
+ enum immutable(Char)[] hello = "hello";
+ test!( immutable Char, immutable Int)(hello);
+ test!( const Char, const Int)(hello);
+ test!( Char, Int)(hello.dup);
+ test!( shared Char, shared Int)(cast(shared) hello.dup);
+ test!(const shared Char, const shared Int)(hello);
+ }
+ });
+ * Capitalize the first character of $(D s) and convert the rest of $(D s) to
+ * lowercase.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * input = The string to _capitalize.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The capitalized string.
+ *
+ * See_Also:
+ * $(REF asCapitalized, std,uni) for a lazy range version that doesn't allocate memory
+ */
+S capitalize(S)(S input) @trusted pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.uni : asCapitalized;
+ import std.utf : byUTF;
+ return input.asCapitalized.byUTF!(ElementEncodingType!(S)).array;
+pure @safe unittest
+ assert(capitalize("hello") == "Hello");
+ assert(capitalize("World") == "World");
+auto capitalize(S)(auto ref S s)
+if (!isSomeString!S && is(StringTypeOf!S))
+ return capitalize!(StringTypeOf!S)(s);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!capitalize("hello"));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : cmp;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring, char[], wchar[], dchar[]))
+ {
+ S s1 = to!S("FoL");
+ S s2;
+ s2 = capitalize(s1);
+ assert(cmp(s2, "Fol") == 0);
+ assert(s2 !is s1);
+ s2 = capitalize(s1[0 .. 2]);
+ assert(cmp(s2, "Fo") == 0);
+ s1 = to!S("fOl");
+ s2 = capitalize(s1);
+ assert(cmp(s2, "Fol") == 0);
+ assert(s2 !is s1);
+ s1 = to!S("\u0131 \u0130");
+ s2 = capitalize(s1);
+ assert(cmp(s2, "\u0049 i\u0307") == 0);
+ assert(s2 !is s1);
+ s1 = to!S("\u017F \u0049");
+ s2 = capitalize(s1);
+ assert(cmp(s2, "\u0053 \u0069") == 0);
+ assert(s2 !is s1);
+ }
+ });
+ Split $(D s) into an array of lines according to the unicode standard using
+ $(D '\r'), $(D '\n'), $(D "\r\n"), $(REF lineSep, std,uni),
+ $(REF paraSep, std,uni), $(D U+0085) (NEL), $(D '\v') and $(D '\f')
+ as delimiters. If $(D keepTerm) is set to $(D KeepTerminator.yes), then the
+ delimiter is included in the strings returned.
+ Does not throw on invalid UTF; such is simply passed unchanged
+ to the output.
+ Allocates memory; use $(LREF lineSplitter) for an alternative that
+ does not.
+ Adheres to $(HTTP www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode7.0.0/ch05.pdf, Unicode 7.0).
+ Params:
+ s = a string of $(D chars), $(D wchars), or $(D dchars), or any custom
+ type that casts to a $(D string) type
+ keepTerm = whether delimiter is included or not in the results
+ Returns:
+ array of strings, each element is a line that is a slice of $(D s)
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF lineSplitter)
+ $(REF splitter, std,algorithm)
+ $(REF splitter, std,regex)
+ +/
+alias KeepTerminator = Flag!"keepTerminator";
+/// ditto
+S[] splitLines(S)(S s, in KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator) @safe pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.array : appender;
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ size_t iStart = 0;
+ auto retval = appender!(S[])();
+ for (size_t i; i < s.length; ++i)
+ {
+ switch (s[i])
+ {
+ case '\v', '\f', '\n':
+ retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator)]);
+ iStart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ if (i + 1 < s.length && s[i + 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2]);
+ iStart = i + 2;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto case '\n';
+ }
+ break;
+ static if (s[i].sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * lineSep is E2 80 A8
+ * paraSep is E2 80 A9
+ */
+ case 0xE2:
+ if (i + 2 < s.length &&
+ s[i + 1] == 0x80 &&
+ (s[i + 2] == 0xA8 || s[i + 2] == 0xA9)
+ )
+ {
+ retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 3]);
+ iStart = i + 3;
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ goto default;
+ break;
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * NEL is C2 85
+ */
+ case 0xC2:
+ if (i + 1 < s.length && s[i + 1] == 0x85)
+ {
+ retval.put(s[iStart .. i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2]);
+ iStart = i + 2;
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ goto default;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ case lineSep:
+ case paraSep:
+ case '\u0085':
+ goto case '\n';
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iStart != s.length)
+ retval.put(s[iStart .. $]);
+ return retval.data;
+@safe pure nothrow unittest
+ string s = "Hello\nmy\rname\nis";
+ assert(splitLines(s) == ["Hello", "my", "name", "is"]);
+@safe pure nothrow unittest
+ string s = "a\xC2\x86b";
+ assert(splitLines(s) == [s]);
+auto splitLines(S)(auto ref S s, in KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator)
+if (!isSomeString!S && is(StringTypeOf!S))
+ return splitLines!(StringTypeOf!S)(s, keepTerm);
+@safe pure nothrow unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!splitLines("hello\nworld"));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto s = to!S(
+ "\rpeter\n\rpaul\r\njerry\u2028ice\u2029cream\n\nsunday\n" ~
+ "mon\u2030day\nschadenfreude\vkindergarten\f\vcookies\u0085"
+ );
+ auto lines = splitLines(s);
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[0] == "");
+ assert(lines[1] == "peter");
+ assert(lines[2] == "");
+ assert(lines[3] == "paul");
+ assert(lines[4] == "jerry");
+ assert(lines[5] == "ice");
+ assert(lines[6] == "cream");
+ assert(lines[7] == "");
+ assert(lines[8] == "sunday");
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
+ assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude");
+ assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten");
+ assert(lines[12] == "");
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
+ ubyte[] u = ['a', 0xFF, 0x12, 'b']; // invalid UTF
+ auto ulines = splitLines(cast(char[]) u);
+ assert(cast(ubyte[])(ulines[0]) == u);
+ lines = splitLines(s, Yes.keepTerminator);
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[0] == "\r");
+ assert(lines[1] == "peter\n");
+ assert(lines[2] == "\r");
+ assert(lines[3] == "paul\r\n");
+ assert(lines[4] == "jerry\u2028");
+ assert(lines[5] == "ice\u2029");
+ assert(lines[6] == "cream\n");
+ assert(lines[7] == "\n");
+ assert(lines[8] == "sunday\n");
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day\n");
+ assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude\v");
+ assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten\f");
+ assert(lines[12] == "\v");
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies\u0085");
+ s.popBack(); // Lop-off trailing \n
+ lines = splitLines(s);
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
+ lines = splitLines(s, Yes.keepTerminator);
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
+ }
+ });
+private struct LineSplitter(KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator, Range)
+ import std.conv : unsigned;
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ Range _input;
+ alias IndexType = typeof(unsigned(_input.length));
+ enum IndexType _unComputed = IndexType.max;
+ IndexType iStart = _unComputed;
+ IndexType iEnd = 0;
+ IndexType iNext = 0;
+ this(Range input)
+ {
+ _input = input;
+ }
+ static if (isInfinite!Range)
+ {
+ enum bool empty = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @property bool empty()
+ {
+ return iStart == _unComputed && iNext == _input.length;
+ }
+ }
+ @property typeof(_input) front()
+ {
+ if (iStart == _unComputed)
+ {
+ iStart = iNext;
+ Loop:
+ for (IndexType i = iNext; ; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == _input.length)
+ {
+ iEnd = i;
+ iNext = i;
+ break Loop;
+ }
+ switch (_input[i])
+ {
+ case '\v', '\f', '\n':
+ iEnd = i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator);
+ iNext = i + 1;
+ break Loop;
+ case '\r':
+ if (i + 1 < _input.length && _input[i + 1] == '\n')
+ {
+ iEnd = i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2;
+ iNext = i + 2;
+ break Loop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto case '\n';
+ }
+ static if (_input[i].sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * lineSep is E2 80 A8
+ * paraSep is E2 80 A9
+ */
+ case 0xE2:
+ if (i + 2 < _input.length &&
+ _input[i + 1] == 0x80 &&
+ (_input[i + 2] == 0xA8 || _input[i + 2] == 0xA9)
+ )
+ {
+ iEnd = i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 3;
+ iNext = i + 3;
+ break Loop;
+ }
+ else
+ goto default;
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * NEL is C2 85
+ */
+ case 0xC2:
+ if (i + 1 < _input.length && _input[i + 1] == 0x85)
+ {
+ iEnd = i + (keepTerm == Yes.keepTerminator) * 2;
+ iNext = i + 2;
+ break Loop;
+ }
+ else
+ goto default;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ case '\u0085':
+ case lineSep:
+ case paraSep:
+ goto case '\n';
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _input[iStart .. iEnd];
+ }
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ if (iStart == _unComputed)
+ {
+ assert(!empty);
+ front;
+ }
+ iStart = _unComputed;
+ }
+ static if (isForwardRange!Range)
+ {
+ @property typeof(this) save()
+ {
+ auto ret = this;
+ ret._input = _input.save;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ * Split an array or slicable range of characters into a range of lines
+ using $(D '\r'), $(D '\n'), $(D '\v'), $(D '\f'), $(D "\r\n"),
+ $(REF lineSep, std,uni), $(REF paraSep, std,uni) and $(D '\u0085') (NEL)
+ as delimiters. If $(D keepTerm) is set to $(D Yes.keepTerminator), then the
+ delimiter is included in the slices returned.
+ Does not throw on invalid UTF; such is simply passed unchanged
+ to the output.
+ Adheres to $(HTTP www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode7.0.0/ch05.pdf, Unicode 7.0).
+ Does not allocate memory.
+ Params:
+ r = array of $(D chars), $(D wchars), or $(D dchars) or a slicable range
+ keepTerm = whether delimiter is included or not in the results
+ Returns:
+ range of slices of the input range $(D r)
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF splitLines)
+ $(REF splitter, std,algorithm)
+ $(REF splitter, std,regex)
+ */
+auto lineSplitter(KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator, Range)(Range r)
+if ((hasSlicing!Range && hasLength!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementType!Range) ||
+ isSomeString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return LineSplitter!(keepTerm, Range)(r);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ string s = "Hello\nmy\rname\nis";
+ /* notice the call to 'array' to turn the lazy range created by
+ lineSplitter comparable to the string[] created by splitLines.
+ */
+ assert(lineSplitter(s).array == splitLines(s));
+auto lineSplitter(KeepTerminator keepTerm = No.keepTerminator, Range)(auto ref Range r)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return LineSplitter!(keepTerm, StringTypeOf!Range)(r);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ auto s = to!S(
+ "\rpeter\n\rpaul\r\njerry\u2028ice\u2029cream\n\n" ~
+ "sunday\nmon\u2030day\nschadenfreude\vkindergarten\f\vcookies\u0085"
+ );
+ auto lines = lineSplitter(s).array;
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[0] == "");
+ assert(lines[1] == "peter");
+ assert(lines[2] == "");
+ assert(lines[3] == "paul");
+ assert(lines[4] == "jerry");
+ assert(lines[5] == "ice");
+ assert(lines[6] == "cream");
+ assert(lines[7] == "");
+ assert(lines[8] == "sunday");
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
+ assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude");
+ assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten");
+ assert(lines[12] == "");
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
+ ubyte[] u = ['a', 0xFF, 0x12, 'b']; // invalid UTF
+ auto ulines = lineSplitter(cast(char[]) u).array;
+ assert(cast(ubyte[])(ulines[0]) == u);
+ lines = lineSplitter!(Yes.keepTerminator)(s).array;
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[0] == "\r");
+ assert(lines[1] == "peter\n");
+ assert(lines[2] == "\r");
+ assert(lines[3] == "paul\r\n");
+ assert(lines[4] == "jerry\u2028");
+ assert(lines[5] == "ice\u2029");
+ assert(lines[6] == "cream\n");
+ assert(lines[7] == "\n");
+ assert(lines[8] == "sunday\n");
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day\n");
+ assert(lines[10] == "schadenfreude\v");
+ assert(lines[11] == "kindergarten\f");
+ assert(lines[12] == "\v");
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies\u0085");
+ s.popBack(); // Lop-off trailing \n
+ lines = lineSplitter(s).array;
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[9] == "mon\u2030day");
+ lines = lineSplitter!(Yes.keepTerminator)(s).array;
+ assert(lines.length == 14);
+ assert(lines[13] == "cookies");
+ }
+ });
+@nogc @safe pure unittest
+ auto s = "\rpeter\n\rpaul\r\njerry\u2028ice\u2029cream\n\nsunday\nmon\u2030day\n";
+ auto lines = s.lineSplitter();
+ static immutable witness = ["", "peter", "", "paul", "jerry", "ice", "cream", "", "sunday", "mon\u2030day"];
+ uint i;
+ foreach (line; lines)
+ {
+ assert(line == witness[i++]);
+ }
+ assert(i == witness.length);
+@nogc @safe pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ auto s = "std/string.d";
+ auto as = TestAliasedString(s);
+ assert(equal(s.lineSplitter(), as.lineSplitter()));
+@safe pure unittest
+ auto s = "line1\nline2";
+ auto spl0 = s.lineSplitter!(Yes.keepTerminator);
+ auto spl1 = spl0.save;
+ spl0.popFront;
+ assert(spl1.front ~ spl0.front == s);
+ string r = "a\xC2\x86b";
+ assert(r.lineSplitter.front == r);
+ Strips leading whitespace (as defined by $(REF isWhite, std,uni)).
+ Params:
+ input = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ of characters
+ Returns: $(D input) stripped of leading whitespace.
+ Postconditions: $(D input) and the returned value
+ will share the same tail (see $(REF sameTail, std,array)).
+ See_Also:
+ Generic stripping on ranges: $(REF _stripLeft, std, algorithm, mutation)
+ +/
+auto stripLeft(Range)(Range input)
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isInfinite!Range && !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ static import std.ascii;
+ static import std.uni;
+ import std.utf : decodeFront;
+ while (!input.empty)
+ {
+ auto c = input.front;
+ if (std.ascii.isASCII(c))
+ {
+ if (!std.ascii.isWhite(c))
+ break;
+ input.popFront();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto save = input.save;
+ auto dc = decodeFront(input);
+ if (!std.uni.isWhite(dc))
+ return save;
+ }
+ }
+ return input;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ assert(stripLeft(" hello world ") ==
+ "hello world ");
+ assert(stripLeft("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") ==
+ "hello world\n\t\v\r");
+ assert(stripLeft("hello world") ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(stripLeft([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ lineSep) ==
+ "hello world" ~ [lineSep]);
+ assert(stripLeft([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ paraSep) ==
+ "hello world" ~ [paraSep]);
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ assert(stripLeft(" hello world "w.byChar).array ==
+ "hello world ");
+auto stripLeft(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return stripLeft!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!stripLeft(" hello"));
+ Strips trailing whitespace (as defined by $(REF isWhite, std,uni)).
+ Params:
+ str = string or random access range of characters
+ Returns:
+ slice of $(D str) stripped of trailing whitespace.
+ See_Also:
+ Generic stripping on ranges: $(REF _stripRight, std, algorithm, mutation)
+ +/
+auto stripRight(Range)(Range str)
+if (isSomeString!Range ||
+ isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasLength!Range && hasSlicing!Range &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range &&
+ isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range))
+ import std.uni : isWhite;
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(typeof(str)));
+ static if (isSomeString!(typeof(str)))
+ {
+ import std.utf : codeLength;
+ foreach_reverse (i, dchar c; str)
+ {
+ if (!isWhite(c))
+ return str[0 .. i + codeLength!C(c)];
+ }
+ return str[0 .. 0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t i = str.length;
+ while (i--)
+ {
+ static if (C.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ if (isWhite(str[i]))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ auto c2 = str[i];
+ if (c2 < 0xD800 || c2 >= 0xE000)
+ {
+ if (isWhite(c2))
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (c2 >= 0xDC00)
+ {
+ if (i)
+ {
+ immutable c1 = str[i - 1];
+ if (c1 >= 0xD800 && c1 < 0xDC00)
+ {
+ immutable dchar c = ((c1 - 0xD7C0) << 10) + (c2 - 0xDC00);
+ if (isWhite(c))
+ {
+ --i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar;
+ char cx = str[i];
+ if (cx <= 0x7F)
+ {
+ if (isWhite(cx))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ ++stride;
+ if (!i || (cx & 0xC0) == 0xC0 || stride == 4)
+ break;
+ cx = str[i - 1];
+ if (!(cx & 0x80))
+ break;
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (!str[i .. i + stride].byDchar.front.isWhite)
+ return str[0 .. i + stride];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+ }
+ return str[0 .. i + 1];
+ }
+@safe pure
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ assert(stripRight(" hello world ") ==
+ " hello world");
+ assert(stripRight("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") ==
+ "\n\t\v\rhello world");
+ assert(stripRight("hello world") ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(stripRight([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ lineSep) ==
+ [lineSep] ~ "hello world");
+ assert(stripRight([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ paraSep) ==
+ [paraSep] ~ "hello world");
+auto stripRight(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return stripRight!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!stripRight("hello "));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byDchar, byUTF, byWchar, invalidUTFstrings;
+ assert(stripRight(" hello world ".byChar).array == " hello world");
+ assert(stripRight("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r"w.byWchar).array == "\n\t\v\rhello world"w);
+ assert(stripRight("hello world"d.byDchar).array == "hello world"d);
+ assert(stripRight("\u2028hello world\u2020\u2028".byChar).array == "\u2028hello world\u2020");
+ assert(stripRight("hello world\U00010001"w.byWchar).array == "hello world\U00010001"w);
+ foreach (C; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
+ {
+ foreach (s; invalidUTFstrings!C())
+ {
+ cast(void) stripRight(s.byUTF!C).array;
+ }
+ }
+ cast(void) stripRight("a\x80".byUTF!char).array;
+ wstring ws = ['a', cast(wchar) 0xDC00];
+ cast(void) stripRight(ws.byUTF!wchar).array;
+ Strips both leading and trailing whitespace (as defined by
+ $(REF isWhite, std,uni)).
+ Params:
+ str = string or random access range of characters
+ Returns:
+ slice of $(D str) stripped of leading and trailing whitespace.
+ See_Also:
+ Generic stripping on ranges: $(REF _strip, std, algorithm, mutation)
+ +/
+auto strip(Range)(Range str)
+if (isSomeString!Range ||
+ isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasLength!Range && hasSlicing!Range &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range &&
+ isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range))
+ return stripRight(stripLeft(str));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep;
+ assert(strip(" hello world ") ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(strip("\n\t\v\rhello world\n\t\v\r") ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(strip("hello world") ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(strip([lineSep] ~ "hello world" ~ [lineSep]) ==
+ "hello world");
+ assert(strip([paraSep] ~ "hello world" ~ [paraSep]) ==
+ "hello world");
+auto strip(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return strip!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!strip(" hello world "));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!( char[], const char[], string,
+ wchar[], const wchar[], wstring,
+ dchar[], const dchar[], dstring))
+ {
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S(" foo\t ")), "foo\t "));
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S("\u2008 foo\t \u2007")), "foo\t \u2007"));
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S("\u0085 μ \u0085 \u00BB \r")), "μ \u0085 \u00BB \r"));
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S("1")), "1"));
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S("\U0010FFFE")), "\U0010FFFE"));
+ assert(equal(stripLeft(to!S("")), ""));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S(" foo\t ")), " foo"));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S("\u2008 foo\t \u2007")), "\u2008 foo"));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S("\u0085 μ \u0085 \u00BB \r")), "\u0085 μ \u0085 \u00BB"));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S("1")), "1"));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S("\U0010FFFE")), "\U0010FFFE"));
+ assert(equal(stripRight(to!S("")), ""));
+ assert(equal(strip(to!S(" foo\t ")), "foo"));
+ assert(equal(strip(to!S("\u2008 foo\t \u2007")), "foo"));
+ assert(equal(strip(to!S("\u0085 μ \u0085 \u00BB \r")), "μ \u0085 \u00BB"));
+ assert(equal(strip(to!S("\U0010FFFE")), "\U0010FFFE"));
+ assert(equal(strip(to!S("")), ""));
+ }
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : sameHead, sameTail;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ wstring s = " ";
+ assert(s.sameTail(s.stripLeft()));
+ assert(s.sameHead(s.stripRight()));
+ });
+ If $(D str) ends with $(D delimiter), then $(D str) is returned without
+ $(D delimiter) on its end. If it $(D str) does $(I not) end with
+ $(D delimiter), then it is returned unchanged.
+ If no $(D delimiter) is given, then one trailing $(D '\r'), $(D '\n'),
+ $(D "\r\n"), $(D '\f'), $(D '\v'), $(REF lineSep, std,uni), $(REF paraSep, std,uni), or $(REF nelSep, std,uni)
+ is removed from the end of $(D str). If $(D str) does not end with any of those characters,
+ then it is returned unchanged.
+ Params:
+ str = string or indexable range of characters
+ delimiter = string of characters to be sliced off end of str[]
+ Returns:
+ slice of str
+ +/
+Range chomp(Range)(Range str)
+if ((isRandomAccessRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) ||
+ isNarrowString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
+ if (str.empty)
+ return str;
+ alias C = ElementEncodingType!Range;
+ switch (str[$ - 1])
+ {
+ case '\n':
+ {
+ if (str.length > 1 && str[$ - 2] == '\r')
+ return str[0 .. $ - 2];
+ goto case;
+ }
+ case '\r', '\v', '\f':
+ return str[0 .. $ - 1];
+ // Pop off the last character if lineSep, paraSep, or nelSep
+ static if (is(C : const char))
+ {
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * lineSep is E2 80 A8
+ * paraSep is E2 80 A9
+ */
+ case 0xA8: // Last byte of lineSep
+ case 0xA9: // Last byte of paraSep
+ if (str.length > 2 && str[$ - 2] == 0x80 && str[$ - 3] == 0xE2)
+ return str [0 .. $ - 3];
+ goto default;
+ /* Manually decode:
+ * NEL is C2 85
+ */
+ case 0x85:
+ if (str.length > 1 && str[$ - 2] == 0xC2)
+ return str [0 .. $ - 2];
+ goto default;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ case lineSep:
+ case paraSep:
+ case nelSep:
+ return str[0 .. $ - 1];
+ }
+ default:
+ return str;
+ }
+/// Ditto
+Range chomp(Range, C2)(Range str, const(C2)[] delimiter)
+if ((isBidirectionalRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) ||
+ isNarrowString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range &&
+ isSomeChar!C2)
+ if (delimiter.empty)
+ return chomp(str);
+ alias C1 = ElementEncodingType!Range;
+ static if (is(Unqual!C1 == Unqual!C2) && (isSomeString!Range || (hasSlicing!Range && C2.sizeof == 4)))
+ {
+ import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith;
+ if (str.endsWith(delimiter))
+ return str[0 .. $ - delimiter.length];
+ return str;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto orig = str.save;
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ alias C = dchar; // because strings auto-decode
+ else
+ alias C = C1; // and ranges do not
+ foreach_reverse (C c; delimiter)
+ {
+ if (str.empty || str.back != c)
+ return orig;
+ str.popBack();
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+@safe pure
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
+ import std.utf : decode;
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\r") == " hello world \n");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \r\n") == " hello world ");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \f") == " hello world ");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \v") == " hello world ");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n") == " hello world \n");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n ") == " hello world \n\n ");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n" ~ [lineSep]) == " hello world \n\n");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n" ~ [paraSep]) == " hello world \n\n");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world \n\n" ~ [ nelSep]) == " hello world \n\n");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world") == " hello world");
+ assert(chomp("") == "");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world", "orld") == " hello w");
+ assert(chomp(" hello world", " he") == " hello world");
+ assert(chomp("", "hello") == "");
+ // Don't decode pointlessly
+ assert(chomp("hello\xFE", "\r") == "hello\xFE");
+StringTypeOf!Range chomp(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return chomp!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+StringTypeOf!Range chomp(Range, C2)(auto ref Range str, const(C2)[] delimiter)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return chomp!(StringTypeOf!Range, C2)(str, delimiter);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!chomp(" hello world \n\r"));
+ assert(testAliasedString!chomp(" hello world", "orld"));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ string s;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(chomp(cast(S) null) is null);
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\n")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\r")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\r\n")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\n\r")) == "hello\n");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\n\n")) == "hello\n");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\r\r")) == "hello\r");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\nxxx\n")) == "hello\nxxx");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2028")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2029")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u0085")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2028\u2028")) == "hello\u2028");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2029\u2029")) == "hello\u2029");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2029\u2129")) == "hello\u2029\u2129");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\u2029\u0185")) == "hello\u2029\u0185");
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(chomp(cast(S) null, cast(T) null) is null);
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello\n"), cast(T) null) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello"), to!T("o")) == "hell");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello"), to!T("p")) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello"), cast(T) null) == "hello");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("hello"), to!T("llo")) == "he");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("\uFF28ello"), to!T("llo")) == "\uFF28e");
+ assert(chomp(to!S("\uFF28el\uFF4co"), to!T("l\uFF4co")) == "\uFF28e");
+ }();
+ }
+ });
+ // Ranges
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar;
+ assert(chomp("hello world\r\n" .byChar ).array == "hello world");
+ assert(chomp("hello world\r\n"w.byWchar).array == "hello world"w);
+ assert(chomp("hello world\r\n"d.byDchar).array == "hello world"d);
+ assert(chomp("hello world"d.byDchar, "ld").array == "hello wor"d);
+ assert(chomp("hello\u2020" .byChar , "\u2020").array == "hello");
+ assert(chomp("hello\u2020"d.byDchar, "\u2020"d).array == "hello"d);
+ If $(D str) starts with $(D delimiter), then the part of $(D str) following
+ $(D delimiter) is returned. If $(D str) does $(I not) start with
+ $(D delimiter), then it is returned unchanged.
+ Params:
+ str = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ of characters
+ delimiter = string of characters to be sliced off front of str[]
+ Returns:
+ slice of str
+ +/
+Range chompPrefix(Range, C2)(Range str, const(C2)[] delimiter)
+if ((isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) ||
+ isNarrowString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range &&
+ isSomeChar!C2)
+ alias C1 = ElementEncodingType!Range;
+ static if (is(Unqual!C1 == Unqual!C2) && (isSomeString!Range || (hasSlicing!Range && C2.sizeof == 4)))
+ {
+ import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
+ if (str.startsWith(delimiter))
+ return str[delimiter.length .. $];
+ return str;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto orig = str.save;
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ alias C = dchar; // because strings auto-decode
+ else
+ alias C = C1; // and ranges do not
+ foreach (C c; delimiter)
+ {
+ if (str.empty || str.front != c)
+ return orig;
+ str.popFront();
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world", "he") == "llo world");
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world", "hello w") == "orld");
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world", " world") == "hello world");
+ assert(chompPrefix("", "hello") == "");
+StringTypeOf!Range chompPrefix(Range, C2)(auto ref Range str, const(C2)[] delimiter)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return chompPrefix!(StringTypeOf!Range, C2)(str, delimiter);
+@safe pure
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(equal(chompPrefix(to!S("abcdefgh"), to!T("abcde")), "fgh"));
+ assert(equal(chompPrefix(to!S("abcde"), to!T("abcdefgh")), "abcde"));
+ assert(equal(chompPrefix(to!S("\uFF28el\uFF4co"), to!T("\uFF28el\uFF4co")), ""));
+ assert(equal(chompPrefix(to!S("\uFF28el\uFF4co"), to!T("\uFF28el")), "\uFF4co"));
+ assert(equal(chompPrefix(to!S("\uFF28el"), to!T("\uFF28el\uFF4co")), "\uFF28el"));
+ }();
+ }
+ });
+ // Ranges
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar;
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world" .byChar , "hello"d).array == " world");
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world"w.byWchar, "hello" ).array == " world"w);
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world"d.byDchar, "hello"w).array == " world"d);
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world"c.byDchar, "hello"w).array == " world"d);
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world"d.byDchar, "lx").array == "hello world"d);
+ assert(chompPrefix("hello world"d.byDchar, "hello world xx").array == "hello world"d);
+ assert(chompPrefix("\u2020world" .byChar , "\u2020").array == "world");
+ assert(chompPrefix("\u2020world"d.byDchar, "\u2020"d).array == "world"d);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!chompPrefix("hello world", "hello"));
+ Returns $(D str) without its last character, if there is one. If $(D str)
+ ends with $(D "\r\n"), then both are removed. If $(D str) is empty, then
+ then it is returned unchanged.
+ Params:
+ str = string (must be valid UTF)
+ Returns:
+ slice of str
+ +/
+Range chop(Range)(Range str)
+if ((isBidirectionalRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) ||
+ isNarrowString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ if (str.empty)
+ return str;
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ {
+ if (str.length >= 2 && str[$ - 1] == '\n' && str[$ - 2] == '\r')
+ return str[0 .. $ - 2];
+ str.popBack();
+ return str;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ C c = str.back;
+ str.popBack();
+ if (c == '\n')
+ {
+ if (!str.empty && str.back == '\r')
+ str.popBack();
+ return str;
+ }
+ // Pop back a dchar, not just a code unit
+ static if (C.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ int cnt = 1;
+ while ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80)
+ {
+ if (str.empty)
+ break;
+ c = str.back;
+ str.popBack();
+ if (++cnt > 4)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF)
+ {
+ if (!str.empty)
+ str.popBack();
+ }
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+ return str;
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(chop("hello world") == "hello worl");
+ assert(chop("hello world\n") == "hello world");
+ assert(chop("hello world\r") == "hello world");
+ assert(chop("hello world\n\r") == "hello world\n");
+ assert(chop("hello world\r\n") == "hello world");
+ assert(chop("Walter Bright") == "Walter Brigh");
+ assert(chop("") == "");
+StringTypeOf!Range chop(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return chop!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!chop("hello world"));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar, byCodeUnit, invalidUTFstrings;
+ assert(chop("hello world".byChar).array == "hello worl");
+ assert(chop("hello world\n"w.byWchar).array == "hello world"w);
+ assert(chop("hello world\r"d.byDchar).array == "hello world"d);
+ assert(chop("hello world\n\r".byChar).array == "hello world\n");
+ assert(chop("hello world\r\n"w.byWchar).array == "hello world"w);
+ assert(chop("Walter Bright"d.byDchar).array == "Walter Brigh"d);
+ assert(chop("".byChar).array == "");
+ assert(chop(`ミツバチと科学者` .byCodeUnit).array == "ミツバチと科学");
+ assert(chop(`ミツバチと科学者`w.byCodeUnit).array == "ミツバチと科学"w);
+ assert(chop(`ミツバチと科学者`d.byCodeUnit).array == "ミツバチと科学"d);
+ auto ca = invalidUTFstrings!char();
+ foreach (s; ca)
+ {
+ foreach (c; chop(s.byCodeUnit))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ auto wa = invalidUTFstrings!wchar();
+ foreach (s; wa)
+ {
+ foreach (c; chop(s.byCodeUnit))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ assert(chop(cast(S) null) is null);
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S("hello")), "hell"));
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S("hello\r\n")), "hello"));
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S("hello\n\r")), "hello\n"));
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S("Verité")), "Verit"));
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S(`さいごの果実`)), "さいごの果"));
+ assert(equal(chop(to!S(`ミツバチと科学者`)), "ミツバチと科学"));
+ }
+ });
+ Left justify $(D s) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D s) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ s = string
+ width = minimum field width
+ fillChar = used to pad end up to $(D width) characters
+ Returns:
+ GC allocated string
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF leftJustifier), which does not allocate
+ +/
+S leftJustify(S)(S s, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.array : array;
+ return leftJustifier(s, width, fillChar).array;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(leftJustify("hello", 7, 'X') == "helloXX");
+ assert(leftJustify("hello", 2, 'X') == "hello");
+ assert(leftJustify("hello", 9, 'X') == "helloXXXX");
+ Left justify $(D s) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D s) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ r = string or range of characters
+ width = minimum field width
+ fillChar = used to pad end up to $(D width) characters
+ Returns:
+ a lazy range of the left justified result
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF rightJustifier)
+ +/
+auto leftJustifier(Range)(Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static if (C.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byChar;
+ return leftJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byChar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byWchar;
+ return leftJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byWchar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ static struct Result
+ {
+ private:
+ Range _input;
+ size_t _width;
+ dchar _fillChar;
+ size_t len;
+ public:
+ @property bool empty()
+ {
+ return len >= _width && _input.empty;
+ }
+ @property C front()
+ {
+ return _input.empty ? _fillChar : _input.front;
+ }
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ ++len;
+ if (!_input.empty)
+ _input.popFront();
+ }
+ static if (isForwardRange!Range)
+ {
+ @property typeof(this) save() return scope
+ {
+ auto ret = this;
+ ret._input = _input.save;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Result(r, width, fillChar);
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+@safe pure @nogc nothrow
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ assert(leftJustifier("hello", 2).equal("hello".byChar));
+ assert(leftJustifier("hello", 7).equal("hello ".byChar));
+ assert(leftJustifier("hello", 7, 'x').equal("helloxx".byChar));
+auto leftJustifier(Range)(auto ref Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return leftJustifier!(StringTypeOf!Range)(r, width, fillChar);
+@safe pure unittest
+ auto r = "hello".leftJustifier(8);
+ r.popFront();
+ auto save = r.save;
+ r.popFront();
+ assert(r.front == 'l');
+ assert(save.front == 'e');
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!leftJustifier("hello", 2));
+ Right justify $(D s) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D s) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ s = string
+ width = minimum field width
+ fillChar = used to pad end up to $(D width) characters
+ Returns:
+ GC allocated string
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF rightJustifier), which does not allocate
+ +/
+S rightJustify(S)(S s, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.array : array;
+ return rightJustifier(s, width, fillChar).array;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(rightJustify("hello", 7, 'X') == "XXhello");
+ assert(rightJustify("hello", 2, 'X') == "hello");
+ assert(rightJustify("hello", 9, 'X') == "XXXXhello");
+ Right justify $(D s) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D s) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ r = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ of characters
+ width = minimum field width
+ fillChar = used to pad end up to $(D width) characters
+ Returns:
+ a lazy range of the right justified result
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF leftJustifier)
+ +/
+auto rightJustifier(Range)(Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static if (C.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byChar;
+ return rightJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byChar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byWchar;
+ return rightJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byWchar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ static struct Result
+ {
+ private:
+ Range _input;
+ size_t _width;
+ alias nfill = _width; // number of fill characters to prepend
+ dchar _fillChar;
+ bool inited;
+ // Lazy initialization so constructor is trivial and cannot fail
+ void initialize()
+ {
+ // Replace _width with nfill
+ // (use alias instead of union because CTFE cannot deal with unions)
+ assert(_width);
+ static if (hasLength!Range)
+ {
+ immutable len = _input.length;
+ nfill = (_width > len) ? _width - len : 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Lookahead to see now many fill characters are needed
+ import std.range : take;
+ import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
+ nfill = _width - walkLength(_input.save.take(_width), _width);
+ }
+ inited = true;
+ }
+ public:
+ this(Range input, size_t width, dchar fillChar) pure nothrow
+ {
+ _input = input;
+ _fillChar = fillChar;
+ _width = width;
+ }
+ @property bool empty()
+ {
+ return !nfill && _input.empty;
+ }
+ @property C front()
+ {
+ if (!nfill)
+ return _input.front; // fast path
+ if (!inited)
+ initialize();
+ return nfill ? _fillChar : _input.front;
+ }
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ if (!nfill)
+ _input.popFront(); // fast path
+ else
+ {
+ if (!inited)
+ initialize();
+ if (nfill)
+ --nfill;
+ else
+ _input.popFront();
+ }
+ }
+ @property typeof(this) save()
+ {
+ auto ret = this;
+ ret._input = _input.save;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return Result(r, width, fillChar);
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+@safe pure @nogc nothrow
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ assert(rightJustifier("hello", 2).equal("hello".byChar));
+ assert(rightJustifier("hello", 7).equal(" hello".byChar));
+ assert(rightJustifier("hello", 7, 'x').equal("xxhello".byChar));
+auto rightJustifier(Range)(auto ref Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return rightJustifier!(StringTypeOf!Range)(r, width, fillChar);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!rightJustifier("hello", 2));
+@safe pure unittest
+ auto r = "hello"d.rightJustifier(6);
+ r.popFront();
+ auto save = r.save;
+ r.popFront();
+ assert(r.front == 'e');
+ assert(save.front == 'h');
+ auto t = "hello".rightJustifier(7);
+ t.popFront();
+ assert(t.front == ' ');
+ t.popFront();
+ assert(t.front == 'h');
+ auto u = "hello"d.rightJustifier(5);
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ Center $(D s) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D s) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ s = The string to center
+ width = Width of the field to center `s` in
+ fillChar = The character to use for filling excess space in the field
+ Returns:
+ The resulting _center-justified string. The returned string is
+ GC-allocated. To avoid GC allocation, use $(LREF centerJustifier)
+ instead.
+ +/
+S center(S)(S s, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.array : array;
+ return centerJustifier(s, width, fillChar).array;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(center("hello", 7, 'X') == "XhelloX");
+ assert(center("hello", 2, 'X') == "hello");
+ assert(center("hello", 9, 'X') == "XXhelloXX");
+@safe pure
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ S s = to!S("hello");
+ assert(leftJustify(s, 2) == "hello");
+ assert(rightJustify(s, 2) == "hello");
+ assert(center(s, 2) == "hello");
+ assert(leftJustify(s, 7) == "hello ");
+ assert(rightJustify(s, 7) == " hello");
+ assert(center(s, 7) == " hello ");
+ assert(leftJustify(s, 8) == "hello ");
+ assert(rightJustify(s, 8) == " hello");
+ assert(center(s, 8) == " hello ");
+ assert(leftJustify(s, 8, '\u0100') == "hello\u0100\u0100\u0100");
+ assert(rightJustify(s, 8, '\u0100') == "\u0100\u0100\u0100hello");
+ assert(center(s, 8, '\u0100') == "\u0100hello\u0100\u0100");
+ assert(leftJustify(s, 8, 'ö') == "helloööö");
+ assert(rightJustify(s, 8, 'ö') == "öööhello");
+ assert(center(s, 8, 'ö') == "öhelloöö");
+ }
+ });
+ Center justify $(D r) in a field $(D width) characters wide. $(D fillChar)
+ is the character that will be used to fill up the space in the field that
+ $(D r) doesn't fill.
+ Params:
+ r = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ of characters
+ width = minimum field width
+ fillChar = used to pad end up to $(D width) characters
+ Returns:
+ a lazy range of the center justified result
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF leftJustifier)
+ $(LREF rightJustifier)
+ +/
+auto centerJustifier(Range)(Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static if (C.sizeof == 1)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byChar;
+ return centerJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byChar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 2)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byDchar, byWchar;
+ return centerJustifier(r.byDchar, width, fillChar).byWchar;
+ }
+ else static if (C.sizeof == 4)
+ {
+ import std.range : chain, repeat;
+ import std.range.primitives : walkLength;
+ auto len = walkLength(r.save, width);
+ if (len > width)
+ len = width;
+ const nleft = (width - len) / 2;
+ const nright = width - len - nleft;
+ return chain(repeat(fillChar, nleft), r, repeat(fillChar, nright));
+ }
+ else
+ static assert(0);
+@safe pure @nogc nothrow
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ assert(centerJustifier("hello", 2).equal("hello".byChar));
+ assert(centerJustifier("hello", 8).equal(" hello ".byChar));
+ assert(centerJustifier("hello", 7, 'x').equal("xhellox".byChar));
+auto centerJustifier(Range)(auto ref Range r, size_t width, dchar fillChar = ' ')
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return centerJustifier!(StringTypeOf!Range)(r, width, fillChar);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!centerJustifier("hello", 8));
+@system unittest
+ static auto byFwdRange(dstring s)
+ {
+ static struct FRange
+ {
+ dstring str;
+ this(dstring s) { str = s; }
+ @property bool empty() { return str.length == 0; }
+ @property dchar front() { return str[0]; }
+ void popFront() { str = str[1 .. $]; }
+ @property FRange save() { return this; }
+ }
+ return FRange(s);
+ }
+ auto r = centerJustifier(byFwdRange("hello"d), 6);
+ r.popFront();
+ auto save = r.save;
+ r.popFront();
+ assert(r.front == 'l');
+ assert(save.front == 'e');
+ auto t = "hello".centerJustifier(7);
+ t.popFront();
+ assert(t.front == 'h');
+ t.popFront();
+ assert(t.front == 'e');
+ auto u = byFwdRange("hello"d).centerJustifier(6);
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ u.popFront();
+ Replace each tab character in $(D s) with the number of spaces necessary
+ to align the following character at the next tab stop.
+ Params:
+ s = string
+ tabSize = distance between tab stops
+ Returns:
+ GC allocated string with tabs replaced with spaces
+ +/
+auto detab(Range)(auto ref Range s, size_t tabSize = 8) pure
+if ((isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range))
+ || __traits(compiles, StringTypeOf!Range))
+ import std.array : array;
+ return detabber(s, tabSize).array;
+@system pure unittest
+ assert(detab(" \n\tx", 9) == " \n x");
+@safe pure unittest
+ static struct TestStruct
+ {
+ string s;
+ alias s this;
+ }
+ static struct TestStruct2
+ {
+ string s;
+ alias s this;
+ @disable this(this);
+ }
+ string s = " \n\tx";
+ string cmp = " \n x";
+ auto t = TestStruct(s);
+ assert(detab(t, 9) == cmp);
+ assert(detab(TestStruct(s), 9) == cmp);
+ assert(detab(TestStruct(s), 9) == detab(TestStruct(s), 9));
+ assert(detab(TestStruct2(s), 9) == detab(TestStruct2(s), 9));
+ assert(detab(TestStruct2(s), 9) == cmp);
+ Replace each tab character in $(D r) with the number of spaces
+ necessary to align the following character at the next tab stop.
+ Params:
+ r = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ tabSize = distance between tab stops
+ Returns:
+ lazy forward range with tabs replaced with spaces
+ +/
+auto detabber(Range)(Range r, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
+ import std.utf : codeUnitLimit, decodeFront;
+ assert(tabSize > 0);
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!(Range));
+ static struct Result
+ {
+ private:
+ Range _input;
+ size_t _tabSize;
+ size_t nspaces;
+ int column;
+ size_t index;
+ public:
+ this(Range input, size_t tabSize)
+ {
+ _input = input;
+ _tabSize = tabSize;
+ }
+ static if (isInfinite!(Range))
+ {
+ enum bool empty = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @property bool empty()
+ {
+ return _input.empty && nspaces == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ @property C front()
+ {
+ if (nspaces)
+ return ' ';
+ static if (isSomeString!(Range))
+ C c = _input[0];
+ else
+ C c = _input.front;
+ if (index)
+ return c;
+ dchar dc;
+ if (c < codeUnitLimit!(immutable(C)[]))
+ {
+ dc = c;
+ index = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto r = _input.save;
+ dc = decodeFront(r, index); // lookahead to decode
+ }
+ switch (dc)
+ {
+ case '\r':
+ case '\n':
+ case paraSep:
+ case lineSep:
+ case nelSep:
+ column = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ nspaces = _tabSize - (column % _tabSize);
+ column += nspaces;
+ c = ' ';
+ break;
+ default:
+ ++column;
+ break;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ if (!index)
+ front;
+ if (nspaces)
+ --nspaces;
+ if (!nspaces)
+ {
+ static if (isSomeString!(Range))
+ _input = _input[1 .. $];
+ else
+ _input.popFront();
+ --index;
+ }
+ }
+ @property typeof(this) save()
+ {
+ auto ret = this;
+ ret._input = _input.save;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return Result(r, tabSize);
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ assert(detabber(" \n\tx", 9).array == " \n x");
+auto detabber(Range)(auto ref Range r, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return detabber!(StringTypeOf!Range)(r, tabSize);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!detabber( " ab\t asdf ", 8));
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : cmp;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[], string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ S s = to!S("This \tis\t a fofof\tof list");
+ assert(cmp(detab(s), "This is a fofof of list") == 0);
+ assert(detab(cast(S) null) is null);
+ assert(detab("").empty);
+ assert(detab("a") == "a");
+ assert(detab("\t") == " ");
+ assert(detab("\t", 3) == " ");
+ assert(detab("\t", 9) == " ");
+ assert(detab( " ab\t asdf ") == " ab asdf ");
+ assert(detab( " \U00010000b\tasdf ") == " \U00010000b asdf ");
+ assert(detab("\r\t", 9) == "\r ");
+ assert(detab("\n\t", 9) == "\n ");
+ assert(detab("\u0085\t", 9) == "\u0085 ");
+ assert(detab("\u2028\t", 9) == "\u2028 ");
+ assert(detab(" \u2029\t", 9) == " \u2029 ");
+ }
+ });
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar;
+ assert(detabber(" \u2029\t".byChar, 9).array == " \u2029 ");
+ auto r = "hel\tx".byWchar.detabber();
+ assert(r.front == 'h');
+ auto s = r.save;
+ r.popFront();
+ r.popFront();
+ assert(r.front == 'l');
+ assert(s.front == 'h');
+ Replaces spaces in $(D s) with the optimal number of tabs.
+ All spaces and tabs at the end of a line are removed.
+ Params:
+ s = String to convert.
+ tabSize = Tab columns are $(D tabSize) spaces apart.
+ Returns:
+ GC allocated string with spaces replaced with tabs;
+ use $(LREF entabber) to not allocate.
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF entabber)
+ +/
+auto entab(Range)(Range s, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range))
+ import std.array : array;
+ return entabber(s, tabSize).array;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(entab(" x \n") == "\tx\n");
+auto entab(Range)(auto ref Range s, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (!(isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range)) &&
+ is(StringTypeOf!Range))
+ return entab!(StringTypeOf!Range)(s, tabSize);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!entab(" x \n"));
+ Replaces spaces in range $(D r) with the optimal number of tabs.
+ All spaces and tabs at the end of a line are removed.
+ Params:
+ r = string or $(REF_ALTTEXT forward range, isForwardRange, std,range,primitives)
+ tabSize = distance between tab stops
+ Returns:
+ lazy forward range with spaces replaced with tabs
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF entab)
+ +/
+auto entabber(Range)(Range r, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (isForwardRange!Range && !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
+ import std.utf : codeUnitLimit, decodeFront;
+ assert(tabSize > 0);
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static struct Result
+ {
+ private:
+ Range _input;
+ size_t _tabSize;
+ size_t nspaces;
+ size_t ntabs;
+ int column;
+ size_t index;
+ @property C getFront()
+ {
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ return _input[0]; // avoid autodecode
+ else
+ return _input.front;
+ }
+ public:
+ this(Range input, size_t tabSize)
+ {
+ _input = input;
+ _tabSize = tabSize;
+ }
+ @property bool empty()
+ {
+ if (ntabs || nspaces)
+ return false;
+ /* Since trailing spaces are removed,
+ * look ahead for anything that is not a trailing space
+ */
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ {
+ foreach (c; _input)
+ {
+ if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_input.empty)
+ return true;
+ immutable c = _input.front;
+ if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
+ return false;
+ auto t = _input.save;
+ t.popFront();
+ foreach (c2; t)
+ {
+ if (c2 != ' ' && c2 != '\t')
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ @property C front()
+ {
+ //writefln(" front(): ntabs = %s nspaces = %s index = %s front = '%s'", ntabs, nspaces, index, getFront);
+ if (ntabs)
+ return '\t';
+ if (nspaces)
+ return ' ';
+ C c = getFront;
+ if (index)
+ return c;
+ dchar dc;
+ if (c < codeUnitLimit!(immutable(C)[]))
+ {
+ index = 1;
+ dc = c;
+ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
+ {
+ // Consume input until a non-blank is encountered
+ immutable startcol = column;
+ C cx;
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ assert(_input.length);
+ cx = _input[0];
+ if (cx == ' ')
+ ++column;
+ else if (cx == '\t')
+ column += _tabSize - (column % _tabSize);
+ else
+ break;
+ _input = _input[1 .. $];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ assert(!_input.empty);
+ cx = _input.front;
+ if (cx == ' ')
+ ++column;
+ else if (cx == '\t')
+ column += _tabSize - (column % _tabSize);
+ else
+ break;
+ _input.popFront();
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute ntabs+nspaces to get from startcol to column
+ immutable n = column - startcol;
+ if (n == 1)
+ {
+ nspaces = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ntabs = column / _tabSize - startcol / _tabSize;
+ if (ntabs == 0)
+ nspaces = column - startcol;
+ else
+ nspaces = column % _tabSize;
+ }
+ //writefln("\tstartcol = %s, column = %s, _tabSize = %s", startcol, column, _tabSize);
+ //writefln("\tntabs = %s, nspaces = %s", ntabs, nspaces);
+ if (cx < codeUnitLimit!(immutable(C)[]))
+ {
+ dc = cx;
+ index = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto r = _input.save;
+ dc = decodeFront(r, index); // lookahead to decode
+ }
+ switch (dc)
+ {
+ case '\r':
+ case '\n':
+ case paraSep:
+ case lineSep:
+ case nelSep:
+ column = 0;
+ // Spaces followed by newline are ignored
+ ntabs = 0;
+ nspaces = 0;
+ return cx;
+ default:
+ ++column;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ntabs ? '\t' : ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto r = _input.save;
+ dc = decodeFront(r, index); // lookahead to decode
+ }
+ //writefln("dc = x%x", dc);
+ switch (dc)
+ {
+ case '\r':
+ case '\n':
+ case paraSep:
+ case lineSep:
+ case nelSep:
+ column = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ++column;
+ break;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ //writefln("popFront(): ntabs = %s nspaces = %s index = %s front = '%s'", ntabs, nspaces, index, getFront);
+ if (!index)
+ front;
+ if (ntabs)
+ --ntabs;
+ else if (nspaces)
+ --nspaces;
+ else if (!ntabs && !nspaces)
+ {
+ static if (isSomeString!Range)
+ _input = _input[1 .. $];
+ else
+ _input.popFront();
+ --index;
+ }
+ }
+ @property typeof(this) save()
+ {
+ auto ret = this;
+ ret._input = _input.save;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return Result(r, tabSize);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : array;
+ assert(entabber(" x \n").array == "\tx\n");
+auto entabber(Range)(auto ref Range r, size_t tabSize = 8)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return entabber!(StringTypeOf!Range)(r, tabSize);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!entabber(" ab asdf ", 8));
+@safe pure
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(entab(cast(string) null) is null);
+ assert(entab("").empty);
+ assert(entab("a") == "a");
+ assert(entab(" ") == "");
+ assert(entab(" x") == "\tx");
+ assert(entab(" ab asdf ") == " ab\tasdf");
+ assert(entab(" ab asdf ") == " ab\t asdf");
+ assert(entab(" ab \t asdf ") == " ab\t asdf");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("1234567 \ta") == "1234567\t\t\ta");
+ assert(entab("a ") == "a");
+ assert(entab("a\v") == "a\v");
+ assert(entab("a\f") == "a\f");
+ assert(entab("a\n") == "a\n");
+ assert(entab("a\n\r") == "a\n\r");
+ assert(entab("a\r\n") == "a\r\n");
+ assert(entab("a\u2028") == "a\u2028");
+ assert(entab("a\u2029") == "a\u2029");
+ assert(entab("a\u0085") == "a\u0085");
+ assert(entab("a ") == "a");
+ assert(entab("a\t") == "a");
+ assert(entab("\uFF28\uFF45\uFF4C\uFF4C567 \t\uFF4F \t") ==
+ "\uFF28\uFF45\uFF4C\uFF4C567\t\t\uFF4F");
+ assert(entab(" \naa") == "\naa");
+ assert(entab(" \r aa") == "\r aa");
+ assert(entab(" \u2028 aa") == "\u2028 aa");
+ assert(entab(" \u2029 aa") == "\u2029 aa");
+ assert(entab(" \u0085 aa") == "\u0085 aa");
+ });
+@safe pure
+ import std.array : array;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ assert(entabber(" \u0085 aa".byChar).array == "\u0085 aa");
+ assert(entabber(" \u2028\t aa \t".byChar).array == "\u2028\t aa");
+ auto r = entabber("1234", 4);
+ r.popFront();
+ auto rsave = r.save;
+ r.popFront();
+ assert(r.front == '3');
+ assert(rsave.front == '2');
+ Replaces the characters in $(D str) which are keys in $(D transTable) with
+ their corresponding values in $(D transTable). $(D transTable) is an AA
+ where its keys are $(D dchar) and its values are either $(D dchar) or some
+ type of string. Also, if $(D toRemove) is given, the characters in it are
+ removed from $(D str) prior to translation. $(D str) itself is unaltered.
+ A copy with the changes is returned.
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF tr)
+ $(REF replace, std,array)
+ Params:
+ str = The original string.
+ transTable = The AA indicating which characters to replace and what to
+ replace them with.
+ toRemove = The characters to remove from the string.
+ +/
+C1[] translate(C1, C2 = immutable char)(C1[] str,
+ in dchar[dchar] transTable,
+ const(C2)[] toRemove = null) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!C1 && isSomeChar!C2)
+ import std.array : appender;
+ auto buffer = appender!(C1[])();
+ translateImpl(str, transTable, toRemove, buffer);
+ return buffer.data;
+@safe pure unittest
+ dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q'];
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1) == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1, "low") == "h5 rd");
+ string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"];
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable2) == "h5llorange worangerld");
+@safe pure unittest // issue 13018
+ immutable dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q'];
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1) == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1, "low") == "h5 rd");
+ immutable string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"];
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable2) == "h5llorange worangerld");
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!( char[], const( char)[], immutable( char)[],
+ wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
+ dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
+ {
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), cast(dchar[dchar])['h' : 'q', 'l' : '5']) ==
+ to!S("qe55o wor5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), cast(dchar[dchar])['o' : 'l', 'l' : '\U00010143']) ==
+ to!S("he\U00010143\U00010143l wlr\U00010143d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), cast(dchar[dchar])['h' : 'q', 'l': '5']) ==
+ to!S("qe55o \U00010143 wor5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), cast(dchar[dchar])['o' : '0', '\U00010143' : 'o']) ==
+ to!S("hell0 o w0rld"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), cast(dchar[dchar]) null) == to!S("hello world"));
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!( char[], const( char)[], immutable( char)[],
+ wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
+ dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ foreach (R; AliasSeq!(dchar[dchar], const dchar[dchar],
+ immutable dchar[dchar]))
+ {
+ R tt = ['h' : 'q', 'l' : '5'];
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("r"))
+ == to!S("qe55o wo5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("helo"))
+ == to!S(" wrd"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("q5"))
+ == to!S("qe55o wor5d"));
+ }
+ }();
+ auto s = to!S("hello world");
+ dchar[dchar] transTable = ['h' : 'q', 'l' : '5'];
+ static assert(is(typeof(s) == typeof(translate(s, transTable))));
+ }
+ });
+/++ Ditto +/
+C1[] translate(C1, S, C2 = immutable char)(C1[] str,
+ in S[dchar] transTable,
+ const(C2)[] toRemove = null) @safe pure
+if (isSomeChar!C1 && isSomeString!S && isSomeChar!C2)
+ import std.array : appender;
+ auto buffer = appender!(C1[])();
+ translateImpl(str, transTable, toRemove, buffer);
+ return buffer.data;
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!( char[], const( char)[], immutable( char)[],
+ wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
+ dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
+ {
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), ['h' : "yellow", 'l' : "42"]) ==
+ to!S("yellowe4242o wor42d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), ['o' : "owl", 'l' : "\U00010143\U00010143"]) ==
+ to!S("he\U00010143\U00010143\U00010143\U00010143owl wowlr\U00010143\U00010143d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), ['h' : "yellow", 'l' : "42"]) ==
+ to!S("yellowe4242o \U00010143 wor42d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), ['o' : "owl", 'l' : "\U00010143\U00010143"]) ==
+ to!S("he\U00010143\U00010143\U00010143\U00010143owl \U00010143 wowlr\U00010143\U00010143d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), ['h' : ""]) ==
+ to!S("ello \U00010143 world"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), ['\U00010143' : ""]) ==
+ to!S("hello world"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), cast(string[dchar]) null) == to!S("hello world"));
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!( char[], const( char)[], immutable( char)[],
+ wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
+ dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ foreach (R; AliasSeq!(string[dchar], const string[dchar],
+ immutable string[dchar]))
+ {
+ R tt = ['h' : "yellow", 'l' : "42"];
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("r")) ==
+ to!S("yellowe4242o wo42d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("helo")) ==
+ to!S(" wrd"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("y42")) ==
+ to!S("yellowe4242o wor42d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("hello world")) ==
+ to!S(""));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), tt, to!T("42")) ==
+ to!S("yellowe4242o wor42d"));
+ }
+ }();
+ auto s = to!S("hello world");
+ string[dchar] transTable = ['h' : "silly", 'l' : "putty"];
+ static assert(is(typeof(s) == typeof(translate(s, transTable))));
+ }
+ });
+ This is an overload of $(D translate) which takes an existing buffer to write the contents to.
+ Params:
+ str = The original string.
+ transTable = The AA indicating which characters to replace and what to
+ replace them with.
+ toRemove = The characters to remove from the string.
+ buffer = An output range to write the contents to.
+ +/
+void translate(C1, C2 = immutable char, Buffer)(C1[] str,
+ in dchar[dchar] transTable,
+ const(C2)[] toRemove,
+ Buffer buffer)
+if (isSomeChar!C1 && isSomeChar!C2 && isOutputRange!(Buffer, C1))
+ translateImpl(str, transTable, toRemove, buffer);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : appender;
+ dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q'];
+ auto buffer = appender!(dchar[])();
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, null, buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ buffer.clear();
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, "low", buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5 rd");
+ buffer.clear();
+ string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"];
+ translate("hello world", transTable2, null, buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5llorange worangerld");
+@safe pure unittest // issue 13018
+ import std.array : appender;
+ immutable dchar[dchar] transTable1 = ['e' : '5', 'o' : '7', '5': 'q'];
+ auto buffer = appender!(dchar[])();
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, null, buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ buffer.clear();
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, "low", buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5 rd");
+ buffer.clear();
+ immutable string[dchar] transTable2 = ['e' : "5", 'o' : "orange"];
+ translate("hello world", transTable2, null, buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5llorange worangerld");
+/++ Ditto +/
+void translate(C1, S, C2 = immutable char, Buffer)(C1[] str,
+ in S[dchar] transTable,
+ const(C2)[] toRemove,
+ Buffer buffer)
+if (isSomeChar!C1 && isSomeString!S && isSomeChar!C2 && isOutputRange!(Buffer, S))
+ translateImpl(str, transTable, toRemove, buffer);
+private void translateImpl(C1, T, C2, Buffer)(C1[] str,
+ T transTable,
+ const(C2)[] toRemove,
+ Buffer buffer)
+ bool[dchar] removeTable;
+ foreach (dchar c; toRemove)
+ removeTable[c] = true;
+ foreach (dchar c; str)
+ {
+ if (c in removeTable)
+ continue;
+ auto newC = c in transTable;
+ if (newC)
+ put(buffer, *newC);
+ else
+ put(buffer, c);
+ }
+ This is an $(I $(RED ASCII-only)) overload of $(LREF _translate). It
+ will $(I not) work with Unicode. It exists as an optimization for the
+ cases where Unicode processing is not necessary.
+ Unlike the other overloads of $(LREF _translate), this one does not take
+ an AA. Rather, it takes a $(D string) generated by $(LREF makeTransTable).
+ The array generated by $(D makeTransTable) is $(D 256) elements long such that
+ the index is equal to the ASCII character being replaced and the value is
+ equal to the character that it's being replaced with. Note that translate
+ does not decode any of the characters, so you can actually pass it Extended
+ ASCII characters if you want to (ASCII only actually uses $(D 128)
+ characters), but be warned that Extended ASCII characters are not valid
+ Unicode and therefore will result in a $(D UTFException) being thrown from
+ most other Phobos functions.
+ Also, because no decoding occurs, it is possible to use this overload to
+ translate ASCII characters within a proper UTF-8 string without altering the
+ other, non-ASCII characters. It's replacing any code unit greater than
+ $(D 127) with another code unit or replacing any code unit with another code
+ unit greater than $(D 127) which will cause UTF validation issues.
+ See_Also:
+ $(LREF tr)
+ $(REF replace, std,array)
+ Params:
+ str = The original string.
+ transTable = The string indicating which characters to replace and what
+ to replace them with. It is generated by $(LREF makeTransTable).
+ toRemove = The characters to remove from the string.
+ +/
+C[] translate(C = immutable char)(in char[] str, in char[] transTable, in char[] toRemove = null) @trusted pure nothrow
+if (is(Unqual!C == char))
+ assert(transTable.length == 256);
+ bool[256] remTable = false;
+ foreach (char c; toRemove)
+ remTable[c] = true;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ foreach (char c; str)
+ {
+ if (!remTable[c])
+ ++count;
+ }
+ auto buffer = new char[count];
+ size_t i = 0;
+ foreach (char c; str)
+ {
+ if (!remTable[c])
+ buffer[i++] = transTable[c];
+ }
+ return cast(C[])(buffer);
+ * Do same thing as $(LREF makeTransTable) but allocate the translation table
+ * on the GC heap.
+ *
+ * Use $(LREF makeTransTable) instead.
+ */
+string makeTrans(in char[] from, in char[] to) @trusted pure nothrow
+ return makeTransTable(from, to)[].idup;
+@safe pure nothrow unittest
+ auto transTable1 = makeTrans("eo5", "57q");
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1) == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ assert(translate("hello world", transTable1, "low") == "h5 rd");
+ * Construct 256 character translation table, where characters in from[] are replaced
+ * by corresponding characters in to[].
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * from = array of chars, less than or equal to 256 in length
+ * to = corresponding array of chars to translate to
+ * Returns:
+ * translation array
+ */
+char[256] makeTransTable(in char[] from, in char[] to) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
+ import std.ascii : isASCII;
+ assert(from.length == to.length);
+ assert(from.length <= 256);
+ foreach (char c; from)
+ assert(isASCII(c));
+ foreach (char c; to)
+ assert(isASCII(c));
+ char[256] result = void;
+ foreach (i; 0 .. result.length)
+ result[i] = cast(char) i;
+ foreach (i, c; from)
+ result[c] = to[i];
+ return result;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (C; AliasSeq!(char, const char, immutable char))
+ {
+ assert(translate!C("hello world", makeTransTable("hl", "q5")) == to!(C[])("qe55o wor5d"));
+ auto s = to!(C[])("hello world");
+ auto transTable = makeTransTable("hl", "q5");
+ static assert(is(typeof(s) == typeof(translate!C(s, transTable))));
+ }
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(char[], const(char)[], immutable(char)[]))
+ {
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5")) == to!S("qe55o wor5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5")) ==
+ to!S("qe55o \U00010143 wor5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("ol", "1o")) == to!S("heoo1 w1rod"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("", "")) == to!S("hello world"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("12345", "67890")) == to!S("hello world"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), makeTransTable("12345", "67890")) ==
+ to!S("hello \U00010143 world"));
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char[], const(char)[], immutable(char)[]))
+ (){ // avoid slow optimizations for large functions @@@BUG@@@ 2396
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5"), to!T("r")) ==
+ to!S("qe55o wo5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello \U00010143 world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5"), to!T("r")) ==
+ to!S("qe55o \U00010143 wo5d"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5"), to!T("helo")) ==
+ to!S(" wrd"));
+ assert(translate(to!S("hello world"), makeTransTable("hl", "q5"), to!T("q5")) ==
+ to!S("qe55o wor5d"));
+ }();
+ }
+ });
+ This is an $(I $(RED ASCII-only)) overload of $(D translate) which takes an existing buffer to write the contents to.
+ Params:
+ str = The original string.
+ transTable = The string indicating which characters to replace and what
+ to replace them with. It is generated by $(LREF makeTransTable).
+ toRemove = The characters to remove from the string.
+ buffer = An output range to write the contents to.
+ +/
+void translate(C = immutable char, Buffer)(in char[] str, in char[] transTable,
+ in char[] toRemove, Buffer buffer) @trusted pure
+if (is(Unqual!C == char) && isOutputRange!(Buffer, char))
+ assert(transTable.length == 256);
+ bool[256] remTable = false;
+ foreach (char c; toRemove)
+ remTable[c] = true;
+ foreach (char c; str)
+ {
+ if (!remTable[c])
+ put(buffer, transTable[c]);
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.array : appender;
+ auto buffer = appender!(char[])();
+ auto transTable1 = makeTransTable("eo5", "57q");
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, null, buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5ll7 w7rld");
+ buffer.clear();
+ translate("hello world", transTable1, "low", buffer);
+ assert(buffer.data == "h5 rd");
+ * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ *
+ * See if character c is in the pattern.
+ * Patterns:
+ *
+ * A $(I pattern) is an array of characters much like a $(I character
+ * class) in regular expressions. A sequence of characters
+ * can be given, such as "abcde". The '-' can represent a range
+ * of characters, as "a-e" represents the same pattern as "abcde".
+ * "a-fA-F0-9" represents all the hex characters.
+ * If the first character of a pattern is '^', then the pattern
+ * is negated, i.e. "^0-9" means any character except a digit.
+ * The functions inPattern, $(B countchars), $(B removeschars),
+ * and $(B squeeze) use patterns.
+ *
+ * Note: In the future, the pattern syntax may be improved
+ * to be more like regular expression character classes.
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, in S pattern) @safe pure @nogc
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ bool result = false;
+ int range = 0;
+ dchar lastc;
+ foreach (size_t i, dchar p; pattern)
+ {
+ if (p == '^' && i == 0)
+ {
+ result = true;
+ if (i + 1 == pattern.length)
+ return (c == p); // or should this be an error?
+ }
+ else if (range)
+ {
+ range = 0;
+ if (lastc <= c && c <= p || c == p)
+ return !result;
+ }
+ else if (p == '-' && i > result && i + 1 < pattern.length)
+ {
+ range = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (c == p)
+ return !result;
+ lastc = p;
+ }
+ return result;
+@safe pure @nogc unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(inPattern('x', "x") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "y") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('x', string.init) == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "^y") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "yxxy") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "^yxxy") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "^abcd") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('^', "^^") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('^', "^") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('^', "a^") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "a-z") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "A-Z") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "^a-z") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "^A-Z") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('-', "a-") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('-', "^A-") == 0);
+ assert(inPattern('a', "z-a") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('z', "z-a") == 1);
+ assert(inPattern('x', "z-a") == 0);
+ });
+ * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ *
+ * See if character c is in the intersection of the patterns.
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, S[] patterns) @safe pure @nogc
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ foreach (string pattern; patterns)
+ {
+ if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ *
+ * Count characters in s that match pattern.
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+size_t countchars(S, S1)(S s, in S1 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
+if (isSomeString!S && isSomeString!S1)
+ size_t count;
+ foreach (dchar c; s)
+ {
+ count += inPattern(c, pattern);
+ }
+ return count;
+@safe pure @nogc unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(countchars("abc", "a-c") == 3);
+ assert(countchars("hello world", "or") == 3);
+ });
+ * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ *
+ * Return string that is s with all characters removed that match pattern.
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+S removechars(S)(S s, in S pattern) @safe pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.utf : encode;
+ Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
+ bool changed = false;
+ foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
+ {
+ if (inPattern(c, pattern))
+ {
+ if (!changed)
+ {
+ changed = true;
+ r = s[0 .. i].dup;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ encode(r, c);
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ return r;
+ else
+ return s;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(removechars("abc", "a-c").length == 0);
+ assert(removechars("hello world", "or") == "hell wld");
+ assert(removechars("hello world", "d") == "hello worl");
+ assert(removechars("hah", "h") == "a");
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(removechars("abc", "x") == "abc");
+ * $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ * Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ * instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ * $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ *
+ * Return string where sequences of a character in s[] from pattern[]
+ * are replaced with a single instance of that character.
+ * If pattern is null, it defaults to all characters.
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+S squeeze(S)(S s, in S pattern = null)
+ import std.utf : encode, stride;
+ Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
+ dchar lastc;
+ size_t lasti;
+ int run;
+ bool changed;
+ foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
+ {
+ if (run && lastc == c)
+ {
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ else if (pattern is null || inPattern(c, pattern))
+ {
+ run = 1;
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ if (r is null)
+ r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
+ encode(r, c);
+ }
+ else
+ lasti = i + stride(s, i);
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ run = 0;
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ if (r is null)
+ r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
+ encode(r, c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return changed ? ((r is null) ? s[0 .. lasti] : cast(S) r) : s;
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ string s;
+ assert(squeeze("hello") == "helo");
+ s = "abcd";
+ assert(squeeze(s) is s);
+ s = "xyzz";
+ assert(squeeze(s).ptr == s.ptr); // should just be a slice
+ assert(squeeze("hello goodbyee", "oe") == "hello godbye");
+ });
+ $(RED This function is deprecated and will be removed May 2018.)
+ Please use the functions in $(MREF std, regex) and $(MREF std, algorithm)
+ instead. If you still need this function, it will be available in
+ $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/undeaD, undeaD).
+ Finds the position $(D_PARAM pos) of the first character in $(D_PARAM
+ s) that does not match $(D_PARAM pattern) (in the terminology used by
+ $(REF inPattern, std,string)). Updates $(D_PARAM s =
+ s[pos..$]). Returns the slice from the beginning of the original
+ (before update) string up to, and excluding, $(D_PARAM pos).
+The $(D_PARAM munch) function is mostly convenient for skipping
+certain category of characters (e.g. whitespace) when parsing
+strings. (In such cases, the return value is not used.)
+ */
+deprecated("This function is obsolete and will be removed May 2018. See the docs for more details")
+S1 munch(S1, S2)(ref S1 s, S2 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
+ size_t j = s.length;
+ foreach (i, dchar c; s)
+ {
+ if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
+ {
+ j = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ scope(exit) s = s[j .. $];
+ return s[0 .. j];
+@safe pure @nogc unittest
+ string s = "123abc";
+ string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
+ assert(t == "123" && s == "abc");
+ t = munch(s, "0123456789");
+ assert(t == "" && s == "abc");
+@safe pure @nogc unittest
+ string s = "123€abc";
+ string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
+ assert(t == "123" && s == "€abc");
+ t = munch(s, "0123456789");
+ assert(t == "" && s == "€abc");
+ t = munch(s, "£$€¥");
+ assert(t == "€" && s == "abc");
+ * Return string that is the 'successor' to s[].
+ * If the rightmost character is a-zA-Z0-9, it is incremented within
+ * its case or digits. If it generates a carry, the process is
+ * repeated with the one to its immediate left.
+ */
+S succ(S)(S s) @safe pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.ascii : isAlphaNum;
+ if (s.length && isAlphaNum(s[$ - 1]))
+ {
+ auto r = s.dup;
+ size_t i = r.length - 1;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ dchar c = s[i];
+ dchar carry;
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '9':
+ c = '0';
+ carry = '1';
+ goto Lcarry;
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z':
+ c -= 'Z' - 'A';
+ carry = c;
+ Lcarry:
+ r[i] = cast(char) c;
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ auto t = new typeof(r[0])[r.length + 1];
+ t[0] = cast(char) carry;
+ t[1 .. $] = r[];
+ return t;
+ }
+ i--;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (isAlphaNum(c))
+ r[i]++;
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(succ("1") == "2");
+ assert(succ("9") == "10");
+ assert(succ("999") == "1000");
+ assert(succ("zz99") == "aaa00");
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(succ(string.init) is null);
+ assert(succ("!@#$%") == "!@#$%");
+ assert(succ("1") == "2");
+ assert(succ("9") == "10");
+ assert(succ("999") == "1000");
+ assert(succ("zz99") == "aaa00");
+ });
+ Replaces the characters in $(D str) which are in $(D from) with the
+ the corresponding characters in $(D to) and returns the resulting string.
+ $(D tr) is based on
+ $(HTTP pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/_tr.html, Posix's tr),
+ though it doesn't do everything that the Posix utility does.
+ Params:
+ str = The original string.
+ from = The characters to replace.
+ to = The characters to replace with.
+ modifiers = String containing modifiers.
+ Modifiers:
+ $(TR $(TD Modifier) $(TD Description))
+ $(TR $(TD $(D 'c')) $(TD Complement the list of characters in $(D from)))
+ $(TR $(TD $(D 'd')) $(TD Removes matching characters with no corresponding
+ replacement in $(D to)))
+ $(TR $(TD $(D 's')) $(TD Removes adjacent duplicates in the replaced
+ characters))
+ )
+ If the modifier $(D 'd') is present, then the number of characters in
+ $(D to) may be only $(D 0) or $(D 1).
+ If the modifier $(D 'd') is $(I not) present, and $(D to) is empty, then
+ $(D to) is taken to be the same as $(D from).
+ If the modifier $(D 'd') is $(I not) present, and $(D to) is shorter than
+ $(D from), then $(D to) is extended by replicating the last character in
+ $(D to).
+ Both $(D from) and $(D to) may contain ranges using the $(D '-') character
+ (e.g. $(D "a-d") is synonymous with $(D "abcd").) Neither accept a leading
+ $(D '^') as meaning the complement of the string (use the $(D 'c') modifier
+ for that).
+ +/
+C1[] tr(C1, C2, C3, C4 = immutable char)
+ (C1[] str, const(C2)[] from, const(C3)[] to, const(C4)[] modifiers = null)
+ import std.array : appender;
+ import std.conv : conv_to = to;
+ import std.utf : decode;
+ bool mod_c;
+ bool mod_d;
+ bool mod_s;
+ foreach (char c; modifiers)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'c': mod_c = 1; break; // complement
+ case 'd': mod_d = 1; break; // delete unreplaced chars
+ case 's': mod_s = 1; break; // squeeze duplicated replaced chars
+ default: assert(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (to.empty && !mod_d)
+ to = conv_to!(typeof(to))(from);
+ auto result = appender!(C1[])();
+ bool modified;
+ dchar lastc;
+ foreach (dchar c; str)
+ {
+ dchar lastf;
+ dchar lastt;
+ dchar newc;
+ int n = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < from.length; )
+ {
+ immutable f = decode(from, i);
+ if (f == '-' && lastf != dchar.init && i < from.length)
+ {
+ immutable nextf = decode(from, i);
+ if (lastf <= c && c <= nextf)
+ {
+ n += c - lastf - 1;
+ if (mod_c)
+ goto Lnotfound;
+ goto Lfound;
+ }
+ n += nextf - lastf;
+ lastf = lastf.init;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == f)
+ { if (mod_c)
+ goto Lnotfound;
+ goto Lfound;
+ }
+ lastf = f;
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (!mod_c)
+ goto Lnotfound;
+ n = 0; // consider it 'found' at position 0
+ Lfound:
+ // Find the nth character in to[]
+ dchar nextt;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < to.length; )
+ {
+ immutable t = decode(to, i);
+ if (t == '-' && lastt != dchar.init && i < to.length)
+ {
+ nextt = decode(to, i);
+ n -= nextt - lastt;
+ if (n < 0)
+ {
+ newc = nextt + n + 1;
+ goto Lnewc;
+ }
+ lastt = dchar.init;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (n == 0)
+ { newc = t;
+ goto Lnewc;
+ }
+ lastt = t;
+ nextt = t;
+ n--;
+ }
+ if (mod_d)
+ continue;
+ newc = nextt;
+ Lnewc:
+ if (mod_s && modified && newc == lastc)
+ continue;
+ result.put(newc);
+ assert(newc != dchar.init);
+ modified = true;
+ lastc = newc;
+ continue;
+ Lnotfound:
+ result.put(c);
+ lastc = c;
+ modified = false;
+ }
+ return result.data;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ // Complete list of test types; too slow to test'em all
+ // alias TestTypes = AliasSeq!(
+ // char[], const( char)[], immutable( char)[],
+ // wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
+ // dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]);
+ // Reduced list of test types
+ alias TestTypes = AliasSeq!(char[], const(wchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]);
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; TestTypes)
+ {
+ foreach (T; TestTypes)
+ {
+ foreach (U; TestTypes)
+ {
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdef"), to!T("cd"), to!U("CD")), "abCDef"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdef"), to!T("b-d"), to!U("B-D")), "aBCDef"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdefgh"), to!T("b-dh"), to!U("B-Dx")), "aBCDefgx"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdefgh"), to!T("b-dh"), to!U("B-CDx")), "aBCDefgx"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdefgh"), to!T("b-dh"), to!U("B-BCDx")), "aBCDefgx"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdef"), to!T("ef"), to!U("*"), to!S("c")), "****ef"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("abcdef"), to!T("ef"), to!U(""), to!T("d")), "abcd"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("hello goodbye"), to!T("lo"), to!U(""), to!U("s")), "helo godbye"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("hello goodbye"), to!T("lo"), to!U("x"), "s"), "hex gxdbye"));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("14-Jul-87"), to!T("a-zA-Z"), to!U(" "), "cs"), " Jul "));
+ assert(equal(tr(to!S("Abc"), to!T("AAA"), to!U("XYZ")), "Xbc"));
+ }
+ }
+ auto s = to!S("hello world");
+ static assert(is(typeof(s) == typeof(tr(s, "he", "if"))));
+ }
+ });
+@system pure unittest
+ import core.exception : AssertError;
+ import std.exception : assertThrown;
+ assertThrown!AssertError(tr("abcdef", "cd", "CD", "X"));
+ * Takes a string $(D s) and determines if it represents a number. This function
+ * also takes an optional parameter, $(D bAllowSep), which will accept the
+ * separator characters $(D ',') and $(D '__') within the string. But these
+ * characters should be stripped from the string before using any
+ * of the conversion functions like $(D to!int()), $(D to!float()), and etc
+ * else an error will occur.
+ *
+ * Also please note, that no spaces are allowed within the string
+ * anywhere whether it's a leading, trailing, or embedded space(s),
+ * thus they too must be stripped from the string before using this
+ * function, or any of the conversion functions.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * s = the string or random access range to check
+ * bAllowSep = accept separator characters or not
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * $(D bool)
+ */
+bool isNumeric(S)(S s, bool bAllowSep = false)
+if (isSomeString!S ||
+ (isRandomAccessRange!S &&
+ hasSlicing!S &&
+ isSomeChar!(ElementType!S) &&
+ !isInfinite!S))
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
+ import std.ascii : isASCII;
+ // ASCII only case insensitive comparison with two ranges
+ static bool asciiCmp(S1)(S1 a, string b)
+ {
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
+ import std.ascii : toLower;
+ import std.utf : byChar;
+ return a.map!toLower.equal(b.byChar.map!toLower);
+ }
+ // auto-decoding special case, we're only comparing characters
+ // in the ASCII range so there's no reason to decode
+ static if (isSomeString!S)
+ {
+ import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
+ auto codeUnits = s.byCodeUnit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alias codeUnits = s;
+ }
+ if (codeUnits.empty)
+ return false;
+ // Check for NaN (Not a Number) and for Infinity
+ if (codeUnits.among!((a, b) => asciiCmp(a.save, b))
+ ("nan", "nani", "nan+nani", "inf", "-inf"))
+ return true;
+ immutable frontResult = codeUnits.front;
+ if (frontResult == '-' || frontResult == '+')
+ codeUnits.popFront;
+ immutable iLen = codeUnits.length;
+ bool bDecimalPoint, bExponent, bComplex, sawDigits;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
+ {
+ immutable c = codeUnits[i];
+ if (!c.isASCII)
+ return false;
+ // Digits are good, skip to the next character
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ {
+ sawDigits = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for the complex type, and if found
+ // reset the flags for checking the 2nd number.
+ if (c == '+')
+ {
+ if (!i)
+ return false;
+ bDecimalPoint = false;
+ bExponent = false;
+ bComplex = true;
+ sawDigits = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Allow only one exponent per number
+ if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
+ {
+ // A 2nd exponent found, return not a number
+ if (bExponent || i + 1 >= iLen)
+ return false;
+ // Look forward for the sign, and if
+ // missing then this is not a number.
+ if (codeUnits[i + 1] != '-' && codeUnits[i + 1] != '+')
+ return false;
+ bExponent = true;
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Allow only one decimal point per number to be used
+ if (c == '.')
+ {
+ // A 2nd decimal point found, return not a number
+ if (bDecimalPoint)
+ return false;
+ bDecimalPoint = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for ending literal characters: "f,u,l,i,ul,fi,li",
+ // and whether they're being used with the correct datatype.
+ if (i == iLen - 2)
+ {
+ if (!sawDigits)
+ return false;
+ // Integer Whole Number
+ if (asciiCmp(codeUnits[i .. iLen], "ul") &&
+ (!bDecimalPoint && !bExponent && !bComplex))
+ return true;
+ // Floating-Point Number
+ if (codeUnits[i .. iLen].among!((a, b) => asciiCmp(a, b))("fi", "li") &&
+ (bDecimalPoint || bExponent || bComplex))
+ return true;
+ if (asciiCmp(codeUnits[i .. iLen], "ul") &&
+ (bDecimalPoint || bExponent || bComplex))
+ return false;
+ // Could be a Integer or a Float, thus
+ // all these suffixes are valid for both
+ return codeUnits[i .. iLen].among!((a, b) => asciiCmp(a, b))
+ ("ul", "fi", "li") != 0;
+ }
+ if (i == iLen - 1)
+ {
+ if (!sawDigits)
+ return false;
+ // Integer Whole Number
+ if (c.among!('u', 'l', 'U', 'L')() &&
+ (!bDecimalPoint && !bExponent && !bComplex))
+ return true;
+ // Check to see if the last character in the string
+ // is the required 'i' character
+ if (bComplex)
+ return c.among!('i', 'I')() != 0;
+ // Floating-Point Number
+ return c.among!('l', 'L', 'f', 'F', 'i', 'I')() != 0;
+ }
+ // Check if separators are allowed to be in the numeric string
+ if (!bAllowSep || !c.among!('_', ',')())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return sawDigits;
+ * Integer Whole Number: (byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, and ulong)
+ * ['+'|'-']digit(s)[U|L|UL]
+ */
+@safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest
+ assert(isNumeric("123"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123UL"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123L"));
+ assert(isNumeric("+123U"));
+ assert(isNumeric("-123L"));
+ * Floating-Point Number: (float, double, real, ifloat, idouble, and ireal)
+ * ['+'|'-']digit(s)[.][digit(s)][[e-|e+]digit(s)][i|f|L|Li|fi]]
+ * or [nan|nani|inf|-inf]
+ */
+@safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest
+ assert(isNumeric("+123"));
+ assert(isNumeric("-123.01"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123.3e-10f"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123.3e-10fi"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123.3e-10L"));
+ assert(isNumeric("nan"));
+ assert(isNumeric("nani"));
+ assert(isNumeric("-inf"));
+ * Floating-Point Number: (cfloat, cdouble, and creal)
+ * ['+'|'-']digit(s)[.][digit(s)][[e-|e+]digit(s)][+]
+ * [digit(s)[.][digit(s)][[e-|e+]digit(s)][i|f|L|Li|fi]]
+ * or [nan|nani|nan+nani|inf|-inf]
+ */
+@safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest
+ assert(isNumeric("-123e-1+456.9e-10Li"));
+ assert(isNumeric("+123e+10+456i"));
+ assert(isNumeric("123+456"));
+@safe @nogc pure nothrow unittest
+ assert(!isNumeric("F"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("L"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("U"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("i"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("fi"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("ul"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("li"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("."));
+ assert(!isNumeric("-"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("+"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("e-"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("e+"));
+ assert(!isNumeric(".f"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("e+f"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("++1"));
+ assert(!isNumeric(""));
+ assert(!isNumeric("1E+1E+1"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("1E1"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("\x81"));
+// Test string types
+@safe unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(string, char[], wstring, wchar[], dstring, dchar[]))
+ {
+ assert("123".to!T.isNumeric());
+ assert("123UL".to!T.isNumeric());
+ assert("123fi".to!T.isNumeric());
+ assert("123li".to!T.isNumeric());
+ assert(!"--123L".to!T.isNumeric());
+ }
+// test ranges
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.range : refRange;
+ import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
+ assert("123".byCodeUnit.isNumeric());
+ assert("123UL".byCodeUnit.isNumeric());
+ assert("123fi".byCodeUnit.isNumeric());
+ assert("123li".byCodeUnit.isNumeric());
+ assert(!"--123L".byCodeUnit.isNumeric());
+ dstring z = "0";
+ assert(isNumeric(refRange(&z)));
+ dstring nani = "nani";
+ assert(isNumeric(refRange(&nani)));
+/// isNumeric works with CTFE
+@safe pure unittest
+ enum a = isNumeric("123.00E-5+1234.45E-12Li");
+ enum b = isNumeric("12345xxxx890");
+ static assert( a);
+ static assert(!b);
+@system unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ // Test the isNumeric(in string) function
+ assert(isNumeric("1") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("1.0") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("1e-1") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("12345xxxx890") == false );
+ assert(isNumeric("567L") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("23UL") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("-123..56f") == false );
+ assert(isNumeric("") == false );
+ assert(isNumeric(" 12.356") == false );
+ assert(isNumeric("123 5.6") == false );
+ assert(isNumeric("1233E-1+1.0e-1i") == true );
+ assert(isNumeric("123.00E-5+1234.45E-12Li") == true);
+ assert(isNumeric("123.00e-5+1234.45E-12iL") == false);
+ assert(isNumeric("123.00e-5+1234.45e-12uL") == false);
+ assert(isNumeric("123.00E-5+1234.45e-12lu") == false);
+ assert(isNumeric("123fi") == true);
+ assert(isNumeric("123li") == true);
+ assert(isNumeric("--123L") == false);
+ assert(isNumeric("+123.5UL") == false);
+ assert(isNumeric("123f") == true);
+ assert(isNumeric("123.u") == false);
+ // @@@BUG@@ to!string(float) is not CTFEable.
+ // Related: formatValue(T) if (is(FloatingPointTypeOf!T))
+ if (!__ctfe)
+ {
+ assert(isNumeric(to!string(real.nan)) == true);
+ assert(isNumeric(to!string(-real.infinity)) == true);
+ assert(isNumeric(to!string(123e+2+1234.78Li)) == true);
+ }
+ string s = "$250.99-";
+ assert(isNumeric(s[1 .. s.length - 2]) == true);
+ assert(isNumeric(s) == false);
+ assert(isNumeric(s[0 .. s.length - 1]) == false);
+ });
+ assert(!isNumeric("-"));
+ assert(!isNumeric("+"));
+ * Soundex algorithm.
+ *
+ * The Soundex algorithm converts a word into 4 characters
+ * based on how the word sounds phonetically. The idea is that
+ * two spellings that sound alike will have the same Soundex
+ * value, which means that Soundex can be used for fuzzy matching
+ * of names.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * str = String or InputRange to convert to Soundex representation.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The four character array with the Soundex result in it.
+ * The array has zero's in it if there is no Soundex representation for the string.
+ *
+ * See_Also:
+ * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soundex, Wikipedia),
+ * $(LUCKY The Soundex Indexing System)
+ * $(LREF soundex)
+ *
+ * Bugs:
+ * Only works well with English names.
+ * There are other arguably better Soundex algorithms,
+ * but this one is the standard one.
+ */
+char[4] soundexer(Range)(Range str)
+if (isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ alias C = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range);
+ static immutable dex =
+ "01230120022455012623010202";
+ char[4] result = void;
+ size_t b = 0;
+ C lastc;
+ foreach (C c; str)
+ {
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
+ c -= 'a' - 'A';
+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lastc = lastc.init;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (b == 0)
+ {
+ result[0] = cast(char) c;
+ b++;
+ lastc = dex[c - 'A'];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (c == 'H' || c == 'W')
+ continue;
+ if (c == 'A' || c == 'E' || c == 'I' || c == 'O' || c == 'U')
+ lastc = lastc.init;
+ c = dex[c - 'A'];
+ if (c != '0' && c != lastc)
+ {
+ result[b] = cast(char) c;
+ b++;
+ lastc = c;
+ }
+ if (b == 4)
+ goto Lret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (b == 0)
+ result[] = 0;
+ else
+ result[b .. 4] = '0';
+ Lret:
+ return result;
+char[4] soundexer(Range)(auto ref Range str)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return soundexer!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str);
+ * Like $(LREF soundexer), but with different parameters
+ * and return value.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * str = String to convert to Soundex representation.
+ * buffer = Optional 4 char array to put the resulting Soundex
+ * characters into. If null, the return value
+ * buffer will be allocated on the heap.
+ * Returns:
+ * The four character array with the Soundex result in it.
+ * Returns null if there is no Soundex representation for the string.
+ * See_Also:
+ * $(LREF soundexer)
+ */
+char[] soundex(const(char)[] str, char[] buffer = null)
+ @safe pure nothrow
+ assert(buffer is null || buffer.length >= 4);
+out (result)
+ if (result !is null)
+ {
+ assert(result.length == 4);
+ assert(result[0] >= 'A' && result[0] <= 'Z');
+ foreach (char c; result[1 .. 4])
+ assert(c >= '0' && c <= '6');
+ }
+ char[4] result = soundexer(str);
+ if (result[0] == 0)
+ return null;
+ if (buffer is null)
+ buffer = new char[4];
+ buffer[] = result[];
+ return buffer;
+@safe pure nothrow unittest
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ char[4] buffer;
+ assert(soundex(null) == null);
+ assert(soundex("") == null);
+ assert(soundex("0123^&^^**&^") == null);
+ assert(soundex("Euler") == "E460");
+ assert(soundex(" Ellery ") == "E460");
+ assert(soundex("Gauss") == "G200");
+ assert(soundex("Ghosh") == "G200");
+ assert(soundex("Hilbert") == "H416");
+ assert(soundex("Heilbronn") == "H416");
+ assert(soundex("Knuth") == "K530");
+ assert(soundex("Kant", buffer) == "K530");
+ assert(soundex("Lloyd") == "L300");
+ assert(soundex("Ladd") == "L300");
+ assert(soundex("Lukasiewicz", buffer) == "L222");
+ assert(soundex("Lissajous") == "L222");
+ assert(soundex("Robert") == "R163");
+ assert(soundex("Rupert") == "R163");
+ assert(soundex("Rubin") == "R150");
+ assert(soundex("Washington") == "W252");
+ assert(soundex("Lee") == "L000");
+ assert(soundex("Gutierrez") == "G362");
+ assert(soundex("Pfister") == "P236");
+ assert(soundex("Jackson") == "J250");
+ assert(soundex("Tymczak") == "T522");
+ assert(soundex("Ashcraft") == "A261");
+ assert(soundex("Woo") == "W000");
+ assert(soundex("Pilgrim") == "P426");
+ assert(soundex("Flingjingwaller") == "F452");
+ assert(soundex("PEARSE") == "P620");
+ assert(soundex("PIERCE") == "P620");
+ assert(soundex("Price") == "P620");
+ assert(soundex("CATHY") == "C300");
+ assert(soundex("KATHY") == "K300");
+ assert(soundex("Jones") == "J520");
+ assert(soundex("johnsons") == "J525");
+ assert(soundex("Hardin") == "H635");
+ assert(soundex("Martinez") == "M635");
+ import std.utf : byChar, byDchar, byWchar;
+ assert(soundexer("Martinez".byChar ) == "M635");
+ assert(soundexer("Martinez".byWchar) == "M635");
+ assert(soundexer("Martinez".byDchar) == "M635");
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!soundexer("Martinez"));
+ * Construct an associative array consisting of all
+ * abbreviations that uniquely map to the strings in values.
+ *
+ * This is useful in cases where the user is expected to type
+ * in one of a known set of strings, and the program will helpfully
+ * auto-complete the string once sufficient characters have been
+ * entered that uniquely identify it.
+ */
+string[string] abbrev(string[] values) @safe pure
+ import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
+ string[string] result;
+ // Make a copy when sorting so we follow COW principles.
+ values = values.dup;
+ sort(values);
+ size_t values_length = values.length;
+ size_t lasti = values_length;
+ size_t nexti;
+ string nv;
+ string lv;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < values_length; i = nexti)
+ {
+ string value = values[i];
+ // Skip dups
+ for (nexti = i + 1; nexti < values_length; nexti++)
+ {
+ nv = values[nexti];
+ if (value != values[nexti])
+ break;
+ }
+ import std.utf : stride;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < value.length; j += stride(value, j))
+ {
+ string v = value[0 .. j];
+ if ((nexti == values_length || j > nv.length || v != nv[0 .. j]) &&
+ (lasti == values_length || j > lv.length || v != lv[0 .. j]))
+ {
+ result[v] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ result[value] = value;
+ lasti = i;
+ lv = value;
+ }
+ return result;
+@safe unittest
+ import std.string;
+ static string[] list = [ "food", "foxy" ];
+ auto abbrevs = abbrev(list);
+ assert(abbrevs == ["fox": "foxy", "food": "food",
+ "foxy": "foxy", "foo": "food"]);
+@system pure unittest
+ import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ string[] values;
+ values ~= "hello";
+ values ~= "hello";
+ values ~= "he";
+ string[string] r;
+ r = abbrev(values);
+ auto keys = r.keys.dup;
+ sort(keys);
+ assert(keys.length == 4);
+ assert(keys[0] == "he");
+ assert(keys[1] == "hel");
+ assert(keys[2] == "hell");
+ assert(keys[3] == "hello");
+ assert(r[keys[0]] == "he");
+ assert(r[keys[1]] == "hello");
+ assert(r[keys[2]] == "hello");
+ assert(r[keys[3]] == "hello");
+ });
+ * Compute _column number at the end of the printed form of the string,
+ * assuming the string starts in the leftmost _column, which is numbered
+ * starting from 0.
+ *
+ * Tab characters are expanded into enough spaces to bring the _column number
+ * to the next multiple of tabsize.
+ * If there are multiple lines in the string, the _column number of the last
+ * line is returned.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * str = string or InputRange to be analyzed
+ * tabsize = number of columns a tab character represents
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * column number
+ */
+size_t column(Range)(Range str, in size_t tabsize = 8)
+if ((isInputRange!Range && isSomeChar!(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range)) ||
+ isNarrowString!Range) &&
+ !isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ static if (is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == char))
+ {
+ // decoding needed for chars
+ import std.utf : byDchar;
+ return str.byDchar.column(tabsize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // decoding not needed for wchars and dchars
+ import std.uni : lineSep, paraSep, nelSep;
+ size_t column;
+ foreach (const c; str)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '\t':
+ column = (column + tabsize) / tabsize * tabsize;
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ case '\n':
+ case paraSep:
+ case lineSep:
+ case nelSep:
+ column = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ column++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return column;
+ }
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.utf : byChar, byWchar, byDchar;
+ assert(column("1234 ") == 5);
+ assert(column("1234 "w) == 5);
+ assert(column("1234 "d) == 5);
+ assert(column("1234 ".byChar()) == 5);
+ assert(column("1234 "w.byWchar()) == 5);
+ assert(column("1234 "d.byDchar()) == 5);
+ // Tab stops are set at 8 spaces by default; tab characters insert enough
+ // spaces to bring the column position to the next multiple of 8.
+ assert(column("\t") == 8);
+ assert(column("1\t") == 8);
+ assert(column("\t1") == 9);
+ assert(column("123\t") == 8);
+ // Other tab widths are possible by specifying it explicitly:
+ assert(column("\t", 4) == 4);
+ assert(column("1\t", 4) == 4);
+ assert(column("\t1", 4) == 5);
+ assert(column("123\t", 4) == 4);
+ // New lines reset the column number.
+ assert(column("abc\n") == 0);
+ assert(column("abc\n1") == 1);
+ assert(column("abcdefg\r1234") == 4);
+ assert(column("abc\u20281") == 1);
+ assert(column("abc\u20291") == 1);
+ assert(column("abc\u00851") == 1);
+ assert(column("abc\u00861") == 5);
+size_t column(Range)(auto ref Range str, in size_t tabsize = 8)
+if (isConvertibleToString!Range)
+ return column!(StringTypeOf!Range)(str, tabsize);
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(testAliasedString!column("abc\u00861"));
+@safe @nogc unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(column(string.init) == 0);
+ assert(column("") == 0);
+ assert(column("\t") == 8);
+ assert(column("abc\t") == 8);
+ assert(column("12345678\t") == 16);
+ });
+ * Wrap text into a paragraph.
+ *
+ * The input text string s is formed into a paragraph
+ * by breaking it up into a sequence of lines, delineated
+ * by \n, such that the number of columns is not exceeded
+ * on each line.
+ * The last line is terminated with a \n.
+ * Params:
+ * s = text string to be wrapped
+ * columns = maximum number of _columns in the paragraph
+ * firstindent = string used to _indent first line of the paragraph
+ * indent = string to use to _indent following lines of the paragraph
+ * tabsize = column spacing of tabs in firstindent[] and indent[]
+ * Returns:
+ * resulting paragraph as an allocated string
+ */
+S wrap(S)(S s, in size_t columns = 80, S firstindent = null,
+S indent = null, in size_t tabsize = 8)
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.uni : isWhite;
+ typeof(s.dup) result;
+ bool inword;
+ bool first = true;
+ size_t wordstart;
+ const indentcol = column(indent, tabsize);
+ result.length = firstindent.length + s.length;
+ result.length = firstindent.length;
+ result[] = firstindent[];
+ auto col = column(firstindent, tabsize);
+ foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
+ {
+ if (isWhite(c))
+ {
+ if (inword)
+ {
+ if (first)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (col + 1 + (i - wordstart) > columns)
+ {
+ result ~= '\n';
+ result ~= indent;
+ col = indentcol;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result ~= ' ';
+ col += 1;
+ }
+ result ~= s[wordstart .. i];
+ col += i - wordstart;
+ inword = false;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!inword)
+ {
+ wordstart = i;
+ inword = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (inword)
+ {
+ if (col + 1 + (s.length - wordstart) >= columns)
+ {
+ result ~= '\n';
+ result ~= indent;
+ }
+ else if (result.length != firstindent.length)
+ result ~= ' ';
+ result ~= s[wordstart .. s.length];
+ }
+ result ~= '\n';
+ return result;
+@safe pure unittest
+ assert(wrap("a short string", 7) == "a short\nstring\n");
+ // wrap will not break inside of a word, but at the next space
+ assert(wrap("a short string", 4) == "a\nshort\nstring\n");
+ assert(wrap("a short string", 7, "\t") == "\ta\nshort\nstring\n");
+ assert(wrap("a short string", 7, "\t", " ") == "\ta\n short\n string\n");
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ assert(wrap(string.init) == "\n");
+ assert(wrap(" a b df ") == "a b df\n");
+ assert(wrap(" a b df ", 3) == "a b\ndf\n");
+ assert(wrap(" a bc df ", 3) == "a\nbc\ndf\n");
+ assert(wrap(" abcd df ", 3) == "abcd\ndf\n");
+ assert(wrap("x") == "x\n");
+ assert(wrap("u u") == "u u\n");
+ assert(wrap("abcd", 3) == "\nabcd\n");
+ assert(wrap("a de", 10, "\t", " ", 8) == "\ta\n de\n");
+ });
+ * Removes one level of indentation from a multi-line string.
+ *
+ * This uniformly outdents the text as much as possible.
+ * Whitespace-only lines are always converted to blank lines.
+ *
+ * Does not allocate memory if it does not throw.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * str = multi-line string
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * outdented string
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * StringException if indentation is done with different sequences
+ * of whitespace characters.
+ */
+S outdent(S)(S str) @safe pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ return str.splitLines(Yes.keepTerminator).outdent().join();
+@safe pure unittest
+ enum pretty = q{
+ import std.stdio;
+ void main() {
+ writeln("Hello");
+ }
+ }.outdent();
+ enum ugly = q{
+import std.stdio;
+void main() {
+ writeln("Hello");
+ assert(pretty == ugly);
+ * Removes one level of indentation from an array of single-line strings.
+ *
+ * This uniformly outdents the text as much as possible.
+ * Whitespace-only lines are always converted to blank lines.
+ *
+ * Params:
+ * lines = array of single-line strings
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * lines[] is rewritten in place with outdented lines
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * StringException if indentation is done with different sequences
+ * of whitespace characters.
+ */
+S[] outdent(S)(S[] lines) @safe pure
+if (isSomeString!S)
+ import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
+ if (lines.empty)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ static S leadingWhiteOf(S str)
+ {
+ return str[ 0 .. $ - stripLeft(str).length ];
+ }
+ S shortestIndent;
+ foreach (ref line; lines)
+ {
+ const stripped = line.stripLeft();
+ if (stripped.empty)
+ {
+ line = line[line.chomp().length .. $];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const indent = leadingWhiteOf(line);
+ // Comparing number of code units instead of code points is OK here
+ // because this function throws upon inconsistent indentation.
+ if (shortestIndent is null || indent.length < shortestIndent.length)
+ {
+ if (indent.empty)
+ return lines;
+ shortestIndent = indent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (ref line; lines)
+ {
+ const stripped = line.stripLeft();
+ if (stripped.empty)
+ {
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ else if (line.startsWith(shortestIndent))
+ {
+ line = line[shortestIndent.length .. $];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new StringException("outdent: Inconsistent indentation");
+ }
+ }
+ return lines;
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.conv : to;
+ import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
+ template outdent_testStr(S)
+ {
+ enum S outdent_testStr =
+ \t\tX
+ \t\U00010143X
+ \t\t
+ \t\t\tX
+\t ";
+ }
+ template outdent_expected(S)
+ {
+ enum S outdent_expected =
+ }
+ assertCTFEable!(
+ {
+ foreach (S; AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dstring))
+ {
+ enum S blank = "";
+ assert(blank.outdent() == blank);
+ static assert(blank.outdent() == blank);
+ enum S testStr1 = " \n \t\n ";
+ enum S expected1 = "\n\n";
+ assert(testStr1.outdent() == expected1);
+ static assert(testStr1.outdent() == expected1);
+ assert(testStr1[0..$-1].outdent() == expected1);
+ static assert(testStr1[0..$-1].outdent() == expected1);
+ enum S testStr2 = "a\n \t\nb";
+ assert(testStr2.outdent() == testStr2);
+ static assert(testStr2.outdent() == testStr2);
+ enum S testStr3 =
+ \t\tX
+ \t\U00010143X
+ \t\t
+ \t\t\tX
+\t ";
+ enum S expected3 =
+ assert(testStr3.outdent() == expected3);
+ static assert(testStr3.outdent() == expected3);
+ enum testStr4 = " X\r X\n X\r\n X\u2028 X\u2029 X";
+ enum expected4 = "X\rX\nX\r\nX\u2028X\u2029X";
+ assert(testStr4.outdent() == expected4);
+ static assert(testStr4.outdent() == expected4);
+ enum testStr5 = testStr4[0..$-1];
+ enum expected5 = expected4[0..$-1];
+ assert(testStr5.outdent() == expected5);
+ static assert(testStr5.outdent() == expected5);
+ enum testStr6 = " \r \n \r\n \u2028 \u2029";
+ enum expected6 = "\r\n\r\n\u2028\u2029";
+ assert(testStr6.outdent() == expected6);
+ static assert(testStr6.outdent() == expected6);
+ enum testStr7 = " a \n b ";
+ enum expected7 = "a \nb ";
+ assert(testStr7.outdent() == expected7);
+ static assert(testStr7.outdent() == expected7);
+ }
+ });
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.exception : assertThrown;
+ auto bad = " a\n\tb\n c";
+ assertThrown!StringException(bad.outdent);
+/** Assume the given array of integers $(D arr) is a well-formed UTF string and
+return it typed as a UTF string.
+$(D ubyte) becomes $(D char), $(D ushort) becomes $(D wchar) and $(D uint)
+becomes $(D dchar). Type qualifiers are preserved.
+When compiled with debug mode, this function performs an extra check to make
+sure the return value is a valid Unicode string.
+ arr = array of bytes, ubytes, shorts, ushorts, ints, or uints
+ arr retyped as an array of chars, wchars, or dchars
+See_Also: $(LREF representation)
+auto assumeUTF(T)(T[] arr) pure
+if (staticIndexOf!(Unqual!T, ubyte, ushort, uint) != -1)
+ import std.traits : ModifyTypePreservingTQ;
+ import std.utf : validate;
+ alias ToUTFType(U) = AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar)[U.sizeof / 2];
+ auto asUTF = cast(ModifyTypePreservingTQ!(ToUTFType, T)[])arr;
+ debug validate(asUTF);
+ return asUTF;
+@safe pure unittest
+ string a = "Hölo World";
+ immutable(ubyte)[] b = a.representation;
+ string c = b.assumeUTF;
+ assert(a == c);
+pure @system unittest
+ import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
+ foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char[], wchar[], dchar[]))
+ {
+ immutable T jti = "Hello World";
+ T jt = jti.dup;
+ static if (is(T == char[]))
+ {
+ auto gt = cast(ubyte[]) jt;
+ auto gtc = cast(const(ubyte)[])jt;
+ auto gti = cast(immutable(ubyte)[])jt;
+ }
+ else static if (is(T == wchar[]))
+ {
+ auto gt = cast(ushort[]) jt;
+ auto gtc = cast(const(ushort)[])jt;
+ auto gti = cast(immutable(ushort)[])jt;
+ }
+ else static if (is(T == dchar[]))
+ {
+ auto gt = cast(uint[]) jt;
+ auto gtc = cast(const(uint)[])jt;
+ auto gti = cast(immutable(uint)[])jt;
+ }
+ auto ht = assumeUTF(gt);
+ auto htc = assumeUTF(gtc);
+ auto hti = assumeUTF(gti);
+ assert(equal(jt, ht));
+ assert(equal(jt, htc));
+ assert(equal(jt, hti));
+ }