path: root/libjava/doc/java-applet.texi
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1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/doc/java-applet.texi b/libjava/doc/java-applet.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcd4637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjava/doc/java-applet.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public AudioClip} getAudioClip (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Returns an audio clip from the specified URL.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public Image} getImage (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Returns an image from the specified URL. Note that the image is not
+ actually retrieved until the applet attempts to display it, so this
+ method returns immediately.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public Applet} getApplet (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Returns the applet in the document for this object that has the
+ specified name.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public Enumeration} getApplets ()
+Returns a list of all the applets in the document for this object.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public void} showDocument (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Displays the web page pointed to by the specified URL in the window
+ for this object. This page replaces the document that is currently
+ there.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public void} showDocument (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{target})
+Displays the web page pointed to be the sepcified URL in the window
+ with the specified name. The standard names "_top", "_blank",
+ "_parent", and "_self" are allowed.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletContext {public void} showStatus (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{message})
+Displays the specified message in the status window if that window
+ exists.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public URL} getDocumentBase ()
+Returns the URL of the document this applet is embedded in.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public URL} getCodeBase ()
+Returns the URL of the code base for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public String} getParameter (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Returns the value of the specified parameter that was specified in
+ the <APPLET> tag for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public AppletContext} getAppletContext ()
+Returns the applet context for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public boolean} isActive ()
+Tests whether or not this applet is currently active.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} resize (int@w{ }@var{width}, int@w{ }@var{height})
+Requests that the applet window for this applet be resized.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} resize (java.awt.Dimension@w{ }@var{dim})
+Requests that the applet window for this applet be resized.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public AudioClip} getAudioClip (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Returns an audio clip from the specified URL.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public AudioClip} getAudioClip (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Returns an audio clip from the specified URL and name
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} play (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Loads and plays the audio clip pointed to by the specified URL.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} play (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Loads and plays the audio clip pointed to by the specified URL.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public Image} getImage (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url})
+Returns an image from the specified URL. Note that the image is not
+ actually retrieved until the applet attempts to display it, so this
+ method returns immediately.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public Image} getImage (java.net.URL@w{ }@var{url}, java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Returns an image from the specified URL. Note that the image is not
+ actually retrieved until the applet attempts to display it, so this
+ method returns immediately.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public Locale} getLocale ()
+Returns the locale for this applet, if it has been set. If no applet
+ specific locale has been set, the default locale is returned.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public String} getAppletInfo ()
+Returns a descriptive string with applet defined information. The
+ implementation in this class returns @code{null}. Applets who
+ wish to return this information should override.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public String} getParameterInfo ()
+Returns a list of parameters this applet supports. Each element of
+ the array is a list of three strings with the name of the parameter,
+ the data type or valid values, and a description. This method is
+ optional and the default implementation returns @code{null}.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} init ()
+This method is called when the applet is first loaded. The default
+ implementation does nothing. Applets that wish to do one time
+ initialization should override.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} destroy ()
+This method is called when the applet is being unloaded. The default
+ implementation does nothing. Applets that need to clean up resources
+ on exit should override.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} start ()
+This method is called when the applet should start running. This is
+ normally each time a web page containing it is loaded. The default
+ implemention does nothing. Subclasses should override.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public void} stop ()
+This method is called when the applet should stop running. This is
+ normally when the next web page is loaded. The default implementation
+ does nothing.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod Applet {public final void} setStub (java.applet.AppletStub@w{ }@var{stub})
+The browser calls this method to set the applet's stub, which is the
+ low level interface to the browser.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public URL} getDocumentBase ()
+Returns the URL of the document this applet is embedded in.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public URL} getCodeBase ()
+Returns the URL of the code base for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public String} getParameter (java.lang.String@w{ }@var{name})
+Returns the value of the specified parameter that was specified in
+ the <APPLET> tag for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public AppletContext} getAppletContext ()
+Returns the applet context for this applet.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public boolean} isActive ()
+Tests whether or not this applet is currently active.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AppletStub {public void} appletResize (int@w{ }@var{width}, int@w{ }@var{height})
+Requests that the applet window for this applet be resized.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AudioClip {public void} play ()
+Plays the audio clip starting from the beginning.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AudioClip {public void} stop ()
+Stops playing this audio clip. There is no mechanism for restarting
+ at the point where the clip is stopped.
+@end deftypemethod
+@deftypemethod AudioClip {public void} loop ()
+Plays this audio clip in a continuous loop.
+@end deftypemethod