path: root/gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb b/gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb
index f38f952..fd76b57 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-taskin.adb
@@ -48,6 +48,21 @@ package body System.Tasking is
package STPO renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Detect_Blocking --
+ ---------------------
+ function Detect_Blocking return Boolean is
+ GL_Detect_Blocking : Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, GL_Detect_Blocking, "__gl_detect_blocking");
+ -- Global variable exported by the binder generated file.
+ -- A value equal to 1 indicates that pragma Detect_Blocking is active,
+ -- while 0 is used for the pragma not being present.
+ begin
+ return GL_Detect_Blocking = 1;
+ end Detect_Blocking;
-- Self --
@@ -116,8 +131,12 @@ package body System.Tasking is
All_Tasks_List := T;
end Initialize_ATCB;
+ ----------------
+ -- Initialize --
+ ----------------
Main_Task_Image : constant String := "main_task";
- -- Image of environment task.
+ -- Image of environment task
Main_Priority : Integer;
pragma Import (C, Main_Priority, "__gl_main_priority");
@@ -125,26 +144,21 @@ package body System.Tasking is
-- Priority, because we use the value -1 to indicate the default
-- main priority, and that is of course not in Priority'range.
- ----------------------------
- -- Tasking Initialization --
- ----------------------------
- -- This block constitutes the first part of the initialization of the
- -- GNARL. This includes creating data structures to make the initial thread
- -- into the environment task. The last part of the initialization is done
- -- in System.Tasking.Initialization or System.Tasking.Restricted.Stages.
- -- All the initializations used to be in Tasking.Initialization, but this
- -- is no longer possible with the run time simplification (including
- -- optimized PO and the restricted run time) since one cannot rely on
- -- System.Tasking.Initialization being present, as was done before.
- declare
+ Initialized : Boolean := False;
+ -- Used to prevent multiple calls to Initialize
+ procedure Initialize is
T : Task_Id;
Success : Boolean;
Base_Priority : Any_Priority;
+ if Initialized then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Initialized := True;
-- Initialize Environment Task
if Main_Priority = Unspecified_Priority then
@@ -170,5 +184,6 @@ begin
-- in ravenscar mode. Rest of the initialization is done in Init_RTS.
T.Entry_Calls (1).Self := T;
- end;
+ end Initialize;
end System.Tasking;