path: root/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def
index e29649d..646e09e 100644
--- a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def
+++ b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.def
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ FROM m2linemap IMPORT location_t ;
EXPORT QUALIFIED ConvertQuadsToTree, ResolveConstantExpressions,
GetHighFromUnbounded, StringToChar,
LValueToGenericPtr, ZConstToTypedConst,
- DoCopyString ;
+ PrepareCopyString ;
@@ -91,13 +91,22 @@ PROCEDURE ZConstToTypedConst (t: Tree; op1, op2: CARDINAL) : Tree ;
- DoCopyString - returns trees:
- t number of bytes to be copied (including the nul)
- op3t the string with the extra nul character
- providing it fits.
+ PrepareCopyString - returns two trees:
+ length number of bytes to be copied (including the nul if room)
+ srcTreeType the new string type (with the extra nul character).
+ Pre condition: destStrType the dest type string.
+ src is the original string (without a nul)
+ to be copied.
+ Post condition: TRUE or FALSE is returned.
+ if true length and srcTreeType will be assigned
+ else length is set to the maximum length to be
+ copied and srcTree is set to the max length
+ which fits in dest.
-PROCEDURE DoCopyString (tokenno: CARDINAL; VAR length, op3t: Tree; op1t, op3: CARDINAL) ;
+PROCEDURE PrepareCopyString (tokenno: CARDINAL; VAR length, srcTree: Tree;
+ src, destStrType: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;