path: root/libphobos/src/std/string.d
diff options
authorIain Buclaw <ibuclaw@gdcproject.org>2020-11-13 16:56:29 +0100
committerIain Buclaw <ibuclaw@gdcproject.org>2020-11-18 10:21:26 +0100
commit4c4dfe21df4c4147d9c676a8c768cc303491293e (patch)
tree4ed6b0f6178613aafe47f50a59e8074cecf25829 /libphobos/src/std/string.d
parentba009860aec4619f2424f5bdee812f14572dc3cc (diff)
libphobos: Merge upstream phobos 7948e0967.
Removes deprecated functions from std.string module. Reviewed-on: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/7694 libphobos/ChangeLog: * src/MERGE: Merge upstream phobos 7948e0967.
Diffstat (limited to 'libphobos/src/std/string.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/string.d b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
index 5b61cde..1128a090 100644
--- a/libphobos/src/std/string.d
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/string.d
@@ -5174,273 +5174,6 @@ body
assert(buffer.data == "h5 rd");
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, in S pattern) @safe pure @nogc
-if (isSomeString!S)
- bool result = false;
- int range = 0;
- dchar lastc;
- foreach (size_t i, dchar p; pattern)
- {
- if (p == '^' && i == 0)
- {
- result = true;
- if (i + 1 == pattern.length)
- return (c == p); // or should this be an error?
- }
- else if (range)
- {
- range = 0;
- if (lastc <= c && c <= p || c == p)
- return !result;
- }
- else if (p == '-' && i > result && i + 1 < pattern.length)
- {
- range = 1;
- continue;
- }
- else if (c == p)
- return !result;
- lastc = p;
- }
- return result;
-@safe pure @nogc unittest
- import std.conv : to;
- import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
- assertCTFEable!(
- {
- assert(inPattern('x', "x") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "y") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('x', string.init) == 0);
- assert(inPattern('x', "^y") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "yxxy") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "^yxxy") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('x', "^abcd") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('^', "^^") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('^', "^") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('^', "a^") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "a-z") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "A-Z") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('x', "^a-z") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('x', "^A-Z") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('-', "a-") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('-', "^A-") == 0);
- assert(inPattern('a', "z-a") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('z', "z-a") == 1);
- assert(inPattern('x', "z-a") == 0);
- });
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-bool inPattern(S)(dchar c, S[] patterns) @safe pure @nogc
-if (isSomeString!S)
- foreach (string pattern; patterns)
- {
- if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-size_t countchars(S, S1)(S s, in S1 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
-if (isSomeString!S && isSomeString!S1)
- size_t count;
- foreach (dchar c; s)
- {
- count += inPattern(c, pattern);
- }
- return count;
-@safe pure @nogc unittest
- import std.conv : to;
- import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
- assertCTFEable!(
- {
- assert(countchars("abc", "a-c") == 3);
- assert(countchars("hello world", "or") == 3);
- });
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-S removechars(S)(S s, in S pattern) @safe pure
-if (isSomeString!S)
- import std.utf : encode;
- Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
- bool changed = false;
- foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
- {
- if (inPattern(c, pattern))
- {
- if (!changed)
- {
- changed = true;
- r = s[0 .. i].dup;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (changed)
- {
- encode(r, c);
- }
- }
- if (changed)
- return r;
- else
- return s;
-@safe pure unittest
- import std.conv : to;
- import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
- assertCTFEable!(
- {
- assert(removechars("abc", "a-c").length == 0);
- assert(removechars("hello world", "or") == "hell wld");
- assert(removechars("hello world", "d") == "hello worl");
- assert(removechars("hah", "h") == "a");
- });
-@safe pure unittest
- assert(removechars("abc", "x") == "abc");
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-S squeeze(S)(S s, in S pattern = null)
- import std.utf : encode, stride;
- Unqual!(typeof(s[0]))[] r;
- dchar lastc;
- size_t lasti;
- int run;
- bool changed;
- foreach (size_t i, dchar c; s)
- {
- if (run && lastc == c)
- {
- changed = true;
- }
- else if (pattern is null || inPattern(c, pattern))
- {
- run = 1;
- if (changed)
- {
- if (r is null)
- r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
- encode(r, c);
- }
- else
- lasti = i + stride(s, i);
- lastc = c;
- }
- else
- {
- run = 0;
- if (changed)
- {
- if (r is null)
- r = s[0 .. lasti].dup;
- encode(r, c);
- }
- }
- }
- return changed ? ((r is null) ? s[0 .. lasti] : cast(S) r) : s;
-@system pure unittest
- import std.conv : to;
- import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
- assertCTFEable!(
- {
- string s;
- assert(squeeze("hello") == "helo");
- s = "abcd";
- assert(squeeze(s) is s);
- s = "xyzz";
- assert(squeeze(s).ptr == s.ptr); // should just be a slice
- assert(squeeze("hello goodbyee", "oe") == "hello godbye");
- });
-deprecated("This function is obsolete. It is available in https://github.com/dlang/undeaD if necessary.")
-S1 munch(S1, S2)(ref S1 s, S2 pattern) @safe pure @nogc
- size_t j = s.length;
- foreach (i, dchar c; s)
- {
- if (!inPattern(c, pattern))
- {
- j = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- scope(exit) s = s[j .. $];
- return s[0 .. j];
-@safe pure @nogc unittest
- string s = "123abc";
- string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
- assert(t == "123" && s == "abc");
- t = munch(s, "0123456789");
- assert(t == "" && s == "abc");
-@safe pure @nogc unittest
- string s = "123€abc";
- string t = munch(s, "0123456789");
- assert(t == "123" && s == "€abc");
- t = munch(s, "0123456789");
- assert(t == "" && s == "€abc");
- t = munch(s, "£$€¥");
- assert(t == "€" && s == "abc");
* Return string that is the 'successor' to s[].
* If the rightmost character is a-zA-Z0-9, it is incremented within