path: root/libjava/classpath/java/beans/PropertyEditor.java
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diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/beans/PropertyEditor.java b/libjava/classpath/java/beans/PropertyEditor.java
index d1c5103..5fba014 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/beans/PropertyEditor.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/beans/PropertyEditor.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -109,101 +109,101 @@ package java.beans;
public interface PropertyEditor {
- /** Called by the RAD tool to set the value of this property for the PropertyEditor.
- ** If the property type is native, it should be wrapped in the appropriate
- ** wrapper type.
- ** @param value the value to set this property to.
- **/
- void setValue(Object value);
- /** Accessor method to get the current value the PropertyEditor is working with.
- ** If the property type is native, it will be wrapped in the appropriate
- ** wrapper type.
- ** @return the current value of the PropertyEditor.
- **/
- Object getValue();
- /** Set the value of this property using a String.
- ** Whether or not this PropertyEditor is editing a String type, this converts
- ** the String into the type of the PropertyEditor.
- ** @param text the text to set it to.
- ** @exception IllegalArgumentException if the String is in the wrong format or setAsText() is not supported.
- **/
- void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException;
- /** Get the value of this property in String format.
- ** Many times this can simply use Object.toString().<P>
- ** Return null if you do not support getAsText()/setAsText().
- ** <code>setAsText(getAsText())</code> should be valid; i.e. the stuff you spit out in
- ** getAsText() should be able to go into setAsText().
- ** @return the value of this property in String format.
- **/
- String getAsText();
- /** Get a list of possible Strings which this property type can have.
- ** The value of these will be used by the RAD tool to construct some sort
- ** of list box or to check text box input, and the resulting String passed
- ** to setAsText() should be one of these. Note, however, that like most things
- ** with this mammoth, unwieldy interface, this is not guaranteed. Thus, you
- ** must check the value in setAsText() anyway.
- ** @return the list of possible String values for this property type.
- **/
- String[] getTags();
- /** The RAD tool calls this to find out whether the PropertyEditor can paint itself.
- ** @return true if it can paint itself graphically, false if it cannot.
- **/
- boolean isPaintable();
- /** The RAD tool calls this to paint the actual value of the property.
- ** The Graphics context will have the same current font, color, etc. as the
- ** parent Container. You may safely change the font, color, etc. and not
- ** change them back.<P>
- ** This method should do a silent no-op if isPaintable() is false.
- ** @param g the Graphics context to paint on
- ** @param bounds the rectangle you have reserved to work in
- **/
- void paintValue(java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Rectangle bounds);
- /** The RAD tool calls this to find out whether the PropertyEditor supports a custom component to edit and display itself.
- ** @return true if getCustomEditor() will return a component, false if not.
- **/
- boolean supportsCustomEditor();
- /** The RAD tool calls this to grab the component that can edit this type.
- ** The component may be painted anywhere the RAD tool wants to paint it--
- ** even in its own window.<P>
- ** The component must hook up with the PropertyEditor and, whenever a
- ** change to the value is made, fire a PropertyChangeEvent to the source.<P>
- ** @return the custom editor for this property type.
- **/
- java.awt.Component getCustomEditor();
- /** Adds a property change listener to this PropertyEditor.
- ** @param listener the listener to add
- **/
- void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
- /** Removes a property change listener from this PropertyEditor.
- ** @param listener the listener to remove
- **/
- void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
- /** Get a Java language-specific String which could be used to create an Object
- ** of the specified type. Every PropertyEditor must support this.<P>
- ** The reason for this is that while most RAD tools will serialize the Beans
- ** and deserialize them at runtime, some RAD tools will generate code that
- ** creates the Beans. Examples of Java initialization strings would be:<P>
- ** <OL>
- ** <LI><CODE>2</CODE></LI>
- ** <LI><CODE>"I am a String"</CODE></LI>
- ** <LI><CODE>new MyObject(2, "String", new StringBuffer())</CODE></LI>
- ** </OL>
- ** @return the initialization string for this object in Java.
- **/
- String getJavaInitializationString();
+ /** Called by the RAD tool to set the value of this property for the PropertyEditor.
+ ** If the property type is native, it should be wrapped in the appropriate
+ ** wrapper type.
+ ** @param value the value to set this property to.
+ **/
+ void setValue(Object value);
+ /** Accessor method to get the current value the PropertyEditor is working with.
+ ** If the property type is native, it will be wrapped in the appropriate
+ ** wrapper type.
+ ** @return the current value of the PropertyEditor.
+ **/
+ Object getValue();
+ /** Set the value of this property using a String.
+ ** Whether or not this PropertyEditor is editing a String type, this converts
+ ** the String into the type of the PropertyEditor.
+ ** @param text the text to set it to.
+ ** @exception IllegalArgumentException if the String is in the wrong format or setAsText() is not supported.
+ **/
+ void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ /** Get the value of this property in String format.
+ ** Many times this can simply use Object.toString().<P>
+ ** Return null if you do not support getAsText()/setAsText().
+ ** <code>setAsText(getAsText())</code> should be valid; i.e. the stuff you spit out in
+ ** getAsText() should be able to go into setAsText().
+ ** @return the value of this property in String format.
+ **/
+ String getAsText();
+ /** Get a list of possible Strings which this property type can have.
+ ** The value of these will be used by the RAD tool to construct some sort
+ ** of list box or to check text box input, and the resulting String passed
+ ** to setAsText() should be one of these. Note, however, that like most things
+ ** with this mammoth, unwieldy interface, this is not guaranteed. Thus, you
+ ** must check the value in setAsText() anyway.
+ ** @return the list of possible String values for this property type.
+ **/
+ String[] getTags();
+ /** The RAD tool calls this to find out whether the PropertyEditor can paint itself.
+ ** @return true if it can paint itself graphically, false if it cannot.
+ **/
+ boolean isPaintable();
+ /** The RAD tool calls this to paint the actual value of the property.
+ ** The Graphics context will have the same current font, color, etc. as the
+ ** parent Container. You may safely change the font, color, etc. and not
+ ** change them back.<P>
+ ** This method should do a silent no-op if isPaintable() is false.
+ ** @param g the Graphics context to paint on
+ ** @param bounds the rectangle you have reserved to work in
+ **/
+ void paintValue(java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Rectangle bounds);
+ /** The RAD tool calls this to find out whether the PropertyEditor supports a custom component to edit and display itself.
+ ** @return true if getCustomEditor() will return a component, false if not.
+ **/
+ boolean supportsCustomEditor();
+ /** The RAD tool calls this to grab the component that can edit this type.
+ ** The component may be painted anywhere the RAD tool wants to paint it--
+ ** even in its own window.<P>
+ ** The component must hook up with the PropertyEditor and, whenever a
+ ** change to the value is made, fire a PropertyChangeEvent to the source.<P>
+ ** @return the custom editor for this property type.
+ **/
+ java.awt.Component getCustomEditor();
+ /** Adds a property change listener to this PropertyEditor.
+ ** @param listener the listener to add
+ **/
+ void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
+ /** Removes a property change listener from this PropertyEditor.
+ ** @param listener the listener to remove
+ **/
+ void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
+ /** Get a Java language-specific String which could be used to create an Object
+ ** of the specified type. Every PropertyEditor must support this.<P>
+ ** The reason for this is that while most RAD tools will serialize the Beans
+ ** and deserialize them at runtime, some RAD tools will generate code that
+ ** creates the Beans. Examples of Java initialization strings would be:<P>
+ ** <OL>
+ ** <LI><CODE>2</CODE></LI>
+ ** <LI><CODE>"I am a String"</CODE></LI>
+ ** <LI><CODE>new MyObject(2, "String", new StringBuffer())</CODE></LI>
+ ** </OL>
+ ** @return the initialization string for this object in Java.
+ **/
+ String getJavaInitializationString();