path: root/gcc/rust/expand/rust-derive-clone.cc
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/rust/expand/rust-derive-clone.cc b/gcc/rust/expand/rust-derive-clone.cc
index 18436be..074ea01 100644
--- a/gcc/rust/expand/rust-derive-clone.cc
+++ b/gcc/rust/expand/rust-derive-clone.cc
@@ -17,7 +17,12 @@
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "rust-derive-clone.h"
+#include "rust-ast.h"
+#include "rust-expr.h"
#include "rust-item.h"
+#include "rust-path.h"
+#include "rust-pattern.h"
+#include "rust-system.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace AST {
@@ -28,6 +33,15 @@ DeriveClone::clone_call (std::unique_ptr<Expr> &&to_clone)
// $crate::core::clone::Clone::clone for the fully qualified path - we don't
// link with `core` yet so that might be an issue. Use `Clone::clone` for now?
// TODO: Factor this function inside the DeriveAccumulator
+ // Interestingly, later versions of Rust have a `clone_fn` lang item which
+ // corresponds to this. But because we are first targeting 1.49, we cannot use
+ // it yet. Once we target a new, more recent version of the language, we'll
+ // have figured out how to compile and distribute `core`, meaning we'll be
+ // able to directly call `::core::clone::Clone::clone()`
+ // Not sure how to call it properly in the meantime...
auto path = std::unique_ptr<Expr> (
new PathInExpression (builder.path_in_expression ({"Clone", "clone"})));
@@ -77,89 +91,19 @@ DeriveClone::clone_impl (
std::unique_ptr<AssociatedItem> &&clone_fn, std::string name,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GenericParam>> &type_generics)
- // should that be `$crate::core::clone::Clone` instead?
- auto segments = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TypePathSegment>> ();
- segments.emplace_back (builder.type_path_segment ("Clone"));
- auto clone = TypePath (std::move (segments), loc);
- auto trait_items = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AssociatedItem>> ();
- trait_items.emplace_back (std::move (clone_fn));
- // we need to build up the generics for this impl block which will be just a
- // clone of the types specified ones
- //
- // for example:
- //
- // #[derive(Clone)]
- // struct Be<T: Clone> { ... }
- //
- // we need to generate the impl block:
- //
- // impl<T: Clone> Clone for Be<T>
- std::vector<Lifetime> lifetime_args;
- std::vector<GenericArg> generic_args;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GenericParam>> impl_generics;
- for (const auto &generic : type_generics)
- {
- switch (generic->get_kind ())
- {
- case GenericParam::Kind::Lifetime: {
- LifetimeParam &lifetime_param = (LifetimeParam &) *generic.get ();
- Lifetime l = builder.new_lifetime (lifetime_param.get_lifetime ());
- lifetime_args.push_back (std::move (l));
- auto impl_lifetime_param
- = builder.new_lifetime_param (lifetime_param);
- impl_generics.push_back (std::move (impl_lifetime_param));
- }
- break;
- case GenericParam::Kind::Type: {
- TypeParam &type_param = (TypeParam &) *generic.get ();
+ // we should have two of these, so we don't run into issues with
+ // two paths sharing a node id
+ auto clone_bound = builder.type_path (LangItem::Kind::CLONE);
+ auto clone_trait_path = builder.type_path (LangItem::Kind::CLONE);
- std::unique_ptr<Type> associated_type = builder.single_type_path (
- type_param.get_type_representation ().as_string ());
+ auto trait_items = vec (std::move (clone_fn));
- GenericArg type_arg
- = GenericArg::create_type (std::move (associated_type));
- generic_args.push_back (std::move (type_arg));
- auto impl_type_param = builder.new_type_param (type_param);
- impl_generics.push_back (std::move (impl_type_param));
- }
- break;
- case GenericParam::Kind::Const: {
- rust_unreachable ();
- // TODO
- // const ConstGenericParam *const_param
- // = (const ConstGenericParam *) generic.get ();
- // std::unique_ptr<Expr> const_expr = nullptr;
- // GenericArg type_arg
- // = GenericArg::create_const (std::move (const_expr));
- // generic_args.push_back (std::move (type_arg));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ auto generics = setup_impl_generics (name, type_generics,
+ builder.trait_bound (clone_bound));
- GenericArgs generic_args_for_self (lifetime_args, generic_args,
- {} /*binding args*/, loc);
- std::unique_ptr<Type> self_type_path
- = impl_generics.empty ()
- ? builder.single_type_path (name)
- : builder.single_generic_type_path (name, generic_args_for_self);
- return std::unique_ptr<Item> (
- new TraitImpl (clone, /* unsafe */ false,
- /* exclam */ false, std::move (trait_items),
- std::move (impl_generics), std::move (self_type_path),
- WhereClause::create_empty (), Visibility::create_private (),
- {}, {}, loc));
+ return builder.trait_impl (clone_trait_path, std::move (generics.self_type),
+ std::move (trait_items),
+ std::move (generics.impl));
// TODO: Create new `make_qualified_call` helper function
@@ -227,24 +171,216 @@ DeriveClone::visit_struct (StructStruct &item)
item.get_generic_params ());
+DeriveClone::clone_enum_identifier (PathInExpression variant_path,
+ const std::unique_ptr<EnumItem> &variant)
+ auto pattern = std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (new ReferencePattern (
+ std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (new PathInExpression (
+ variant_path.get_segments (), {}, variant_path.get_locus (),
+ variant_path.opening_scope_resolution ())),
+ false, false, loc));
+ auto expr = std::unique_ptr<Expr> (
+ new PathInExpression (variant_path.get_segments (), {},
+ variant_path.get_locus (),
+ variant_path.opening_scope_resolution ()));
+ return builder.match_case (std::move (pattern), std::move (expr));
+DeriveClone::clone_enum_tuple (PathInExpression variant_path,
+ const EnumItemTuple &variant)
+ auto patterns = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Pattern>> ();
+ auto cloned_patterns = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>> ();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < variant.get_tuple_fields ().size (); i++)
+ {
+ // The pattern we're creating for each field is `self_<i>` where `i` is
+ // the index of the field. It doesn't actually matter what we use, as long
+ // as it's ordered, unique, and that we can reuse it in the match case's
+ // return expression to clone the field.
+ auto pattern_str = "__self_" + std::to_string (i);
+ patterns.emplace_back (builder.identifier_pattern (pattern_str));
+ // Now, for each tuple's element, we create a new expression calling
+ // `clone` on it for the match case's return expression
+ cloned_patterns.emplace_back (
+ clone_call (builder.ref (builder.identifier (pattern_str))));
+ }
+ auto pattern_items = std::unique_ptr<TupleStructItems> (
+ new TupleStructItemsNoRange (std::move (patterns)));
+ auto pattern = std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (new ReferencePattern (
+ std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (new TupleStructPattern (
+ PathInExpression (variant_path.get_segments (), {},
+ variant_path.get_locus (),
+ variant_path.opening_scope_resolution ()),
+ std::move (pattern_items))),
+ false, false, loc));
+ auto expr = builder.call (std::unique_ptr<Expr> (new PathInExpression (
+ variant_path.get_segments (), {},
+ variant_path.get_locus (),
+ variant_path.opening_scope_resolution ())),
+ std::move (cloned_patterns));
+ return builder.match_case (std::move (pattern), std::move (expr));
+DeriveClone::clone_enum_struct (PathInExpression variant_path,
+ const EnumItemStruct &variant)
+ auto field_patterns = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructPatternField>> ();
+ auto cloned_fields = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StructExprField>> ();
+#if 0
+ // NOTE: We currently do not support compiling struct patterns where an
+ // identifier is assigned a new pattern, e.g. Bloop { f0: x }
+ // This is the code we should eventually produce as it mimics what rustc does
+ // - which is probably here for a good reason. In the meantime, we can just
+ // use the field's identifier as the pattern: Bloop { f0 }
+ // We can then clone the field directly instead of calling `clone()` on the
+ // new pattern.
+ // TODO: Figure out if that is actually needed and why rustc does it?
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < variant.get_struct_fields ().size (); i++)
+ {
+ auto &field = variant.get_struct_fields ()[i];
+ // Just like for tuples, the pattern we're creating for each field is
+ // `self_<i>` where `i` is the index of the field. It doesn't actually
+ // matter what we use, as long as it's ordered, unique, and that we can
+ // reuse it in the match case's return expression to clone the field.
+ auto pattern_str = "__self_" + std::to_string (i);
+ field_patterns.emplace_back (
+ std::unique_ptr<StructPatternField> (new StructPatternFieldIdentPat (
+ field.get_field_name (), builder.identifier_pattern (pattern_str), {},
+ loc)));
+ cloned_fields.emplace_back (
+ std::unique_ptr<StructExprField> (new StructExprFieldIdentifierValue (
+ field.get_field_name (),
+ clone_call (builder.ref (builder.identifier (pattern_str))), {},
+ loc)));
+ }
+ for (const auto &field : variant.get_struct_fields ())
+ {
+ // We match on the struct's fields, and then recreate an instance of that
+ // struct, cloning each field
+ field_patterns.emplace_back (
+ std::unique_ptr<StructPatternField> (new StructPatternFieldIdent (
+ field.get_field_name (), false /* is_ref? true? */, false, {}, loc)));
+ cloned_fields.emplace_back (
+ std::unique_ptr<StructExprField> (new StructExprFieldIdentifierValue (
+ field.get_field_name (),
+ clone_call (builder.ref (
+ builder.identifier (field.get_field_name ().as_string ()))),
+ {}, loc)));
+ }
+ auto pattern_elts = StructPatternElements (std::move (field_patterns));
+ auto pattern = std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (
+ new ReferencePattern (std::unique_ptr<Pattern> (new StructPattern (
+ variant_path, loc, pattern_elts)),
+ false, false, loc));
+ auto expr = std::unique_ptr<Expr> (
+ new StructExprStructFields (variant_path, std::move (cloned_fields), loc));
+ return builder.match_case (std::move (pattern), std::move (expr));
DeriveClone::visit_enum (Enum &item)
- rust_sorry_at (item.get_locus (), "cannot derive %qs for these items yet",
- "Clone");
+ // Create an arm for each variant of the enum:
+ // - For enum item variants (simple identifiers), just create the same
+ // variant.
+ // - For struct and tuple variants, destructure the pattern and call clone for
+ // each field.
+ auto cases = std::vector<MatchCase> ();
+ for (const auto &variant : item.get_variants ())
+ {
+ auto path
+ = builder.variant_path (item.get_identifier ().as_string (),
+ variant->get_identifier ().as_string ());
+ switch (variant->get_enum_item_kind ())
+ {
+ // Identifiers and discriminated variants are the same for a clone - we
+ // just return the same variant
+ case EnumItem::Kind::Identifier:
+ case EnumItem::Kind::Discriminant:
+ cases.emplace_back (clone_enum_identifier (path, variant));
+ break;
+ case EnumItem::Kind::Tuple:
+ cases.emplace_back (
+ clone_enum_tuple (path, static_cast<EnumItemTuple &> (*variant)));
+ break;
+ case EnumItem::Kind::Struct:
+ cases.emplace_back (
+ clone_enum_struct (path, static_cast<EnumItemStruct &> (*variant)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // match self { ... }
+ auto match = builder.match (builder.identifier ("self"), std::move (cases));
+ expanded = clone_impl (clone_fn (std::move (match)),
+ item.get_identifier ().as_string (),
+ item.get_generic_params ());
DeriveClone::visit_union (Union &item)
// FIXME: Should be $crate::core::clone::AssertParamIsCopy (or similar)
+ // (Rust-GCC#3329)
+ auto copy_path = builder.type_path (LangItem::Kind::COPY);
+ auto sized_path = builder.type_path (LangItem::Kind::SIZED);
+ auto copy_bound = std::unique_ptr<TypeParamBound> (
+ new TraitBound (copy_path, item.get_locus ()));
+ auto sized_bound = std::unique_ptr<TypeParamBound> (
+ new TraitBound (sized_path, item.get_locus (), false,
+ true /* opening_question_mark */));
+ auto bounds = vec (std::move (copy_bound), std::move (sized_bound));
+ // struct AssertParamIsCopy<T: Copy + ?Sized> { _t: PhantomData<T> }
+ auto assert_param_is_copy = "AssertParamIsCopy";
+ auto t = std::unique_ptr<GenericParam> (
+ new TypeParam (Identifier ("T"), item.get_locus (), std::move (bounds)));
+ auto assert_param_is_copy_struct = builder.struct_struct (
+ assert_param_is_copy, vec (std::move (t)),
+ {StructField (
+ Identifier ("_t"),
+ builder.single_generic_type_path (
+ LangItem::Kind::PHANTOM_DATA,
+ GenericArgs (
+ {}, {GenericArg::create_type (builder.single_type_path ("T"))}, {})),
+ Visibility::create_private (), item.get_locus ())});
// <Self>
auto arg = GenericArg::create_type (builder.single_type_path ("Self"));
// AssertParamIsCopy::<Self>
auto type = std::unique_ptr<TypePathSegment> (
- new TypePathSegmentGeneric (PathIdentSegment ("AssertParamIsCopy", loc),
+ new TypePathSegmentGeneric (PathIdentSegment (assert_param_is_copy, loc),
false, GenericArgs ({}, {arg}, {}, loc), loc));
auto type_paths = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TypePathSegment>> ();
type_paths.emplace_back (std::move (type));
@@ -252,11 +388,12 @@ DeriveClone::visit_union (Union &item)
auto full_path
= std::unique_ptr<Type> (new TypePath ({std::move (type_paths)}, loc));
- auto stmts = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Stmt>> ();
- stmts.emplace_back (
- builder.let (builder.wildcard (), std::move (full_path), nullptr));
auto tail_expr = builder.deref (builder.identifier ("self"));
+ auto stmts
+ = vec (std::move (assert_param_is_copy_struct),
+ builder.let (builder.wildcard (), std::move (full_path), nullptr));
auto block = builder.block (std::move (stmts), std::move (tail_expr));
expanded = clone_impl (clone_fn (std::move (block)),