path: root/libjava/classpath/java
diff options
authorAndrew John Hughes <gandalf@gcc.gnu.org>2010-10-12 15:55:12 +0000
committerAndrew John Hughes <gandalf@gcc.gnu.org>2010-10-12 15:55:12 +0000
commit729530c035d094bc047f0a0802db5bf3bfdca197 (patch)
treeed04a07a98f6d83830e25c996a838f7e5b3b109b /libjava/classpath/java
parent533f611ac4e730dab4b7c0439093f48f2b89f805 (diff)
GNU Classpath import (libgcj-snapshot-20100921).
2010-10-12 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> Import GNU Classpath (libgcj-snapshot-20100921). * libjava/Makefile.in: Regenerated. * libjava/javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.h, * libjava/javax/swing/text/html/MinimalHTMLWriter.h, * libjava/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLWriter.h, * libjava/javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.h, * libjava/javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.h, * libjava/javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.h, * libjava/javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.h, * libjava/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KeyImpl.h, * libjava/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.h: Regenerated. * libjava/classpath/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/depcomp, * libjava/classpath/scripts/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/resource/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/tools/Makefile.in: Regenerated. Use libtool from top-level config directory. * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/StringToolkit.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/java2xhtml/Java2xhtml.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/java2xhtml/Java2xhtml$State.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/IOToolkit.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$3.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$5.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$7.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$9.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$OptionProcessor.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ResolvedImportClassFile.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$21.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocProxy.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$23.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/BlockSourceComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DirectoryTree$FileNode.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$25.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/IgnoredFileParseException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TextTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Parser$Context.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/InheritDocTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/FunctionComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AdditionExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/TypeCastExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/SubtractionExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Type.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryEqualityExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/InclusiveOrExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NegateExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/GreaterThanExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantDouble.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/EqualExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantChar.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ExclusiveOrExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantBoolean.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryBitwiseExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalOrExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Evaluator.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryRelationExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryShiftExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/DivisionExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantInteger.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftLeftExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantShort.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantLong.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalNotExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/GreaterThanOrEqualExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantByte.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalAndExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/MultiplicationExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnaryExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantFloat.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ModuloExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantString.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnknownIdentifierException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AndExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConditionalExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Context.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantNull.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryComputationExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BitShiftRightExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanOrEqualExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftRightExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryLogicalExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/IdentifierExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/CircularExpressionException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/IllegalExpressionException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotEqualExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantExpression.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ResolvedImportNotFound.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParamTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Timer.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SourceComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/CommentComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ResolvedImportReflectionPackage.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/StaticBlockComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ValueTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SeeTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$11.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$13.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ConstructorDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$15.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TemporaryStore.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ResolvedImportReflectionClass.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$17.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/BracketClose.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$19.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParameterImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ArrayCharacterIterator.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ScheduledClass.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/FieldComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl$ResolvedImportPackageFile.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$2.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TimerDoclet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SlashSlashCommentComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ErrorReporter.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$4.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$6.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/PackageComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/MemberDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$8.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ExecutableMemberDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Parser$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DirectoryTree.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Debug.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/MethodDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ProgramElementDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$20.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocReflectedImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/FieldDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$22.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$24.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TimerDoclet$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/PackageDocImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ThrowsTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/EmptyStatementComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/LinkTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/AbstractTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParseException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$10.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$12.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Parser.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Whitespace.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$14.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ImportComponent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$16.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$18.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SerialFieldTagImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SourcePositionImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/JavadocWrapper.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeVariableImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/NotifyingInputStreamReader.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/MethodHelper.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/GcjhMain.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniStubPrinter.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniIncludePrinter.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/PathOptionGroup.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Keywords.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniPrintStream.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniStubPrinter.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Main.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniPrintStream.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/ClassWrapper.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$3.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/HashFinder.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$4.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$5.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/ClassRmicCompiler$MethodRef.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/WrapUnWrapper.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$6.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$7.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$8.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$9.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Generator.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/GiopIo.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/MethodGenerator.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmiMethodGenerator.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceRmicCompiler.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Variables.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/ClassRmicCompiler.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/CompilationError.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$10.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$11.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$12.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$13.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$14.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$15.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$16.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$17.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$18.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RMICException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main$2.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer$2.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer$3.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputEvent.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/debugdoclet/DebugDoclet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletConfigurationException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$InterfaceRelation.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$DocletOptionTag.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/TargetContext.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/OutputFileInfo.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletOptions.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTranslet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTranslet$DocErrorReporterOutputStream.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletConfigurationException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/JarClassLoader.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver1_4.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver$UsageType.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver$NullErrorReporter.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer$TagInfo.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionColonSeparated.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$DocletOptionTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionPackageWildcard.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$UsageType.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionString.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/CssClass.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlPage.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/ExternalDocSet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet$1.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet$2.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet$3.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet$TreeNode.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlTagletContext.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InvalidPackageWildcardException.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFlag.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageMatcher.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/StandardTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFile.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOption.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$IndexKey.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$DocletOptionGroup.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet$DocletOptionTagletPath.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageGroup.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/FileSystemClassLoader$JarStreamInfo.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/FileSystemClassLoader$FileStreamInfo.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CodeTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GenericTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/ValueTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet$EmailReplacement.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/DeprecatedTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/SinceTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/TagletContext.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/VersionTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CopyrightTaglet.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/FileSystemClassLoader.class, * libjava/classpath/tools/classes/com/sun/tools/javadoc/Main.class: Regenerated. * libjava/classpath/doc/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/doc/api/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/doc/texinfo.tex, * libjava/classpath/external/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/external/jsr166/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/external/sax/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/external/w3c_dom/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/external/relaxngDatatype/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/include/Makefile.in: Regenerated. * libjava/classpath/m4/lib-prefix.m4, * libjava/classpath/m4/lib-link.m4, * libjava/classpath/m4/lib-ld.m4: Removed. * libjava/classpath/native/jni/classpath/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/gstreamer-peer/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/midi-dssi/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/gconf-peer/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-io/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/native-lib/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/native-lib/cpnet.c, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-util/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-lang/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/midi-alsa/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-nio/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-net/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/java-math/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/xmlj/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/qt-peer/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jni/gtk-peer/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/jawt/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/fdlibm/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/native/plugin/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/lib/java/util/regex/Matcher.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/java/util/TreeMap$3.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/java/util/Scanner.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantActivatorStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantLocatorStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA/portable/InputStream.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA/portable/Delegate.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA/LocalObject.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/InputStream.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/OutputStream.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynSequenceStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynValueStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynStructStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynEnumStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynArrayStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyFactoryStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynUnionStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynFixedStub.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/org/ietf/jgss/GSSManager.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/NamespaceImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/XIncludeFilter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/FilteredStreamReader.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventFactoryImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventAllocatorImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriterImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/java/locale/LocaleData.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/Selector.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest$RequestWriter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppResponse$ResponseReader.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterDriverInstaller.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/CharsetConfigured.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/NaturalLanguageConfigured.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/MultipleOperationTimeOut.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterCurrentTime.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/DocumentFormat.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterUpTime.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterStateMessage.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrintQualitySupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrinterResolutionSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/SidesSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MultipleDocumentJobsSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PageRangesSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/OrientationRequestedSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MediaSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/IppVersionsSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/OperationsSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/JobSheetsSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/DocumentFormatSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/UriSecuritySupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/GeneratedNaturalLanguageSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/CharsetSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/JobHoldUntilSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/UriAuthenticationSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/FinishingsSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/CompressionSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrinterUriSupported.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobSheetsDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/DocumentFormatDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrinterResolutionDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/SidesDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobPriorityDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobHoldUntilDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/NumberUpDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/OrientationRequestedDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MediaDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MultipleDocumentHandlingDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/FinishingsDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/CopiesDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrintQualityDefault.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/UnknownAttribute.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DetailedStatusMessage.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobPrinterUri.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesCharset.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobStateMessage.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesNaturalLanguage.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDetailedStatusMessages.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobId.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDocumentAccessErrors.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobMoreInfo.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobUri.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/RequestedAttributes.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/StatusMessage.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DocumentAccessError.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppUtilities.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppPrintService.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppResponse.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/VariableHeightLayoutCache.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode$PostorderEnumeration.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode$BreadthFirstEnumeration.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode$PreorderEnumeration.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/tree/FixedHeightLayoutCache.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet$BoxPainter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLWriter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/TableView$RowView.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/MultiAttributeSet$MultiNameEnumeration.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/MultiStyle.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/ImageView.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/TableView$CellView.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/MultiAttributeSet.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/ImageView$1.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet$ListPainter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/TableView.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/ObjectView.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/text/html/MinimalHTMLWriter.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/undo/UndoableEditSupport.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/swing/undo/StateEdit.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.class, * libjava/classpath/lib/javax/security/auth/kerberos/KeyImpl.class, * libjava/classpath/missing, * libjava/classpath/aclocal.m4, * libjava/classpath/examples/Makefile.in, * libjava/classpath/install-sh, * libjava/gnu/xml/stream/FilteredStreamReader.h, * libjava/gnu/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriterImpl.h, * libjava/gnu/xml/stream/NamespaceImpl.h, * libjava/gnu/xml/stream/XIncludeFilter.h, * libjava/gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/Selector.h, * libjava/gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/RequestedAttributes.h, * libjava/sources.am: Regenerated. 2010-05-27 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * configure.ac: Disable plugin by default and warn about unmaintained status when enabled. 2010-05-04 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * configure.ac: Call AC_PROG_JAVA_WORKS and AC_PROG_JAVAC_WORKS in place of AC_PROG_JAVA and AC_PROG_JAVAC respectively, as this is the real test we want. * m4/ac_prog_java.m4: (AC_PROG_JAVA): Don't include AC_PROG_JAVA_WORKS. * m4/ac_prog_java_works.m4: (AC_PROG_JAVA_WORKS): Require AC_PROG_JAVA and be defined only once. Require AC_PROG_JAVAC_WORKS for compilation of test class. Remove inclusion of AC_PROG_JAVAC. (AC_TRY_COMPILE_JAVA): Require AC_PROG_JAVAC_WORKS rather than AC_PROG_JAVAC. Be defined only once. * m4/ac_prog_javac.m: (AC_PROG_JAVAC): Be defined only once. Don't include AC_PROG_JAVAC_WORKS. * m4/ac_prog_javac_works.m4: (AC_PROG_JAVAC_WORKS): Be defined only once. Require AC_PROG_JAVAC. 2010-05-04 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * lib/gen-classlist.sh.in: Use absolute pathnames for all the directory names in the output file. 2010-05-04 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * m4/ac_prog_javac.m4: Capture all output from javac --version to avoid excess output. Make sure no appears when javac is not gcj. 2010-05-04 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * configure.ac: Add output to GMP directory detection and only perform when compiling GMP. 2010-05-04 Mike Stump <mikestump@comcast.net> * configure.ac: Allow prefix, libdir and includedir of GMP to be specified via --with-gmp, --with-gmp-include and --with-gmp-lib. 2010-04-28 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppPrintService.java: (printerAttr): Add generic typing. (printServiceAttributeListener): Likewise. (flavors): Likewise. (printerUris): Likewise. (IppPrintService(URI uri, String username, String password)): Use generic types in initialising listener set. (getPrinterAttributes()): Add generic types. Remove cast. (getPrinterAttributeSet(Class<T>)): Return a set containing attributes of type T. Now creates a new set and checks that all elements of the original set can be cast and added to this new set. (getPrinterDefaultAttribute(Class<? extends Attribute>)): Add generic types. (processResponse()): Add generic types. (getAttribute(Class<T>)): Use generic types corresponding to parent interface. (getSupportedAttributeCategories()): Use generic types. (getSupportedAttributeValues()): Likewise. (handleSupportedAttributeValuesResponse(IppResponse,Class<? extends Attribute>)): Likewise. (isAttributeCategorySupported(Class<? extends Attribute>)): Likewise. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppResponse.java: (parseResponse(InputStream)): Use generic types. (parseAttributes(Map<Class<? extends Attribute>, Set<Attribute>, DataInputStream)): Likewise. (addAttribute(Map<Class<? extends Attribute>, Set<Attribute>>, Attribute): Likewise. (IppResponse(URI, short)): Create lists with appropriate type parameters. (getJobAttributes()): Use generic return type. (getOperationAttributes()): Likewise. (getPrinterAttributes()): Likewise. (getUnsupportedAttributes()): Likewise. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/CompressionSupported.java: (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/FinishingsSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/JobSheetsSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MediaSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/OrientationRequestedSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrintQualitySupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrinterResolutionSupported.java, (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<Attribute>)): Use superclass Attribute as set type parameter and cast when looping over it. 2010-04-28 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppUtilities.java: (INTEGER_CLASS_ARRAY): Use generic typing. (TEXT_CLASS_ARRAY): Likewise. (classesByName): Likewise. (instanceByClass): Likewise. (getClass(String)): Remove cast. Return generic type. (getSupportedAttrName(Class<? extends Attribute>)): Remove cast. Add generic type to parameter. (getSupportedCategory(Class<?> extends Attribute>)): Likewise. (getEnumAttribute(String,Object)): Add missing generic types on Class. (getIntegerAttribute(String,int)): Likewise and on Constructor. (getTextAttribute(String,byte,byte[])): Likewise. 2010-04-27 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest.java: (write(RequestedAttributes)): Fix for change in return value of RequestedAttributes.getValues(). * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DetailedStatusMessage.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DocumentAccessError.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/RequestedAttributes.java: (RequestedAttributes()): Use appropriate generic type with attributes ArrayList. (getValues()): Return an array-based snapshot of the current state of attributes rather than providing direct mutable access to it. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/StatusMessage.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/UnknownAttribute.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/CopiesDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/DocumentFormatDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/FinishingsDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobHoldUntilDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobPriorityDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobSheetsDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MediaDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MultipleDocumentHandlingDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/NumberUpDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/OrientationRequestedDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrintQualityDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrinterResolutionDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/SidesDefault.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesCharset.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesNaturalLanguage.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDetailedStatusMessages.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDocumentAccessErrors.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobId.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobMoreInfo.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobPrinterUri.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobStateMessage.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobUri.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/CharsetConfigured.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/DocumentFormat.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/MultipleOperationTimeOut.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/NaturalLanguageConfigured.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterCurrentTime.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterDriverInstaller.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterStateMessage.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterUpTime.java: (getCategory()): Fix return value. 2010-04-27 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/CupsIppOperation.java, * gnu/javax/print/CupsMediaMapping.java, * gnu/javax/print/CupsPrintService.java, * gnu/javax/print/CupsPrintServiceLookup.java, * gnu/javax/print/CupsServer.java, * gnu/javax/print/PrintAttributeException.java, * gnu/javax/print/PrintFlavorException.java, * gnu/javax/print/PrintUriException.java, * gnu/javax/print/PrinterDialog.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/DocPrintJobImpl.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppDelimiterTag.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppException.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppMultiDocPrintService.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppResponse.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppStatusCode.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppUtilities.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppValueTag.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/MultiDocPrintJobImpl.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/CharsetSyntax.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DefaultValueAttribute.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DetailedStatusMessage.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/DocumentAccessError.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/NaturalLanguageSyntax.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/RequestedAttributes.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/StatusMessage.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/UnknownAttribute.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/CopiesDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/DocumentFormatDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/FinishingsDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobHoldUntilDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobPriorityDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/JobSheetsDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MediaDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/MultipleDocumentHandlingDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/NumberUpDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/OrientationRequestedDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrintQualityDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/PrinterResolutionDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/defaults/SidesDefault.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesCharset.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/AttributesNaturalLanguage.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDetailedStatusMessages.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobDocumentAccessErrors.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobId.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobMoreInfo.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobPrinterUri.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobStateMessage.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/job/JobUri.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/CharsetConfigured.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/DocumentFormat.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/MultipleOperationTimeOut.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/NaturalLanguageConfigured.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterCurrentTime.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterDriverInstaller.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterStateMessage.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/printer/PrinterUpTime.java: Normalise whitespace; replace tabs with spaces and removing trailing whitespace. 2010-04-27 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppPrintService.java: Fix whitespace. Use correct generic type for printerAttr map. (getPrinterAttributeSet(Class<? extends Attribute>)): Add appropriate generic type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/CharsetSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/CompressionSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<CompressionSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/DocumentFormatSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/FinishingsSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<FinishingsSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/GeneratedNaturalLanguageSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/IppVersionsSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/JobHoldUntilSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/JobSheetsSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<JobSheetsSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MediaSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<MediaSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported.java: Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<MultipleDocumentHandlingSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/MultipleDocumentJobsSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/OperationsSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/OrientationRequestedSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<OrientationRequestedSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PageRangesSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrintQualitySupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<PrintQualitySupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrinterResolutionSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. (getAssociatedAttributeArray(Set<PrinterResolutionSupported>)): Add generic type to set and use for-each loop. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/PrinterUriSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/SidesSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/UriAuthenticationSupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/attribute/supported/UriSecuritySupported.java, Fix whitespace. (getCategory()): Fix return type. 2010-04-27 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList.java: Fix for empty list. 2010-04-27 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppResponse.java (parseAttributes): Handle IppValueTag.UNKNOWN. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest.java (writeOperationAttributes): Handle RequestedAttributes. * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppPrintService.java (processResponse): Add DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE and DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE. 2010-03-01 Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE> PR libgcj/38251 * tools/Makefile.am (dist-hook): Prune .svn directories in asm and classes copies. * tools/Makefile.in: Regenerate. Revert: 2008-11-05 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * tools/Makefile.am (UPDATE_TOOLS_ZIP, CREATE_TOOLS_ZIP): Exclude .svn direcories. 2010-01-30 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * doc/www.gnu.org/home.wml: Add newer JAPI results. 2010-01-30 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> PR classpath/41686 * javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosTicket.java: Fix formatting. (toString()): Add full implementation. (getSessionKeyType()): Implemented. * javax/security/auth/kerberos/KeyImpl.java: (toString()): Implemented. 2010-01-30 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * autogen.sh: Allow libtool 2.* through. * configure.ac: Updated via autoupdate. * m4/lib-ld.m4, * m4/lib-link.m4, * m4/lib-prefix.m4: Drop old libtool macros which result in build failure. 2010-01-18 Andreas Tobler <andreast@fgznet.ch> * tools/Makefile.am (GJDOC_EX): Use find -name pattern -prune -o. * tools/Makefile.in: Regenerate. 2010-01-12 Jeroen Frijters <jeroen@frijters.net> * java/util/zip/Inflater. java (inflate(byte[],int,int)): Fix for #41696. 2009-11-18 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * java/util/TreeMap.java (anonymous class.size()): Debogosify. anonymous class.clear(): Likewise. 2009-10-22 Andrew Haley <aph@redhat.com> * native/jni/native-lib/cpnet.c (cpnet_addMembership): Fix aliasing warning. (cpnet_dropMembership): Likewise. 2009-10-22 Richard Guenther <rguenther@suse.de> PR cp-tools/39177 * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Creator.java (writeCommandLineEntries): Do not use uninitialized manifest. * tools/classes/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Creator.class: Re-generated. 2009-07-08 Chris Burdess <dog@gnu.org> PR xml/40663: * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.java: Update API to match final version of StAX. * javax/xml/stream/util/ReaderDelegate.java: Removed. * javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.java: Added (renamed from ReaderDelegate) * gnu/xml/stream/FilteredStreamReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/NamespaceImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XIncludeFilter.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventAllocatorImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventFactoryImpl.java: Update implementation to match final version of StAX API. 2009-07-06 Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude@laposte.net> PR xml/40653: * gnu/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriterImpl.java: Weaken testing of namespace prefix to match reference implementation and spec. 2009-07-07 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> PR classpath/40630 * java/util/Scanner.java: (myCoreNext(boolean, Pattern)): Set tmp2 to null if the string is empty (i.e. we are at the end of the file). * java/util/regex/Matcher.java: (toMatchResult()): Check that match is non-null before attempting to clone it. 2009-07-07 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * java/util/Scanner.java, * java/util/regex/Matcher.java: Replace tab characters with spaces. 2009-03-29 Mark Wielaard <mark@klomp.org> * doc/www.gnu.org/faq/faq.wml: Fix link to cp-hacking.html. 2009-03-29 Mark Wielaard <mark@klomp.org> * m4/ac_prog_antlr.m4: Check whether ANTLR_JAR is empty. 2009-03-26 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> PR classpath/39408: * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/ClassWrapper.java: (linkSupers()): Make package-private. * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniIncludePrinter.java: (writeFields(ClassWrapper, JniPrintStream)): Link in data from superclass before searching for fields. 2009-03-20 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/ClassWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniPrintStream.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniStubPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/GcjhMain.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniIncludePrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniPrintStream.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniStubPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Keywords.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/MethodHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/PathOptionGroup.java: Fix generic issues in gjavah. 2009-03-17 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/FileSystemClassLoader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver1_4.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/TargetContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/OutputFileInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ErrorReporter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TemporaryStore.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/WritableType.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CopyrightTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/DeprecatedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GenericTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/SinceTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/VersionTaglet.java: Switch to UNIX line endings. 2009-03-17 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * tools/com/sun/tools/javadoc/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/FileSystemClassLoader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/IOToolkit.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputEvent.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputListener.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/NotifyingInputStreamReader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/StringToolkit.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOption.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionColonSeparated.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFile.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFlag.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionPackageWildcard.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionString.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InlineTagRenderer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InvalidPackageWildcardException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageGroup.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageMatcher.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/StandardTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/TagletPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/debugdoclet/DebugDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/CssClass.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/ExternalDocSet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlPage.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlTagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver1_4.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/TargetContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTranslet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletOptions.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/JarClassLoader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/OutputFileInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/AbstractTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ArrayCharacterIterator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocProxy.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocReflectedImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ConstructorDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Debug.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DirectoryTree.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ErrorReporter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ExecutableMemberDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/FieldDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/GjdocPackageDoc.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/GjdocRootDoc.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/InheritDocTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/JavadocWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/LinkTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/MemberDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/MethodDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/PackageDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParamTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParameterImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ParseException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Parser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ProgramElementDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/RootDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SeeTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SerialFieldTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SourcePositionImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagContainer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TemporaryStore.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TextTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ThrowsTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Timer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TimerDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeVariableImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ValueTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/WritableType.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AdditionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryBitwiseExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryComputationExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryEqualityExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryLogicalExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryRelationExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryShiftExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BitShiftRightExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/CircularExpressionException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConditionalExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantBoolean.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantByte.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantChar.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantDouble.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantFloat.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantInteger.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantLong.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantNull.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantShort.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ConstantString.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Context.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/DivisionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/EqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Evaluator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/EvaluatorEnvironment.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ExclusiveOrExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Expression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/GreaterThanExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/GreaterThanOrEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/IdentifierExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/IllegalExpressionException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/InclusiveOrExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanOrEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalAndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalNotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalOrExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ModuloExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/MultiplicationExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NegateExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftLeftExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftRightExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/SubtractionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Type.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/TypeCastExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnaryExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnknownIdentifierException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/java2xhtml/Java2xhtml.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/ClassRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/CompilationError.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Generator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/GiopIo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/HashFinder.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/MethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RMICException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmiMethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmicBackend.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Variables.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/WrapUnWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CodeTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CopyrightTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/DeprecatedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GenericTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GnuExtendedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/SinceTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/TagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/ValueTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/VersionTaglet.java: Fix license headers to GPLv2+Classpath exception. 2009-03-09 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/Selector.java: Use CPStringBuilder. Use typed list of maps rather than an array for type safety. * javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit.java, * javax/swing/text/html/HTMLWriter.java: Add generic typing where appropriate. * javax/swing/text/html/ImageView.java: Remove unused AttributeSet variables. * javax/swing/text/html/MinimalHTMLWriter.java: Switch to an ArrayDeque to avoid unnecessary internal synchronisation on a private variable. Add generic typing. * javax/swing/text/html/MultiAttributeSet.java: Add generic typing. * javax/swing/text/html/MultiStyle.java: Add generic typing, make class package-private as not part of the standard classes. * javax/swing/text/html/ObjectView.java, * javax/swing/text/html/StyleSheet.java: Add generic typing. * javax/swing/text/html/TableView.java: Remove unused variable. * javax/swing/tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode.java: Add generic typing, mute warnings where necessary. * javax/swing/tree/FixedHeightLayoutCache.java: Add generic typing. * javax/swing/tree/TreeNode.java: Mute warnings where necessary. * javax/swing/tree/VariableHeightLayoutCache.java, * javax/swing/undo/StateEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/UndoableEditSupport.java, * org/ietf/jgss/GSSManager.java: Add generic typing. 2009-02-14 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * org/omg/CORBA/LocalObject.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/InputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/InputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/OutputStream.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyFactoryStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynArrayStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynEnumStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynFixedStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynSequenceStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynStructStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynUnionStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynValueStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantActivatorStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantLocatorStub.java: Turn off warnings where Class is used; forced to use raw type for API compatibility. 2009-02-06 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * NEWS: Add stub for 0.99. * configure.ac: Bump to 0.99. * doc/www.gnu.org/announce/20090205.wml, * doc/www.gnu.org/downloads/downloads.wml, * doc/www.gnu.org/newsitems.txt: Update website. 2009-02-05 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * NEWS: Add VM updates. From-SVN: r165383
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/java')
4 files changed, 451 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/util/Scanner.java b/libjava/classpath/java/util/Scanner.java
index cc39f19..59c4cc0 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/util/Scanner.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/util/Scanner.java
@@ -64,30 +64,30 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author E0327023 Hernadi Laszlo
- */
-public class Scanner
+public class Scanner
implements Iterator <String>
- private static final String NOT_LONG = "\" is not a long"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String NOT_LONG = "\" is not a long"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String ERR_PREFIX = "\""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String ERR_PREFIX = "\""; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String NOT_INT = "\" is not an integer"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String NOT_INT = "\" is not an integer"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String NOT_DOUBLE = "\" is not a double"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String NOT_DOUBLE = "\" is not a double"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String NOT_BYTE = "\" is not a byte"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String NOT_BYTE = "\" is not a byte"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String NOT_BOOLEAN = "\" is not a boolean"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String NOT_BOOLEAN = "\" is not a boolean"; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String IS_NOT = "\" is not "; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String IS_NOT = "\" is not "; //$NON-NLS-1$
- private static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN_S = "\\p{javaWhitespace}+"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN_S = "\\p{javaWhitespace}+"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final Pattern DEFAULT_PATTERN =
Pattern.compile (DEFAULT_PATTERN_S);
- private static final String BIG_INTEGER = "BigInteger"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final String BIG_INTEGER = "BigInteger"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final static String NEW_LINE =
System.getProperty ("line.separator");
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public class Scanner
* The current locale.
- *
+ *
* @see #useLocale(Locale)
* @see #locale()
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public class Scanner
* <source> null </source>.
private Readable readableSource = null;
* A ReadableByteChannel source if a Constructor with a ReadableByteChannel source is called,
* otherwise it stays <source> null </source>.
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Indicates if the close() method was called.
private boolean isClosed = false;
* For performance reasons the last Found is saved, if a hasNextXXX method was called.
@@ -247,21 +247,21 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner with the given File as source.
* {@link #Scanner(InputStream, String)} is called with <code> null </code> as charsetName.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The File to use as source.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* If the file is not found an Exception is thrown.
- public Scanner (final File source) throws FileNotFoundException // TESTED
+ public Scanner (final File source) throws FileNotFoundException // TESTED
this (source, null);
* Constructs a new Scanner with the given File as source. <br>
* {@link #Scanner(InputStream, String)} is called with the given charsetName.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The File to use as source.
* @param charsetName
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public class Scanner
* If the file is not found an Exception is thrown.
public Scanner (final File source,
- final String charsetName) throws FileNotFoundException
+ final String charsetName) throws FileNotFoundException
this (new FileInputStream (source), charsetName);
@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner with the given inputStream. <br>
* {@link #Scanner(InputStream, String)} is called with <code> null </code> as charsetName.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The InputStream to use as source.
- public Scanner (final InputStream source) // TESTED
+ public Scanner (final InputStream source) // TESTED
this (source, null);
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner with the InputSream and a charsetName. Afterwards the Buffer is
* filled.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The InputStream to use as source.
* @param charsetName
@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ public class Scanner
this.charsetName = charsetName;
myFillBuffer ();
* Constructs a new Scanner with a Readable input as source.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The Readable to use as source.
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner with a ReadableByteChannel as
* source. Therfore the {@link #Scanner(ReadableByteChannel,
* String)} is called with <code> null </code> as charsetName.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The ReadableByteChannel to use as source.
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner with a ReadableByteChannel as source and
* a given charsetName, which is to be applied on it. <br> It also
* initiates the main Buffer.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The ReadableByteChannel to use as source.
* @param charsetName
@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ public class Scanner
* Constructs a new Scanner using the given String as input only.
- *
+ *
* @param source
* The whole String to be used as source.
- public Scanner (final String source) // TESTED
+ public Scanner (final String source) // TESTED
this.actBuffer = new String (source);
this.myMatcher.reset (this.actBuffer);
@@ -364,14 +364,14 @@ public class Scanner
* the Scanner is closed, all searches will lead to a {@link
* IllegalStateException}.
- public void close ()
+ public void close ()
if (this.bIS != null)
- this.bIS.close ();
+ this.bIS.close ();
if (this.rbcSource != null)
- this.rbcSource.close ();
+ this.rbcSource.close ();
this.isClosed = true;
catch (IOException ioe)
@@ -382,17 +382,17 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the current delimiter.
- *
+ *
* @return the current delimiter.
- public Pattern delimiter () // TESTED
+ public Pattern delimiter () // TESTED
return this.p;
* Tries to find the pattern in the current line.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern which should be searched in the
* current line of the input.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -400,31 +400,31 @@ public class Scanner
* @return If the search was successful, the result or otherwise a
* {@link NoSuchElementException} is thrown.
- public String findInLine (final Pattern pattern) throws NoSuchElementException // TESTED
+ public String findInLine (final Pattern pattern) throws NoSuchElementException // TESTED
String tmpStr = myNextLine (false);
return myFindPInStr (pattern, tmpStr, 0);
* Compiles the given pattern into a {@link Pattern} and calls
* {@link #findInLine(Pattern)} with the compiled pattern and
* returns whatever it returns.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* The pattern which should be matched in the input.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If the pattern was not found.
* @return The match in the current line.
- public String findInLine (final String pattern) // TESTED
+ public String findInLine (final String pattern) // TESTED
return findInLine (Pattern.compile (pattern));
* Trys to match the pattern within the given horizon.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* Pattern to search.
* @param horizon
@@ -439,12 +439,12 @@ public class Scanner
if (horizon < 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException (horizon + " is negative");
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException (horizon + " is negative");
if (this.isClosed)
- throw new IllegalStateException ("Scanner is closed");
+ throw new IllegalStateException ("Scanner is closed");
// doSkipp is set true to get the matching patern together with the found String
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (rc != null)
- this.actPos += rc.length ();
+ this.actPos += rc.length ();
return rc;
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Compile the pattern and call {@link #findWithinHorizon(Pattern,
* int)}.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* Pattern to search.
* @param horizon
@@ -484,16 +484,16 @@ public class Scanner
* and the length must be greater then 0. If a {@link
* NoSuchElementException} is thrown by the search method, it is
* catched and false is returned.
- *
+ *
* @return <code> true </code> if there is any result using the current delimiter. This wouldn't
* lead to a {@link NoSuchElementException}.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNext () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNext () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
String tmpStr = null;
tmpStr = myCoreNext (false, this.p);
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.length () <= 0)
- return false;
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -512,14 +512,14 @@ public class Scanner
* Searches the pattern in the next subString before the next
* current delimiter.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* The pattern to search for.
* @return <code> true </code> if the pattern is found before the current delimiter.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNext (final Pattern pattern) throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNext (final Pattern pattern) throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
String tmpStr;
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (tmpStr == null || tmpStr.length () <= 0)
- return false;
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Compiles the pattern to a {@link Pattern} and calls {@link
* #hasNext(Pattern)}.
- *
+ *
* @see #hasNext(Pattern)
* @param pattern
* The pattern as string to search for.
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNext (final String pattern) throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNext (final String pattern) throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNext (Pattern.compile (pattern));
@@ -552,13 +552,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if the string to the next delimiter can be interpreted as
* a BigDecimal number. <br> BigDecimal numbers are always tryed
* with radix 10.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextBigDecimal()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a BigDecimal number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextBigDecimal () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextBigDecimal () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
@@ -575,13 +575,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if the string to the next delimiter can be interpreted as
* a BigInteger number. <br> Call {@link #hasNextBigInteger(int)}
* with the current radix.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextBigInteger()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a BigInteger number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextBigInteger () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextBigInteger () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNextBigInteger (this.currentRadix);
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if the string to the next delimiter can be interpreted as
* a BigInteger number. <br>
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to use for this check. The global radix of the Scanner will not be
* changed.
@@ -615,13 +615,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if the next string could be a boolean. The method handles
* the input not case sensitiv, so "true" and "TRUE" and even "tRuE"
* are <code> true </code>.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextBoolean()
* @return Return <code> true </code> if the next string is a boolean.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextBoolean () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextBoolean () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
@@ -638,13 +638,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if the string to the next delimiter can be interpreted as
* a byte number. <br> Calls {@link #hasNextByte(int)} with the
* current radix.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextByte()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a byte number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextByte () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextByte () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNextByte (this.currentRadix);
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ public class Scanner
* a byte number with the given radix. <br> To check, the private
* method {@link #myNextByte(int, boolean)} is called, and if no
* error occurs the next string could be a byte.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextByte(int)
* @param radix The radix to use for this check. The global radix of
* the Scanner will not be changed.
@@ -680,13 +680,13 @@ public class Scanner
* a double number. <br> To check, the private method {@link
* #myNextDouble(boolean)} is called, and if no error occurs the
* next string could be a double.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextDouble()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a double number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextDouble () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextDouble () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
@@ -705,13 +705,13 @@ public class Scanner
* checked.<br> To check, the private method {@link
* #myNextDouble(boolean)} is called, and if no error occurs the
* next string could be a double.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextFloat()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a double number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextFloat () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextFloat () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
@@ -730,13 +730,13 @@ public class Scanner
* an int number. <br> To check, the private method {@link
* #myNextInt(int, boolean)} is called, and if no error occurs the
* next string could be an int.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextInt(int)
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is an int number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextInt () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextInt () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNextInt (this.currentRadix);
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ public class Scanner
* an int number with the given radix. <br> To check, the private
* method {@link #myNextInt(int, boolean)} is called, and if no
* error occurs the next string could be an int.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextInt(int)
* @param radix
* The radix to use for this check. The global radix of the Scanner will not be
@@ -771,12 +771,12 @@ public class Scanner
* Checks if there is a current line, which ends at the next line
* break or the end of the input.
- *
+ *
* @return <code> true </code> if there is a current line.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextLine () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextLine () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return (myNextLine (false) != null);
@@ -786,13 +786,13 @@ public class Scanner
* a long number. <br> To check, the private method {@link
* #myNextLong(int, boolean)} is called, and if no error occurs the
* next string could be a long.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextLong()
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a long number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextLong () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextLong () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNextLong (this.currentRadix);
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ public class Scanner
* a long number with the given radix. <br> To check, the private
* method {@link #myNextLong(int, boolean)} is called, and if no
* error occurs the next string could be a long.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextLong(int)
* @param radix
* The radix to use for this check. The global radix of the Scanner will not be
@@ -829,13 +829,13 @@ public class Scanner
* a short number with the given radix. <br> To check, the private
* method {@link #myNextShort(int, boolean)} is called, and if no
* error occurs the next string could be a short.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextShort(int)
* @return <code> true </code> if the next string is a short number.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean hasNextShort () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean hasNextShort () throws IllegalStateException // TESTED
return hasNextShort (this.currentRadix);
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ public class Scanner
* a short number. <br> To check, the private method {@link
* #myNextShort(int, boolean)} is called, and if no error occurs the
* next string could be a short.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextShort(int)
* @param radix
* The radix to use for this check. The global radix of the Scanner will not be
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the last {@link IOException} occured.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the last {@link IOException}.
public IOException ioException ()
@@ -881,11 +881,11 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the current value of {@link #useLocale}. This is used to
* tell the Scanner if it should use the Locale format or just
* handle numbers of the default format.
- *
+ *
* @see #setUseLocale(boolean)
* @return the useLoclae.
- public boolean isUseLocale () // TESTED
+ public boolean isUseLocale () // TESTED
return this.useLocale;
@@ -893,11 +893,11 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the current Locale. It is initialized with {@link
* Locale#getDefault()}.
- *
+ *
* @see #useLocale(Locale)
* @return Returns the current Locale.
- public Locale locale () // TESTED
+ public Locale locale () // TESTED
return this.actLocale;
@@ -905,10 +905,10 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the last MatchResult found. This is updated after every
* successfully search.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the last {@link MatchResult} found.
- public MatchResult match () // TESTED
+ public MatchResult match () // TESTED
return this.actResult;
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ public class Scanner
* buffer. If a string is found the current position is set after
* the delimiter, otherwise a {@link NoSuchElementException} is
* thrown. A successful match sets the matchResult.
- *
+ *
* @see #match()
* @return Returns the next string of the buffer.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public String next () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public String next () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myCoreNext (true, this.p);
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to match the buffer with the given pattern. The current
* delimiter will not be changed.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* The pattern to match.
* @return Returns the next string matching the pattern.
@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public String next (final Pattern pattern) throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public String next (final Pattern pattern) throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myNext (pattern, true);
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to match the buffer with the given pattern. The current
* delimiter will not be changed. Calls the {@link #next(Pattern)}
* with the compiled pattern.
- *
+ *
* @see #next(Pattern)
* @param pattern
* The pattern to match.
@@ -962,21 +962,21 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public String next (final String pattern) throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public String next (final String pattern) throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return next (Pattern.compile (pattern));
* Tries to interpret the next string as a BigDecimal value.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the BigDecimal value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If no string is found or the string is not a BigDecimal.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public BigDecimal nextBigDecimal () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public BigDecimal nextBigDecimal () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myBigDecimal (true);
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a BigInteger value. Call
* {@link #nextBigInteger(int)} with the current radix as parameter,
* and return the value.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextBigInteger(int)
* @return Returns the BigInteger value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public BigInteger nextBigInteger () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public BigInteger nextBigInteger () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return nextBigInteger (this.currentRadix);
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a BigInteger value with the
* given radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used for this BigInteger. The current radix of the Scanner is not
* changed.
@@ -1020,14 +1020,14 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string to the delimiter as a boolean
* value, ignoring case.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the boolean value of the next matching string or throws an exception.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If no string is found or the string is not a boolean.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public boolean nextBoolean () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public boolean nextBoolean () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myNextBoolean (true);
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a byte value. Call {@link
* #nextByte(int)} with the current radix as parameter, and return
* the value.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextByte(int)
* @return Returns the byte value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public byte nextByte () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public byte nextByte () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return nextByte (this.currentRadix);
@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a byte value with the given
* radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used for this byte. The current radix of the Scanner is not
* changed.
@@ -1070,14 +1070,14 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a double value.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the int value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If no string is found or the string is not a double.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public double nextDouble () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public double nextDouble () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myNextDouble (true);
@@ -1085,14 +1085,14 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a double value, and then
* casts down to float.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the int value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If no string is found or the string is not a double.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public float nextFloat () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public float nextFloat () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return (float) myNextDouble (true);
// return myNextFloat(true);
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as an int value. Calls {@link
* #nextInt(int)} with the current radix as parameter, and return
* the value.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextInt(int)
* @return Returns the int value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public int nextInt () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public int nextInt () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return nextInt (this.currentRadix);
@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as an int value with the given
* radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used for this int. The current radix of the Scanner is not changed
* @return Returns the int value of the next string.
@@ -1136,14 +1136,14 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to match the system line seperator, and returns the current
* line.
- *
+ *
* @return Returns the current line.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If the current delimiter is not found.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public String nextLine () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public String nextLine () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return myNextLine (true);
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a long value. Calls {@link
* #nextLong(int)} with the current radix as parameter, and return
* the value.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextLong(int)
* @return Returns the long value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If the Scanner is closed.
- public long nextLong () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
+ public long nextLong () throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException // TESTED
return nextLong (this.currentRadix);
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a long value with the given
* radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used for this long. The current radix of the Scanner is not
* changed
@@ -1188,13 +1188,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a short value. Calls {@link
* #nextShort(int)} with the current radix as parameter, and return
* the value.
- *
+ *
* @see #nextShort(int)
* @return Returns the short value of the next string.
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* If no string is found or the string is not a short.
- public short nextShort () throws NoSuchElementException // TESTED
+ public short nextShort () throws NoSuchElementException // TESTED
return nextShort (this.currentRadix);
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Tries to interpret the next string as a short value with the
* given radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used for this short. The current radix of the Scanner is not
* changed.
@@ -1234,14 +1234,14 @@ public class Scanner
* @param useLocale the useLocale to set.
- public void setUseLocale (final boolean useLocale) // TESTED
+ public void setUseLocale (final boolean useLocale) // TESTED
this.useLocale = useLocale;
* Skips the given pattern. Sets skipped <code>true</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* Pattern which should be skipped.
* @return <code>this</code> with the skipped buffer.
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (!found)
- throw new NoSuchElementException ();
+ throw new NoSuchElementException ();
return this;
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Skips a given pattern. Calls {@link #skip(Pattern)} with the
* compiled pattern.
- *
+ *
* @see #skip(Pattern)
* @param pattern
* Pattern which should be skipped.
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Returns the string representation of this Scanner.
- @Override
+ @Override
public String toString ()
String tmpStr2;
@@ -1335,17 +1335,17 @@ public class Scanner
* Sets the current pattern to the given parameter, and updates the
* {@link Matcher} with the new pattern.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* The new pattern to use.
* @return Returns the Scanner (<code>this</code>) with the new pattern.
- public Scanner useDelimiter (final Pattern pattern) // TESTED
+ public Scanner useDelimiter (final Pattern pattern) // TESTED
if (pattern != null)
- this.p = pattern;
- this.myMatcher = this.p.matcher (this.actBuffer);
+ this.p = pattern;
+ this.myMatcher = this.p.matcher (this.actBuffer);
return this;
@@ -1353,13 +1353,13 @@ public class Scanner
* Sets the current pattern to the given parameter. Compiles the
* pattern and calls {@link #useDelimiter(Pattern)}
- *
+ *
* @see #useDelimiter(Pattern)
* @param pattern
* The new pattern to use.
* @return Returns the Scanner (<code>this</code>) with the new pattern.
- public Scanner useDelimiter (final String pattern) // TESTED
+ public Scanner useDelimiter (final String pattern) // TESTED
return useDelimiter (Pattern.compile (pattern));
@@ -1367,19 +1367,19 @@ public class Scanner
* Sets the current Locale to the given parameter. Formats and
* Symbols are also set using the new Locale.
- *
+ *
* @param locale The new Locale to use. If it is <code>null</code>
* nothing happens.
* @return Returns the Scanner (<code>this</code>) with the new Locale.
- public Scanner useLocale (final Locale locale) // TESTED
+ public Scanner useLocale (final Locale locale) // TESTED
if (locale != null)
- this.actLocale = locale;
- this.actFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance (this.actLocale);
- this.dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols (this.actLocale);
- this.df = (DecimalFormat) this.actFormat;
+ this.actLocale = locale;
+ this.actFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance (this.actLocale);
+ this.dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols (this.actLocale);
+ this.df = (DecimalFormat) this.actFormat;
return this;
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Sets the current radix to the current value if the given radix is
* >= 2 and <= 36 otherwise an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is
* thrown.
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* the new radix to use as default.
* @return <code> this </code> with the new radix value.
@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
this.currentRadix = radix;
return this;
@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ public class Scanner
* String. If so the String is converted using the {@link
* NumberFormat#parse(String)} into a Number and then back to a
* default stringrepresentation of that Number.
- *
+ *
* @see #setUseLocale(boolean)
* @param str
* String to convert into another string.
@@ -1422,14 +1422,14 @@ public class Scanner
* if {@link NumberFormat#parse(String)} fails to parse.
private String myApplyLocale (final String str,
- final int radix) throws ParseException
+ final int radix) throws ParseException
String rc;
if (this.useLocale && radix == 10)
- rc = this.actFormat.parse (str).toString ();
- return rc;
+ rc = this.actFormat.parse (str).toString ();
+ return rc;
return str;
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ public class Scanner
* integer part which is converted to a long, and the fraction part
* is appended afterwards. Between the integer and the fraction part
* comes a ".". Finally the resulting string is returned.
- *
+ *
* @see #setUseLocale(boolean)
* @param str String representation of a BigDecimal number.
* @return The default String representation (without Locale) of the
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (!this.useLocale || this.currentRadix != 10)
- return str;
+ return str;
String negPrefix = this.df.getNegativePrefix ();
@@ -1476,43 +1476,43 @@ public class Scanner
if (begin2 > 0)
- throw new ParseException ("more than one Decimal seperators", begin2);
+ throw new ParseException ("more than one Decimal seperators", begin2);
parts = str.substring (0, begin1);
if ((negPrefix.length () > 0
- && str.substring (0, negPrefix.length ()).equals (negPrefix))
- || (negSuffix.length () > 0
- && str.substring (str.length () -
- negSuffix.length ()).equals (negSuffix)))
+ && str.substring (0, negPrefix.length ()).equals (negPrefix))
+ || (negSuffix.length () > 0
+ && str.substring (str.length () -
+ negSuffix.length ()).equals (negSuffix)))
- parts += negSuffix;
- isNegativ = true;
+ parts += negSuffix;
+ isNegativ = true;
if ((posPrefix.length () > 0
- && str.substring (0, posPrefix.length ()).equals (posPrefix))
- || (posSuffix.length () > 0
- && str.substring (str.length () -
- posSuffix.length ()).equals (posSuffix)))
+ && str.substring (0, posPrefix.length ()).equals (posPrefix))
+ || (posSuffix.length () > 0
+ && str.substring (str.length () -
+ posSuffix.length ()).equals (posSuffix)))
- parts += posSuffix;
+ parts += posSuffix;
tmpStr1 = this.actFormat.parse (parts).toString ();
if (isNegativ)
- tmpStr1 +=
- "." + str.substring (str.indexOf (d) + 1,
- str.length () - negSuffix.length ());
+ tmpStr1 +=
+ "." + str.substring (str.indexOf (d) + 1,
+ str.length () - negSuffix.length ());
- tmpStr1 +=
- "." + str.substring (str.indexOf (d) + 1,
- str.length () - posSuffix.length ());
+ tmpStr1 +=
+ "." + str.substring (str.indexOf (d) + 1,
+ str.length () - posSuffix.length ());
return tmpStr1;
@@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ public class Scanner
* next String is get with {@link #myCoreNext(boolean, Pattern)} and
* then {@link #myApplyLocaleBD(String)} is called to convert the
* String into a BigDecimal.
- *
+ *
* @param delete
* Should the found string be deleted or not.
* @return Returns the BigDecimal value of the next string.
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ public class Scanner
catch (ParseException e)
throw new InputMismatchException (ERR_PREFIX + tmp + IS_NOT +
- "BigDecimal!!");
+ "BigDecimal!!");
rc = new BigDecimal (tmp);
@@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ public class Scanner
* Applies suffix ("\E") and prefix ("\Q") if str.length != 0 Used
* by the toString method.
- *
+ *
* @param str
* the string on which the suffix and prefix should be applied.
* @return The new new string with the suffix and prefix.
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ public class Scanner
if (str != null && str.length () > 0)
- return "\\Q" + str + "\\E";
+ return "\\Q" + str + "\\E";
return str;
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ public class Scanner
* source. The search results are always saved in {@link #actResult}
* which is returned when match() is called. If doSkip is true the
* pattern is also taken.
- *
+ *
* @param delete
* if true the aktPos is set.
* @param pattern
@@ -1586,24 +1586,24 @@ public class Scanner
if (this.isClosed)
- throw new IllegalStateException ("Scanner closed");
+ throw new IllegalStateException ("Scanner closed");
if (shallUseLastFound (pattern != null ? pattern : this.p))
- if (this.last_RegionEnd != this.myMatcher.regionEnd ())
- {
- System.out.println (this.last_RegionEnd + " != " +
- this.myMatcher.regionEnd () + " (" +
- (this.last_RegionEnd -
- this.myMatcher.regionEnd ()) + ")");
- }
- if (delete)
- {
- this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
- this.lastFoundPresent = false;
- this.actResult = this.lastResult;
- }
- return this.lastFound;
+ if (this.last_RegionEnd != this.myMatcher.regionEnd ())
+ {
+ System.out.println (this.last_RegionEnd + " != " +
+ this.myMatcher.regionEnd () + " (" +
+ (this.last_RegionEnd -
+ this.myMatcher.regionEnd ()) + ")");
+ }
+ if (delete)
+ {
+ this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
+ this.lastFoundPresent = false;
+ this.actResult = this.lastResult;
+ }
+ return this.lastFound;
boolean found = false;
@@ -1614,18 +1614,18 @@ public class Scanner
if (this.actPos > this.MAX_PREFIX)
- // skipp the processed chars so that the size of the buffer don't grow to much even with
- // huge files
- this.procesedChars += this.actPos;
- this.actBuffer = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos);
- this.actPos = 0;
- this.myMatcher = pattern.matcher (this.actBuffer);
+ // skipp the processed chars so that the size of the buffer don't grow to much even with
+ // huge files
+ this.procesedChars += this.actPos;
+ this.actBuffer = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos);
+ this.actPos = 0;
+ this.myMatcher = pattern.matcher (this.actBuffer);
left = this.actBuffer.length () - this.actPos;
if (left < this.MIN_BUF_LEN)
- myFillBuffer ();
+ myFillBuffer ();
found = this.myMatcher.find (this.actPos);
@@ -1635,61 +1635,63 @@ public class Scanner
if (found)
- if (this.doSkipp)
- {
- endIndex = this.myMatcher.end ();
- }
- else
- {
- endIndex = this.myMatcher.start ();
- }
- tmp2 = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos, endIndex);
- this.lastNextPos = this.myMatcher.end ();
- /*
- * if the delete flag is set, just set the current position after the end of the matched
- * pattern.
- */
- if (delete)
- {
- this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
- }
- else
- {
- this.lastFound = tmp2;
- this.lastFoundPresent = true;
- this.lastPatternHash = pattern.hashCode ();
- }
- this.last_RegionStart = this.myMatcher.regionStart ();
- this.last_RegionEnd = this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
- this.last_anchor = this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds ();
- this.last_transparent = this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ();
+ if (this.doSkipp)
+ {
+ endIndex = this.myMatcher.end ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ endIndex = this.myMatcher.start ();
+ }
+ tmp2 = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos, endIndex);
+ this.lastNextPos = this.myMatcher.end ();
+ /*
+ * if the delete flag is set, just set the current position after the end of the matched
+ * pattern.
+ */
+ if (delete)
+ {
+ this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.lastFound = tmp2;
+ this.lastFoundPresent = true;
+ this.lastPatternHash = pattern.hashCode ();
+ }
+ this.last_RegionStart = this.myMatcher.regionStart ();
+ this.last_RegionEnd = this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
+ this.last_anchor = this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds ();
+ this.last_transparent = this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ();
else if (this.myMatcher.hitEnd ())
// the end of input is matched
- tmp2 = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos);
- this.lastNextPos = this.actBuffer.length ();
- if (delete)
- {
- this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
- }
- else
- {
- this.lastFound = tmp2;
- this.lastFoundPresent = true;
- this.lastPatternHash = pattern.hashCode ();
- }
- this.last_RegionStart = this.myMatcher.regionStart ();
- this.last_RegionEnd = this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
- this.last_anchor = this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds ();
- this.last_transparent = this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ();
+ tmp2 = this.actBuffer.substring (this.actPos);
+ if (tmp2.length() == 0)
+ tmp2 = null;
+ this.lastNextPos = this.actBuffer.length ();
+ if (delete)
+ {
+ this.actPos = this.lastNextPos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.lastFound = tmp2;
+ this.lastFoundPresent = true;
+ this.lastPatternHash = pattern.hashCode ();
+ }
+ this.last_RegionStart = this.myMatcher.regionStart ();
+ this.last_RegionEnd = this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
+ this.last_anchor = this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds ();
+ this.last_transparent = this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ();
- /*
- * if no match found an Exception is throwed
- */
- throw new NoSuchElementException ();
+ /*
+ * if no match found an Exception is throwed
+ */
+ throw new NoSuchElementException ();
* change the Result only when a nextXXX() method was called, not if a hasNextXXX() method
@@ -1697,13 +1699,13 @@ public class Scanner
if (delete)
- this.actResult = this.myMatcher.toMatchResult ();
+ this.actResult = this.myMatcher.toMatchResult ();
- this.matchValid = this.actResult != null;
+ this.matchValid = this.actResult != null;
- this.lastResult = this.myMatcher.toMatchResult ();
+ this.lastResult = this.myMatcher.toMatchResult ();
this.skipped = this.doSkipp;
@@ -1728,74 +1730,74 @@ public class Scanner
if (this.bIS != null)
- try
- {
- len = this.bIS.read (this.tmpBuffer);
- if (len < 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (this.charsetName != null)
- {
- tmpStr = new String (this.tmpBuffer, 0, len, this.charsetName);
- }
- else
- {
- tmpStr = new String (this.tmpBuffer, 0, len);
- }
- this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- this.lastIOException = e;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ len = this.bIS.read (this.tmpBuffer);
+ if (len < 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.charsetName != null)
+ {
+ tmpStr = new String (this.tmpBuffer, 0, len, this.charsetName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpStr = new String (this.tmpBuffer, 0, len);
+ }
+ this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ this.lastIOException = e;
+ }
else if (this.readableSource != null)
- try
- {
- cb = CharBuffer.allocate (1000);
- this.needInput = true;
- len = this.readableSource.read (cb);
- if (len < 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- this.needInput = false;
- tmpStr = new String (cb.array ());
- this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- this.lastIOException = e;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ cb = CharBuffer.allocate (1000);
+ this.needInput = true;
+ len = this.readableSource.read (cb);
+ if (len < 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.needInput = false;
+ tmpStr = new String (cb.array ());
+ this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ this.lastIOException = e;
+ }
else if (this.rbcSource != null)
- try
- {
- bb = ByteBuffer.allocate (1000);
- this.needInput = true;
- len = this.rbcSource.read (bb);
- this.needInput = false;
- if (len < 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (this.charsetName != null)
- {
- tmpStr = new String (bb.array (), 0, len, this.charsetName);
- }
- else
- {
- tmpStr = new String (bb.array (), 0, len);
- }
- this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- this.lastIOException = e;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ bb = ByteBuffer.allocate (1000);
+ this.needInput = true;
+ len = this.rbcSource.read (bb);
+ this.needInput = false;
+ if (len < 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.charsetName != null)
+ {
+ tmpStr = new String (bb.array (), 0, len, this.charsetName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmpStr = new String (bb.array (), 0, len);
+ }
+ this.actBuffer += tmpStr;
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ this.lastIOException = e;
+ }
this.myMatcher.reset (this.actBuffer);
@@ -1805,7 +1807,7 @@ public class Scanner
* A loop in which the {@link #myFillBuffer()} is called and checked
* if the pattern is found in the matcher and if the buffersize
* changes after the read.
- *
+ *
* @param aktM
* The current Matcher.
* @param pos
@@ -1815,22 +1817,22 @@ public class Scanner
* @return <code> true </code> if the matcher has found a match.
private boolean myFillBuffer_loop (final Matcher aktM, final int pos,
- boolean found)
+ boolean found)
int tmp;
tmp = this.actBuffer.length ();
while (aktM.hitEnd ()
- && ((this.bIS != null) || (this.readableSource != null)
- || (this.rbcSource != null)))
+ && ((this.bIS != null) || (this.readableSource != null)
+ || (this.rbcSource != null)))
- myFillBuffer ();
- if (tmp == this.actBuffer.length ())
- {
- break;
- }
- found = aktM.find (pos);
- this.needInput = true;
+ myFillBuffer ();
+ if (tmp == this.actBuffer.length ())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ found = aktM.find (pos);
+ this.needInput = true;
return found;
@@ -1841,7 +1843,7 @@ public class Scanner
* overwritten using the given pattern and the given Sting. <br>
* After the search the original values are restored, and skipped is
* set <code> true </code>.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* Pattern which should be matched.
* @param str
@@ -1851,7 +1853,7 @@ public class Scanner
* @return Returns the String in the given String that matches the pattern.
private String myFindPInStr (final Pattern pattern, final String str,
- final int horizon)
+ final int horizon)
String rc = null;
int curPos = this.actPos;
@@ -1860,9 +1862,9 @@ public class Scanner
this.myMatcher = pattern.matcher (str);
if (horizon > 0)
- this.myMatcher.useAnchoringBounds (true);
- this.myMatcher.useTransparentBounds (true);
- this.myMatcher.region (this.actPos, this.actPos + horizon);
+ this.myMatcher.useAnchoringBounds (true);
+ this.myMatcher.useTransparentBounds (true);
+ this.myMatcher.region (this.actPos, this.actPos + horizon);
rc = myCoreNext (true, pattern);
this.myMatcher = aktMatcher;
@@ -1880,7 +1882,7 @@ public class Scanner
* subsring.<br> Finally the current Buffer and matcher (which have
* been temporarily changed) are set back.<br> <br> The {@link
* #skipped} is set <code> true </code>.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* Pattern to find until the current delimiter.
* @param delete
@@ -1917,7 +1919,7 @@ public class Scanner
* and useLocale is <code> true </code>. Afterwards it is tried to
* call the Constructor of a {@link BigInteger} with the given
* radix.
- *
+ *
* @param radix The radix to use.
* @param delete If the found String should be removed from input or
* not.
@@ -1927,7 +1929,7 @@ public class Scanner
* If there is a {@link ParseException} or a {@link NumberFormatException}.
private BigInteger myNextBigInteger (final int radix, final boolean delete,
- final String name)
+ final String name)
BigInteger rc;
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
@@ -1952,7 +1954,7 @@ public class Scanner
* an {@link InputMismatchException} is thrown. It ignores the case
* of the string so that "true" and "TRUE" and even "TrUe" are
* accepted.
- *
+ *
* @param delete Should the found value be removed from the input or
* not.
* @return Returns the boolean value (if it is a boolean).
@@ -1965,15 +1967,15 @@ public class Scanner
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
if (tmp.equalsIgnoreCase ("true"))
- return true;
+ return true;
else if (tmp.equalsIgnoreCase ("false"))
- return false;
+ return false;
- throw new InputMismatchException (ERR_PREFIX + tmp + NOT_BOOLEAN);
+ throw new InputMismatchException (ERR_PREFIX + tmp + NOT_BOOLEAN);
@@ -1983,14 +1985,14 @@ public class Scanner
* String matching the current delimier. Afterwards it is tryed to
* convert the String into a byte. Any Error will lead into a {@link
* InputMismatchException}.
- *
+ *
* @param radix The radix to use.
* @param delete Should the found String be removed from the input.
* @return Returns the byte value of the String.
* @throws InputMismatchException if the next String is not a byte.
private byte myNextByte (final int radix,
- final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
+ final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
byte rc;
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
@@ -2018,7 +2020,7 @@ public class Scanner
* don't match, an {@link InputMismatchException} is thrown.<br>
* <br> The radix used is always 10 even if the global radix is
* changed.
- *
+ *
* @param delete Should the String be removed, if true it will be
* also removed if the String is not a double value.
* @return Returns the double value of the next String.
@@ -2036,9 +2038,9 @@ public class Scanner
tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, 10);
rc = Double.parseDouble (tmp);
if (("" + rc).equals (tmp))
- {
- return rc;
- }
+ {
+ return rc;
+ }
catch (ParseException e)
@@ -2052,7 +2054,7 @@ public class Scanner
* should be applied or not and then the result is parsed using
* {@link Integer#parseInt(String, int)}. Any Error will lead to an
* {@link InputMismatchException}.
- *
+ *
* @param radix The radix to use.
* @param delete <code> true </code> if the String should be deleted
* from the input.
@@ -2060,15 +2062,15 @@ public class Scanner
* @throws InputMismatchException if the next String is not an int.
private int myNextInt (final int radix,
- final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
+ final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
int rc;
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
- tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
- rc = Integer.parseInt (tmp, radix);
- return rc;
+ tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
+ rc = Integer.parseInt (tmp, radix);
+ return rc;
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
@@ -2082,38 +2084,36 @@ public class Scanner
* Finds the next line using the {@link #NEW_LINE} constant which is
* set to the system specific line seperator.
- *
- * @param delete Should the found line be deleted from the input.
- * @return Returns the current line.
+ *
+ * @param delete should the found line be deleted from the input.
+ * @return the current line.
private String myNextLine (final boolean delete)
- String rc = null;
- rc = myPrepareForNext (Pattern.compile (NEW_LINE), delete);
- return rc;
+ return myPrepareForNext (Pattern.compile (NEW_LINE), delete);
* Tries to interpret the next String as a long value with the given
* radix. Therfore the {@link Long#parseLong(String, int)} is called
* and every Error will lead into a {@link InputMismatchException}.
- *
+ *
* @param radix The radix to be used.
* @param delete Should the found String be deleted from the input.
* @return the long value of the next String.
* @throws InputMismatchException if the next String is not a long.
private long myNextLong (final int radix,
- final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
+ final boolean delete) throws InputMismatchException
long rc;
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
- tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
- rc = Long.parseLong (tmp, radix);
- return rc;
+ tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
+ rc = Long.parseLong (tmp, radix);
+ return rc;
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
@@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@ public class Scanner
* given radix. Therfore the {@link Short#parseShort(String, int)}
* is called and every Error will lead into a {@link
* InputMismatchException} .
- *
+ *
* @param radix
* The radix to be used.
* @param delete
@@ -2139,17 +2139,17 @@ public class Scanner
* if the next String is not a short.
private short myNextShort (final int radix,
- final boolean delete) throws
+ final boolean delete) throws
short rc;
String tmp = myPrepareForNext (this.p, delete);
- tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
- rc = Short.parseShort (tmp, radix);
- return rc;
+ tmp = myApplyLocale (tmp, radix);
+ rc = Short.parseShort (tmp, radix);
+ return rc;
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
@@ -2158,21 +2158,21 @@ public class Scanner
throw new InputMismatchException (ERR_PREFIX + tmp +
- "\" is not a short");
+ "\" is not a short");
* Sets the current pattern to the given pattern and calls the
* {@link #myCoreNext(boolean, Pattern)}. Finally sets the pattern
* back to its old value.
- *
+ *
* @param aktPattern Pattern to be used for the next match.
* @param delete Should the found String be deleted or not.
* @return Return the String returned from {@link
* #myCoreNext(boolean, Pattern)}.
private String myPrepareForNext (final Pattern aktPattern,
- final boolean delete)
+ final boolean delete)
String rc;
@@ -2190,32 +2190,32 @@ public class Scanner
* Determinates if the last found can be used, so that after a
* hasNextXXX the nextXXX has not to search if nothing has
* changed.<br /> Used in {@link #myCoreNext(boolean, Pattern)}.
- *
+ *
* @param aktP The pattern which should be checked.
* @return <code> true </code> if the searchresult is already ready.
private boolean shallUseLastFound (final Pattern aktP)
if (this.lastFoundPresent &&
- this.lastPatternHash == aktP.hashCode () &&
- this.last_RegionStart == this.myMatcher.regionStart () &&
- this.last_anchor == this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds () &&
- this.last_transparent == this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ())
+ this.lastPatternHash == aktP.hashCode () &&
+ this.last_RegionStart == this.myMatcher.regionStart () &&
+ this.last_anchor == this.myMatcher.hasAnchoringBounds () &&
+ this.last_transparent == this.myMatcher.hasTransparentBounds ())
- if (this.last_RegionEnd != this.myMatcher.regionEnd ())
- {
- int tmpVal =
- this.myMatcher.regionEnd () -
- this.last_RegionEnd - this.MAX_PREFIX;
- if (tmpVal > 0 && tmpVal < 20)
- {
- this.last_RegionEnd =
- this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- return true;
+ if (this.last_RegionEnd != this.myMatcher.regionEnd ())
+ {
+ int tmpVal =
+ this.myMatcher.regionEnd () -
+ this.last_RegionEnd - this.MAX_PREFIX;
+ if (tmpVal > 0 && tmpVal < 20)
+ {
+ this.last_RegionEnd =
+ this.myMatcher.regionEnd ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return true;
return false;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/util/TreeMap.java b/libjava/classpath/java/util/TreeMap.java
index 1068100..99a42cb 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/util/TreeMap.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/util/TreeMap.java
@@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ public class TreeMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V>
public int size()
- return size();
+ return DescendingMap.this.size();
public Iterator<DV> iterator()
@@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@ public class TreeMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V>
public void clear()
- clear();
+ DescendingMap.this.clear();
return values;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/util/regex/Matcher.java b/libjava/classpath/java/util/regex/Matcher.java
index 50cb065..be57471 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/util/regex/Matcher.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/util/regex/Matcher.java
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
* The end of the region of the input on which to match.
private int regionEnd;
- * True if the match process should look beyond the
+ * True if the match process should look beyond the
* region marked by regionStart to regionEnd when
* performing lookAhead, lookBehind and boundary
* matching.
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
transparentBounds = false;
anchoringBounds = 0;
* @param sb The target string buffer
* @param replacement The replacement string
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
- match.getStartIndex()).toString());
+ match.getStartIndex()).toString());
sb.append(RE.getReplacement(replacement, match,
appendPosition = match.getEndIndex();
return this;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
sb.append(input.subSequence(appendPosition, input.length()).toString());
return sb;
* @exception IllegalStateException If no match has yet been attempted,
* or if the previous match operation failed
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return match.getEndIndex();
* @param group The index of a capturing group in this matcher's pattern
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return match.getEndIndex(group);
public boolean find ()
boolean first = (match == null);
@@ -165,28 +165,28 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(inputCharIndexed, position, anchoringBounds);
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(input.subSequence(regionStart, regionEnd),
- position, anchoringBounds);
+ position, anchoringBounds);
if (match != null)
- int endIndex = match.getEndIndex();
- // Are we stuck at the same position?
- if (!first && endIndex == position)
- {
- match = null;
- // Not at the end of the input yet?
- if (position < input.length() - 1)
- {
- position++;
- return find(position);
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- position = endIndex;
- return true;
+ int endIndex = match.getEndIndex();
+ // Are we stuck at the same position?
+ if (!first && endIndex == position)
+ {
+ match = null;
+ // Not at the end of the input yet?
+ if (position < input.length() - 1)
+ {
+ position++;
+ return find(position);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ position = endIndex;
+ return true;
return false;
- }
+ }
* @param start The index to start the new pattern matching
@@ -200,15 +200,15 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(inputCharIndexed, start, anchoringBounds);
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(input.subSequence(regionStart, regionEnd),
- start, anchoringBounds);
+ start, anchoringBounds);
if (match != null)
- position = match.getEndIndex();
- return true;
+ position = match.getEndIndex();
+ return true;
return false;
* @exception IllegalStateException If no match has yet been attempted,
* or if the previous match operation failed
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return match.toString();
* @param group The index of a capturing group in this matcher's pattern
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
// Semantics might not quite match
return pattern.getRE().substitute(input, replacement, position,
@@ -252,36 +252,36 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return pattern.getRE().substituteAll(input, replacement, position,
public int groupCount ()
return pattern.getRE().getNumSubs();
public boolean lookingAt ()
if (transparentBounds || (regionStart == 0 && regionEnd == input.length()))
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(inputCharIndexed, regionStart,
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(input.subSequence(regionStart, regionEnd), 0,
if (match != null)
- if (match.getStartIndex() == 0)
- {
- position = match.getEndIndex();
- return true;
- }
- match = null;
+ if (match.getStartIndex() == 0)
+ {
+ position = match.getEndIndex();
+ return true;
+ }
+ match = null;
return false;
- * Attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pattern.
+ * Attempts to match the entire input sequence against the pattern.
* If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the
* start, end, and group methods.
@@ -294,23 +294,23 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
if (transparentBounds || (regionStart == 0 && regionEnd == input.length()))
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(inputCharIndexed, regionStart,
match = pattern.getRE().getMatch(input.subSequence(regionStart, regionEnd), 0,
if (match != null)
- if (match.getStartIndex() == 0)
- {
- position = match.getEndIndex();
- if (position == input.length())
- return true;
- }
- match = null;
+ if (match.getStartIndex() == 0)
+ {
+ position = match.getEndIndex();
+ if (position == input.length())
+ return true;
+ }
+ match = null;
return false;
* Returns the Pattern that is interpreted by this Matcher
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return pattern;
* Resets the internal state of the matcher, including
* resetting the region to its default state of encompassing
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
appendPosition = 0;
return this;
* Resets the internal state of the matcher, including
* resetting the region to its default state of encompassing
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
this.inputCharIndexed = RE.makeCharIndexed(input, 0);
return reset();
* @return the index of a capturing group in this matcher's pattern
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
return regionStart;
* The end of the region on which to perform matches (exclusive).
@@ -603,7 +603,8 @@ public final class Matcher implements MatchResult
public MatchResult toMatchResult()
Matcher snapshot = new Matcher(pattern, input);
- snapshot.match = (REMatch) match.clone();
+ if (match != null)
+ snapshot.match = (REMatch) match.clone();
return snapshot;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/util/zip/Inflater.java b/libjava/classpath/java/util/zip/Inflater.java
index e3e555a..f529dc6 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/util/zip/Inflater.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/util/zip/Inflater.java
@@ -311,37 +311,29 @@ public class Inflater
public int inflate (byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws DataFormatException
- /* Special case: len may be zero */
- if (len == 0)
- return 0;
/* Check for correct buff, off, len triple */
if (0 > off || off > off + len || off + len > buf.length)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
int count = 0;
- int more;
- do
+ for (;;)
- if (mode != DECODE_CHKSUM)
- {
- /* Don't give away any output, if we are waiting for the
- * checksum in the input stream.
- *
- * With this trick we have always:
- * needsInput() and not finished()
- * implies more output can be produced.
- */
- more = outputWindow.copyOutput(buf, off, len);
- adler.update(buf, off, more);
- off += more;
- count += more;
- totalOut += more;
- len -= more;
- if (len == 0)
- return count;
- }
+ if (outputWindow.getAvailable() == 0)
+ {
+ if (!decode())
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (len > 0)
+ {
+ int more = outputWindow.copyOutput(buf, off, len);
+ adler.update(buf, off, more);
+ off += more;
+ count += more;
+ totalOut += more;
+ len -= more;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
- while (decode() || (outputWindow.getAvailable() > 0
- && mode != DECODE_CHKSUM));
return count;