path: root/libphobos/scripts
diff options
authorIain Buclaw <ibuclaw@gdcproject.org>2025-02-25 19:47:06 +0100
committerIain Buclaw <ibuclaw@gdcproject.org>2025-02-25 22:31:51 +0100
commitdf4565eaa9b02906a8fa6bb37845c0b4fdedaa20 (patch)
tree6d02a40a46ebdd1674b6ffe3bbe2181201751f36 /libphobos/scripts
parenta407eada0173455d267ba403e9e0fe54f0f5dd51 (diff)
libphobos: Add script for extracting unittests from phobos
This script parses all unittests annotated with three slashes (`///') and extracts them into a standalone test case. The intended use is for generating inexpensive tests to be ran for the phobos testsuite. libphobos/ChangeLog: * scripts/.gitignore: Add tests_extractor. * scripts/README: Document tests_extractor.d. * scripts/tests_extractor.d: New file.
Diffstat (limited to 'libphobos/scripts')
3 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/scripts/.gitignore b/libphobos/scripts/.gitignore
index a5d300b..ddbaf41 100644
--- a/libphobos/scripts/.gitignore
+++ b/libphobos/scripts/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Dub leaves built programs in this directory.
diff --git a/libphobos/scripts/README b/libphobos/scripts/README
index 248324d..5444b71 100644
--- a/libphobos/scripts/README
+++ b/libphobos/scripts/README
@@ -26,3 +26,14 @@ gen_phobos_sources.d
cd src && ../scripts/gen_phobos_sources >> Makefile.am
+ Searches the given input directory recursively for public unittest blocks
+ (annotated with three slashes). The tests will be extracted as one file for
+ each source file to the output directory. Used to regenerate all tests
+ cases in testsuite/libphobos.phobos.
+ Example:
+ ./tests_extractor -i ../libphobos/src -o ../testsuite/libphobos.phobos
diff --git a/libphobos/scripts/tests_extractor.d b/libphobos/scripts/tests_extractor.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc861f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libphobos/scripts/tests_extractor.d
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env dub
+name "tests_extractor"
+dependency "libdparse" version="~>0.24.0"
+dflags "-fall-instantiations" platform="gdc"
+// Written in the D programming language.
+import dparse.ast;
+import std.algorithm;
+import std.conv;
+import std.exception;
+import std.experimental.logger;
+import std.file;
+import std.path;
+import std.range;
+import std.stdio;
+class TestVisitor : ASTVisitor
+ File outFile;
+ ubyte[] sourceCode;
+ string moduleName;
+ this(File outFile, ubyte[] sourceCode)
+ {
+ this.outFile = outFile;
+ this.sourceCode = sourceCode;
+ }
+ alias visit = ASTVisitor.visit;
+ override void visit(const Module m)
+ {
+ if (m.moduleDeclaration !is null)
+ {
+ moduleName = m.moduleDeclaration.moduleName.identifiers.map!(i => i.text).join(".");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fallback: convert the file path to its module path, e.g. std/uni.d -> std.uni
+ moduleName = outFile.name.replace(".d", "").replace(dirSeparator, ".").replace(".package", "");
+ }
+ m.accept(this);
+ }
+ override void visit(const Declaration decl)
+ {
+ if (decl.unittest_ !is null && decl.unittest_.comment !is null)
+ print(decl.unittest_, decl.attributes);
+ decl.accept(this);
+ }
+ override void visit(const ConditionalDeclaration decl)
+ {
+ bool skipTrue;
+ // Check if it's a version that should be skipped
+ if (auto vcd = decl.compileCondition.versionCondition)
+ {
+ if (vcd.token.text == "StdDdoc")
+ skipTrue = true;
+ }
+ // Search if/version block
+ if (!skipTrue)
+ {
+ foreach (d; decl.trueDeclarations)
+ visit(d);
+ }
+ // Search else block
+ foreach (d; decl.falseDeclarations)
+ visit(d);
+ }
+ void print(const Unittest u, const Attribute[] attributes)
+ {
+ static immutable predefinedAttributes = ["nogc", "system", "nothrow", "safe", "trusted", "pure"];
+ // Write system attributes
+ foreach (attr; attributes)
+ {
+ // pure and nothrow
+ if (attr.attribute.type != 0)
+ {
+ import dparse.lexer : str;
+ const attrText = attr.attribute.type.str;
+ outFile.write(text(attrText, " "));
+ }
+ const atAttribute = attr.atAttribute;
+ if (atAttribute is null)
+ continue;
+ const atText = atAttribute.identifier.text;
+ // Ignore custom attributes (@myArg)
+ if (!predefinedAttributes.canFind(atText))
+ continue;
+ outFile.write(text("@", atText, " "));
+ }
+ // Write the unittest block
+ outFile.write("unittest\n{\n");
+ scope(exit) outFile.writeln("}\n");
+ // Add an import to the current module
+ outFile.writefln(" import %s;", moduleName);
+ // Write the content of the unittest block (but skip the first brace)
+ auto k = cast(immutable(char)[]) sourceCode[u.blockStatement.startLocation .. u.blockStatement.endLocation];
+ k.findSkip("{");
+ outFile.write(k);
+ // If the last line contains characters, we want to add an extra line
+ // for increased visual beauty
+ if (k[$ - 1] != '\n')
+ outFile.writeln;
+ }
+bool parseFile(File inFile, File outFile)
+ import dparse.lexer;
+ import dparse.parser : parseModule;
+ import dparse.rollback_allocator : RollbackAllocator;
+ import std.array : uninitializedArray;
+ if (inFile.size == 0)
+ return false;
+ ubyte[] sourceCode = uninitializedArray!(ubyte[])(to!size_t(inFile.size));
+ inFile.rawRead(sourceCode);
+ LexerConfig config;
+ auto cache = StringCache(StringCache.defaultBucketCount);
+ auto tokens = getTokensForParser(sourceCode, config, &cache);
+ RollbackAllocator rba;
+ auto m = parseModule(tokens.array, inFile.name, &rba);
+ auto visitor = new TestVisitor(outFile, sourceCode);
+ visitor.visit(m);
+ return visitor.outFile.size != 0;
+void parseFileDir(string inputDir, string fileName, string outputDir)
+ import std.path : buildPath, dirSeparator, buildNormalizedPath;
+ // File name without its parent directory, e.g. std/uni.d
+ string fileNameNormalized = (inputDir == "." ? fileName : fileName.replace(inputDir, ""));
+ // Remove leading dots or slashes
+ while (!fileNameNormalized.empty && fileNameNormalized[0] == '.')
+ fileNameNormalized = fileNameNormalized[1 .. $];
+ if (fileNameNormalized.length >= dirSeparator.length &&
+ fileNameNormalized[0 .. dirSeparator.length] == dirSeparator)
+ fileNameNormalized = fileNameNormalized[dirSeparator.length .. $];
+ // Convert the file path to a nice output file, e.g. std/uni.d -> std_uni.d
+ string outName = fileNameNormalized.replace(dirSeparator, "_");
+ auto outFile = buildPath(outputDir, outName);
+ // Removes the output file if nothing was written
+ if (!parseFile(File(fileName), File(outFile, "w")))
+ remove(outFile);
+void main(string[] args)
+ import std.getopt;
+ string inputDir;
+ string outputDir = "./out";
+ string modulePrefix;
+ auto helpInfo = getopt(args, config.required,
+ "inputdir|i", "Folder to start the recursive search for unittest blocks (can be a single file)", &inputDir,
+ "outputdir|o", "Folder to which the extracted test files should be saved (stdout for a single file)", &outputDir,
+ );
+ if (helpInfo.helpWanted)
+ {
+ return defaultGetoptPrinter(`phobos_tests_extractor
+Searches the input directory recursively for public unittest blocks, i.e.
+unittest blocks that are annotated with three slashes (///).
+The tests will be extracted as one file for each source file
+to the output directory.
+`, helpInfo.options);
+ }
+ inputDir = inputDir.asNormalizedPath.array;
+ outputDir= outputDir.asNormalizedPath.array;
+ if (!exists(outputDir))
+ mkdir(outputDir);
+ // If the module prefix is std -> add a dot for the next modules to follow
+ if (!modulePrefix.empty)
+ modulePrefix ~= '.';
+ DirEntry[] files;
+ if (inputDir.isFile)
+ {
+ stderr.writeln("ignoring ", inputDir);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ files = dirEntries(inputDir, SpanMode.depth).filter!(
+ a => a.name.endsWith(".d") && !a.name.canFind(".git")).array;
+ }
+ foreach (file; files)
+ {
+ stderr.writeln("parsing ", file);
+ parseFileDir(inputDir, file, outputDir);
+ }