path: root/gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb
index 404242f..96f1a40 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_aggr.adb
@@ -1723,9 +1723,9 @@ package body Sem_Aggr is
-- Variables local to Resolve_Array_Aggregate
- Assoc : Node_Id;
- Choice : Node_Id;
- Expr : Node_Id;
+ Assoc : Node_Id;
+ Choice : Node_Id;
+ Expr : Node_Id;
Discard : Node_Id;
pragma Warnings (Off, Discard);
@@ -1900,14 +1900,6 @@ package body Sem_Aggr is
High : Node_Id;
-- Denote the lowest and highest values in an aggregate choice
- Hi_Val : Uint;
- Lo_Val : Uint;
- -- High end of one range and Low end of the next. Should be
- -- contiguous if there is no hole in the list of values.
- Missing_Values : Boolean;
- -- Set True if missing index values
S_Low : Node_Id := Empty;
S_High : Node_Id := Empty;
-- if a choice in an aggregate is a subtype indication these
@@ -2064,14 +2056,14 @@ package body Sem_Aggr is
-- Resolve_Aggr_Expr to check the rules about
-- dimensionality.
- if not Resolve_Aggr_Expr (Assoc,
- Single_Elmt => Single_Choice)
+ if not Resolve_Aggr_Expr
+ (Assoc, Single_Elmt => Single_Choice)
return Failure;
end if;
- elsif not Resolve_Aggr_Expr (Expression (Assoc),
- Single_Elmt => Single_Choice)
+ elsif not Resolve_Aggr_Expr
+ (Expression (Assoc), Single_Elmt => Single_Choice)
return Failure;
@@ -2134,80 +2126,129 @@ package body Sem_Aggr is
end loop;
-- If aggregate contains more than one choice then these must be
- -- static. Sort them and check that they are contiguous.
+ -- static. Check for duplicate and missing values.
+ -- Note: there is duplicated code here wrt Check_Choice_Set in
+ -- the body of Sem_Case, and it is possible we could just reuse
+ -- that procedure. To be checked ???
if Nb_Discrete_Choices > 1 then
- Sort_Case_Table (Table);
- Missing_Values := False;
+ Check_Choices : declare
+ Choice : Node_Id;
+ -- Location of choice for messages
- Outer : for J in 1 .. Nb_Discrete_Choices - 1 loop
- if Expr_Value (Table (J).Choice_Hi) >=
- Expr_Value (Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo)
- then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("duplicate choice values in array aggregate",
- Table (J).Choice_Node);
- return Failure;
+ Hi_Val : Uint;
+ Lo_Val : Uint;
+ -- High end of one range and Low end of the next. Should be
+ -- contiguous if there is no hole in the list of values.
- elsif not Others_Present then
- Hi_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J).Choice_Hi);
- Lo_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo);
+ Missing_Or_Duplicates : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set True if missing or duplicate choices found
- -- If missing values, output error messages
+ procedure Output_Bad_Choices (Lo, Hi : Uint; C : Node_Id);
+ -- Output continuation message with a representation of the
+ -- bounds (just Lo if Lo = Hi, else Lo .. Hi). C is the
+ -- choice node where the message is to be posted.
- if Lo_Val - Hi_Val > 1 then
+ ------------------------
+ -- Output_Bad_Choices --
+ ------------------------
- -- Header message if not first missing value
+ procedure Output_Bad_Choices (Lo, Hi : Uint; C : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ -- Enumeration type case
- if not Missing_Values then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("missing index value(s) in array aggregate", N);
- Missing_Values := True;
+ if Is_Enumeration_Type (Index_Typ) then
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 :=
+ Chars (Get_Enum_Lit_From_Pos (Index_Typ, Lo, Loc));
+ Error_Msg_Name_2 :=
+ Chars (Get_Enum_Lit_From_Pos (Index_Typ, Hi, Loc));
+ if Lo = Hi then
+ Error_Msg_N ("\\ %!", C);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_N ("\\ % .. %!", C);
end if;
- -- Output values of missing indexes
+ -- Integer types case
- Lo_Val := Lo_Val - 1;
- Hi_Val := Hi_Val + 1;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_Uint_1 := Lo;
+ Error_Msg_Uint_2 := Hi;
- -- Enumeration type case
+ if Lo = Hi then
+ Error_Msg_N ("\\ ^!", C);
+ else
+ Error_Msg_N ("\\ ^ .. ^!", C);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Output_Bad_Choices;
- if Is_Enumeration_Type (Index_Typ) then
- Error_Msg_Name_1 :=
- Chars
- (Get_Enum_Lit_From_Pos
- (Index_Typ, Hi_Val, Loc));
+ -- Start of processing for Check_Choices
- if Lo_Val = Hi_Val then
- Error_Msg_N ("\ %", N);
- else
- Error_Msg_Name_2 :=
- Chars
- (Get_Enum_Lit_From_Pos
- (Index_Typ, Lo_Val, Loc));
- Error_Msg_N ("\ % .. %", N);
- end if;
+ begin
+ Sort_Case_Table (Table);
- -- Integer types case
+ -- Loop through entries in table to find duplicate indexes
+ for J in 1 .. Nb_Discrete_Choices - 1 loop
+ Hi_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J).Choice_Hi);
+ Lo_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo);
+ if Hi_Val >= Lo_Val then
+ Choice := Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo;
+ Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Table (J).Choice_Hi);
+ if Hi_Val = Lo_Val then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("index value in array aggregate duplicates "
+ & "the one given#",
+ Choice);
- Error_Msg_Uint_1 := Hi_Val;
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("index values in array aggregate duplicate "
+ & "those given#", Choice);
+ end if;
+ Missing_Or_Duplicates := True;
+ Output_Bad_Choices (Lo_Val, Hi_Val, Choice);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
- if Lo_Val = Hi_Val then
- Error_Msg_N ("\ ^", N);
+ -- Loop through entries in table to find missing indexes.
+ -- Not needed if others present, since missing impossible.
+ if not Others_Present then
+ for J in 1 .. Nb_Discrete_Choices - 1 loop
+ Hi_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J).Choice_Hi);
+ Lo_Val := Expr_Value (Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo);
+ if Hi_Val < Lo_Val - 1 then
+ Choice := Table (J + 1).Choice_Lo;
+ if Hi_Val + 1 = Lo_Val - 1 then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("missing index value in array aggregate!",
+ Choice);
- Error_Msg_Uint_2 := Lo_Val;
- Error_Msg_N ("\ ^ .. ^", N);
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("missing index values in array aggregate!",
+ Choice);
end if;
+ Missing_Or_Duplicates := True;
+ Output_Bad_Choices (Hi_Val + 1, Lo_Val - 1, Choice);
end if;
- end if;
+ end loop;
end if;
- end loop Outer;
- if Missing_Values then
- Set_Etype (N, Any_Composite);
- return Failure;
- end if;
+ -- If either missing or duplicate values, return failure
+ if Missing_Or_Duplicates then
+ Set_Etype (N, Any_Composite);
+ return Failure;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Choices;
end if;
-- STEP 2 (B): Compute aggregate bounds and min/max choices values