path: root/libjava/javax
diff options
authorMichael Koch <konqueror@gmx.de>2003-07-14 05:33:30 +0000
committerMichael Koch <mkoch@gcc.gnu.org>2003-07-14 05:33:30 +0000
commit6a71677713a891ed583f065f21e40e3d4d89562c (patch)
tree325c55b07a6af031947ba6f55a84fc7897bf374b /libjava/javax
parent6e98504002b3ee32c9b3d17da648b01e1424f833 (diff)
MemoryImageSource.java, [...]: New versions from classpath.
2003-07-14 Michael Koch <konqueror@gmx.de> * java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java, java/beans/PropertyEditorManager.java, javax/naming/CompoundName.java, javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java, javax/swing/AbstractButton.java, javax/swing/ButtonModel.java, javax/swing/SwingUtilities.java, javax/swing/UIManager.java, javax/swing/colorchooser/DefaultColorSelectionModel.java, javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.java, javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.java, java/util/zip/ZipFile.java: New versions from classpath. From-SVN: r69321
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/javax')
9 files changed, 1075 insertions, 1082 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/javax/naming/CompoundName.java b/libjava/javax/naming/CompoundName.java
index 20b6cc5..2039639 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/naming/CompoundName.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/naming/CompoundName.java
@@ -142,13 +142,17 @@ public class CompoundName implements Name, Cloneable, Serializable
// Otherwise, fall through.
// Quotes are only special at the start of a component.
- else if (new_element.length () == 0 && special == beginQuote)
+ else if (new_element.length () == 0
+ && special == beginQuote
+ && beginQuote != null)
quote = endQuote;
i += special.length ();
- else if (new_element.length () == 0 && special == beginQuote2)
+ else if (new_element.length () == 0
+ && special == beginQuote2
+ && beginQuote2 != null)
quote = endQuote2;
i += special.length ();
diff --git a/libjava/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java b/libjava/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java
index 6d02f9d..8b215ce 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java
@@ -83,13 +83,17 @@ public class NamingManager
- icf = (InitialContextFactory) Class.forName (java_naming_factory_initial).newInstance ();
+ icf = (InitialContextFactory)Class.forName
+ (java_naming_factory_initial, true,
+ Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())
+ .newInstance ();
catch (Exception exception)
NoInitialContextException e
- = new NoInitialContextException ("Can't load InitialContextFactory class: "
- + java_naming_factory_initial);
+ = new NoInitialContextException
+ ("Can't load InitialContextFactory class: "
+ + java_naming_factory_initial);
throw e;
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java b/libjava/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java
index 951650d..d44d977 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/AbstractButton.java
@@ -71,740 +71,731 @@ import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
public abstract class AbstractButton extends JComponent
implements ItemSelectable, SwingConstants
- Icon default_icon, pressed_button, disabled_button,
- selected_button, disabled_selected_button, current_icon;
- String text;
- int vert_align = CENTER;
- int hori_align = CENTER;
- int hori_text_pos = CENTER;
- int vert_text_pos = CENTER;
- boolean paint_border = true, paint_focus;
- Action action_taken;
- ButtonModel model;
- Insets margin;
- public static final String FOCUS_PAINTED_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "focusPainted";
- /**
- * AccessibleAbstractButton
- */
- protected abstract class AccessibleAbstractButton
- extends AccessibleJComponent
- implements AccessibleAction, AccessibleValue, AccessibleText {
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialization ---------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructor AccessibleAbstractButton
- * @param component TODO
- */
- protected AccessibleAbstractButton(AbstractButton component) {
- super(component);
- // TODO
- } // AccessibleAbstractButton()
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * getAccessibleStateSet
- * @returns AccessibleStateSet
- */
- public AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleStateSet()
- /**
- * getAccessibleName
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getAccessibleName() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleName()
- /**
- * getAccessibleIcon
- * @returns AccessibleIcon[]
- */
- public AccessibleIcon[] getAccessibleIcon() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleIcon()
- /**
- * getAccessibleRelationSet
- * @returns AccessibleRelationSet
- */
- public AccessibleRelationSet getAccessibleRelationSet() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleRelationSet()
- /**
- * getAccessibleAction
- * @returns AccessibleAction
- */
- public AccessibleAction getAccessibleAction() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleAction()
- /**
- * getAccessibleValue
- * @returns AccessibleValue
- */
- public AccessibleValue getAccessibleValue() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleValue()
- /**
- * getAccessibleActionCount
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getAccessibleActionCount() {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleActionCount()
- /**
- * getAccessibleActionDescription
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getAccessibleActionDescription(int value0) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleActionDescription()
- /**
- * doAccessibleAction
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns boolean
- */
- public boolean doAccessibleAction(int value0) {
- return false; // TODO
- } // doAccessibleAction()
- /**
- * getCurrentAccessibleValue
- * @returns Number
- */
- public Number getCurrentAccessibleValue() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getCurrentAccessibleValue()
- /**
- * setCurrentAccessibleValue
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns boolean
- */
- public boolean setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number value0) {
- return false; // TODO
- } // setCurrentAccessibleValue()
- /**
- * getMinimumAccessibleValue
- * @returns Number
- */
- public Number getMinimumAccessibleValue() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getMinimumAccessibleValue()
- /**
- * getMaximumAccessibleValue
- * @returns Number
- */
- public Number getMaximumAccessibleValue() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getMaximumAccessibleValue()
- /**
- * getAccessibleText
- * @returns AccessibleText
- */
- public AccessibleText getAccessibleText() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAccessibleText()
- /**
- * getIndexAtPoint
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getIndexAtPoint(Point value0) {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getIndexAtPoint()
- /**
- * getCharacterBounds
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns Rectangle
- */
- public Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int value0) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getCharacterBounds()
- /**
- * getCharCount
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getCharCount() {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getCharCount()
- /**
- * getCaretPosition
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getCaretPosition() {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getCaretPosition()
- /**
- * getAtIndex
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @param value1 TODO
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getAtIndex(int value0, int value1) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAtIndex()
- /**
- * getAfterIndex
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @param value1 TODO
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getAfterIndex(int value0, int value1) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getAfterIndex()
- /**
- * getBeforeIndex
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @param value1 TODO
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getBeforeIndex(int value0, int value1) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getBeforeIndex()
- /**
- * getCharacterAttribute
- * @param value0 TODO
- * @returns AttributeSet
- */
- public AttributeSet getCharacterAttribute(int value0) {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getCharacterAttribute()
- /**
- * getSelectionStart
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getSelectionStart() {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getSelectionStart()
- /**
- * getSelectionEnd
- * @returns int
- */
- public int getSelectionEnd() {
- return 0; // TODO
- } // getSelectionEnd()
- /**
- * getSelectedText
- * @returns String
- */
- public String getSelectedText() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getSelectedText()
- /**
- * getTextRectangle
- * @returns Rectangle
- */
- private Rectangle getTextRectangle() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getTextRectangle()
- } // AccessibleAbstractButton
- static private class JFocusListener implements FocusListener
- {
- AbstractButton c;
- JFocusListener(AbstractButton c)
- {
- this.c = c;
- }
- public void focusLost(FocusEvent event)
- {
- c.getModel().setArmed(false);
- System.out.println("LOST FOCUS");
- if (c.isFocusPainted())
- {
- c.repaint();
- }
- }
- public void focusGained(FocusEvent event)
- {
- System.out.println("GAIN FOCUS");
- }
- }
- /**********************************************
- *
- *
- * Constructors
- *
- *
- ****************/
- AbstractButton()
- {
- this("",null);
- }
- AbstractButton(String text,
- Icon icon)
- {
- this.text = text;
- setIcon(icon);
- setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
- setAlignmentY(CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
- addFocusListener( new JFocusListener(this) );
- setModel(new DefaultButtonModel(this));
- updateUI(); // get a proper ui
- }
- /**********************************************
- *
- *
- * Actions etc
- *
- *
- ****************/
- public ButtonModel getModel()
- { return model; }
- public void setModel(ButtonModel newModel)
- { model = newModel; }
- public String getActionCommand()
- { return getModel().getActionCommand(); }
- public void setActionCommand(String aCommand)
- { getModel().setActionCommand(aCommand); }
- public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
- { getModel().addActionListener(l); }
- public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
- { getModel().removeActionListener(l); }
- public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
- { getModel().addChangeListener(l); }
- public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
- { getModel().removeChangeListener(l); }
- public void addItemListener(ItemListener l)
- { getModel().addItemListener(l); }
- public void removeItemListener(ItemListener l)
- { getModel().removeItemListener(l); }
- public int getHorizontalAlignment()
- { return hori_align; }
- public int getHorizontalTextPosition()
- { return hori_text_pos; }
- public int getVerticalAlignment()
- { return vert_align; }
- public int getVerticalTextPosition()
- { return vert_text_pos; }
- protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
- { getModel().fireItemStateChanged(event); }
- protected void fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent event)
- { getModel().fireStateChanged(event); }
- protected void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
- { getModel().fireActionPerformed(event); }
- public void setVerticalAlignment(int alignment)
- { vert_align = alignment; }
- public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment)
- { hori_align = alignment; }
- public void setVerticalTextPosition(int textPosition)
- { vert_text_pos = textPosition; }
- public void setHorizontalTextPosition(int textPosition)
- { hori_text_pos = textPosition; }
- public int getMnemonic()
- { return getModel().getMnemonic(); }
- public void setMnemonic(char mne)
- { getModel().setMnemonic(mne); }
- public void setMnemonic(int mne)
- { getModel().setMnemonic(mne); }
- public void setRolloverEnabled(boolean b)
- { getModel().setRollover(b); }
- public boolean isRolloverEnabled()
- { return getModel().isRollover(); }
- public boolean isBorderPainted()
- { return paint_border; }
- public void setBorderPainted(boolean b)
- {
- if (b != paint_border)
- {
- paint_border = b;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- }
- public Action getAction()
- { return action_taken; }
- public void setAction(Action a)
- {
- action_taken = a;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public void setSelected(boolean b)
- { getModel().setSelected(b); }
- public boolean isSelected()
- { return getModel().isSelected(); }
- public Icon getIcon()
- { return default_icon; }
- public void setIcon(Icon defaultIcon)
- {
- if (default_icon == defaultIcon)
- return;
- default_icon = defaultIcon;
- if (default_icon != null)
- {
- // XXX FIXME - icons do not know their parent
-// default_icon.setParent(this);
- }
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public String getText()
- { return text; }
- public void setLabel(String label)
- { setText(label); }
- public String getLabel()
- { return getText(); }
- public void setText(String text)
- {
- this.text = text;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public Insets getMargin()
- { return margin; }
- public void setMargin(Insets m)
- {
- margin = m;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public void setEnabled(boolean b)
- {
- super.setEnabled(b);
- getModel().setEnabled(b);
- repaint();
- }
- public Icon getPressedIcon()
- { return pressed_button; }
- public void setPressedIcon(Icon pressedIcon)
- {
- pressed_button = pressedIcon;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public Icon getDisabledIcon()
- { return disabled_button; }
- public void setDisabledIcon(Icon disabledIcon)
- {
- disabled_button = disabledIcon;
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- public boolean isFocusPainted()
- { return paint_focus; }
- public void setFocusPainted(boolean b)
- {
- boolean old = paint_focus;
- paint_focus = b;
- old,
- b);
- if (hasFocus())
- {
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- }
- public boolean isFocusTraversable()
- {
- //Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
- return true;
- }
- protected int checkHorizontalKey(int key, String exception)
- {
- // Verify that key is a legal value for the horizontalAlignment properties.
- return 0;
- }
- protected int checkVerticalKey(int key, String exception)
- {
- // Ensures that the key is a valid.
- return 0;
- }
- protected void configurePropertiesFromAction(Action a)
- {
- //Factory method which sets the ActionEvent source's properties according to values from the Action instance.
- }
- protected ActionListener createActionListener()
- {
- return new ActionListener()
- {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { }
- };
- }
- protected PropertyChangeListener createActionPropertyChangeListener(Action a)
- {
- //Factory method which creates the PropertyChangeListener used to update the ActionEvent source as properties change on its Action instance.
- return null;
- }
- protected ChangeListener createChangeListener()
- {
- // Subclasses that want to handle ChangeEvents differently can override this to return another ChangeListener implementation.
- return new ChangeListener()
- {
- public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { }
- };
- }
- protected ItemListener createItemListener()
- {
- return new ItemListener()
- {
- public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { }
- };
- }
- public void doClick()
- {
- doClick(100);
- }
- public void doClick(int pressTime)
- {
- //Toolkit.tlkBeep ();
- //Programmatically perform a "click".
- }
- public Icon getDisabledSelectedIcon()
- {
- //Returns the icon used by the button when it's disabled and selected.
- return disabled_selected_button;
- }
- public Icon getRolloverIcon()
- {
- // Returns the rollover icon for the button.
- return null;
- }
- Icon getRolloverSelectedIcon()
- {
- // Returns the rollover selection icon for the button.
- return null;
- }
- Icon getSelectedIcon()
- {
- // Returns the selected icon for the button.
- return selected_button;
- }
- public Object[] getSelectedObjects()
- {
- //Returns an array (length 1) containing the label or null if the button is not selected.
- return null;
- }
- public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int w, int h)
- {
- //This is overridden to return false if the current Icon's Image is not equal to the passed in Image img.
- return current_icon == img;
- }
- public boolean isContentAreaFilled()
- {
- // Checks whether the "content area" of the button should be filled.
- return false;
- }
- protected void paintBorder(Graphics g)
- {
- // Paint the button's border if BorderPainted property is true.
- if (isBorderPainted())
- super.paintBorder(g);
- }
- protected String paramString()
- {
- // Returns a string representation of this AbstractButton.
- return "AbstractButton";
- }
- public void setContentAreaFilled(boolean b)
- {
- //Sets whether the button should paint the content area or leave it transparent.
- }
- public void setDisabledSelectedIcon(Icon disabledSelectedIcon)
- {
- // Sets the disabled selection icon for the button.
- }
- public void setRolloverIcon(Icon rolloverIcon)
- {
- // Sets the rollover icon for the button.
- }
- public void setRolloverSelectedIcon(Icon rolloverSelectedIcon)
- {
- // Sets the rollover selected icon for the button.
- }
- public void setSelectedIcon(Icon selectedIcon)
- {
- // Sets the selected icon for the button.
- }
- public void setUI(ButtonUI ui)
- { // Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- super.setUI(ui);
- }
- public ButtonUI getUI()
- {
- //Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
- return (ButtonUI) ui;
- }
- public void updateUI()
- {
- /*
- // Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
- if (getUI() == null)
- {
- setUI(getUI());
- }
- */
- }
- protected void processActionEvent(ActionEvent e)
- {
- System.out.println("PROCESS-ACTION-EVENT: " + e);
- }
- protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
- {
- // System.out.println("PROCESS-MOUSE-EVENT: " + e + ", PRESSED-IN-MODEL="+getModel().isPressed());
- switch (e.getID())
- {
- case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
- {
- break;
- }
- case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
- {
- if (! isEnabled())
- {
- System.out.println("button not enabled, ignoring press");
- }
- else
- {
- System.out.println("telling model:press: " + getModel());
- getModel().setPressed(true);
- repaint();
- }
- break;
- }
- case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
- {
- if (! isEnabled())
- {
- System.out.println("button not enabled, ignoring release");
- }
- else
- {
- int flags = 0;
- System.out.println(" XXX--> " + getActionCommand());
- fireActionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this,
- getActionCommand(),
- flags));
- //System.out.println("telling model:release");
- getModel().setPressed(false);
- repaint();
- }
- break;
- }
- case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED:
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ Icon default_icon, pressed_button, disabled_button,
+ selected_button, disabled_selected_button, current_icon;
+ String text;
+ int vert_align = CENTER;
+ int hori_align = CENTER;
+ int hori_text_pos = CENTER;
+ int vert_text_pos = CENTER;
+ boolean paint_border = true, paint_focus;
+ Action action_taken;
+ ButtonModel model;
+ Insets margin;
+ public static final String FOCUS_PAINTED_CHANGED_PROPERTY = "focusPainted";
+ /**
+ * AccessibleAbstractButton
+ */
+ protected abstract class AccessibleAbstractButton
+ extends AccessibleJComponent
+ implements AccessibleAction, AccessibleValue, AccessibleText {
+ /**
+ * Constructor AccessibleAbstractButton
+ * @param component TODO
+ */
+ protected AccessibleAbstractButton(AbstractButton component) {
+ super(component);
+ // TODO
+ } // AccessibleAbstractButton()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleStateSet
+ * @returns AccessibleStateSet
+ */
+ public AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleStateSet()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleName
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getAccessibleName() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleName()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleIcon
+ * @returns AccessibleIcon[]
+ */
+ public AccessibleIcon[] getAccessibleIcon() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleIcon()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleRelationSet
+ * @returns AccessibleRelationSet
+ */
+ public AccessibleRelationSet getAccessibleRelationSet() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleRelationSet()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleAction
+ * @returns AccessibleAction
+ */
+ public AccessibleAction getAccessibleAction() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleAction()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleValue
+ * @returns AccessibleValue
+ */
+ public AccessibleValue getAccessibleValue() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleValue()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleActionCount
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getAccessibleActionCount() {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleActionCount()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleActionDescription
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getAccessibleActionDescription(int value0) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleActionDescription()
+ /**
+ * doAccessibleAction
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns boolean
+ */
+ public boolean doAccessibleAction(int value0) {
+ return false; // TODO
+ } // doAccessibleAction()
+ /**
+ * getCurrentAccessibleValue
+ * @returns Number
+ */
+ public Number getCurrentAccessibleValue() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getCurrentAccessibleValue()
+ /**
+ * setCurrentAccessibleValue
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns boolean
+ */
+ public boolean setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number value0) {
+ return false; // TODO
+ } // setCurrentAccessibleValue()
+ /**
+ * getMinimumAccessibleValue
+ * @returns Number
+ */
+ public Number getMinimumAccessibleValue() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getMinimumAccessibleValue()
+ /**
+ * getMaximumAccessibleValue
+ * @returns Number
+ */
+ public Number getMaximumAccessibleValue() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getMaximumAccessibleValue()
+ /**
+ * getAccessibleText
+ * @returns AccessibleText
+ */
+ public AccessibleText getAccessibleText() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAccessibleText()
+ /**
+ * getIndexAtPoint
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getIndexAtPoint(Point value0) {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getIndexAtPoint()
+ /**
+ * getCharacterBounds
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns Rectangle
+ */
+ public Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int value0) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getCharacterBounds()
+ /**
+ * getCharCount
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getCharCount() {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getCharCount()
+ /**
+ * getCaretPosition
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getCaretPosition() {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getCaretPosition()
+ /**
+ * getAtIndex
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @param value1 TODO
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getAtIndex(int value0, int value1) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAtIndex()
+ /**
+ * getAfterIndex
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @param value1 TODO
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getAfterIndex(int value0, int value1) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getAfterIndex()
+ /**
+ * getBeforeIndex
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @param value1 TODO
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getBeforeIndex(int value0, int value1) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getBeforeIndex()
+ /**
+ * getCharacterAttribute
+ * @param value0 TODO
+ * @returns AttributeSet
+ */
+ public AttributeSet getCharacterAttribute(int value0) {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getCharacterAttribute()
+ /**
+ * getSelectionStart
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getSelectionStart() {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getSelectionStart()
+ /**
+ * getSelectionEnd
+ * @returns int
+ */
+ public int getSelectionEnd() {
+ return 0; // TODO
+ } // getSelectionEnd()
+ /**
+ * getSelectedText
+ * @returns String
+ */
+ public String getSelectedText() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getSelectedText()
+ /**
+ * getTextRectangle
+ * @returns Rectangle
+ */
+ private Rectangle getTextRectangle() {
+ return null; // TODO
+ } // getTextRectangle()
+ } // AccessibleAbstractButton
+ static private class JFocusListener implements FocusListener
+ {
+ AbstractButton c;
+ JFocusListener(AbstractButton c)
+ {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ public void focusLost(FocusEvent event)
+ {
+ c.getModel().setArmed(false);
+ System.out.println("LOST FOCUS");
+ if (c.isFocusPainted())
+ {
+ c.repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ public void focusGained(FocusEvent event)
+ {
+ System.out.println("GAIN FOCUS");
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractButton()
+ {
+ this("",null);
+ }
+ AbstractButton(String text,
+ Icon icon)
+ {
+ this.text = text;
+ setIcon(icon);
+ setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
+ setAlignmentY(CENTER_ALIGNMENT);
+ addFocusListener( new JFocusListener(this) );
+ setModel(new DefaultButtonModel(this));
+ updateUI(); // get a proper ui
+ }
+ public ButtonModel getModel()
+ { return model; }
+ public void setModel(ButtonModel newModel)
+ { model = newModel; }
+ public String getActionCommand()
+ { return getModel().getActionCommand(); }
+ public void setActionCommand(String aCommand)
+ { getModel().setActionCommand(aCommand); }
+ public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
+ { getModel().addActionListener(l); }
+ public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
+ { getModel().removeActionListener(l); }
+ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
+ { getModel().addChangeListener(l); }
+ public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
+ { getModel().removeChangeListener(l); }
+ public void addItemListener(ItemListener l)
+ { getModel().addItemListener(l); }
+ public void removeItemListener(ItemListener l)
+ { getModel().removeItemListener(l); }
+ public int getHorizontalAlignment()
+ { return hori_align; }
+ public int getHorizontalTextPosition()
+ { return hori_text_pos; }
+ public int getVerticalAlignment()
+ { return vert_align; }
+ public int getVerticalTextPosition()
+ { return vert_text_pos; }
+ protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
+ {
+ }
+ protected void fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent event)
+ {
+ }
+ protected void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
+ {
+ }
+ public void setVerticalAlignment(int alignment)
+ { vert_align = alignment; }
+ public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment)
+ { hori_align = alignment; }
+ public void setVerticalTextPosition(int textPosition)
+ { vert_text_pos = textPosition; }
+ public void setHorizontalTextPosition(int textPosition)
+ { hori_text_pos = textPosition; }
+ public int getMnemonic()
+ { return getModel().getMnemonic(); }
+ public void setMnemonic(char mne)
+ { getModel().setMnemonic(mne); }
+ public void setMnemonic(int mne)
+ { getModel().setMnemonic(mne); }
+ public void setRolloverEnabled(boolean b)
+ { getModel().setRollover(b); }
+ public boolean isRolloverEnabled()
+ { return getModel().isRollover(); }
+ public boolean isBorderPainted()
+ { return paint_border; }
+ public void setBorderPainted(boolean b)
+ {
+ if (b != paint_border)
+ {
+ paint_border = b;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ public Action getAction()
+ { return action_taken; }
+ public void setAction(Action a)
+ {
+ action_taken = a;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public void setSelected(boolean b)
+ { getModel().setSelected(b); }
+ public boolean isSelected()
+ { return getModel().isSelected(); }
+ public Icon getIcon()
+ { return default_icon; }
+ public void setIcon(Icon defaultIcon)
+ {
+ if (default_icon == defaultIcon)
+ return;
+ default_icon = defaultIcon;
+ if (default_icon != null)
+ {
+ // XXX FIXME - icons do not know their parent
+ // default_icon.setParent(this);
+ }
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public String getText()
+ { return text; }
+ public void setLabel(String label)
+ { setText(label); }
+ public String getLabel()
+ { return getText(); }
+ public void setText(String text)
+ {
+ this.text = text;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public Insets getMargin()
+ { return margin; }
+ public void setMargin(Insets m)
+ {
+ margin = m;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public void setEnabled(boolean b)
+ {
+ super.setEnabled(b);
+ getModel().setEnabled(b);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public Icon getPressedIcon()
+ { return pressed_button; }
+ public void setPressedIcon(Icon pressedIcon)
+ {
+ pressed_button = pressedIcon;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public Icon getDisabledIcon()
+ { return disabled_button; }
+ public void setDisabledIcon(Icon disabledIcon)
+ {
+ disabled_button = disabledIcon;
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ public boolean isFocusPainted()
+ { return paint_focus; }
+ public void setFocusPainted(boolean b)
+ {
+ boolean old = paint_focus;
+ paint_focus = b;
+ old,
+ b);
+ if (hasFocus())
+ {
+ revalidate();
+ repaint();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean isFocusTraversable()
+ {
+ //Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected int checkHorizontalKey(int key, String exception)
+ {
+ // Verify that key is a legal value for the horizontalAlignment properties.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ protected int checkVerticalKey(int key, String exception)
+ {
+ // Ensures that the key is a valid.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ protected void configurePropertiesFromAction(Action a)
+ {
+ //Factory method which sets the ActionEvent source's properties according to values from the Action instance.
+ }
+ protected ActionListener createActionListener()
+ {
+ return new ActionListener()
+ {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { }
+ };
+ }
+ protected PropertyChangeListener createActionPropertyChangeListener(Action a)
+ {
+ //Factory method which creates the PropertyChangeListener used to update the ActionEvent source as properties change on its Action instance.
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected ChangeListener createChangeListener()
+ {
+ // Subclasses that want to handle ChangeEvents differently can override this to return another ChangeListener implementation.
+ return new ChangeListener()
+ {
+ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { }
+ };
+ }
+ protected ItemListener createItemListener()
+ {
+ return new ItemListener()
+ {
+ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { }
+ };
+ }
+ public void doClick()
+ {
+ doClick(100);
+ }
+ public void doClick(int pressTime)
+ {
+ //Toolkit.tlkBeep ();
+ //Programmatically perform a "click".
+ }
+ public Icon getDisabledSelectedIcon()
+ {
+ //Returns the icon used by the button when it's disabled and selected.
+ return disabled_selected_button;
+ }
+ public Icon getRolloverIcon()
+ {
+ // Returns the rollover icon for the button.
+ return null;
+ }
+ Icon getRolloverSelectedIcon()
+ {
+ // Returns the rollover selection icon for the button.
+ return null;
+ }
+ Icon getSelectedIcon()
+ {
+ // Returns the selected icon for the button.
+ return selected_button;
+ }
+ public Object[] getSelectedObjects()
+ {
+ //Returns an array (length 1) containing the label or null if the button is not selected.
+ return null;
+ }
+ public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ {
+ //This is overridden to return false if the current Icon's Image is not equal to the passed in Image img.
+ return current_icon == img;
+ }
+ public boolean isContentAreaFilled()
+ {
+ // Checks whether the "content area" of the button should be filled.
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected void paintBorder(Graphics g)
+ {
+ // Paint the button's border if BorderPainted property is true.
+ if (isBorderPainted())
+ super.paintBorder(g);
+ }
+ protected String paramString()
+ {
+ // Returns a string representation of this AbstractButton.
+ return "AbstractButton";
+ }
+ public void setContentAreaFilled(boolean b)
+ {
+ //Sets whether the button should paint the content area or leave it transparent.
+ }
+ public void setDisabledSelectedIcon(Icon disabledSelectedIcon)
+ {
+ // Sets the disabled selection icon for the button.
+ }
+ public void setRolloverIcon(Icon rolloverIcon)
+ {
+ // Sets the rollover icon for the button.
+ }
+ public void setRolloverSelectedIcon(Icon rolloverSelectedIcon)
+ {
+ // Sets the rollover selected icon for the button.
+ }
+ public void setSelectedIcon(Icon selectedIcon)
+ {
+ // Sets the selected icon for the button.
+ }
+ public void setUI(ButtonUI ui)
+ { // Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
+ super.setUI(ui);
+ }
+ public ButtonUI getUI()
+ {
+ //Returns the L&F object that renders this component.
+ return (ButtonUI) ui;
+ }
+ public void updateUI()
+ {
+ /*
+ // Notification from the UIFactory that the L&F has changed.
+ if (getUI() == null)
+ {
+ setUI(getUI());
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ protected void processActionEvent(ActionEvent e)
+ {
+ System.out.println("PROCESS-ACTION-EVENT: " + e);
+ }
+ protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
+ {
+ // System.out.println("PROCESS-MOUSE-EVENT: " + e + ", PRESSED-IN-MODEL="+getModel().isPressed());
+ switch (e.getID())
+ {
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
+ {
+ if (! isEnabled())
+ {
+ System.out.println("button not enabled, ignoring press");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ System.out.println("telling model:press: " + getModel());
+ getModel().setPressed(true);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
+ {
+ if (! isEnabled())
+ {
+ System.out.println("button not enabled, ignoring release");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int flags = 0;
+ System.out.println(" XXX--> " + getActionCommand());
+ fireActionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this,
+ getActionCommand(),
+ flags));
+ //System.out.println("telling model:release");
+ getModel().setPressed(false);
+ repaint();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/ButtonModel.java b/libjava/javax/swing/ButtonModel.java
index 6d6aa7a..ae0c721 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/ButtonModel.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/ButtonModel.java
@@ -76,12 +76,4 @@ public interface ButtonModel extends ItemSelectable
void setSelected(boolean b);
boolean isSelected();
- // there are not in the spec !!
- void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent event);
- void fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent event);
- void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent event);
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/SwingUtilities.java b/libjava/javax/swing/SwingUtilities.java
index a123ad8..a9113f0 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/SwingUtilities.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/SwingUtilities.java
@@ -58,70 +58,71 @@ import javax.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet;
public class SwingUtilities implements SwingConstants
public static FontMetrics getFontMetrics (Font font)
- return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(font);
- }
+ {
+ return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getFontMetrics (font);
+ }
public static JRootPane getRootPane (Component a)
- {
- if (a instanceof JRootPane)
- return (JRootPane) a;
+ {
+ if (a instanceof JRootPane)
+ return (JRootPane) a;
- a = a.getParent();
- if (a != null)
- {
- return getRootPane(a);
- }
+ a = a.getParent();
- return null;
- }
+ if (a != null)
+ {
+ return getRootPane(a);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public static void updateComponentTreeUI(JFrame comp)
- {
- }
+ {
+ }
public static String layoutCompoundLabel(JComponent c,
- FontMetrics fm,
- String text,
- Icon i,
- int vert_a,
- int hor_i,
- int vert_text_pos,
- int hor_text_pos,
- Rectangle vr,
- Rectangle ir,
- Rectangle tr,
- int gap)
- {
- // view rect 'vr' already ok,
- // we need to compute ir (icon rect) and tr (text-rect)
+ FontMetrics fm,
+ String text,
+ Icon i,
+ int vert_a,
+ int hor_i,
+ int vert_text_pos,
+ int hor_text_pos,
+ Rectangle vr,
+ Rectangle ir,
+ Rectangle tr,
+ int gap)
+ {
+ // view rect 'vr' already ok,
+ // we need to compute ir (icon rect) and tr (text-rect)
- int next_x = 0;//vr.x;
- int next_y = 0;//vr.y;
+ int next_x = 0;//vr.x;
+ int next_y = 0;//vr.y;
- ir.height = ir.width = ir.y = ir.x = 0;
+ ir.height = ir.width = ir.y = ir.x = 0;
- if (i != null)
- {
- ir.x = vr.x;
- ir.y = vr.y;
- ir.width = i.getIconWidth();
- ir.height = i.getIconWidth();
+ if (i != null)
+ {
+ ir.x = vr.x;
+ ir.y = vr.y;
+ ir.width = i.getIconWidth();
+ ir.height = i.getIconWidth();
- next_x += gap + i.getIconWidth();
- next_y += gap + i.getIconHeight();
- }
+ next_x += gap + i.getIconWidth();
+ next_y += gap + i.getIconHeight();
+ }
- tr.x = next_x;
- tr.y = vr.y + (vr.height/2);
+ tr.x = next_x;
+ tr.y = vr.y + (vr.height/2);
+ tr.width = fm.stringWidth(text);
+ tr.height = fm.getHeight() + fm.getAscent()/2;
- tr.width = fm.stringWidth(text);
- tr.height = fm.getHeight() + fm.getAscent()/2;
+ return text;
+ }
- return text;
- }
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/UIManager.java b/libjava/javax/swing/UIManager.java
index 556e8ff..7defebd 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/UIManager.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/UIManager.java
@@ -50,131 +50,137 @@ import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
public class UIManager implements Serializable
- static final long serialVersionUID = -5547433830339189365L;
- static class LookAndFeelInfo
- {
- String name, clazz;
+ public static class LookAndFeelInfo
+ {
+ String name, clazz;
- LookAndFeelInfo(String name,
- String clazz)
- {
- this.name = name;
- this.clazz = clazz;
- }
- String getName() { return name; }
- String getClassName() { return clazz; }
+ LookAndFeelInfo(String name,
+ String clazz)
+ {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.clazz = clazz;
- static LookAndFeelInfo [] installed = {
- new LookAndFeelInfo("Metal",
- "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel")
- };
+ String getName() { return name; }
+ String getClassName() { return clazz; }
+ }
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -5547433830339189365L;
+ static LookAndFeelInfo [] installed = {
+ new LookAndFeelInfo ("Metal", "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel")
+ };
+ static LookAndFeel[] aux_installed;
+ static LookAndFeel look_and_feel = new MetalLookAndFeel();
- static LookAndFeel[] aux_installed;
- static LookAndFeel look_and_feel = new MetalLookAndFeel();
+ public UIManager()
+ {
+ // Do nothing here.
+ }
- UIManager()
- {
- }
+ public static void addPropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangeListener listener)
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ }
- public static void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
- {
- // Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
- }
+ public static void removePropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangeListener listener)
+ // Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ }
- public static void addAuxiliaryLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel l)
- {
- // Add a LookAndFeel to the list of auxiliary look and feels.
- if (aux_installed == null)
- {
- aux_installed = new LookAndFeel[1];
- aux_installed[0] = l;
- return;
- }
+ /**
+ * @since 1.4
+ */
+ public static PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners ()
+ {
+ // FIXME
+ throw new Error ("Not implemented");
+ }
+ public static void addAuxiliaryLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel l)
+ {
+ // Add a LookAndFeel to the list of auxiliary look and feels.
+ if (aux_installed == null)
+ {
+ aux_installed = new LookAndFeel[1];
+ aux_installed[0] = l;
+ return;
+ }
- LookAndFeel[] T = new LookAndFeel[ aux_installed.length+1 ];
- System.arraycopy(aux_installed, 0,
- T, 0,
- aux_installed.length);
- aux_installed = T;
- aux_installed[aux_installed.length-1] = l;
- }
+ LookAndFeel[] T = new LookAndFeel[ aux_installed.length+1 ];
+ System.arraycopy(aux_installed, 0, T, 0, aux_installed.length);
+ aux_installed = T;
+ aux_installed[aux_installed.length-1] = l;
+ }
- public static boolean removeAuxiliaryLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel laf)
- {
- if (aux_installed == null)
- return false;
- for (int i=0;i<aux_installed.length;i++)
- {
- if (aux_installed[i] == laf)
- {
- aux_installed[ i ] = aux_installed[aux_installed.length-1];
- LookAndFeel[] T = new LookAndFeel[ aux_installed.length-1 ];
- System.arraycopy(aux_installed, 0,
- T, 0,
- aux_installed.length-1);
- aux_installed = T;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static LookAndFeel[] getAuxiliaryLookAndFeels()
- { return aux_installed; }
+ public static boolean removeAuxiliaryLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel laf)
+ {
+ if (aux_installed == null)
+ return false;
+ for (int i=0;i<aux_installed.length;i++)
+ {
+ if (aux_installed[i] == laf)
+ {
+ aux_installed[ i ] = aux_installed[aux_installed.length-1];
+ LookAndFeel[] T = new LookAndFeel[ aux_installed.length-1 ];
+ System.arraycopy (aux_installed, 0, T, 0, aux_installed.length-1);
+ aux_installed = T;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static LookAndFeel[] getAuxiliaryLookAndFeels()
+ { return aux_installed; }
- public static Object get(Object key)
- { return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key); }
+ public static Object get(Object key)
+ { return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key); }
- /**
- * Returns a border from the defaults table.
- */
- public static Border getBorder(Object key)
- {
- return (Border) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns a border from the defaults table.
+ */
+ public static Border getBorder(Object key)
+ {
+ return (Border) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
+ }
- /**
- * Returns a drawing color from the defaults table.
- */
- public static Color getColor(Object key)
- {
- return (Color) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- }
- /**
- * this string can be passed to Class.forName()
- */
- public static String getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()
- {
- return "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns a drawing color from the defaults table.
+ */
+ public static Color getColor(Object key)
+ {
+ return (Color) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
+ }
- /**
- * Returns the default values for this look and feel.
- */
- static UIDefaults getDefaults()
- {
- return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults();
- }
+ /**
+ * this string can be passed to Class.forName()
+ */
+ public static String getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()
+ {
+ return "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";
+ }
- /**
- * Returns a dimension from the defaults table.
- */
- static Dimension getDimension(Object key)
- {
- System.out.println("UIManager.getDim");
- return new Dimension(200,100);
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns the default values for this look and feel.
+ */
+ static UIDefaults getDefaults()
+ {
+ return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a dimension from the defaults table.
+ */
+ static Dimension getDimension(Object key)
+ {
+ System.out.println("UIManager.getDim");
+ return new Dimension(200,100);
+ }
* Retrieves a font from the defaults table of the current
@@ -189,34 +195,35 @@ public class UIManager implements Serializable
return (Font) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- static Icon getIcon(Object key)
- // Returns an Icon from the defaults table.
- {
- return (Icon) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- }
- static Insets getInsets(Object key)
- // Returns an Insets object from the defaults table.
- {
- return (Insets) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().getInsets(key);
- }
+ static Icon getIcon(Object key)
+ // Returns an Icon from the defaults table.
+ {
+ return (Icon) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
+ }
+ static Insets getInsets(Object key)
+ // Returns an Insets object from the defaults table.
+ {
+ return (Insets) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().getInsets(key);
+ }
- static LookAndFeelInfo[] getInstalledLookAndFeels()
- {
- return installed;
- }
+ static LookAndFeelInfo[] getInstalledLookAndFeels()
+ {
+ return installed;
+ }
- static int getInt(Object key)
- {
- Integer x = (Integer) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- if (x == null)
- return 0;
- return x.intValue();
- }
- static LookAndFeel getLookAndFeel()
- {
- return look_and_feel;
- }
+ static int getInt(Object key)
+ {
+ Integer x = (Integer) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
+ if (x == null)
+ return 0;
+ return x.intValue();
+ }
+ static LookAndFeel getLookAndFeel()
+ {
+ return look_and_feel;
+ }
* Returns the <code>UIDefaults</code> table of the currently active
@@ -227,73 +234,67 @@ public class UIManager implements Serializable
return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults();
+ static String getString(Object key)
+ // Returns a string from the defaults table.
+ {
+ return (String) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
+ }
+ static String getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()
+ // Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class that implements the native systems look and feel if there is one, otherwise the name of the default cross platform LookAndFeel class.
+ {
+ return getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName();
+ }
- static String getString(Object key)
- // Returns a string from the defaults table.
- {
- return (String) getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(key);
- }
- static String getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()
- // Returns the name of the LookAndFeel class that implements the native systems look and feel if there is one, otherwise the name of the default cross platform LookAndFeel class.
- {
- return getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName();
- }
+ public static ComponentUI getUI(JComponent target)
+ // Returns the L&F object that renders the target component.
+ {
+ ComponentUI ui = getDefaults().getUI(target);
+ //System.out.println("GET-UI-> " + ui + ", for " + target);
+ return ui;
+ }
+ public static void installLookAndFeel(String name, String className)
+ // Creates a new look and feel and adds it to the current array.
+ {
+ }
- public static ComponentUI getUI(JComponent target)
- // Returns the L&F object that renders the target component.
- {
- ComponentUI ui = getDefaults().getUI(target);
- //System.out.println("GET-UI-> " + ui + ", for " + target);
- return ui;
- }
+ public static void installLookAndFeel(LookAndFeelInfo info)
+ // Adds the specified look and feel to the current array and then calls setInstalledLookAndFeels(javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[]).
+ {
+ }
+ public static Object put(Object key, Object value)
+ // Stores an object in the defaults table.
+ {
+ return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().put(key,value);
+ }
- public static void installLookAndFeel(String name, String className)
- // Creates a new look and feel and adds it to the current array.
- {
- }
- public static void installLookAndFeel(LookAndFeelInfo info)
- // Adds the specified look and feel to the current array and then calls setInstalledLookAndFeels(javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[]).
- {
- }
- public static Object put(Object key, Object value)
- // Stores an object in the defaults table.
- {
- return getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().put(key,value);
- }
- public static void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
- // Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
- {
- }
- public static void setInstalledLookAndFeels(UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] infos)
- // Replaces the current array of installed LookAndFeelInfos.
- {
- }
- public static void setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel newLookAndFeel)
- {
- if (look_and_feel != null)
- look_and_feel.uninitialize();
+ public static void setInstalledLookAndFeels(UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] infos)
+ // Replaces the current array of installed LookAndFeelInfos.
+ {
+ }
+ public static void setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel newLookAndFeel)
+ {
+ if (look_and_feel != null)
+ look_and_feel.uninitialize();
- // Set the current default look and feel using a LookAndFeel object.
- look_and_feel = newLookAndFeel;
- look_and_feel.initialize();
+ // Set the current default look and feel using a LookAndFeel object.
+ look_and_feel = newLookAndFeel;
+ look_and_feel.initialize();
- // revalidate();
- // repaint();
- }
- public static void setLookAndFeel(String className)
- throws ClassNotFoundException,
- InstantiationException,
- IllegalAccessException,
- UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
- {
- // Set the current default look and feel using a class name.
- Class c = Class.forName(className);
- LookAndFeel a = (LookAndFeel) c.newInstance(); // throws class-cast-exception
- setLookAndFeel(a);
- }
+ //revalidate();
+ //repaint();
+ }
+ public static void setLookAndFeel (String className)
+ throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
+ UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
+ {
+ // Set the current default look and feel using a class name.
+ Class c = Class.forName(className);
+ LookAndFeel a = (LookAndFeel) c.newInstance(); // throws class-cast-exception
+ setLookAndFeel(a);
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/colorchooser/DefaultColorSelectionModel.java b/libjava/javax/swing/colorchooser/DefaultColorSelectionModel.java
index 1aa51fd..43df7ed 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/colorchooser/DefaultColorSelectionModel.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/colorchooser/DefaultColorSelectionModel.java
@@ -52,90 +52,90 @@ import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
public class DefaultColorSelectionModel
implements ColorSelectionModel, Serializable
- static final long serialVersionUID = 580150227676302096L;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Variables --------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * changeEvent
- */
- protected transient ChangeEvent changeEvent;
- /**
- * listenerList
- */
- protected EventListenerList listenerList;
- /**
- * selectedColor
- */
- private Color selectedColor;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialization ---------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructor DefaultColorSelectionModel
- */
- public DefaultColorSelectionModel() {
- // TODO
- } // DefaultColorSelectionModel()
- /**
- * Constructor DefaultColorSelectionModel
- * @param color TODO
- */
- public DefaultColorSelectionModel(Color color) {
- // TODO
- } // DefaultColorSelectionModel()
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // Methods ----------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * getSelectedColor
- * @returns Color
- */
- public Color getSelectedColor() {
- return null; // TODO
- } // getSelectedColor()
- /**
- * setSelectedColor
- * @param color TODO
- */
- public void setSelectedColor(Color color) {
- // TODO
- } // setSelectedColor()
- /**
- * addChangeListener
- * @param listener TODO
- */
- public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
- // TODO
- } // addChangeListener()
- /**
- * removeChangeListener
- * @param listener TODO
- */
- public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
- // TODO
- } // removeChangeListener()
- /**
- * fireStateChanged
- */
- protected void fireStateChanged() {
- // TODO
- } // fireStateChanged()
-} // DefaultColorSelectionModel
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8117143602864778804L;
+ private Color selectedColor;
+ protected transient ChangeEvent changeEvent = new ChangeEvent (this);
+ protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList ();
+ /**
+ * Creates a new color selection model.
+ */
+ public DefaultColorSelectionModel()
+ {
+ this (Color.white);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new color selection model with a given selected color.
+ *
+ * @param color The selected color.
+ */
+ public DefaultColorSelectionModel (Color color)
+ {
+ super();
+ this.selectedColor = color;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the selected color.
+ *
+ * @return The selected color.
+ */
+ public Color getSelectedColor()
+ {
+ return selectedColor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param color The color to set.
+ */
+ public void setSelectedColor (Color color)
+ {
+ this.selectedColor = color;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a listener to this model.
+ *
+ * @param listener The listener to add.
+ */
+ public void addChangeListener (ChangeListener listener)
+ {
+ listenerList.add (ChangeListener.class, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes a listener from this model.
+ *
+ * @param listener The listener to remove.
+ */
+ public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener listener)
+ {
+ listenerList.remove (ChangeListener.class, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all currently added <code>ChangeListener</code> objects.
+ *
+ * @return Array of <code>ChangeListener</code> objects.
+ */
+ public ChangeListener[] getChangeListeners()
+ {
+ return (ChangeListener[]) listenerList.getListeners (ChangeListener.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls all the <code>stateChanged()</code> method of all added
+ * <code>ChangeListener</code> objects with <code>changeEvent</code>
+ * as argument.
+ */
+ protected void fireStateChanged()
+ {
+ ChangeListener[] listeners = getChangeListeners();
+ for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
+ listeners [i].stateChanged (changeEvent);
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.java b/libjava/javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.java
index c617393..d62be28 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/event/AncestorEvent.java
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public class AncestorEvent extends AWTEvent
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8079801679695605002L;
- public static final int ANCESTOR_ADDED = 0;
- public static final int ANCESTOR_MOVED = 1;
+ public static final int ANCESTOR_ADDED = 1;
public static final int ANCESTOR_REMOVED = 2;
+ public static final int ANCESTOR_MOVED = 3;
private JComponent sourceComponent;
private Container ancestor;
diff --git a/libjava/javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.java b/libjava/javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.java
index 15d12f2..863fd29 100644
--- a/libjava/javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.java
+++ b/libjava/javax/swing/event/InternalFrameEvent.java
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class InternalFrameEvent extends AWTEvent
* Internal frame iconified event
- public static final int INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED = 2552;
+ public static final int INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED = 25552;
* Internal frame last event
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class InternalFrameEvent extends AWTEvent
* Internal frame opened event
- public static final int INTERNAL_FRAME_OPENED = 25550;
+ public static final int INTERNAL_FRAME_OPENED = 25549;
* Creates a <code>JInternalFrameEvent</code> object.