path: root/libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni/jni.exp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni/jni.exp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni/jni.exp b/libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni/jni.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd7448..0000000
--- a/libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni/jni.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-# Tests for JNI code.
-# Compile a single C file and produce a .so file. OPTIONS is a list
-# of options to pass to the compiler. Returns 0 on failure, 1 on
-# success.
-proc gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so {file {options {}}} {
- global srcdir subdir
- global host_triplet
- verbose "options: $options"
- set options_cxx $options
- set options ""
-# Apple uses a different extension for shared/dynamic libraries
-# so we check against powerpc-apple-darwin and set them to
-# dylib.
-# HP-UX uses sl, so we check this too, otherwise we take so.
- if { [istarget "*-*-darwin*"] } {
- set so_extension "dylib"
- set so_flag "-dynamiclib"
- } elseif { [istarget "hppa*-hp-hpux*"] } {
- set so_extension "sl"
- set so_flag "-shared"
- } elseif { [istarget "*-*-cygwin*"] || [istarget "*-*-mingw*"] } {
- set so_extension "dll"
- set so_flag "-shared"
- } else {
- set so_extension "so"
- set so_flag "-shared"
- }
- set filename [file tail $file]
- set name [file rootname $filename]
- set soname lib${name}.${so_extension}
- if { [istarget "*arm-*eabi*"] } {
- lappend options "additional_flags=-fexceptions"
- }
- lappend options "additional_flags=${so_flag} -fPIC"
- # Find the generated header.
- lappend options "additional_flags=-I. -I.. -I$srcdir/$subdir -fdollars-in-identifiers"
- # Ensure that the generated header has correct prototypes.
- set cfile [file rootname $file].c
- if { [file exists $cfile]} {
- # This option is only valid for C sources.
- lappend options "additional_flags=-Wmissing-prototypes"
- }
- # Find jni.h and jni_md.h.
- lappend options "additional_flags=-I$srcdir/../include -I$srcdir/../classpath/include"
- # Append C++ options
- lappend options "additional_flags=$options_cxx"
- set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
- [target_compile $file $soname executable $options]]
- if {$x != ""} {
- verbose "target_compile failed: $x" 2
- fail "$filename compilation"
- return 0
- }
- pass "$filename compilation"
- return 1
-# Build a header file from a .class file. Return 0 on failure.
-proc gcj_jni_build_header {file} {
- global libgcj_jar
- set gcjh [find_gcjh]
- set file [file rootname $file]
- set cmd "$gcjh -jni -force -classpath .:$libgcj_jar $file"
- verbose $cmd
- set x [string trim [libjava_prune_warnings \
- [lindex [local_exec $cmd "" "" 300] 1]]]
- if {$x != ""} {
- verbose "local_exec failed: $x" 2
- fail "$file header generation"
- return 0
- }
- pass "$file header generation"
- return 1
-# Do all the work for a single JNI test. Return 0 on failure.
-proc gcj_jni_test_one {file} {
- global runtests
- global host_triplet
-# Apple uses a different extension for shared/dynamic libraries
-# so we check against powerpc-apple-darwin and set them to
-# dylib.
-# HP-UX uses sl, so we check this too, otherwise we take so.
- if { [istarget "*-*-darwin*"] } {
- set so_extension "dylib"
- } elseif { [istarget "hppa*-hp-hpux*"] } {
- set so_extension "sl"
- } elseif { [istarget "*-*-cygwin*"] || [istarget "*-*-mingw*"] } {
- set so_extension "dll"
- } else {
- set so_extension "so"
- }
- # The base name. We use it for several purposes.
- set main [file rootname [file tail $file]]
- if {! [runtest_file_p $runtests $main]
- || $main == "pr29812" || $main == "pr29812_injar"} {
- # Simply skip it.
- return 1
- }
-# if {! [bytecompile_file $file [pwd]]} {
-# fail "bytecompile $file"
-# # FIXME - should use `untested' on all remaining tests.
-# # But that is hard.
-# return 0
-# }
-# pass "bytecompile $file"
-# set bytefile [file rootname [file tail $file]].class
-# if {! [gcj_jni_build_header $bytefile]} {
-# # FIXME
-# return 0
-# }
- set cfile [file rootname $file].c
- set cxxflags ""
- set cxxldlibflags {}
- # If there is no `.c' file, assume there is a `.cc' file.
- if {! [file exists $cfile]} {
- set cfile [file rootname $file].cc
- set cxxflaglist {}
- foreach arg [split [libjava_find_lib libstdc++-v3/src stdc++] " "] {
- switch -glob -- $arg {
- "-L*" {
- set arg [string range $arg 2 end]
- lappend cxxldlibflags $arg
- # Strip the `.libs' directory; we link with libtool which
- # doesn't need it.
- set arg "-L[file dirname $arg]"
- }
- }
- lappend cxxflaglist $arg
- # In case the libstdc++ is not installed yet, we pass the build
- # directory of it to the cxxflaglist.
- lappend cxxflaglist "-L$cxxldlibflags"
- }
- # If you're building the compiler with --prefix set to a place
- # where it's not yet installed, then the linker won't be able to
- # find the libgcc used by libffi.dylib. We could pass the
- # -dylib_file option, but that's complicated, and it's much easier
- # to just make the linker find libgcc using -L options.
- if { [istarget "*-*-darwin*"] } {
- lappend cxxflaglist "-shared-libgcc -lstdc++"
- } else {
- lappend cxxflaglist "-lstdc++"
- }
- # ARM C++ emits an ABI warning for varargs.
- if { [istarget "arm*"] } {
- lappend cxxflaglist "-Wno-abi"
- }
- set cxxflags [join $cxxflaglist]
- }
- if {! [gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so $cfile $cxxflags]} {
- return 0
- }
- set args [list "additional_flags=-fjni"]
- if {! [gcj_link $main $main $file $args]} {
- return 0
- }
- set resultfile [file rootname $file].out
- if {! [gcj_invoke $main $resultfile $cxxldlibflags]} {
- return 0
- }
- # We purposely ignore errors here; we still want to run the other
- # appropriate tests.
- set errname [file rootname [file tail $file]]
- set gij [libjava_find_gij]
- # libjava_find_gij will return "" if it couldn't find the
- # program; in this case we want to skip the test.
- # If the libraries are not installed yet, we have to pass them via
- # cxxldlibflags to libjava_invoke.
- if {$INTERPRETER == "yes" && $gij != ""} {
- libjava_invoke $errname "gij test" opts $gij \
- "" $resultfile $cxxldlibflags \
- -classpath $file $main
- }
- # When we succeed we remove all our clutter.
- eval gcj_cleanup [glob -nocomplain -- ${main}.*] \
- [list $main lib${main}.${so_extension}]
- return 1
-# Compile a single C file and produce a binary. OPTIONS is a list of
-# options to pass to the compiler. Returns 0 on failure, 1 on
-# success.
-proc gcj_jni_invocation_compile_c_to_binary {file {options {}}} {
- global srcdir subdir
- global host_triplet
- verbose "options: $options"
- set options_cxx $options
- set options ""
- set filename [file tail $file]
- set name [file rootname $filename]
- # Set some darwin specific options
- if { [istarget "*-*-darwin*"] } {
- lappend options "additional_flags= -bind_at_load -multiply_defined suppress"
- }
- # Find the generated header.
- lappend options "additional_flags=-I. -I.. -I$srcdir/$subdir"
- # Find jni.h and jni_md.h.
- lappend options "additional_flags=-I$srcdir/../include -I$srcdir/../classpath/include -fdollars-in-identifiers"
- # Append C++ options
- lappend options "additional_flags=$options_cxx"
- set x [libjava_prune_warnings \
- [target_compile $file $name executable $options]]
- if {$x != ""} {
- verbose "target_compile failed: $x" 2
- fail "$filename compilation"
- return 0
- }
- pass "$filename compilation"
- return 1
-proc gcj_jni_get_cxxflags_invocation {} {
- global libiconv
- global LIBJAVA
- if {$libiconv == ""} {
- set libiconv "-liconv"
- }
- if [info exists LIBJAVA] {
- set libjava $LIBJAVA;
- } else {
- set libjava [libjava_find_lib libjava gcj]
- }
- set cxxflags "$libjava -ljvm"
- # Darwin needs -liconv linked, otherwise we get some unresolved.
- # If you're building the compiler with --prefix set to a place
- # where it's not yet installed, then the linker won't be able to
- # find the libgcc used by libffi.dylib. We could pass the
- # -dylib_file option, but that's complicated, and it's much easier
- # to just make the linker find libgcc using -L options.
- # Similar logic applies to libgcj.
- if { [istarget "*-*-darwin*"] } {
- eval lappend cxxflags "-shared-libgcc -lgcj $libiconv"
- }
- # FreeBSD needs -liconv linked, otherwise we get some unresolved.
- if { [istarget "*-*-freebsd*"] } {
- eval lappend cxxflags "$libiconv"
- }
- # Make sure libgcc unwinder is used on 64-bit Solaris 10+/x86 rather than
- # the libc one.
- if { [istarget "*-*-solaris*"] } {
- lappend cxxflags "-shared-libgcc"
- }
- return $cxxflags
-# Do all the work for a single invocation API test. Return 0 on
-# failure.
-proc gcj_jni_invocation_test_one {file} {
- global env
- global runtests
- global host_triplet
- # The base name. We use it for several purposes.
- set main [file rootname [file tail $file]]
- if {! [runtest_file_p $runtests $main]} {
- # Simply skip it.
- return 1
- }
-# if {! [bytecompile_file $file [pwd]]} {
-# fail "bytecompile $file"
-# # FIXME - should use `untested' on all remaining tests.
-# # But that is hard.
-# return 0
-# }
-# pass "bytecompile $file"
- set cfile [file rootname $file].c
- set cxxflags [gcj_jni_get_cxxflags_invocation]
- if {! [gcj_jni_invocation_compile_c_to_binary $cfile $cxxflags]} {
- return 0
- }
- set resultfile [file rootname $file].out
- set env(CLASSPATH) $file
- verbose "CLASSPATH = $env(CLASSPATH)"
- if {! [gcj_invoke $main $resultfile ""]} {
- unset env(CLASSPATH)
- return 0
- }
- unset env(CLASSPATH)
- # We purposely ignore errors here; we still want to run the other
- # appropriate tests.
- set errname [file rootname [file tail $file]]
- # When we succeed we remove all our clutter.
- eval gcj_cleanup [glob -nocomplain -- ${main}.*] \
- [list $main]
- return 1
-proc gcj_jni_pr29812 {} {
- global srcdir subdir
- global INTERPRETER runtests
- # Set up a global we need.
- libjava_arguments
- set b ${srcdir}/${subdir}
- if {! [runtest_file_p $runtests pr29812]} {
- # Simply skip it.
- return 1
- }
- if {! [gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so $b/pr29812.c ""]} {
- return 0
- }
- if {! [gcj_jni_compile_c_to_so $b/pr29812_injar.c ""]} {
- return 0
- }
- set gij [libjava_find_gij]
- if {$INTERPRETER == "yes" && $gij != ""} {
- if {! [libjava_invoke pr29812 "gij test" opts $gij \
- "" $b/pr29812.out "" \
- -classpath $b/pr29812.jar pr29812 $b/pr29812_injar.jar]} {
- return 0
- }
- }
- # When we succeed we remove all our clutter.
- eval gcj_cleanup [glob -nocomplain -- *pr29812*]
-# Run the JNI tests.
-proc gcj_jni_run {} {
- global srcdir subdir
- global build_triplet host_triplet
- # For now we only test JNI on native builds.
- if {$build_triplet == $host_triplet} {
- catch { lsort [glob -nocomplain ${srcdir}/${subdir}/*.jar] } srcfiles
- foreach x $srcfiles {
- gcj_jni_test_one $x
- }
- # Run JNI invocation API tests
- catch { lsort [glob -nocomplain ${srcdir}/${subdir}/invocation/*.jar] } srcfiles
- foreach x $srcfiles {
- gcj_jni_invocation_test_one $x
- }
- gcj_jni_pr29812
- } else {
- verbose "JNI tests not run in cross-compilation environment"
- }