path: root/libjava/classpath/java/text
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authorAndrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com>2011-01-11 19:46:05 +0000
committerAndrew John Hughes <gandalf@gcc.gnu.org>2011-01-11 19:46:05 +0000
commitdc6715320db92089b3c1b046157b56b5680738a5 (patch)
tree0da7dbb2f6c016ebe1a6d0bf012840bd76da9170 /libjava/classpath/java/text
parent9a270ad3c0ba0eb21d09657f8fb3a7786a69ec5d (diff)
Normalise whitespace in GNU Classpath.
2010-06-03 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/NamingService/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/StructureToPass.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/StructureToReturn.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/TreeNode.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/WeThrowThisException.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/WeThrowThisExceptionHelper.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/_DemoTesterImplBase.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/_DemoTesterStub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/CanvasWorld.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/ChatConstants.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/ClientFrame.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/GameManager.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/GameManagerImpl.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/IorReader.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/OrbStarter.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/Player.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/PlayerImpl.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/PlayingDesk.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/State.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/X5Server.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_GameManagerImpl_Tie.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_GameManager_Stub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_PlayerImpl_Tie.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_Player_Stub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/AicasGraphicsBenchmark.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/HintingDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/datatransfer/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/html/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/J2dBenchmark.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/J2dBenchmarkGUI.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/JNIOverhead.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/jawt/DemoJAWT.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestClassLoading.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestCompilation.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestGarbageCollector.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemory.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemoryManager.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemoryPool.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestThread.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/midi/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/print/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/sound/AudioPlayerSample.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/BrowserEditorKit.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ButtonDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ComboBoxDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/DemoFactory.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/DocumentFilterDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/FileChooserDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/HtmlDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ListDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/MetalThemeEditor.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/NavigationFilterDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ScrollBarDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/SliderDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/SpinnerDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TabbedPaneDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TableDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TextAreaDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TextFieldDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TreeDemo.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/ArrayDeque.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ArrayBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentSkipListMap.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentSkipListSet.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArraySet.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/CyclicBarrier.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/DelayQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/Executors.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/FutureTask.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDeque.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorService.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/Datatype.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeBuilder.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeException.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeLibrary.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeLibraryFactory.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeStreamingValidator.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/ValidationContext.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/DatatypeLibraryLoader.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/ParameterlessDatatypeBuilder.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/StreamingValidatorImpl.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/AttributeList.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Attributes.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ContentHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/DTDHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/DocumentHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/EntityResolver.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/HandlerBase.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/InputSource.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Locator.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Parser.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXNotRecognizedException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXNotSupportedException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXParseException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/XMLReader.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2Impl.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/DeclHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/DefaultHandler2.java, * 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gnu/CORBA/CDR/gnuRuntime.java, * gnu/CORBA/CDR/gnuValueStream.java, * gnu/CORBA/CdrEncapsCodecImpl.java, * gnu/CORBA/CollocatedOrbs.java, * gnu/CORBA/Connected_objects.java, * gnu/CORBA/DefaultSocketFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/DuplicateNameHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/AbstractAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/DivideableAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/NameValuePairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/RecordAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/ValueChangeListener.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynAnyFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynArray.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynEnum.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynFixed.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynSequence.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynUnion.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynValue.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynValueBox.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAnySeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/EmptyExceptionHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/CharSets_OSF.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/CloseMessage.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/ErrorMessage.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/MessageHeader.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/ServiceContext.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/v1_2/RequestHeader.java, * gnu/CORBA/GeneralHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/IOR.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ClientRequestInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ForwardRequestHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/IORInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/Registrator.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ServerRequestInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuClientRequestInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuIcCurrent.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuIorInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuServerRequestInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/IorDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/IorObject.java, * gnu/CORBA/Minor.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameDynAnyPairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameDynAnyPairSeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameValuePairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameValuePairSeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NameParser.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NamingMap.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NamingServiceTransient.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/TransientContext.java, * gnu/CORBA/ObjectCreator.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbFocused.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbFunctional.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbRestricted.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/AOM.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/AccessiblePolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/DynamicImpHandler.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ForwardRequestHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ForwardedServant.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/InvalidPolicyHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalServerRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ORB_1_4.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ServantDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/StandardPolicies.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuAdapterActivator.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuForwardRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuIdAssignmentPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuIdUniquenessPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuImplicitActivationPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuLifespanPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPOA.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPOAManager.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPoaCurrent.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuRequestProcessingPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuServantObject.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuServantRetentionPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuThreadPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/ServiceRequestAdapter.java, * gnu/CORBA/SetOverrideTypeHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/SimpleDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/SocketRepository.java, * gnu/CORBA/StreamHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/TypeCodeHelper.java, * gnu/CORBA/TypeKindNamer.java, * gnu/CORBA/Version.java, * gnu/CORBA/_PolicyImplBase.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuCodecFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuEnvironment.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuValueHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/interfaces/SocketFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/AliasTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/ArrayTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/FixedTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/GeneralTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/PrimitiveTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/RecordTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/RecursiveTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/StringTypeCode.java, * gnu/classpath/Pair.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer32.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer64.java, * gnu/classpath/ServiceFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/ServiceProviderLoadingAction.java, * gnu/classpath/SystemProperties.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/Component.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/PreciseFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/SystemLogger.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/TeeInputStream.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/TeeReader.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/Jdwp.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/JdwpConstants.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/BreakpointEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ClassPrepareEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ClassUnloadEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/Event.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/EventManager.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/EventRequest.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ExceptionEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/MethodEntryEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/MethodExitEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/SingleStepEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ThreadEndEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/VmDeathEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/VmInitEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassExcludeFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassMatchFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ExceptionOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/FieldOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/InstanceOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/StepFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ThreadOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidClassException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidClassLoaderException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidEventTypeException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidFieldException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidFrameException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidLocationException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidMethodException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidObjectException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidSlotException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidStringException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidThreadException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidThreadGroupException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/NativeMethodException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/NotImplementedException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/id/JdwpId.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/id/NullObjectId.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ArrayReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ArrayTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassLoaderReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassObjectReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/CommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/EventRequestCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/FieldCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/InterfaceTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/MethodCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ObjectReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/PacketProcessor.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ReferenceTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/StackFrameCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/StringReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ThreadGroupReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ThreadReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/VirtualMachineCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpCommandPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpConnection.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpReplyPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/SocketTransport.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/TransportFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/JdwpString.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/LineTable.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/Location.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/MethodResult.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/MonitorInfo.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/Signature.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/VariableTable.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ArrayValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/BooleanValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ByteValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/CharValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/DoubleValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/FloatValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/IntValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/LongValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ObjectValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ShortValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/StringValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/Value.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ValueFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/VoidValue.java, * gnu/classpath/toolkit/DefaultDaemonThreadFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/AWTUtilities.java, * gnu/java/awt/BitMaskExtent.java, * gnu/java/awt/BitwiseXORComposite.java, * gnu/java/awt/Buffers.java, * gnu/java/awt/ClasspathGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/ClasspathToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/ComponentDataBlitOp.java, * gnu/java/awt/EmbeddedWindow.java, * gnu/java/awt/GradientPaintContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/CieXyzConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ClutProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ColorLookUpTable.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/GrayProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/GrayScaleConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/LinearRGBConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ProfileHeader.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/RgbProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/SrgbConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ToneReproductionCurve.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/GtkMouseDragGestureRecognizer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDragSourceContextPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDropTargetContextPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDropTargetPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/FontDelegate.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/FontFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/GNUGlyphVector.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/OpenTypeFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/GlyphHints.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/Latin.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/Utils.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/CharGlyphMap.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/GlyphNamer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/MacResourceFork.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/NameDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/OpenTypeFont.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/OpenTypeFontFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphLoader.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphLocator.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphMeasurer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/Point.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/TrueTypeScaler.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/VirtualMachine.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/Zone.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/ZonePathIterator.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/AsyncImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/ImageConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/ImageDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/XBMDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/AbstractGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/AlphaCompositeContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/CubicSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/LineSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/PixelCoverage.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/QuadSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/RasterGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/ScanlineConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/ScanlineCoverage.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/Segment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/TexturePaintContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/ClasspathDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/ClasspathFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/GLightweightPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/GnomeDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/KDEDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/AsyncImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/BufferedImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoSurface.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoSurfaceGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ComponentGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ComponentGraphicsCopy.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/FreetypeGlyphVector.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkGraphicsConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkPixbufDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkRobotPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkScreenGraphicsDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkChoicePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkClipboard.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkCursor.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkFileDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkGenericPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkImageConsumer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMenuComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMouseInfoPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkPanelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkPopupMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkScrollbarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkSelection.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkVolatileImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/VolatileImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/headless/HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/MainQtThread.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QMatrix.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QPainterPath.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QPen.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtAudioClip.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtChoicePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtComponentGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtEmbeddedWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFileDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFontMetrics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageConsumer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageDirectGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuBarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuItemPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtPanelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtPopupMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtRepaintThread.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScreenDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScreenDeviceConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScrollPanePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScrollbarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtTextAreaPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtTextFieldPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtVolatileImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingComponent.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingMenuItemPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingTextAreaPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingTextFieldPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/GLGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/KeyboardMapping.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XEventPump.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/JavaPrinterGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/JavaPrinterJob.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/PostScriptGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/SpooledDocument.java, * gnu/java/beans/BeanInfoEmbryo.java, * gnu/java/beans/DefaultExceptionListener.java, * gnu/java/beans/ExplicitBeanInfo.java, * gnu/java/beans/IntrospectionIncubator.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractCreatableObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractElementHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ArrayContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ArrayHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AssemblyException.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/BooleanHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ByteHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/CharHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ClassHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ConstructorContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/Context.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DecoderContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DoubleHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DummyContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DummyHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ElementHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/FloatHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/GrowableArrayContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/IndexContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/IntHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/JavaHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/LongHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/MethodContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/MethodFinder.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/NullHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ObjectHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/PersistenceParser.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/PropertyContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ShortHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/SimpleHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/StaticMethodContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/StringHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/VoidHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/ColorEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/FontEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeBooleanEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeByteEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeDoubleEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeFloatEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeIntEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeLongEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeShortEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/StringEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ArrayPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ClassPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/CollectionPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Context.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/GenericScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/IgnoringScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/MapPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ObjectId.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/PrimitivePersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ReportingScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Root.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ScanEngine.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/StAXWriter.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Writer.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ArrayInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/Array_Get.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ClassResolution.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/Element.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/List_Get.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/List_Set.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/MethodInvocation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/NullObject.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ObjectInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ObjectReference.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/PrimitiveInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StaticFieldAccess.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StaticMethodInvocation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StringReference.java, * gnu/java/io/ASN1ParsingException.java, * gnu/java/io/Base64InputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/ClassLoaderObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/NullOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/ObjectIdentityMap2Int.java, * gnu/java/io/ObjectIdentityWrapper.java, * gnu/java/io/PlatformHelper.java, * gnu/java/lang/CPStringBuilder.java, * gnu/java/lang/CharData.java, * gnu/java/lang/InstrumentationImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/MainThread.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/BeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/CompilationMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/GarbageCollectorMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/OperatingSystemMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/RuntimeMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/reflect/TypeSignature.java, * gnu/java/locale/LocaleHelper.java, * gnu/java/math/Fixed.java, * gnu/java/math/GMP.java, * gnu/java/math/MPN.java, * gnu/java/net/CRLFInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/CRLFOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/DefaultContentHandlerFactory.java, * gnu/java/net/DefaultProxySelector.java, * gnu/java/net/EmptyX509TrustManager.java, * gnu/java/net/GetLocalHostAction.java, * gnu/java/net/HeaderFieldHelper.java, * gnu/java/net/IndexListParser.java, * gnu/java/net/LineInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/FileResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/FileURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/JarURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/JarURLResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/RemoteResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/RemoteURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/Resource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/URLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/file/Connection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/file/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/ActiveModeDTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/BlockInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/BlockOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/CompressedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/CompressedOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTPInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTPOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPException.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPResponse.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPURLConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/PassiveModeDTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/StreamInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/StreamOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Authenticator.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ByteArrayRequestBodyWriter.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ChunkedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Cookie.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/CookieManager.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Credentials.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPDateFormat.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPURLConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Headers.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Request.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/RequestBodyWriter.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Response.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ResponseHeaderHandler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/SimpleCookieManager.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/https/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/jar/Connection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/jar/Handler.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelInputStream.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelReader.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelWriter.java, * gnu/java/nio/DatagramChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/DatagramChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/EpollSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/EpollSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/FileChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/FileLockImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/InputStreamChannel.java, * gnu/java/nio/KqueueSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/KqueueSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIODatagramSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOServerSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/OutputStreamChannel.java, * gnu/java/nio/PipeImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectorProviderImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/ServerSocketChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/ServerSocketChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/VMChannelOwner.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteCharset.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteDecodeLoopHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteEncodeLoopHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp424.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp437.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp737.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp775.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp850.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp852.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp855.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp857.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp860.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp861.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp862.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp863.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp864.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp865.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp866.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp869.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp874.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/EncodingHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_1.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_13.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_15.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_2.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_3.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_4.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_5.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_6.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_7.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_9.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/KOI_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MS874.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCentralEurope.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCroatian.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCyrillic.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacDingbat.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacGreek.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacIceland.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacRoman.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacRomania.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacSymbol.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacThai.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacTurkish.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Provider.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/US_ASCII.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16BE.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16Decoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16Encoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16LE.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UnicodeLittle.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1250.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1251.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1252.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1253.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1254.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1255.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1256.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1257.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1258.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvCharset.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvDecoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvEncoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvProvider.java, * gnu/java/rmi/RMIMarshalledObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/RMIMarshalledObjectOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystemTransient.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/BidiTable.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/DefaultActivationGroup.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/DefaultActivationSystem.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl_Skel.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl_Stub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/LeaseRenewingTask.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl_Skel.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl_Stub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ActivatableRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ActivatableServerRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/CombinedClassLoader.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ConnectionRunnerPool.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ProtocolConstants.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoaderImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIDefaultSocketFactory.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIHashes.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIIncomingThread.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIObjectOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastConnection.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastConnectionManager.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteCall.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteStub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastServer.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastServerRef.java, * gnu/java/security/Engine.java, * gnu/java/security/OID.java, * gnu/java/security/PolicyFile.java, * gnu/java/security/Properties.java, * gnu/java/security/Registry.java, * gnu/java/security/Requires.java, * gnu/java/security/action/GetPropertyAction.java, * gnu/java/security/action/SetAccessibleAction.java, * gnu/java/security/der/DERValue.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/BaseHash.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/HashFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Haval.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/IMessageDigest.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD2.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD4.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD5.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/RipeMD128.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/RipeMD160.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha160.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha256.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha384.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha512.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Tiger.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Whirlpool.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/HavalSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD2Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD4Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD5Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MessageDigestAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/RipeMD128Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/RipeMD160Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha160Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha256Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha384Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha512Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/TigerSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/WhirlpoolSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/HavalRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD2RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD4RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD5RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/RipeMD128RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/RipeMD160RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/SecureRandomAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha160RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha256RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha384RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha512RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/TigerRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/WhirlpoolRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSKeyFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSKeyPairGeneratorSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSParameters.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSRawSignatureSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/KeyPairGeneratorAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/RSAPSSRawSignatureSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/SignatureAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/key/IKeyPairCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/IKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/KeyPairCodecFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/key/KeyPairGeneratorFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSPrivateKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSPublicKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/FIPS186.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAPrivateKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAPublicKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/PKCS7Data.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/PKCS7SignedData.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/SignerInfo.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/BasePRNG.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/EntropySource.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/IRandom.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/LimitReachedException.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/MDGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/PRNGFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/RandomEventListener.java, * gnu/java/security/provider/DefaultPolicy.java, * gnu/java/security/provider/PKIXCertPathValidatorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/BaseSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/ISignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/ISignatureCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/SignatureCodecFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/SignatureFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignatureX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EME_PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EMSA_PSS.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSA.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5Signature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5SignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5SignatureX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPSSSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPSSSignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSASignatureFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ByteArray.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ByteBufferOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ExpirableObject.java, * gnu/java/security/util/FormatUtil.java, * gnu/java/security/util/IntegerUtil.java, * gnu/java/security/util/PRNG.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Prime.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Sequence.java, * gnu/java/security/util/SimpleList.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Util.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/X509CRLSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/X509CertSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/CertificatePolicies.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/GeneralName.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/GeneralSubtree.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/NameConstraints.java, * gnu/java/text/AttributedFormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/BaseBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/CharacterBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/FormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/FormatCharacterIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/LineBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/SentenceBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/StringFormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/WordBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/util/Base64.java, * gnu/java/util/DoubleEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/EmptyEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/WeakIdentityHashMap.java, * gnu/java/util/ZoneInfo.java, * gnu/java/util/jar/JarUtils.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/FileBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/FileBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/GConfBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/GConfBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/MemoryBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/MemoryBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/NodeReader.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/NodeWriter.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/gconf/GConfNativePeer.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/BacktrackStack.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/CharIndexed.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/CharIndexedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RE.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REFilterInputStream.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REMatch.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REMatchEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RESyntax.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REToken.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenAny.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenBackRef.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenChar.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenEnd.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenEndOfPreviousMatch.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenIndependent.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenLookAhead.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenLookBehind.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenNamedProperty.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenOneOf.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenPOSIX.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenRange.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenRepeated.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenStart.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenWordBoundary.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/UncheckedRE.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/ImageViewer.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/TextEditor.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/TextViewer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Assembly.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Cascade.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/CascadeStage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/CascadeTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/DeflateTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Direction.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/LoopbackTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/ModeStage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Operation.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/PaddingTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Stage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Transformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/TransformerException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Anubis.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/BaseCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Blowfish.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Cast5.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/CipherFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/DES.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/IBlockCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/IBlockCipherSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Khazad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Rijndael.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Serpent.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Square.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/TripleDES.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Twofish.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/WeakKeyException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/DiffieHellmanImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/GnuCrypto.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/GnuSasl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/PBKDF2SecretKeyFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AESKeyWrapSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/ARCFourSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AnubisSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/BlowfishSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/Cast5Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/CipherAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/DESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/KeyWrappingAlgorithmAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/KhazadSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/NullCipherSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/PBES2.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/RijndaelSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/SerpentSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/SquareSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/TripleDESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/TwofishSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/AnubisSecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/BlowfishSecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/Cast5SecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/SecretKeyGeneratorImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/keyring/GnuKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacHavalSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD2Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD4Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD5Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacRipeMD128Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacRipeMD160Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA160Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA256Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA384Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA512Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacTigerSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacWhirlpoolSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/MacAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/TMMH16Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/UHash32Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/UMac32Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/BlockCipherParameters.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DEREncodingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DERReader.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DERWriter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/ARCFourRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/CSPRNGSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/FortunaImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/ICMRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/UMacRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/sig/DHParameters.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/BlockCipherParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/TMMHParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/UMac32ParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/BaseKeyAgreementParty.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/GnuPBEKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/GnuSecretKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/IKeyAgreementParty.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/IncomingMessage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/KeyAgreementException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/KeyAgreementFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/OutgoingMessage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanKeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanReceiver.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanSender.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalKeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalReceiver.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalSender.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHPrivateKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHPublicKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/RFC2631.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6Host.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6KeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6SaslClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6SaslServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6TLSClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6TLSServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6User.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPPrivateKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPPublicKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/AuthenticatedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/BaseKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/BinaryDataEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CertPathEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CertificateEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CompressedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/EncryptedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/Entry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/EnvelopeEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/GnuPrivateKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/GnuPublicKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IPrivateKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IPublicKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MalformedKeyringException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MaskableEnvelopeEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MeteredInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordAuthenticatedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordEncryptedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordProtectedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PrimitiveEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PrivateKeyEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/Properties.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PublicKeyEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/BaseKeyWrappingAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/IKeyWrappingAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/KeyWrappingAlgorithmFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/TripleDESKeyWrap.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/BaseMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/HMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/HMacFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/IMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/OMAC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/TMMH16.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/UHash32.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/UMac32.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/BaseMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CBC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CFB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CTR.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/EAX.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ECB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/IAuthenticatedMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ICM.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/IMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ModeFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/OFB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/BasePad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/IPad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PKCS7.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PadFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/TBC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/WrongPaddingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/ARCFour.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/CSPRNG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/ICMGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/IPBE.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/PBKDF2.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/PRNGFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/UMacGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/AuthInfo.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/AuthInfoProviderFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ClientFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ClientMechanism.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ConfidentialityException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IAuthInfoProviderFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IllegalMechanismStateException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/InputBuffer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IntegrityException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/NoSuchMechanismException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/NoSuchUserException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/OutputBuffer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslEncodingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslUtil.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ServerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ServerMechanism.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/UserAlreadyExistsException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousUtil.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5AuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Client.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Registry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Server.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Util.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainRegistry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/CALG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/ClientStore.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/IALG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/KDF.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRP.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPRegistry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SecurityContext.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/ServerStore.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/StoreEntry.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/IIOInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPEncoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPException.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPFileHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageWriter.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageWriterSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPInfoHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeBF16.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeBF32.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB1.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB24.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRLE4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRLE8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB1.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB16.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB24.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB32.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRLE4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRLE8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFFile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/DCT.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGComponent.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGMarker.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/ZigZag.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGChunk.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGData.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGEncoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGException.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGFile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGFilter.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGGamma.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGICCProfile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGPalette.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGPhys.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGTime.java, * gnu/javax/management/ListenerData.java, * gnu/javax/management/Server.java, * gnu/javax/management/Translator.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ContextContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/CorbalocParser.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingServiceFactory.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingServiceURLContext.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ListBindingsEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ListEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/ictxImpl/trans/GnuName.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/corbaname/corbanameURLContextFactory.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ContextContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ListBindingsEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ListEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/RmiContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/RmiNamingEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/rmiURLContext.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/rmiURLContextFactory.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/AbstractSessionContext.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/PreSharedKeyManager.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/PreSharedKeyManagerParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SSLCipherSuite.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SSLRecordHandler.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/Session.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SessionStoreException.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/AbstractHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Alert.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/AlertException.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Builder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Certificate.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateRequest.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateRequestBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateStatusRequest.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateStatusType.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateURL.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateVerify.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CipherSuite.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CipherSuiteList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientCertificateTypeList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientDHE_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientDiffieHellmanPublic.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHello.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHelloBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHelloV2.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientKeyExchangeBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientPSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientRSA_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CompressionMethod.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CompressionMethodList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Constructed.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Debug.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/DelegatedTask.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/EmptyExchangeKeys.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/EncryptedPreMasterSecret.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ExchangeKeys.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Extension.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ExtensionList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Handshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/InputSecurityParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Jessie.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/MaxFragmentLength.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/OutputSecurityParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/PreSharedKeyManagerFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Random.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLContextImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLEngineImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLRSASignatureImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLServerSocketFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLServerSocketImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLSocketFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLSocketImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLv3HMacMD5Impl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLv3HMacSHAImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerDHE_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerDHParams.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHello.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHelloBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHelloDone.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerKeyExchangeBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerNameList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerPSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerRSA_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SessionImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Signature.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SignatureAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SimpleSessionContext.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/TruncatedHMAC.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/TrustedAuthorities.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/UnresolvedExtensionValue.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Util.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X500PrincipalList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X509KeyManagerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X509TrustManagerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/CorbaInput.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/CorbaOutput.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/DefaultWriteObjectTester.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/DelegateFactory.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/GetDelegateInstanceException.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/PortableRemoteObjectDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/RmiUtilities.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/StubDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/TieTargetRecord.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/UtilDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/ValueHandlerDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/AWTCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/AbstractCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/CertificateCallback.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/ConsoleCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/DefaultCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/SwingCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/ConfigFileParser.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/ConfigFileTokenizer.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/GnuConfiguration.java, * gnu/javax/sound/AudioSecurityManager.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaInputPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaMidiSequencerDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaOutputPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/dssi/DSSIMidiDeviceProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/dssi/DSSISynthesizer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/ExtendedMidiFileFormat.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiDataInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiDataOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiFileReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiFileWriter.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/AU/AUReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/WAV/WAVReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/GStreamerMixer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/GStreamerMixerProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstAudioFileReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstAudioFileReaderNativePeer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstNativeDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstPipeline.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstSourceDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gnu/GNULookAndFeel.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/CharacterAttributeTranslator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/CombinedAttributes.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/ImageViewIconFactory.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/BorderStyle.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/CSSParser.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/CSSScanner.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/Selector.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/GnuParserDelegator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/HTML_401F.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/SmallHtmlAttributeSet.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/htmlAttributeSet.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/htmlValidator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/models/list.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/Parser.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/low/ReaderTokenizer.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/textPreProcessor.java, * gnu/javax/swing/tree/GnuPath.java, * gnu/test/Fail.java, * gnu/test/Pass.java, * gnu/test/Test.java, * gnu/test/Unsupported.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/JAXPFactory.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/SAXDriver.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/XmlParser.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/XmlReader.java, * gnu/xml/dom/Consumer.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DTDAttributeTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DTDElementTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomAttr.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomCDATASection.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomCharacterData.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomComment.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDOMException.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDoctype.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocument.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentBuilderFactory.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentConfiguration.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentFragment.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomElement.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEntity.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEntityReference.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEvent.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomExtern.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomImpl.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomIterator.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNSResolverContext.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNamedNodeMap.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNode.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNodeIterator.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNotation.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNsNode.java, 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gnu/xml/libxmlj/transform/URIResolverEntityResolver.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/EmptyNodeList.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/NamedInputStream.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/StandaloneDocumentType.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/StandaloneLocator.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/XMLJ.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/CallFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/DomConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/EventConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/EventFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/LinkFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/NSFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/PipelineFactory.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/TeeConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/TextConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/ValidationConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/WellFormednessFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/XIncludeFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/XsltFilter.java, * gnu/xml/stream/AttributeImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/BufferedReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CRLFReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CharactersImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CommentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/DTDImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EndDocumentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EndElementImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EntityDeclarationImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EntityReferenceImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/FilteredEventReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/FilteredStreamReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/NamespaceImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/NotationDeclarationImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/ProcessingInstructionImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/SAXParser.java, * gnu/xml/stream/SAXParserFactory.java, * gnu/xml/stream/StartDocumentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/StartElementImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/UnicodeReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XIncludeFilter.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventAllocatorImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventReaderImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventWriterImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLInputFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLParser.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriterImpl.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AbstractNumberNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ApplyImportsNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ApplyTemplatesNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AttributeNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AttributeSet.java, * gnu/xml/transform/Bindings.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CallTemplateNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ChooseNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CommentNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CopyNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CopyOfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CurrentFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/DOMSourceLocator.java, * gnu/xml/transform/DocumentFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ElementAvailableFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ElementNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ErrorListenerErrorHandler.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ForEachNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/FormatNumberFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/FunctionAvailableFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/GenerateIdFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/IfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/Key.java, * gnu/xml/transform/KeyFunction.java, * 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gnu/xml/transform/URIResolverEntityResolver.java, * gnu/xml/transform/UnparsedEntityUriFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ValueOfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/WhenNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/WithParam.java, * gnu/xml/transform/XSLComparator.java, * gnu/xml/transform/XSLURIResolver.java, * gnu/xml/util/DoParse.java, * gnu/xml/util/DomParser.java, * gnu/xml/util/Resolver.java, * gnu/xml/util/SAXNullTransformerFactory.java, * gnu/xml/util/XCat.java, * gnu/xml/util/XHTMLWriter.java, * gnu/xml/util/XMLWriter.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Annotation.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnySimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnyType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnyURIType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AtomicSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Base64BinaryType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/BooleanType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ByteType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/DateTimeType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/DateType.java, 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gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LanguageType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ListSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LongType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxExclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxInclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxLengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinExclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinInclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinLengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NCNameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NMTokenType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NMTokensType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NegativeIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NonNegativeIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NonPositiveIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NormalizedStringType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NotationType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/PatternFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/PositiveIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/QNameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ShortType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/SimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/StringType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TimeType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TokenType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TotalDigitsFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Type.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeLibrary.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeLibraryFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnionSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedByteType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedIntType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedLongType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedShortType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/WhiteSpaceFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/AnyNameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/AttributePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ChoiceNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ChoicePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/DataPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Define.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ElementPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/EmptyPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/FullSyntaxBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Grammar.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GrammarException.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GrammarValidator.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GroupPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/InterleavePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ListPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NSNameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NotAllowedPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/OneOrMorePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Param.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Pattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/RELAXNGSchemaFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/RefPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/TextPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ValuePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AnyAttribute.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AttributeDeclaration.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AttributeUse.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ComplexType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ElementDeclaration.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/Particle.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ValidationException.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchema.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaAttributeTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaElementTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaSchemaFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaTypeInfoProvider.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaValidator.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaValidatorHandler.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/AndExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ArithmeticExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/BooleanFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/CeilingFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ConcatFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Constant.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ContainsFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/CountFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/DocumentOrderComparator.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/EqualityExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Expr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FalseFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FloorFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Function.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FunctionCall.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/IdFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LangFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LastFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LocalNameFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NameFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NameTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NamespaceTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NamespaceUriFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NegativeExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NodeTypeTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NormalizeSpaceFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NotFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NumberFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/OrExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ParenthesizedExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Path.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Pattern.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/PositionFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Predicate.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/RelationalExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Root.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/RoundFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Selector.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StartsWithFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Steps.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StringFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StringLengthFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringAfterFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringBeforeFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SumFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Test.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/TranslateFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/TrueFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/UnionExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/VariableReference.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathImpl.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathParser.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathTokenizer.java, * java/applet/Applet.java, * java/awt/AWTEvent.java, * java/awt/AWTEventMulticaster.java, * java/awt/AWTKeyStroke.java, * java/awt/AlphaComposite.java, * java/awt/BasicStroke.java, * java/awt/BorderLayout.java, * java/awt/BufferCapabilities.java, * java/awt/Button.java, * java/awt/Canvas.java, * java/awt/CardLayout.java, * java/awt/Checkbox.java, * java/awt/CheckboxGroup.java, * java/awt/CheckboxMenuItem.java, * java/awt/Choice.java, * java/awt/Color.java, * java/awt/ColorPaintContext.java, * java/awt/Component.java, * java/awt/Container.java, * java/awt/ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/Cursor.java, * java/awt/DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.java, * java/awt/Desktop.java, * java/awt/Dialog.java, * java/awt/DisplayMode.java, * java/awt/Event.java, * java/awt/EventDispatchThread.java, * java/awt/EventQueue.java, * java/awt/FileDialog.java, * java/awt/FlowLayout.java, * java/awt/FocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/Font.java, * java/awt/FontMetrics.java, * java/awt/Frame.java, * java/awt/GradientPaint.java, * java/awt/Graphics.java, * java/awt/Graphics2D.java, * java/awt/GraphicsConfiguration.java, * java/awt/GraphicsDevice.java, * java/awt/GridBagConstraints.java, * java/awt/GridBagLayout.java, * java/awt/GridLayout.java, * java/awt/Image.java, * java/awt/Insets.java, * java/awt/JobAttributes.java, * java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java, * java/awt/Label.java, * java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java, * java/awt/List.java, * java/awt/MediaTracker.java, * java/awt/Menu.java, * java/awt/MenuBar.java, * java/awt/MenuComponent.java, * java/awt/MenuItem.java, * java/awt/MenuShortcut.java, * java/awt/MouseInfo.java, * java/awt/PageAttributes.java, * java/awt/Point.java, * java/awt/PointerInfo.java, * java/awt/Polygon.java, * java/awt/PopupMenu.java, * java/awt/Rectangle.java, * java/awt/RenderingHints.java, * java/awt/Robot.java, * java/awt/ScrollPane.java, * java/awt/ScrollPaneAdjustable.java, * java/awt/Scrollbar.java, * java/awt/Shape.java, * java/awt/SystemColor.java, * java/awt/TextArea.java, * java/awt/TextComponent.java, * java/awt/TextField.java, * java/awt/TexturePaint.java, * java/awt/Toolkit.java, * java/awt/Window.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_Profile.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileGray.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileRGB.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/Clipboard.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/ClipboardOwner.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/FlavorEvent.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/FlavorListener.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/MimeType.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/StringSelection.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/SystemFlavorMap.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/Transferable.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/UnsupportedFlavorException.java, * java/awt/dnd/Autoscroll.java, * java/awt/dnd/DnDEventMulticaster.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragGestureEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragGestureRecognizer.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSource.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceContext.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceDropEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTarget.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetContext.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetDragEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetDropEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/MouseDragGestureRecognizer.java, * java/awt/dnd/peer/DropTargetContextPeer.java, * java/awt/event/AWTEventListener.java, * java/awt/event/ActionEvent.java, * java/awt/event/ComponentAdapter.java, * java/awt/event/ComponentEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InputEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InputMethodEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InvocationEvent.java, * java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java, * java/awt/event/MouseEvent.java, * java/awt/event/MouseListener.java, * java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent.java, * java/awt/event/WindowEvent.java, * java/awt/font/FontRenderContext.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphJustificationInfo.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphMetrics.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java, * java/awt/font/GraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/ImageGraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/LineBreakMeasurer.java, * java/awt/font/LineMetrics.java, * java/awt/font/MultipleMaster.java, * java/awt/font/OpenType.java, * java/awt/font/ShapeGraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/TextHitInfo.java, * java/awt/font/TextLayout.java, * java/awt/font/TextMeasurer.java, * java/awt/font/TransformAttribute.java, * java/awt/geom/AffineTransform.java, * java/awt/geom/Arc2D.java, * java/awt/geom/Area.java, * java/awt/geom/CubicCurve2D.java, * java/awt/geom/Ellipse2D.java, * java/awt/geom/FlatteningPathIterator.java, * java/awt/geom/GeneralPath.java, * java/awt/geom/Line2D.java, * java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.java, * java/awt/geom/RectangularShape.java, * java/awt/geom/RoundRectangle2D.java, * java/awt/im/InputContext.java, * java/awt/im/spi/InputMethodDescriptor.java, * java/awt/image/AffineTransformOp.java, * java/awt/image/AreaAveragingScaleFilter.java, * java/awt/image/BandCombineOp.java, * java/awt/image/BandedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImage.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImageOp.java, * java/awt/image/ByteLookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java, * java/awt/image/ColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/ComponentSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/ConvolveOp.java, * java/awt/image/CropImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/DataBuffer.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferByte.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferDouble.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferFloat.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferInt.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferShort.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferUShort.java, * java/awt/image/DirectColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/FilteredImageSource.java, * java/awt/image/ImageConsumer.java, * java/awt/image/ImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/ImageObserver.java, * java/awt/image/ImageProducer.java, * java/awt/image/IndexColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/Kernel.java, * java/awt/image/LookupOp.java, * java/awt/image/LookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java, * java/awt/image/MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/PackedColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/PixelGrabber.java, * java/awt/image/PixelInterleavedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/RGBImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/Raster.java, * java/awt/image/RasterOp.java, * java/awt/image/RenderedImage.java, * java/awt/image/ReplicateScaleFilter.java, * java/awt/image/RescaleOp.java, * java/awt/image/SampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/ShortLookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/SinglePixelPackedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/TileObserver.java, * java/awt/image/WritableRaster.java, * java/awt/image/WritableRenderedImage.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/ContextualRenderedImageFactory.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/ParameterBlock.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderContext.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImage.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageOp.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageProducer.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderedImageFactory.java, * java/awt/peer/ButtonPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CanvasPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CheckboxMenuItemPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CheckboxPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ChoicePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ContainerPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/DesktopPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/DialogPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FileDialogPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FontPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FramePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/LabelPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/LightweightPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ListPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuBarPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuItemPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MouseInfoPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/PanelPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/PopupMenuPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/RobotPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ScrollPanePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ScrollbarPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/TextComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/TextFieldPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/WindowPeer.java, * java/awt/print/Book.java, * java/awt/print/PageFormat.java, * java/awt/print/Pageable.java, * java/awt/print/Paper.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterGraphics.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterJob.java, * java/beans/AppletInitializer.java, * java/beans/BeanDescriptor.java, * java/beans/BeanInfo.java, * java/beans/Beans.java, * java/beans/Customizer.java, * java/beans/DefaultPersistenceDelegate.java, * java/beans/DesignMode.java, * java/beans/Encoder.java, * java/beans/EventHandler.java, * java/beans/EventSetDescriptor.java, * java/beans/Expression.java, * java/beans/FeatureDescriptor.java, * java/beans/IndexedPropertyChangeEvent.java, * java/beans/IndexedPropertyDescriptor.java, * java/beans/Introspector.java, * java/beans/MethodDescriptor.java, * java/beans/ParameterDescriptor.java, * java/beans/PersistenceDelegate.java, * java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java, * java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.java, * java/beans/PropertyEditor.java, * java/beans/PropertyEditorManager.java, * java/beans/SimpleBeanInfo.java, * java/beans/Statement.java, * java/beans/VetoableChangeSupport.java, * java/beans/Visibility.java, * java/beans/XMLDecoder.java, * java/beans/XMLEncoder.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContext.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChild.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildComponentProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildSupport.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextContainerProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProvider.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceRevokedListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServices.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesSupport.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextSupport.java, * java/io/BufferedInputStream.java, * java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java, * java/io/BufferedReader.java, * java/io/BufferedWriter.java, * java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java, * java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java, * java/io/CharArrayReader.java, * java/io/CharArrayWriter.java, * java/io/DataInput.java, * java/io/DataInputStream.java, * java/io/DataOutput.java, * java/io/DataOutputStream.java, * java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java, * java/io/EOFException.java, * java/io/Externalizable.java, * java/io/File.java, * java/io/FileDescriptor.java, * java/io/FileFilter.java, * java/io/FileInputStream.java, * java/io/FileOutputStream.java, * java/io/FilePermission.java, * java/io/FileReader.java, * java/io/FileWriter.java, * java/io/FilenameFilter.java, * java/io/FilterInputStream.java, * java/io/FilterOutputStream.java, * java/io/FilterReader.java, * java/io/FilterWriter.java, * java/io/InputStream.java, * java/io/InputStreamReader.java, * java/io/InvalidClassException.java, * java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java, * java/io/LineNumberReader.java, * java/io/ObjectInput.java, * java/io/ObjectInputStream.java, * java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java, * java/io/ObjectOutput.java, * java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamField.java, * java/io/OutputStream.java, * java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java, * java/io/PipedInputStream.java, * java/io/PipedOutputStream.java, * java/io/PipedReader.java, * java/io/PipedWriter.java, * java/io/PrintStream.java, * java/io/PrintWriter.java, * java/io/PushbackInputStream.java, * java/io/PushbackReader.java, * java/io/RandomAccessFile.java, * java/io/Reader.java, * java/io/SequenceInputStream.java, * java/io/Serializable.java, * java/io/SerializablePermission.java, * java/io/StreamTokenizer.java, * java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java, * java/io/StringReader.java, * java/io/StringWriter.java, * java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java, * java/io/Writer.java, * java/lang/AbstractStringBuffer.java, * java/lang/Boolean.java, * java/lang/Character.java, * java/lang/Class.java, * java/lang/ClassLoader.java, * java/lang/Comparable.java, * java/lang/Double.java, * java/lang/Enum.java, * java/lang/EnumConstantNotPresentException.java, * java/lang/Float.java, * java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.java, * java/lang/IllegalStateException.java, * java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.java, * java/lang/Integer.java, * java/lang/Long.java, * java/lang/Math.java, * java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError.java, * java/lang/Object.java, * java/lang/Package.java, * java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java, * java/lang/Runtime.java, * java/lang/SecurityException.java, * java/lang/SecurityManager.java, * java/lang/StackTraceElement.java, * java/lang/StrictMath.java, * java/lang/String.java, * java/lang/StringBuffer.java, * java/lang/StringBuilder.java, * java/lang/System.java, * java/lang/Thread.java, * java/lang/ThreadLocal.java, * java/lang/Throwable.java, * java/lang/TypeNotPresentException.java, * java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.java, * java/lang/annotation/Annotation.java, * java/lang/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchException.java, * java/lang/annotation/IncompleteAnnotationException.java, * java/lang/instrument/ClassFileTransformer.java, * java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.java, * java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/CompilationMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/ManagementFactory.java, * java/lang/management/ManagementPermission.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryNotificationInfo.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryType.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryUsage.java, * java/lang/management/MonitorInfo.java, * java/lang/management/OperatingSystemMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/RuntimeMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/ThreadInfo.java, * java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean.java, * java/lang/ref/PhantomReference.java, * java/lang/ref/Reference.java, * java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.java, * java/lang/ref/SoftReference.java, * java/lang/ref/WeakReference.java, * java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.java, * java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement.java, * java/lang/reflect/Array.java, * java/lang/reflect/Constructor.java, * java/lang/reflect/Field.java, * java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType.java, * java/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration.java, * java/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler.java, * java/lang/reflect/MalformedParameterizedTypeException.java, * java/lang/reflect/Method.java, * java/lang/reflect/Modifier.java, * java/lang/reflect/Proxy.java, * java/lang/reflect/Type.java, * java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable.java, * java/lang/reflect/WildcardType.java, * java/math/BigDecimal.java, * java/math/BigInteger.java, * java/math/MathContext.java, * java/math/RoundingMode.java, * java/net/ContentHandler.java, * java/net/DatagramSocket.java, * java/net/DatagramSocketImpl.java, * java/net/HttpURLConnection.java, * java/net/Inet4Address.java, * java/net/Inet6Address.java, * java/net/InetAddress.java, * java/net/InetSocketAddress.java, * java/net/MimeTypeMapper.java, * java/net/MulticastSocket.java, * java/net/NetworkInterface.java, * java/net/Proxy.java, * java/net/ProxySelector.java, * java/net/ResolverCache.java, * java/net/ServerSocket.java, * java/net/Socket.java, * java/net/SocketPermission.java, * java/net/URI.java, * java/net/URL.java, * java/net/URLClassLoader.java, * java/net/URLConnection.java, * java/net/URLDecoder.java, * java/net/URLEncoder.java, * java/net/URLStreamHandler.java, * java/nio/Buffer.java, * java/nio/BufferOverflowException.java, * java/nio/BufferUnderflowException.java, * java/nio/ByteBuffer.java, * java/nio/ByteBufferHelper.java, * java/nio/ByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ByteOrder.java, * java/nio/CharBuffer.java, * java/nio/CharBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/CharSequenceBuffer.java, * java/nio/CharViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DirectByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DoubleBuffer.java, * java/nio/DoubleBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DoubleViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/FloatBuffer.java, * java/nio/FloatBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/FloatViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/IntBuffer.java, * java/nio/IntBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/IntViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/InvalidMarkException.java, * java/nio/LongBuffer.java, * java/nio/LongBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/LongViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/MappedByteBuffer.java, * java/nio/MappedByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ReadOnlyBufferException.java, * java/nio/ShortBuffer.java, * java/nio/ShortBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ShortViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/channels/FileChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/SocketChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractInterruptibleChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectableChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectionKey.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelector.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider.java, * java/nio/charset/CharacterCodingException.java, * java/nio/charset/Charset.java, * java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.java, * java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder.java, * java/nio/charset/CoderMalfunctionError.java, * java/nio/charset/CoderResult.java, * java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.java, * java/nio/charset/IllegalCharsetNameException.java, * java/nio/charset/MalformedInputException.java, * java/nio/charset/UnmappableCharacterException.java, * java/nio/charset/UnsupportedCharsetException.java, * java/rmi/AccessException.java, * java/rmi/AlreadyBoundException.java, * java/rmi/MarshalledObject.java, * java/rmi/Naming.java, * java/rmi/NoSuchObjectException.java, * java/rmi/NotBoundException.java, * java/rmi/RMISecurityException.java, * java/rmi/RMISecurityManager.java, * java/rmi/Remote.java, * java/rmi/RemoteException.java, * java/rmi/StubNotFoundException.java, * java/rmi/UnknownHostException.java, * java/rmi/activation/Activatable.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationDesc.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroup.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupDesc.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupID.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationID.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationInstantiator.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationMonitor.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem.java, * java/rmi/activation/Activator.java, * java/rmi/activation/UnknownGroupException.java, * java/rmi/dgc/DGC.java, * java/rmi/dgc/Lease.java, * java/rmi/dgc/VMID.java, * java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java, * java/rmi/registry/Registry.java, * java/rmi/registry/RegistryHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/LoaderHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/LogStream.java, * java/rmi/server/ObjID.java, * java/rmi/server/Operation.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoader.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIClientSocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIFailureHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIServerSocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RMISocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteCall.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteObject.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteRef.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteServer.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteStub.java, * java/rmi/server/ServerRef.java, * java/rmi/server/Skeleton.java, * java/rmi/server/UID.java, * java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteObject.java, * java/rmi/server/Unreferenced.java, * java/security/AccessControlContext.java, * java/security/AccessController.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameterGenerator.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameters.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParametersSpi.java, * java/security/CodeSource.java, * java/security/DigestInputStream.java, * java/security/DigestOutputStream.java, * java/security/GeneralSecurityException.java, * java/security/Identity.java, * java/security/IdentityScope.java, * java/security/KeyFactory.java, * java/security/KeyFactorySpi.java, * java/security/KeyPairGenerator.java, * java/security/KeyPairGeneratorSpi.java, * java/security/KeyStore.java, * java/security/KeyStoreSpi.java, * java/security/MessageDigest.java, * java/security/MessageDigestSpi.java, * java/security/Permission.java, * java/security/Permissions.java, * java/security/Policy.java, * java/security/ProtectionDomain.java, * java/security/Provider.java, * java/security/ProviderException.java, * java/security/SecureClassLoader.java, * java/security/SecureRandom.java, * java/security/SecureRandomSpi.java, * java/security/Security.java, * java/security/Signature.java, * java/security/SignatureSpi.java, * java/security/SignedObject.java, * java/security/Signer.java, * java/security/acl/Acl.java, * java/security/acl/AclEntry.java, * java/security/acl/Group.java, * java/security/acl/Owner.java, * java/security/cert/CRL.java, * java/security/cert/CRLSelector.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathBuilderResult.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidator.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorResult.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorSpi.java, * java/security/cert/CertSelector.java, * java/security/cert/CertStore.java, * java/security/cert/CertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/CertStoreSpi.java, * java/security/cert/Certificate.java, * java/security/cert/CertificateFactory.java, * java/security/cert/CertificateFactorySpi.java, * java/security/cert/CollectionCertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/LDAPCertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXBuilderParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathBuilderResult.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathChecker.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathValidatorResult.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PolicyNode.java, * java/security/cert/PolicyQualifierInfo.java, * java/security/cert/X509CRL.java, * java/security/cert/X509CRLEntry.java, * java/security/cert/X509CertSelector.java, * java/security/cert/X509Certificate.java, * java/security/cert/X509Extension.java, * java/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAPrivateKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException.java, * java/security/spec/KeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/PSSParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAOtherPrimeInfo.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPrivateKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/sql/Array.java, * java/sql/BatchUpdateException.java, * java/sql/Blob.java, * java/sql/CallableStatement.java, * java/sql/Clob.java, * java/sql/Connection.java, * java/sql/DataTruncation.java, * java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.java, * java/sql/Date.java, * java/sql/Driver.java, * java/sql/DriverManager.java, * java/sql/DriverPropertyInfo.java, * java/sql/ParameterMetaData.java, * java/sql/PreparedStatement.java, * java/sql/Ref.java, * java/sql/ResultSet.java, * java/sql/ResultSetMetaData.java, * java/sql/SQLData.java, * java/sql/SQLException.java, * java/sql/SQLInput.java, * java/sql/SQLOutput.java, * java/sql/SQLPermission.java, * java/sql/SQLWarning.java, * java/sql/Savepoint.java, * java/sql/Statement.java, * java/sql/Struct.java, * java/sql/Time.java, * java/sql/Timestamp.java, * java/sql/Types.java, * java/text/Annotation.java, * java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java, * java/text/AttributedString.java, * java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java, * java/text/Bidi.java, * java/text/BreakIterator.java, * java/text/CharacterIterator.java, * java/text/ChoiceFormat.java, * java/text/CollationElementIterator.java, * java/text/CollationKey.java, * java/text/Collator.java, * java/text/DateFormat.java, * java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java, * java/text/DecimalFormat.java, * java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java, * java/text/FieldPosition.java, * java/text/Format.java, * java/text/MessageFormat.java, * java/text/NumberFormat.java, * java/text/ParsePosition.java, * java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java, * java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java, * java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java, * java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java, * java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java, * java/util/AbstractCollection.java, * java/util/AbstractList.java, * java/util/AbstractMap.java, * java/util/AbstractSet.java, * java/util/ArrayList.java, * java/util/Arrays.java, * java/util/BitSet.java, * java/util/Calendar.java, * java/util/Collections.java, * java/util/Currency.java, * java/util/Date.java, * java/util/Dictionary.java, * java/util/DuplicateFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/EnumMap.java, * java/util/EnumSet.java, * java/util/FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.java, * java/util/Formattable.java, * java/util/FormattableFlags.java, * java/util/Formatter.java, * java/util/FormatterClosedException.java, * java/util/GregorianCalendar.java, * java/util/HashMap.java, * java/util/Hashtable.java, * java/util/IdentityHashMap.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatCodePointException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatConversionException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatPrecisionException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatWidthException.java, * java/util/InputMismatchException.java, * java/util/LinkedHashMap.java, * java/util/LinkedHashSet.java, * java/util/LinkedList.java, * java/util/List.java, * java/util/Locale.java, * java/util/Map.java, * java/util/MissingFormatArgumentException.java, * java/util/MissingFormatWidthException.java, * java/util/PriorityQueue.java, * java/util/Properties.java, * java/util/PropertyPermission.java, * java/util/PropertyPermissionCollection.java, * java/util/Random.java, * java/util/ResourceBundle.java, * java/util/ServiceConfigurationError.java, * java/util/ServiceLoader.java, * java/util/SimpleTimeZone.java, * java/util/StringTokenizer.java, * java/util/TimeZone.java, * java/util/Timer.java, * java/util/TreeMap.java, * java/util/TreeSet.java, * java/util/UUID.java, * java/util/UnknownFormatConversionException.java, * java/util/UnknownFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/Vector.java, * java/util/WeakHashMap.java, * java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList.java, * java/util/jar/Attributes.java, * java/util/jar/JarEntry.java, * java/util/jar/JarFile.java, * java/util/jar/JarInputStream.java, * java/util/jar/JarOutputStream.java, * java/util/jar/Manifest.java, * java/util/logging/ConsoleHandler.java, * java/util/logging/ErrorManager.java, * java/util/logging/FileHandler.java, * java/util/logging/Formatter.java, * java/util/logging/Handler.java, * java/util/logging/Level.java, * java/util/logging/LogManager.java, * java/util/logging/LogRecord.java, * java/util/logging/Logger.java, * java/util/logging/LoggingMXBean.java, * java/util/logging/LoggingPermission.java, * java/util/logging/MemoryHandler.java, * java/util/logging/SocketHandler.java, * java/util/logging/StreamHandler.java, * java/util/logging/XMLFormatter.java, * java/util/prefs/AbstractPreferences.java, * java/util/prefs/NodeChangeEvent.java, * java/util/prefs/NodeChangeListener.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeEvent.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeListener.java, * java/util/prefs/Preferences.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferencesFactory.java, * java/util/regex/MatchResult.java, * java/util/regex/Pattern.java, * java/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException.java, * java/util/spi/LocaleNameProvider.java, * java/util/spi/TimeZoneNameProvider.java, * java/util/zip/Adler32.java, * java/util/zip/CRC32.java, * java/util/zip/CheckedInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/CheckedOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/Deflater.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterEngine.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterHuffman.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterPending.java, * java/util/zip/GZIPInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/Inflater.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterDynHeader.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterHuffmanTree.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/OutputWindow.java, * java/util/zip/PendingBuffer.java, * java/util/zip/StreamManipulator.java, * java/util/zip/ZipConstants.java, * java/util/zip/ZipEntry.java, * java/util/zip/ZipFile.java, * java/util/zip/ZipInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/ZipOutputStream.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleExtendedText.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleRelation.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleRole.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleState.java, * javax/activation/ActivationDataFlavor.java, * javax/activation/CommandInfo.java, * javax/activation/CommandMap.java, * javax/activation/CommandObject.java, * javax/activation/DataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/DataContentHandlerFactory.java, * javax/activation/DataHandler.java, * javax/activation/DataHandlerDataSource.java, * javax/activation/DataSource.java, * javax/activation/DataSourceDataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/FileDataSource.java, * javax/activation/FileTypeMap.java, * javax/activation/MailcapCommandMap.java, * javax/activation/MimeType.java, * javax/activation/MimeTypeParameterList.java, * javax/activation/MimeTypeParseException.java, * javax/activation/MimetypesFileTypeMap.java, * javax/activation/ObjectDataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/URLDataSource.java, * javax/activation/UnsupportedDataTypeException.java, * javax/crypto/Cipher.java, * javax/crypto/CipherOutputStream.java, * javax/crypto/ExemptionMechanism.java, * javax/crypto/KeyAgreement.java, * javax/crypto/KeyGenerator.java, * javax/crypto/Mac.java, * javax/crypto/MacSpi.java, * javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.java, * javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec.java, * javax/imageio/IIOImage.java, * javax/imageio/IIOParam.java, * javax/imageio/IIOParamController.java, * javax/imageio/ImageIO.java, * javax/imageio/ImageReadParam.java, * javax/imageio/ImageReader.java, * javax/imageio/ImageTranscoder.java, * javax/imageio/ImageTypeSpecifier.java, * javax/imageio/ImageWriteParam.java, * javax/imageio/ImageWriter.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOReadProgressListener.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOWriteProgressListener.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOInvalidTreeException.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadata.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataFormatImpl.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataNode.java, * javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/BMPImageWriteParam.java, * javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGHuffmanTable.java, * javax/imageio/spi/IIORegistry.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ImageReaderSpi.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ImageWriterSpi.java, * javax/imageio/spi/RegisterableService.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ServiceRegistry.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileCacheImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileCacheImageOutputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileImageOutputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStreamImpl.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageOutputStreamImpl.java, * javax/imageio/stream/MemoryCacheImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.java, * javax/management/Attribute.java, * javax/management/AttributeChangeNotification.java, * javax/management/AttributeChangeNotificationFilter.java, * javax/management/AttributeList.java, * javax/management/AttributeNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/AttributeValueExp.java, * javax/management/BadAttributeValueExpException.java, * javax/management/BadBinaryOpValueExpException.java, * javax/management/BadStringOperationException.java, * javax/management/DefaultLoaderRepository.java, * javax/management/Descriptor.java, * javax/management/DynamicMBean.java, * javax/management/InstanceAlreadyExistsException.java, * javax/management/InstanceNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/IntrospectionException.java, * javax/management/InvalidApplicationException.java, * javax/management/InvalidAttributeValueException.java, * javax/management/JMException.java, * javax/management/JMRuntimeException.java, * javax/management/JMX.java, * javax/management/ListenerNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/MBeanAttributeInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanConstructorInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanException.java, * javax/management/MBeanFeatureInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanNotificationInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanOperationInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanParameterInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanPermission.java, * javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException.java, * javax/management/MBeanServer.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerBuilder.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerConnection.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerDelegate.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerFactory.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerNotification.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerPermission.java, * javax/management/MBeanTrustPermission.java, * javax/management/MalformedObjectNameException.java, * javax/management/NotCompliantMBeanException.java, * javax/management/Notification.java, * javax/management/NotificationBroadcaster.java, * javax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java, * javax/management/NotificationEmitter.java, * javax/management/NotificationFilter.java, * javax/management/NotificationFilterSupport.java, * javax/management/NotificationListener.java, * javax/management/ObjectInstance.java, * javax/management/ObjectName.java, * javax/management/OperationsException.java, * javax/management/PersistentMBean.java, * javax/management/Query.java, * javax/management/QueryEval.java, * javax/management/QueryExp.java, * javax/management/ReflectionException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeErrorException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeMBeanException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeOperationsException.java, * javax/management/ServiceNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/StandardMBean.java, * javax/management/StringValueExp.java, * javax/management/ValueExp.java, * javax/management/loading/ClassLoaderRepository.java, * javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeData.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeDataInvocationHandler.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeDataSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/InvalidKeyException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/InvalidOpenTypeException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/KeyAlreadyExistsException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenDataException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularData.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularType.java, * javax/management/remote/NotificationResult.java, * javax/management/remote/TargetedNotification.java, * javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnection.java, * javax/naming/AuthenticationException.java, * javax/naming/AuthenticationNotSupportedException.java, * javax/naming/BinaryRefAddr.java, * javax/naming/Binding.java, * javax/naming/CannotProceedException.java, * javax/naming/CommunicationException.java, * javax/naming/CompositeName.java, * javax/naming/CompoundName.java, * javax/naming/ConfigurationException.java, * javax/naming/Context.java, * javax/naming/ContextNotEmptyException.java, * javax/naming/InitialContext.java, * javax/naming/InsufficientResourcesException.java, * javax/naming/InterruptedNamingException.java, * javax/naming/InvalidNameException.java, * javax/naming/LimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/LinkException.java, * javax/naming/LinkLoopException.java, * javax/naming/MalformedLinkException.java, * javax/naming/Name.java, * javax/naming/NameAlreadyBoundException.java, * javax/naming/NameClassPair.java, * javax/naming/NameNotFoundException.java, * javax/naming/NameParser.java, * javax/naming/NamingEnumeration.java, * javax/naming/NamingException.java, * javax/naming/NamingSecurityException.java, * javax/naming/NoInitialContextException.java, * javax/naming/NoPermissionException.java, * javax/naming/NotContextException.java, * javax/naming/PartialResultException.java, * javax/naming/RefAddr.java, * javax/naming/Reference.java, * javax/naming/Referenceable.java, * javax/naming/ReferralException.java, * javax/naming/ServiceUnavailableException.java, * javax/naming/SizeLimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/StringRefAddr.java, * javax/naming/TimeLimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/directory/AttributeInUseException.java, * javax/naming/directory/Attributes.java, * javax/naming/directory/BasicAttribute.java, * javax/naming/directory/BasicAttributes.java, * javax/naming/directory/InitialDirContext.java, * javax/naming/directory/ModificationItem.java, * javax/naming/directory/SearchControls.java, * javax/naming/directory/SearchResult.java, * javax/naming/event/EventContext.java, * javax/naming/event/NamespaceChangeListener.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingEvent.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingExceptionEvent.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingListener.java, * javax/naming/event/ObjectChangeListener.java, * javax/naming/ldap/Control.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ControlFactory.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ExtendedRequest.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ExtendedResponse.java, * javax/naming/ldap/HasControls.java, * javax/naming/ldap/InitialLdapContext.java, * javax/naming/ldap/LdapContext.java, * javax/naming/ldap/LdapReferralException.java, * javax/naming/ldap/StartTlsRequest.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotification.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationEvent.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationListener.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirObjectFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirStateFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirectoryManager.java, * javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactoryBuilder.java, * javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java, * javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactoryBuilder.java, * javax/naming/spi/ResolveResult.java, * javax/naming/spi/Resolver.java, * javax/naming/spi/StateFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/CertPathTrustManagerParameters.java, * javax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/KeyStoreBuilderParameters.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLContext.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLException.java, * javax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/X509ExtendedKeyManager.java, * javax/print/AttributeException.java, * javax/print/CancelablePrintJob.java, * javax/print/Doc.java, * javax/print/DocFlavor.java, * javax/print/DocPrintJob.java, * javax/print/FlavorException.java, * javax/print/MultiDoc.java, * javax/print/MultiDocPrintJob.java, * javax/print/MultiDocPrintService.java, * javax/print/PrintException.java, * javax/print/PrintService.java, * javax/print/PrintServiceLookup.java, * javax/print/ServiceUI.java, * javax/print/ServiceUIFactory.java, * javax/print/SimpleDoc.java, * javax/print/StreamPrintService.java, * javax/print/StreamPrintServiceFactory.java, * javax/print/URIException.java, * javax/print/attribute/Attribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/AttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/AttributeSetUtilities.java, * javax/print/attribute/DateTimeSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/DocAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/DocAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/EnumSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashDocAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintJobAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/IntegerSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/ResolutionSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/SetOfIntegerSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/Size2DSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/SupportedValuesAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/TextSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/URISyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/UnmodifiableSetException.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Chromaticity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/ColorSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Compression.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Copies.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/CopiesSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCreation.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtProcessing.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Destination.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DocumentName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Fidelity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Finishings.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobHoldUntil.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressions.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsProcessed.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMessageFromOperator.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobOriginatingUserName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPriority.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPrioritySupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobSheets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobState.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReason.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReasons.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Media.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaPrintableArea.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSizeName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaTray.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MultipleDocumentHandling.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfDocuments.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfInterveningJobs.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUp.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUpSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/OrientationRequested.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/OutputDeviceAssigned.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PDLOverrideSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PageRanges.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinute.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinuteColor.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrintQuality.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterInfo.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterLocation.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMakeAndModel.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMessageFromOperator.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfo.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterResolution.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterState.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReason.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReasons.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterURI.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/QueuedJobCount.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/RequestingUserName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Severity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/SheetCollate.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Sides.java, * javax/print/event/PrintEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAdapter.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeListener.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobListener.java, * javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeListener.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/ClassDesc.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/PortableRemoteObjectDelegate.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/Stub.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/StubDelegate.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/Tie.java, * 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javax/security/auth/login/LoginContext.java, * javax/security/sasl/Sasl.java, * javax/sound/midi/ControllerEventListener.java, * javax/sound/midi/Instrument.java, * javax/sound/midi/InvalidMidiDataException.java, * javax/sound/midi/MetaEventListener.java, * javax/sound/midi/MetaMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiChannel.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiDevice.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiEvent.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiFileFormat.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiUnavailableException.java, * javax/sound/midi/Patch.java, * javax/sound/midi/Receiver.java, * javax/sound/midi/Sequence.java, * javax/sound/midi/Sequencer.java, * javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/Soundbank.java, * javax/sound/midi/SoundbankResource.java, * javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer.java, * javax/sound/midi/SysexMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/Track.java, * javax/sound/midi/Transmitter.java, * javax/sound/midi/VoiceStatus.java, * 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javax/swing/tree/TreePath.java, * javax/swing/tree/TreeSelectionModel.java, * javax/swing/tree/VariableHeightLayoutCache.java, * javax/swing/undo/AbstractUndoableEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/CompoundEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/StateEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java, * javax/swing/undo/UndoableEdit.java, * javax/tools/FileObject.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicCommitException.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicMixedException.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicRollbackException.java, * javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException.java, * javax/transaction/NotSupportedException.java, * javax/transaction/RollbackException.java, * javax/transaction/Status.java, * javax/transaction/Synchronization.java, * javax/transaction/SystemException.java, * javax/transaction/Transaction.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionManager.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException.java, * javax/transaction/UserTransaction.java, * javax/transaction/xa/XAException.java, * javax/transaction/xa/XAResource.java, * javax/transaction/xa/Xid.java, * javax/xml/XMLConstants.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeConstants.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeFactory.java, * javax/xml/datatype/Duration.java, * javax/xml/datatype/XMLGregorianCalendar.java, * javax/xml/namespace/NamespaceContext.java, * javax/xml/namespace/QName.java, * javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder.java, * javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilderFactory.java, * javax/xml/parsers/FactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/parsers/ParserConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.java, * javax/xml/parsers/SAXParserFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/EventFilter.java, * javax/xml/stream/FactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/stream/Location.java, * javax/xml/stream/StreamFilter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventReader.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventWriter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLReporter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLResolver.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamConstants.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamReader.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriter.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Attribute.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Characters.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Comment.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/DTD.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EndDocument.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EndElement.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EntityDeclaration.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EntityReference.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/NotationDeclaration.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/ProcessingInstruction.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/StartDocument.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/StartElement.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/XMLEvent.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/EventReaderDelegate.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventAllocator.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventConsumer.java, * javax/xml/transform/ErrorListener.java, * javax/xml/transform/OutputKeys.java, * javax/xml/transform/Result.java, * javax/xml/transform/Source.java, * javax/xml/transform/SourceLocator.java, * javax/xml/transform/Templates.java, * javax/xml/transform/Transformer.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerException.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactory.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/transform/URIResolver.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMLocator.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMSource.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXSource.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXTransformerFactory.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/TemplatesHandler.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/TransformerHandler.java, * javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamSource.java, * javax/xml/validation/Schema.java, * javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactory.java, * javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactoryLoader.java, * javax/xml/validation/TypeInfoProvider.java, * javax/xml/validation/Validator.java, * javax/xml/validation/ValidatorHandler.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPath.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathConstants.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpression.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpressionException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactory.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactoryConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunction.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionResolver.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathVariableResolver.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_IN.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_INOUT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_OUT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/AnySeqHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_CONTEXT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_INV_ORDER.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_OPERATION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_PARAM.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_TYPE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_VALUE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_TYPECODE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CompletionStatus.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CompletionStatusHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Context.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Current.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CurrentHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CustomMarshal.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CustomValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DATA_CONVERSION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DataInputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DataOutputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DefinitionKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DefinitionKindHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DynamicImplementation.java, * org/omg/CORBA/FREE_MEM.java, * org/omg/CORBA/FieldNameHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IDLTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IMP_LIMIT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INITIALIZE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INTERNAL.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INTF_REPOS.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INVALID_TRANSACTION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_FLAG.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_IDENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_OBJREF.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IRObject.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IRObjectOperations.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IdentifierHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/LocalObject.java, * org/omg/CORBA/LongSeqHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/MARSHAL.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_IMPLEMENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_MEMORY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_PERMISSION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESOURCES.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESPONSE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NVList.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OBJ_ADAPTER.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OMGVMCID.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ORB.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PERSIST_STORE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ParameterMode.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ParameterModeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorCodeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/RepositoryIdHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Request.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ServiceDetailHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ServiceInformationHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/SetOverrideTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StringValueHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StructMember.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StructMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/SystemException.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TCKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSACTION_REQUIRED.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSIENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCode.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/BadKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/Bounds.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UNSUPPORTED_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_VALUE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnionMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserException.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserExceptionHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/VersionSpecHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/VisibilityHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WStringValueHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/_IDLTypeStub.java, * org/omg/CORBA/_PolicyStub.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/CustomValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/StreamableValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueBase.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/ORB.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/InputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/ObjectImpl.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/OutputStream.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIterator.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorOperations.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingType.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/IstringHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NameComponentHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NameHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContext.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/InvalidAddress.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/AlreadyBound.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceed.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceedHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidName.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidNameHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotEmptyHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFound.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReason.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHolder.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorImplBase.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorStub.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextExtStub.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextStub.java, * org/omg/Dynamic/Parameter.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/AnySeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAny.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCode.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCodeHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValue.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValueHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatch.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnySeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynArrayHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynEnumHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynFixedHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynSequenceHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynStructHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynUnionHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueBox.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueCommonOperations.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/FieldNameHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePair.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyFactoryStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynArrayStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynEnumStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynFixedStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynSequenceStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynStructStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynUnionStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynValueStub.java, * org/omg/IOP/Codec.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactory.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryOperations.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncodingHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecOperations.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatch.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatch.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ComponentIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/Encoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/IOR.java, * org/omg/IOP/IORHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/IORHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ProfileIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContext.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponent.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfile.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/TransactionService.java, * org/omg/Messaging/SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT.java, * org/omg/Messaging/SyncScopeHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterManagerIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterStateHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Current.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ForwardRequest.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Helper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Holder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Operations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlot.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlotHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/LOCATION_FORWARD.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/DuplicateName.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/DuplicateNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidName.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/ObjectIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializer.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactory.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplate.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactory.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactoryOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SUCCESSFUL.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/TRANSPORT_RETRY.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/USER_EXCEPTION.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/_IORInterceptor_3_0Stub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/Current.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContext.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContextHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/DynamicImplementation.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequest.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManager.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/State.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExists.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExistsHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistent.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServant.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServantHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapter.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapterHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/Servant.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorPOA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorPOA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorPackage/CookieHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManager.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManagerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantActivatorStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantLocatorStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/SendingContext/RunTime.java, * org/omg/SendingContext/RunTimeOperations.java, * sun/misc/Service.java, * sun/misc/ServiceConfigurationError.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/ExceptionProxy.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ClassDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ConstructorDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Doc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/DocErrorReporter.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Doclet.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ExecutableMemberDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/FieldDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/MemberDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/MethodDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/PackageDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ParamTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Parameter.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ProgramElementDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/RootDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/SeeTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/SerialFieldTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Tag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ThrowsTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Type.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/TypeVariable.java, * tools/com/sun/tools/javadoc/Main.java, * tools/com/sun/tools/javah/Main.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/AnnotationVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/AnnotationWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Attribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ByteVector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassReader.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Edge.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/FieldVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/FieldWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Handler.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Item.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Label.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Opcodes.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Type.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapAttribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapFrame.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapTableAttribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapType.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/AdviceAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/EmptyVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/GeneratorAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/LocalVariablesSorter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/Method.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/SerialVersionUIDAdder.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/StaticInitMerger.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/TableSwitchGenerator.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/AnnotationConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ClassConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ClassOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/Constant.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ConstantPool.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/FieldConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/JarOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/MethodConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/MethodOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/NameMapping.java, * 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tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicInterpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicValue.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicVerifier.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/DataflowInterpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/DataflowValue.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Frame.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/IntMap.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Interpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/SimpleVerifier.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/SmallSet.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Subroutine.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Value.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/util/ASMifierAbstractVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/util/ASMifierAnnotationVisitor.java, * 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tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputEvent.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputListener.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/NotifyingInputStreamReader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/StringToolkit.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/AppletSecurityManager.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/AppletTag.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/CommonAppletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/CommonAppletStub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/PluginAppletViewer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/PluginAppletWindow.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/StandaloneAppletViewer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/StandaloneAppletWindow.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/TagParser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/CallbackUtil.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/ClasspathToolParser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/Persistent.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/ProviderUtil.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/SecurityProviderInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOption.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionColonSeparated.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFile.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFlag.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionPackageWildcard.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionString.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InlineTagRenderer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InvalidPackageWildcardException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageGroup.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageMatcher.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/StandardTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/TagletPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/debugdoclet/DebugDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/CssClass.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/ExternalDocSet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlPage.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlTagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver1_4.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/TargetContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTranslet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletOptions.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/JarClassLoader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/OutputFileInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/FileArgumentCallback.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/Option.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/OptionGroup.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/Parser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/AbstractTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ArrayCharacterIterator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocProxy.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocReflectedImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ConstructorDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Debug.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DirectoryTree.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ErrorReporter.java, * 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tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SerialFieldTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SourcePositionImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagContainer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TemporaryStore.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TextTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ThrowsTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Timer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TimerDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeVariableImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ValueTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/WritableType.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AdditionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryBitwiseExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryComputationExpression.java, * 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* tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanOrEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalAndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalNotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalOrExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ModuloExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/MultiplicationExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NegateExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftLeftExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftRightExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/SubtractionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Type.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/TypeCastExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnaryExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnknownIdentifierException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Creator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Indexer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Updater.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/JarVerifier.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/SFHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/java2xhtml/Java2xhtml.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/ClassWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniPrintStream.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/GcjhMain.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniIncludePrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniStubPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Keywords.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/MethodHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/CACertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/CertReqCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/Command.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/DeleteCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ExportCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/GenKeyCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/IdentityDBCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ImportCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/KeyCloneCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/KeyPasswdCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ListCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/PrintCertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/SelfCertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/StorePasswdCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentContextMap.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentMap.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/AbstractMethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/ClassRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/CompilationError.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Generator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/GiopIo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/HashFinder.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/MethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RMICException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmiMethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmicBackend.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceGiopRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Variables.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/WrapUnWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/ActivationSystemImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/ActivationSystemImpl_Stub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/PersistentBidiHashTable.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/PersistentHashTable.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl_Skel.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl_Stub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CodeTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CopyrightTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/DeprecatedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GenericTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GnuExtendedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/SinceTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/TagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/ValueTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/VersionTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/tnameserv/Main.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMFrame.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMIdManager.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMMethod.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMVirtualMachine.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/VMCPStringBuilder.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/VMInstrumentationImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMClassLoadingMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMCompilationMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMGarbageCollectorMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryManagerMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryPoolMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMThreadMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/net/VMPlainDatagramSocketImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/net/VMPlainSocketImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMChannel.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMPipe.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMSelector.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/security/jce/prng/VMSecureRandom.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMFile.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMObjectInputStream.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMObjectStreamClass.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMClass.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMClassLoader.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMDouble.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMFloat.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMMath.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMObject.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMProcess.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMRuntime.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMString.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMSystem.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMThread.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMConstructor.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMField.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMMethod.java, * vm/reference/java/net/VMNetworkInterface.java, * vm/reference/java/nio/channels/VMChannels.java, * vm/reference/java/security/VMAccessController.java, * vm/reference/java/security/VMSecureRandom.java, * vm/reference/java/util/VMTimeZone.java, * vm/reference/sun/misc/Unsafe.java, * vm/reference/sun/reflect/Reflection.java, * vm/reference/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java: Normalise whitespace. From-SVN: r168680
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/java/text')
25 files changed, 2661 insertions, 2662 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Annotation.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Annotation.java
index cecb44a..7c4d001 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Annotation.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Annotation.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -110,4 +110,3 @@ toString()
} // class Annotation
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java
index 4f9c762..72c0ebb 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
* characters or which is undefined over a range of characters.
* @since 1.2
- *
+ *
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @since 1.2
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* This is the attribute for the reading form of text. This is used
* for storing pronunciation along with the written text for languages
* which need it. The value of attributes of this key type are
- * instances of <code>Annotation</code> which wrappers a
+ * instances of <code>Annotation</code> which wrappers a
* <code>String</code>.
public static final Attribute READING = new Attribute("reading");
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
- * Resolves an instance of
+ * Resolves an instance of
* <code>AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute</code>
* that is being deserialized to one of the three pre-defined attribute
* constants. It does this by comparing the names of the attributes. The
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* @return The resolved contant value
- * @exception InvalidObjectException If the object being deserialized
+ * @exception InvalidObjectException If the object being deserialized
* cannot be resolved.
protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException
@@ -139,31 +139,31 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
if (getName().equals(INPUT_METHOD_SEGMENT.getName()))
- throw new InvalidObjectException ("Can't resolve Attribute: "
+ throw new InvalidObjectException ("Can't resolve Attribute: "
+ getName());
* Tests this object for equality against the specified object.
* The two objects will be considered equal if and only if:
* <ul>
* <li>The specified object is not <code>null</code>.
- * <li>The specified object is an instance of
+ * <li>The specified object is an instance of
* <code>AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute</code>.
* <li>The specified object has the same attribute name as this object.
* </ul>
- * @param obj the <code>Object</code> to test for equality against this
+ * @param obj the <code>Object</code> to test for equality against this
* object.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to this one,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to this one,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public final boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == this)
return true;
- else
+ else
return false;
@@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
} // Inner class Attribute
- * Returns a list of all keys that are defined for the
+ * Returns a list of all keys that are defined for the
* text range. This can be an empty list if no attributes are defined.
- * @return A list of keys
+ * @return A list of keys
Set<Attribute> getAllAttributeKeys();
- * Returns a <code>Map</code> of the attributes defined for the current
+ * Returns a <code>Map</code> of the attributes defined for the current
* character.
* @return A <code>Map</code> of the attributes for the current character.
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* @return The start index of the run.
int getRunStart(Set<? extends Attribute> attribs);
* Returns the index of the first character in the run that
* contains the specified attribute defined for the current character.
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* @return The start index of the run.
int getRunStart(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib);
* Returns the index of the character after the end of the run
* that contains all attributes defined for the current character.
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* @return The end index of the run.
int getRunLimit();
* Returns the index of the character after the end of the run
* that contains all attributes in the specified <code>Set</code> defined
@@ -263,13 +263,13 @@ public interface AttributedCharacterIterator extends CharacterIterator
* @return The end index of the run.
int getRunLimit(Set<? extends Attribute> attribs);
* Returns the index of the character after the end of the run
* that contains the specified attribute defined for the current character.
* @param attrib The attribute.
- *
+ *
* @return The end index of the run.
int getRunLimit(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedString.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedString.java
index cb338bf..7ffb3d4 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedString.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedString.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ import java.util.Set;
* This class models a <code>String</code> with attributes over various
- * subranges of the string. It allows applications to access this
+ * subranges of the string. It allows applications to access this
* information via the <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> interface.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.2
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class AttributedString
- /**
- * The attributes and ranges of text over which those attributes apply.
+ /**
+ * The attributes and ranges of text over which those attributes apply.
final class AttributeRange
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ public class AttributedString
* Creates a new attribute range.
- *
+ *
* @param attribs the attributes.
* @param beginIndex the start index.
* @param endIndex the end index.
- AttributeRange(Map attribs, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+ AttributeRange(Map attribs, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
this.attribs = attribs;
this.beginIndex = beginIndex;
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class AttributedString
* @param str The <code>String</code> to be attributed (<code>null</code> not
* permitted).
- *
+ *
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>str</code> is <code>null</code>.
public AttributedString(String str)
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ public class AttributedString
* that will use the text and attribute information from the specified
* <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code>.
- * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
- * text and attribute information (<code>null</code> not
+ * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
+ * text and attribute information (<code>null</code> not
* permitted).
- *
+ *
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>aci</code> is <code>null</code>.
public AttributedString(AttributedCharacterIterator aci)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class AttributedString
* that will use the text and attribute information from the specified
* subrange of the specified <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code>.
- * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
+ * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
* text and attribute information.
* @param beginIndex The beginning index of the text subrange.
* @param endIndex The ending index of the text subrange.
@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ public class AttributedString
* specified array of attributes will be included in the attribute list
* for this object.
- * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
+ * @param aci The <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> containing the
* text and attribute information.
* @param begin The beginning index of the text subrange.
* @param end The ending index of the text subrange.
- * @param attributes A list of attributes to include from the iterator, or
+ * @param attributes A list of attributes to include from the iterator, or
* <code>null</code> to include all attributes.
- public AttributedString(AttributedCharacterIterator aci, int begin, int end,
+ public AttributedString(AttributedCharacterIterator aci, int begin, int end,
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] attributes)
// Validate some arguments
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public class AttributedString
ArrayList accum = new ArrayList();
- {
+ {
Iterator iter = allAttribs.iterator();
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class AttributedString
if (!(obj instanceof AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute))
- AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib =
+ AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib =
// Make sure the attribute is defined.
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public class AttributedString
* @param attrib The attribute to add.
* @param value The value of the attribute.
- public void addAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib,
+ public void addAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib,
Object value)
addAttribute(attrib, value, 0, sci.getEndIndex());
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ public class AttributedString
* @param begin The beginning index of the subrange.
* @param end The ending index of the subrange.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException If attribute is <code>null</code> or
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException If attribute is <code>null</code> or
* the subrange is not valid.
- public void addAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib,
+ public void addAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib,
Object value, int begin, int end)
if (attrib == null)
@@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ public class AttributedString
* @param beginIndex The beginning index.
* @param endIndex The ending index
- * @throws NullPointerException if <code>attributes</code> is
+ * @throws NullPointerException if <code>attributes</code> is
* <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the subrange is not valid.
public void addAttributes(Map<? extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, ?> attributes,
- int beginIndex, int endIndex)
+ int beginIndex, int endIndex)
if (attributes == null)
throw new NullPointerException("null attribute");
@@ -316,19 +316,19 @@ public class AttributedString
AttributeRange[] new_list = new AttributeRange[attribs.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(attribs, 0, new_list, 0, attribs.length);
attribs = new_list;
- attribs[attribs.length - 1] = new AttributeRange(attributes, beginIndex,
+ attribs[attribs.length - 1] = new AttributeRange(attributes, beginIndex,
- }
+ }
- * Returns an <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> that
+ * Returns an <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> that
* will iterate over the entire string.
* @return An <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> for the entire string.
public AttributedCharacterIterator getIterator()
- return(new AttributedStringIterator(sci, attribs, 0, sci.getEndIndex(),
+ return(new AttributedStringIterator(sci, attribs, 0, sci.getEndIndex(),
@@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ public class AttributedString
* Returns an <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> that
- * will iterate over the specified subrange. This iterator will return
- * information about the list of attributes in the specified array.
- * Attributes not in the array may or may not be returned by the iterator.
- * If the specified array is <code>null</code>, all attributes will be
- * returned.
+ * will iterate over the specified subrange. This iterator will return
+ * information about the list of attributes in the specified array.
+ * Attributes not in the array may or may not be returned by the iterator.
+ * If the specified array is <code>null</code>, all attributes will be
+ * returned.
* @param attributes A list of attributes to include in the returned iterator.
* @param beginIndex The beginning index of the subrange.
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class AttributedString
* @return An <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> for this string.
public AttributedCharacterIterator getIterator(
- AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] attributes,
+ AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] attributes,
int beginIndex, int endIndex)
if ((beginIndex < 0) || (endIndex > sci.getEndIndex()) ||
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java
index 2f970fe..429bd70 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
* Creates a new instance.
- *
+ *
* @param sci an iterator for the string content.
* @param attribs the attribute ranges.
* @param beginIndex the start index.
* @param endIndex the end index.
* @param restricts the attributes that the user is interested in.
- AttributedStringIterator(StringCharacterIterator sci,
+ AttributedStringIterator(StringCharacterIterator sci,
AttributedString.AttributeRange[] attribs,
int beginIndex, int endIndex,
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] restricts)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
public char setIndex(int index)
- return(ci.setIndex(index));
+ return(ci.setIndex(index));
public int getBeginIndex()
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
* Here is where the AttributedCharacterIterator methods start.
- */
+ */
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
for (int i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++)
if (attribs[i].beginIndex > getEndIndex()
- || attribs[i].endIndex <= getBeginIndex())
- continue;
+ || attribs[i].endIndex <= getBeginIndex())
+ continue;
Set key_set = attribs[i].attribs.keySet();
Iterator iter = key_set.iterator();
@@ -201,30 +201,30 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
if (attributeSet == null)
return ci.getEndIndex();
int current = ci.getIndex();
int end = ci.getEndIndex();
int limit = current;
- if (current == end)
+ if (current == end)
return end;
Map runValues = getAttributes();
- while (limit < end)
+ while (limit < end)
Iterator iterator = attributeSet.iterator();
- while (iterator.hasNext())
+ while (iterator.hasNext())
Attribute attributeKey = (Attribute) iterator.next();
Object v1 = runValues.get(attributeKey);
Object v2 = getAttribute(attributeKey, limit + 1);
boolean changed = false;
// check for equal or both null, if NO return start
- if (v1 != null)
+ if (v1 != null)
changed = !v1.equals(v2);
- else
+ else
- changed = (v2 != null);
+ changed = (v2 != null);
if (changed)
return limit + 1;
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
* Returns the index of the first character in the run containing the current
* character and defined by all the attributes defined for that character
* position.
- *
+ *
* @return The run start index.
public int getRunStart()
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
- * Returns the index of the first character in the run, defined by the
+ * Returns the index of the first character in the run, defined by the
* specified attribute, that contains the current character.
- *
+ *
* @param attrib the attribute (<code>null</code> permitted).
- *
+ *
* return The index of the first character in the run.
public int getRunStart(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attrib)
@@ -272,42 +272,42 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
- * Returns the index of the first character in the run, defined by the
+ * Returns the index of the first character in the run, defined by the
* specified attribute set, that contains the current character.
- *
+ *
* @param attributeSet the attribute set (<code>null</code> permitted).
- *
+ *
* return The index of the first character in the run.
public int getRunStart(Set attributeSet)
if (attributeSet == null)
return ci.getBeginIndex();
int current = ci.getIndex();
int begin = ci.getBeginIndex();
int start = current;
- if (start == begin)
+ if (start == begin)
return begin;
Map runValues = getAttributes();
int prev = start - 1;
- while (start > begin)
+ while (start > begin)
Iterator iterator = attributeSet.iterator();
- while (iterator.hasNext())
+ while (iterator.hasNext())
Attribute attributeKey = (Attribute) iterator.next();
Object v1 = runValues.get(attributeKey);
Object v2 = getAttribute(attributeKey, prev);
boolean changed = false;
// check for equal or both null, if NO return start
- if (v1 != null)
+ if (v1 != null)
changed = !v1.equals(v2);
- else
+ else
- changed = (v2 != null);
+ changed = (v2 != null);
if (changed)
return start;
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
* Returns the value for an attribute at the specified position. If the
* attribute key (<code>key</code>) is <code>null</code>, the method returns
* <code>null</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param key the key (<code>null</code> permitted).
* @param pos the character position.
- *
+ *
* @return The attribute value (possibly <code>null</code>).
- private Object getAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute key,
+ private Object getAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute key,
int pos)
if (attribs == null)
@@ -341,22 +341,22 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
if (pos >= attribs[i].beginIndex && pos < attribs[i].endIndex)
Set keys = attribs[i].attribs.keySet();
- if (keys.contains(key))
+ if (keys.contains(key))
return attribs[i].attribs.get(key);
- return null;
+ return null;
* Returns the value for an attribute at the current position. If the
* attribute key (<code>key</code>) is <code>null</code>, the method returns
* <code>null</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param key the key (<code>null</code> permitted).
- *
+ *
* @return The attribute value (possibly <code>null</code>).
public Object getAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute key)
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class AttributedStringIterator implements AttributedCharacterIterator
HashMap m = new HashMap();
if (attribs == null)
for (int i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++)
if ((ci.getIndex() >= attribs[i].beginIndex) &&
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Bidi.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Bidi.java
index 491f9e3..6a7bd07 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Bidi.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Bidi.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public final class Bidi
// the codes have been removed.
private ArrayList formatterIndices;
- // Indices of the starts of runs in the text.
+ // Indices of the starts of runs in the text.
private int[] runs;
// A convenience field where we keep track of what kinds of runs
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ public final class Bidi
* {@link TextAttribute#RUN_DIRECTION_RTL}. If neither is given,
* {@link #DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT} is assumed.
* </li>
- *
+ *
* <li> If {@link TextAttribute#NUMERIC_SHAPING} is seen, then numeric
* shaping will be done before the Bidi algorithm is run.
* </li>
- *
+ *
* <li> If {@link TextAttribute#BIDI_EMBEDDING} is seen on a given
* character, then the value of this attribute will be used as an
* embedding level override.
@@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ public final class Bidi
* Create a new Bidi object with the indicated text and, possibly, explicit
* embedding settings.
- *
+ *
* If the embeddings array is null, it is ignored. Otherwise it is taken to
* be explicit embedding settings corresponding to the text. Positive values
* from 1 to 61 are embedding levels, and negative values from -1 to -61 are
* embedding overrides. (FIXME: not at all clear what this really means.)
- *
+ *
* @param text the text to use
* @param offset the offset of the first character of the text
* @param embeddings the explicit embeddings, or null if there are none
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public final class Bidi
// It isn't at all clear what we're supposed to do here.
// What does a negative value really mean?
// Should we push on the embedding stack here?
- currentEmbedding = embeddings[embeddingOffset + i];
+ currentEmbedding = embeddings[embeddingOffset + i];
if (currentEmbedding < 0)
currentEmbedding = (byte) -currentEmbedding;
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ public final class Bidi
private void resolveWeakTypes()
final int runCount = getRunCount();
int previousLevel = baseEmbedding;
for (int run = 0; run < runCount; ++run)
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ public final class Bidi
// This implements rules N1 and N2.
final int runCount = getRunCount();
int previousLevel = baseEmbedding;
for (int run = 0; run < runCount; ++run)
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ public final class Bidi
if (neutralStart == -1)
neutralStart = i;
@@ -983,17 +983,17 @@ public final class Bidi
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
- byte dir = Character.getDirectionality(text[i]);
+ byte dir = Character.getDirectionality(text[i]);
- return true;
+ return true;
return false;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/BreakIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/BreakIterator.java
index 30e5f2b..628cb72 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/BreakIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/BreakIterator.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
return null;
* This method returns the index of the current text element boundary.
@@ -149,31 +149,31 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
String className;
- ResourceBundle res
- = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
- loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
- className = res.getString(type);
+ ResourceBundle res
+ = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
+ loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ className = res.getString(type);
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- return null;
+ return null;
- Class k = Class.forName(className);
- return (BreakIterator) k.newInstance();
+ Class k = Class.forName(className);
+ return (BreakIterator) k.newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException x1)
- return null;
+ return null;
catch (InstantiationException x2)
- return null;
+ return null;
catch (IllegalAccessException x3)
- return null;
+ return null;
@@ -202,18 +202,18 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
if (r != null)
return r;
for (BreakIteratorProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- BreakIterator bi = p.getCharacterInstance(locale);
- if (bi != null)
- return bi;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ BreakIterator bi = p.getCharacterInstance(locale);
+ if (bi != null)
+ return bi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
return new CharacterBreakIterator();
@@ -245,18 +245,18 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
if (r != null)
return r;
for (BreakIteratorProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- BreakIterator bi = p.getLineInstance(locale);
- if (bi != null)
- return bi;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ BreakIterator bi = p.getLineInstance(locale);
+ if (bi != null)
+ return bi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
return new LineBreakIterator();
@@ -288,18 +288,18 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
if (r != null)
return r;
for (BreakIteratorProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- BreakIterator bi = p.getSentenceInstance(locale);
- if (bi != null)
- return bi;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ BreakIterator bi = p.getSentenceInstance(locale);
+ if (bi != null)
+ return bi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
return new SentenceBreakIterator();
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
* This method returns an instance of <code>BreakIterator</code> that will
- * iterate over words as defined in the specified locale.
+ * iterate over words as defined in the specified locale.
* @param locale The desired locale.
@@ -339,18 +339,18 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
if (r != null)
return r;
for (BreakIteratorProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(BreakIteratorProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- BreakIterator bi = p.getWordInstance(locale);
- if (bi != null)
- return bi;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ BreakIterator bi = p.getWordInstance(locale);
+ if (bi != null)
+ return bi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
return new WordBreakIterator();
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
* @param pos The text position to test.
* @return <code>true</code> if the position is a boundary,
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isBoundary (int pos)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
* This methdod returns the offset of the text element boundary preceding
* the specified offset.
- * @param pos The text index from which to find the preceding text boundary.
+ * @param pos The text index from which to find the preceding text boundary.
* @returns The next text boundary preceding the specified index.
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ public abstract class BreakIterator implements Cloneable
* This method sets the text to iterate over from the specified
* <code>CharacterIterator</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param newText The desired <code>CharacterIterator</code>.
public abstract void setText (CharacterIterator newText);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CharacterIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CharacterIterator.java
index 42da33c..e202d91 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CharacterIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CharacterIterator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ package java.text;
* characters. For a given range of text, a beginning and ending index,
* as well as a current index are defined. These values can be queried
* by the methods in this interface. Additionally, various methods allow
- * the index to be set.
+ * the index to be set.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public interface CharacterIterator extends Cloneable
* This method increments the current index and then returns the character
- * at the new index value. If the index is already at
+ * at the new index value. If the index is already at
* <code>getEndIndex() - 1</code>, it will not be incremented.
* @return The character at the position of the incremented index value,
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public interface CharacterIterator extends Cloneable
* This method sets the index value to the beginning of the range and returns
* the character there.
- * @return The character at the beginning of the range, or {@link #DONE} if
+ * @return The character at the beginning of the range, or {@link #DONE} if
* the range is empty.
char first();
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ public interface CharacterIterator extends Cloneable
* returns the character there. If the range is empty, then the index value
* will be set equal to the beginning index.
- * @return The character at the end of the range, or {@link #DONE} if the
+ * @return The character at the end of the range, or {@link #DONE} if the
* range is empty.
- char last();
+ char last();
* This method returns the current value of the index.
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/ChoiceFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/ChoiceFormat.java
index a552dd4..4842f49 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/ChoiceFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/ChoiceFormat.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ import java.util.Vector;
* This class allows a format to be specified based on a range of numbers.
* To use this class, first specify two lists of formats and range terminators.
- * These lists must be arrays of equal length. The format of index
- * <code>i</code> will be selected for value <code>X</code> if
+ * These lists must be arrays of equal length. The format of index
+ * <code>i</code> will be selected for value <code>X</code> if
* <code>terminator[i] &lt;= X &lt; limit[i + 1]</code>. If the value X is not
- * included in any range, then either the first or last format will be
+ * included in any range, then either the first or last format will be
* used depending on whether the value X falls outside the range.
* <p>
* This sounds complicated, but that is because I did a poor job of
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* This method sets new range terminators and format strings for this
- * object based on the specified pattern. This pattern is of the form
+ * object based on the specified pattern. This pattern is of the form
* "term#string|term#string...". For example "1#Sunday|2#Monday|#Tuesday".
* @param newPattern The pattern of terminators and format strings.
@@ -104,53 +104,53 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
while (true)
- // Find end of double.
- int dstart = index;
- while (index < max)
- {
- char c = newPattern.charAt(index);
- if (c == '#' || c == '\u2064' || c == '<')
- break;
- ++index;
- }
- if (index == max)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unexpected end of text");
- Double d = Double.valueOf (newPattern.substring(dstart, index));
- if (newPattern.charAt(index) == '<')
- d = Double.valueOf (nextDouble (d.doubleValue()));
- limitVec.addElement(d);
- // Scan text.
- ++index;
- buf.setLength(0);
- while (index < max)
- {
- char c = newPattern.charAt(index);
- if (c == '\'' && index < max + 1
- && newPattern.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
- {
- buf.append(c);
- ++index;
- }
- else if (c == '\'' && index < max + 2)
- {
- buf.append(newPattern.charAt(index + 1));
- index += 2;
- }
- else if (c == '|')
- break;
- else
- buf.append(c);
- ++index;
- }
- stringVec.addElement(buf.toString());
- if (index == max)
- break;
- ++index;
+ // Find end of double.
+ int dstart = index;
+ while (index < max)
+ {
+ char c = newPattern.charAt(index);
+ if (c == '#' || c == '\u2064' || c == '<')
+ break;
+ ++index;
+ }
+ if (index == max)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unexpected end of text");
+ Double d = Double.valueOf (newPattern.substring(dstart, index));
+ if (newPattern.charAt(index) == '<')
+ d = Double.valueOf (nextDouble (d.doubleValue()));
+ limitVec.addElement(d);
+ // Scan text.
+ ++index;
+ buf.setLength(0);
+ while (index < max)
+ {
+ char c = newPattern.charAt(index);
+ if (c == '\'' && index < max + 1
+ && newPattern.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
+ {
+ buf.append(c);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ else if (c == '\'' && index < max + 2)
+ {
+ buf.append(newPattern.charAt(index + 1));
+ index += 2;
+ }
+ else if (c == '|')
+ break;
+ else
+ buf.append(c);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ stringVec.addElement(buf.toString());
+ if (index == max)
+ break;
+ ++index;
choiceFormats = new String[stringVec.size()];
@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
choiceLimits = new double[limitVec.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < choiceLimits.length; ++i)
- Double d = (Double) limitVec.elementAt(i);
- choiceLimits[i] = d.doubleValue();
+ Double d = (Double) limitVec.elementAt(i);
+ choiceLimits[i] = d.doubleValue();
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>ChoiceFormat</code> that
* generates its range terminator and format string arrays from the
- * specified pattern. This pattern is of the form
+ * specified pattern. This pattern is of the form
* "term#string|term#string...". For example "1#Sunday|2#Monday|#Tuesday".
* This is the same pattern type used by the <code>applyPattern</code>
* method.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
- * This method tests this object for equality with the specified
+ * This method tests this object for equality with the specified
* object. This will be true if and only if:
* <ul>
* <li>The specified object is not <code>null</code>.</li>
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* @param obj The object to test for equality against.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to
- * this one, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * this one, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals (Object obj)
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
return false;
for (int i = choiceLimits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- if (choiceLimits[i] != cf.choiceLimits[i]
- || !choiceFormats[i].equals(cf.choiceFormats[i]))
- return false;
+ if (choiceLimits[i] != cf.choiceLimits[i]
+ || !choiceFormats[i].equals(cf.choiceFormats[i]))
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* argument.
* @param num The number used for determine (based on the range
- * terminators) which format string to append.
- * @param appendBuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the format string
+ * terminators) which format string to append.
+ * @param appendBuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the format string
* to.
* @param pos Unused.
* @return The <code>StringBuffer</code> with the format string appended.
public StringBuffer format (long num, StringBuffer appendBuf,
- FieldPosition pos)
+ FieldPosition pos)
return format ((double) num, appendBuf, pos);
@@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* argument.
* @param num The number used for determine (based on the range
- * terminators) which format string to append.
+ * terminators) which format string to append.
* @param appendBuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the format string to.
* @param pos Unused.
* @return The <code>StringBuffer</code> with the format string appended.
public StringBuffer format (double num, StringBuffer appendBuf,
- FieldPosition pos)
+ FieldPosition pos)
if (choiceLimits.length == 0)
return appendBuf;
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
int index = 0;
if (! Double.isNaN(num) && num >= choiceLimits[0])
- for (; index < choiceLimits.length - 1; ++index)
- {
- if (choiceLimits[index] <= num && num < choiceLimits[index + 1])
- break;
- }
+ for (; index < choiceLimits.length - 1; ++index)
+ {
+ if (choiceLimits[index] <= num && num < choiceLimits[index + 1])
+ break;
+ }
return appendBuf.append(choiceFormats[index]);
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* This method returns a hash value for this object
- *
+ *
* @return A hash value for this object.
public int hashCode ()
@@ -306,15 +306,15 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < choiceLimits.length; ++i)
- long v = Double.doubleToLongBits(choiceLimits[i]);
- hash ^= (v ^ (v >>> 32));
- hash ^= choiceFormats[i].hashCode();
+ long v = Double.doubleToLongBits(choiceLimits[i]);
+ hash ^= (v ^ (v >>> 32));
+ hash ^= choiceFormats[i].hashCode();
return hash;
- * This method returns the lowest possible double greater than the
+ * This method returns the lowest possible double greater than the
* specified double. If the specified double value is equal to
* <code>Double.NaN</code> then that is the value returned.
@@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
* This method returns a double that is either the next highest double
* or next lowest double compared to the specified double depending on the
* value of the passed boolean parameter. If the boolean parameter is
- * <code>true</code>, then the lowest possible double greater than the
+ * <code>true</code>, then the lowest possible double greater than the
* specified double will be returned. Otherwise the highest possible
* double less than the specified double will be returned.
* @param d The specified double
* @param next <code>true</code> to return the next highest
- * double, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * double, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @return The next highest or lowest double value.
@@ -356,36 +356,36 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
if (next ^ (bits < 0)) // Increment magnitude
- if (mantissa == (1L << mantissaBits) - 1)
- {
- mantissa = 0L;
- exponent++;
- // Check for absolute overflow.
- if (exponent >= (1L << mantissaBits))
- return (bits > 0) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
- }
- else
- mantissa++;
+ if (mantissa == (1L << mantissaBits) - 1)
+ {
+ mantissa = 0L;
+ exponent++;
+ // Check for absolute overflow.
+ if (exponent >= (1L << mantissaBits))
+ return (bits > 0) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ }
+ else
+ mantissa++;
else // Decrement magnitude
- if (exponent == 0L && mantissa == 0L)
- {
- // The only case where there is a change of sign
- return next ? Double.MIN_VALUE : -Double.MIN_VALUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (mantissa == 0L)
- {
- mantissa = (1L << mantissaBits) - 1;
- exponent--;
- }
- else
- mantissa--;
- }
+ if (exponent == 0L && mantissa == 0L)
+ {
+ // The only case where there is a change of sign
+ return next ? Double.MIN_VALUE : -Double.MIN_VALUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mantissa == 0L)
+ {
+ mantissa = (1L << mantissaBits) - 1;
+ exponent--;
+ }
+ else
+ mantissa--;
+ }
long result = bits < 0 ? 1 : 0;
@@ -403,18 +403,18 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
int index = pos.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < choiceLimits.length; ++i)
- if (sourceStr.startsWith(choiceFormats[i], index))
- {
- pos.setIndex(index + choiceFormats[i].length());
- return Double.valueOf (choiceLimits[i]);
- }
+ if (sourceStr.startsWith(choiceFormats[i], index))
+ {
+ pos.setIndex(index + choiceFormats[i].length());
+ return Double.valueOf (choiceLimits[i]);
+ }
return Double.valueOf (Double.NaN);
- * This method returns the highest possible double less than the
+ * This method returns the highest possible double less than the
* specified double. If the specified double value is equal to
* <code>Double.NaN</code> then that is the value returned.
@@ -449,26 +449,26 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
int max = text.length();
for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- char c = text.charAt(i);
- if (c == '\'')
- {
- dest.append(c);
- dest.append(c);
- }
- else if (c == '#' || c == '|' || c == '\u2064' || c == '<')
- {
- dest.append('\'');
- dest.append(c);
- dest.append('\'');
- }
- else
- dest.append(c);
+ char c = text.charAt(i);
+ if (c == '\'')
+ {
+ dest.append(c);
+ dest.append(c);
+ }
+ else if (c == '#' || c == '|' || c == '\u2064' || c == '<')
+ {
+ dest.append('\'');
+ dest.append(c);
+ dest.append('\'');
+ }
+ else
+ dest.append(c);
* This method returns the range terminator list and format string list
- * as a <code>String</code> suitable for using with the
+ * as a <code>String</code> suitable for using with the
* <code>applyPattern</code> method.
* @return A pattern string for this object
@@ -478,9 +478,9 @@ public class ChoiceFormat extends NumberFormat
CPStringBuilder result = new CPStringBuilder ();
for (int i = 0; i < choiceLimits.length; ++i)
- result.append(choiceLimits[i]);
- result.append('#');
- quoteString (result, choiceFormats[i]);
+ result.append(choiceLimits[i]);
+ result.append('#');
+ quoteString (result, choiceFormats[i]);
return result.toString();
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationElementIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationElementIterator.java
index f6e0022a..0ca23d0 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationElementIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationElementIterator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
- * This class walks through the character collation elements of a
- * <code>String</code> as defined by the collation rules in an instance of
+ * This class walks through the character collation elements of a
+ * <code>String</code> as defined by the collation rules in an instance of
* <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>. There is no public constructor for
* this class. An instance is created by calling the
- * <code>getCollationElementIterator</code> method on
+ * <code>getCollationElementIterator</code> method on
* <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
public final class CollationElementIterator
- * This is a constant value that is returned to indicate that the end of
+ * This is a constant value that is returned to indicate that the end of
* the string was encountered.
public static final int NULLORDER = -1;
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
CollationElementIterator(RuleBasedCollator collator, String text)
this.collator = collator;
- setText (text);
+ setText (text);
@@ -124,17 +124,17 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
CollationElementIterator(RuleBasedCollator collator, CharacterIterator text)
this.collator = collator;
- setText (text);
+ setText (text);
RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement nextBlock()
if (index >= text_decomposition.length)
return null;
RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e = text_decomposition[index];
textIndex = text_indexes[index+1];
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
if (index == 0)
return null;
RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e = text_decomposition[index];
textIndex = text_indexes[index+1];
return e;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
if (e == null)
return e.getValue();
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
if (e == null)
return e.getValue();
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
* This method returns the primary order value for the given collation
* value.
- * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
+ * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
* <code>previous()</code>.
* @return The primary order value of the specified collation value. This is
@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
* This method returns the secondary order value for the given collation
* value.
- * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
+ * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
* <code>previous()</code>.
- * @return The secondary order value of the specified collation value. This
+ * @return The secondary order value of the specified collation value. This
* is the bits 8-15.
public static short secondaryOrder(int order)
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
* This method returns the tertiary order value for the given collation
* value.
- * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
+ * @param order The collation value returned from <code>next()</code> or
* <code>previous()</code>.
- * @return The tertiary order value of the specified collation value. This
+ * @return The tertiary order value of the specified collation value. This
* is the low eight bits.
public static short tertiaryOrder(int order)
@@ -274,136 +274,136 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
// Build element collection ordered as they come in "text".
while (idx < work_text.length())
- String key, key_old;
- Object object = null;
- int p = 1;
- // IMPROVE: use a TreeMap with a prefix-ordering rule.
- key_old = key = null;
- do
- {
- if (object != null)
- key_old = key;
- key = work_text.substring (idx, idx+p);
- object = collator.prefix_tree.get (key);
- if (object != null && idx < alreadyExpanded)
- {
- RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement prefix = (RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement)object;
- if (prefix.expansion != null &&
- prefix.expansion.startsWith(work_text.substring(0, idx)))
- {
- object = null;
- key = key_old;
- }
- }
- p++;
- }
- while (idx+p <= work_text.length());
- if (object == null)
- key = key_old;
- RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement prefix =
- (RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement) collator.prefix_tree.get (key);
- /*
- * First case: There is no such sequence in the database.
- * We will have to build one from the context.
- */
- if (prefix == null)
- {
- /*
- * We are dealing with sequences in an expansion. They
- * are treated as accented characters (tertiary order).
- */
- if (alreadyExpanded > 0)
- {
- RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e =
- collator.getDefaultAccentedElement (work_text.charAt (idx));
- a_element.add (e);
- a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
- idx++;
- alreadyExpanded--;
- if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
- {
- /* There is not any characters left in the expansion set.
- * We can increase the pointer in the source string.
- */
- idx_idx += idxToMove;
- idxToMove = 0;
- }
- else
- idx_idx++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is a normal character. */
- RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e =
- collator.getDefaultElement (work_text.charAt (idx));
- Integer i_ref = new Integer(idx_idx);
- /* Don't forget to mark it as a special sequence so the
- * string can be ordered.
- */
- a_element.add (RuleBasedCollator.SPECIAL_UNKNOWN_SEQ);
- a_idx.add (i_ref);
- a_element.add (e);
- a_idx.add (i_ref);
- idx_idx++;
- idx++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Second case: Here we have found a matching sequence.
- * Here we have an expansion string prepend it to the "work text" and
- * add the corresponding sorting element. We must also mark
- */
- if (prefix.expansion != null)
- {
- work_text = prefix.expansion
- + work_text.substring (idx+prefix.key.length());
- idx = 0;
- a_element.add (prefix);
- a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
- if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
- idxToMove = prefix.key.length();
- alreadyExpanded += prefix.expansion.length()-prefix.key.length();
- }
- else
- {
- /* Third case: the simplest. We have got the prefix and it
- * has not to be expanded.
- */
- a_element.add (prefix);
- a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
- idx += prefix.key.length();
- /* If the sequence is in an expansion, we must decrease the
- * counter.
- */
- if (alreadyExpanded > 0)
- {
- alreadyExpanded -= prefix.key.length();
- if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
- {
- idx_idx += idxToMove;
- idxToMove = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- idx_idx += prefix.key.length();
- }
+ String key, key_old;
+ Object object = null;
+ int p = 1;
+ // IMPROVE: use a TreeMap with a prefix-ordering rule.
+ key_old = key = null;
+ do
+ {
+ if (object != null)
+ key_old = key;
+ key = work_text.substring (idx, idx+p);
+ object = collator.prefix_tree.get (key);
+ if (object != null && idx < alreadyExpanded)
+ {
+ RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement prefix = (RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement)object;
+ if (prefix.expansion != null &&
+ prefix.expansion.startsWith(work_text.substring(0, idx)))
+ {
+ object = null;
+ key = key_old;
+ }
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ while (idx+p <= work_text.length());
+ if (object == null)
+ key = key_old;
+ RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement prefix =
+ (RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement) collator.prefix_tree.get (key);
+ /*
+ * First case: There is no such sequence in the database.
+ * We will have to build one from the context.
+ */
+ if (prefix == null)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We are dealing with sequences in an expansion. They
+ * are treated as accented characters (tertiary order).
+ */
+ if (alreadyExpanded > 0)
+ {
+ RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e =
+ collator.getDefaultAccentedElement (work_text.charAt (idx));
+ a_element.add (e);
+ a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
+ idx++;
+ alreadyExpanded--;
+ if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
+ {
+ /* There is not any characters left in the expansion set.
+ * We can increase the pointer in the source string.
+ */
+ idx_idx += idxToMove;
+ idxToMove = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ idx_idx++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This is a normal character. */
+ RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement e =
+ collator.getDefaultElement (work_text.charAt (idx));
+ Integer i_ref = new Integer(idx_idx);
+ /* Don't forget to mark it as a special sequence so the
+ * string can be ordered.
+ */
+ a_element.add (RuleBasedCollator.SPECIAL_UNKNOWN_SEQ);
+ a_idx.add (i_ref);
+ a_element.add (e);
+ a_idx.add (i_ref);
+ idx_idx++;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Second case: Here we have found a matching sequence.
+ * Here we have an expansion string prepend it to the "work text" and
+ * add the corresponding sorting element. We must also mark
+ */
+ if (prefix.expansion != null)
+ {
+ work_text = prefix.expansion
+ + work_text.substring (idx+prefix.key.length());
+ idx = 0;
+ a_element.add (prefix);
+ a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
+ if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
+ idxToMove = prefix.key.length();
+ alreadyExpanded += prefix.expansion.length()-prefix.key.length();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Third case: the simplest. We have got the prefix and it
+ * has not to be expanded.
+ */
+ a_element.add (prefix);
+ a_idx.add (new Integer(idx_idx));
+ idx += prefix.key.length();
+ /* If the sequence is in an expansion, we must decrease the
+ * counter.
+ */
+ if (alreadyExpanded > 0)
+ {
+ alreadyExpanded -= prefix.key.length();
+ if (alreadyExpanded == 0)
+ {
+ idx_idx += idxToMove;
+ idxToMove = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ idx_idx += prefix.key.length();
+ }
text_decomposition = (RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement[])
- a_element.toArray(new RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement[a_element.size()]);
+ a_element.toArray(new RuleBasedCollator.CollationElement[a_element.size()]);
text_indexes = new int[a_idx.size()+1];
- for (int i = 0; i < a_idx.size(); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < a_idx.size(); i++)
- text_indexes[i] = ((Integer)a_idx.get(i)).intValue();
+ text_indexes[i] = ((Integer)a_idx.get(i)).intValue();
text_indexes[a_idx.size()] = text.length();
@@ -422,8 +422,8 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
// For now assume we read from the beginning of the string.
for (char c = source.first();
- c != CharacterIterator.DONE;
- c = source.next())
+ c != CharacterIterator.DONE;
+ c = source.next())
@@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ public final class CollationElementIterator
if (offset > (text.getEndIndex() - 1))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset too large: " + offset);
for (index = 0; index < text_decomposition.length; index++)
- {
- if (offset <= text_indexes[index])
- break;
+ {
+ if (offset <= text_indexes[index])
+ break;
* As text_indexes[0] == 0, we should not have to take care whether index is
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationKey.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationKey.java
index 1ae8abc..ce9db5f 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationKey.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/CollationKey.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
* <code>Collator</code> in a manner than is usually more efficient than
* using the raw <code>Collator</code> compare methods. There is overhead
* associated with calculating this value, so it is generally not
- * advisable to compute <code>CollationKey</code>'s unless multiple
+ * advisable to compute <code>CollationKey</code>'s unless multiple
* comparisons against a <code>String</code> will be done. (For example,
* in a sort routine).
* <p>
- * This class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a
+ * This class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a
* <code>CollationKey</code> is created by calling the
* <code>getCollationKey</code> method on an instance of <code>Collator</code>.
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ public class CollationKey implements Comparable<CollationKey>
- * This method compares the specified object to this one. An integer is
- * returned which indicates whether the specified object is less than,
+ * This method compares the specified object to this one. An integer is
+ * returned which indicates whether the specified object is less than,
* greater than, or equal to this object.
* @param ck The <code>CollationKey</code> to compare against this one.
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ public class CollationKey implements Comparable<CollationKey>
for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- if (key[i] != ck.key[i])
- return key[i] - ck.key[i];
+ if (key[i] != ck.key[i])
+ return key[i] - ck.key[i];
return key.length - ck.key.length;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class CollationKey implements Comparable<CollationKey>
h ^= key[i] * (i + 1);
return (int) ((h >> 32) ^ h);
* This method returns the collation bit sequence as a byte array.
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Collator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Collator.java
index d6cb5ac..a9fc55c 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Collator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Collator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
- * This class is the abstract superclass of classes which perform
+ * This class is the abstract superclass of classes which perform
* locale dependent <code>String</code> comparisons. A caller requests
* an instance of <code>Collator</code> for a particular locale using
* the <code>getInstance()</code> static method in this class. That method
* will return a locale specific subclass of <code>Collator</code> which
* can be used to perform <code>String</code> comparisons for that locale.
* If a subclass of <code>Collator</code> cannot be located for a particular
- * locale, a default instance for the current locale will be returned.
+ * locale, a default instance for the current locale will be returned.
* In addition to setting the correct locale, there are two additional
* settings that can be adjusted to affect <code>String</code> comparisons:
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* are considered to have a primary difference.
public static final int PRIMARY = 0;
* This constant is a strength value which indicates that only secondary
* or primary differences between characters will be considered
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* are instances of the same letter with different accented forms.
public static final int SECONDARY = 1;
* This constant is a strength value which indicates that tertiary,
* secondary, and primary differences will be considered during sorting.
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* This is the default value for the strength setting.
public static final int TERTIARY = 2;
* This constant is a strength value which indicates that any difference
* at all between character values are considered significant.
public static final int IDENTICAL = 3;
* This constant indicates that accented characters won't be decomposed
* when performing comparisons. This will yield the fastest results, but
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* use accents such as English.
public static final int NO_DECOMPOSITION = 0;
* This constant indicates that only characters which are canonical variants
* in Unicode 2.0 will be decomposed prior to performing comparisons. This
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* default decomposition value.
public static final int CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION = 1;
* This constant indicates that both canonical variants and compatibility
* variants in Unicode 2.0 will be decomposed prior to performing
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>Collator</code> to have
- * the default strength (TERTIARY) and decomposition
+ * the default strength (TERTIARY) and decomposition
* (CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION) settings. This constructor is protected and
* is for use by subclasses only. Non-subclass callers should use the
* static <code>getInstance()</code> methods of this class to instantiate
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* This method compares the two <code>String</code>'s and returns an
* integer indicating whether or not the first argument is less than,
* equal to, or greater than the second argument. The comparison is
- * performed according to the rules of the locale for this
+ * performed according to the rules of the locale for this
* <code>Collator</code> and the strength and decomposition rules in
* effect.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* @param target The second object to compare
* @return A negative integer if str1 &lt; str2, 0 if str1 == str2, or
- * a positive integer if str1 &gt; str2.
+ * a positive integer if str1 &gt; str2.
public abstract int compare (String source, String target);
@@ -169,10 +169,10 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* @param o2 The second object to compare
* @return A negative integer if obj1 &lt; obj2, 0 if obj1 == obj2, or
- * a positive integer if obj1 &gt; obj2.
+ * a positive integer if obj1 &gt; obj2.
* @exception ClassCastException If the arguments are not instances
- * of <code>String</code>.
+ * of <code>String</code>.
public int compare (Object o1, Object o2)
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* </ul>
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to test for equality against
- * this object.
+ * this object.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to
* this one, <code>false</code> otherwise.
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* @param target The second <code>String</code> to compare
* @return <code>true</code> if the two strings are equal,
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals (String source, String target)
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
- return super.clone ();
+ return super.clone ();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException _)
- return null;
+ return null;
@@ -300,46 +300,46 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
String pattern;
- ResourceBundle res =
- ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
- loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
- return new RuleBasedCollator(res.getString("collation_rules"));
+ ResourceBundle res =
+ ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
+ loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ return new RuleBasedCollator(res.getString("collation_rules"));
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- /* This means runtime support for the locale
- * is not available, so we check providers. */
+ /* This means runtime support for the locale
+ * is not available, so we check providers. */
catch (ParseException x)
- throw (InternalError)new InternalError().initCause(x);
+ throw (InternalError)new InternalError().initCause(x);
for (CollatorProvider p : ServiceLoader.load(CollatorProvider.class))
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- Collator c = p.getInstance(loc);
- if (c != null)
- return c;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ Collator c = p.getInstance(loc);
+ if (c != null)
+ return c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (loc.equals(Locale.ROOT))
- try
- {
- return new RuleBasedCollator("<0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<A,a<b,B<c," +
- "C<d,D<e,E<f,F<g,G<h,H<i,I<j,J<k,K" +
- "<l,L<m,M<n,N<o,O<p,P<q,Q<r,R<s,S<t,"+
- "T<u,U<v,V<w,W<x,X<y,Y<z,Z");
- }
- catch (ParseException x)
- {
- throw (InternalError)new InternalError().initCause(x);
- }
+ try
+ {
+ return new RuleBasedCollator("<0<1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<A,a<b,B<c," +
+ "C<d,D<e,E<f,F<g,G<h,H<i,I<j,J<k,K" +
+ "<l,L<m,M<n,N<o,O<p,P<q,Q<r,R<s,S<t,"+
+ "T<u,U<v,V<w,W<x,X<y,Y<z,Z");
+ }
+ catch (ParseException x)
+ {
+ throw (InternalError)new InternalError().initCause(x);
+ }
return getInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
public synchronized void setDecomposition (int mode)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
decmp = mode;
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
* value. This must be one of PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY, or IDENTICAL.
* Otherwise an exception is thrown. See the documentation for these
* constants for an explanation of this setting.
- *
+ *
* @param strength The new strength setting.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the requested strength
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ public abstract class Collator implements Comparator<Object>, Cloneable
public synchronized void setStrength (int strength)
if (strength != PRIMARY && strength != SECONDARY
- && strength != TERTIARY && strength != IDENTICAL)
+ && strength != TERTIARY && strength != IDENTICAL)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
this.strength = strength;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormat.java
index dabcb86..1757a0c 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormat.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* Represents the position of the era
* pattern character in the array of
- * localized pattern characters.
+ * localized pattern characters.
* For example, 'AD' is an era used
* in the Gregorian calendar system.
* In the U.S. locale, this is 'G'.
- */
+ */
public static final int ERA_FIELD = 0;
* Represents the position of the year
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
public static final int AM_PM_FIELD = 14;
- * Represents the position of the 12
+ * Represents the position of the 12
* hour pattern character in the array of
* localized pattern characters.
* In the U.S. locale, this is 'h'.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
public static final int HOUR1_FIELD = 15;
- * Represents the position of the 12
+ * Represents the position of the 12
* hour pattern character in the array of
* localized pattern characters.
* In the U.S. locale, this is 'K'.
@@ -223,45 +223,45 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
public static class Field extends Format.Field
static final long serialVersionUID = 7441350119349544720L;
private int calendarField;
public static final DateFormat.Field ERA
- = new Field("era", Calendar.ERA);
+ = new Field("era", Calendar.ERA);
public static final DateFormat.Field YEAR
- = new Field("year", Calendar.YEAR);
+ = new Field("year", Calendar.YEAR);
public static final DateFormat.Field MONTH
- = new Field("month", Calendar.MONTH);
+ = new Field("month", Calendar.MONTH);
public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_MONTH
- = new Field("day of month", Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
+ = new Field("day of month", Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR_OF_DAY1
- = new Field("hour of day 1", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
+ = new Field("hour of day 1", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR_OF_DAY0
- = new Field("hour of day 0", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
+ = new Field("hour of day 0", Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
public static final DateFormat.Field MINUTE
- = new Field("minute", Calendar.MINUTE);
+ = new Field("minute", Calendar.MINUTE);
public static final DateFormat.Field SECOND
- = new Field("second", Calendar.SECOND);
+ = new Field("second", Calendar.SECOND);
public static final DateFormat.Field MILLISECOND
- = new Field("millisecond", Calendar.MILLISECOND);
+ = new Field("millisecond", Calendar.MILLISECOND);
public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_WEEK
- = new Field("day of week", Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
+ = new Field("day of week", Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_YEAR
- = new Field("day of year", Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
+ = new Field("day of year", Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
- = new Field("day of week in month", Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH);
+ = new Field("day of week in month", Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH);
public static final DateFormat.Field WEEK_OF_YEAR
- = new Field("week of year", Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
+ = new Field("week of year", Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
public static final DateFormat.Field WEEK_OF_MONTH
- = new Field("week of month", Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH);
+ = new Field("week of month", Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH);
public static final DateFormat.Field AM_PM
- = new Field("am/pm", Calendar.AM_PM);
+ = new Field("am/pm", Calendar.AM_PM);
public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR1
- = new Field("hour1", Calendar.HOUR);
+ = new Field("hour1", Calendar.HOUR);
public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR0
- = new Field("hour0", Calendar.HOUR);
+ = new Field("hour0", Calendar.HOUR);
public static final DateFormat.Field TIME_ZONE
- = new Field("timezone", Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
+ = new Field("timezone", Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
static final DateFormat.Field[] allFields =
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
this.calendarField = calendarField;
public int getCalendarField()
return calendarField;
@@ -292,20 +292,20 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
public static Field ofCalendarField(int calendarField)
if (calendarField >= allFields.length || calendarField < 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such calendar field ("
- + calendarField + ")");
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such calendar field ("
+ + calendarField + ")");
return allFields[calendarField];
protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException
String s = getName();
for (int i=0;i<allFields.length;i++)
- if (s.equals(allFields[i].getName()))
- return allFields[i];
+ if (s.equals(allFields[i].getName()))
+ return allFields[i];
throw new InvalidObjectException("no such DateFormat field called " + s);
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* <li>Is an instance of <code>DateFormat</code>.</li>
* <li>Has equal numberFormat field as this object.</li>
* <li>Has equal (Calendar) TimeZone rules as this object.</li>
- * <li>Has equal (Calendar) isLenient results.</li>
+ * <li>Has equal (Calendar) isLenient results.</li>
* <li>Has equal Calendar first day of week and minimal days in week
* values.</li>
* </ul>
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* are not taken into account.
* @param obj The object to test for equality against.
- *
+ *
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to this object,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
@@ -353,18 +353,18 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
TimeZone tzd = d.getTimeZone();
if (tz.hasSameRules(tzd))
if (isLenient() == d.isLenient())
- {
- Calendar c = getCalendar();
- Calendar cd = d.getCalendar();
- if ((c == null && cd == null)
- ||
- (c.getFirstDayOfWeek() == cd.getFirstDayOfWeek()
- &&
- c.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
- == cd.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()))
- return ((numberFormat == null && d.numberFormat == null)
- || numberFormat.equals(d.numberFormat));
- }
+ {
+ Calendar c = getCalendar();
+ Calendar cd = d.getCalendar();
+ if ((c == null && cd == null)
+ ||
+ (c.getFirstDayOfWeek() == cd.getFirstDayOfWeek()
+ &&
+ c.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
+ == cd.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()))
+ return ((numberFormat == null && d.numberFormat == null)
+ || numberFormat.equals(d.numberFormat));
+ }
return false;
@@ -397,19 +397,19 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* formatted date/time appended.
public final StringBuffer format (Object obj,
- StringBuffer buf, FieldPosition pos)
+ StringBuffer buf, FieldPosition pos)
if (obj instanceof Number)
obj = new Date(((Number) obj).longValue());
else if (! (obj instanceof Date))
throw new IllegalArgumentException
- ("Cannot format given Object as a Date");
+ ("Cannot format given Object as a Date");
return format ((Date) obj, buf, pos);
- /**
- * Formats the date argument according to the pattern specified.
+ /**
+ * Formats the date argument according to the pattern specified.
* @param date The formatted date.
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* formatted date/time appended.
public abstract StringBuffer format (Date date,
- StringBuffer buf, FieldPosition pos);
+ StringBuffer buf, FieldPosition pos);
* This method returns a list of available locales supported by this
@@ -474,136 +474,136 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
ResourceBundle res =
- loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
String pattern = null;
if (use_date)
- String name, def;
- switch (dateStyle)
- {
- case FULL:
- name = "fullDateFormat";
- def = "EEEE MMMM d, yyyy G";
- break;
- case LONG:
- name = "longDateFormat";
- def = "MMMM d, yyyy";
- break;
- case MEDIUM:
- name = "mediumDateFormat";
- def = "d-MMM-yy";
- break;
- case SHORT:
- name = "shortDateFormat";
- def = "M/d/yy";
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
- }
- try
- {
- pattern = res == null ? def : res.getString(name);
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException x)
- {
- pattern = def;
- }
+ String name, def;
+ switch (dateStyle)
+ {
+ case FULL:
+ name = "fullDateFormat";
+ def = "EEEE MMMM d, yyyy G";
+ break;
+ case LONG:
+ name = "longDateFormat";
+ def = "MMMM d, yyyy";
+ break;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ name = "mediumDateFormat";
+ def = "d-MMM-yy";
+ break;
+ case SHORT:
+ name = "shortDateFormat";
+ def = "M/d/yy";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ pattern = res == null ? def : res.getString(name);
+ }
+ catch (MissingResourceException x)
+ {
+ pattern = def;
+ }
if (use_time)
- if (pattern == null)
- pattern = "";
- else
- pattern += " ";
- String name, def;
- switch (timeStyle)
- {
- case FULL:
- name = "fullTimeFormat";
- def = "h:mm:ss;S 'o''clock' a z";
- break;
- case LONG:
- name = "longTimeFormat";
- def = "h:mm:ss a z";
- break;
- case MEDIUM:
- name = "mediumTimeFormat";
- def = "h:mm:ss a";
- break;
- case SHORT:
- name = "shortTimeFormat";
- def = "h:mm a";
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
- }
- String s;
- try
- {
- s = res == null ? def : res.getString(name);
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException x)
- {
- s = def;
- }
- pattern += s;
+ if (pattern == null)
+ pattern = "";
+ else
+ pattern += " ";
+ String name, def;
+ switch (timeStyle)
+ {
+ case FULL:
+ name = "fullTimeFormat";
+ def = "h:mm:ss;S 'o''clock' a z";
+ break;
+ case LONG:
+ name = "longTimeFormat";
+ def = "h:mm:ss a z";
+ break;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ name = "mediumTimeFormat";
+ def = "h:mm:ss a";
+ break;
+ case SHORT:
+ name = "shortTimeFormat";
+ def = "h:mm a";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
+ }
+ String s;
+ try
+ {
+ s = res == null ? def : res.getString(name);
+ }
+ catch (MissingResourceException x)
+ {
+ s = def;
+ }
+ pattern += s;
return new SimpleDateFormat (pattern, loc);
private static DateFormat computeDefault (int dateStyle, int timeStyle,
- boolean use_date, boolean use_time)
+ boolean use_date, boolean use_time)
String pattern = null;
if (use_date)
- switch (dateStyle)
- {
- case FULL:
- pattern = "EEEE MMMM d, yyyy G";
- break;
- case LONG:
- pattern = "MMMM d, yyyy";
- break;
- case MEDIUM:
- pattern = "d-MMM-yy";
- break;
- case SHORT:
- pattern = "M/d/yy";
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
- }
+ switch (dateStyle)
+ {
+ case FULL:
+ pattern = "EEEE MMMM d, yyyy G";
+ break;
+ case LONG:
+ pattern = "MMMM d, yyyy";
+ break;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ pattern = "d-MMM-yy";
+ break;
+ case SHORT:
+ pattern = "M/d/yy";
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
+ }
if (use_time)
- if (pattern == null)
- pattern = "";
- else
- pattern += " ";
- switch (timeStyle)
- {
- case FULL:
- pattern += "h:mm:ss;S 'o''clock' a z";
- break;
- case LONG:
- pattern += "h:mm:ss a z";
- break;
- case MEDIUM:
- pattern += "h:mm:ss a";
- break;
- case SHORT:
- pattern += "h:mm a";
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
- }
+ if (pattern == null)
+ pattern = "";
+ else
+ pattern += " ";
+ switch (timeStyle)
+ {
+ case FULL:
+ pattern += "h:mm:ss;S 'o''clock' a z";
+ break;
+ case LONG:
+ pattern += "h:mm:ss a z";
+ break;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ pattern += "h:mm:ss a";
+ break;
+ case SHORT:
+ pattern += "h:mm a";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
+ }
return new SimpleDateFormat (pattern, Locale.ROOT);
@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns an instance of <code>DateFormat</code> that will
* format using the specified formatting style for dates.
- * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
- *
+ * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
+ *
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code> instance.
public static final DateFormat getDateInstance (int style)
@@ -638,35 +638,35 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* format using the specified formatting style for dates. The specified
* localed will be used in place of the default.
- * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
+ * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
* @param loc The desired locale.
- *
+ *
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code> instance.
public static final DateFormat getDateInstance (int style, Locale loc)
- return computeInstance (style, loc, true, false);
+ return computeInstance (style, loc, true, false);
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (DateFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- DateFormat df = p.getDateInstance(style, loc);
- if (df != null)
- return df;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getDateInstance(style,
- LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (DateFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ DateFormat df = p.getDateInstance(style, loc);
+ if (df != null)
+ return df;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getDateInstance(style,
+ LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code>instance.
- public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance (int dateStyle,
- int timeStyle)
+ public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance (int dateStyle,
+ int timeStyle)
return getDateTimeInstance (dateStyle, timeStyle, Locale.getDefault());
@@ -696,39 +696,39 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns a new instance of <code>DateFormat</code> that
* formats both dates and times using the specified styles.
- *
+ *
* @param dateStyle The desired style for date formatting.
* @param timeStyle The desired style for time formatting
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code>instance.
- public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance (int dateStyle,
- int timeStyle,
- Locale loc)
+ public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance (int dateStyle,
+ int timeStyle,
+ Locale loc)
- return computeInstance (dateStyle, timeStyle, loc, true, true);
+ return computeInstance (dateStyle, timeStyle, loc, true, true);
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (DateFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- DateFormat df = p.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle,
- timeStyle, loc);
- if (df != null)
- return df;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle,
- LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (DateFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ DateFormat df = p.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle,
+ timeStyle, loc);
+ if (df != null)
+ return df;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle,
+ LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns an instance of <code>DateFormat</code> that will
* format using the specified formatting style for times.
- * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
- *
+ * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
+ *
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code> instance.
public static final DateFormat getTimeInstance (int style)
@@ -784,35 +784,35 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* format using the specified formatting style for times. The specified
* localed will be used in place of the default.
- * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
+ * @param style The type of formatting to perform.
* @param loc The desired locale.
- *
+ *
* @return A new <code>DateFormat</code> instance.
public static final DateFormat getTimeInstance (int style, Locale loc)
- return computeInstance (style, loc, false, true);
+ return computeInstance (style, loc, false, true);
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (DateFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- DateFormat df = p.getTimeInstance(style, loc);
- if (df != null)
- return df;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getTimeInstance(style,
- LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (DateFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ DateFormat df = p.getTimeInstance(style, loc);
+ if (df != null)
+ return df;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getTimeInstance(style,
+ LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns a hash value for this object.
- *
+ *
* @return A hash value for this object.
public int hashCode ()
@@ -866,17 +866,17 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
Date result = parse (source, pos);
if (result == null)
- int index = pos.getErrorIndex();
- if (index < 0)
- index = pos.getIndex();
- throw new ParseException("invalid Date syntax in \""
- + source + '\"', index);
+ int index = pos.getErrorIndex();
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = pos.getIndex();
+ throw new ParseException("invalid Date syntax in \""
+ + source + '\"', index);
return result;
- /**
- * This method parses the specified <code>String</code> into a
+ /**
+ * This method parses the specified <code>String</code> into a
* <code>Date</code>. The <code>pos</code> argument contains the
* starting parse position on method entry and the ending parse
* position on method exit.
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method is identical to <code>parse(String, ParsePosition)</code>,
* but returns its result as an <code>Object</code> instead of a
* <code>Date</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param source The string to parse.
* @param pos The starting parse position in entry, the ending parse
* position on exit.
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
- * This method specified the <code>Calendar</code> that should be used
+ * This method specified the <code>Calendar</code> that should be used
* by this object to parse/format datetimes.
* @param calendar The new <code>Calendar</code> for this object.
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
- * This method specifies whether or not this object should be lenient in
+ * This method specifies whether or not this object should be lenient in
* the syntax it accepts while parsing date/time values.
* @param lenient <code>true</code> if parsing should be lenient,
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java
index ed953dd0..c22dd38 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
properties = new Properties();
- try
+ try
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
transient String[] timeFormats;
private static String[] getStringArray(ResourceBundle res, String name)
- {
+ {
return res.getString(name).split("\u00ae");
@@ -135,116 +135,116 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
List<String[]> allZones = new ArrayList<String[]>();
- Map<String,String[]> systemZones = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
- while (true)
- {
- int index = 0;
- String country = locale.getCountry();
- String data = res.getString("zoneStrings");
- String[] zones = data.split("\u00a9");
- for (int a = 0; a < zones.length; ++a)
- {
- String[] strings = zones[a].split("\u00ae");
- String type = properties.getProperty(strings[0] + "." + country);
- if (type == null)
- type = properties.getProperty(strings[0] + ".DEFAULT");
- if (type != null)
- strings[0] = type;
- if (strings.length < 5)
- {
- String[] newStrings = new String[5];
- System.arraycopy(strings, 0, newStrings, 0, strings.length);
- for (int b = strings.length; b < newStrings.length; ++b)
- newStrings[b] = "";
- strings = newStrings;
- }
- String[] existing = systemZones.get(strings[0]);
- if (existing != null && existing.length > 1)
- {
- for (int b = 1; b < existing.length; ++b)
- if (!existing[b].equals(""))
- strings[b] = existing[b];
- }
- systemZones.put(strings[0], strings);
- }
- if (res.getLocale() == Locale.ROOT)
- break;
- else
- res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
- LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(res.getLocale()),
- ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
- }
- /* Final sanity check for missing values */
- for (String[] zstrings : systemZones.values())
- {
- if (zstrings[1].equals("") && zstrings[2].equals(""))
- {
- for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> entry : properties.entrySet())
- {
- String val = (String) entry.getValue();
- if (val.equals(zstrings[0]))
- {
- String key = (String) entry.getKey();
- String metazone = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("."));
- String type = properties.getProperty(metazone + "." + locale.getCountry());
- if (type == null)
- type = properties.getProperty(metazone + ".DEFAULT");
- if (type != null)
- {
- String[] ostrings = systemZones.get(type);
- zstrings[1] = ostrings[1];
- zstrings[2] = ostrings[2];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- allZones.addAll(systemZones.values());
+ Map<String,String[]> systemZones = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int index = 0;
+ String country = locale.getCountry();
+ String data = res.getString("zoneStrings");
+ String[] zones = data.split("\u00a9");
+ for (int a = 0; a < zones.length; ++a)
+ {
+ String[] strings = zones[a].split("\u00ae");
+ String type = properties.getProperty(strings[0] + "." + country);
+ if (type == null)
+ type = properties.getProperty(strings[0] + ".DEFAULT");
+ if (type != null)
+ strings[0] = type;
+ if (strings.length < 5)
+ {
+ String[] newStrings = new String[5];
+ System.arraycopy(strings, 0, newStrings, 0, strings.length);
+ for (int b = strings.length; b < newStrings.length; ++b)
+ newStrings[b] = "";
+ strings = newStrings;
+ }
+ String[] existing = systemZones.get(strings[0]);
+ if (existing != null && existing.length > 1)
+ {
+ for (int b = 1; b < existing.length; ++b)
+ if (!existing[b].equals(""))
+ strings[b] = existing[b];
+ }
+ systemZones.put(strings[0], strings);
+ }
+ if (res.getLocale() == Locale.ROOT)
+ break;
+ else
+ res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
+ LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(res.getLocale()),
+ ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ }
+ /* Final sanity check for missing values */
+ for (String[] zstrings : systemZones.values())
+ {
+ if (zstrings[1].equals("") && zstrings[2].equals(""))
+ {
+ for (Map.Entry<Object,Object> entry : properties.entrySet())
+ {
+ String val = (String) entry.getValue();
+ if (val.equals(zstrings[0]))
+ {
+ String key = (String) entry.getKey();
+ String metazone = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("."));
+ String type = properties.getProperty(metazone + "." + locale.getCountry());
+ if (type == null)
+ type = properties.getProperty(metazone + ".DEFAULT");
+ if (type != null)
+ {
+ String[] ostrings = systemZones.get(type);
+ zstrings[1] = ostrings[1];
+ zstrings[2] = ostrings[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ allZones.addAll(systemZones.values());
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- /* This means runtime support for the locale
- * is not available, so we just include providers. */
+ /* This means runtime support for the locale
+ * is not available, so we just include providers. */
for (TimeZoneNameProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(TimeZoneNameProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(TimeZoneNameProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- for (String id : TimeZone.getAvailableIDs())
- {
- String[] z = new String[5];
- z[0] = id;
- z[1] = p.getDisplayName(id, false,
- TimeZone.LONG,
- locale);
- z[2] = p.getDisplayName(id, false,
- TimeZone.SHORT,
- locale);
- z[3] = p.getDisplayName(id, true,
- TimeZone.LONG,
- locale);
- z[4] = p.getDisplayName(id, true,
- TimeZone.SHORT,
- locale);
- allZones.add(z);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ for (String id : TimeZone.getAvailableIDs())
+ {
+ String[] z = new String[5];
+ z[0] = id;
+ z[1] = p.getDisplayName(id, false,
+ TimeZone.LONG,
+ locale);
+ z[2] = p.getDisplayName(id, false,
+ TimeZone.SHORT,
+ locale);
+ z[3] = p.getDisplayName(id, true,
+ TimeZone.LONG,
+ locale);
+ z[4] = p.getDisplayName(id, true,
+ TimeZone.SHORT,
+ locale);
+ allZones.add(z);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return allZones.toArray(new String[allZones.size()][]);
- private String[] formatsForKey(ResourceBundle res, String key)
+ private String[] formatsForKey(ResourceBundle res, String key)
String[] values = new String[formatPrefixes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < formatPrefixes.length; i++)
values[i] = res.getString(formatPrefixes[i] + key);
return values;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* call {@link #getInstance(java.util.Locale)} instead.
* @param locale The locale for which date formatting symbols should
- * be loaded.
+ * be loaded.
* @throws MissingResourceException if the resources for the specified
* locale could not be found or loaded.
* @see #getInstance(java.util.Locale)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
ResourceBundle res
= ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation", locale,
- ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
ampms = getStringArray(res, "ampms");
eras = getStringArray(res, "eras");
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* locale could not be found or loaded.
* @see #getInstance()
- public DateFormatSymbols()
+ public DateFormatSymbols()
throws MissingResourceException
this (Locale.getDefault());
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* This method returns the pattern character information for this
* object. This is an 18 character string that contains the characters
- * that are used in creating the date formatting strings in
+ * that are used in creating the date formatting strings in
* <code>SimpleDateFormat</code>. The following are the character
* positions in the string and which format character they correspond
* to (the character in parentheses is the default value in the US English
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
- * This method returns the list of strings used for displaying abbreviated
+ * This method returns the list of strings used for displaying abbreviated
* weekday names (e.g., "Sun" and "Mon"). This is an eight element
* <code>String</code> array indexed by <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>
* through <code>Calendar.SATURDAY</code>. Note that the first element
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* This method sets the list of characters used to specific date/time
* formatting strings.
* This is an 18 character string that contains the characters
- * that are used in creating the date formatting strings in
+ * that are used in creating the date formatting strings in
* <code>SimpleDateFormat</code>. The following are the character
* positions in the string and which format character they correspond
* to (the character in parentheses is the default value in the US English
@@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
return false;
for (int i = xa.length; --i >= 0; )
- if (! equals(xa[i], ya[i]))
- return false;
+ if (! equals(xa[i], ya[i]))
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* <li> Is an instance of <code>DateFormatSymbols</code>.</li>
* <li> Contains identical formatting symbols to this object.</li>
* </ul>
- *
+ *
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to test for equality against.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to this one,
@@ -655,13 +655,13 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
return false;
DateFormatSymbols other = (DateFormatSymbols) obj;
return (equals(ampms, other.ampms)
- && equals(eras, other.eras)
- && equals(localPatternChars, other.localPatternChars)
- && equals(months, other.months)
- && equals(shortMonths, other.shortMonths)
- && equals(shortWeekdays, other.shortWeekdays)
- && equals(weekdays, other.weekdays)
- && equals(zoneStrings, other.zoneStrings));
+ && equals(eras, other.eras)
+ && equals(localPatternChars, other.localPatternChars)
+ && equals(months, other.months)
+ && equals(shortMonths, other.shortMonths)
+ && equals(shortWeekdays, other.shortWeekdays)
+ && equals(weekdays, other.weekdays)
+ && equals(zoneStrings, other.zoneStrings));
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
return super.clone ();
- }
- catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
+ }
+ catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null;
@@ -689,13 +689,13 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
public int hashCode ()
return (hashCode(ampms)
- ^ hashCode(eras)
- ^ hashCode(localPatternChars)
- ^ hashCode(months)
- ^ hashCode(shortMonths)
- ^ hashCode(shortWeekdays)
- ^ hashCode(weekdays)
- ^ hashCode(zoneStrings));
+ ^ hashCode(eras)
+ ^ hashCode(localPatternChars)
+ ^ hashCode(months)
+ ^ hashCode(shortMonths)
+ ^ hashCode(shortWeekdays)
+ ^ hashCode(weekdays)
+ ^ hashCode(zoneStrings));
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider} instances.
* This is equivalent to calling
* <code>getInstance(Locale.getDefault())</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return a {@link DateFormatSymbols} instance for the default
* locale.
* @since 1.6
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
* specified locale obtained from either the runtime itself
* or one of the installed
* {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider} instances.
- *
+ *
* @param locale the locale for which an instance should be
* returned.
* @return a {@link DateFormatSymbols} instance for the specified
@@ -733,27 +733,27 @@ public class DateFormatSymbols implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable
- DateFormatSymbols syms = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
- return syms;
+ DateFormatSymbols syms = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
+ return syms;
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- /* This means runtime support for the locale
- * is not available, so we check providers. */
+ /* This means runtime support for the locale
+ * is not available, so we check providers. */
for (DateFormatSymbolsProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(DateFormatSymbolsProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- DateFormatSymbols syms = p.getInstance(locale);
- if (syms != null)
- return syms;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ DateFormatSymbols syms = p.getInstance(locale);
+ if (syms != null)
+ return syms;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return getInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(locale));
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormat.java
index 4251744..9f02bb8 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormat.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
* This class contains few bits from ICU4J (http://icu.sourceforge.net/),
* Copyright by IBM and others and distributed under the
* distributed under MIT/X.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* This note is here for historical reasons and because I had not the courage
* to remove it :)
- *
+ *
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
* @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org)
* @date March 4, 1999
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
* decimal numbers. The class can format numbers given a specific locale.
* Generally, to get an instance of DecimalFormat you should call the factory
* methods in the <code>NumberFormat</code> base class.
- *
+ *
* @author Mario Torre (neugens@limasoftware.net)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
* @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org)
@@ -81,104 +81,104 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
/** serialVersionUID for serializartion. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 864413376551465018L;
/** Defines the default number of digits allowed while formatting integers. */
- private static final int DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS = 309;
+ private static final int DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS = 309;
* Defines the default number of digits allowed while formatting
* fractions.
private static final int DEFAULT_FRACTION_DIGITS = 340;
* Locale-independent pattern symbols.
// Happen to be the same as the US symbols.
private static final DecimalFormatSymbols nonLocalizedSymbols
= new DecimalFormatSymbols (Locale.US);
* Defines if parse should return a BigDecimal or not.
private boolean parseBigDecimal;
* Defines if we have to use the monetary decimal separator or
* the decimal separator while formatting numbers.
private boolean useCurrencySeparator;
/** Defines if the decimal separator is always shown or not. */
private boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
* Defines if the decimal separator has to be shown.
- *
+ *
* This is different then <code>decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown</code>,
* as it defines if the format string contains a decimal separator or no.
private boolean showDecimalSeparator;
* This field is used to determine if the grouping
* separator is included in the format string or not.
* This is only needed to match the behaviour of the RI.
private boolean groupingSeparatorInPattern;
/** Defines the size of grouping groups when grouping is used. */
private byte groupingSize;
* This is an internal parameter used to keep track of the number
* of digits the form the exponent, when exponential notation is used.
* It is used with <code>exponentRound</code>
private byte minExponentDigits;
/** This field is used to set the exponent in the engineering notation. */
private int exponentRound;
/** Multiplier used in percent style formats. */
private int multiplier;
/** Multiplier used in percent style formats. */
private int negativePatternMultiplier;
/** The negative prefix. */
private String negativePrefix;
/** The negative suffix. */
private String negativeSuffix;
/** The positive prefix. */
private String positivePrefix;
/** The positive suffix. */
private String positiveSuffix;
/** Decimal Format Symbols for the given locale. */
private DecimalFormatSymbols symbols;
/** Determine if we have to use exponential notation or not. */
private boolean useExponentialNotation;
* Defines the maximum number of integer digits to show when we use
* the exponential notation.
private int maxIntegerDigitsExponent;
/** Defines if the format string has a negative prefix or not. */
private boolean hasNegativePrefix;
/** Defines if the format string has a fractional pattern or not. */
private boolean hasFractionalPattern;
/** Stores a list of attributes for use by formatToCharacterIterator. */
private ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
* Constructs a <code>DecimalFormat</code> which uses the default
* pattern and symbols.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this ("#,##0.###");
* Constructs a <code>DecimalFormat</code> which uses the given
* pattern and the default symbols for formatting and parsing.
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Constructs a <code>DecimalFormat</code> using the given pattern
* and formatting symbols. This construction method is used to give
- * complete control over the formatting process.
+ * complete control over the formatting process.
* @param pattern the non-localized pattern to use.
* @param symbols the set of symbols used for parsing and formatting.
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
applyPatternWithSymbols(pattern, nonLocalizedSymbols);
* Apply the given localized patern to the current DecimalFormat object.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The localized pattern to apply.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid.
* @throws NullPointerException if the input pattern is null.
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Apply the given localized pattern to the current DecimalFormat object.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The localized pattern to apply.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid.
* @throws NullPointerException if the input pattern is null.
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* <li><code>obj</code> is an instance of <code>DecimalFormat</code>;</li>
* <li>this instance and <code>obj</code> have the same attributes;</li>
* </ul>
- *
+ *
* @param obj the object (<code>null</code> permitted).
- *
+ *
* @return A boolean.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (! (obj instanceof DecimalFormat))
return false;
DecimalFormat dup = (DecimalFormat) obj;
- return (decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown == dup.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown
+ return (decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown == dup.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown
&& groupingUsed == dup.groupingUsed
- && groupingSeparatorInPattern == dup.groupingSeparatorInPattern
+ && groupingSeparatorInPattern == dup.groupingSeparatorInPattern
&& groupingSize == dup.groupingSize
&& multiplier == dup.multiplier
&& useExponentialNotation == dup.useExponentialNotation
@@ -301,13 +301,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return toPattern().hashCode();
* Produce a formatted {@link String} representation of this object.
- * The passed object must be of type number.
- *
+ * The passed object must be of type number.
+ *
* @param obj The {@link Number} to format.
- * @param sbuf The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
+ * @param sbuf The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
* @param pos If used on input can be used to define an alignment
* field. If used on output defines the offsets of the alignment field.
* @return The String representation of this long.
@@ -325,22 +325,22 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
formatInternal((BigDecimal) obj, true, sbuf, pos);
return sbuf;
return super.format(obj, sbuf, pos);
* Produce a formatted {@link String} representation of this double.
- *
+ *
* @param number The double to format.
- * @param dest The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
+ * @param dest The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
* @param fieldPos If used on input can be used to define an alignment
* field. If used on output defines the offsets of the alignment field.
* @return The String representation of this long.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>dest</code> or fieldPos are null
public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer dest,
- FieldPosition fieldPos)
+ FieldPosition fieldPos)
// special cases for double: NaN and negative or positive infinity
if (Double.isNaN(number))
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// 1. NaN
String nan = symbols.getNaN();
// update field position if required
if ((fieldPos.getField() == INTEGER_FIELD ||
fieldPos.getFieldAttribute() == NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER))
@@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (number < 0)
if ((fieldPos.getField() == INTEGER_FIELD ||
fieldPos.getFieldAttribute() == NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER))
@@ -386,15 +386,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(number));
formatInternal(bigDecimal, false, dest, fieldPos);
return dest;
* Produce a formatted {@link String} representation of this long.
- *
+ *
* @param number The long to format.
- * @param dest The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
+ * @param dest The destination String; text will be appended to this String.
* @param fieldPos If used on input can be used to define an alignment
* field. If used on output defines the offsets of the alignment field.
* @return The String representation of this long.
@@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
formatInternal(bigDecimal, true, dest, fieldPos);
return dest;
* Return an <code>AttributedCharacterIterator</code> as a result of
* the formatting of the passed {@link Object}.
- *
+ *
* @return An {@link AttributedCharacterIterator}.
- * @throws NullPointerException if value is <code>null</code>.
+ * @throws NullPointerException if value is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if value is not an instance of
* {@link Number}.
@@ -422,13 +422,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* This method implementation derives directly from the
* ICU4J (http://icu.sourceforge.net/) library, distributed under MIT/X.
if (value == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Passed Object is null");
if (!(value instanceof Number)) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Cannot format given Object as a Number");
StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
super.format(value, text, new FieldPosition(0));
@@ -440,15 +440,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
FieldPosition pos = (FieldPosition) attributes.get(i);
Format.Field attribute = pos.getFieldAttribute();
as.addAttribute(attribute, attribute, pos.getBeginIndex(),
// return the CharacterIterator from AttributedString
return as.getIterator();
* Returns the currency corresponding to the currency symbol stored
* in the instance of <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code> used by this
@@ -461,25 +461,25 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return symbols.getCurrency();
* Returns a copy of the symbols used by this instance.
- *
+ *
* @return A copy of the symbols.
public DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols()
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
* Gets the interval used between a grouping separator and the next.
* For example, a grouping size of 3 means that the number 1234 is
* formatted as 1,234.
- *
+ *
* The actual character used as grouping separator depends on the
* locale and is defined by {@link DecimalFormatSymbols#getDecimalSeparator()}
- *
+ *
* @return The interval used between a grouping separator and the next.
public int getGroupingSize()
@@ -489,17 +489,17 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Gets the multiplier used in percent and similar formats.
- *
+ *
* @return The multiplier used in percent and similar formats.
public int getMultiplier()
return multiplier;
* Gets the negative prefix.
- *
+ *
* @return The negative prefix.
public String getNegativePrefix()
@@ -509,56 +509,56 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Gets the negative suffix.
- *
+ *
* @return The negative suffix.
public String getNegativeSuffix()
return negativeSuffix;
* Gets the positive prefix.
- *
+ *
* @return The positive prefix.
public String getPositivePrefix()
return positivePrefix;
* Gets the positive suffix.
- *
+ *
* @return The positive suffix.
public String getPositiveSuffix()
return positiveSuffix;
public boolean isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown()
return decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
* Define if <code>parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)</code>
- * should return a {@link BigDecimal} or not.
- *
+ * should return a {@link BigDecimal} or not.
+ *
* @param newValue
public void setParseBigDecimal(boolean newValue)
this.parseBigDecimal = newValue;
* Returns <code>true</code> if
* <code>parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)</code> returns
* a <code>BigDecimal</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* The default return value for this method is <code>false</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return <code>true</code> if the parse method returns a {@link BigDecimal},
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @since 1.5
@@ -568,15 +568,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return this.parseBigDecimal;
* This method parses the specified string into a <code>Number</code>.
- *
+ *
* The parsing starts at <code>pos</code>, which is updated as the parser
* consume characters in the passed string.
* On error, the <code>Position</code> object index is not updated, while
* error position is set appropriately, an <code>null</code> is returned.
- *
+ *
* @param str The string to parse.
* @param pos The desired <code>ParsePosition</code>.
@@ -588,30 +588,30 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// NaN
if (str.contains(this.symbols.getNaN()))
return Double.valueOf(Double.NaN);
// this will be our final number
CPStringBuilder number = new CPStringBuilder();
// special character
char minus = symbols.getMinusSign();
// starting parsing position
int start = pos.getIndex();
- // validate the string, it have to be in the
+ // validate the string, it have to be in the
// same form as the format string or parsing will fail
String _negativePrefix = (this.negativePrefix.compareTo("") == 0
? minus + positivePrefix
: this.negativePrefix);
// we check both prefixes, because one might be empty.
// We want to pick the longest prefix that matches.
int positiveLen = positivePrefix.length();
int negativeLen = _negativePrefix.length();
boolean isNegative = str.startsWith(_negativePrefix);
boolean isPositive = str.startsWith(positivePrefix);
if (isPositive && isNegative)
// By checking this way, we preserve ambiguity in the case
@@ -644,31 +644,31 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return null;
// other special characters used by the parser
char decimalSeparator = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
char zero = symbols.getZeroDigit();
- char exponent = symbols.getExponential();
+ char exponent = symbols.getExponential();
// stop parsing position in the string
int stop = start + this.maximumIntegerDigits + maximumFractionDigits + 2;
if (useExponentialNotation)
stop += minExponentDigits + 1;
boolean inExponent = false;
// correct the size of the end parsing flag
int len = str.length();
if (len < stop) stop = len;
char groupingSeparator = symbols.getGroupingSeparator();
int i = start;
while (i < stop)
char ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch >= zero && ch <= (zero + 9))
@@ -692,43 +692,43 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (inExponent)
- {
- i--;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ i--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!groupingUsed || ch != groupingSeparator)
+ {
+ i--;
+ break;
+ }
- else
- {
- if (!groupingUsed || ch != groupingSeparator)
- {
- i--;
- break;
- }
- }
// 2nd special case: infinity
// XXX: need to be tested
if (str.contains(symbols.getInfinity()))
- int inf = str.indexOf(symbols.getInfinity());
+ int inf = str.indexOf(symbols.getInfinity());
// FIXME: ouch, this is really ugly and lazy code...
if (this.parseBigDecimal)
if (isNegative)
return BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
return BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (isNegative)
return Double.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
return Double.valueOf(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
// no number...
if (i == start || number.length() == 0)
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
positiveLen = positiveSuffix.length();
negativeLen = negativeSuffix.length();
if (isNegative && !hasNegativeSuffix)
@@ -761,16 +761,16 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return null;
if (isNegative) number.insert(0, '-');
// now we handle the return type
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(number.toString());
if (this.parseBigDecimal)
return bigDecimal;
// want integer?
if (this.parseIntegerOnly)
return Long.valueOf(bigDecimal.longValue());
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// 3th special case -0.0
if (isNegative && (bigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0))
return Double.valueOf(-0.0);
BigDecimal integer
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Sets the <code>Currency</code> on the
* <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code> used, which also sets the
* currency symbols on those symbols.
- *
+ *
* @param currency The new <code>Currency</code> on the
* <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code>.
@@ -804,46 +804,46 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
Currency current = symbols.getCurrency();
if (current != currency)
- String oldSymbol = symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
- int len = oldSymbol.length();
- symbols.setCurrency(currency);
- String newSymbol = symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
- int posPre = positivePrefix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
- if (posPre != -1)
- positivePrefix = positivePrefix.substring(0, posPre) +
- newSymbol + positivePrefix.substring(posPre+len);
- int negPre = negativePrefix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
- if (negPre != -1)
- negativePrefix = negativePrefix.substring(0, negPre) +
- newSymbol + negativePrefix.substring(negPre+len);
- int posSuf = positiveSuffix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
- if (posSuf != -1)
- positiveSuffix = positiveSuffix.substring(0, posSuf) +
- newSymbol + positiveSuffix.substring(posSuf+len);
- int negSuf = negativeSuffix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
- if (negSuf != -1)
- negativeSuffix = negativeSuffix.substring(0, negSuf) +
- newSymbol + negativeSuffix.substring(negSuf+len);
+ String oldSymbol = symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
+ int len = oldSymbol.length();
+ symbols.setCurrency(currency);
+ String newSymbol = symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
+ int posPre = positivePrefix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
+ if (posPre != -1)
+ positivePrefix = positivePrefix.substring(0, posPre) +
+ newSymbol + positivePrefix.substring(posPre+len);
+ int negPre = negativePrefix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
+ if (negPre != -1)
+ negativePrefix = negativePrefix.substring(0, negPre) +
+ newSymbol + negativePrefix.substring(negPre+len);
+ int posSuf = positiveSuffix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
+ if (posSuf != -1)
+ positiveSuffix = positiveSuffix.substring(0, posSuf) +
+ newSymbol + positiveSuffix.substring(posSuf+len);
+ int negSuf = negativeSuffix.indexOf(oldSymbol);
+ if (negSuf != -1)
+ negativeSuffix = negativeSuffix.substring(0, negSuf) +
+ newSymbol + negativeSuffix.substring(negSuf+len);
- * Sets the symbols used by this instance. This method makes a copy of
+ * Sets the symbols used by this instance. This method makes a copy of
* the supplied symbols.
- *
+ *
* @param newSymbols the symbols (<code>null</code> not permitted).
public void setDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols newSymbols)
symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) newSymbols.clone();
* Define if the decimal separator should be always visible or only
* visible when needed. This method as effect only on integer values.
* Pass <code>true</code> if you want the decimal separator to be
* always shown, <code>false</code> otherwise.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue true</code> if you want the decimal separator to be
* always shown, <code>false</code> otherwise.
@@ -851,12 +851,12 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = newValue;
* Sets the number of digits used to group portions of the integer part of
* the number. For example, the number <code>123456</code>, with a grouping
* size of 3, is rendered <code>123,456</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param groupSize The number of digits used while grouping portions
* of the integer part of a number.
@@ -864,14 +864,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
groupingSize = (byte) groupSize;
* Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer
* portion of a number to the specified value.
* The new value will be the choosen as the minimum between
* <code>newvalue</code> and 309. Any value below zero will be
* replaced by zero.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new maximum integer digits value.
public void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int newValue)
@@ -879,14 +879,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
newValue = (newValue > 0) ? newValue : 0;
super.setMaximumIntegerDigits(Math.min(newValue, DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS));
* Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer
* portion of a number to the specified value.
* The new value will be the choosen as the minimum between
* <code>newvalue</code> and 309. Any value below zero will be
* replaced by zero.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new minimum integer digits value.
public void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int newValue)
@@ -894,14 +894,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
newValue = (newValue > 0) ? newValue : 0;
super.setMinimumIntegerDigits(Math.min(newValue, DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS));
* Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction
* portion of a number to the specified value.
* The new value will be the choosen as the minimum between
* <code>newvalue</code> and 309. Any value below zero will be
* replaced by zero.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new maximum fraction digits value.
public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int newValue)
@@ -909,14 +909,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
newValue = (newValue > 0) ? newValue : 0;
super.setMaximumFractionDigits(Math.min(newValue, DEFAULT_FRACTION_DIGITS));
* Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction
* portion of a number to the specified value.
* The new value will be the choosen as the minimum between
* <code>newvalue</code> and 309. Any value below zero will be
* replaced by zero.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new minimum fraction digits value.
public void setMinimumFractionDigits(int newValue)
@@ -924,22 +924,22 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
newValue = (newValue > 0) ? newValue : 0;
super.setMinimumFractionDigits(Math.min(newValue, DEFAULT_FRACTION_DIGITS));
* Sets the multiplier for use in percent and similar formats.
* For example, for percent set the multiplier to 100, for permille, set the
* miltiplier to 1000.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue the new value for multiplier.
public void setMultiplier(int newValue)
multiplier = newValue;
* Sets the negative prefix.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new negative prefix.
public void setNegativePrefix(String newValue)
@@ -949,38 +949,38 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Sets the negative suffix.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new negative suffix.
public void setNegativeSuffix(String newValue)
negativeSuffix = newValue;
* Sets the positive prefix.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new positive prefix.
public void setPositivePrefix(String newValue)
positivePrefix = newValue;
* Sets the new positive suffix.
- *
+ *
* @param newValue The new positive suffix.
public void setPositiveSuffix(String newValue)
positiveSuffix = newValue;
* This method returns a string with the formatting pattern being used
* by this object. The string is localized.
- *
+ *
* @return A localized <code>String</code> with the formatting pattern.
* @see #toPattern()
@@ -988,11 +988,11 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return computePattern(this.symbols);
* This method returns a string with the formatting pattern being used
* by this object. The string is not localized.
- *
+ *
* @return A <code>String</code> with the formatting pattern.
* @see #toLocalizedPattern()
@@ -1000,13 +1000,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return computePattern(nonLocalizedSymbols);
/* ***** private methods ***** */
* This is an shortcut helper method used to test if two given strings are
* equals.
- *
+ *
* @param s1 The first string to test for equality.
* @param s2 The second string to test for equality.
* @return <code>true</code> if the strings are both <code>null</code> or
@@ -1018,10 +1018,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return s1 == s2;
return s1.equals(s2);
/* ****** PATTERN ****** */
* This helper function creates a string consisting of all the
* characters which can appear in a pattern and must be quoted.
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
private String patternChars (DecimalFormatSymbols syms)
CPStringBuilder buf = new CPStringBuilder ();
@@ -1041,14 +1041,14 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return buf.toString();
* Quote special characters as defined by <code>patChars</code> in the
* input string.
- *
+ *
* @param text
* @param patChars
* @return A StringBuffer with special characters quoted.
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
private CPStringBuilder quoteFix(String text, String patChars)
CPStringBuilder buf = new CPStringBuilder();
int len = text.length();
char ch;
for (int index = 0; index < len; ++index)
@@ -1073,10 +1073,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return buf;
* Returns the format pattern, localized to follow the given
* symbols.
@@ -1084,23 +1084,23 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
private String computePattern(DecimalFormatSymbols symbols)
StringBuilder mainPattern = new StringBuilder();
// We have to at least emit a zero for the minimum number of
// digits. Past that we need hash marks up to the grouping
// separator (and one beyond).
int _groupingSize = groupingUsed ? groupingSize + 1: groupingSize;
int totalDigits = Math.max(minimumIntegerDigits, _groupingSize);
// if it is not in exponential notiation,
// we always have a # prebended
if (!useExponentialNotation) mainPattern.append(symbols.getDigit());
for (int i = 1; i < totalDigits - minimumIntegerDigits; i++)
for (int i = totalDigits - minimumIntegerDigits; i < totalDigits; i++)
if (groupingUsed)
mainPattern.insert(mainPattern.length() - groupingSize,
@@ -1113,33 +1113,33 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
for (int i = 0; i < minimumFractionDigits; ++i)
for (int i = minimumFractionDigits; i < maximumFractionDigits; ++i)
if (useExponentialNotation)
for (int i = 0; i < minExponentDigits; ++i)
if (minExponentDigits == 0)
// save the pattern
String pattern = mainPattern.toString();
// so far we have the pattern itself, now we need to add
// the positive and the optional negative prefixes and suffixes
String patternChars = patternChars(symbols);
mainPattern.insert(0, quoteFix(positivePrefix, patternChars));
mainPattern.append(quoteFix(positiveSuffix, patternChars));
if (hasNegativePrefix)
@@ -1147,17 +1147,17 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
mainPattern.append(quoteFix(negativeSuffix, patternChars));
// finally, return the pattern string
return mainPattern.toString();
/* ****** FORMAT PARSING ****** */
* Scan the input string and define a pattern suitable for use
* with this decimal format.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern
* @param symbols
@@ -1175,11 +1175,11 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// the parameters we need for formatting (which is basicly what
// a descendent recursive parser would do - but without recursion).
// I'm sure that there are smarter methods to do this.
// Restore default values. Most of these will be overwritten
// but we want to be sure that nothing is left out.
int len = pattern.length();
if (len == 0)
@@ -1188,16 +1188,16 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this.maximumIntegerDigits = DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS;
this.minimumFractionDigits = 0;
this.maximumFractionDigits = DEFAULT_FRACTION_DIGITS;
// FIXME: ...and these values may not be valid in all locales
this.minExponentDigits = 0;
this.showDecimalSeparator = true;
this.groupingUsed = true;
this.groupingSize = 3;
int start = scanFix(pattern, symbols, 0, true);
if (start < len) start = scanNumberInteger(pattern, symbols, start);
if (start < len)
@@ -1213,16 +1213,16 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
//this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false;
//this.showDecimalSeparator = false;
// XXX: this fixes a compatibility test with the RI.
// If new uses cases fail, try removing this line first.
//if (!this.hasIntegerPattern && !this.hasFractionalPattern)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid pattern found!");
if (start < len) start = scanExponent(pattern, symbols, start);
if (start < len) start = scanFix(pattern, symbols, start, false);
if (start < len) scanNegativePattern(pattern, symbols, start);
if (useExponentialNotation &&
(maxIntegerDigitsExponent > minimumIntegerDigits) &&
(maxIntegerDigitsExponent > 1))
@@ -1230,20 +1230,20 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
exponentRound = maxIntegerDigitsExponent;
if (useExponentialNotation)
maximumIntegerDigits = maxIntegerDigitsExponent;
if (!this.hasFractionalPattern && this.showDecimalSeparator == true)
this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = true;
* Scans for the prefix or suffix portion of the pattern string.
* This method handles the positive subpattern of the pattern string.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @return The position in the pattern string where parsing ended.
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
int start, boolean prefix)
CPStringBuilder buffer = new CPStringBuilder();
// the number portion is always delimited by one of those
// characters
char decimalSeparator = sourceSymbols.getDecimalSeparator();
@@ -1260,15 +1260,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char digit = sourceSymbols.getDigit();
char zero = sourceSymbols.getZeroDigit();
char minus = sourceSymbols.getMinusSign();
// other special characters, cached here to avoid method calls later
char percent = sourceSymbols.getPercent();
char permille = sourceSymbols.getPerMill();
String currencySymbol = this.symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
boolean quote = false;
char ch = pattern.charAt(start);
if (ch == patternSeparator)
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return start;
int len = pattern.length();
int i;
for (i = start; i < len; i++)
@@ -1292,12 +1292,12 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern found: "
+ start);
this.hasNegativePrefix = true;
// this means we are inside the number portion
if (!quote &&
(ch == minus || ch == digit || ch == zero ||
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (ch == '\u00A4')
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if ((i + 1) < len && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '\'')
- // we need to add ' to the buffer
+ // we need to add ' to the buffer
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (prefix)
this.positivePrefix = buffer.toString();
@@ -1372,15 +1372,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this.positiveSuffix = buffer.toString();
return i;
* Scan the given string for number patterns, starting
* from <code>start</code>.
* This method searches the integer part of the pattern only.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @param start The starting parse position in the string.
* @return The position in the pattern string where parsing ended,
@@ -1395,33 +1395,33 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char decimalSeparator = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
char exponent = symbols.getExponential();
char patternSeparator = symbols.getPatternSeparator();
// count the number of zeroes in the pattern
// this number defines the minum digits in the integer portion
int zeros = 0;
// count the number of digits used in grouping
int _groupingSize = 0;
this.maxIntegerDigitsExponent = 0;
boolean intPartTouched = false;
char ch;
int len = pattern.length();
int i;
for (i = start; i < len; i++)
ch = pattern.charAt(i);
// break on decimal separator or exponent or pattern separator
if (ch == decimalSeparator || ch == exponent)
if (this.hasNegativePrefix && ch == patternSeparator)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern found: "
+ start);
if (ch == digit)
// in our implementation we could relax this strict
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (zeros > 0) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("digit mark following zero in " +
"positive subpattern, not allowed. Position: " + i);
intPartTouched = true;
@@ -1454,10 +1454,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (groupingSeparatorInPattern) this.groupingSize = (byte) _groupingSize;
this.minimumIntegerDigits = zeros;
// XXX: compatibility code with the RI: the number of minimum integer
// digits is at least one when maximumIntegerDigits is more than zero
if (intPartTouched && this.maximumIntegerDigits > 0 &&
@@ -1466,12 +1466,12 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
return i;
* Scan the given string for number patterns, starting
* from <code>start</code>.
* This method searches the fractional part of the pattern only.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @param start The starting parse position in the string.
* @return The position in the pattern string where parsing ended,
@@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char decimalSeparator = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
char exponent = symbols.getExponential();
char patternSeparator = symbols.getPatternSeparator();
// first character needs to be '.' otherwise we are not parsing the
// fractional portion
char ch = pattern.charAt(start);
@@ -1497,29 +1497,29 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this.maximumFractionDigits = 0;
return start;
this.hasFractionalPattern = true;
this.minimumFractionDigits = 0;
int digits = 0;
int len = pattern.length();
int i;
for (i = start; i < len; i++)
ch = pattern.charAt(i);
// we hit the exponential or negative subpattern
if (ch == exponent || ch == patternSeparator)
// pattern error
if (ch == groupingSeparator || ch == decimalSeparator) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("unexpected character '" + ch + "' " +
"in fractional subpattern. Position: " + i);
if (ch == digit)
@@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (digits > 0) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("digit mark following zero in " +
"positive subpattern, not allowed. Position: " + i);
@@ -1538,20 +1538,20 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (i == start) this.hasFractionalPattern = false;
this.maximumFractionDigits = this.minimumFractionDigits + digits;
this.showDecimalSeparator = true;
return i;
* Scan the given string for number patterns, starting
* from <code>start</code>.
* This method searches the expoential part of the pattern only.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @param start The starting parse position in the string.
* @return The position in the pattern string where parsing ended,
@@ -1565,36 +1565,36 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char groupingSeparator = symbols.getGroupingSeparator();
char decimalSeparator = symbols.getDecimalSeparator();
char exponent = symbols.getExponential();
char ch = pattern.charAt(start);
if (ch == decimalSeparator)
// ignore dots
if (ch != exponent)
this.useExponentialNotation = false;
return start;
this.minExponentDigits = 0;
int len = pattern.length();
int i;
for (i = start; i < len; i++)
ch = pattern.charAt(i);
if (ch == groupingSeparator || ch == decimalSeparator ||
ch == digit || ch == exponent) throw new
- IllegalArgumentException("unexpected character '" + ch + "' " +
+ IllegalArgumentException("unexpected character '" + ch + "' " +
"in exponential subpattern. Position: " + i);
if (ch == zero)
@@ -1605,18 +1605,18 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
- this.useExponentialNotation = true;
+ this.useExponentialNotation = true;
return i;
* Scan the given string for number patterns, starting
* from <code>start</code>.
* This method searches the negative part of the pattern only and scan
* throught the end of the string.
- *
+ *
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @param start The starting parse position in the string.
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
int start)
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
// the number portion is always delimited by one of those
// characters
char decimalSeparator = sourceSymbols.getDecimalSeparator();
@@ -1634,35 +1634,35 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char digit = sourceSymbols.getDigit();
char zero = sourceSymbols.getZeroDigit();
char minus = sourceSymbols.getMinusSign();
// other special charcaters, cached here to avoid method calls later
char percent = sourceSymbols.getPercent();
char permille = sourceSymbols.getPerMill();
String CURRENCY_SYMBOL = this.symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
String currencySymbol = CURRENCY_SYMBOL;
boolean quote = false;
boolean prefixDone = false;
int len = pattern.length();
if (len > 0) this.hasNegativePrefix = true;
char ch = pattern.charAt(start);
if (ch == patternSeparator)
// no pattern separator in the negative pattern
if ((start + 1) > len) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("unexpected character '" + ch + "' " +
- "in negative subpattern.");
+ "in negative subpattern.");
int i;
for (i = start; i < len; i++)
ch = pattern.charAt(i);
// this means we are inside the number portion
if (!quote &&
(ch == digit || ch == zero || ch == decimalSeparator ||
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// change prefix and suffix, so leave it as commented
// unless in case of bug report/errors
//this.useCurrencySeparator = true;
else if (ch == percent)
@@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if ((i + 1) < len && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '\'')
- // we need to add ' to the buffer
+ // we need to add ' to the buffer
@@ -1739,25 +1739,25 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (prefixDone)
this.negativeSuffix = buffer.toString();
this.negativePrefix = buffer.toString();
/* ****** FORMATTING ****** */
* Handles the real formatting.
- *
+ *
* We use a BigDecimal to format the number without precision loss.
* All the rounding is done by methods in BigDecimal.
* The <code>isLong</code> parameter is used to determine if we are
* formatting a long or BigInteger. In this case, we avoid to format
* the fractional part of the number (unless specified otherwise in the
* format string) that would consist only of a 0 digit.
- *
+ *
* @param number A BigDecimal representation fo the input number.
* @param dest The destination buffer.
* @param isLong A boolean that indicates if this BigDecimal is a real
@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
private void formatInternal(BigDecimal number, boolean isLong,
StringBuffer dest, FieldPosition fieldPos)
- {
+ {
// The specs says that fieldPos should not be null, and that we
// should throw a NPE, but it seems that in few classes that
// reference this one, fieldPos is set to null.
@@ -1775,28 +1775,28 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// null. If it cause harms or regressions, just remove this line and
// fix the classes in the point of call, insted.
if (fieldPos == null) fieldPos = new FieldPosition(0);
int _multiplier = this.multiplier;
// used to track attribute starting position for each attribute
int attributeStart = -1;
// now get the sign this will be used by the special case Inifinity
// and by the normal cases.
boolean isNegative = (number.signum() < 0) ? true : false;
if (isNegative)
attributeStart = dest.length();
// append the negative prefix to the string
// once got the negative prefix, we can use
// the absolute value.
number = number.abs();
_multiplier = negativePatternMultiplier;
addAttribute(Field.SIGN, attributeStart, dest.length());
@@ -1804,16 +1804,16 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// not negative, use the positive prefix
// these are used ot update the field position
int beginIndexInt = dest.length();
int endIndexInt = 0;
int beginIndexFract = 0;
int endIndexFract = 0;
// compute the multiplier to use with percent and similar
number = number.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(_multiplier));
// XXX: special case, not sure if it belongs here or if it is
// correct at all. There may be other special cases as well
// these should be handled in the format string parser.
@@ -1823,54 +1823,54 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
this.maximumIntegerDigits = 1;
this.minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
// get the absolute number
number = number.abs();
// the scaling to use while formatting this number
int scale = this.maximumFractionDigits;
// this is the actual number we will use
// it is corrected later on to handle exponential
// notation, if needed
long exponent = 0;
// are we using exponential notation?
if (this.useExponentialNotation)
exponent = getExponent(number);
number = number.movePointLeft((int) exponent);
// FIXME: this makes the test ##.###E0 to pass,
// but all all the other tests to fail...
// this should be really something like
// min + max - what is already shown...
//scale = this.minimumIntegerDigits + this.maximumFractionDigits;
// round the number to the nearest neighbor
number = number.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
// now get the integer and fractional part of the string
// that will be processed later
String plain = number.toPlainString();
String intPart = null;
String fractPart = null;
// remove - from the integer part, this is needed as
// the Narrowing Primitive Conversions algorithm used may loose
// information about the sign
int minusIndex = plain.lastIndexOf('-', 0);
if (minusIndex > -1) plain = plain.substring(minusIndex + 1);
// strip the decimal portion
int dot = plain.indexOf('.');
if (dot > -1)
intPart = plain.substring(0, dot);
if (useExponentialNotation)
fractPart = plain.substring(dot, dot + scale);
@@ -1880,11 +1880,11 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
intPart = plain;
// used in various places later on
int intPartLen = intPart.length();
endIndexInt = intPartLen;
// if the number of digits in our intPart is not greater than the
// minimum we have to display, we append zero to the destination
// buffer before adding the integer portion of the number.
@@ -1901,7 +1901,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// the sum of the minimum integer and maximum fraction
// digits, and does not take into account the maximun integer
// digits to display.
if (attributeStart < 0)
attributeStart = Math.max(dest.length() - 1, 0);
appendDigit(intPart, dest, this.groupingUsed);
@@ -1911,12 +1911,12 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// non exponential notation
intPartLen = intPart.length();
int canary = Math.min(intPartLen, this.maximumIntegerDigits);
// remove from the string the number in excess
// use only latest digits
intPart = intPart.substring(intPartLen - canary);
endIndexInt = intPart.length() + 1;
// append it
if (maximumIntegerDigits > 0 &&
!(this.minimumIntegerDigits == 0 &&
@@ -1927,10 +1927,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
appendDigit(intPart, dest, this.groupingUsed);
// add the INTEGER attribute
addAttribute(Field.INTEGER, attributeStart, dest.length());
// ...update field position, if needed, and return...
if ((fieldPos.getField() == INTEGER_FIELD ||
fieldPos.getFieldAttribute() == NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER))
@@ -1938,41 +1938,41 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
handleFractionalPart(dest, fractPart, fieldPos, isLong);
// and the exponent
if (this.useExponentialNotation)
attributeStart = dest.length();
addAttribute(Field.EXPONENT_SYMBOL, attributeStart, dest.length());
attributeStart = dest.length();
if (exponent < 0)
exponent = -exponent;
addAttribute(Field.EXPONENT_SIGN, attributeStart, dest.length());
attributeStart = dest.length();
String exponentString = String.valueOf(exponent);
int exponentLength = exponentString.length();
for (int i = 0; i < minExponentDigits - exponentLength; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < exponentLength; ++i)
addAttribute(Field.EXPONENT, attributeStart, dest.length());
// now include the suffixes...
if (isNegative)
@@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Add to the input buffer the result of formatting the fractional
* portion of the number.
- *
+ *
* @param dest
* @param fractPart
* @param fieldPos
@@ -1999,46 +1999,46 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
int dotStart = 0;
int dotEnd = 0;
boolean addDecimal = false;
if (this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown ||
((!isLong || this.useExponentialNotation) &&
this.showDecimalSeparator && this.maximumFractionDigits > 0) ||
this.minimumFractionDigits > 0)
dotStart = dest.length();
if (this.useCurrencySeparator)
dotEnd = dest.length();
addDecimal = true;
// now handle the fraction portion of the number
int fractStart = 0;
int fractEnd = 0;
boolean addFractional = false;
if ((!isLong || this.useExponentialNotation)
&& this.maximumFractionDigits > 0
|| this.minimumFractionDigits > 0)
fractStart = dest.length();
fractEnd = fractStart;
int digits = this.minimumFractionDigits;
if (this.useExponentialNotation)
digits = (this.minimumIntegerDigits + this.minimumFractionDigits)
- dest.length();
if (digits < 0) digits = 0;
fractPart = adjustTrailingZeros(fractPart, digits);
// FIXME: this code must be improved
// now check if the factional part is just 0, in this case
// we need to remove the '.' unless requested
@@ -2049,12 +2049,12 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (fracts[i] != '0')
allZeros = false;
if (!allZeros || (minimumFractionDigits > 0))
appendDigit(fractPart, dest, false);
fractEnd = dest.length();
addDecimal = true;
addFractional = true;
@@ -2069,13 +2069,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
addFractional = true;
if (addDecimal)
addAttribute(Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, dotStart, dotEnd);
if (addFractional)
addAttribute(Field.FRACTION, fractStart, fractEnd);
if ((fieldPos.getField() == FRACTION_FIELD ||
fieldPos.getFieldAttribute() == NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION))
@@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* Append to <code>dest</code>the give number of zeros.
* Grouping is added if needed.
@@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
char ch = symbols.getZeroDigit();
char gSeparator = symbols.getGroupingSeparator();
int i = 0;
int gPos = totalDigitCount;
for (i = 0; i < zeroes; i++, gPos--)
@@ -2103,20 +2103,20 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
(this.groupingUsed && this.groupingSize != 0) &&
(gPos % groupingSize == 0 && i > 0))
// special case, that requires adding an additional separator
if (this.groupingSeparatorInPattern &&
(this.groupingUsed && this.groupingSize != 0) &&
(gPos % groupingSize == 0))
* Append src to <code>dest</code>.
- *
+ *
* Grouping is added if <code>groupingUsed</code> is set
* to <code>true</code>.
@@ -2124,10 +2124,10 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
boolean groupingUsed)
int zero = symbols.getZeroDigit() - '0';
int ch;
char gSeparator = symbols.getGroupingSeparator();
int len = src.length();
for (int i = 0, gPos = len; i < len; i++, gPos--)
@@ -2139,7 +2139,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
dest.append((char) (zero + ch));
* Calculate the exponent to use if eponential notation is used.
* The exponent is calculated as a power of ten.
@@ -2149,15 +2149,15 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
private long getExponent(BigDecimal number)
long exponent = 0;
if (number.signum() > 0)
double _number = number.doubleValue();
exponent = (long) Math.floor (Math.log10(_number));
// get the right value for the exponent
exponent = exponent - (exponent % this.exponentRound);
// if the minimumIntegerDigits is more than zero
// we display minimumIntegerDigits of digits.
// so, for example, if minimumIntegerDigits == 2
@@ -2168,31 +2168,31 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
if (minimumIntegerDigits > 0)
exponent -= minimumIntegerDigits - 1;
return exponent;
* Remove contiguos zeros from the end of the <code>src</code> string,
* if src contains more than <code>minimumDigits</code> digits.
* if src contains less that <code>minimumDigits</code>,
* then append zeros to the string.
- *
+ *
* Only the first block of zero digits is removed from the string
* and only if they fall in the src.length - minimumDigits
* portion of the string.
- *
+ *
* @param src The string with the correct number of zeros.
private String adjustTrailingZeros(String src, int minimumDigits)
int len = src.length();
String result;
// remove all trailing zero
if (len > minimumDigits)
- int zeros = 0;
+ int zeros = 0;
for (int i = len - 1; i > minimumDigits; i--)
if (src.charAt(i) == '0')
@@ -2200,7 +2200,7 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
- result = src.substring(0, len - zeros);
+ result = src.substring(0, len - zeros);
@@ -2212,13 +2212,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
result = _result.toString();
return result;
* Adds an attribute to the attributes list.
- *
+ *
* @param field
* @param begin
* @param end
@@ -2229,13 +2229,13 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
* This method and its implementation derives directly from the
* ICU4J (http://icu.sourceforge.net/) library, distributed under MIT/X.
FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(field);
* Sets the default values for the various properties in this DecimaFormat.
@@ -2245,34 +2245,34 @@ public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat
// the most appropriate for them for any locale.
// Anyway, these seem to be good values for a default in most languages.
// Note that most of these will change based on the format string.
this.negativePrefix = String.valueOf(symbols.getMinusSign());
this.negativeSuffix = "";
this.positivePrefix = "";
this.positiveSuffix = "";
this.multiplier = 1;
this.negativePatternMultiplier = 1;
this.exponentRound = 1;
this.hasNegativePrefix = false;
this.minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
this.maximumIntegerDigits = DEFAULT_INTEGER_DIGITS;
this.minimumFractionDigits = 0;
this.maximumFractionDigits = DEFAULT_FRACTION_DIGITS;
this.minExponentDigits = 0;
this.groupingSize = 0;
this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false;
this.showDecimalSeparator = false;
this.useExponentialNotation = false;
this.groupingUsed = false;
this.groupingSeparatorInPattern = false;
this.useCurrencySeparator = false;
this.hasFractionalPattern = false;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java
index b7edf39..fa33f34 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
- * This class is a container for the symbols used by
+ * This class is a container for the symbols used by
* <code>DecimalFormat</code> to format numbers and currency
* for a particular locale. These are
* normally handled automatically, but an application can override
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
- return null;
+ return null;
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
if (bundle != null)
- try
- {
- return bundle.getString(name);
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException x)
- {
- }
+ try
+ {
+ return bundle.getString(name);
+ }
+ catch (MissingResourceException x)
+ {
+ }
return def;
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
String r = null;
if (bundle != null)
- try
- {
- r = bundle.getString(name);
- }
- catch (MissingResourceException x)
- {
- }
+ try
+ {
+ r = bundle.getString(name);
+ }
+ catch (MissingResourceException x)
+ {
+ }
if (r == null || r.length() < 1)
return def;
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
- res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
- loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
+ loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- res = null;
+ res = null;
locale = loc;
currency = Currency.getInstance("XXX");
@@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
intlCurrencySymbol = "XXX";
- Currency localeCurrency = Currency.getInstance(loc);
- if (localeCurrency != null)
- {
- setCurrency(localeCurrency);
- }
+ Currency localeCurrency = Currency.getInstance(loc);
+ if (localeCurrency != null)
+ {
+ setCurrency(localeCurrency);
+ }
catch(IllegalArgumentException exception)
- /* Locale has an invalid currency */
+ /* Locale has an invalid currency */
decimalSeparator = safeGetChar (res, "decimalSeparator", '.');
digit = safeGetChar (res, "digit", '#');
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
infinity = safeGetString (res, "infinity", "\u221e");
- monetarySeparator = safeGetChar (res, "monetarySeparator", '.');
+ monetarySeparator = safeGetChar (res, "monetarySeparator", '.');
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
+ monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
minusSign = safeGetChar (res, "minusSign", '-');
NaN = safeGetString (res, "NaN", "\ufffd");
@@ -227,19 +227,19 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
return false;
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = (DecimalFormatSymbols) obj;
return (currencySymbol.equals(dfs.currencySymbol)
- && decimalSeparator == dfs.decimalSeparator
- && digit == dfs.digit
- && exponential == dfs.exponential
- && groupingSeparator == dfs.groupingSeparator
- && infinity.equals(dfs.infinity)
- && intlCurrencySymbol.equals(dfs.intlCurrencySymbol)
- && minusSign == dfs.minusSign
- && monetarySeparator == dfs.monetarySeparator
- && NaN.equals(dfs.NaN)
- && patternSeparator == dfs.patternSeparator
- && percent == dfs.percent
- && perMill == dfs.perMill
- && zeroDigit == dfs.zeroDigit);
+ && decimalSeparator == dfs.decimalSeparator
+ && digit == dfs.digit
+ && exponential == dfs.exponential
+ && groupingSeparator == dfs.groupingSeparator
+ && infinity.equals(dfs.infinity)
+ && intlCurrencySymbol.equals(dfs.intlCurrencySymbol)
+ && minusSign == dfs.minusSign
+ && monetarySeparator == dfs.monetarySeparator
+ && NaN.equals(dfs.NaN)
+ && patternSeparator == dfs.patternSeparator
+ && percent == dfs.percent
+ && perMill == dfs.perMill
+ && zeroDigit == dfs.zeroDigit);
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* format pattern string.
* @return The character used to represent a digit in a format
- * pattern string.
+ * pattern string.
public char getDigit ()
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* used for the currency attribute, and the currency symbol
* is set to the corresponding value from this instance.
* Otherwise, the currency attribute is set to null and the
- * symbol is left unmodified.
+ * symbol is left unmodified.
* @param currencyCode The new international currency symbol.
@@ -512,11 +512,11 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
intlCurrencySymbol = currencyCode;
- currency = Currency.getInstance(currencyCode);
+ currency = Currency.getInstance(currencyCode);
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
- currency = null;
+ currency = null;
if (currency != null)
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* This method sets the character used for the decimal point in currency
* values.
- * @param decimalSep The decimal point character used in currency values.
+ * @param decimalSep The decimal point character used in currency values.
public void setMonetaryDecimalSeparator (char decimalSep)
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* This method sets the string used to represent the NaN (not a
- * number) value.
+ * number) value.
* @param nan The string used to represent NaN
@@ -692,10 +692,10 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
if (serialVersionOnStream < 1)
monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
- exponential = 'E';
+ exponential = 'E';
if (serialVersionOnStream < 2)
- locale = Locale.getDefault();
+ locale = Locale.getDefault();
serialVersionOnStream = 2;
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* {@link java.text.spi.DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider} instances.
* This is equivalent to calling
* <code>getInstance(Locale.getDefault())</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return a {@link DecimalFormatSymbols} instance for the default
* locale.
* @since 1.6
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
* specified locale obtained from either the runtime itself
* or one of the installed
* {@link java.text.spi.DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider} instances.
- *
+ *
* @param locale the locale for which an instance should be
* returned.
* @return a {@link DecimalFormatSymbols} instance for the specified
@@ -735,30 +735,30 @@ public class DecimalFormatSymbols implements Cloneable, Serializable
- if (!locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
- ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
- locale,
- ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
- return new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale);
+ if (!locale.equals(Locale.ROOT))
+ ResourceBundle.getBundle("gnu.java.locale.LocaleInformation",
+ locale,
+ ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ return new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale);
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- /* This means runtime support for the locale
- * is not available, so we check providers. */
+ /* This means runtime support for the locale
+ * is not available, so we check providers. */
for (DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider.class))
+ ServiceLoader.load(DecimalFormatSymbolsProvider.class))
- for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (loc.equals(locale))
- {
- DecimalFormatSymbols syms = p.getInstance(locale);
- if (syms != null)
- return syms;
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (Locale loc : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (loc.equals(locale))
+ {
+ DecimalFormatSymbols syms = p.getInstance(locale);
+ if (syms != null)
+ return syms;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return getInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(locale));
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/FieldPosition.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/FieldPosition.java
index 427c07e..3a92a67 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/FieldPosition.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/FieldPosition.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -169,14 +169,14 @@ public class FieldPosition
* <ul>
* <li>The specified object is not <code>null</code>.
* <li>The specified object has the same class as this object.
- * <li>The specified object has the same field identifier, field attribute
+ * <li>The specified object has the same field identifier, field attribute
* and beginning and ending index as this object.
* </ul>
* @param obj The object to test for equality to this object.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to
- * this object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * this object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals (Object obj)
@@ -188,17 +188,17 @@ public class FieldPosition
FieldPosition fp = (FieldPosition) obj;
return (field_id == fp.field_id
- && (field_attribute == fp.field_attribute
- || (field_attribute != null
- && field_attribute.equals(fp.field_attribute)))
- && begin == fp.begin
- && end == fp.end);
+ && (field_attribute == fp.field_attribute
+ || (field_attribute != null
+ && field_attribute.equals(fp.field_attribute)))
+ && begin == fp.begin
+ && end == fp.end);
* This method returns a hash value for this object
- *
+ *
* @return A hash value for this object.
public int hashCode ()
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class FieldPosition
hash = 31 * hash + field_id;
hash = 31 * hash + begin;
hash = 31 * hash + end;
- hash = 31 * hash +
+ hash = 31 * hash +
(null == field_attribute ? 0 : field_attribute.hashCode());
return hash;
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ public class FieldPosition
public String toString ()
return (getClass ().getName ()
- + "[field=" + getField ()
- + ",attribute=" + getFieldAttribute ()
- + ",beginIndex=" + getBeginIndex ()
- + ",endIndex=" + getEndIndex ()
- + "]");
+ + "[field=" + getField ()
+ + ",attribute=" + getFieldAttribute ()
+ + ",beginIndex=" + getBeginIndex ()
+ + ",endIndex=" + getEndIndex ()
+ + "]");
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Format.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Format.java
index 7159f46..29edf05 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/Format.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/Format.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ import java.io.Serializable;
* This class is the abstract superclass of classes that format and parse
- * data to/from <code>Strings</code>. It is guaranteed that any
+ * data to/from <code>Strings</code>. It is guaranteed that any
* <code>String</code> produced by a concrete subclass of <code>Format</code>
* will be parseable by that same subclass.
* <p>
* In addition to implementing the abstract methods in this class, subclasses
- * should provide static factory methods of the form
+ * should provide static factory methods of the form
* <code>getInstance()</code> and <code>getInstance(Locale)</code> if the
* subclass loads different formatting/parsing schemes based on locale.
* These subclasses should also implement a static method called
- * <code>getAvailableLocales()</code> which returns an array of
+ * <code>getAvailableLocales()</code> which returns an array of
* available locales in the current runtime environment.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ public abstract class Format implements Serializable, Cloneable
public static class Field extends AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute
static final long serialVersionUID = 276966692217360283L;
protected Field(String name)
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>Format</code>.
* It performs no actions, but acts as a default constructor for
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ public abstract class Format implements Serializable, Cloneable
* This method formats an <code>Object</code> into a <code>String</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to format.
* @return The formatted <code>String</code>.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the <code>Object</code>
- * cannot be formatted.
+ * cannot be formatted.
public final String format(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException
@@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ public abstract class Format implements Serializable, Cloneable
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to format.
* @param sb The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append to.
* @param pos The desired <code>FieldPosition</code>, which is also
- * updated by this call.
+ * updated by this call.
* @return The updated <code>StringBuffer</code>.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the <code>Object</code>
- * cannot be formatted.
+ * cannot be formatted.
public abstract StringBuffer format (Object obj, StringBuffer sb,
- FieldPosition pos)
+ FieldPosition pos)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
- * This method parses a <code>String</code> and converts the parsed
+ * This method parses a <code>String</code> and converts the parsed
* contents into an <code>Object</code>.
* @param str The <code>String</code> to parse.
@@ -136,21 +136,21 @@ public abstract class Format implements Serializable, Cloneable
Object result = parseObject (str, pos);
if (result == null)
- int index = pos.getErrorIndex();
- if (index < 0)
- index = pos.getIndex();
- throw new ParseException("parseObject failed", index);
+ int index = pos.getErrorIndex();
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = pos.getIndex();
+ throw new ParseException("parseObject failed", index);
return result;
* This method parses a <code>String</code> and converts the parsed
- * contents into an <code>Object</code>.
+ * contents into an <code>Object</code>.
* @param str The <code>String</code> to parse.
* @param pos The starting parse index on input, the ending parse
- * index on output.
+ * index on output.
* @return The parsed <code>Object</code>, or <code>null</code> in
* case of error.
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ public abstract class Format implements Serializable, Cloneable
- return super.clone ();
+ return super.clone ();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
- return null;
+ return null;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/MessageFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/MessageFormat.java
index 700b187..ba5805a 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/MessageFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/MessageFormat.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
else if (style.equals("percent"))
format = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(loc);
else if (style.equals("integer"))
- format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(loc);
+ format = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(loc);
format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(loc);
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
styleIsPattern = true;
if (type.equals("time"))
format = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(val, loc);
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
protected Field(String s)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException
if (getName().equals(ARGUMENT.getName()))
- return ARGUMENT;
+ return ARGUMENT;
throw new InvalidObjectException("no such MessageFormat field called " + getName());
@@ -201,30 +201,30 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
boolean quoted = false;
for (; index < max; ++index)
- char c = pat.charAt(index);
- if (quoted)
- {
- // In a quoted context, a single quote ends the quoting.
- if (c == '\'')
- quoted = false;
- else
- buffer.append(c);
- }
- // Check for '', which is a single quote.
- else if (c == '\'' && index + 1 < max && pat.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
- {
- buffer.append(c);
- ++index;
- }
- else if (c == '\'')
- {
- // Start quoting.
- quoted = true;
- }
- else if (c == '{')
- break;
- else
- buffer.append(c);
+ char c = pat.charAt(index);
+ if (quoted)
+ {
+ // In a quoted context, a single quote ends the quoting.
+ if (c == '\'')
+ quoted = false;
+ else
+ buffer.append(c);
+ }
+ // Check for '', which is a single quote.
+ else if (c == '\'' && index + 1 < max && pat.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
+ {
+ buffer.append(c);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ else if (c == '\'')
+ {
+ // Start quoting.
+ quoted = true;
+ }
+ else if (c == '{')
+ break;
+ else
+ buffer.append(c);
// Note that we explicitly allow an unterminated quote. This is
// done for compatibility.
@@ -243,38 +243,38 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
for (; index < max; ++index)
- char c = pat.charAt(index);
- // First see if we should turn off quoting.
- if (quoted)
- {
- if (c == '\'')
- quoted = false;
- // In both cases we fall through to inserting the
- // character here.
- }
- // See if we have just a plain quote to insert.
- else if (c == '\'' && index + 1 < max
- && pat.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
- {
- buffer.append(c);
- ++index;
- }
- // See if quoting should turn on.
- else if (c == '\'')
- quoted = true;
- else if (c == '{')
- ++brace_depth;
- else if (c == '}')
- {
- if (--brace_depth == 0)
- break;
- }
- // Check for TERM after braces, because TERM might be `}'.
- else if (c == term)
- break;
- // All characters, including opening and closing quotes, are
- // inserted here.
- buffer.append(c);
+ char c = pat.charAt(index);
+ // First see if we should turn off quoting.
+ if (quoted)
+ {
+ if (c == '\'')
+ quoted = false;
+ // In both cases we fall through to inserting the
+ // character here.
+ }
+ // See if we have just a plain quote to insert.
+ else if (c == '\'' && index + 1 < max
+ && pat.charAt(index + 1) == '\'')
+ {
+ buffer.append(c);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ // See if quoting should turn on.
+ else if (c == '\'')
+ quoted = true;
+ else if (c == '{')
+ ++brace_depth;
+ else if (c == '}')
+ {
+ if (--brace_depth == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check for TERM after braces, because TERM might be `}'.
+ else if (c == term)
+ break;
+ // All characters, including opening and closing quotes, are
+ // inserted here.
+ buffer.append(c);
return index;
@@ -296,27 +296,27 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
index = scanFormatElement (pat, index, buffer, ',');
- mfe.argNumber = Integer.parseInt(buffer.toString());
+ mfe.argNumber = Integer.parseInt(buffer.toString());
catch (NumberFormatException nfx)
- IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(pat);
- iae.initCause(nfx);
- throw iae;
+ IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(pat);
+ iae.initCause(nfx);
+ throw iae;
// Extract the element format.
if (index < max && pat.charAt(index) == ',')
- index = scanFormatElement (pat, index + 1, buffer, ',');
- mfe.type = buffer.toString();
- // Extract the style.
- if (index < max && pat.charAt(index) == ',')
- {
- index = scanFormatElement (pat, index + 1, buffer, '}');
- mfe.style = buffer.toString ();
- }
+ index = scanFormatElement (pat, index + 1, buffer, ',');
+ mfe.type = buffer.toString();
+ // Extract the style.
+ if (index < max && pat.charAt(index) == ',')
+ {
+ index = scanFormatElement (pat, index + 1, buffer, '}');
+ mfe.style = buffer.toString ();
+ }
// Advance past the last terminator.
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
return false;
MessageFormat mf = (MessageFormat) obj;
return (pattern.equals(mf.pattern)
- && locale.equals(mf.locale));
+ && locale.equals(mf.locale));
@@ -385,9 +385,9 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
Object[] arguments_array = (Object[])arguments;
FormatCharacterIterator iterator = new FormatCharacterIterator();
formatInternal(arguments_array, new StringBuffer(), null, iterator);
return iterator;
@@ -413,15 +413,15 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
* @param fp A FieldPosition object (it is ignored).
public final StringBuffer format (Object arguments[], StringBuffer appendBuf,
- FieldPosition fp)
+ FieldPosition fp)
return formatInternal(arguments, appendBuf, fp, null);
private StringBuffer formatInternal (Object arguments[],
StringBuffer appendBuf,
- FieldPosition fp,
- FormatCharacterIterator output_iterator)
+ FieldPosition fp,
+ FormatCharacterIterator output_iterator)
if (output_iterator != null)
@@ -429,93 +429,93 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
- Object thisArg = null;
- boolean unavailable = false;
- if (arguments == null || elements[i].argNumber >= arguments.length)
- unavailable = true;
- else
- thisArg = arguments[elements[i].argNumber];
- AttributedCharacterIterator iterator = null;
- Format formatter = null;
- if (fp != null && i == fp.getField() && fp.getFieldAttribute() == Field.ARGUMENT)
- fp.setBeginIndex(appendBuf.length());
- if (unavailable)
- appendBuf.append("{" + elements[i].argNumber + "}");
- else
- {
- if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
- formatter = elements[i].setFormat;
- else if (elements[i].format != null)
- {
- if (elements[i].formatClass != null
- && ! elements[i].formatClass.isInstance(thisArg))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong format class");
- formatter = elements[i].format;
- }
- else if (thisArg instanceof Number)
- formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
- else if (thisArg instanceof Date)
- formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, locale);
- else
- appendBuf.append(thisArg);
- }
- if (fp != null && fp.getField() == i && fp.getFieldAttribute() == Field.ARGUMENT)
- fp.setEndIndex(appendBuf.length());
- if (formatter != null)
- {
- // Special-case ChoiceFormat.
- if (formatter instanceof ChoiceFormat)
- {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
- formatter.format(thisArg, buf, fp);
- MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat ();
- mf.setLocale(locale);
- mf.applyPattern(buf.toString());
- mf.format(arguments, appendBuf, fp);
- }
- else
- {
- if (output_iterator != null)
- iterator = formatter.formatToCharacterIterator(thisArg);
- else
- formatter.format(thisArg, appendBuf, fp);
- }
- elements[i].format = formatter;
- }
- if (output_iterator != null)
- {
- HashMap<MessageFormat.Field, Integer> hash_argument =
- new HashMap<MessageFormat.Field, Integer>();
- int position = output_iterator.getEndIndex();
- hash_argument.put (MessageFormat.Field.ARGUMENT,
- Integer.valueOf(elements[i].argNumber));
- if (iterator != null)
- {
- output_iterator.append(iterator);
- output_iterator.addAttributes(hash_argument, position,
- output_iterator.getEndIndex());
- }
- else
- output_iterator.append(thisArg.toString(), hash_argument);
- output_iterator.append(elements[i].trailer);
- }
- appendBuf.append(elements[i].trailer);
+ Object thisArg = null;
+ boolean unavailable = false;
+ if (arguments == null || elements[i].argNumber >= arguments.length)
+ unavailable = true;
+ else
+ thisArg = arguments[elements[i].argNumber];
+ AttributedCharacterIterator iterator = null;
+ Format formatter = null;
+ if (fp != null && i == fp.getField() && fp.getFieldAttribute() == Field.ARGUMENT)
+ fp.setBeginIndex(appendBuf.length());
+ if (unavailable)
+ appendBuf.append("{" + elements[i].argNumber + "}");
+ else
+ {
+ if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
+ formatter = elements[i].setFormat;
+ else if (elements[i].format != null)
+ {
+ if (elements[i].formatClass != null
+ && ! elements[i].formatClass.isInstance(thisArg))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong format class");
+ formatter = elements[i].format;
+ }
+ else if (thisArg instanceof Number)
+ formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
+ else if (thisArg instanceof Date)
+ formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, locale);
+ else
+ appendBuf.append(thisArg);
+ }
+ if (fp != null && fp.getField() == i && fp.getFieldAttribute() == Field.ARGUMENT)
+ fp.setEndIndex(appendBuf.length());
+ if (formatter != null)
+ {
+ // Special-case ChoiceFormat.
+ if (formatter instanceof ChoiceFormat)
+ {
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
+ formatter.format(thisArg, buf, fp);
+ MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat ();
+ mf.setLocale(locale);
+ mf.applyPattern(buf.toString());
+ mf.format(arguments, appendBuf, fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (output_iterator != null)
+ iterator = formatter.formatToCharacterIterator(thisArg);
+ else
+ formatter.format(thisArg, appendBuf, fp);
+ }
+ elements[i].format = formatter;
+ }
+ if (output_iterator != null)
+ {
+ HashMap<MessageFormat.Field, Integer> hash_argument =
+ new HashMap<MessageFormat.Field, Integer>();
+ int position = output_iterator.getEndIndex();
+ hash_argument.put (MessageFormat.Field.ARGUMENT,
+ Integer.valueOf(elements[i].argNumber));
+ if (iterator != null)
+ {
+ output_iterator.append(iterator);
+ output_iterator.addAttributes(hash_argument, position,
+ output_iterator.getEndIndex());
+ }
+ else
+ output_iterator.append(thisArg.toString(), hash_argument);
+ output_iterator.append(elements[i].trailer);
+ }
+ appendBuf.append(elements[i].trailer);
return appendBuf;
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
* @param fpos A FieldPosition object (it is ignored).
public final StringBuffer format (Object objectArray, StringBuffer appendBuf,
- FieldPosition fpos)
+ FieldPosition fpos)
return format ((Object[])objectArray, appendBuf, fpos);
@@ -601,15 +601,15 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
* @param pos the current parse position (and eventually the error position).
* @return the array of parsed objects sorted according to their argument number
* in the pattern.
- */
+ */
public Object[] parse (String sourceStr, ParsePosition pos)
// Check initial text.
int index = pos.getIndex();
if (! sourceStr.startsWith(leader, index))
- pos.setErrorIndex(index);
- return null;
+ pos.setErrorIndex(index);
+ return null;
index += leader.length();
@@ -617,79 +617,79 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
// Now check each format.
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
- Format formatter = null;
- if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
- formatter = elements[i].setFormat;
- else if (elements[i].format != null)
- formatter = elements[i].format;
- Object value = null;
- if (formatter instanceof ChoiceFormat)
- {
- // We must special-case a ChoiceFormat because it might
- // have recursive formatting.
- ChoiceFormat cf = (ChoiceFormat) formatter;
- String[] formats = (String[]) cf.getFormats();
- double[] limits = cf.getLimits();
- MessageFormat subfmt = new MessageFormat ();
- subfmt.setLocale(locale);
- ParsePosition subpos = new ParsePosition (index);
- int j;
- for (j = 0; value == null && j < limits.length; ++j)
- {
- subfmt.applyPattern(formats[j]);
- subpos.setIndex(index);
- value = subfmt.parse(sourceStr, subpos);
- }
- if (value != null)
- {
- index = subpos.getIndex();
- value = new Double (limits[j]);
- }
- }
- else if (formatter != null)
- {
- pos.setIndex(index);
- value = formatter.parseObject(sourceStr, pos);
- if (value != null)
- index = pos.getIndex();
- }
- else
- {
- // We have a String format. This can lose in a number
- // of ways, but we give it a shot.
- int next_index;
- if (elements[i].trailer.length() > 0)
- next_index = sourceStr.indexOf(elements[i].trailer, index);
- else
- next_index = sourceStr.length();
- if (next_index == -1)
- {
- pos.setErrorIndex(index);
- return null;
- }
- value = sourceStr.substring(index, next_index);
- index = next_index;
- }
- if (value == null
- || ! sourceStr.startsWith(elements[i].trailer, index))
- {
- pos.setErrorIndex(index);
- return null;
- }
- if (elements[i].argNumber >= results.size())
- {
- // Emulate padding behaviour of Vector.setSize() with ArrayList
- results.ensureCapacity(elements[i].argNumber + 1);
- for (int a = results.size(); a <= elements[i].argNumber; ++a)
- results.add(a, null);
- }
- results.set(elements[i].argNumber, value);
- index += elements[i].trailer.length();
+ Format formatter = null;
+ if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
+ formatter = elements[i].setFormat;
+ else if (elements[i].format != null)
+ formatter = elements[i].format;
+ Object value = null;
+ if (formatter instanceof ChoiceFormat)
+ {
+ // We must special-case a ChoiceFormat because it might
+ // have recursive formatting.
+ ChoiceFormat cf = (ChoiceFormat) formatter;
+ String[] formats = (String[]) cf.getFormats();
+ double[] limits = cf.getLimits();
+ MessageFormat subfmt = new MessageFormat ();
+ subfmt.setLocale(locale);
+ ParsePosition subpos = new ParsePosition (index);
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; value == null && j < limits.length; ++j)
+ {
+ subfmt.applyPattern(formats[j]);
+ subpos.setIndex(index);
+ value = subfmt.parse(sourceStr, subpos);
+ }
+ if (value != null)
+ {
+ index = subpos.getIndex();
+ value = new Double (limits[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (formatter != null)
+ {
+ pos.setIndex(index);
+ value = formatter.parseObject(sourceStr, pos);
+ if (value != null)
+ index = pos.getIndex();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We have a String format. This can lose in a number
+ // of ways, but we give it a shot.
+ int next_index;
+ if (elements[i].trailer.length() > 0)
+ next_index = sourceStr.indexOf(elements[i].trailer, index);
+ else
+ next_index = sourceStr.length();
+ if (next_index == -1)
+ {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(index);
+ return null;
+ }
+ value = sourceStr.substring(index, next_index);
+ index = next_index;
+ }
+ if (value == null
+ || ! sourceStr.startsWith(elements[i].trailer, index))
+ {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(index);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (elements[i].argNumber >= results.size())
+ {
+ // Emulate padding behaviour of Vector.setSize() with ArrayList
+ results.ensureCapacity(elements[i].argNumber + 1);
+ for (int a = results.size(); a <= elements[i].argNumber; ++a)
+ results.add(a, null);
+ }
+ results.set(elements[i].argNumber, value);
+ index += elements[i].trailer.length();
return results.toArray(new Object[results.size()]);
@@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
locale = loc;
if (elements != null)
- for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
- elements[i].setLocale(loc);
+ for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
+ elements[i].setLocale(loc);
@@ -777,15 +777,15 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
// First, find the greatest argument number.
for (int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
if (elements[i].argNumber > argNumMax)
- argNumMax = elements[i].argNumber;
+ argNumMax = elements[i].argNumber;
Format[] formats = new Format[argNumMax];
for (int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
- if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
- formats[elements[i].argNumber] = elements[i].setFormat;
- else if (elements[i].format != null)
- formats[elements[i].argNumber] = elements[i].format;
+ if (elements[i].setFormat != null)
+ formats[elements[i].argNumber] = elements[i].setFormat;
+ else if (elements[i].format != null)
+ formats[elements[i].argNumber] = elements[i].format;
return formats;
@@ -797,12 +797,12 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
* @param newFormat the format to use for this argument.
public void setFormatByArgumentIndex(int argumentIndex,
- Format newFormat)
+ Format newFormat)
for (int i=0;i<elements.length;i++)
- if (elements[i].argNumber == argumentIndex)
- elements[i].setFormat = newFormat;
+ if (elements[i].argNumber == argumentIndex)
+ elements[i].setFormat = newFormat;
@@ -820,8 +820,8 @@ public class MessageFormat extends Format
for (int i=0;i<newFormats.length;i++)
- // Nothing better than that can exist here.
- setFormatByArgumentIndex(i, newFormats[i]);
+ // Nothing better than that can exist here.
+ setFormatByArgumentIndex(i, newFormats[i]);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/NumberFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/NumberFormat.java
index 294f891..fef986b 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/NumberFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/NumberFormat.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
- * This is the abstract superclass of all classes which format and
+ * This is the abstract superclass of all classes which format and
* parse numeric values such as decimal numbers, integers, currency values,
* and percentages. These classes perform their parsing and formatting
* in a locale specific manner, accounting for such items as differing
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ import java.util.ServiceLoader;
* <p>
* To create an instance of a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>,
* do not call a class constructor directly. Instead, use one of the
- * static factory methods in this class such as
+ * static factory methods in this class such as
* <code>getCurrencyInstance</code>.
- *
+ *
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @date March 4, 1999
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This function is used by the deserializer to know which object
- * to use when it encounters an encoded NumberFormat.Field in a
+ * to use when it encounters an encoded NumberFormat.Field in a
* serialization stream. If the stream is valid it should return
* one of the above field. In the other case we throw an exception.
@@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
String s = getName();
for (int i = 0; i < allFields.length; i++)
- if (s.equals(allFields[i].getName()))
- return allFields[i];
+ if (s.equals(allFields[i].getName()))
+ return allFields[i];
throw new InvalidObjectException("no such NumberFormat field called "
- + s);
+ + s);
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
if (obj instanceof Number)
return format(((Number) obj).doubleValue(), sbuf, pos);
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Cannot format given Object as a Number");
@@ -246,30 +246,30 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method formats the specified <code>double</code> and appends it to
* a <code>StringBuffer</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param number The <code>double</code> to format.
- * @param sbuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the formatted number
+ * @param sbuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the formatted number
* to.
* @param pos The desired <code>FieldPosition</code>.
* @return The <code>StringBuffer</code> with the appended number.
public abstract StringBuffer format (double number,
- StringBuffer sbuf, FieldPosition pos);
+ StringBuffer sbuf, FieldPosition pos);
* This method formats the specified <code>long</code> and appends it to
* a <code>StringBuffer</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param number The <code>long</code> to format.
- * @param sbuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the formatted number
+ * @param sbuf The <code>StringBuffer</code> to append the formatted number
* to.
* @param pos The desired <code>FieldPosition</code>.
* @return The <code>StringBuffer</code> with the appended number.
public abstract StringBuffer format (long number,
- StringBuffer sbuf, FieldPosition pos);
+ StringBuffer sbuf, FieldPosition pos);
* This method tests the specified object for equality against this object.
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* <li>The specified object is an instance of <code>NumberFormat</code>.
* </ul>
* <p>
- * Since this method does not test much, it is highly advised that
+ * Since this method does not test much, it is highly advised that
* concrete subclasses override this method.
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to test against equality with
- * this object.
- *
+ * this object.
+ *
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to
- * this object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * this object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals (Object obj)
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
return false;
NumberFormat nf = (NumberFormat) obj;
return (groupingUsed == nf.groupingUsed
- && maximumFractionDigits == nf.maximumFractionDigits
- && maximumIntegerDigits == nf.maximumIntegerDigits
- && minimumFractionDigits == nf.minimumFractionDigits
- && minimumIntegerDigits == nf.minimumIntegerDigits
- && parseIntegerOnly == nf.parseIntegerOnly);
+ && maximumFractionDigits == nf.maximumFractionDigits
+ && maximumIntegerDigits == nf.maximumIntegerDigits
+ && minimumFractionDigits == nf.minimumFractionDigits
+ && minimumIntegerDigits == nf.minimumIntegerDigits
+ && parseIntegerOnly == nf.parseIntegerOnly);
@@ -320,18 +320,18 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
throws MissingResourceException
if (loc.equals(Locale.ROOT))
- return new DecimalFormat(def, DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(loc));
+ return new DecimalFormat(def, DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(loc));
ResourceBundle res =
- loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
+ loc, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
String fmt;
- fmt = res == null ? def : res.getString(resource);
+ fmt = res == null ? def : res.getString(resource);
catch (MissingResourceException x)
- fmt = def;
+ fmt = def;
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(loc);
return new DecimalFormat (fmt, dfs);
@@ -358,36 +358,36 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
- NumberFormat format;
- format = computeInstance (loc, "currencyFormat",
- "\u00A4#,##0.00;(\u00A4#,##0.00)");
- format.setMaximumFractionDigits(format.getCurrency().getDefaultFractionDigits());
- return format;
+ NumberFormat format;
+ format = computeInstance (loc, "currencyFormat",
+ "\u00A4#,##0.00;(\u00A4#,##0.00)");
+ format.setMaximumFractionDigits(format.getCurrency().getDefaultFractionDigits());
+ return format;
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (NumberFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- NumberFormat nf = p.getCurrencyInstance(loc);
- if (nf != null)
- return nf;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getCurrencyInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (NumberFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ NumberFormat nf = p.getCurrencyInstance(loc);
+ if (nf != null)
+ return nf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getCurrencyInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
* This method returns a default instance for the default locale. This
- * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
+ * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
* actual class returned is dependent on the locale.
* @return An instance of the default <code>NumberFormat</code> class.
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns a default instance for the specified locale. This
- * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
+ * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
* actual class returned is dependent on the locale.
* @param loc The desired locale.
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* portion of a number.
* @return The maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction
- * portion of a number.
+ * portion of a number.
public int getMaximumFractionDigits ()
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* portion of a number.
* @return The maximum number of digits allowed in the integer
- * portion of a number.
+ * portion of a number.
public int getMaximumIntegerDigits ()
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* portion of a number.
* @return The minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction
- * portion of a number.
+ * portion of a number.
public int getMinimumFractionDigits ()
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* portion of a number.
* @return The minimum number of digits allowed in the integer
- * portion of a number.
+ * portion of a number.
public int getMinimumIntegerDigits ()
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* This method returns a default instance for the specified locale. This
- * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
+ * will be a concrete subclass of <code>NumberFormat</code>, but the
* actual class returned is dependent on the locale.
* @return An instance of the default <code>NumberFormat</code> class.
@@ -484,25 +484,25 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
- return computeInstance (loc, "numberFormat", "#,##0.###");
+ return computeInstance (loc, "numberFormat", "#,##0.###");
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (NumberFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- NumberFormat nf = p.getNumberInstance(loc);
- if (nf != null)
- return nf;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getNumberInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (NumberFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ NumberFormat nf = p.getNumberInstance(loc);
+ if (nf != null)
+ return nf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getNumberInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* but the actual class returned is dependent on the locale.
* @return An instance of an integer number formatter for the default locale.
- * @since 1.4
+ * @since 1.4
public static final NumberFormat getIntegerInstance()
@@ -527,35 +527,35 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* @param locale the desired locale.
* @return An instance of an integer number formatter for the desired locale.
- * @since 1.4
+ * @since 1.4
public static NumberFormat getIntegerInstance(Locale locale)
- NumberFormat format = computeInstance (locale,
- "integerFormat", "#,##0");
- format.setMaximumFractionDigits(0);
- format.setParseIntegerOnly (true);
- return format;
+ NumberFormat format = computeInstance (locale,
+ "integerFormat", "#,##0");
+ format.setMaximumFractionDigits(0);
+ format.setParseIntegerOnly (true);
+ return format;
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (NumberFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(locale))
- {
- NumberFormat nf = p.getIntegerInstance(locale);
- if (nf != null)
- return nf;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getIntegerInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(locale));
+ for (NumberFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(locale))
+ {
+ NumberFormat nf = p.getIntegerInstance(locale);
+ if (nf != null)
+ return nf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getIntegerInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(locale));
@@ -582,25 +582,25 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
- return computeInstance (loc, "percentFormat", "#,##0%");
+ return computeInstance (loc, "percentFormat", "#,##0%");
catch (MissingResourceException e)
- for (NumberFormatProvider p :
- ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
- {
- for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
- {
- if (l.equals(loc))
- {
- NumberFormat nf = p.getPercentInstance(loc);
- if (nf != null)
- return nf;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return getPercentInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
+ for (NumberFormatProvider p :
+ ServiceLoader.load(NumberFormatProvider.class))
+ {
+ for (Locale l : p.getAvailableLocales())
+ {
+ if (l.equals(loc))
+ {
+ NumberFormat nf = p.getPercentInstance(loc);
+ if (nf != null)
+ return nf;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return getPercentInstance(LocaleHelper.getFallbackLocale(loc));
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
int hash = super.hashCode();
hash ^= (maximumFractionDigits + maximumIntegerDigits
- + minimumFractionDigits + minimumIntegerDigits);
+ + minimumFractionDigits + minimumIntegerDigits);
if (groupingUsed)
hash ^= 0xf0f0;
if (parseIntegerOnly)
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* locale).
* @return <code>true</code> if grouping is enabled,
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isGroupingUsed ()
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* point.
* @return <code>true</code> if only integers are parsed,
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isParseIntegerOnly ()
@@ -689,10 +689,10 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
Number r = parse (sourceStr, pp);
if (r == null)
- int index = pp.getErrorIndex();
- if (index < 0)
- index = pp.getIndex();
- throw new ParseException ("couldn't parse number", index);
+ int index = pp.getErrorIndex();
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = pp.getIndex();
+ throw new ParseException ("couldn't parse number", index);
return r;
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
* locale).
* @param newValue <code>true</code> to enable grouping,
- * <code>false</code> to disable it.
+ * <code>false</code> to disable it.
public void setGroupingUsed (boolean newValue)
@@ -790,12 +790,12 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
setMaximumIntegerDigits (minimumIntegerDigits);
- /**
- * This method sets the parsing behavior of this object to parse only
+ /**
+ * This method sets the parsing behavior of this object to parse only
* integers or not.
* @param value <code>true</code> to parse only integers,
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise.
public void setParseIntegerOnly (boolean value)
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(50);
FieldPosition position = new FieldPosition(0);
format (number, sbuf, position);
return sbuf.toString();
@@ -840,10 +840,10 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
if (serialVersionOnStream < 1)
maximumFractionDigits = maxFractionDigits;
- maximumIntegerDigits = maxIntegerDigits;
- minimumFractionDigits = minFractionDigits;
- minimumIntegerDigits = minIntegerDigits;
- serialVersionOnStream = 1;
+ maximumIntegerDigits = maxIntegerDigits;
+ minimumFractionDigits = minFractionDigits;
+ minimumIntegerDigits = minIntegerDigits;
+ serialVersionOnStream = 1;
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormat extends Format implements Cloneable
if (currency == null)
throw new NullPointerException("currency may not be null");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/ParsePosition.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/ParsePosition.java
index b0a8a4a..8065216 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/ParsePosition.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/ParsePosition.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public class ParsePosition
* </ul>
* @param obj The <code>Object</code> to test for equality against
- * this object.
+ * this object.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified object is equal to
* this object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public class ParsePosition
ParsePosition other = (ParsePosition) obj;
return index == other.index && error_index == other.error_index;
* Return the hash code for this object.
* @return the hash code
@@ -155,6 +155,6 @@ public class ParsePosition
public String toString ()
return (getClass ().getName () + "[index=" + getIndex ()
- + ",errorIndex=" + getErrorIndex () + "]");
+ + ",errorIndex=" + getErrorIndex () + "]");
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java
index b761039..c7fc549 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* case with French. The modifier applies to all rules <b>after</b>
* the modifier but before the next primary sequence. If placed at the end
* of the sequence if applies to all unknown accented character.
- * The relational operators specify how the text
+ * The relational operators specify how the text
* argument relates to the previous term. The relation characters have
* the following meanings:
* <ul>
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* <p>
* As for the text argument itself, this is any sequence of Unicode
* characters not in the following ranges: 0x0009-0x000D, 0x0020-0x002F,
- * 0x003A-0x0040, 0x005B-0x0060, and 0x007B-0x007E. If these characters are
- * desired, they must be enclosed in single quotes. If any whitespace is
- * encountered, it is ignored. (For example, "a b" is equal to "ab").
+ * 0x003A-0x0040, 0x005B-0x0060, and 0x007B-0x007E. If these characters are
+ * desired, they must be enclosed in single quotes. If any whitespace is
+ * encountered, it is ignored. (For example, "a b" is equal to "ab").
* <p>
* The reset operation inserts the following rule at the point where the
* text argument to it exists in the previously declared rule string. This
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* them in a reset sequence at the end. Note that the text argument, or
* at least the first character of it, must be present somewhere in the
* previously declared rules in order to be inserted properly. If this
- * is not satisfied, a <code>ParseException</code> will be thrown.
+ * is not satisfied, a <code>ParseException</code> will be thrown.
* <p>
* This system of configuring <code>RuleBasedCollator</code> is needlessly
* complex and the people at Taligent who developed it (along with the folks
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* <p>
* Here are a couple of example of rule strings:
* <p>
- * "&lt; a &lt; b &lt; c" - This string says that a is greater than b which is
+ * "&lt; a &lt; b &lt; c" - This string says that a is greater than b which is
* greater than c, with all differences being primary differences.
* <p>
* "&lt; a,A &lt; b,B &lt; c,C" - This string says that 'A' is greater than 'a' with
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* 'A' during a primary strength comparison. But 'B' is greater than 'b'
* under a tertiary strength comparison.
* <p>
- * "&lt; a &lt; c &amp; a &lt; b " - This sequence is identical in function to the
+ * "&lt; a &lt; c &amp; a &lt; b " - This sequence is identical in function to the
* "&lt; a &lt; b &lt; c" rule string above. The '&amp;' reset symbol indicates that
* the rule "&lt; b" is to be inserted after the text argument "a" in the
* previous rule string segment.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* <p>
* As an additional complication to this already overly complex rule scheme,
* if any characters precede the first rule, these characters are considered
- * ignorable. They will be treated as if they did not exist during
+ * ignorable. They will be treated as if they did not exist during
* comparisons. For example, "- &lt; a &lt; b ..." would make '-' an ignorable
* character such that the strings "high-tech" and "hightech" would
* be considered identical.
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
- * This class describes what rank has a character (or a sequence of characters)
+ * This class describes what rank has a character (or a sequence of characters)
* in the lexicographic order. Each element in a rule has a collation element.
static final class CollationElement
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
final String expansion;
CollationElement(String key, int primary, short secondary, short tertiary,
- short equality, String expansion, boolean ignore)
+ short equality, String expansion, boolean ignore)
this.key = key;
this.primary = primary;
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
static final int EQUAL = 3;
static final int RESET = 4;
static final int INVERSE_SECONDARY = 5;
final int comparisonType;
final String textElement;
final int hashText;
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
String expansionOrdering;
private CollationSorter(final int comparisonType, final String textElement,
- final int offset, final boolean ignore)
+ final int offset, final boolean ignore)
this.comparisonType = comparisonType;
this.textElement = textElement;
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
* The JDK uses it to mark and sort the characters which has
* no collation rules.
- static final CollationElement SPECIAL_UNKNOWN_SEQ =
+ static final CollationElement SPECIAL_UNKNOWN_SEQ =
new CollationElement("", (short) 32767, (short) 0, (short) 0,
- (short) 0, null, false);
+ (short) 0, null, false);
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>RuleBasedCollator</code>
* with the specified collation rules. Note that an application normally
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
if (rules.equals(""))
throw new ParseException("empty rule set", 0);
this.rules = rules;
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
for (index = 0; index < len && index < s.length(); ++index)
- if (prefix.charAt(index) != s.charAt(index))
- return index;
+ if (prefix.charAt(index) != s.charAt(index))
+ return index;
@@ -317,45 +317,45 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
* @throws ParseException if it is impossible to find an anchor point for the new rules.
private void mergeRules(int offset, String starter, ArrayList<CollationSorter> main,
- ArrayList<CollationSorter> patch)
- throws ParseException
+ ArrayList<CollationSorter> patch)
+ throws ParseException
int insertion_point = -1;
int max_length = 0;
/* We must check that no rules conflict with another already present. If it
- * is the case delete the old rule.
+ * is the case delete the old rule.
/* For the moment good old O(N^2) algorithm.
for (int i = 0; i < patch.size(); i++)
- int j = 0;
- while (j < main.size())
- {
- CollationSorter rule1 = patch.get(i);
- CollationSorter rule2 = main.get(j);
- if (rule1.textElement.equals(rule2.textElement))
- main.remove(j);
- else
- j++;
- }
+ int j = 0;
+ while (j < main.size())
+ {
+ CollationSorter rule1 = patch.get(i);
+ CollationSorter rule2 = main.get(j);
+ if (rule1.textElement.equals(rule2.textElement))
+ main.remove(j);
+ else
+ j++;
+ }
// Find the insertion point... O(N)
for (int i = 0; i < main.size(); i++)
- CollationSorter sorter = main.get(i);
- int length = findPrefixLength(starter, sorter.textElement);
- if (length > max_length)
- {
- max_length = length;
- insertion_point = i+1;
- }
+ CollationSorter sorter = main.get(i);
+ int length = findPrefixLength(starter, sorter.textElement);
+ if (length > max_length)
+ {
+ max_length = length;
+ insertion_point = i+1;
+ }
if (insertion_point < 0)
@@ -363,28 +363,28 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
if (max_length < starter.length())
- /*
- * We need to expand the first entry. It must be sorted
- * like if it was the reference key itself (like the spec
- * said. So the first entry is special: the element is
- * replaced by the specified text element for the sorting.
- * This text replace the old one for comparisons. However
- * to preserve the behaviour we replace the first key (corresponding
- * to the found prefix) by a new code rightly ordered in the
- * sequence. The rest of the subsequence must be appended
- * to the end of the sequence.
- */
- CollationSorter sorter = patch.get(0);
- sorter.expansionOrdering = starter.substring(max_length); // Skip the first good prefix element
- main.add(insertion_point, sorter);
- /*
- * This is a new set of rules. Append to the list.
- */
- patch.remove(0);
- insertion_point++;
+ /*
+ * We need to expand the first entry. It must be sorted
+ * like if it was the reference key itself (like the spec
+ * said. So the first entry is special: the element is
+ * replaced by the specified text element for the sorting.
+ * This text replace the old one for comparisons. However
+ * to preserve the behaviour we replace the first key (corresponding
+ * to the found prefix) by a new code rightly ordered in the
+ * sequence. The rest of the subsequence must be appended
+ * to the end of the sequence.
+ */
+ CollationSorter sorter = patch.get(0);
+ sorter.expansionOrdering = starter.substring(max_length); // Skip the first good prefix element
+ main.add(insertion_point, sorter);
+ /*
+ * This is a new set of rules. Append to the list.
+ */
+ patch.remove(0);
+ insertion_point++;
// Now insert all elements of patch at the insertion point.
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
* This method parses a string and build a set of sorting instructions. The parsing
* may only be partial on the case the rules are to be merged sometime later.
- *
+ *
* @param stop_on_reset If this parameter is true then the parser stops when it
* encounters a reset instruction. In the other case, it tries to parse the subrules
* and merged it in the same repository.
@@ -403,12 +403,12 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
* @param base_offset Offset in the string to begin parsing.
* @param rules Rules to be parsed.
* @return -1 if the parser reached the end of the string, an integer representing the
- * offset in the string at which it stopped parsing.
+ * offset in the string at which it stopped parsing.
* @throws ParseException if something turned wrong during the parsing. To get details
* decode the message.
private int subParseString(boolean stop_on_reset, ArrayList<CollationSorter> v,
- int base_offset, String rules)
+ int base_offset, String rules)
throws ParseException
boolean ignoreChars = (base_offset == 0);
@@ -419,155 +419,155 @@ public class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator
boolean nextIsModifier = false;
boolean isModifier = false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rules.length(); i++)
- char c = rules.charAt(i);
- int type = -1;
- if (!eatingChars &&
- ((c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0D) || (c == 0x20)))
- continue;
- isModifier = nextIsModifier;
- nextIsModifier = false;
- if (eatingChars && c != '\'')
- {
- doubleQuote = false;
- sb.append(c);
- continue;
- }
- if (doubleQuote && eatingChars)
- {
- sb.append(c);
- doubleQuote = false;
- continue;
- }
- switch (c)
- {
- case '!':
- throw new ParseException
- ("Modifier '!' is not yet supported by Classpath", i + base_offset);
- case '<':
- type = CollationSorter.GREATERP;
- break;
- case ';':
- type = CollationSorter.GREATERS;
- break;
- case ',':
- type = CollationSorter.GREATERT;
- break;
- case '=':
- type = CollationSorter.EQUAL;
- break;
- case '\'':
- eatingChars = !eatingChars;
- doubleQuote = true;
- break;
- case '@':
- if (ignoreChars)
- throw new ParseException
- ("comparison list has not yet been started. You may only use"
- + "(<,;=&)", i + base_offset);
- // Inverse the order of secondaries from now on.
- nextIsModifier = true;
- type = CollationSorter.INVERSE_SECONDARY;
- break;
- case '&':
- type = CollationSorter.RESET;
- if (stop_on_reset)
- break main_parse_loop;
- break;
- default:
- if (operator < 0)
- throw new ParseException
- ("operator missing at " + (i + base_offset), i + base_offset);
- if (! eatingChars
- && ((c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x2F)
- || (c >= 0x3A && c <= 0x40)
- || (c >= 0x5B && c <= 0x60)
- || (c >= 0x7B && c <= 0x7E)))
- throw new ParseException
- ("unquoted punctuation character '" + c + "'", i + base_offset);
- //type = ignoreChars ? CollationSorter.IGNORE : -1;
- sb.append(c);
- break;
- }
- if (type < 0)
- continue;
- if (operator < 0)
- {
- operator = type;
- continue;
- }
- if (sb.length() == 0 && !isModifier)
- throw new ParseException
- ("text element empty at " + (i+base_offset), i+base_offset);
- if (operator == CollationSorter.RESET)
- {
- /* Reposition in the sorting list at the position
- * indicated by the text element.
- */
- String subrules = rules.substring(i);
- ArrayList<CollationSorter> sorted_rules = new ArrayList<CollationSorter>();
- int idx;
- // Parse the subrules but do not iterate through all
- // sublist. This is the privilege of the first call.
- idx = subParseString(true, sorted_rules, base_offset+i, subrules);
- // Merge new parsed rules into the list.
- mergeRules(base_offset+i, sb.toString(), v, sorted_rules);
- sb.setLength(0);
- // Reset state to none.
- operator = -1;
- type = -1;
- // We have found a new subrule at 'idx' but it has not been parsed.
- if (idx >= 0)
- {
- i += idx-1;
- continue main_parse_loop;
- }
- else
- // No more rules.
- break main_parse_loop;
- }
- String textElement = sb.toString();
- if (operator == CollationSorter.GREATERP)
- ignoreChars = false;
- CollationSorter sorter = new CollationSorter(operator, textElement,
- base_offset + rules.length(),
- ignoreChars);
- sb.setLength(0);
- v.add(sorter);
- operator = type;
+ char c = rules.charAt(i);
+ int type = -1;
+ if (!eatingChars &&
+ ((c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0D) || (c == 0x20)))
+ continue;
+ isModifier = nextIsModifier;
+ nextIsModifier = false;
+ if (eatingChars && c != '\'')
+ {
+ doubleQuote = false;
+ sb.append(c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (doubleQuote && eatingChars)
+ {
+ sb.append(c);
+ doubleQuote = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '!':
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("Modifier '!' is not yet supported by Classpath", i + base_offset);
+ case '<':
+ type = CollationSorter.GREATERP;
+ break;
+ case ';':
+ type = CollationSorter.GREATERS;
+ break;
+ case ',':
+ type = CollationSorter.GREATERT;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ type = CollationSorter.EQUAL;
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ eatingChars = !eatingChars;
+ doubleQuote = true;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ if (ignoreChars)
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("comparison list has not yet been started. You may only use"
+ + "(<,;=&)", i + base_offset);
+ // Inverse the order of secondaries from now on.
+ nextIsModifier = true;
+ type = CollationSorter.INVERSE_SECONDARY;
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ type = CollationSorter.RESET;
+ if (stop_on_reset)
+ break main_parse_loop;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (operator < 0)
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("operator missing at " + (i + base_offset), i + base_offset);
+ if (! eatingChars
+ && ((c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x2F)
+ || (c >= 0x3A && c <= 0x40)
+ || (c >= 0x5B && c <= 0x60)
+ || (c >= 0x7B && c <= 0x7E)))
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("unquoted punctuation character '" + c + "'", i + base_offset);
+ //type = ignoreChars ? CollationSorter.IGNORE : -1;
+ sb.append(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (type < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (operator < 0)
+ {
+ operator = type;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sb.length() == 0 && !isModifier)
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("text element empty at " + (i+base_offset), i+base_offset);
+ if (operator == CollationSorter.RESET)
+ {
+ /* Reposition in the sorting list at the position
+ * indicated by the text element.
+ */
+ String subrules = rules.substring(i);
+ ArrayList<CollationSorter> sorted_rules = new ArrayList<CollationSorter>();
+ int idx;
+ // Parse the subrules but do not iterate through all
+ // sublist. This is the privilege of the first call.
+ idx = subParseString(true, sorted_rules, base_offset+i, subrules);
+ // Merge new parsed rules into the list.
+ mergeRules(base_offset+i, sb.toString(), v, sorted_rules);
+ sb.setLength(0);
+ // Reset state to none.
+ operator = -1;
+ type = -1;
+ // We have found a new subrule at 'idx' but it has not been parsed.
+ if (idx >= 0)
+ {
+ i += idx-1;
+ continue main_parse_loop;
+ }
+ else
+ // No more rules.
+ break main_parse_loop;
+ }
+ String textElement = sb.toString();
+ if (operator == CollationSorter.GREATERP)
+ ignoreChars = false;
+ CollationSorter sorter = new CollationSorter(operator, textElement,
+ base_offset + rules.length(),
+ ignoreChars);
+ sb.setLength(0);
+ v.add(sorter);
+ operator = type;
if (operator >= 0)
- int pos = rules.length() + base_offset;
+ int pos = rules.length() + base_offset;
- if ((sb.length() != 0 && nextIsModifier)
- || (sb.length() == 0 && !nextIsModifier && !eatingChars))
- throw new ParseException("text element empty at " + pos, pos);
+ if ((sb.length() != 0 && nextIsModifier)
+ || (sb.length() == 0 && !nextIsModifier && !eatingChars))
+ throw new ParseException("text element empty at " + pos, pos);
- if (operator == CollationSorter.GREATERP)
- ignoreChars = false;
+ if (operator == CollationSorter.GREATERP)
+ ignoreChars = false;
- CollationSorter sorter = new CollationSorter(operator, sb.toString(),
- base_offset+pos, ignoreChars);
- v.add(sorter);
+ CollationSorter sorter = new CollationSorter(operator, sb.toString(),
+ base_offset+pos, ignoreChars);
+ v.add(sorter);
if (i == rules.length())
@@ -589,12 +589,12 @@ main_parse_loop:
* This method completely parses a string 'rules' containing sorting rules.
- * @param rules String containing the rules to be parsed.
+ * @param rules String containing the rules to be parsed.
* @return A set of sorting instructions stored in a Vector.
* @throws ParseException if something turned wrong during the parsing. To get details
* decode the message.
- private ArrayList<CollationSorter> parseString(String rules)
+ private ArrayList<CollationSorter> parseString(String rules)
throws ParseException
ArrayList<CollationSorter> v = new ArrayList<CollationSorter>();
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ main_parse_loop:
// result of the first subParseString is not absolute (may be -1 or a
// positive integer). But we do not care.
subParseString(false, v, 0, rules);
return v;
@@ -631,60 +631,60 @@ main_parse_loop:
for (int i = 0; i < parsedElements.size(); i++)
- CollationSorter elt = parsedElements.get(i);
- switch (elt.comparisonType)
- {
- case CollationSorter.GREATERP:
- primary_seq++;
- if (inverseComparisons)
- {
- secondary_seq = Short.MAX_VALUE;
- secondaryType = DECREASING;
- }
- else
- {
- secondary_seq = 0;
- secondaryType = INCREASING;
- }
- tertiary_seq = 0;
- equality_seq = 0;
- inverseComparisons = false;
- break;
- case CollationSorter.GREATERS:
- if (secondaryType == DECREASING)
- secondary_seq--;
- else
- secondary_seq++;
- tertiary_seq = 0;
- equality_seq = 0;
- break;
- case CollationSorter.INVERSE_SECONDARY:
- inverseComparisons = true;
- continue element_loop;
- case CollationSorter.GREATERT:
- tertiary_seq++;
- if (primary_seq == 0)
- last_tertiary_seq = tertiary_seq;
- equality_seq = 0;
- break;
- case CollationSorter.EQUAL:
- equality_seq++;
- break;
- case CollationSorter.RESET:
- throw new ParseException
- ("Invalid reached state 'RESET'. Internal error", elt.offset);
- default:
- throw new ParseException
- ("Invalid unknown state '" + elt.comparisonType + "'", elt.offset);
- }
- v.add(new CollationElement(elt.textElement, primary_seq,
- secondary_seq, tertiary_seq,
- equality_seq, elt.expansionOrdering, elt.ignore));
+ CollationSorter elt = parsedElements.get(i);
+ switch (elt.comparisonType)
+ {
+ case CollationSorter.GREATERP:
+ primary_seq++;
+ if (inverseComparisons)
+ {
+ secondary_seq = Short.MAX_VALUE;
+ secondaryType = DECREASING;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ secondary_seq = 0;
+ secondaryType = INCREASING;
+ }
+ tertiary_seq = 0;
+ equality_seq = 0;
+ inverseComparisons = false;
+ break;
+ case CollationSorter.GREATERS:
+ if (secondaryType == DECREASING)
+ secondary_seq--;
+ else
+ secondary_seq++;
+ tertiary_seq = 0;
+ equality_seq = 0;
+ break;
+ case CollationSorter.INVERSE_SECONDARY:
+ inverseComparisons = true;
+ continue element_loop;
+ case CollationSorter.GREATERT:
+ tertiary_seq++;
+ if (primary_seq == 0)
+ last_tertiary_seq = tertiary_seq;
+ equality_seq = 0;
+ break;
+ case CollationSorter.EQUAL:
+ equality_seq++;
+ break;
+ case CollationSorter.RESET:
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("Invalid reached state 'RESET'. Internal error", elt.offset);
+ default:
+ throw new ParseException
+ ("Invalid unknown state '" + elt.comparisonType + "'", elt.offset);
+ }
+ v.add(new CollationElement(elt.textElement, primary_seq,
+ secondary_seq, tertiary_seq,
+ equality_seq, elt.expansionOrdering, elt.ignore));
- this.inverseAccentComparison = inverseComparisons;
+ this.inverseAccentComparison = inverseComparisons;
ce_table = v.toArray(new CollationElement[v.size()]);
@@ -703,9 +703,9 @@ element_loop:
for (int i = 0; i < ce_table.length; i++)
- CollationElement e = ce_table[i];
+ CollationElement e = ce_table[i];
- prefix_tree.put(e.key, e);
+ prefix_tree.put(e.key, e);
@@ -734,72 +734,72 @@ element_loop:
- int ord1;
- int ord2;
- /*
- * We have to check whether the characters are ignorable.
- * If it is the case then forget them.
- */
- if (advance_block_1)
- {
- ord1block = cs.nextBlock();
- if (ord1block != null && ord1block.ignore)
- continue;
- }
- if (advance_block_2)
- {
- ord2block = ct.nextBlock();
- if (ord2block != null && ord2block.ignore)
- {
- advance_block_1 = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- advance_block_2 = true;
- if (!advance_block_1)
- advance_block_1 = true;
- if (ord1block != null)
- ord1 = ord1block.getValue();
- else
- {
- if (ord2block == null)
- return 0;
- return -1;
- }
- if (ord2block == null)
- return 1;
- ord2 = ord2block.getValue();
- // We know chars are totally equal, so skip
+ int ord1;
+ int ord2;
+ /*
+ * We have to check whether the characters are ignorable.
+ * If it is the case then forget them.
+ */
+ if (advance_block_1)
+ {
+ ord1block = cs.nextBlock();
+ if (ord1block != null && ord1block.ignore)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (advance_block_2)
+ {
+ ord2block = ct.nextBlock();
+ if (ord2block != null && ord2block.ignore)
+ {
+ advance_block_1 = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ advance_block_2 = true;
+ if (!advance_block_1)
+ advance_block_1 = true;
+ if (ord1block != null)
+ ord1 = ord1block.getValue();
+ else
+ {
+ if (ord2block == null)
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ord2block == null)
+ return 1;
+ ord2 = ord2block.getValue();
+ // We know chars are totally equal, so skip
if (ord1 == ord2)
- {
- if (getStrength() == IDENTICAL)
- if (!ord1block.key.equals(ord2block.key))
- return ord1block.key.compareTo(ord2block.key);
- continue;
- }
+ {
+ if (getStrength() == IDENTICAL)
+ if (!ord1block.key.equals(ord2block.key))
+ return ord1block.key.compareTo(ord2block.key);
+ continue;
+ }
// Check for primary strength differences
- int prim1 = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord1);
- int prim2 = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord2);
- if (prim1 == 0 && getStrength() < TERTIARY)
- {
+ int prim1 = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord1);
+ int prim2 = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord2);
+ if (prim1 == 0 && getStrength() < TERTIARY)
+ {
advance_block_2 = false;
- continue;
- }
- else if (prim2 == 0 && getStrength() < TERTIARY)
- {
- advance_block_1 = false;
- continue;
- }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (prim2 == 0 && getStrength() < TERTIARY)
+ {
+ advance_block_1 = false;
+ continue;
+ }
if (prim1 < prim2)
return -1;
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ element_loop:
int sec1 = CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(ord1);
int sec2 = CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(ord2);
- if (sec1 < sec2)
+ if (sec1 < sec2)
return -1;
else if (sec1 > sec2)
return 1;
@@ -827,16 +827,16 @@ element_loop:
return -1;
else if (tert1 > tert2)
return 1;
- else if (getStrength() == TERTIARY)
- continue;
+ else if (getStrength() == TERTIARY)
+ continue;
- // Apparently JDK does this (at least for my test case).
- return ord1block.key.compareTo(ord2block.key);
+ // Apparently JDK does this (at least for my test case).
+ return ord1block.key.compareTo(ord2block.key);
- * This method tests this object for equality against the specified
+ * This method tests this object for equality against the specified
* object. This will be true if and only if the specified object is
* another reference to this object.
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ element_loop:
v = (short) c;
return new CollationElement("" + c, last_primary_value + v,
- (short) 0, (short) 0, (short) 0, null, false);
+ (short) 0, (short) 0, (short) 0, null, false);
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ element_loop:
v = (short) c;
return new CollationElement("" + c, (short) 0,
- (short) 0, (short) (last_tertiary_value + v), (short) 0, null, false);
+ (short) 0, (short) (last_tertiary_value + v), (short) 0, null, false);
@@ -948,29 +948,29 @@ element_loop:
while (ord != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER)
- // If the primary order is null, it means this is an ignorable
- // character.
- if (CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord) == 0)
- {
+ // If the primary order is null, it means this is an ignorable
+ // character.
+ if (CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord) == 0)
+ {
ord = cei.next();
- continue;
- }
+ continue;
+ }
switch (getStrength())
- ord = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord);
- break;
+ ord = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord);
+ break;
- ord = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord) << 8;
- ord |= CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(ord);
+ ord = CollationElementIterator.primaryOrder(ord) << 8;
+ ord |= CollationElementIterator.secondaryOrder(ord);
- vect.add(Integer.valueOf(ord));
- ord = cei.next(); //increment to next key
+ vect.add(Integer.valueOf(ord));
+ ord = cei.next(); //increment to next key
Integer[] objarr = vect.toArray(new Integer[vect.size()]);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java
index b09c7ca..05fa4cf 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* SimpleDateFormat.java -- A class for parsing/formating simple
+/* SimpleDateFormat.java -- A class for parsing/formating simple
date constructs
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* SimpleDateFormat provides convenient methods for parsing and formatting
- * dates using Gregorian calendars (see java.util.GregorianCalendar).
+ * dates using Gregorian calendars (see java.util.GregorianCalendar).
* This class is not thread-safe; external synchronisation should be applied
* if an instance is to be accessed from multiple threads.
-public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
+public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
- /**
+ /**
* This class is used by <code>SimpleDateFormat</code> as a
* compiled representation of a format string. The field
* ID, size, and character used are stored for each sequence
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
private char character;
- /**
+ /**
* Constructs a compiled field using the
* the given field ID, size and character
* values.
@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
// This string is specified in the root of the CLDR.
private static final String standardChars = "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcL";
- /**
+ /**
* Represents the position of the RFC822 timezone pattern character
* in the array of localized pattern characters. In the
* U.S. locale, this is 'Z'. The value is the offset of the current
* time from GMT e.g. -0500 would be five hours prior to GMT.
- */
+ */
private static final int RFC822_TIMEZONE_FIELD = 23;
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class of the serialized data
* could not be found.
* @throws InvalidObjectException if the pattern is invalid.
- */
+ */
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
if (serialVersionOnStream < 1)
computeCenturyStart ();
- serialVersionOnStream = 1;
+ serialVersionOnStream = 1;
// Ensure that defaultCentury gets set.
@@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
tokens = new ArrayList<Object>();
- compileFormat(pattern);
+ compileFormat(pattern);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
- throw new InvalidObjectException("The stream pattern was invalid.");
+ throw new InvalidObjectException("The stream pattern was invalid.");
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* @param pattern the non-localized pattern to compile.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the pattern is invalid.
- private void compileFormat(String pattern)
+ private void compileFormat(String pattern)
// Any alphabetical characters are treated as pattern characters
// unless enclosed in single quotes.
@@ -306,70 +306,70 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++)
- thisChar = pattern.charAt(i);
- field = standardChars.indexOf(thisChar);
- if (field == -1)
- {
- current = null;
- if ((thisChar >= 'A' && thisChar <= 'Z')
- || (thisChar >= 'a' && thisChar <= 'z'))
- {
- // Not a valid letter
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid letter "
- + thisChar +
- " encountered at character "
- + i + ".");
- }
- else if (thisChar == '\'')
- {
- // Quoted text section; skip to next single quote
- pos = pattern.indexOf('\'', i + 1);
- // First look for '' -- meaning a single quote.
- if (pos == i + 1)
- tokens.add("'");
- else
- {
- // Look for the terminating quote. However, if we
- // see a '', that represents a literal quote and
- // we must iterate.
- CPStringBuilder buf = new CPStringBuilder();
- int oldPos = i + 1;
- do
- {
- if (pos == -1)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quotes starting at character "
- + i +
- " not closed.");
- buf.append(pattern.substring(oldPos, pos));
- if (pos + 1 >= pattern.length()
- || pattern.charAt(pos + 1) != '\'')
- break;
- buf.append('\'');
- oldPos = pos + 2;
- pos = pattern.indexOf('\'', pos + 2);
- }
- while (true);
- tokens.add(buf.toString());
- }
- i = pos;
- }
- else
- {
- // A special character
- tokens.add(Character.valueOf(thisChar));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // A valid field
- if ((current != null) && (field == current.field))
- current.size++;
- else
- {
- current = new CompiledField(field, 1, thisChar);
- tokens.add(current);
- }
- }
+ thisChar = pattern.charAt(i);
+ field = standardChars.indexOf(thisChar);
+ if (field == -1)
+ {
+ current = null;
+ if ((thisChar >= 'A' && thisChar <= 'Z')
+ || (thisChar >= 'a' && thisChar <= 'z'))
+ {
+ // Not a valid letter
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid letter "
+ + thisChar +
+ " encountered at character "
+ + i + ".");
+ }
+ else if (thisChar == '\'')
+ {
+ // Quoted text section; skip to next single quote
+ pos = pattern.indexOf('\'', i + 1);
+ // First look for '' -- meaning a single quote.
+ if (pos == i + 1)
+ tokens.add("'");
+ else
+ {
+ // Look for the terminating quote. However, if we
+ // see a '', that represents a literal quote and
+ // we must iterate.
+ CPStringBuilder buf = new CPStringBuilder();
+ int oldPos = i + 1;
+ do
+ {
+ if (pos == -1)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quotes starting at character "
+ + i +
+ " not closed.");
+ buf.append(pattern.substring(oldPos, pos));
+ if (pos + 1 >= pattern.length()
+ || pattern.charAt(pos + 1) != '\'')
+ break;
+ buf.append('\'');
+ oldPos = pos + 2;
+ pos = pattern.indexOf('\'', pos + 2);
+ }
+ while (true);
+ tokens.add(buf.toString());
+ }
+ i = pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A special character
+ tokens.add(Character.valueOf(thisChar));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A valid field
+ if ((current != null) && (field == current.field))
+ current.size++;
+ else
+ {
+ current = new CompiledField(field, 1, thisChar);
+ tokens.add(current);
+ }
+ }
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* @return a string representation of the <code>SimpleDateFormat</code>
* instance.
- public String toString()
+ public String toString()
CPStringBuilder output = new CPStringBuilder(getClass().getName());
@@ -405,10 +405,10 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* Constructs a SimpleDateFormat using the default pattern for
* the default locale.
- public SimpleDateFormat()
+ public SimpleDateFormat()
- * There does not appear to be a standard API for determining
+ * There does not appear to be a standard API for determining
* what the default pattern for a locale is, so use package-scope
* variables in DateFormatSymbols to encapsulate this.
@@ -419,14 +419,14 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
tokens = new ArrayList<Object>();
formatData = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
pattern = (formatData.dateFormats[DEFAULT] + ' '
- + formatData.timeFormats[DEFAULT]);
+ + formatData.timeFormats[DEFAULT]);
numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
numberFormat.setGroupingUsed (false);
numberFormat.setParseIntegerOnly (true);
numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits (0);
* Creates a date formatter using the specified non-localized pattern,
* with the default DateFormatSymbols for the default locale.
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* @throws NullPointerException if the pattern is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the pattern is invalid.
- public SimpleDateFormat(String pattern)
+ public SimpleDateFormat(String pattern)
this(pattern, Locale.getDefault());
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* @throws NullPointerException if the pattern is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the pattern is invalid.
- public SimpleDateFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
+ public SimpleDateFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
calendar = new GregorianCalendar(locale);
@@ -561,28 +561,28 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* <code>newChars</code>.
private String translateLocalizedPattern(String pattern,
- String oldChars, String newChars)
+ String oldChars, String newChars)
int len = pattern.length();
CPStringBuilder buf = new CPStringBuilder(len);
boolean quoted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- char ch = pattern.charAt(i);
- if (ch == '\'')
- quoted = ! quoted;
- if (! quoted)
- {
- int j = oldChars.indexOf(ch);
- if (j >= 0)
- ch = newChars.charAt(j);
- }
- buf.append(ch);
+ char ch = pattern.charAt(i);
+ if (ch == '\'')
+ quoted = ! quoted;
+ if (! quoted)
+ {
+ int j = oldChars.indexOf(ch);
+ if (j >= 0)
+ ch = newChars.charAt(j);
+ }
+ buf.append(ch);
return buf.toString();
- /**
+ /**
* Returns the start of the century used for two digit years.
* @return A <code>Date</code> representing the start of the century
@@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
if (formatData == null)
- throw new
- NullPointerException("The supplied format data was null.");
+ throw new
+ NullPointerException("The supplied format data was null.");
this.formatData = formatData;
@@ -703,143 +703,143 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
Iterator<Object> iter = tokens.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
- Object o = iter.next();
- if (o instanceof CompiledField)
- {
- CompiledField cf = (CompiledField) o;
- int beginIndex = buffer.length();
- switch (cf.getField())
- {
- case ERA_FIELD:
- buffer.append (formatData.eras[calendar.get (Calendar.ERA)], DateFormat.Field.ERA);
- break;
- case YEAR_FIELD:
- // If we have two digits, then we truncate. Otherwise, we
- // use the size of the pattern, and zero pad.
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.YEAR);
- if (cf.getSize() == 2)
- {
- temp = "00"+String.valueOf (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR));
- buffer.append (temp.substring (temp.length() - 2));
- }
- else
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MONTH);
- if (cf.getSize() < 3)
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cf.getSize(), buffer);
- else if (cf.getSize() < 4)
- buffer.append (formatData.shortMonths[calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH)]);
- else
- buffer.append (formatData.months[calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH)]);
- break;
- case DATE_FIELD:
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_MONTH);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DATE), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- case HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD: // 1-24
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute(DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY1);
- withLeadingZeros ( ((calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 23) % 24) + 1,
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- case HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD: // 0-23
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY0);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MINUTE);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE),
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.SECOND);
- withLeadingZeros(calendar.get (Calendar.SECOND),
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MILLISECOND);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MILLISECOND), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK);
- if (cf.getSize() < 4)
- buffer.append (formatData.shortWeekdays[calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
- else
- buffer.append (formatData.weekdays[calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_YEAR);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH),
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR),
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_MONTH);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH),
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- case AM_PM_FIELD:
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.AM_PM);
- buffer.append (formatData.ampms[calendar.get (Calendar.AM_PM)]);
- break;
- case HOUR1_FIELD: // 1-12
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR1);
- withLeadingZeros (((calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR) + 11) % 12) + 1,
- cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- case HOUR0_FIELD: // 0-11
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR0);
- withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE);
- TimeZone zone = calendar.getTimeZone();
- boolean isDST = calendar.get (Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0;
- // FIXME: XXX: This should be a localized time zone.
- String zoneID = zone.getDisplayName
- (isDST, cf.getSize() > 3 ? TimeZone.LONG : TimeZone.SHORT);
- buffer.append (zoneID);
- break;
- buffer.setDefaultAttribute(DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE);
- int pureMinutes = (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) +
- calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (1000 * 60);
- String sign = (pureMinutes < 0) ? "-" : "+";
+ Object o = iter.next();
+ if (o instanceof CompiledField)
+ {
+ CompiledField cf = (CompiledField) o;
+ int beginIndex = buffer.length();
+ switch (cf.getField())
+ {
+ case ERA_FIELD:
+ buffer.append (formatData.eras[calendar.get (Calendar.ERA)], DateFormat.Field.ERA);
+ break;
+ case YEAR_FIELD:
+ // If we have two digits, then we truncate. Otherwise, we
+ // use the size of the pattern, and zero pad.
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.YEAR);
+ if (cf.getSize() == 2)
+ {
+ temp = "00"+String.valueOf (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR));
+ buffer.append (temp.substring (temp.length() - 2));
+ }
+ else
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MONTH);
+ if (cf.getSize() < 3)
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ else if (cf.getSize() < 4)
+ buffer.append (formatData.shortMonths[calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH)]);
+ else
+ buffer.append (formatData.months[calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH)]);
+ break;
+ case DATE_FIELD:
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_MONTH);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DATE), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ case HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD: // 1-24
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute(DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY1);
+ withLeadingZeros ( ((calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 23) % 24) + 1,
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ case HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD: // 0-23
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR_OF_DAY0);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MINUTE);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MINUTE),
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.SECOND);
+ withLeadingZeros(calendar.get (Calendar.SECOND),
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.MILLISECOND);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.MILLISECOND), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK);
+ if (cf.getSize() < 4)
+ buffer.append (formatData.shortWeekdays[calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
+ else
+ buffer.append (formatData.weekdays[calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_YEAR);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH),
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR),
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.WEEK_OF_MONTH);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH),
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ case AM_PM_FIELD:
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.AM_PM);
+ buffer.append (formatData.ampms[calendar.get (Calendar.AM_PM)]);
+ break;
+ case HOUR1_FIELD: // 1-12
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR1);
+ withLeadingZeros (((calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR) + 11) % 12) + 1,
+ cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ case HOUR0_FIELD: // 0-11
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.HOUR0);
+ withLeadingZeros (calendar.get (Calendar.HOUR), cf.getSize(), buffer);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute (DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE);
+ TimeZone zone = calendar.getTimeZone();
+ boolean isDST = calendar.get (Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0;
+ // FIXME: XXX: This should be a localized time zone.
+ String zoneID = zone.getDisplayName
+ (isDST, cf.getSize() > 3 ? TimeZone.LONG : TimeZone.SHORT);
+ buffer.append (zoneID);
+ break;
+ buffer.setDefaultAttribute(DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE);
+ int pureMinutes = (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) +
+ calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (1000 * 60);
+ String sign = (pureMinutes < 0) ? "-" : "+";
pureMinutes = Math.abs(pureMinutes);
- int hours = pureMinutes / 60;
- int minutes = pureMinutes % 60;
- buffer.append(sign);
- withLeadingZeros(hours, 2, buffer);
- withLeadingZeros(minutes, 2, buffer);
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal pattern character " +
- cf.getCharacter());
- }
- if (pos != null && (buffer.getDefaultAttribute() == pos.getFieldAttribute()
- || cf.getField() == pos.getField()))
- {
- pos.setBeginIndex(beginIndex);
- pos.setEndIndex(buffer.length());
- }
- }
+ int hours = pureMinutes / 60;
+ int minutes = pureMinutes % 60;
+ buffer.append(sign);
+ withLeadingZeros(hours, 2, buffer);
+ withLeadingZeros(minutes, 2, buffer);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal pattern character " +
+ cf.getCharacter());
+ }
+ if (pos != null && (buffer.getDefaultAttribute() == pos.getFieldAttribute()
+ || cf.getField() == pos.getField()))
+ {
+ pos.setBeginIndex(beginIndex);
+ pos.setEndIndex(buffer.length());
+ }
+ }
- {
- buffer.append(o.toString(), null);
- }
+ {
+ buffer.append(o.toString(), null);
+ }
public StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer buffer, FieldPosition pos)
formatWithAttribute(date, new StringFormatBuffer (buffer), pos);
@@ -857,15 +857,15 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
AttributedFormatBuffer buf = new AttributedFormatBuffer();
formatWithAttribute((Date)date, buf,
- null);
+ null);
return new FormatCharacterIterator(buf.getBuffer().toString(),
- buf.getRanges(),
- buf.getAttributes());
+ buf.getRanges(),
+ buf.getAttributes());
- private void withLeadingZeros(int value, int length, FormatBuffer buffer)
+ private void withLeadingZeros(int value, int length, FormatBuffer buffer)
String valStr = String.valueOf(value);
for (length -= valStr.length(); length > 0; length--)
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* This method parses the specified string into a date.
- *
+ *
* @param dateStr The date string to parse.
* @param pos The input and output parse position
@@ -904,27 +904,27 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
boolean is2DigitYear = false;
- for (; fmt_index < fmt_max; ++fmt_index)
- {
- char ch = pattern.charAt(fmt_index);
- if (ch == '\'')
- {
- if (fmt_index < fmt_max - 1
- && pattern.charAt(fmt_index + 1) == '\'')
- {
- if (! expect (dateStr, pos, ch))
- return null;
- ++fmt_index;
- }
- else
- quote_start = quote_start < 0 ? fmt_index : -1;
- continue;
- }
- if (quote_start != -1
- || ((ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
- && (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z')))
- {
+ for (; fmt_index < fmt_max; ++fmt_index)
+ {
+ char ch = pattern.charAt(fmt_index);
+ if (ch == '\'')
+ {
+ if (fmt_index < fmt_max - 1
+ && pattern.charAt(fmt_index + 1) == '\'')
+ {
+ if (! expect (dateStr, pos, ch))
+ return null;
+ ++fmt_index;
+ }
+ else
+ quote_start = quote_start < 0 ? fmt_index : -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (quote_start != -1
+ || ((ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
+ && (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z')))
+ {
if (quote_start == -1 && ch == ' ')
// A single unquoted space in the pattern may match
@@ -944,275 +944,275 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
else if (! expect (dateStr, pos, ch))
- return null;
- continue;
- }
- // We've arrived at a potential pattern character in the
- // pattern.
- int fmt_count = 1;
- while (++fmt_index < fmt_max && pattern.charAt(fmt_index) == ch)
- {
- ++fmt_count;
- }
- // We might need to limit the number of digits to parse in
- // some cases. We look to the next pattern character to
- // decide.
- boolean limit_digits = false;
- if (fmt_index < fmt_max
- && standardChars.indexOf(pattern.charAt(fmt_index)) >= 0)
- limit_digits = true;
- --fmt_index;
- // We can handle most fields automatically: most either are
- // numeric or are looked up in a string vector. In some cases
- // we need an offset. When numeric, `offset' is added to the
- // resulting value. When doing a string lookup, offset is the
- // initial index into the string array.
- int calendar_field;
- boolean is_numeric = true;
- int offset = 0;
- boolean maybe2DigitYear = false;
- boolean oneBasedHour = false;
- boolean oneBasedHourOfDay = false;
- Integer simpleOffset;
- String[] set1 = null;
- String[] set2 = null;
- switch (ch)
- {
- case 'd':
- calendar_field = Calendar.DATE;
- break;
- case 'D':
- calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;
- break;
- case 'F':
- calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;
- break;
- case 'E':
- is_numeric = false;
- offset = 1;
- calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
- set1 = formatData.getWeekdays();
- set2 = formatData.getShortWeekdays();
- break;
- case 'w':
- calendar_field = Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR;
- break;
- case 'W':
- calendar_field = Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH;
- break;
- case 'M':
- calendar_field = Calendar.MONTH;
- if (fmt_count <= 2)
- offset = -1;
- else
- {
- is_numeric = false;
- set1 = formatData.getMonths();
- set2 = formatData.getShortMonths();
- }
- break;
- case 'y':
- calendar_field = Calendar.YEAR;
- if (fmt_count <= 2)
- maybe2DigitYear = true;
- break;
- case 'K':
- calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR;
- break;
- case 'h':
- calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR;
- oneBasedHour = true;
- break;
- case 'H':
- calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;
- break;
- case 'k':
- calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;
- oneBasedHourOfDay = true;
- break;
- case 'm':
- calendar_field = Calendar.MINUTE;
- break;
- case 's':
- calendar_field = Calendar.SECOND;
- break;
- case 'S':
- calendar_field = Calendar.MILLISECOND;
- break;
- case 'a':
- is_numeric = false;
- calendar_field = Calendar.AM_PM;
- set1 = formatData.getAmPmStrings();
- break;
- case 'z':
- case 'Z':
- // We need a special case for the timezone, because it
- // uses a different data structure than the other cases.
- is_numeric = false;
- calendar_field = Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET;
- String[][] zoneStrings = formatData.getZoneStrings();
- int zoneCount = zoneStrings.length;
- int index = pos.getIndex();
- boolean found_zone = false;
- simpleOffset = computeOffset(dateStr.substring(index), pos);
- if (simpleOffset != null)
- {
- found_zone = true;
- saw_timezone = true;
- calendar.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
- offset = simpleOffset.intValue();
- }
- else
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < zoneCount; j++)
- {
- String[] strings = zoneStrings[j];
- int k;
- for (k = 0; k < strings.length; ++k)
- {
- if (dateStr.startsWith(strings[k], index))
- break;
- }
- if (k != strings.length)
- {
- found_zone = true;
- saw_timezone = true;
- TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone (strings[0]);
- // Check if it's a DST zone or ordinary
- if(k == 3 || k == 4)
- calendar.set (Calendar.DST_OFFSET, tz.getDSTSavings());
- else
- calendar.set (Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
+ return null;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We've arrived at a potential pattern character in the
+ // pattern.
+ int fmt_count = 1;
+ while (++fmt_index < fmt_max && pattern.charAt(fmt_index) == ch)
+ {
+ ++fmt_count;
+ }
+ // We might need to limit the number of digits to parse in
+ // some cases. We look to the next pattern character to
+ // decide.
+ boolean limit_digits = false;
+ if (fmt_index < fmt_max
+ && standardChars.indexOf(pattern.charAt(fmt_index)) >= 0)
+ limit_digits = true;
+ --fmt_index;
+ // We can handle most fields automatically: most either are
+ // numeric or are looked up in a string vector. In some cases
+ // we need an offset. When numeric, `offset' is added to the
+ // resulting value. When doing a string lookup, offset is the
+ // initial index into the string array.
+ int calendar_field;
+ boolean is_numeric = true;
+ int offset = 0;
+ boolean maybe2DigitYear = false;
+ boolean oneBasedHour = false;
+ boolean oneBasedHourOfDay = false;
+ Integer simpleOffset;
+ String[] set1 = null;
+ String[] set2 = null;
+ switch (ch)
+ {
+ case 'd':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.DATE;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ is_numeric = false;
+ offset = 1;
+ calendar_field = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;
+ set1 = formatData.getWeekdays();
+ set2 = formatData.getShortWeekdays();
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR;
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.MONTH;
+ if (fmt_count <= 2)
+ offset = -1;
+ else
+ {
+ is_numeric = false;
+ set1 = formatData.getMonths();
+ set2 = formatData.getShortMonths();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.YEAR;
+ if (fmt_count <= 2)
+ maybe2DigitYear = true;
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR;
+ oneBasedHour = true;
+ break;
+ case 'H':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;
+ oneBasedHourOfDay = true;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.MINUTE;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.SECOND;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ calendar_field = Calendar.MILLISECOND;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ is_numeric = false;
+ calendar_field = Calendar.AM_PM;
+ set1 = formatData.getAmPmStrings();
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z':
+ // We need a special case for the timezone, because it
+ // uses a different data structure than the other cases.
+ is_numeric = false;
+ calendar_field = Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET;
+ String[][] zoneStrings = formatData.getZoneStrings();
+ int zoneCount = zoneStrings.length;
+ int index = pos.getIndex();
+ boolean found_zone = false;
+ simpleOffset = computeOffset(dateStr.substring(index), pos);
+ if (simpleOffset != null)
+ {
+ found_zone = true;
+ saw_timezone = true;
+ calendar.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
+ offset = simpleOffset.intValue();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < zoneCount; j++)
+ {
+ String[] strings = zoneStrings[j];
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < strings.length; ++k)
+ {
+ if (dateStr.startsWith(strings[k], index))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (k != strings.length)
+ {
+ found_zone = true;
+ saw_timezone = true;
+ TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone (strings[0]);
+ // Check if it's a DST zone or ordinary
+ if(k == 3 || k == 4)
+ calendar.set (Calendar.DST_OFFSET, tz.getDSTSavings());
+ else
+ calendar.set (Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
offset = tz.getRawOffset ();
- pos.setIndex(index + strings[k].length());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (! found_zone)
- {
- pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
- return null;
- }
- break;
- default:
- pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
- return null;
- }
- // Compute the value we should assign to the field.
- int value;
- int index = -1;
- if (is_numeric)
- {
- numberFormat.setMinimumIntegerDigits(fmt_count);
- if (maybe2DigitYear)
- index = pos.getIndex();
- Number n = null;
- if (limit_digits)
- {
- // numberFormat.setMaximumIntegerDigits(fmt_count) may
- // not work as expected. So we explicitly use substring
- // of dateStr.
- int origPos = pos.getIndex();
- pos.setIndex(0);
- n = numberFormat.parse(dateStr.substring(origPos, origPos + fmt_count), pos);
- pos.setIndex(origPos + pos.getIndex());
- }
- else
- n = numberFormat.parse(dateStr, pos);
- if (pos == null || ! (n instanceof Long))
- return null;
- value = n.intValue() + offset;
- }
- else if (set1 != null)
- {
- index = pos.getIndex();
- int i;
- boolean found = false;
- for (i = offset; i < set1.length; ++i)
- {
- if (set1[i] != null)
- if (dateStr.toUpperCase().startsWith(set1[i].toUpperCase(),
- index))
- {
- found = true;
- pos.setIndex(index + set1[i].length());
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found && set2 != null)
- {
- for (i = offset; i < set2.length; ++i)
- {
- if (set2[i] != null)
- if (dateStr.toUpperCase().startsWith(set2[i].toUpperCase(),
- index))
- {
- found = true;
- pos.setIndex(index + set2[i].length());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- pos.setErrorIndex(index);
- return null;
- }
- value = i;
- }
- else
- value = offset;
- if (maybe2DigitYear)
- {
- // Parse into default century if the numeric year string has
- // exactly 2 digits.
- int digit_count = pos.getIndex() - index;
- if (digit_count == 2)
- {
- is2DigitYear = true;
- value += defaultCentury;
- }
- }
- // Calendar uses 0-based hours.
- // I.e. 00:00 AM is midnight, not 12 AM or 24:00
- if (oneBasedHour && value == 12)
- value = 0;
- if (oneBasedHourOfDay && value == 24)
- value = 0;
- // Assign the value and move on.
- calendar.set(calendar_field, value);
- }
- if (is2DigitYear)
- {
- // Apply the 80-20 heuristic to dermine the full year based on
- // defaultCenturyStart.
- int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
- if (calendar.getTime().compareTo(defaultCenturyStart) < 0)
- calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 100);
- }
- if (! saw_timezone)
- {
- // Use the real rules to determine whether or not this
- // particular time is in daylight savings.
- calendar.clear (Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
- calendar.clear (Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
- }
+ pos.setIndex(index + strings[k].length());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! found_zone)
+ {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
+ return null;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Compute the value we should assign to the field.
+ int value;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (is_numeric)
+ {
+ numberFormat.setMinimumIntegerDigits(fmt_count);
+ if (maybe2DigitYear)
+ index = pos.getIndex();
+ Number n = null;
+ if (limit_digits)
+ {
+ // numberFormat.setMaximumIntegerDigits(fmt_count) may
+ // not work as expected. So we explicitly use substring
+ // of dateStr.
+ int origPos = pos.getIndex();
+ pos.setIndex(0);
+ n = numberFormat.parse(dateStr.substring(origPos, origPos + fmt_count), pos);
+ pos.setIndex(origPos + pos.getIndex());
+ }
+ else
+ n = numberFormat.parse(dateStr, pos);
+ if (pos == null || ! (n instanceof Long))
+ return null;
+ value = n.intValue() + offset;
+ }
+ else if (set1 != null)
+ {
+ index = pos.getIndex();
+ int i;
+ boolean found = false;
+ for (i = offset; i < set1.length; ++i)
+ {
+ if (set1[i] != null)
+ if (dateStr.toUpperCase().startsWith(set1[i].toUpperCase(),
+ index))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ pos.setIndex(index + set1[i].length());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found && set2 != null)
+ {
+ for (i = offset; i < set2.length; ++i)
+ {
+ if (set2[i] != null)
+ if (dateStr.toUpperCase().startsWith(set2[i].toUpperCase(),
+ index))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ pos.setIndex(index + set2[i].length());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(index);
+ return null;
+ }
+ value = i;
+ }
+ else
+ value = offset;
+ if (maybe2DigitYear)
+ {
+ // Parse into default century if the numeric year string has
+ // exactly 2 digits.
+ int digit_count = pos.getIndex() - index;
+ if (digit_count == 2)
+ {
+ is2DigitYear = true;
+ value += defaultCentury;
+ }
+ }
+ // Calendar uses 0-based hours.
+ // I.e. 00:00 AM is midnight, not 12 AM or 24:00
+ if (oneBasedHour && value == 12)
+ value = 0;
+ if (oneBasedHourOfDay && value == 24)
+ value = 0;
+ // Assign the value and move on.
+ calendar.set(calendar_field, value);
+ }
+ if (is2DigitYear)
+ {
+ // Apply the 80-20 heuristic to dermine the full year based on
+ // defaultCenturyStart.
+ int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
+ if (calendar.getTime().compareTo(defaultCenturyStart) < 0)
+ calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 100);
+ }
+ if (! saw_timezone)
+ {
+ // Use the real rules to determine whether or not this
+ // particular time is in daylight savings.
+ calendar.clear (Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
+ calendar.clear (Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
+ }
return calendar.getTime();
catch (IllegalArgumentException x)
- return null;
+ return null;
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
* order to allow such failure to be represented.
* </p>
- * @param zoneString a string in the form
+ * @param zoneString a string in the form
* (GMT)? sign hours : minutes
* where sign = '+' or '-', hours
* is a one or two digits representing
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
private Integer computeOffset(String zoneString, ParsePosition pos)
- Pattern pattern =
+ Pattern pattern =
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(zoneString);
@@ -1264,35 +1264,35 @@ public class SimpleDateFormat extends DateFormat
boolean hasAll = matcher.lookingAt();
- // Do we have at least the sign, hour and minute?
- matcher.group(2);
- matcher.group(4);
- matcher.group(5);
+ // Do we have at least the sign, hour and minute?
+ matcher.group(2);
+ matcher.group(4);
+ matcher.group(5);
catch (IllegalStateException ise)
- hasAll = false;
+ hasAll = false;
if (hasAll)
- int sign = matcher.group(2).equals("+") ? 1 : -1;
- int hour = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(4));
- if (!matcher.group(3).equals(""))
- hour += (Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3)) * 10);
- int minutes = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(5));
- if (hour > 23)
- return null;
- int offset = sign * ((hour * 60) + minutes) * 60000;
- // advance the index
- pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + matcher.end());
- return Integer.valueOf(offset);
+ int sign = matcher.group(2).equals("+") ? 1 : -1;
+ int hour = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(4));
+ if (!matcher.group(3).equals(""))
+ hour += (Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3)) * 10);
+ int minutes = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(5));
+ if (hour > 23)
+ return null;
+ int offset = sign * ((hour * 60) + minutes) * 60000;
+ // advance the index
+ pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + matcher.end());
+ return Integer.valueOf(offset);
else if (zoneString.startsWith("GMT"))
- pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 3);
- return Integer.valueOf(0);
+ pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 3);
+ return Integer.valueOf(0);
return null;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java
index 85ca302..e94e0fb 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.text;
- * This class iterates over a range of characters in a <code>String</code>.
+ * This class iterates over a range of characters in a <code>String</code>.
* For a given range of text, a beginning and ending index,
* as well as a current index are defined. These values can be queried
* by the methods in this interface. Additionally, various methods allow
- * the index to be set.
+ * the index to be set.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
* text of the specified <code>String</code>. The initial index
* value will be set to the first character in the string.
- * @param text The <code>String</code> to iterate through (<code>null</code>
+ * @param text The <code>String</code> to iterate through (<code>null</code>
* not permitted).
- *
+ *
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>text</code> is <code>null</code>.
public StringCharacterIterator (String text)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
* the character there.
* @return The character at the beginning of the range, or
- * <code>DONE</code> if the range is empty.
+ * <code>DONE</code> if the range is empty.
public char first ()
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
* will be set equal to the beginning index.
* @return The character at the end of the range, or
- * <code>DONE</code> if the range is empty.
+ * <code>DONE</code> if the range is empty.
public char last ()
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
* @param index The new index value.
* @return The character at the new index value or <code>DONE</code>
- * if the index value is equal to <code>getEndIndex</code>.
+ * if the index value is equal to <code>getEndIndex</code>.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the specified index is not valid
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
- * This method tests this object for equality againt the specified
+ * This method tests this object for equality againt the specified
* object. This will be true if and only if the specified object:
* <p>
* <ul>
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ public final class StringCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
StringCharacterIterator sci = (StringCharacterIterator) obj;
return (begin == sci.begin
- && end == sci.end
- && index == sci.index
- && text.equals (sci.text));
+ && end == sci.end
+ && index == sci.index
+ && text.equals (sci.text));
* Return the hash code for this object.
* @return the hash code
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java
index 43d54a0..ea7ecd3 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public abstract class DateFormatProvider
* @see java.text.DateFormat#getDateInstance(int,java.util.Locale)
public abstract DateFormat getDateInstance(int style,
- Locale locale);
+ Locale locale);
* Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} instance
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ public abstract class DateFormatProvider
* @see java.text.DateFormat#getDateInstance(java.util.Locale)
public abstract DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle,
- int timeStyle,
- Locale locale);
+ int timeStyle,
+ Locale locale);
* Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} instance
@@ -124,6 +124,6 @@ public abstract class DateFormatProvider
* @see java.text.DateFormat#getTimeInstance(int,java.util.Locale)
public abstract DateFormat getTimeInstance(int style,
- Locale locale);
+ Locale locale);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java b/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java
index 2a25270..e8a72e4 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public abstract class NumberFormatProvider
* Returns a {@link java.text.NumberFormat} instance
* for integers in the specified {@link java.util.Locale}.
- * The returned instance should be configured to round
+ * The returned instance should be configured to round
* floating point numbers to the nearest integer using
* {@link java.math.RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN} rounding,
* and to parse only the integer part of a number.