path: root/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
index b9d69c2..ef57dfc 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
@@ -183,55 +183,55 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- corresponding source file. Parameters is a sequence of zero or more
-- two letter codes that indicate configuration pragmas and other
-- parameters that apply:
- --
-- The arguments are as follows:
- --
-- CE Compilation errors. If this is present it means that the ali
-- file resulted from a compilation with the -gnatQ switch set,
-- and illegalities were detected. The ali file contents may
-- not be completely reliable, but the format will be correct
-- and complete. Note that NO is always present if CE is
-- present.
- --
-- DB Detect_Blocking pragma is in effect for all units in this
-- file.
- --
-- Ex A valid Partition_Elaboration_Policy pragma applies to all
-- the units in this file, where x is the first character
-- (upper case) of the policy name (e.g. 'C' for Concurrent).
- --
-- FD Configuration pragmas apply to all the units in this file
-- specifying a possibly non-standard floating point format
-- (VAX float with Long_Float using D_Float).
- --
-- FG Configuration pragmas apply to all the units in this file
-- specifying a possibly non-standard floating point format
-- (VAX float with Long_Float using G_Float).
- --
-- FI Configuration pragmas apply to all the units in this file
-- specifying a possibly non-standard floating point format
-- (IEEE Float).
- --
-- Lx A valid Locking_Policy pragma applies to all the units in
-- this file, where x is the first character (upper case) of
-- the policy name (e.g. 'C' for Ceiling_Locking).
- --
-- NO No object. This flag indicates that the units in this file
-- were not compiled to produce an object. This can occur as a
-- result of the use of -gnatc, or if no object can be produced
-- (e.g. when a package spec is compiled instead of the body,
-- or a subunit on its own).
- --
-- NR No_Run_Time. Indicates that a pragma No_Run_Time applies
-- to all units in the file.
- --
-- NS Normalize_Scalars pragma in effect for all units in
-- this file.
- --
-- Qx A valid Queueing_Policy pragma applies to all the units
-- in this file, where x is the first character (upper case)
-- of the policy name (e.g. 'P' for Priority_Queueing).
- --
-- SL Indicates that the unit is an Interface to a Standalone
-- Library. Note that this indication is never given by the
-- compiler, but is added by the Project Manager in gnatmake
@@ -240,19 +240,19 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- SS This unit references System.Secondary_Stack (that is,
-- the unit makes use of the secondary stack facilities).
- --
-- Tx A valid Task_Dispatching_Policy pragma applies to all
-- the units in this file, where x is the first character
-- (upper case) of the corresponding policy name (e.g. 'F'
-- for FIFO_Within_Priorities).
- --
-- UA Unreserve_All_Interrupts pragma was processed in one or
-- more units in this file
- --
-- ZX Units in this file use zero-cost exceptions and have
-- generated exception tables. If ZX is not present, the
-- longjmp/setjmp exception scheme is in use.
- --
-- Note that language defined units never output policy (Lx, Tx, Qx)
-- parameters. Language defined units must correctly handle all
-- possible cases. These values are checked for consistency by the
@@ -513,19 +513,19 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- The lines for each compilation unit have the following form
-- U unit-name source-name version <<attributes>>
- --
-- This line identifies the unit to which this section of the library
-- information file applies. The first three parameters are the unit
-- name in internal format, as described in package Uname, and the name
-- of the source file containing the unit.
- --
-- Version is the version given as eight hexadecimal characters with
-- upper case letters. This value is the exclusive or of the source
-- checksums of the unit and all its semantically dependent units.
- --
-- The <<attributes>> are a series of two letter codes indicating
-- information about the unit:
- --
-- BD Unit does not have pragma Elaborate_Body, but the elaboration
-- circuit has determined that it would be a good idea if this
-- pragma were present, since the body of the package contains
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- visible part of the package. The binder will try, but does
-- not promise, to keep the elaboration of the body close to
-- the elaboration of the spec.
- --
-- DE Dynamic Elaboration. This unit was compiled with the dynamic
-- elaboration model, as set by either the -gnatE switch or
-- pragma Elaboration_Checks (Dynamic).
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- body together whenever possible, and for an instance it is
-- always possible; however setting EB ensures that this is done
-- even when using the -p gnatbind switch).
- --
-- EE Elaboration entity is present which must be set true when
-- the unit is elaborated. The name of the elaboration entity is
-- formed from the unit name in the usual way. If EE is present,
@@ -554,28 +554,28 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- be set even if NE is set. This happens when the boolean is
-- needed solely for checking for the case of access before
-- elaboration.
- --
-- GE Unit is a generic declaration, or corresponding body
-- IL Unit source uses a style with identifiers in all lower-case
-- IU (IL) or all upper case (IU). If the standard mixed-case usage
-- is detected, or the compiler cannot determine the style, then
-- no I parameter will appear.
- --
-- IS Initialize_Scalars pragma applies to this unit, or else there
-- is at least one use of the Invalid_Value attribute.
- --
-- KM Unit source uses a style with keywords in mixed case (KM)
-- KU or all upper case (KU). If the standard lower-case usage is
-- is detected, or the compiler cannot determine the style, then
-- no K parameter will appear.
- --
-- NE Unit has no elaboration routine. All subprogram bodies and
-- specs are in this category. Package bodies and specs may or
-- may not have NE set, depending on whether or not elaboration
-- code is required. Set if N_Compilation_Unit node has flag
-- Has_No_Elaboration_Code set.
- --
-- OL The units in this file are compiled with a local pragma
-- Optimize_Alignment, so no consistency requirement applies
-- to these units. All internal units have this status since
@@ -584,33 +584,33 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- OO Optimize_Alignment (Off) is the default setting for all
-- units in this file. All files in the partition that specify
-- a default must specify the same default.
- --
-- OS Optimize_Alignment (Space) is the default setting for all
-- units in this file. All files in the partition that specify
-- a default must specify the same default.
- --
-- OT Optimize_Alignment (Time) is the default setting for all
-- units in this file. All files in the partition that specify
-- a default must specify the same default.
- --
-- PF The unit has a library-level (package) finalizer
- --
-- PK Unit is package, rather than a subprogram
- --
-- PU Unit has pragma Pure
- --
-- PR Unit has pragma Preelaborate
- --
-- RA Unit declares a Remote Access to Class-Wide (RACW) type
- --
-- RC Unit has pragma Remote_Call_Interface
- --
-- RT Unit has pragma Remote_Types
- --
-- SP Unit has pragma Shared_Passive.
- --
-- SU Unit is a subprogram, rather than a package
- --
-- The attributes may appear in any order, separated by spaces.
-- -----------------------------
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- Y unit-name [source-name lib-name] [E] [EA] [ED] [AD]
-- or
-- Z unit-name [source-name lib-name] [E] [EA] [ED] [AD]
- --
-- One W line is present for each unit that is mentioned in an explicit
-- non-limited with clause by the current unit. One Y line is present
-- for each unit that is mentioned in an explicit limited with clause
@@ -638,26 +638,32 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- third parameter is the file name of the library information file
-- that contains the results of compiling this unit. The optional
-- modifiers are used as follows:
- --
-- E pragma Elaborate applies to this unit
- --
-- EA pragma Elaborate_All applies to this unit
- --
-- ED Elaborate_Desirable set for this unit, which means that there
-- is no Elaborate, but the analysis suggests that Program_Error
-- may be raised if the Elaborate conditions cannot be satisfied.
-- The binder will attempt to treat ED as E if it can.
- --
-- AD Elaborate_All_Desirable set for this unit, which means that
-- there is no Elaborate_All, but the analysis suggests that
-- Program_Error may be raised if the Elaborate_All conditions
-- cannot be satisfied. The binder will attempt to treat AD as
-- EA if it can.
- --
-- The parameter source-name and lib-name are omitted for the case of a
-- generic unit compiled with earlier versions of GNAT which did not
- -- generate object or ali files for generics.
- --
+ -- generate object or ali files for generics. For compatibility in the
+ -- bootstrap path we continue to omit these entries for predefined
+ -- generic units, even though we do now generate object and ali files.
+ -- However, in SPARK mode, we always generate source-name and lib-name
+ -- parameters. Bootstrap issues do not apply there, and we need this
+ -- information to properly compute frame conditions of subprograms.
-- The parameter source-name and lib-name are also omitted for the W
-- lines that result from use of a Restriction_Set attribute which gets
-- a result of False from a No_Dependence check, in the case where the
@@ -696,6 +702,12 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- source file, so that this order is preserved by the binder in
-- constructing the set of linker arguments.
+ -- Note: Linker_Options lines never appear in the ALI file generated for
+ -- a predefined generic unit, and there is cicuitry in Sem_Prag to enforce
+ -- this restriction, which is needed because of not generating source name
+ -- and lib name parameters on the with lines for such files, as explained
+ -- above in the section on with lines.
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-- -- N Notes --
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