path: root/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/erroutc.adb')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb b/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
index 97ce9d7..9007be4 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/erroutc.adb
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
+with Csets; use Csets;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
with Namet; use Namet;
@@ -450,6 +451,257 @@ package body Erroutc is
Split : Natural;
Start : Natural;
+ function Get_VMS_Warn_String (W : Character) return String;
+ -- On VMS, given a warning character W, returns VMS command string
+ -- that corresponds to that warning character
+ -------------------------
+ -- Get_VMS_Warn_String --
+ -------------------------
+ function Get_VMS_Warn_String (W : Character) return String is
+ S, E : Natural;
+ -- Start and end of VMS_QUALIFIER below
+ P : Natural;
+ -- Scans through string
+ -- The following is a copy of the S_GCC_Warn string from the package
+ -- VMS_Data. If we made that package part of the compiler sources
+ -- we could just with it and avoid the duplication ???
+ V : constant String := "/WARNINGS=" &
+ "DEFAULT " &
+ "!-gnatws,!-gnatwe " &
+ "ALL " &
+ "-gnatwa " &
+ "EVERY " &
+ "-gnatw.e " &
+ "-gnatwa " &
+ "-gnatwA " &
+ "NOALL " &
+ "-gnatwA " &
+ "ALL_GCC " &
+ "-Wall " &
+ "-gnatw.a " &
+ "-gnatw.A " &
+ "-gnatwb " &
+ "-gnatwB " &
+ "-gnatw.b " &
+ "-gnatw.B " &
+ "-gnatwc " &
+ "-gnatwC " &
+ "-gnatw.c " &
+ "-gnatw.C " &
+ "-gnatwd " &
+ "-gnatwD " &
+ "-gnatw.d " &
+ "-gnatw.D " &
+ "ERRORS " &
+ "-gnatwe " &
+ "-gnatwf " &
+ "-gnatwF " &
+ "-gnatwg " &
+ "-gnatwG " &
+ "HIDING " &
+ "-gnatwh " &
+ "-gnatwH " &
+ "-gnatw.h " &
+ "-gnatw.H " &
+ "-gnatwi " &
+ "-gnatwI " &
+ "-gnatwj " &
+ "-gnatwJ " &
+ "-gnatwk " &
+ "-gnatwK " &
+ "-gnatw.k " &
+ "-gnatw.K " &
+ "-gnatwl " &
+ "-gnatwL " &
+ "-gnatwm " &
+ "-gnatwM " &
+ "-gnatw.m " &
+ "-gnatw.M " &
+ "NORMAL " &
+ "-gnatwn " &
+ "-gnatwo " &
+ "-gnatwO " &
+ "-gnatw.o " &
+ "-gnatw.O " &
+ "-gnatwp " &
+ "-gnatwP " &
+ "-gnatwq " &
+ "-gnatw.p " &
+ "-gnatw.P " &
+ "-gnatwQ " &
+ "-gnatwr " &
+ "-gnatwR " &
+ "-gnatw.r " &
+ "-gnatw.R " &
+ "-gnatws " &
+ "-gnatw.s " &
+ "-gnatw.S " &
+ "-gnatwt " &
+ "-gnatwT " &
+ "-Wuninitialized " &
+ "UNUSED " &
+ "-gnatwu " &
+ "-gnatwU " &
+ "-gnatw.u " &
+ "-gnatw.U " &
+ "-gnatwv " &
+ "-gnatwV " &
+ "-gnatw.v " &
+ "-gnatw.V " &
+ "-gnatww " &
+ "-gnatwW " &
+ "-gnatw.w " &
+ "-gnatw.W " &
+ "-gnatwx " &
+ "-gnatwX " &
+ "-gnatw.x " &
+ "-gnatw.X " &
+ "-gnatwy " &
+ "-gnatwY " &
+ "-gnatwz " &
+ "-gnatwZ";
+ -- Start of processing for Get_VMS_Warn_String
+ begin
+ -- This function works by inspecting the string S_GCC_Warn in the
+ -- package VMS_Data. We are looking for
+ -- space VMS_QUALIFIER space -gnatwq
+ -- where q is the lower case letter W if W is lower case, and the
+ -- two character string .W if W is upper case. If we find a match
+ -- we return VMS_QUALIFIER, otherwise we return empty (this should
+ -- be an error, but no point in bombing over something so trivial).
+ P := 1;
+ -- Loop through entries in S_GCC_Warn
+ loop
+ -- Scan to next blank
+ loop
+ if P >= V'Last - 1 then
+ return "";
+ end if;
+ exit when V (P) = ' ' and then V (P + 1) in 'A' .. 'Z';
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ P := P + 1;
+ S := P;
+ -- Scan to blank at end of VMS_QUALIFIER
+ loop
+ if P >= V'Last then
+ return "";
+ end if;
+ exit when V (P) = ' ';
+ P := P + 1;
+ end loop;
+ E := P - 1;
+ -- See if this entry matches, and if so, return it
+ if V (P + 1 .. P + 6) = "-gnatw"
+ and then
+ ((W in 'a' .. 'z' and then V (P + 7) = W)
+ or else
+ (V (P + 7) = '.' and then Fold_Upper (V (P + 8)) = W))
+ then
+ return V (S .. E);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_VMS_Warn_String;
+ -- Start of processing for Output_Msg_Text
-- Add warning doc tag if needed
@@ -457,14 +709,22 @@ package body Erroutc is
if Warn_Chr = '?' then
Warn_Tag := new String'(" [enabled by default]");
+ elsif OpenVMS_On_Target then
+ declare
+ Qual : constant String := Get_VMS_Warn_String (Warn_Chr);
+ begin
+ if Qual = "" then
+ Warn_Tag := new String'(Qual);
+ else
+ Warn_Tag := new String'(" [" & Qual & ']');
+ end if;
+ end;
elsif Warn_Chr in 'a' .. 'z' then
Warn_Tag := new String'(" [-gnatw" & Warn_Chr & ']');
else pragma Assert (Warn_Chr in 'A' .. 'Z');
- Warn_Tag :=
- new String'(" [-gnatw."
- & Character'Val (Character'Pos (Warn_Chr) + 32)
- & ']');
+ Warn_Tag := new String'(" [-gnatw." & Fold_Lower (Warn_Chr) & ']');
end if;