path: root/libjava/classpath/java/io
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authorAndrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com>2011-01-11 19:46:05 +0000
committerAndrew John Hughes <gandalf@gcc.gnu.org>2011-01-11 19:46:05 +0000
commitdc6715320db92089b3c1b046157b56b5680738a5 (patch)
tree0da7dbb2f6c016ebe1a6d0bf012840bd76da9170 /libjava/classpath/java/io
parent9a270ad3c0ba0eb21d09657f8fb3a7786a69ec5d (diff)
Normalise whitespace in GNU Classpath.
2010-06-03 Andrew John Hughes <ahughes@redhat.com> * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/NamingService/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/StructureToPass.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/StructureToReturn.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/TreeNode.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/WeThrowThisException.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/WeThrowThisExceptionHelper.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/_DemoTesterImplBase.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/SimpleCommunication/communication/_DemoTesterStub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/CanvasWorld.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/ChatConstants.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/ClientFrame.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/GameManager.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/GameManagerImpl.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/IorReader.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/OrbStarter.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/Player.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/PlayerImpl.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/PlayingDesk.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/State.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/X5Server.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_GameManagerImpl_Tie.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_GameManager_Stub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_PlayerImpl_Tie.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/CORBA/swing/x5/_Player_Stub.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/AicasGraphicsBenchmark.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/awt/HintingDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/datatransfer/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/html/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/J2dBenchmark.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/J2dBenchmarkGUI.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/java2d/JNIOverhead.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/jawt/DemoJAWT.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestClassLoading.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestCompilation.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestGarbageCollector.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemory.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemoryManager.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestMemoryPool.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/management/TestThread.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/midi/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/print/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/sound/AudioPlayerSample.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/BrowserEditorKit.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ButtonDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ComboBoxDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/Demo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/DemoFactory.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/DocumentFilterDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/FileChooserDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/HtmlDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ListDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/MetalThemeEditor.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/NavigationFilterDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/ScrollBarDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/SliderDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/SpinnerDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TabbedPaneDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TableDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TextAreaDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TextFieldDemo.java, * examples/gnu/classpath/examples/swing/TreeDemo.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/ArrayDeque.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ArrayBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentSkipListMap.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentSkipListSet.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArraySet.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/CyclicBarrier.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/DelayQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/Executors.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/FutureTask.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDeque.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorService.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/Semaphore.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java, * external/jsr166/java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/Datatype.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeBuilder.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeException.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeLibrary.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeLibraryFactory.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/DatatypeStreamingValidator.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/ValidationContext.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/DatatypeLibraryLoader.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/ParameterlessDatatypeBuilder.java, * external/relaxngDatatype/org/relaxng/datatype/helpers/StreamingValidatorImpl.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/AttributeList.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Attributes.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ContentHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/DTDHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/DocumentHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/EntityResolver.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/HandlerBase.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/InputSource.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Locator.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/Parser.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXNotRecognizedException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXNotSupportedException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/SAXParseException.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/XMLReader.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/Attributes2Impl.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/DeclHandler.java, * external/sax/org/xml/sax/ext/DefaultHandler2.java, * 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gnu/CORBA/CDR/gnuRuntime.java, * gnu/CORBA/CDR/gnuValueStream.java, * gnu/CORBA/CdrEncapsCodecImpl.java, * gnu/CORBA/CollocatedOrbs.java, * gnu/CORBA/Connected_objects.java, * gnu/CORBA/DefaultSocketFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/DuplicateNameHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/AbstractAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/DivideableAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/NameValuePairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/RecordAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/ValueChangeListener.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynAnyFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynArray.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynEnum.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynFixed.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynSequence.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynUnion.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynValue.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAn/gnuDynValueBox.java, * gnu/CORBA/DynAnySeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/EmptyExceptionHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/CharSets_OSF.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/CloseMessage.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/ErrorMessage.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/MessageHeader.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/ServiceContext.java, * gnu/CORBA/GIOP/v1_2/RequestHeader.java, * gnu/CORBA/GeneralHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/IOR.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ClientRequestInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ForwardRequestHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/IORInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/Registrator.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/ServerRequestInterceptors.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuClientRequestInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuIcCurrent.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuIorInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/Interceptor/gnuServerRequestInfo.java, * gnu/CORBA/IorDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/IorObject.java, * gnu/CORBA/Minor.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameDynAnyPairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameDynAnyPairSeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameValuePairHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NameValuePairSeqHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NameParser.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NamingMap.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/NamingServiceTransient.java, * gnu/CORBA/NamingService/TransientContext.java, * gnu/CORBA/ObjectCreator.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbFocused.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbFunctional.java, * gnu/CORBA/OrbRestricted.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/AOM.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/AccessiblePolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/DynamicImpHandler.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ForwardRequestHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ForwardedServant.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/InvalidPolicyHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/LocalServerRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ORB_1_4.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/ServantDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/StandardPolicies.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuAdapterActivator.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuForwardRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuIdAssignmentPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuIdUniquenessPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuImplicitActivationPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuLifespanPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPOA.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPOAManager.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuPoaCurrent.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuRequestProcessingPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuServantObject.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuServantRetentionPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/Poa/gnuThreadPolicy.java, * gnu/CORBA/ServiceRequestAdapter.java, * gnu/CORBA/SetOverrideTypeHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/SimpleDelegate.java, * gnu/CORBA/SocketRepository.java, * gnu/CORBA/StreamHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/TypeCodeHelper.java, * gnu/CORBA/TypeKindNamer.java, * gnu/CORBA/Version.java, * gnu/CORBA/_PolicyImplBase.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuAny.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuCodecFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuEnvironment.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuRequest.java, * gnu/CORBA/gnuValueHolder.java, * gnu/CORBA/interfaces/SocketFactory.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/AliasTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/ArrayTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/FixedTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/GeneralTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/PrimitiveTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/RecordTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/RecursiveTypeCode.java, * gnu/CORBA/typecodes/StringTypeCode.java, * gnu/classpath/Pair.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer32.java, * gnu/classpath/Pointer64.java, * gnu/classpath/ServiceFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/ServiceProviderLoadingAction.java, * gnu/classpath/SystemProperties.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/Component.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/PreciseFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/SystemLogger.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/TeeInputStream.java, * gnu/classpath/debug/TeeReader.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/Jdwp.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/JdwpConstants.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/BreakpointEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ClassPrepareEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ClassUnloadEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/Event.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/EventManager.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/EventRequest.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ExceptionEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/MethodEntryEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/MethodExitEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/SingleStepEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/ThreadEndEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/VmDeathEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/VmInitEvent.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassExcludeFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassMatchFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ClassOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ExceptionOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/FieldOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/InstanceOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/StepFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters/ThreadOnlyFilter.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidClassException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidClassLoaderException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidEventTypeException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidFieldException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidFrameException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidLocationException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidMethodException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidObjectException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidSlotException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidStringException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidThreadException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/InvalidThreadGroupException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/NativeMethodException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception/NotImplementedException.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/id/JdwpId.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/id/NullObjectId.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ArrayReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ArrayTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassLoaderReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassObjectReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ClassTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/CommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/EventRequestCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/FieldCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/InterfaceTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/MethodCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ObjectReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/PacketProcessor.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ReferenceTypeCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/StackFrameCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/StringReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ThreadGroupReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/ThreadReferenceCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor/VirtualMachineCommandSet.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpCommandPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpConnection.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/JdwpReplyPacket.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/SocketTransport.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport/TransportFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/JdwpString.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/LineTable.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/Location.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/MethodResult.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/MonitorInfo.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/Signature.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/util/VariableTable.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ArrayValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/BooleanValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ByteValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/CharValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/DoubleValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/FloatValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/IntValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/LongValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ObjectValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ShortValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/StringValue.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/Value.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/ValueFactory.java, * gnu/classpath/jdwp/value/VoidValue.java, * gnu/classpath/toolkit/DefaultDaemonThreadFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/AWTUtilities.java, * gnu/java/awt/BitMaskExtent.java, * gnu/java/awt/BitwiseXORComposite.java, * gnu/java/awt/Buffers.java, * gnu/java/awt/ClasspathGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/ClasspathToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/ComponentDataBlitOp.java, * gnu/java/awt/EmbeddedWindow.java, * gnu/java/awt/GradientPaintContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/CieXyzConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ClutProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ColorLookUpTable.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/GrayProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/GrayScaleConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/LinearRGBConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ProfileHeader.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/RgbProfileConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/SrgbConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/color/ToneReproductionCurve.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/GtkMouseDragGestureRecognizer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDragSourceContextPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDropTargetContextPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk/GtkDropTargetPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/FontDelegate.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/FontFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/GNUGlyphVector.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/OpenTypeFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/GlyphHints.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/Latin.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/autofit/Utils.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/CharGlyphMap.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/GlyphNamer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/MacResourceFork.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/NameDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/OpenTypeFont.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/OpenTypeFontFactory.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphLoader.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphLocator.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/GlyphMeasurer.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/Point.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/TrueTypeScaler.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/VirtualMachine.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/Zone.java, * gnu/java/awt/font/opentype/truetype/ZonePathIterator.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/AsyncImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/ImageConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/ImageDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/image/XBMDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/AbstractGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/AlphaCompositeContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/CubicSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/LineSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/PixelCoverage.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/QuadSegment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/RasterGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/ScanlineConverter.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/ScanlineCoverage.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/Segment.java, * gnu/java/awt/java2d/TexturePaintContext.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/ClasspathDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/ClasspathFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/GLightweightPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/GnomeDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/KDEDesktopPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/AsyncImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/BufferedImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoSurface.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/CairoSurfaceGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ComponentGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/ComponentGraphicsCopy.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/FreetypeGlyphVector.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkGraphicsConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkPixbufDecoder.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkRobotPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GdkScreenGraphicsDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkChoicePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkClipboard.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkCursor.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkFileDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkGenericPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkImageConsumer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMenuComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkMouseInfoPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkPanelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkPopupMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkScrollbarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkSelection.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkVolatileImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/VolatileImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/headless/HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/MainQtThread.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QMatrix.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QPainterPath.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QPen.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtAudioClip.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtChoicePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtComponentGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtEmbeddedWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFileDialogPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFontMetrics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageConsumer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageDirectGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtImageGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuBarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuItemPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtPanelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtPopupMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtRepaintThread.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScreenDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScreenDeviceConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScrollPanePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtScrollbarPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtTextAreaPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtTextFieldPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtVolatileImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/qt/QtWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingButtonPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingCheckboxPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingComponent.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingComponentPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingContainerPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingLabelPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingListPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingMenuItemPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingMenuPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingTextAreaPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/swing/SwingTextFieldPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/GLGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/KeyboardMapping.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XEventPump.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XFontPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XFramePeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsConfiguration.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsDevice.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XGraphicsEnvironment.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XImage.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XToolkit.java, * gnu/java/awt/peer/x/XWindowPeer.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/JavaPrinterGraphics.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/JavaPrinterJob.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/PostScriptGraphics2D.java, * gnu/java/awt/print/SpooledDocument.java, * gnu/java/beans/BeanInfoEmbryo.java, * gnu/java/beans/DefaultExceptionListener.java, * gnu/java/beans/ExplicitBeanInfo.java, * gnu/java/beans/IntrospectionIncubator.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractCreatableObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractElementHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AbstractObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ArrayContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ArrayHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/AssemblyException.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/BooleanHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ByteHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/CharHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ClassHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ConstructorContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/Context.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DecoderContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DoubleHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DummyContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/DummyHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ElementHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/FloatHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/GrowableArrayContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/IndexContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/IntHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/JavaHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/LongHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/MethodContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/MethodFinder.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/NullHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ObjectContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ObjectHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/PersistenceParser.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/PropertyContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/ShortHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/SimpleHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/StaticMethodContext.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/StringHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/decoder/VoidHandler.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/ColorEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/FontEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeBooleanEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeByteEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeDoubleEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeFloatEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeIntEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeLongEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/NativeShortEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/editors/StringEditor.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ArrayPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ClassPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/CollectionPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Context.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/GenericScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/IgnoringScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/MapPersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ObjectId.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/PrimitivePersistenceDelegate.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ReportingScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Root.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ScanEngine.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/ScannerState.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/StAXWriter.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/Writer.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ArrayInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/Array_Get.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ClassResolution.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/Element.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/List_Get.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/List_Set.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/MethodInvocation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/NullObject.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ObjectInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/ObjectReference.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/PrimitiveInstantiation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StaticFieldAccess.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StaticMethodInvocation.java, * gnu/java/beans/encoder/elements/StringReference.java, * gnu/java/io/ASN1ParsingException.java, * gnu/java/io/Base64InputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/ClassLoaderObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/NullOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/io/ObjectIdentityMap2Int.java, * gnu/java/io/ObjectIdentityWrapper.java, * gnu/java/io/PlatformHelper.java, * gnu/java/lang/CPStringBuilder.java, * gnu/java/lang/CharData.java, * gnu/java/lang/InstrumentationImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/MainThread.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/BeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/CompilationMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/GarbageCollectorMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/OperatingSystemMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/RuntimeMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBeanImpl.java, * gnu/java/lang/reflect/TypeSignature.java, * gnu/java/locale/LocaleHelper.java, * gnu/java/math/Fixed.java, * gnu/java/math/GMP.java, * gnu/java/math/MPN.java, * gnu/java/net/CRLFInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/CRLFOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/DefaultContentHandlerFactory.java, * gnu/java/net/DefaultProxySelector.java, * gnu/java/net/EmptyX509TrustManager.java, * gnu/java/net/GetLocalHostAction.java, * gnu/java/net/HeaderFieldHelper.java, * gnu/java/net/IndexListParser.java, * gnu/java/net/LineInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/FileResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/FileURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/JarURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/JarURLResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/RemoteResource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/RemoteURLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/Resource.java, * gnu/java/net/loader/URLLoader.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/file/Connection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/file/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/ActiveModeDTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/BlockInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/BlockOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/CompressedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/CompressedOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTPInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/DTPOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPException.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPResponse.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/FTPURLConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/PassiveModeDTP.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/StreamInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/ftp/StreamOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Authenticator.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ByteArrayRequestBodyWriter.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ChunkedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Cookie.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/CookieManager.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Credentials.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPDateFormat.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/HTTPURLConnection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Headers.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Request.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/RequestBodyWriter.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/Response.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/ResponseHeaderHandler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/http/SimpleCookieManager.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/https/Handler.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/jar/Connection.java, * gnu/java/net/protocol/jar/Handler.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelInputStream.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelReader.java, * gnu/java/nio/ChannelWriter.java, * gnu/java/nio/DatagramChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/DatagramChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/EpollSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/EpollSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/FileChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/FileLockImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/InputStreamChannel.java, * gnu/java/nio/KqueueSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/KqueueSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIODatagramSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOServerSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOSocket.java, * gnu/java/nio/NIOSocketImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/OutputStreamChannel.java, * gnu/java/nio/PipeImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SelectorProviderImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/ServerSocketChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/ServerSocketChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelSelectionKey.java, * gnu/java/nio/SocketChannelSelectionKeyImpl.java, * gnu/java/nio/VMChannelOwner.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteCharset.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteDecodeLoopHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ByteEncodeLoopHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp424.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp437.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp737.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp775.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp850.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp852.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp855.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp857.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp860.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp861.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp862.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp863.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp864.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp865.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp866.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp869.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Cp874.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/EncodingHelper.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_1.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_13.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_15.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_2.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_3.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_4.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_5.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_6.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_7.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/ISO_8859_9.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/KOI_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MS874.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCentralEurope.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCroatian.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacCyrillic.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacDingbat.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacGreek.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacIceland.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacRoman.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacRomania.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacSymbol.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacThai.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/MacTurkish.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Provider.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/US_ASCII.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16BE.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16Decoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16Encoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_16LE.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UTF_8.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/UnicodeLittle.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1250.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1251.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1252.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1253.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1254.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1255.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1256.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1257.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/Windows1258.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvCharset.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvDecoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvEncoder.java, * gnu/java/nio/charset/iconv/IconvProvider.java, * gnu/java/rmi/RMIMarshalledObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/RMIMarshalledObjectOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystemTransient.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/BidiTable.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/DefaultActivationGroup.java, * gnu/java/rmi/activation/DefaultActivationSystem.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl_Skel.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/DGCImpl_Stub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/dgc/LeaseRenewingTask.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl_Skel.java, * gnu/java/rmi/registry/RegistryImpl_Stub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ActivatableRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ActivatableServerRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/CombinedClassLoader.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ConnectionRunnerPool.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/ProtocolConstants.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoaderImpl.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIDefaultSocketFactory.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIHashes.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIIncomingThread.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIObjectInputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/RMIObjectOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastConnection.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastConnectionManager.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRef.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteCall.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteStub.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastServer.java, * gnu/java/rmi/server/UnicastServerRef.java, * gnu/java/security/Engine.java, * gnu/java/security/OID.java, * gnu/java/security/PolicyFile.java, * gnu/java/security/Properties.java, * gnu/java/security/Registry.java, * gnu/java/security/Requires.java, * gnu/java/security/action/GetPropertyAction.java, * gnu/java/security/action/SetAccessibleAction.java, * gnu/java/security/der/DERValue.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/BaseHash.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/HashFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Haval.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/IMessageDigest.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD2.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD4.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/MD5.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/RipeMD128.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/RipeMD160.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha160.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha256.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha384.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Sha512.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Tiger.java, * gnu/java/security/hash/Whirlpool.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/HavalSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD2Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD4Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MD5Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/MessageDigestAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/RipeMD128Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/RipeMD160Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha160Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha256Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha384Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/Sha512Spi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/TigerSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/hash/WhirlpoolSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/HavalRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD2RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD4RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/MD5RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/RipeMD128RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/RipeMD160RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/SecureRandomAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha160RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha256RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha384RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/Sha512RandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/TigerRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/prng/WhirlpoolRandomSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSKeyFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSKeyPairGeneratorSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSParameters.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/DSSRawSignatureSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/KeyPairGeneratorAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/RSAPSSRawSignatureSpi.java, * gnu/java/security/jce/sig/SignatureAdapter.java, * gnu/java/security/key/IKeyPairCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/IKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/KeyPairCodecFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/key/KeyPairGeneratorFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSPrivateKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/DSSPublicKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/dss/FIPS186.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAPrivateKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/GnuRSAPublicKey.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/key/rsa/RSAKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/PKCS7Data.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/PKCS7SignedData.java, * gnu/java/security/pkcs/SignerInfo.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/BasePRNG.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/EntropySource.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/IRandom.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/LimitReachedException.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/MDGenerator.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/PRNGFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/prng/RandomEventListener.java, * gnu/java/security/provider/DefaultPolicy.java, * gnu/java/security/provider/PKIXCertPathValidatorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/BaseSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/ISignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/ISignatureCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/SignatureCodecFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/SignatureFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/dss/DSSSignatureX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EME_PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/EMSA_PSS.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSA.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5Signature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5SignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPKCS1V1_5SignatureX509Codec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPSSSignature.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSAPSSSignatureRawCodec.java, * gnu/java/security/sig/rsa/RSASignatureFactory.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ByteArray.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ByteBufferOutputStream.java, * gnu/java/security/util/ExpirableObject.java, * gnu/java/security/util/FormatUtil.java, * gnu/java/security/util/IntegerUtil.java, * gnu/java/security/util/PRNG.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Prime.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Sequence.java, * gnu/java/security/util/SimpleList.java, * gnu/java/security/util/Util.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/X509CRLSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/X509CertSelectorImpl.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/CertificatePolicies.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/GeneralName.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/GeneralSubtree.java, * gnu/java/security/x509/ext/NameConstraints.java, * gnu/java/text/AttributedFormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/BaseBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/CharacterBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/FormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/FormatCharacterIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/LineBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/SentenceBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/text/StringFormatBuffer.java, * gnu/java/text/WordBreakIterator.java, * gnu/java/util/Base64.java, * gnu/java/util/DoubleEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/EmptyEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/WeakIdentityHashMap.java, * gnu/java/util/ZoneInfo.java, * gnu/java/util/jar/JarUtils.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/FileBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/FileBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/GConfBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/GConfBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/MemoryBasedFactory.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/MemoryBasedPreferences.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/NodeReader.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/NodeWriter.java, * gnu/java/util/prefs/gconf/GConfNativePeer.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/BacktrackStack.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/CharIndexed.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/CharIndexedInputStream.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RE.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REFilterInputStream.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REMatch.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REMatchEnumeration.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RESyntax.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/REToken.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenAny.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenBackRef.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenChar.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenEnd.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenEndOfPreviousMatch.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenIndependent.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenLookAhead.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenLookBehind.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenNamedProperty.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenOneOf.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenPOSIX.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenRange.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenRepeated.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenStart.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/RETokenWordBoundary.java, * gnu/java/util/regex/UncheckedRE.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/ImageViewer.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/TextEditor.java, * gnu/javax/activation/viewers/TextViewer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Assembly.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Cascade.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/CascadeStage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/CascadeTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/DeflateTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Direction.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/LoopbackTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/ModeStage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Operation.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/PaddingTransformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Stage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/Transformer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/assembly/TransformerException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Anubis.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/BaseCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Blowfish.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Cast5.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/CipherFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/DES.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/IBlockCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/IBlockCipherSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Khazad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/NullCipher.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Rijndael.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Serpent.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Square.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/TripleDES.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/Twofish.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/cipher/WeakKeyException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/DiffieHellmanImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/GnuCrypto.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/GnuSasl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/PBKDF2SecretKeyFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AESKeyWrapSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/ARCFourSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/AnubisSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/BlowfishSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/Cast5Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/CipherAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/DESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/KeyWrappingAlgorithmAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/KhazadSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/NullCipherSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/PBES2.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/RijndaelSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/SerpentSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/SquareSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/TripleDESSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/cipher/TwofishSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/AnubisSecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/BlowfishSecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/Cast5SecretKeyFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/key/SecretKeyGeneratorImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/keyring/GnuKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacHavalSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD2Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD4Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacMD5Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacRipeMD128Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacRipeMD160Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA160Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA256Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA384Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacSHA512Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacTigerSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/HMacWhirlpoolSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/MacAdapter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/TMMH16Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/UHash32Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/mac/UMac32Spi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/BlockCipherParameters.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DEREncodingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DERReader.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/params/DERWriter.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/ARCFourRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/CSPRNGSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/FortunaImpl.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/ICMRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/prng/UMacRandomSpi.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/sig/DHParameters.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/BlockCipherParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/TMMHParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/jce/spec/UMac32ParameterSpec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/BaseKeyAgreementParty.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/GnuPBEKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/GnuSecretKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/IKeyAgreementParty.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/IncomingMessage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/KeyAgreementException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/KeyAgreementFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/OutgoingMessage.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairPKCS8Codec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DHKeyPairX509Codec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanKeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanReceiver.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/DiffieHellmanSender.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalKeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalReceiver.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/ElGamalSender.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHPrivateKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/GnuDHPublicKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/dh/RFC2631.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6Host.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6KeyAgreement.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6SaslClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6SaslServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6TLSClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6TLSServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRP6User.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKeyPairGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPKeyPairRawCodec.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPPrivateKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/key/srp6/SRPPublicKey.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/AuthenticatedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/BaseKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/BinaryDataEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CertPathEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CertificateEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/CompressedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/EncryptedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/Entry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/EnvelopeEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/GnuPrivateKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/GnuPublicKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IPrivateKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/IPublicKeyring.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MalformedKeyringException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MaskableEnvelopeEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/MeteredInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordAuthenticatedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordEncryptedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PasswordProtectedEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PrimitiveEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PrivateKeyEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/Properties.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/keyring/PublicKeyEntry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/BaseKeyWrappingAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/IKeyWrappingAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/KeyWrappingAlgorithmFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/kwa/TripleDESKeyWrap.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/BaseMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/HMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/HMacFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/IMac.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/MacOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/OMAC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/TMMH16.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/UHash32.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mac/UMac32.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/BaseMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CBC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CFB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/CTR.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/EAX.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ECB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/IAuthenticatedMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ICM.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/IMode.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/ModeFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/mode/OFB.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/BasePad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/IPad.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PKCS1_V1_5.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PKCS7.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/PadFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/TBC.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/pad/WrongPaddingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/ARCFour.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/CSPRNG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/ICMGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/IPBE.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/PBKDF2.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/PRNGFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/prng/UMacGenerator.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/AuthInfo.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/AuthInfoProviderFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ClientFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ClientMechanism.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ConfidentialityException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IAuthInfoProviderFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IllegalMechanismStateException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/InputBuffer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/IntegrityException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/NoSuchMechanismException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/NoSuchUserException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/OutputBuffer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslEncodingException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/SaslUtil.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ServerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/ServerMechanism.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/UserAlreadyExistsException.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/anonymous/AnonymousUtil.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5AuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Client.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Registry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Server.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/CramMD5Util.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/crammd5/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainRegistry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/plain/PlainServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/CALG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/ClientStore.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/IALG.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/KDF.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/PasswordFile.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRP.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPAuthInfoProvider.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPClient.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPRegistry.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SRPServer.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/SecurityContext.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/ServerStore.java, * gnu/javax/crypto/sasl/srp/StoreEntry.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/IIOInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPEncoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPException.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPFileHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageWriter.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPImageWriterSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/BMPInfoHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeBF16.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeBF32.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB1.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB24.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRGB8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRLE4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/DecodeRLE8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB1.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB16.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB24.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB32.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRGB8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRLE4.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/bmp/EncodeRLE8.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFFile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/gif/GIFImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/DCT.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGComponent.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGImageReaderSpi.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/JPEGMarker.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/jpeg/ZigZag.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGChunk.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGData.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGDecoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGEncoder.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGException.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGFile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGFilter.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGGamma.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGHeader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGICCProfile.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGImageReader.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGPalette.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGPhys.java, * gnu/javax/imageio/png/PNGTime.java, * gnu/javax/management/ListenerData.java, * gnu/javax/management/Server.java, * gnu/javax/management/Translator.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ContextContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/CorbalocParser.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingServiceFactory.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/GiopNamingServiceURLContext.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ListBindingsEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/giop/ListEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/ictxImpl/trans/GnuName.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/corbaname/corbanameURLContextFactory.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ContextContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ListBindingsEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/ListEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/RmiContinuation.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/RmiNamingEnumeration.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/rmiURLContext.java, * gnu/javax/naming/jndi/url/rmi/rmiURLContextFactory.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/AbstractSessionContext.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/PreSharedKeyManager.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/PreSharedKeyManagerParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SSLCipherSuite.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SSLRecordHandler.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/Session.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/SessionStoreException.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/AbstractHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Alert.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/AlertException.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Builder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Certificate.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateRequest.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateRequestBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateStatusRequest.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateStatusType.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateURL.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CertificateVerify.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CipherSuite.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CipherSuiteList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientCertificateTypeList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientDHE_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientDiffieHellmanPublic.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHello.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHelloBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientHelloV2.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientKeyExchangeBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientPSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ClientRSA_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CompressionMethod.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/CompressionMethodList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Constructed.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Debug.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/DelegatedTask.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/EmptyExchangeKeys.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/EncryptedPreMasterSecret.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ExchangeKeys.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Extension.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ExtensionList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Handshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/InputSecurityParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Jessie.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/MaxFragmentLength.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/OutputSecurityParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/PreSharedKeyManagerFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Random.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLContextImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLEngineImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLRSASignatureImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLServerSocketFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLServerSocketImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLSocketFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLSocketImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLv3HMacMD5Impl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SSLv3HMacSHAImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerDHE_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerDHParams.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHandshake.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHello.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHelloBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerHelloDone.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerKeyExchangeBuilder.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerNameList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerPSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/ServerRSA_PSKParameters.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SessionImpl.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Signature.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SignatureAlgorithm.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/SimpleSessionContext.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/TruncatedHMAC.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/TrustedAuthorities.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/UnresolvedExtensionValue.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/Util.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X500PrincipalList.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X509KeyManagerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/net/ssl/provider/X509TrustManagerFactory.java, * gnu/javax/print/ipp/IppRequest.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/CorbaInput.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/CorbaOutput.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/DefaultWriteObjectTester.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/DelegateFactory.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/GetDelegateInstanceException.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/PortableRemoteObjectDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/RmiUtilities.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/StubDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/TieTargetRecord.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/UtilDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/rmi/CORBA/ValueHandlerDelegateImpl.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/AWTCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/AbstractCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/CertificateCallback.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/ConsoleCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/DefaultCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/callback/SwingCallbackHandler.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/ConfigFileParser.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/ConfigFileTokenizer.java, * gnu/javax/security/auth/login/GnuConfiguration.java, * gnu/javax/sound/AudioSecurityManager.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaInputPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaMidiSequencerDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaOutputPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/alsa/AlsaPortDevice.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/dssi/DSSIMidiDeviceProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/dssi/DSSISynthesizer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/ExtendedMidiFileFormat.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiDataInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiDataOutputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiFileReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/midi/file/MidiFileWriter.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/AU/AUReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/WAV/WAVReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/GStreamerMixer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/GStreamerMixerProvider.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstAudioFileReader.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstAudioFileReaderNativePeer.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/io/GstInputStream.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstNativeDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstPipeline.java, * gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer/lines/GstSourceDataLine.java, * gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gnu/GNULookAndFeel.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/CharacterAttributeTranslator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/CombinedAttributes.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/ImageViewIconFactory.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/BorderStyle.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/CSSParser.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/CSSScanner.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/css/Selector.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/GnuParserDelegator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/HTML_401F.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/SmallHtmlAttributeSet.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/htmlAttributeSet.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/htmlValidator.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/models/list.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/Parser.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/low/ReaderTokenizer.java, * gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support/textPreProcessor.java, * gnu/javax/swing/tree/GnuPath.java, * gnu/test/Fail.java, * gnu/test/Pass.java, * gnu/test/Test.java, * gnu/test/Unsupported.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/JAXPFactory.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/SAXDriver.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/XmlParser.java, * gnu/xml/aelfred2/XmlReader.java, * gnu/xml/dom/Consumer.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DTDAttributeTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DTDElementTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomAttr.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomCDATASection.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomCharacterData.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomComment.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDOMException.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDoctype.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocument.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentBuilderFactory.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentConfiguration.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomDocumentFragment.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomElement.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEntity.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEntityReference.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomEvent.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomExtern.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomImpl.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomIterator.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNSResolverContext.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNamedNodeMap.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNode.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNodeIterator.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNotation.java, * gnu/xml/dom/DomNsNode.java, 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gnu/xml/libxmlj/transform/URIResolverEntityResolver.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/EmptyNodeList.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/NamedInputStream.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/StandaloneDocumentType.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/StandaloneLocator.java, * gnu/xml/libxmlj/util/XMLJ.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/CallFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/DomConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/EventConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/EventFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/LinkFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/NSFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/PipelineFactory.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/TeeConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/TextConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/ValidationConsumer.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/WellFormednessFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/XIncludeFilter.java, * gnu/xml/pipeline/XsltFilter.java, * gnu/xml/stream/AttributeImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/BufferedReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CRLFReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CharactersImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/CommentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/DTDImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EndDocumentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EndElementImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EntityDeclarationImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/EntityReferenceImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/FilteredEventReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/FilteredStreamReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/NamespaceImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/NotationDeclarationImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/ProcessingInstructionImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/SAXParser.java, * gnu/xml/stream/SAXParserFactory.java, * gnu/xml/stream/StartDocumentImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/StartElementImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/UnicodeReader.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XIncludeFilter.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventAllocatorImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventReaderImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLEventWriterImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLInputFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLParser.java, * gnu/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriterImpl.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AbstractNumberNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ApplyImportsNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ApplyTemplatesNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AttributeNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/AttributeSet.java, * gnu/xml/transform/Bindings.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CallTemplateNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ChooseNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CommentNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CopyNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CopyOfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/CurrentFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/DOMSourceLocator.java, * gnu/xml/transform/DocumentFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ElementAvailableFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ElementNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ErrorListenerErrorHandler.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ForEachNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/FormatNumberFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/FunctionAvailableFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/GenerateIdFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/IfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/Key.java, * gnu/xml/transform/KeyFunction.java, * 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gnu/xml/transform/URIResolverEntityResolver.java, * gnu/xml/transform/UnparsedEntityUriFunction.java, * gnu/xml/transform/ValueOfNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/WhenNode.java, * gnu/xml/transform/WithParam.java, * gnu/xml/transform/XSLComparator.java, * gnu/xml/transform/XSLURIResolver.java, * gnu/xml/util/DoParse.java, * gnu/xml/util/DomParser.java, * gnu/xml/util/Resolver.java, * gnu/xml/util/SAXNullTransformerFactory.java, * gnu/xml/util/XCat.java, * gnu/xml/util/XHTMLWriter.java, * gnu/xml/util/XMLWriter.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Annotation.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnySimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnyType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AnyURIType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/AtomicSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Base64BinaryType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/BooleanType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ByteType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/DateTimeType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/DateType.java, 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gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LanguageType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ListSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/LongType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxExclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxInclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MaxLengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinExclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinInclusiveFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/MinLengthFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NCNameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NMTokenType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NMTokensType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NegativeIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NonNegativeIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NonPositiveIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NormalizedStringType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/NotationType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/PatternFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/PositiveIntegerType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/QNameType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/ShortType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/SimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/StringType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TimeType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TokenType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TotalDigitsFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/Type.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeLibrary.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/TypeLibraryFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnionSimpleType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedByteType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedIntType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedLongType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/UnsignedShortType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/datatype/WhiteSpaceFacet.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/AnyNameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/AttributePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ChoiceNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ChoicePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/DataPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Define.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ElementPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/EmptyPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/FullSyntaxBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Grammar.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GrammarException.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GrammarValidator.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/GroupPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/InterleavePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ListPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NSNameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NameNameClass.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/NotAllowedPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/OneOrMorePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Param.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/Pattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/RELAXNGSchemaFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/RefPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/TextPattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/relaxng/ValuePattern.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AnyAttribute.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AttributeDeclaration.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/AttributeUse.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ComplexType.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ElementDeclaration.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/Particle.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/ValidationException.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchema.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaAttributeTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaBuilder.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaElementTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaSchemaFactory.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaTypeInfo.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaTypeInfoProvider.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaValidator.java, * gnu/xml/validation/xmlschema/XMLSchemaValidatorHandler.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/AndExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ArithmeticExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/BooleanFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/CeilingFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ConcatFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Constant.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ContainsFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/CountFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/DocumentOrderComparator.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/EqualityExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Expr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FalseFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FloorFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Function.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/FunctionCall.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/IdFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LangFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LastFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/LocalNameFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NameFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NameTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NamespaceTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NamespaceUriFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NegativeExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NodeTypeTest.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NormalizeSpaceFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NotFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/NumberFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/OrExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/ParenthesizedExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Path.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Pattern.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/PositionFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Predicate.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/RelationalExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Root.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/RoundFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Selector.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StartsWithFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Steps.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StringFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/StringLengthFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringAfterFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringBeforeFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SubstringFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/SumFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/Test.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/TranslateFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/TrueFunction.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/UnionExpr.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/VariableReference.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathFactoryImpl.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathImpl.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathParser.java, * gnu/xml/xpath/XPathTokenizer.java, * java/applet/Applet.java, * java/awt/AWTEvent.java, * java/awt/AWTEventMulticaster.java, * java/awt/AWTKeyStroke.java, * java/awt/AlphaComposite.java, * java/awt/BasicStroke.java, * java/awt/BorderLayout.java, * java/awt/BufferCapabilities.java, * java/awt/Button.java, * java/awt/Canvas.java, * java/awt/CardLayout.java, * java/awt/Checkbox.java, * java/awt/CheckboxGroup.java, * java/awt/CheckboxMenuItem.java, * java/awt/Choice.java, * java/awt/Color.java, * java/awt/ColorPaintContext.java, * java/awt/Component.java, * java/awt/Container.java, * java/awt/ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/Cursor.java, * java/awt/DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.java, * java/awt/Desktop.java, * java/awt/Dialog.java, * java/awt/DisplayMode.java, * java/awt/Event.java, * java/awt/EventDispatchThread.java, * java/awt/EventQueue.java, * java/awt/FileDialog.java, * java/awt/FlowLayout.java, * java/awt/FocusTraversalPolicy.java, * java/awt/Font.java, * java/awt/FontMetrics.java, * java/awt/Frame.java, * java/awt/GradientPaint.java, * java/awt/Graphics.java, * java/awt/Graphics2D.java, * java/awt/GraphicsConfiguration.java, * java/awt/GraphicsDevice.java, * java/awt/GridBagConstraints.java, * java/awt/GridBagLayout.java, * java/awt/GridLayout.java, * java/awt/Image.java, * java/awt/Insets.java, * java/awt/JobAttributes.java, * java/awt/KeyboardFocusManager.java, * java/awt/Label.java, * java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java, * java/awt/List.java, * java/awt/MediaTracker.java, * java/awt/Menu.java, * java/awt/MenuBar.java, * java/awt/MenuComponent.java, * java/awt/MenuItem.java, * java/awt/MenuShortcut.java, * java/awt/MouseInfo.java, * java/awt/PageAttributes.java, * java/awt/Point.java, * java/awt/PointerInfo.java, * java/awt/Polygon.java, * java/awt/PopupMenu.java, * java/awt/Rectangle.java, * java/awt/RenderingHints.java, * java/awt/Robot.java, * java/awt/ScrollPane.java, * java/awt/ScrollPaneAdjustable.java, * java/awt/Scrollbar.java, * java/awt/Shape.java, * java/awt/SystemColor.java, * java/awt/TextArea.java, * java/awt/TextComponent.java, * java/awt/TextField.java, * java/awt/TexturePaint.java, * java/awt/Toolkit.java, * java/awt/Window.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_Profile.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileGray.java, * java/awt/color/ICC_ProfileRGB.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/Clipboard.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/ClipboardOwner.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/DataFlavor.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/FlavorEvent.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/FlavorListener.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/MimeType.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/StringSelection.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/SystemFlavorMap.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/Transferable.java, * java/awt/datatransfer/UnsupportedFlavorException.java, * java/awt/dnd/Autoscroll.java, * java/awt/dnd/DnDEventMulticaster.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragGestureEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragGestureRecognizer.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSource.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceContext.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceDropEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DragSourceEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTarget.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetContext.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetDragEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetDropEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/DropTargetEvent.java, * java/awt/dnd/MouseDragGestureRecognizer.java, * java/awt/dnd/peer/DropTargetContextPeer.java, * java/awt/event/AWTEventListener.java, * java/awt/event/ActionEvent.java, * java/awt/event/ComponentAdapter.java, * java/awt/event/ComponentEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InputEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InputMethodEvent.java, * java/awt/event/InvocationEvent.java, * java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java, * java/awt/event/MouseEvent.java, * java/awt/event/MouseListener.java, * java/awt/event/MouseWheelEvent.java, * java/awt/event/WindowEvent.java, * java/awt/font/FontRenderContext.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphJustificationInfo.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphMetrics.java, * java/awt/font/GlyphVector.java, * java/awt/font/GraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/ImageGraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/LineBreakMeasurer.java, * java/awt/font/LineMetrics.java, * java/awt/font/MultipleMaster.java, * java/awt/font/OpenType.java, * java/awt/font/ShapeGraphicAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/TextAttribute.java, * java/awt/font/TextHitInfo.java, * java/awt/font/TextLayout.java, * java/awt/font/TextMeasurer.java, * java/awt/font/TransformAttribute.java, * java/awt/geom/AffineTransform.java, * java/awt/geom/Arc2D.java, * java/awt/geom/Area.java, * java/awt/geom/CubicCurve2D.java, * java/awt/geom/Ellipse2D.java, * java/awt/geom/FlatteningPathIterator.java, * java/awt/geom/GeneralPath.java, * java/awt/geom/Line2D.java, * java/awt/geom/QuadCurve2D.java, * java/awt/geom/RectangularShape.java, * java/awt/geom/RoundRectangle2D.java, * java/awt/im/InputContext.java, * java/awt/im/spi/InputMethodDescriptor.java, * java/awt/image/AffineTransformOp.java, * java/awt/image/AreaAveragingScaleFilter.java, * java/awt/image/BandCombineOp.java, * java/awt/image/BandedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImage.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/BufferedImageOp.java, * java/awt/image/ByteLookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/ColorConvertOp.java, * java/awt/image/ColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/ComponentSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/ConvolveOp.java, * java/awt/image/CropImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/DataBuffer.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferByte.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferDouble.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferFloat.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferInt.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferShort.java, * java/awt/image/DataBufferUShort.java, * java/awt/image/DirectColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/FilteredImageSource.java, * java/awt/image/ImageConsumer.java, * java/awt/image/ImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/ImageObserver.java, * java/awt/image/ImageProducer.java, * java/awt/image/IndexColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/Kernel.java, * java/awt/image/LookupOp.java, * java/awt/image/LookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java, * java/awt/image/MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/PackedColorModel.java, * java/awt/image/PixelGrabber.java, * java/awt/image/PixelInterleavedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/RGBImageFilter.java, * java/awt/image/Raster.java, * java/awt/image/RasterOp.java, * java/awt/image/RenderedImage.java, * java/awt/image/ReplicateScaleFilter.java, * java/awt/image/RescaleOp.java, * java/awt/image/SampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/ShortLookupTable.java, * java/awt/image/SinglePixelPackedSampleModel.java, * java/awt/image/TileObserver.java, * java/awt/image/WritableRaster.java, * java/awt/image/WritableRenderedImage.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/ContextualRenderedImageFactory.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/ParameterBlock.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderContext.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImage.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageOp.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderableImageProducer.java, * java/awt/image/renderable/RenderedImageFactory.java, * java/awt/peer/ButtonPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CanvasPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CheckboxMenuItemPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/CheckboxPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ChoicePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ContainerPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/DesktopPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/DialogPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FileDialogPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FontPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/FramePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/LabelPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/LightweightPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ListPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuBarPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuItemPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MenuPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/MouseInfoPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/PanelPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/PopupMenuPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/RobotPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ScrollPanePeer.java, * java/awt/peer/ScrollbarPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/TextComponentPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/TextFieldPeer.java, * java/awt/peer/WindowPeer.java, * java/awt/print/Book.java, * java/awt/print/PageFormat.java, * java/awt/print/Pageable.java, * java/awt/print/Paper.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterGraphics.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterIOException.java, * java/awt/print/PrinterJob.java, * java/beans/AppletInitializer.java, * java/beans/BeanDescriptor.java, * java/beans/BeanInfo.java, * java/beans/Beans.java, * java/beans/Customizer.java, * java/beans/DefaultPersistenceDelegate.java, * java/beans/DesignMode.java, * java/beans/Encoder.java, * java/beans/EventHandler.java, * java/beans/EventSetDescriptor.java, * java/beans/Expression.java, * java/beans/FeatureDescriptor.java, * java/beans/IndexedPropertyChangeEvent.java, * java/beans/IndexedPropertyDescriptor.java, * java/beans/Introspector.java, * java/beans/MethodDescriptor.java, * java/beans/ParameterDescriptor.java, * java/beans/PersistenceDelegate.java, * java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java, * java/beans/PropertyDescriptor.java, * java/beans/PropertyEditor.java, * java/beans/PropertyEditorManager.java, * java/beans/SimpleBeanInfo.java, * java/beans/Statement.java, * java/beans/VetoableChangeSupport.java, * java/beans/Visibility.java, * java/beans/XMLDecoder.java, * java/beans/XMLEncoder.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContext.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChild.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildComponentProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextChildSupport.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextContainerProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextMembershipListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextProxy.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProvider.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceProviderBeanInfo.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServiceRevokedListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServices.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesListener.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextServicesSupport.java, * java/beans/beancontext/BeanContextSupport.java, * java/io/BufferedInputStream.java, * java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java, * java/io/BufferedReader.java, * java/io/BufferedWriter.java, * java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java, * java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java, * java/io/CharArrayReader.java, * java/io/CharArrayWriter.java, * java/io/DataInput.java, * java/io/DataInputStream.java, * java/io/DataOutput.java, * java/io/DataOutputStream.java, * java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java, * java/io/EOFException.java, * java/io/Externalizable.java, * java/io/File.java, * java/io/FileDescriptor.java, * java/io/FileFilter.java, * java/io/FileInputStream.java, * java/io/FileOutputStream.java, * java/io/FilePermission.java, * java/io/FileReader.java, * java/io/FileWriter.java, * java/io/FilenameFilter.java, * java/io/FilterInputStream.java, * java/io/FilterOutputStream.java, * java/io/FilterReader.java, * java/io/FilterWriter.java, * java/io/InputStream.java, * java/io/InputStreamReader.java, * java/io/InvalidClassException.java, * java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java, * java/io/LineNumberReader.java, * java/io/ObjectInput.java, * java/io/ObjectInputStream.java, * java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java, * java/io/ObjectOutput.java, * java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java, * java/io/ObjectStreamField.java, * java/io/OutputStream.java, * java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java, * java/io/PipedInputStream.java, * java/io/PipedOutputStream.java, * java/io/PipedReader.java, * java/io/PipedWriter.java, * java/io/PrintStream.java, * java/io/PrintWriter.java, * java/io/PushbackInputStream.java, * java/io/PushbackReader.java, * java/io/RandomAccessFile.java, * java/io/Reader.java, * java/io/SequenceInputStream.java, * java/io/Serializable.java, * java/io/SerializablePermission.java, * java/io/StreamTokenizer.java, * java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java, * java/io/StringReader.java, * java/io/StringWriter.java, * java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java, * java/io/Writer.java, * java/lang/AbstractStringBuffer.java, * java/lang/Boolean.java, * java/lang/Character.java, * java/lang/Class.java, * java/lang/ClassLoader.java, * java/lang/Comparable.java, * java/lang/Double.java, * java/lang/Enum.java, * java/lang/EnumConstantNotPresentException.java, * java/lang/Float.java, * java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.java, * java/lang/IllegalStateException.java, * java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.java, * java/lang/Integer.java, * java/lang/Long.java, * java/lang/Math.java, * java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError.java, * java/lang/Object.java, * java/lang/Package.java, * java/lang/ProcessBuilder.java, * java/lang/Runtime.java, * java/lang/SecurityException.java, * java/lang/SecurityManager.java, * java/lang/StackTraceElement.java, * java/lang/StrictMath.java, * java/lang/String.java, * java/lang/StringBuffer.java, * java/lang/StringBuilder.java, * java/lang/System.java, * java/lang/Thread.java, * java/lang/ThreadLocal.java, * java/lang/Throwable.java, * java/lang/TypeNotPresentException.java, * java/lang/UnsupportedOperationException.java, * java/lang/annotation/Annotation.java, * java/lang/annotation/AnnotationTypeMismatchException.java, * java/lang/annotation/IncompleteAnnotationException.java, * java/lang/instrument/ClassFileTransformer.java, * java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.java, * java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/CompilationMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/ManagementFactory.java, * java/lang/management/ManagementPermission.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryManagerMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryNotificationInfo.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryPoolMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryType.java, * java/lang/management/MemoryUsage.java, * java/lang/management/MonitorInfo.java, * java/lang/management/OperatingSystemMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/RuntimeMXBean.java, * java/lang/management/ThreadInfo.java, * java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean.java, * java/lang/ref/PhantomReference.java, * java/lang/ref/Reference.java, * java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.java, * java/lang/ref/SoftReference.java, * java/lang/ref/WeakReference.java, * java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.java, * java/lang/reflect/AnnotatedElement.java, * java/lang/reflect/Array.java, * java/lang/reflect/Constructor.java, * java/lang/reflect/Field.java, * java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType.java, * java/lang/reflect/GenericDeclaration.java, * java/lang/reflect/InvocationHandler.java, * java/lang/reflect/MalformedParameterizedTypeException.java, * java/lang/reflect/Method.java, * java/lang/reflect/Modifier.java, * java/lang/reflect/Proxy.java, * java/lang/reflect/Type.java, * java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable.java, * java/lang/reflect/WildcardType.java, * java/math/BigDecimal.java, * java/math/BigInteger.java, * java/math/MathContext.java, * java/math/RoundingMode.java, * java/net/ContentHandler.java, * java/net/DatagramSocket.java, * java/net/DatagramSocketImpl.java, * java/net/HttpURLConnection.java, * java/net/Inet4Address.java, * java/net/Inet6Address.java, * java/net/InetAddress.java, * java/net/InetSocketAddress.java, * java/net/MimeTypeMapper.java, * java/net/MulticastSocket.java, * java/net/NetworkInterface.java, * java/net/Proxy.java, * java/net/ProxySelector.java, * java/net/ResolverCache.java, * java/net/ServerSocket.java, * java/net/Socket.java, * java/net/SocketPermission.java, * java/net/URI.java, * java/net/URL.java, * java/net/URLClassLoader.java, * java/net/URLConnection.java, * java/net/URLDecoder.java, * java/net/URLEncoder.java, * java/net/URLStreamHandler.java, * java/nio/Buffer.java, * java/nio/BufferOverflowException.java, * java/nio/BufferUnderflowException.java, * java/nio/ByteBuffer.java, * java/nio/ByteBufferHelper.java, * java/nio/ByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ByteOrder.java, * java/nio/CharBuffer.java, * java/nio/CharBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/CharSequenceBuffer.java, * java/nio/CharViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DirectByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DoubleBuffer.java, * java/nio/DoubleBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/DoubleViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/FloatBuffer.java, * java/nio/FloatBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/FloatViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/IntBuffer.java, * java/nio/IntBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/IntViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/InvalidMarkException.java, * java/nio/LongBuffer.java, * java/nio/LongBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/LongViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/MappedByteBuffer.java, * java/nio/MappedByteBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ReadOnlyBufferException.java, * java/nio/ShortBuffer.java, * java/nio/ShortBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/ShortViewBufferImpl.java, * java/nio/channels/FileChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/SocketChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractInterruptibleChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectableChannel.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectionKey.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelector.java, * java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider.java, * java/nio/charset/CharacterCodingException.java, * java/nio/charset/Charset.java, * java/nio/charset/CharsetDecoder.java, * java/nio/charset/CharsetEncoder.java, * java/nio/charset/CoderMalfunctionError.java, * java/nio/charset/CoderResult.java, * java/nio/charset/CodingErrorAction.java, * java/nio/charset/IllegalCharsetNameException.java, * java/nio/charset/MalformedInputException.java, * java/nio/charset/UnmappableCharacterException.java, * java/nio/charset/UnsupportedCharsetException.java, * java/rmi/AccessException.java, * java/rmi/AlreadyBoundException.java, * java/rmi/MarshalledObject.java, * java/rmi/Naming.java, * java/rmi/NoSuchObjectException.java, * java/rmi/NotBoundException.java, * java/rmi/RMISecurityException.java, * java/rmi/RMISecurityManager.java, * java/rmi/Remote.java, * java/rmi/RemoteException.java, * java/rmi/StubNotFoundException.java, * java/rmi/UnknownHostException.java, * java/rmi/activation/Activatable.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationDesc.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroup.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupDesc.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationGroupID.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationID.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationInstantiator.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationMonitor.java, * java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem.java, * java/rmi/activation/Activator.java, * java/rmi/activation/UnknownGroupException.java, * java/rmi/dgc/DGC.java, * java/rmi/dgc/Lease.java, * java/rmi/dgc/VMID.java, * java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry.java, * java/rmi/registry/Registry.java, * java/rmi/registry/RegistryHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/LoaderHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/LogStream.java, * java/rmi/server/ObjID.java, * java/rmi/server/Operation.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIClassLoader.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIClientSocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIFailureHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/RMIServerSocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RMISocketFactory.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteCall.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteObject.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteObjectInvocationHandler.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteRef.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteServer.java, * java/rmi/server/RemoteStub.java, * java/rmi/server/ServerRef.java, * java/rmi/server/Skeleton.java, * java/rmi/server/UID.java, * java/rmi/server/UnicastRemoteObject.java, * java/rmi/server/Unreferenced.java, * java/security/AccessControlContext.java, * java/security/AccessController.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameterGenerator.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParameters.java, * java/security/AlgorithmParametersSpi.java, * java/security/CodeSource.java, * java/security/DigestInputStream.java, * java/security/DigestOutputStream.java, * java/security/GeneralSecurityException.java, * java/security/Identity.java, * java/security/IdentityScope.java, * java/security/KeyFactory.java, * java/security/KeyFactorySpi.java, * java/security/KeyPairGenerator.java, * java/security/KeyPairGeneratorSpi.java, * java/security/KeyStore.java, * java/security/KeyStoreSpi.java, * java/security/MessageDigest.java, * java/security/MessageDigestSpi.java, * java/security/Permission.java, * java/security/Permissions.java, * java/security/Policy.java, * java/security/ProtectionDomain.java, * java/security/Provider.java, * java/security/ProviderException.java, * java/security/SecureClassLoader.java, * java/security/SecureRandom.java, * java/security/SecureRandomSpi.java, * java/security/Security.java, * java/security/Signature.java, * java/security/SignatureSpi.java, * java/security/SignedObject.java, * java/security/Signer.java, * java/security/acl/Acl.java, * java/security/acl/AclEntry.java, * java/security/acl/Group.java, * java/security/acl/Owner.java, * java/security/cert/CRL.java, * java/security/cert/CRLSelector.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathBuilderResult.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidator.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorResult.java, * java/security/cert/CertPathValidatorSpi.java, * java/security/cert/CertSelector.java, * java/security/cert/CertStore.java, * java/security/cert/CertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/CertStoreSpi.java, * java/security/cert/Certificate.java, * java/security/cert/CertificateFactory.java, * java/security/cert/CertificateFactorySpi.java, * java/security/cert/CollectionCertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/LDAPCertStoreParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXBuilderParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathBuilderResult.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathChecker.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXCertPathValidatorResult.java, * java/security/cert/PKIXParameters.java, * java/security/cert/PolicyNode.java, * java/security/cert/PolicyQualifierInfo.java, * java/security/cert/X509CRL.java, * java/security/cert/X509CRLEntry.java, * java/security/cert/X509CertSelector.java, * java/security/cert/X509Certificate.java, * java/security/cert/X509Extension.java, * java/security/spec/AlgorithmParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAPrivateKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/DSAPublicKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/InvalidParameterSpecException.java, * java/security/spec/KeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/PSSParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAOtherPrimeInfo.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPrivateKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.java, * java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.java, * java/sql/Array.java, * java/sql/BatchUpdateException.java, * java/sql/Blob.java, * java/sql/CallableStatement.java, * java/sql/Clob.java, * java/sql/Connection.java, * java/sql/DataTruncation.java, * java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.java, * java/sql/Date.java, * java/sql/Driver.java, * java/sql/DriverManager.java, * java/sql/DriverPropertyInfo.java, * java/sql/ParameterMetaData.java, * java/sql/PreparedStatement.java, * java/sql/Ref.java, * java/sql/ResultSet.java, * java/sql/ResultSetMetaData.java, * java/sql/SQLData.java, * java/sql/SQLException.java, * java/sql/SQLInput.java, * java/sql/SQLOutput.java, * java/sql/SQLPermission.java, * java/sql/SQLWarning.java, * java/sql/Savepoint.java, * java/sql/Statement.java, * java/sql/Struct.java, * java/sql/Time.java, * java/sql/Timestamp.java, * java/sql/Types.java, * java/text/Annotation.java, * java/text/AttributedCharacterIterator.java, * java/text/AttributedString.java, * java/text/AttributedStringIterator.java, * java/text/Bidi.java, * java/text/BreakIterator.java, * java/text/CharacterIterator.java, * java/text/ChoiceFormat.java, * java/text/CollationElementIterator.java, * java/text/CollationKey.java, * java/text/Collator.java, * java/text/DateFormat.java, * java/text/DateFormatSymbols.java, * java/text/DecimalFormat.java, * java/text/DecimalFormatSymbols.java, * java/text/FieldPosition.java, * java/text/Format.java, * java/text/MessageFormat.java, * java/text/NumberFormat.java, * java/text/ParsePosition.java, * java/text/RuleBasedCollator.java, * java/text/SimpleDateFormat.java, * java/text/StringCharacterIterator.java, * java/text/spi/DateFormatProvider.java, * java/text/spi/NumberFormatProvider.java, * java/util/AbstractCollection.java, * java/util/AbstractList.java, * java/util/AbstractMap.java, * java/util/AbstractSet.java, * java/util/ArrayList.java, * java/util/Arrays.java, * java/util/BitSet.java, * java/util/Calendar.java, * java/util/Collections.java, * java/util/Currency.java, * java/util/Date.java, * java/util/Dictionary.java, * java/util/DuplicateFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/EnumMap.java, * java/util/EnumSet.java, * java/util/FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.java, * java/util/Formattable.java, * java/util/FormattableFlags.java, * java/util/Formatter.java, * java/util/FormatterClosedException.java, * java/util/GregorianCalendar.java, * java/util/HashMap.java, * java/util/Hashtable.java, * java/util/IdentityHashMap.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatCodePointException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatConversionException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatPrecisionException.java, * java/util/IllegalFormatWidthException.java, * java/util/InputMismatchException.java, * java/util/LinkedHashMap.java, * java/util/LinkedHashSet.java, * java/util/LinkedList.java, * java/util/List.java, * java/util/Locale.java, * java/util/Map.java, * java/util/MissingFormatArgumentException.java, * java/util/MissingFormatWidthException.java, * java/util/PriorityQueue.java, * java/util/Properties.java, * java/util/PropertyPermission.java, * java/util/PropertyPermissionCollection.java, * java/util/Random.java, * java/util/ResourceBundle.java, * java/util/ServiceConfigurationError.java, * java/util/ServiceLoader.java, * java/util/SimpleTimeZone.java, * java/util/StringTokenizer.java, * java/util/TimeZone.java, * java/util/Timer.java, * java/util/TreeMap.java, * java/util/TreeSet.java, * java/util/UUID.java, * java/util/UnknownFormatConversionException.java, * java/util/UnknownFormatFlagsException.java, * java/util/Vector.java, * java/util/WeakHashMap.java, * java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList.java, * java/util/jar/Attributes.java, * java/util/jar/JarEntry.java, * java/util/jar/JarFile.java, * java/util/jar/JarInputStream.java, * java/util/jar/JarOutputStream.java, * java/util/jar/Manifest.java, * java/util/logging/ConsoleHandler.java, * java/util/logging/ErrorManager.java, * java/util/logging/FileHandler.java, * java/util/logging/Formatter.java, * java/util/logging/Handler.java, * java/util/logging/Level.java, * java/util/logging/LogManager.java, * java/util/logging/LogRecord.java, * java/util/logging/Logger.java, * java/util/logging/LoggingMXBean.java, * java/util/logging/LoggingPermission.java, * java/util/logging/MemoryHandler.java, * java/util/logging/SocketHandler.java, * java/util/logging/StreamHandler.java, * java/util/logging/XMLFormatter.java, * java/util/prefs/AbstractPreferences.java, * java/util/prefs/NodeChangeEvent.java, * java/util/prefs/NodeChangeListener.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeEvent.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeListener.java, * java/util/prefs/Preferences.java, * java/util/prefs/PreferencesFactory.java, * java/util/regex/MatchResult.java, * java/util/regex/Pattern.java, * java/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException.java, * java/util/spi/LocaleNameProvider.java, * java/util/spi/TimeZoneNameProvider.java, * java/util/zip/Adler32.java, * java/util/zip/CRC32.java, * java/util/zip/CheckedInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/CheckedOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/Deflater.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterEngine.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterHuffman.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/DeflaterPending.java, * java/util/zip/GZIPInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/GZIPOutputStream.java, * java/util/zip/Inflater.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterDynHeader.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterHuffmanTree.java, * java/util/zip/InflaterInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/OutputWindow.java, * java/util/zip/PendingBuffer.java, * java/util/zip/StreamManipulator.java, * java/util/zip/ZipConstants.java, * java/util/zip/ZipEntry.java, * java/util/zip/ZipFile.java, * java/util/zip/ZipInputStream.java, * java/util/zip/ZipOutputStream.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleExtendedText.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleRelation.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleRole.java, * javax/accessibility/AccessibleState.java, * javax/activation/ActivationDataFlavor.java, * javax/activation/CommandInfo.java, * javax/activation/CommandMap.java, * javax/activation/CommandObject.java, * javax/activation/DataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/DataContentHandlerFactory.java, * javax/activation/DataHandler.java, * javax/activation/DataHandlerDataSource.java, * javax/activation/DataSource.java, * javax/activation/DataSourceDataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/FileDataSource.java, * javax/activation/FileTypeMap.java, * javax/activation/MailcapCommandMap.java, * javax/activation/MimeType.java, * javax/activation/MimeTypeParameterList.java, * javax/activation/MimeTypeParseException.java, * javax/activation/MimetypesFileTypeMap.java, * javax/activation/ObjectDataContentHandler.java, * javax/activation/URLDataSource.java, * javax/activation/UnsupportedDataTypeException.java, * javax/crypto/Cipher.java, * javax/crypto/CipherOutputStream.java, * javax/crypto/ExemptionMechanism.java, * javax/crypto/KeyAgreement.java, * javax/crypto/KeyGenerator.java, * javax/crypto/Mac.java, * javax/crypto/MacSpi.java, * javax/crypto/SecretKeyFactory.java, * javax/crypto/spec/PBEKeySpec.java, * javax/imageio/IIOImage.java, * javax/imageio/IIOParam.java, * javax/imageio/IIOParamController.java, * javax/imageio/ImageIO.java, * javax/imageio/ImageReadParam.java, * javax/imageio/ImageReader.java, * javax/imageio/ImageTranscoder.java, * javax/imageio/ImageTypeSpecifier.java, * javax/imageio/ImageWriteParam.java, * javax/imageio/ImageWriter.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOReadProgressListener.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOReadUpdateListener.java, * javax/imageio/event/IIOWriteProgressListener.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOInvalidTreeException.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadata.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataFormatImpl.java, * javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataNode.java, * javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/BMPImageWriteParam.java, * javax/imageio/plugins/jpeg/JPEGHuffmanTable.java, * javax/imageio/spi/IIORegistry.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ImageReaderSpi.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ImageWriterSpi.java, * javax/imageio/spi/RegisterableService.java, * javax/imageio/spi/ServiceRegistry.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileCacheImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileCacheImageOutputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/FileImageOutputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageInputStreamImpl.java, * javax/imageio/stream/ImageOutputStreamImpl.java, * javax/imageio/stream/MemoryCacheImageInputStream.java, * javax/imageio/stream/MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.java, * javax/management/Attribute.java, * javax/management/AttributeChangeNotification.java, * javax/management/AttributeChangeNotificationFilter.java, * javax/management/AttributeList.java, * javax/management/AttributeNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/AttributeValueExp.java, * javax/management/BadAttributeValueExpException.java, * javax/management/BadBinaryOpValueExpException.java, * javax/management/BadStringOperationException.java, * javax/management/DefaultLoaderRepository.java, * javax/management/Descriptor.java, * javax/management/DynamicMBean.java, * javax/management/InstanceAlreadyExistsException.java, * javax/management/InstanceNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/IntrospectionException.java, * javax/management/InvalidApplicationException.java, * javax/management/InvalidAttributeValueException.java, * javax/management/JMException.java, * javax/management/JMRuntimeException.java, * javax/management/JMX.java, * javax/management/ListenerNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/MBeanAttributeInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanConstructorInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanException.java, * javax/management/MBeanFeatureInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanNotificationInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanOperationInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanParameterInfo.java, * javax/management/MBeanPermission.java, * javax/management/MBeanRegistrationException.java, * javax/management/MBeanServer.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerBuilder.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerConnection.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerDelegate.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerFactory.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerNotification.java, * javax/management/MBeanServerPermission.java, * javax/management/MBeanTrustPermission.java, * javax/management/MalformedObjectNameException.java, * javax/management/NotCompliantMBeanException.java, * javax/management/Notification.java, * javax/management/NotificationBroadcaster.java, * javax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java, * javax/management/NotificationEmitter.java, * javax/management/NotificationFilter.java, * javax/management/NotificationFilterSupport.java, * javax/management/NotificationListener.java, * javax/management/ObjectInstance.java, * javax/management/ObjectName.java, * javax/management/OperationsException.java, * javax/management/PersistentMBean.java, * javax/management/Query.java, * javax/management/QueryEval.java, * javax/management/QueryExp.java, * javax/management/ReflectionException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeErrorException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeMBeanException.java, * javax/management/RuntimeOperationsException.java, * javax/management/ServiceNotFoundException.java, * javax/management/StandardMBean.java, * javax/management/StringValueExp.java, * javax/management/ValueExp.java, * javax/management/loading/ClassLoaderRepository.java, * javax/management/openmbean/ArrayType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeData.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeDataInvocationHandler.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeDataSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/CompositeType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/InvalidKeyException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/InvalidOpenTypeException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/KeyAlreadyExistsException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenDataException.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanConstructorInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanOperationInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfo.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/OpenType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/SimpleType.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularData.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularDataSupport.java, * javax/management/openmbean/TabularType.java, * javax/management/remote/NotificationResult.java, * javax/management/remote/TargetedNotification.java, * javax/management/remote/rmi/RMIConnection.java, * javax/naming/AuthenticationException.java, * javax/naming/AuthenticationNotSupportedException.java, * javax/naming/BinaryRefAddr.java, * javax/naming/Binding.java, * javax/naming/CannotProceedException.java, * javax/naming/CommunicationException.java, * javax/naming/CompositeName.java, * javax/naming/CompoundName.java, * javax/naming/ConfigurationException.java, * javax/naming/Context.java, * javax/naming/ContextNotEmptyException.java, * javax/naming/InitialContext.java, * javax/naming/InsufficientResourcesException.java, * javax/naming/InterruptedNamingException.java, * javax/naming/InvalidNameException.java, * javax/naming/LimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/LinkException.java, * javax/naming/LinkLoopException.java, * javax/naming/MalformedLinkException.java, * javax/naming/Name.java, * javax/naming/NameAlreadyBoundException.java, * javax/naming/NameClassPair.java, * javax/naming/NameNotFoundException.java, * javax/naming/NameParser.java, * javax/naming/NamingEnumeration.java, * javax/naming/NamingException.java, * javax/naming/NamingSecurityException.java, * javax/naming/NoInitialContextException.java, * javax/naming/NoPermissionException.java, * javax/naming/NotContextException.java, * javax/naming/PartialResultException.java, * javax/naming/RefAddr.java, * javax/naming/Reference.java, * javax/naming/Referenceable.java, * javax/naming/ReferralException.java, * javax/naming/ServiceUnavailableException.java, * javax/naming/SizeLimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/StringRefAddr.java, * javax/naming/TimeLimitExceededException.java, * javax/naming/directory/AttributeInUseException.java, * javax/naming/directory/Attributes.java, * javax/naming/directory/BasicAttribute.java, * javax/naming/directory/BasicAttributes.java, * javax/naming/directory/InitialDirContext.java, * javax/naming/directory/ModificationItem.java, * javax/naming/directory/SearchControls.java, * javax/naming/directory/SearchResult.java, * javax/naming/event/EventContext.java, * javax/naming/event/NamespaceChangeListener.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingEvent.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingExceptionEvent.java, * javax/naming/event/NamingListener.java, * javax/naming/event/ObjectChangeListener.java, * javax/naming/ldap/Control.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ControlFactory.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ExtendedRequest.java, * javax/naming/ldap/ExtendedResponse.java, * javax/naming/ldap/HasControls.java, * javax/naming/ldap/InitialLdapContext.java, * javax/naming/ldap/LdapContext.java, * javax/naming/ldap/LdapReferralException.java, * javax/naming/ldap/StartTlsRequest.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotification.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationEvent.java, * javax/naming/ldap/UnsolicitedNotificationListener.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirObjectFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirStateFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/DirectoryManager.java, * javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/InitialContextFactoryBuilder.java, * javax/naming/spi/NamingManager.java, * javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactory.java, * javax/naming/spi/ObjectFactoryBuilder.java, * javax/naming/spi/ResolveResult.java, * javax/naming/spi/Resolver.java, * javax/naming/spi/StateFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/CertPathTrustManagerParameters.java, * javax/net/ssl/KeyManagerFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/KeyStoreBuilderParameters.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLContext.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLEngineResult.java, * javax/net/ssl/SSLException.java, * javax/net/ssl/TrustManagerFactory.java, * javax/net/ssl/X509ExtendedKeyManager.java, * javax/print/AttributeException.java, * javax/print/CancelablePrintJob.java, * javax/print/Doc.java, * javax/print/DocFlavor.java, * javax/print/DocPrintJob.java, * javax/print/FlavorException.java, * javax/print/MultiDoc.java, * javax/print/MultiDocPrintJob.java, * javax/print/MultiDocPrintService.java, * javax/print/PrintException.java, * javax/print/PrintService.java, * javax/print/PrintServiceLookup.java, * javax/print/ServiceUI.java, * javax/print/ServiceUIFactory.java, * javax/print/SimpleDoc.java, * javax/print/StreamPrintService.java, * javax/print/StreamPrintServiceFactory.java, * javax/print/URIException.java, * javax/print/attribute/Attribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/AttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/AttributeSetUtilities.java, * javax/print/attribute/DateTimeSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/DocAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/DocAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/EnumSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashDocAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintJobAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintRequestAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/HashPrintServiceAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/IntegerSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintJobAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintRequestAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/PrintServiceAttributeSet.java, * javax/print/attribute/ResolutionSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/SetOfIntegerSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/Size2DSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/SupportedValuesAttribute.java, * javax/print/attribute/TextSyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/URISyntax.java, * javax/print/attribute/UnmodifiableSetException.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Chromaticity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/ColorSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Compression.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Copies.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/CopiesSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtCreation.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DateTimeAtProcessing.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Destination.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/DocumentName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Fidelity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Finishings.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobHoldUntil.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressions.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobImpressionsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsProcessed.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobKOctetsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsCompleted.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMediaSheetsSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobMessageFromOperator.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobOriginatingUserName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPriority.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobPrioritySupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobSheets.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobState.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReason.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/JobStateReasons.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Media.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaPrintableArea.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSize.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaSizeName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MediaTray.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/MultipleDocumentHandling.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfDocuments.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberOfInterveningJobs.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUp.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/NumberUpSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/OrientationRequested.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/OutputDeviceAssigned.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PDLOverrideSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PageRanges.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinute.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PagesPerMinuteColor.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PresentationDirection.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrintQuality.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterInfo.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterLocation.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMakeAndModel.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMessageFromOperator.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfo.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterResolution.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterState.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReason.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterStateReasons.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/PrinterURI.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/QueuedJobCount.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/ReferenceUriSchemesSupported.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/RequestingUserName.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Severity.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/SheetCollate.java, * javax/print/attribute/standard/Sides.java, * javax/print/event/PrintEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAdapter.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobAttributeListener.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintJobListener.java, * javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeEvent.java, * javax/print/event/PrintServiceAttributeListener.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/ClassDesc.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/PortableRemoteObjectDelegate.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/Stub.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/StubDelegate.java, * javax/rmi/CORBA/Tie.java, * 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javax/security/auth/login/LoginContext.java, * javax/security/sasl/Sasl.java, * javax/sound/midi/ControllerEventListener.java, * javax/sound/midi/Instrument.java, * javax/sound/midi/InvalidMidiDataException.java, * javax/sound/midi/MetaEventListener.java, * javax/sound/midi/MetaMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiChannel.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiDevice.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiEvent.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiFileFormat.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem.java, * javax/sound/midi/MidiUnavailableException.java, * javax/sound/midi/Patch.java, * javax/sound/midi/Receiver.java, * javax/sound/midi/Sequence.java, * javax/sound/midi/Sequencer.java, * javax/sound/midi/ShortMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/Soundbank.java, * javax/sound/midi/SoundbankResource.java, * javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer.java, * javax/sound/midi/SysexMessage.java, * javax/sound/midi/Track.java, * javax/sound/midi/Transmitter.java, * javax/sound/midi/VoiceStatus.java, * 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javax/swing/tree/TreePath.java, * javax/swing/tree/TreeSelectionModel.java, * javax/swing/tree/VariableHeightLayoutCache.java, * javax/swing/undo/AbstractUndoableEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/CompoundEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/StateEdit.java, * javax/swing/undo/UndoManager.java, * javax/swing/undo/UndoableEdit.java, * javax/tools/FileObject.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicCommitException.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicMixedException.java, * javax/transaction/HeuristicRollbackException.java, * javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException.java, * javax/transaction/NotSupportedException.java, * javax/transaction/RollbackException.java, * javax/transaction/Status.java, * javax/transaction/Synchronization.java, * javax/transaction/SystemException.java, * javax/transaction/Transaction.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionManager.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException.java, * javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException.java, * javax/transaction/UserTransaction.java, * javax/transaction/xa/XAException.java, * javax/transaction/xa/XAResource.java, * javax/transaction/xa/Xid.java, * javax/xml/XMLConstants.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeConstants.java, * javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeFactory.java, * javax/xml/datatype/Duration.java, * javax/xml/datatype/XMLGregorianCalendar.java, * javax/xml/namespace/NamespaceContext.java, * javax/xml/namespace/QName.java, * javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder.java, * javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilderFactory.java, * javax/xml/parsers/FactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/parsers/ParserConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/parsers/SAXParser.java, * javax/xml/parsers/SAXParserFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/EventFilter.java, * javax/xml/stream/FactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/stream/Location.java, * javax/xml/stream/StreamFilter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventReader.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLEventWriter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLInputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLOutputFactory.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLReporter.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLResolver.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamConstants.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamReader.java, * javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriter.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Attribute.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Characters.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Comment.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/DTD.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EndDocument.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EndElement.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EntityDeclaration.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/EntityReference.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/Namespace.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/NotationDeclaration.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/ProcessingInstruction.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/StartDocument.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/StartElement.java, * javax/xml/stream/events/XMLEvent.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/EventReaderDelegate.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/StreamReaderDelegate.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventAllocator.java, * javax/xml/stream/util/XMLEventConsumer.java, * javax/xml/transform/ErrorListener.java, * javax/xml/transform/OutputKeys.java, * javax/xml/transform/Result.java, * javax/xml/transform/Source.java, * javax/xml/transform/SourceLocator.java, * javax/xml/transform/Templates.java, * javax/xml/transform/Transformer.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerException.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactory.java, * javax/xml/transform/TransformerFactoryConfigurationError.java, * javax/xml/transform/URIResolver.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMLocator.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/dom/DOMSource.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXSource.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/SAXTransformerFactory.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/TemplatesHandler.java, * javax/xml/transform/sax/TransformerHandler.java, * javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamResult.java, * javax/xml/transform/stream/StreamSource.java, * javax/xml/validation/Schema.java, * javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactory.java, * javax/xml/validation/SchemaFactoryLoader.java, * javax/xml/validation/TypeInfoProvider.java, * javax/xml/validation/Validator.java, * javax/xml/validation/ValidatorHandler.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPath.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathConstants.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpression.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathExpressionException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactory.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFactoryConfigurationException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunction.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionException.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathFunctionResolver.java, * javax/xml/xpath/XPathVariableResolver.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_IN.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_INOUT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ARG_OUT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/AnySeqHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_CONTEXT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_INV_ORDER.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_OPERATION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_PARAM.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_TYPE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_POLICY_VALUE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/BAD_TYPECODE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CompletionStatus.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CompletionStatusHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Context.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Current.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CurrentHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CustomMarshal.java, * org/omg/CORBA/CustomValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DATA_CONVERSION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DataInputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DataOutputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DefinitionKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DefinitionKindHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/DynamicImplementation.java, * org/omg/CORBA/FREE_MEM.java, * org/omg/CORBA/FieldNameHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IDLTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IMP_LIMIT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INITIALIZE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INTERNAL.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INTF_REPOS.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INVALID_TRANSACTION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_FLAG.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_IDENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_OBJREF.java, * org/omg/CORBA/INV_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IRObject.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IRObjectOperations.java, * org/omg/CORBA/IdentifierHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/LocalObject.java, * org/omg/CORBA/LongSeqHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/MARSHAL.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_IMPLEMENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_MEMORY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_PERMISSION.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESOURCES.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NO_RESPONSE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/NVList.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OBJ_ADAPTER.java, * org/omg/CORBA/OMGVMCID.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ORB.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ObjectHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PERSIST_STORE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ParameterMode.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ParameterModeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorCodeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyErrorHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyListHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/CORBA/PolicyTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/RepositoryIdHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/Request.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ServiceDetailHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ServiceInformationHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/SetOverrideTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StringValueHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StructMember.java, * org/omg/CORBA/StructMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/SystemException.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TCKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSACTION_REQUIRED.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TRANSIENT.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCode.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/BadKind.java, * org/omg/CORBA/TypeCodePackage/Bounds.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UNSUPPORTED_POLICY.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UNSUPPORTED_POLICY_VALUE.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnionMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserException.java, * org/omg/CORBA/UnknownUserExceptionHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueBaseHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/ValueMemberHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/VersionSpecHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/VisibilityHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WStringValueHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHelper.java, * org/omg/CORBA/WrongTransactionHolder.java, * org/omg/CORBA/_IDLTypeStub.java, * org/omg/CORBA/_PolicyStub.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/CustomValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/ObjectImpl.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/StreamableValue.java, * org/omg/CORBA/portable/ValueBase.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/ORB.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/InputStream.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/ObjectImpl.java, * org/omg/CORBA_2_3/portable/OutputStream.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIterator.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorOperations.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingIteratorPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingType.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/BindingTypeHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/IstringHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NameComponentHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NameHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContext.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextExtPackage/InvalidAddress.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPOA.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/AlreadyBound.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceed.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/CannotProceedHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidName.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/InvalidNameHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotEmptyHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFound.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReason.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHelper.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/NamingContextPackage/NotFoundReasonHolder.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorImplBase.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_BindingIteratorStub.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextExtStub.java, * org/omg/CosNaming/_NamingContextStub.java, * org/omg/Dynamic/Parameter.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/AnySeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAny.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCode.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyFactoryPackage/InconsistentTypeCodeHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValue.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/InvalidValueHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatch.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnyPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynAnySeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynArrayHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynEnumHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynFixedHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynSequenceHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynStructHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynUnionHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueBox.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueCommonOperations.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/FieldNameHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameDynAnyPairSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePair.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/NameValuePairSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyFactoryStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynAnyStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynArrayStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynEnumStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynFixedStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynSequenceStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynStructStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynUnionStub.java, * org/omg/DynamicAny/_DynValueStub.java, * org/omg/IOP/Codec.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactory.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryOperations.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecFactoryPackage/UnknownEncodingHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecOperations.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatch.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/InvalidTypeForEncodingHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatch.java, * org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatchHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ComponentIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/Encoding.java, * org/omg/IOP/IOR.java, * org/omg/IOP/IORHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/IORHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/MultipleComponentProfileHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ProfileIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContext.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceContextListHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/ServiceIdHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponent.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedComponentHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfile.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHelper.java, * org/omg/IOP/TaggedProfileHolder.java, * org/omg/IOP/TransactionService.java, * org/omg/Messaging/SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT.java, * org/omg/Messaging/SyncScopeHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterManagerIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/AdapterStateHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ClientRequestInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Current.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/CurrentOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ForwardRequest.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Helper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Holder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/IORInterceptor_3_0Operations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/Interceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlot.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/InvalidSlotHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/LOCATION_FORWARD.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/DuplicateName.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/DuplicateNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidName.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/InvalidNameHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitInfoPackage/ObjectIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializer.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ORBInitializerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactory.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceFactoryHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplate.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ObjectReferenceTemplateSeqHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactory.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/PolicyFactoryOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SUCCESSFUL.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerIdHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfo.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfoOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptor.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInterceptorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/TRANSPORT_RETRY.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/USER_EXCEPTION.java, * org/omg/PortableInterceptor/_IORInterceptor_3_0Stub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/AdapterActivatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/Current.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContext.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/CurrentPackage/NoContextHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/DynamicImplementation.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequest.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ForwardRequestHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ID_ASSIGNMENT_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ID_UNIQUENESS_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IMPLICIT_ACTIVATION_POLICY_ID.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdAssignmentPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/IdUniquenessPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ImplicitActivationPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/LifespanPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManager.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/State.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExists.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterAlreadyExistsHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistent.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/AdapterNonExistentHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/InvalidPolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServant.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/NoServantHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectAlreadyActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ObjectNotActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantAlreadyActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActive.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/ServantNotActiveHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapter.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongAdapterHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/POAPackage/WrongPolicyHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/RequestProcessingPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/Servant.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantActivatorPOA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocator.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorHelper.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorPOA.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantLocatorPackage/CookieHolder.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManager.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantManagerOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ServantRetentionPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicy.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyOperations.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/ThreadPolicyValue.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantActivatorStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/_ServantLocatorStub.java, * org/omg/PortableServer/portable/Delegate.java, * org/omg/SendingContext/RunTime.java, * org/omg/SendingContext/RunTimeOperations.java, * sun/misc/Service.java, * sun/misc/ServiceConfigurationError.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationParser.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/AnnotationType.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/EnumConstantNotPresentExceptionProxy.java, * sun/reflect/annotation/ExceptionProxy.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ClassDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ConstructorDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Doc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/DocErrorReporter.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Doclet.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ExecutableMemberDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/FieldDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/MemberDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/MethodDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/PackageDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ParamTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Parameter.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ProgramElementDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/RootDoc.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/SeeTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/SerialFieldTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Tag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/ThrowsTag.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/Type.java, * tools/com/sun/javadoc/TypeVariable.java, * tools/com/sun/tools/javadoc/Main.java, * tools/com/sun/tools/javah/Main.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/AnnotationVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/AnnotationWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Attribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ByteVector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassReader.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/ClassWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Edge.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/FieldVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/FieldWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Handler.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Item.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Label.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/MethodWriter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Opcodes.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/Type.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapAttribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapFrame.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapTableAttribute.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/attrs/StackMapType.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/AdviceAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/EmptyVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/GeneratorAdapter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/LocalVariablesSorter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/Method.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/SerialVersionUIDAdder.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/StaticInitMerger.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/commons/TableSwitchGenerator.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/AnnotationConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ClassConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ClassOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/Constant.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/ConstantPool.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/FieldConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/JarOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/MethodConstantsCollector.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/MethodOptimizer.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/optimizer/NameMapping.java, * 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tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicInterpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicValue.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/BasicVerifier.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/DataflowInterpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/DataflowValue.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Frame.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/IntMap.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Interpreter.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/SimpleVerifier.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/SmallSet.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Subroutine.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/tree/analysis/Value.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/util/ASMifierAbstractVisitor.java, * tools/external/asm/org/objectweb/asm/util/ASMifierAnnotationVisitor.java, * 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tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputEvent.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/MalformedInputListener.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/NotifyingInputStreamReader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/StringToolkit.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/AppletSecurityManager.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/AppletTag.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/CommonAppletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/CommonAppletStub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/PluginAppletViewer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/PluginAppletWindow.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/StandaloneAppletViewer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/StandaloneAppletWindow.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/appletviewer/TagParser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/CallbackUtil.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/ClasspathToolParser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/Persistent.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/ProviderUtil.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/common/SecurityProviderInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/AbstractDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOption.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionColonSeparated.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFile.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionFlag.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionPackageWildcard.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/DocletOptionString.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InlineTagRenderer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/InvalidPackageWildcardException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageGroup.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/PackageMatcher.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/StandardTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/TagletPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/debugdoclet/DebugDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/CssClass.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/ExternalDocSet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlPage.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/htmldoclet/HtmlTagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/Driver1_4.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/HtmlRepairer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/TargetContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTranslet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletConfigurationException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/DocTransletOptions.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/JarClassLoader.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/doclets/xmldoclet/doctranslet/OutputFileInfo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/FileArgumentCallback.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/Option.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/OptionGroup.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/getopt/Parser.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/AbstractTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ArrayCharacterIterator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocProxy.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ClassDocReflectedImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ConstructorDocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Debug.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DirectoryTree.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/DocImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ErrorReporter.java, * 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tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SerialFieldTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/SourcePositionImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagContainer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TemporaryStore.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TextTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ThrowsTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/Timer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TimerDoclet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/TypeVariableImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/ValueTagImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/WritableType.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AdditionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/AndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryBitwiseExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/BinaryComputationExpression.java, * 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* tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LessThanOrEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalAndExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalNotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/LogicalOrExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ModuloExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/MultiplicationExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NegateExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotEqualExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/NotExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftLeftExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/ShiftRightExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/SubtractionExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/Type.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/TypeCastExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnaryExpression.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/gjdoc/expr/UnknownIdentifierException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Creator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Indexer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jar/Updater.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/JarVerifier.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/jarsigner/SFHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/java2xhtml/Java2xhtml.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/ClassWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/CniPrintStream.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/GcjhMain.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniIncludePrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/JniStubPrinter.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Keywords.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/javah/MethodHelper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/CACertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/CertReqCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/Command.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/DeleteCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ExportCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/GenKeyCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/IdentityDBCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ImportCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/KeyCloneCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/KeyPasswdCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/ListCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/PrintCertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/SelfCertCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/keytool/StorePasswdCmd.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentContextMap.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/orbd/PersistentMap.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/AbstractMethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/ClassRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/CompilationError.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Generator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/GiopIo.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/HashFinder.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/MethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RMICException.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmiMethodGenerator.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/RmicBackend.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceGiopRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/SourceRmicCompiler.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/Variables.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmic/WrapUnWrapper.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/ActivationSystemImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/ActivationSystemImpl_Stub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmid/PersistentBidiHashTable.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/Main.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/PersistentHashTable.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl_Skel.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/rmiregistry/RegistryImpl_Stub.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/serialver/SerialVer.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/AuthorTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CodeTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/CopyrightTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/DeprecatedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GenericTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/GnuExtendedTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/SinceTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/TagletContext.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/ValueTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/taglets/VersionTaglet.java, * tools/gnu/classpath/tools/tnameserv/Main.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMFrame.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMIdManager.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMMethod.java, * vm/reference/gnu/classpath/jdwp/VMVirtualMachine.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/VMCPStringBuilder.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/VMInstrumentationImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMClassLoadingMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMCompilationMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMGarbageCollectorMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryManagerMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMMemoryPoolMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/lang/management/VMThreadMXBeanImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/net/VMPlainDatagramSocketImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/net/VMPlainSocketImpl.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMChannel.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMPipe.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/nio/VMSelector.java, * vm/reference/gnu/java/security/jce/prng/VMSecureRandom.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMFile.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMObjectInputStream.java, * vm/reference/java/io/VMObjectStreamClass.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMClass.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMClassLoader.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMDouble.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMFloat.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMMath.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMObject.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMProcess.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMRuntime.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMString.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMSystem.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/VMThread.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMConstructor.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMField.java, * vm/reference/java/lang/reflect/VMMethod.java, * vm/reference/java/net/VMNetworkInterface.java, * vm/reference/java/nio/channels/VMChannels.java, * vm/reference/java/security/VMAccessController.java, * vm/reference/java/security/VMSecureRandom.java, * vm/reference/java/util/VMTimeZone.java, * vm/reference/sun/misc/Unsafe.java, * vm/reference/sun/reflect/Reflection.java, * vm/reference/sun/reflect/misc/ReflectUtil.java: Normalise whitespace. From-SVN: r168680
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/java/io')
62 files changed, 4061 insertions, 4084 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedInputStream.java
index 6fb0246..7013b09 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedInputStream.java
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
/* Written using "Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition, ISBN 0-201-31002-3
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ package java.io;
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct.
- * This subclass of <code>FilterInputStream</code> buffers input from an
+ * This subclass of <code>FilterInputStream</code> buffers input from an
* underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read
- * mechanism. It maintains the buffer and buffer state in instance
+ * mechanism. It maintains the buffer and buffer state in instance
* variables that are available to subclasses. The default buffer size
* of 2048 bytes can be overridden by the creator of the stream.
* <p>
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* The value of <code>pos</code> when the <code>mark()</code> method was
- * called.
+ * called.
* This is set to -1 if there is no mark set.
protected int markpos = -1;
- * This is the maximum number of bytes than can be read after a
+ * This is the maximum number of bytes than can be read after a
* call to <code>mark()</code> before the mark can be discarded.
* After this may bytes are read, the <code>reset()</code> method
* may not be called successfully.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* stream before a read can block. A return of 0 indicates that blocking
* might (or might not) occur on the very next read attempt.
* <p>
- * The number of available bytes will be the number of read ahead bytes
+ * The number of available bytes will be the number of read ahead bytes
* stored in the internal buffer plus the number of available bytes in
* the underlying stream.
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* This method marks a position in the input to which the stream can be
* "reset" by calling the <code>reset()</code> method. The parameter
- * <code>readlimit</code> is the number of bytes that can be read from the
+ * <code>readlimit</code> is the number of bytes that can be read from the
* stream after setting the mark before the mark becomes invalid. For
* example, if <code>mark()</code> is called with a read limit of 10, then
* when 11 bytes of data are read from the stream before the
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
public synchronized int read() throws IOException
if (pos >= count && !refill())
- return -1; // EOF
+ return -1; // EOF
return buf[pos++] & 0xFF;
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
return 0;
if (pos >= count && !refill())
- return -1; // No bytes were read before EOF.
+ return -1; // No bytes were read before EOF.
int totalBytesRead = Math.min(count - pos, len);
System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, totalBytesRead);
@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
while (len > 0 && super.available() > 0 && refill())
- int remain = Math.min(count - pos, len);
- System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, remain);
- pos += remain;
- off += remain;
- len -= remain;
- totalBytesRead += remain;
+ int remain = Math.min(count - pos, len);
+ System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, remain);
+ pos += remain;
+ off += remain;
+ len -= remain;
+ totalBytesRead += remain;
return totalBytesRead;
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
while (n > 0L)
- if (pos >= count && !refill())
+ if (pos >= count && !refill())
- int numread = (int) Math.min((long) (count - pos), n);
- pos += numread;
- n -= numread;
+ int numread = (int) Math.min((long) (count - pos), n);
+ pos += numread;
+ n -= numread;
return origN - n;
@@ -351,26 +351,26 @@ public class BufferedInputStream extends FilterInputStream
if (markpos == -1 || count - markpos >= marklimit)
- markpos = -1;
- pos = count = 0;
+ markpos = -1;
+ pos = count = 0;
- byte[] newbuf = buf;
- if (markpos < bufferSize)
- {
- newbuf = new byte[count - markpos + bufferSize];
- }
- System.arraycopy(buf, markpos, newbuf, 0, count - markpos);
- buf = newbuf;
- count -= markpos;
- pos -= markpos;
- markpos = 0;
+ byte[] newbuf = buf;
+ if (markpos < bufferSize)
+ {
+ newbuf = new byte[count - markpos + bufferSize];
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(buf, markpos, newbuf, 0, count - markpos);
+ buf = newbuf;
+ count -= markpos;
+ pos -= markpos;
+ markpos = 0;
int numread = super.read(buf, count, bufferSize);
- if (numread <= 0) // EOF
+ if (numread <= 0) // EOF
return false;
count += numread;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java
index ce7ebc7..e6027ca 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedOutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
- * This method flushes any remaining buffered bytes then closes the
+ * This method flushes any remaining buffered bytes then closes the
* underlying output stream. Any further attempts to write to this stream
* may throw an exception
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
- * This method runs when the object is garbage collected. It is
+ * This method runs when the object is garbage collected. It is
* responsible for ensuring that all buffered bytes are written and
* for closing the underlying stream.
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
- * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the byte array
- * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the buffer.
+ * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the byte array
+ * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the buffer.
* These bytes will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
* write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
* underlying output stream.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
- public synchronized void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
+ public synchronized void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
// Buffer can hold everything. Note that the case where LEN < 0
@@ -188,5 +188,4 @@ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
-} // class BufferedOutputStream
+} // class BufferedOutputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedReader.java
index 3dbe80b..868fa3a 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedReader.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
- * This subclass of <code>FilterReader</code> buffers input from an
+ * This subclass of <code>FilterReader</code> buffers input from an
* underlying implementation to provide a possibly more efficient read
- * mechanism. It maintains the buffer and buffer state in instance
+ * mechanism. It maintains the buffer and buffer state in instance
* variables that are available to subclasses. The default buffer size
* of 8192 chars can be overridden by the creator of the stream.
* <p>
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
- * Create a new <code>BufferedReader</code> that will read from the
+ * Create a new <code>BufferedReader</code> that will read from the
* specified subordinate stream with a default buffer size of 8192 chars.
* @param in The subordinate stream to read from
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
- * Create a new <code>BufferedReader</code> that will read from the
- * specified subordinate stream with a buffer size that is specified by the
+ * Create a new <code>BufferedReader</code> that will read from the
+ * specified subordinate stream with a buffer size that is specified by the
* caller.
* @param in The subordinate stream to read from
@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (in != null)
- in.close();
- in = null;
- buffer = null;
+ if (in != null)
+ in.close();
+ in = null;
+ buffer = null;
- * Returns <code>true</code> to indicate that this class supports mark/reset
+ * Returns <code>true</code> to indicate that this class supports mark/reset
* functionality.
* @return <code>true</code>
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
* Mark a position in the input to which the stream can be
* "reset" by calling the <code>reset()</code> method. The parameter
- * <code>readLimit</code> is the number of chars that can be read from the
+ * <code>readLimit</code> is the number of chars that can be read from the
* stream after setting the mark before the mark becomes invalid. For
- * example, if <code>mark()</code> is called with a read limit of 10, then
- * when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
- * <code>reset()</code> method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
+ * example, if <code>mark()</code> is called with a read limit of 10, then
+ * when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
+ * <code>reset()</code> method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
* stream object instance is not required to remember the mark.
* <p>
* Note that the number of chars that can be remembered by this method
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
* not dependent on the subordinate stream supporting mark/reset
* functionality.
- * @param readLimit The number of chars that can be read before the mark
+ * @param readLimit The number of chars that can be read before the mark
* becomes invalid
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -176,45 +176,45 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- // In this method we need to be aware of the special case where
- // pos + 1 == limit. This indicates that a '\r' was the last char
- // in the buffer during a readLine. We'll want to maintain that
- // condition after we shift things around and if a larger buffer is
- // needed to track readLimit, we'll have to make it one element
- // larger to ensure we don't invalidate the mark too early, if the
- // char following the '\r' is NOT a '\n'. This is ok because, per
- // the spec, we are not required to invalidate when passing readLimit.
- //
- // Note that if 'pos > limit', then doing 'limit -= pos' will cause
- // limit to be negative. This is the only way limit will be < 0.
- if (pos + readLimit > limit)
- {
- char[] old_buffer = buffer;
- int extraBuffSpace = 0;
- if (pos > limit)
- extraBuffSpace = 1;
- if (readLimit + extraBuffSpace > limit)
- buffer = new char[readLimit + extraBuffSpace];
- limit -= pos;
- if (limit >= 0)
- {
- System.arraycopy(old_buffer, pos, buffer, 0, limit);
- pos = 0;
- }
- }
- if (limit < 0)
- {
- // Maintain the relationship of 'pos > limit'.
- pos = 1;
- limit = markPos = 0;
- }
- else
- markPos = pos;
- // Now pos + readLimit <= buffer.length. thus if we need to read
- // beyond buffer.length, then we are allowed to invalidate markPos.
+ checkStatus();
+ // In this method we need to be aware of the special case where
+ // pos + 1 == limit. This indicates that a '\r' was the last char
+ // in the buffer during a readLine. We'll want to maintain that
+ // condition after we shift things around and if a larger buffer is
+ // needed to track readLimit, we'll have to make it one element
+ // larger to ensure we don't invalidate the mark too early, if the
+ // char following the '\r' is NOT a '\n'. This is ok because, per
+ // the spec, we are not required to invalidate when passing readLimit.
+ //
+ // Note that if 'pos > limit', then doing 'limit -= pos' will cause
+ // limit to be negative. This is the only way limit will be < 0.
+ if (pos + readLimit > limit)
+ {
+ char[] old_buffer = buffer;
+ int extraBuffSpace = 0;
+ if (pos > limit)
+ extraBuffSpace = 1;
+ if (readLimit + extraBuffSpace > limit)
+ buffer = new char[readLimit + extraBuffSpace];
+ limit -= pos;
+ if (limit >= 0)
+ {
+ System.arraycopy(old_buffer, pos, buffer, 0, limit);
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (limit < 0)
+ {
+ // Maintain the relationship of 'pos > limit'.
+ pos = 1;
+ limit = markPos = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ markPos = pos;
+ // Now pos + readLimit <= buffer.length. thus if we need to read
+ // beyond buffer.length, then we are allowed to invalidate markPos.
@@ -233,20 +233,20 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- if (markPos < 0)
- throw new IOException("mark never set or invalidated");
- // Need to handle the extremely unlikely case where a readLine was
- // done with a '\r' as the last char in the buffer; which was then
- // immediately followed by a mark and a reset with NO intervening
- // read of any sort. In that case, setting pos to markPos would
- // lose that info and a subsequent read would thus not skip a '\n'
- // (if one exists). The value of limit in this rare case is zero.
- // We can assume that if limit is zero for other reasons, then
- // pos is already set to zero and doesn't need to be readjusted.
- if (limit > 0)
- pos = markPos;
+ checkStatus();
+ if (markPos < 0)
+ throw new IOException("mark never set or invalidated");
+ // Need to handle the extremely unlikely case where a readLine was
+ // done with a '\r' as the last char in the buffer; which was then
+ // immediately followed by a mark and a reset with NO intervening
+ // read of any sort. In that case, setting pos to markPos would
+ // lose that info and a subsequent read would thus not skip a '\n'
+ // (if one exists). The value of limit in this rare case is zero.
+ // We can assume that if limit is zero for other reasons, then
+ // pos is already set to zero and doesn't need to be readjusted.
+ if (limit > 0)
+ pos = markPos;
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
* this method returns <code>false</code> then this stream could (but is
* not guaranteed to) block on the next read attempt.
- * @return <code>true</code> if this stream is ready to be read,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if this stream is ready to be read,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- return pos < limit || in.ready();
+ checkStatus();
+ return pos < limit || in.ready();
* This method read chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
- * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index
+ * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index
* <code>offset</code> into
* the buffer and attempts to read <code>len</code> chars. This method can
* return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual number
@@ -297,53 +297,53 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- // Once again, we need to handle the special case of a readLine
- // that has a '\r' at the end of the buffer. In this case, we'll
- // need to skip a '\n' if it is the next char to be read.
- // This special case is indicated by 'pos > limit'.
- boolean retAtEndOfBuffer = false;
- int avail = limit - pos;
- if (count > avail)
- {
- if (avail > 0)
- count = avail;
- else // pos >= limit
- {
- if (limit == buffer.length)
- markPos = -1; // read too far - invalidate the mark.
- if (pos > limit)
- {
- // Set a boolean and make pos == limit to simplify things.
- retAtEndOfBuffer = true;
- --pos;
- }
- if (markPos < 0)
- {
- // Optimization: can read directly into buf.
- if (count >= buffer.length && !retAtEndOfBuffer)
- return in.read(buf, offset, count);
- pos = limit = 0;
- }
- avail = in.read(buffer, limit, buffer.length - limit);
- if (retAtEndOfBuffer && avail > 0 && buffer[limit] == '\n')
- {
- --avail;
- limit++;
- }
- if (avail < count)
- {
- if (avail <= 0)
- return avail;
- count = avail;
- }
- limit += avail;
- }
- }
- System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, buf, offset, count);
- pos += count;
- return count;
+ checkStatus();
+ // Once again, we need to handle the special case of a readLine
+ // that has a '\r' at the end of the buffer. In this case, we'll
+ // need to skip a '\n' if it is the next char to be read.
+ // This special case is indicated by 'pos > limit'.
+ boolean retAtEndOfBuffer = false;
+ int avail = limit - pos;
+ if (count > avail)
+ {
+ if (avail > 0)
+ count = avail;
+ else // pos >= limit
+ {
+ if (limit == buffer.length)
+ markPos = -1; // read too far - invalidate the mark.
+ if (pos > limit)
+ {
+ // Set a boolean and make pos == limit to simplify things.
+ retAtEndOfBuffer = true;
+ --pos;
+ }
+ if (markPos < 0)
+ {
+ // Optimization: can read directly into buf.
+ if (count >= buffer.length && !retAtEndOfBuffer)
+ return in.read(buf, offset, count);
+ pos = limit = 0;
+ }
+ avail = in.read(buffer, limit, buffer.length - limit);
+ if (retAtEndOfBuffer && avail > 0 && buffer[limit] == '\n')
+ {
+ --avail;
+ limit++;
+ }
+ if (avail < count)
+ {
+ if (avail <= 0)
+ return avail;
+ count = avail;
+ }
+ limit += avail;
+ }
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, buf, offset, count);
+ pos += count;
+ return count;
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
if (pos > limit)
retAtEndOfBuffer = true;
- --pos;
+ --pos;
if (markPos >= 0 && limit == buffer.length)
@@ -373,26 +373,26 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
if (retAtEndOfBuffer && buffer[pos] == '\n')
- --count;
- // If the mark was set to the location of the \n, then we
- // must change it to fully pretend that the \n does not
- // exist.
- if (markPos == pos)
- ++markPos;
- ++pos;
+ --count;
+ // If the mark was set to the location of the \n, then we
+ // must change it to fully pretend that the \n does not
+ // exist.
+ if (markPos == pos)
+ ++markPos;
+ ++pos;
return count;
public int read() throws IOException
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- if (pos >= limit && fill () <= 0)
- return -1;
- return buffer[pos++];
+ checkStatus();
+ if (pos >= limit && fill () <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ return buffer[pos++];
@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
int i = pos;
for (; i < limit; i++)
- char ch = buffer[i];
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- break;
+ char ch = buffer[i];
+ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
+ break;
return i;
@@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
* an "\r\n" sequence. The system dependent line separator is not used.
* The line termination characters are not returned in the resulting
* <code>String</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return The line of text read, or <code>null</code> if end of stream.
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
public String readLine() throws IOException
@@ -432,25 +432,25 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
// This special case is indicated by 'pos > limit'.
if (pos > limit)
- int ch = read();
- if (ch < 0)
- return null;
- if (ch != '\n')
- --pos;
+ int ch = read();
+ if (ch < 0)
+ return null;
+ if (ch != '\n')
+ --pos;
int i = lineEnd(limit);
if (i < limit)
- String str = String.valueOf(buffer, pos, i - pos);
- pos = i + 1;
- // If the last char in the buffer is a '\r', we must remember
- // to check if the next char to be read after the buffer is refilled
- // is a '\n'. If so, skip it. To indicate this condition, we set pos
- // to be limit + 1, which normally is never possible.
- if (buffer[i] == '\r')
- if (pos == limit || buffer[pos] == '\n')
- pos++;
- return str;
+ String str = String.valueOf(buffer, pos, i - pos);
+ pos = i + 1;
+ // If the last char in the buffer is a '\r', we must remember
+ // to check if the next char to be read after the buffer is refilled
+ // is a '\n'. If so, skip it. To indicate this condition, we set pos
+ // to be limit + 1, which normally is never possible.
+ if (buffer[i] == '\r')
+ if (pos == limit || buffer[pos] == '\n')
+ pos++;
+ return str;
CPStringBuilder sbuf = new CPStringBuilder(200);
sbuf.append(buffer, pos, i - pos);
@@ -462,33 +462,33 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
boolean eof = false;
for (;;)
- // readLine should block. So we must not return until a -1 is reached.
- if (pos >= limit)
- {
- // here count == 0 isn't sufficient to give a failure.
- int count = fill();
- if (count < 0)
- {
- eof = true;
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- int ch = buffer[pos++];
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- {
- // Check here if a '\r' was the last char in the buffer; if so,
- // mark it as in the comment above to indicate future reads
- // should skip a newline that is the next char read after
- // refilling the buffer.
- if (ch == '\r')
- if (pos == limit || buffer[pos] == '\n')
- pos++;
- break;
- }
- i = lineEnd(limit);
- sbuf.append(buffer, pos - 1, i - (pos - 1));
- pos = i;
+ // readLine should block. So we must not return until a -1 is reached.
+ if (pos >= limit)
+ {
+ // here count == 0 isn't sufficient to give a failure.
+ int count = fill();
+ if (count < 0)
+ {
+ eof = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ int ch = buffer[pos++];
+ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
+ {
+ // Check here if a '\r' was the last char in the buffer; if so,
+ // mark it as in the comment above to indicate future reads
+ // should skip a newline that is the next char read after
+ // refilling the buffer.
+ if (ch == '\r')
+ if (pos == limit || buffer[pos] == '\n')
+ pos++;
+ break;
+ }
+ i = lineEnd(limit);
+ sbuf.append(buffer, pos - 1, i - (pos - 1));
+ pos = i;
return (sbuf.length() == 0 && eof) ? null : sbuf.toString();
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
* requested amount.
* <p>
* This method first discards chars in the buffer, then calls the
- * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying stream to skip the
+ * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying stream to skip the
* remaining chars.
* @param count The requested number of chars to skip
@@ -513,63 +513,63 @@ public class BufferedReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- checkStatus();
- if (count < 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("skip value is negative");
- if (count == 0)
- return 0;
- // Yet again, we need to handle the special case of a readLine
- // that has a '\r' at the end of the buffer. In this case, we need
- // to ignore a '\n' if it is the next char to be read.
- // This special case is indicated by 'pos > limit' (i.e. avail < 0).
- // To simplify things, if we're dealing with the special case for
- // readLine, just read the next char (since the fill method will
- // skip the '\n' for us). By doing this, we'll have to back up pos.
- // That's easier than trying to keep track of whether we've skipped
- // one element or not.
- if (pos > limit)
- {
- if (read() < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- --pos;
- }
- int avail = limit - pos;
- if (count < avail)
- {
- pos += count;
- return count;
- }
- pos = limit;
- long todo = count - avail;
- if (todo > buffer.length)
- {
- markPos = -1;
- todo -= in.skip(todo);
- }
- else
- {
- while (todo > 0)
- {
- avail = fill();
- if (avail <= 0)
- break;
- if (avail > todo)
- avail = (int) todo;
- pos += avail;
- todo -= avail;
- }
- }
- return count - todo;
+ checkStatus();
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("skip value is negative");
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ // Yet again, we need to handle the special case of a readLine
+ // that has a '\r' at the end of the buffer. In this case, we need
+ // to ignore a '\n' if it is the next char to be read.
+ // This special case is indicated by 'pos > limit' (i.e. avail < 0).
+ // To simplify things, if we're dealing with the special case for
+ // readLine, just read the next char (since the fill method will
+ // skip the '\n' for us). By doing this, we'll have to back up pos.
+ // That's easier than trying to keep track of whether we've skipped
+ // one element or not.
+ if (pos > limit)
+ {
+ if (read() < 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ --pos;
+ }
+ int avail = limit - pos;
+ if (count < avail)
+ {
+ pos += count;
+ return count;
+ }
+ pos = limit;
+ long todo = count - avail;
+ if (todo > buffer.length)
+ {
+ markPos = -1;
+ todo -= in.skip(todo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (todo > 0)
+ {
+ avail = fill();
+ if (avail <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (avail > todo)
+ avail = (int) todo;
+ pos += avail;
+ todo -= avail;
+ }
+ }
+ return count - todo;
private void checkStatus() throws IOException
if (in == null)
throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- }
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedWriter.java
index 185a534..ae6751c 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/BufferedWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ package java.io;
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
- * @date September 25, 1998
+ * @date September 25, 1998
public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
- * This method flushes any remaining buffered chars then closes the
+ * This method flushes any remaining buffered chars then closes the
* underlying output stream. Any further attempts to write to this stream
* may throw an exception
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- // It is safe to call localFlush even if the stream is already
- // closed.
- localFlush ();
- out.close();
- buffer = null;
+ // It is safe to call localFlush even if the stream is already
+ // closed.
+ localFlush ();
+ out.close();
+ buffer = null;
@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (buffer == null)
- throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
- localFlush ();
- out.flush();
+ if (buffer == null)
+ throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
+ localFlush ();
+ out.flush();
@@ -171,17 +171,17 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (buffer == null)
- throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
- buffer[count++] = (char) oneChar;
- if (count == buffer.length)
- localFlush ();
+ if (buffer == null)
+ throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
+ buffer[count++] = (char) oneChar;
+ if (count == buffer.length)
+ localFlush ();
- * This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the char array
- * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the buffer.
+ * This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the char array
+ * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the buffer.
* These chars will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
* write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
* underlying output stream.
@@ -196,28 +196,28 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (buffer == null)
- throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
+ if (buffer == null)
+ throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
- // Bypass buffering if there is too much incoming data.
- if (count + len > buffer.length)
- {
- localFlush ();
- out.write(buf, offset, len);
- }
- else
- {
- System.arraycopy(buf, offset, buffer, count, len);
- count += len;
- if (count == buffer.length)
- localFlush ();
- }
+ // Bypass buffering if there is too much incoming data.
+ if (count + len > buffer.length)
+ {
+ localFlush ();
+ out.write(buf, offset, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ System.arraycopy(buf, offset, buffer, count, len);
+ count += len;
+ if (count == buffer.length)
+ localFlush ();
+ }
* This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the <code>String</code>
- * <code>str</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the string.
+ * <code>str</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> in the string.
* These chars will be written to the internal buffer. However, if this
* write operation fills the buffer, the buffer will be flushed to the
* underlying output stream.
@@ -232,21 +232,21 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (buffer == null)
- throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
+ if (buffer == null)
+ throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
- if (count + len > buffer.length)
- {
- localFlush ();
- out.write(str, offset, len);
- }
- else
- {
- str.getChars(offset, offset + len, buffer, count);
- count += len;
- if (count == buffer.length)
- localFlush ();
- }
+ if (count + len > buffer.length)
+ {
+ localFlush ();
+ out.write(str, offset, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str.getChars(offset, offset + len, buffer, count);
+ count += len;
+ if (count == buffer.length)
+ localFlush ();
+ }
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ public class BufferedWriter extends Writer
if (count > 0)
- out.write(buffer, 0, count);
- count = 0;
+ out.write(buffer, 0, count);
+ count = 0;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java
index 2bbde95..f46ee3c 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ package java.io;
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
- */
+ */
public class ByteArrayInputStream extends InputStream
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ public class ByteArrayInputStream extends InputStream
* of the array. It is identical to calling an overloaded constructor
* as <code>ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, buf.length)</code>.
* <p>
- * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
+ * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
* while this stream is being read, those changes will be reflected in the
- * bytes supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
+ * bytes supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
* contents of the buffer while this stream is open.
* @param buffer The byte array buffer this stream will read from.
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ public class ByteArrayInputStream extends InputStream
* The <code>length</code> value should be viewed as the array index
* one greater than the last position in the buffer to read.
* <p>
- * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
+ * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
* while this stream is being read, those changes will be reflected in the
- * bytes supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
+ * bytes supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
* contents of the buffer while this stream is open.
* @param buffer The byte array buffer this stream will read from.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public class ByteArrayInputStream extends InputStream
* stream. The value returned will be equal to <code>count - pos</code>.
* @return The number of bytes that can be read from this stream
- * before blocking, which is all of them
+ * before blocking, which is all of them
public synchronized int available()
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java
index 4196523..9c1a86b 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ package java.io;
* <p>
* Note that this class also has methods that convert the byte array
* buffer to a <code>String</code> using either the system default or an
- * application specified character encoding. Thus it can handle
+ * application specified character encoding. Thus it can handle
* multibyte character encodings.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
- * @date September 24, 1998
+ * @date September 24, 1998
public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
* This method returns a byte array containing the bytes that have been
* written to this stream so far. This array is a copy of the valid
* bytes in the internal buffer and its length is equal to the number of
- * valid bytes, not necessarily to the the length of the current
+ * valid bytes, not necessarily to the the length of the current
* internal buffer. Note that since this method allocates a new array,
* it should be used with caution when the internal buffer is very large.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
* Returns the bytes in the internal array as a <code>String</code>. The
* bytes in the buffer are converted to characters using the specified
- * encoding.
+ * encoding.
* @param enc The name of the character encoding to use
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
* methods which use a true character encoding.
* @param hibyte The high eight bits to use for each character in
- * the <code>String</code>
+ * the <code>String</code>
* @return A <code>String</code> containing the data written to this
* stream so far
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (count + add > buf.length)
- int newlen = buf.length * 2;
- if (count + add > newlen)
- newlen = count + add;
- byte[] newbuf = new byte[newlen];
- System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, count);
- buf = newbuf;
+ int newlen = buf.length * 2;
+ if (count + add > newlen)
+ newlen = count + add;
+ byte[] newbuf = new byte[newlen];
+ System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, count);
+ buf = newbuf;
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
- * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the passed in array
+ * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the passed in array
* <code>buf</code> starting at index <code>offset</code> into the
* internal buffer.
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream
int r
= Integer.getInteger ("gnu.java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.initialBufferSize",
if (r <= 0)
initial_buffer_size = r;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayReader.java
index c14fa07..8405f48 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
* of the array. It is identical to calling an overloaded constructor
* as <code>CharArrayReader(buf, 0, buf.length)</code>.
* <p>
- * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
+ * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
* while this stream is being read, those changes will be reflected in the
- * chars supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
+ * chars supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
* contents of the buffer while this stream is open.
* @param buffer The char array buffer this stream will read from.
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
* The <code>length</code> value should be viewed as the array index
* one greater than the last position in the buffer to read.
* <p>
- * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
+ * Note that this array is not copied. If its contents are changed
* while this stream is being read, those changes will be reflected in the
- * chars supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
+ * chars supplied to the reader. Please use caution in changing the
* contents of the buffer while this stream is open.
* @param buffer The char array buffer this stream will read from.
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset > buffer.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
buf = buffer;
count = offset + length;
if (count > buf.length)
count = buf.length;
pos = offset;
markedPos = pos;
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- buf = null;
+ buf = null;
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- // readAheadLimit is ignored per Java Class Lib. book, p. 318.
- markedPos = pos;
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("Stream closed");
+ // readAheadLimit is ignored per Java Class Lib. book, p. 318.
+ markedPos = pos;
@@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("Stream closed");
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- if (pos < 0)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(pos);
+ if (pos < 0)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(pos);
- if (pos < count)
- return ((int) buf[pos++]) & 0xFFFF;
- return -1;
+ if (pos < count)
+ return ((int) buf[pos++]) & 0xFFFF;
+ return -1;
@@ -223,25 +223,25 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("Stream closed");
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- /* Don't need to check pos value, arraycopy will check it. */
- if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off + len > b.length)
- throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ /* Don't need to check pos value, arraycopy will check it. */
+ if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off + len > b.length)
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
- if (pos >= count)
- return -1;
+ if (pos >= count)
+ return -1;
- int numChars = Math.min(count - pos, len);
- System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, numChars);
- pos += numChars;
- return numChars;
+ int numChars = Math.min(count - pos, len);
+ System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, numChars);
+ pos += numChars;
+ return numChars;
- * Return true if more characters are available to be read.
+ * Return true if more characters are available to be read.
* @return <code>true</code> to indicate that this stream is ready
* to be read.
@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("Stream closed");
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- pos = markedPos;
+ pos = markedPos;
@@ -290,16 +290,16 @@ public class CharArrayReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("Stream closed");
- // Even though the var numChars is a long, in reality it can never
- // be larger than an int since the result of subtracting 2 positive
- // ints will always fit in an int. Since we have to return a long
- // anyway, numChars might as well just be a long.
- long numChars = Math.min((long) (count - pos), n < 0 ? 0L : n);
- pos += numChars;
- return numChars;
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("Stream closed");
+ // Even though the var numChars is a long, in reality it can never
+ // be larger than an int since the result of subtracting 2 positive
+ // ints will always fit in an int. Since we have to return a long
+ // anyway, numChars might as well just be a long.
+ long numChars = Math.min((long) (count - pos), n < 0 ? 0L : n);
+ pos += numChars;
+ return numChars;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayWriter.java
index 8cbc8ae..dea727a 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/CharArrayWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- count = 0;
+ count = 0;
@@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
* This method returns a char array containing the chars that have been
* written to this stream so far. This array is a copy of the valid
* chars in the internal buffer and its length is equal to the number of
- * valid chars, not necessarily to the the length of the current
+ * valid chars, not necessarily to the the length of the current
* internal buffer. Note that since this method allocates a new array,
* it should be used with caution when the internal buffer is very large.
public char[] toCharArray ()
synchronized (lock)
- {
- char[] nc = new char[count];
- System.arraycopy(buf, 0, nc, 0, count);
- return nc;
+ {
+ char[] nc = new char[count];
+ System.arraycopy(buf, 0, nc, 0, count);
+ return nc;
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- return new String (buf, 0, count);
+ return new String (buf, 0, count);
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- resize (1);
- buf[count++] = (char) oneChar;
+ resize (1);
+ buf[count++] = (char) oneChar;
- * This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the passed in array
+ * This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the passed in array
* <code>buf</code> starting at index <code>offset</code> into that buffer
* @param buffer The char array to write data from
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (len >= 0)
- resize (len);
- System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf, count, len);
- count += len;
+ if (len >= 0)
+ resize (len);
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf, count, len);
+ count += len;
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- if (len >= 0)
- resize (len);
- str.getChars(offset, offset + len, buf, count);
- count += len;
+ if (len >= 0)
+ resize (len);
+ str.getChars(offset, offset + len, buf, count);
+ count += len;
@@ -238,17 +238,17 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- out.write(buf, 0, count);
+ out.write(buf, 0, count);
- /**
+ /**
* Appends the Unicode character, <code>c</code>, to the output stream
* underlying this writer. This is equivalent to <code>write(c)</code>.
* @param c the character to append.
* @return a reference to this object.
- * @since 1.5
+ * @since 1.5
public CharArrayWriter append(char c)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
return this;
- /**
+ /**
* Appends the specified sequence of Unicode characters to the
* output stream underlying this writer. This is equivalent to
* appending the results of calling <code>toString()</code> on the
@@ -271,22 +271,22 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
* then the string "null" (the string representation of null)
* is appended.
* @return a reference to this object.
- * @since 1.5
+ * @since 1.5
public CharArrayWriter append(CharSequence cs)
- write(cs == null ? "null" : cs.toString());
+ write(cs == null ? "null" : cs.toString());
catch (IOException _)
- // Can't happen.
+ // Can't happen.
return this;
- /**
+ /**
* Appends the specified subsequence of Unicode characters to the
* output stream underlying this writer, starting and ending at the
* specified positions within the sequence. The behaviour of this
@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
- write(cs == null ? "null" : cs.subSequence(start, end).toString());
+ write(cs == null ? "null" : cs.subSequence(start, end).toString());
catch (IOException _)
- // Can't happen.
+ // Can't happen.
return this;
@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ public class CharArrayWriter extends Writer
if (count + len >= buf.length)
- int newlen = buf.length * 2;
- if (count + len > newlen)
- newlen = count + len;
- char[] newbuf = new char[newlen];
- System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, count);
- buf = newbuf;
+ int newlen = buf.length * 2;
+ if (count + len > newlen)
+ newlen = count + len;
+ char[] newbuf = new char[newlen];
+ System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, count);
+ buf = newbuf;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInput.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInput.java
index 45cb0c1..a713319 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInput.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInput.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ package java.io;
/* Written using "Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition, ISBN 0-201-31002-3
* "The Java Language Specification", ISBN 0-201-63451-1
- * plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
+ * plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct. */
- * This interface is implemented by classes that can data from streams
- * into Java primitive types.
+ * This interface is implemented by classes that can data from streams
+ * into Java primitive types.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* @return The <code>boolean</code> value read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before
* reading the boolean
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* is in the range of -128 to 127.
* <p>
* This method can read a <code>byte</code> written by an object
- * implementing the
+ * implementing the
* <code>writeByte()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* <p>
* @return The <code>byte</code> value read
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java <code>int</code> value from
* the stream. The value returned is in the range of 0 to 255.
* <p>
- * This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object
+ * This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeByte()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ public interface DataInput
int readUnsignedByte() throws EOFException, IOException;
- * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single 16-bit Java <code>char</code>. The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code> represent the
* first and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* the
* <code>writeChar()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
- * @return The <code>char</code> value read
+ * @return The <code>char</code> value read
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the char
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads a signed 16-bit value into a Java in from the stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single 16-bit Java <code>short</code>. The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code> represent the
* first and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of -32768 to 32767.
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>short</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>short</code> written by an object
* implementing
* the <code>writeShort()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads 16 unsigned bits into a Java int value from the stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>int</code>. The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code> represent the
* first and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
@@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ public interface DataInput
* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
* <p>
* This method can read an unsigned short written by an object implementing
- * the <code>writeShort()</code> method in the
+ * the <code>writeShort()</code> method in the
* <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
* @return The unsigned short value read as a Java <code>int</code>.
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
* the value
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -195,22 +195,22 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads a Java <code>int</code> value from an input stream
- * It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>int</code>. The bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte4</code> represent
* the first four bytes read from the stream, they will be
* transformed to an <code>int</code> in the following manner:
* <p>
- * <code>(int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 16) +
+ * <code>(int)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 16) +
* ((byte3 & 0xFF)<< 8) + (byte4 & 0xFF)))</code>
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of -2147483648 to 2147483647.
* <p>
- * This method can read an <code>int</code> written by an object
- * implementing the <code>writeInt()</code> method in the
+ * This method can read an <code>int</code> written by an object
+ * implementing the <code>writeInt()</code> method in the
* <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The <code>int</code> value read
@@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads a Java <code>long</code> value from an input stream
- * It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>long</code>. The bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte8</code> represent
* the first eight bytes read from the stream, they will be
* transformed to an <code>long</code> in the following manner:
* <p>
- * <code>(long)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 56) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 48) +
- * ((byte3 & 0xFF) << 40) + ((byte4 & 0xFF) << 32) +
- * ((byte5 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte6 & 0xFF) << 16) +
+ * <code>(long)(((byte1 & 0xFF) << 56) + ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 48) +
+ * ((byte3 & 0xFF) << 40) + ((byte4 & 0xFF) << 32) +
+ * ((byte5 & 0xFF) << 24) + ((byte6 & 0xFF) << 16) +
* ((byte7 & 0xFF) << 8) + (byte8 & 0xFF)))
* </code>
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of -9223372036854775808 to
* 9223372036854775807.
* <p>
- * This method can read an <code>long</code> written by an object
- * implementing the <code>writeLong()</code> method in the
+ * This method can read an <code>long</code> written by an object
+ * implementing the <code>writeLong()</code> method in the
* <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The <code>long</code> value read
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ public interface DataInput
* <code>intBitsToFloat</code> method in the class
* <code>java.lang.Float</code>.
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>float</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>float</code> written by an object
* implementing
* the <code>writeFloat()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
* @return The <code>float</code> value read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
* float
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ public interface DataInput
* @return The <code>double</code> value read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
* double
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -304,16 +304,16 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads the next line of text data from an input stream.
- * It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes to
+ * It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes to
* <code>char</code>
* values by treating the byte read as the low eight bits of the
* <code>char</code> and using 0 as the high eight bits. Because of this,
* it does not support the full 16-bit Unicode character set.
* <P>
* The reading of bytes ends when either the end of file or a line terminator
- * is encountered. The bytes read are then returned as a
+ * is encountered. The bytes read are then returned as a
* <code>String</code>.
- * A line terminator is a byte sequence consisting of either
+ * A line terminator is a byte sequence consisting of either
* <code>\r</code>, <code>\n</code> or <code>\r\n</code>. These termination
* charaters are discarded and are not returned as part of the string.
* A line is also terminated by an end of file condition.
@@ -328,17 +328,17 @@ public interface DataInput
* This method reads a <code>String</code> from an input stream that is
* encoded in a modified UTF-8 format. This format has a leading two byte
- * sequence that contains the remaining number of bytes to read.
+ * sequence that contains the remaining number of bytes to read.
* This two byte
* sequence is read using the <code>readUnsignedShort()</code> method of this
* interface.
* After the number of remaining bytes have been determined, these bytes
* are read an transformed into <code>char</code> values. These
- * <code>char</code> values are encoded in the stream using either a one,
+ * <code>char</code> values are encoded in the stream using either a one,
* two, or three byte format.
* The particular format in use can be determined by examining the first
- * byte read.
+ * byte read.
* <p>
* If the first byte has a high order bit of 0, then
* that character consists on only one byte. This character value consists
@@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ public interface DataInput
* <p>
* <code>(char)byte1</code>
* <p>
- * If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the
+ * If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the
* character consists of two bytes. The bits that make up the character
* value are in positions 0 through 4 of the first byte and bit positions
- * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
+ * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
* 10 as its high order bits). These values are in most significant
* byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
* <p>
@@ -380,16 +380,16 @@ public interface DataInput
* Note that all characters are encoded in the method that requires the
* fewest number of bytes with the exception of the character with the
- * value of <code>\&lt;llll&gt;u0000</code> which is encoded as two bytes.
- * This is a modification of the UTF standard used to prevent C language
+ * value of <code>\&lt;llll&gt;u0000</code> which is encoded as two bytes.
+ * This is a modification of the UTF standard used to prevent C language
* style <code>NUL</code> values from appearing in the byte stream.
* <p>
* This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the
* <code>writeUTF()</code> method in <code>DataOutput</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return The <code>String</code> read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
* String
* @exception UTFDataFormatException If the data is not in UTF-8 format
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -408,19 +408,19 @@ public interface DataInput
* @param buf The buffer into which to read the data
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
* buffer
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
void readFully(byte[] buf) throws EOFException, IOException;
- * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array <code>buf</code>
+ * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array <code>buf</code>
* starting
- * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes read
+ * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes read
* will be
- * exactly <code>len</code>. Note that this method blocks until the data is
- * available and throws an exception if there is not enough data left in
+ * exactly <code>len</code>. Note that this method blocks until the data is
+ * available and throws an exception if there is not enough data left in
* the stream to read <code>len</code> bytes. Note also that zero length
* buffers are permitted. In this case, the method will return immediately
* without reading any bytes from the stream.
@@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ public interface DataInput
* @param offset The offset into the buffer to start storing data
* @param len The number of bytes to read into the buffer
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
* buffer
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
- void readFully(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
+ void readFully(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws EOFException, IOException;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInputStream.java
index 51cf51a..518205b 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataInputStream.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct.
* This subclass of <code>FilteredInputStream</code> implements the
* <code>DataInput</code> interface that provides method for reading primitive
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
- * @date October 20, 1998.
+ * @date October 20, 1998.
public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
// Byte buffer, used to make primitive read calls more efficient.
byte[] buf = new byte [8];
* This constructor initializes a new <code>DataInputStream</code>
* to read from the specified subordinate stream.
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* read to fill the buffer.
* @param b The buffer into which bytes will be read.
- *
- * @return The actual number of bytes read, or -1 if end of stream reached
+ *
+ * @return The actual number of bytes read, or -1 if end of stream reached
* before reading any bytes.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* <p>
* This method can read a <code>boolean</code> written by an object
* implementing the <code>writeBoolean()</code> method in the
- * <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
+ * <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The <code>boolean</code> value read
@@ -156,24 +156,24 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
- * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single 16-bit Java <code>char</code>. The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
* represent the first and second byte read from the stream
* respectively, they will be transformed to a <code>char</code> in
- * the following manner:
+ * the following manner:
* <p>
* <code>(char)(((byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 8) | (byte2 &amp; 0xFF)</code>
* <p>
* This method can read a <code>char</code> written by an object
* implementing the <code>writeChar()</code> method in the
- * <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
+ * <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
- * @return The <code>char</code> value read
+ * @return The <code>char</code> value read
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the char
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* <code>readLong()</code> method in this interface, then converts
* that <code>long</code> to a <code>double</code> using the
* <code>longBitsToDouble</code> method in the class
- * <code>java.lang.Double</code>
+ * <code>java.lang.Double</code>
* <p>
* This method can read a <code>double</code> written by an object
* implementing the <code>writeDouble()</code> method in the
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the float
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
- * @see DataOutput#writeFloat
+ * @see DataOutput#writeFloat
* @see java.lang.Float#intBitsToFloat
public final float readFloat () throws IOException
@@ -279,15 +279,15 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
if (len < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Negative length: " + len);
while (len > 0)
- // in.read will block until some data is available.
- int numread = in.read (buf, offset, len);
- if (numread < 0)
- throw new EOFException ();
- len -= numread;
- offset += numread;
+ // in.read will block until some data is available.
+ int numread = in.read (buf, offset, len);
+ if (numread < 0)
+ throw new EOFException ();
+ len -= numread;
+ offset += numread;
@@ -357,11 +357,11 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
while (true)
int c = in.read();
- if (c == -1) // got an EOF
- return strb.length() > 0 ? strb.toString() : null;
- if (c == '\r')
- {
- int next_c = in.read();
+ if (c == -1) // got an EOF
+ return strb.length() > 0 ? strb.toString() : null;
+ if (c == '\r')
+ {
+ int next_c = in.read();
if (next_c != '\n' && next_c != -1)
if (!(in instanceof PushbackInputStream))
@@ -369,10 +369,10 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
((PushbackInputStream) in).unread(next_c);
- }
+ }
if (c == '\n')
- strb.append((char) c);
+ strb.append((char) c);
return strb.length() > 0 ? strb.toString() : "";
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
readFully (buf, 0, 2);
return convertToShort (buf);
* This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java <code>int</code>
* value from the stream. The value returned is in the range of 0 to
@@ -471,10 +471,10 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* This method reads 16 unsigned bits into a Java int value from the stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>int</code> The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
* As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
* represent the first and second byte read from the stream
@@ -523,10 +523,10 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* <p>
* <code>(char)byte1</code>
* <p>
- * If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the
+ * If the first byte has 110 as its high order bits, then the
* character consists of two bytes. The bits that make up the character
* value are in positions 0 through 4 of the first byte and bit positions
- * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
+ * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
* 10 as its high order bits). These values are in most significant
* byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
* <p>
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* character encoding, then they would be converted to a Java
* <code>char</code> like so:
* <p>
- * <code>(char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
+ * <code>(char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
* (byte3 & 0x3F))</code>
* <p>
* Note that all characters are encoded in the method that requires
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* <p>
* This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the
* <code>writeUTF()</code> method in <code>DataOutput</code>
- *
+ *
* @return The <code>String</code> read
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
- * This method reads a String encoded in UTF-8 format from the
+ * This method reads a String encoded in UTF-8 format from the
* specified <code>DataInput</code> source.
* @param in The <code>DataInput</code> source to read from
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
public static final String readUTF(DataInput in) throws IOException
final int UTFlen = in.readUnsignedShort ();
return readUTF(in, UTFlen);
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
* This method is similar to <code>readUTF</code>, but the
* UTF-8 byte length is in 64 bits.
* This method is not public. It is used by <code>ObjectInputStream</code>.
- *
+ *
* @return The <code>String</code> read
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
@@ -648,25 +648,25 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
- * This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes
- * in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested.
- * This method will not skip any bytes if passed a negative number of bytes
- * to skip.
+ * This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes
+ * in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested.
+ * This method will not skip any bytes if passed a negative number of bytes
+ * to skip.
* @param n The requested number of bytes to skip.
* @return The requested number of bytes to skip.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
- * @specnote The JDK docs claim that this returns the number of bytes
- * actually skipped. The JCL claims that this method can throw an
+ * @specnote The JDK docs claim that this returns the number of bytes
+ * actually skipped. The JCL claims that this method can throw an
* EOFException. Neither of these appear to be true in the JDK 1.3's
* implementation. This tries to implement the actual JDK behaviour.
public final int skipBytes (int n) throws IOException
if (n <= 0)
- return 0;
+ return 0;
return (int) in.skip (n);
@@ -674,15 +674,15 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
catch (EOFException x)
// do nothing.
- }
+ }
return n;
static boolean convertToBoolean (int b) throws EOFException
if (b < 0)
throw new EOFException ();
return (b != 0);
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
if (i < 0)
throw new EOFException ();
return (byte) i;
@@ -698,86 +698,86 @@ public class DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream implements DataInput
if (i < 0)
throw new EOFException ();
return (i & 0xFF);
static char convertToChar (byte[] buf)
return (char) ((buf [0] << 8)
- | (buf [1] & 0xff));
- }
+ | (buf [1] & 0xff));
+ }
static short convertToShort (byte[] buf)
return (short) ((buf [0] << 8)
- | (buf [1] & 0xff));
- }
+ | (buf [1] & 0xff));
+ }
static int convertToUnsignedShort (byte[] buf)
return (((buf [0] & 0xff) << 8)
- | (buf [1] & 0xff));
+ | (buf [1] & 0xff));
static int convertToInt (byte[] buf)
return (((buf [0] & 0xff) << 24)
- | ((buf [1] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((buf [2] & 0xff) << 8)
- | (buf [3] & 0xff));
+ | ((buf [1] & 0xff) << 16)
+ | ((buf [2] & 0xff) << 8)
+ | (buf [3] & 0xff));
static long convertToLong (byte[] buf)
return (((long)(buf [0] & 0xff) << 56) |
- ((long)(buf [1] & 0xff) << 48) |
- ((long)(buf [2] & 0xff) << 40) |
- ((long)(buf [3] & 0xff) << 32) |
- ((long)(buf [4] & 0xff) << 24) |
- ((long)(buf [5] & 0xff) << 16) |
- ((long)(buf [6] & 0xff) << 8) |
- ((long)(buf [7] & 0xff)));
+ ((long)(buf [1] & 0xff) << 48) |
+ ((long)(buf [2] & 0xff) << 40) |
+ ((long)(buf [3] & 0xff) << 32) |
+ ((long)(buf [4] & 0xff) << 24) |
+ ((long)(buf [5] & 0xff) << 16) |
+ ((long)(buf [6] & 0xff) << 8) |
+ ((long)(buf [7] & 0xff)));
// FIXME: This method should be re-thought. I suspect we have multiple
// UTF-8 decoders floating around. We should use the standard charset
// converters, maybe and adding a direct call into one of the new
// NIO converters for a super-fast UTF8 decode.
- static String convertFromUTF (byte[] buf)
+ static String convertFromUTF (byte[] buf)
throws EOFException, UTFDataFormatException
- // Give StringBuffer an initial estimated size to avoid
+ // Give StringBuffer an initial estimated size to avoid
// enlarge buffer frequently
CPStringBuilder strbuf = new CPStringBuilder (buf.length / 2 + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; )
- if ((buf [i] & 0x80) == 0) // bit pattern 0xxxxxxx
- strbuf.append ((char) (buf [i++] & 0xFF));
- else if ((buf [i] & 0xE0) == 0xC0) // bit pattern 110xxxxx
- {
- if (i + 1 >= buf.length
- || (buf [i + 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
- throw new UTFDataFormatException ();
- strbuf.append((char) (((buf [i++] & 0x1F) << 6)
- | (buf [i++] & 0x3F)));
- }
- else if ((buf [i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // bit pattern 1110xxxx
- {
- if (i + 2 >= buf.length
- || (buf [i + 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80
- || (buf [i + 2] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
- throw new UTFDataFormatException ();
- strbuf.append ((char) (((buf [i++] & 0x0F) << 12)
- | ((buf [i++] & 0x3F) << 6)
- | (buf [i++] & 0x3F)));
- }
- else // must be ((buf [i] & 0xF0) == 0xF0 || (buf [i] & 0xC0) == 0x80)
- throw new UTFDataFormatException (); // bit patterns 1111xxxx or
- // 10xxxxxx
+ if ((buf [i] & 0x80) == 0) // bit pattern 0xxxxxxx
+ strbuf.append ((char) (buf [i++] & 0xFF));
+ else if ((buf [i] & 0xE0) == 0xC0) // bit pattern 110xxxxx
+ {
+ if (i + 1 >= buf.length
+ || (buf [i + 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ throw new UTFDataFormatException ();
+ strbuf.append((char) (((buf [i++] & 0x1F) << 6)
+ | (buf [i++] & 0x3F)));
+ }
+ else if ((buf [i] & 0xF0) == 0xE0) // bit pattern 1110xxxx
+ {
+ if (i + 2 >= buf.length
+ || (buf [i + 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80
+ || (buf [i + 2] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ throw new UTFDataFormatException ();
+ strbuf.append ((char) (((buf [i++] & 0x0F) << 12)
+ | ((buf [i++] & 0x3F) << 6)
+ | (buf [i++] & 0x3F)));
+ }
+ else // must be ((buf [i] & 0xF0) == 0xF0 || (buf [i] & 0xC0) == 0x80)
+ throw new UTFDataFormatException (); // bit patterns 1111xxxx or
+ // 10xxxxxx
return strbuf.toString ();
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutput.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutput.java
index 0d43623..6eee4b7 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutput.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutput.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ package java.io;
- * This interface is implemented by classes that can wrte data to streams
+ * This interface is implemented by classes that can wrte data to streams
* from Java primitive types. This data can subsequently be read back
- * by classes implementing the <code>DataInput</code> interface.
+ * by classes implementing the <code>DataInput</code> interface.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public interface DataOutput
* This method writes a Java boolean value to an output stream. If
* <code>value</code> is <code>true</code>, a byte with the value of
- * 1 will be written, otherwise a byte with the value of 0 will be
+ * 1 will be written, otherwise a byte with the value of 0 will be
* written.
* The value written can be read using the <code>readBoolean</code>
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public interface DataOutput
* This method writes a Java byte value to an output stream. The
- * byte to be written will be in the lowest 8 bits of the
+ * byte to be written will be in the lowest 8 bits of the
* <code>int</code> value passed.
* The value written can be read using the <code>readByte</code> or
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ public interface DataOutput
void writeBytes(String value) throws IOException;
- * This method writes all the characters of a <code>String</code> to an
+ * This method writes all the characters of a <code>String</code> to an
* output stream as an array of <code>char</code>'s. Each character
* is written using the method specified in the <code>writeChar</code>
- * method.
+ * method.
* @param value The String to write
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ public interface DataOutput
* This method writes a Java <code>String</code> to the stream in a modified
* UTF-8 format. First, two bytes are written to the stream indicating the
* number of bytes to follow. This is written in the form of a Java
- * <code>short</code> value in the same manner used by the
- * <code>writeShort</code> method. Note that this is the number of
+ * <code>short</code> value in the same manner used by the
+ * <code>writeShort</code> method. Note that this is the number of
* bytes in the
* encoded <code>String</code> not the <code>String</code> length. Next
* come the encoded characters. Each character in the <code>String</code>
* is encoded as either one, two or three bytes. For characters in the
- * range of <code>\u0001</code> to <code>\u007F</code>, one byte is used.
+ * range of <code>\u0001</code> to <code>\u007F</code>, one byte is used.
* The character
* value goes into bits 0-7 and bit eight is 0. For characters in the range
* of <code>\u0080</code> to <code>\u007FF</code>, two bytes are used. Bits
@@ -308,14 +308,14 @@ public interface DataOutput
void write(byte[] buf) throws IOException;
- * This method writes raw bytes from the passed array <code>buf</code>
+ * This method writes raw bytes from the passed array <code>buf</code>
* starting
- * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes
- * written will be exactly <code>len</code>.
+ * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes
+ * written will be exactly <code>len</code>.
* @param buf The buffer from which to write the data
* @param offset The offset into the buffer to start writing data from
- * @param len The number of bytes to write from the buffer to the output
+ * @param len The number of bytes to write from the buffer to the output
* stream
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -323,4 +323,3 @@ public interface DataOutput
void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) throws IOException;
} // interface DataOutput
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutputStream.java
index 435ff76..4837795 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DataOutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
* Utf8 byte buffer, used by writeUTF()
private byte[] buf;
* This method initializes an instance of <code>DataOutputStream</code> to
* write its data to the specified underlying <code>OutputStream</code>
- * @param out The subordinate <code>OutputStream</code> to which this
+ * @param out The subordinate <code>OutputStream</code> to which this
* object will write
public DataOutputStream (OutputStream out)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
- public synchronized void write (byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
+ public synchronized void write (byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
out.write(buf, offset, len);
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
* The value written can be read using the <code>readByte</code> or
* <code>readUnsignedByte</code> methods in <code>DataInput</code>.
- * @param value The <code>byte</code> to write to the stream, passed as
+ * @param value The <code>byte</code> to write to the stream, passed as
* the low eight bits of an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
* The value written can be read using the <code>readChar</code>
* method in <code>DataInput</code>.
- * @param value The <code>char</code> value to write,
+ * @param value The <code>char</code> value to write,
* passed as an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -394,18 +394,18 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
for (int i = start; i < len; ++i)
- char c = value.charAt(i);
- if (c >= '\u0001' && c <= '\u007f')
- sum += 1;
- else if (c == '\u0000' || (c >= '\u0080' && c <= '\u07ff'))
- sum += 2;
- else
- sum += 3;
+ char c = value.charAt(i);
+ if (c >= '\u0001' && c <= '\u007f')
+ sum += 1;
+ else if (c == '\u0000' || (c >= '\u0080' && c <= '\u07ff'))
+ sum += 2;
+ else
+ sum += 3;
return sum;
* This method writes a Java <code>String</code> to the stream in a modified
* UTF-8 format. First, two bytes are written to the stream indicating the
@@ -507,34 +507,33 @@ public class DataOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream implements DataOutput
if (buf == null)
buf = new byte[512];
- while (i < len && pos < buf.length - 3)
- {
- char c = value.charAt(i++);
- if (c >= '\u0001' && c <= '\u007f')
+ while (i < len && pos < buf.length - 3)
+ {
+ char c = value.charAt(i++);
+ if (c >= '\u0001' && c <= '\u007f')
buf[pos++] = (byte) c;
- else if (c == '\u0000' || (c >= '\u0080' && c <= '\u07ff'))
- {
- buf[pos++] = (byte) (0xc0 | (0x1f & (c >> 6)));
- buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & c));
- }
- else
- {
- // JSL says the first byte should be or'd with 0xc0, but
- // that is a typo. Unicode says 0xe0, and that is what is
- // consistent with DataInputStream.
- buf[pos++] = (byte) (0xe0 | (0x0f & (c >> 12)));
- buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & (c >> 6)));
- buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & c));
- }
- }
- write(buf, 0, pos);
- pos = 0;
+ else if (c == '\u0000' || (c >= '\u0080' && c <= '\u07ff'))
+ {
+ buf[pos++] = (byte) (0xc0 | (0x1f & (c >> 6)));
+ buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & c));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // JSL says the first byte should be or'd with 0xc0, but
+ // that is a typo. Unicode says 0xe0, and that is what is
+ // consistent with DataInputStream.
+ buf[pos++] = (byte) (0xe0 | (0x0f & (c >> 12)));
+ buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & (c >> 6)));
+ buf[pos++] = (byte) (0x80 | (0x3f & c));
+ }
+ }
+ write(buf, 0, pos);
+ pos = 0;
while (i < len);
} // class DataOutputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java
index 6e33adc..a2b96bb 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/DeleteFileHelper.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ final class DeleteFileHelper extends Thread
if (filesToDelete == null)
filesToDelete = new ArrayList<File>();
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction()
public Object run()
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ final class DeleteFileHelper extends Thread
// Shutdown is already in progress, so we can't
// register ours.
return null;
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ final class DeleteFileHelper extends Thread
for (File file : filesToDelete)
- try
- {
- file.delete();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- // Do nothing here.
- }
+ try
+ {
+ file.delete();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ // Do nothing here.
+ }
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ final class DeleteFileHelper extends Thread
public void run()
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/EOFException.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/EOFException.java
index cfedb7d..0d90a3f 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/EOFException.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/EOFException.java
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
- * This exception is thrown when the end of the file or stream was
+ * This exception is thrown when the end of the file or stream was
* encountered unexpectedly. This is not the normal way that an EOF
* condition is reported; such as a special value like -1 being returned.
* However, certain types of streams expecting certain data in a certain
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Externalizable.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Externalizable.java
index 113c19f..7399dab 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Externalizable.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Externalizable.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ package java.io;
* This interface provides a way that classes can completely control how
- * the data of their object instances are written and read to and from
- * streams. It has two methods which are used to write the data to a stream
- * and to read the data from a stream. The read method must read the data
- * in exactly the way it was written by the write method.
+ * the data of their object instances are written and read to and from
+ * streams. It has two methods which are used to write the data to a stream
+ * and to read the data from a stream. The read method must read the data
+ * in exactly the way it was written by the write method.
* <p>
* Note that classes which implement this interface must take into account
- * that all superclass data must also be written to the stream as well.
+ * that all superclass data must also be written to the stream as well.
* The class implementing this interface must figure out how to make that
* happen.
* <p>
- * This interface can be used to provide object persistence. When an
+ * This interface can be used to provide object persistence. When an
* object is to be stored externally, the <code>writeExternal</code> method is
* called to save state. When the object is restored, an instance is
- * created using the default no-argument constructor and the
+ * created using the default no-argument constructor and the
* <code>readExternal</code> method is used to restore the state.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ public interface Externalizable extends Serializable
* This method restores an object's state by reading in the instance data
* for the object from the passed in stream. Note that this stream is not
- * a subclass of <code>InputStream</code>, but rather is a class that
+ * a subclass of <code>InputStream</code>, but rather is a class that
* implements
- * the <code>ObjectInput</code> interface. That interface provides a
+ * the <code>ObjectInput</code> interface. That interface provides a
* mechanism for
* reading in Java data types from a stream.
* <p>
@@ -77,28 +77,28 @@ public interface Externalizable extends Serializable
* for that object must be found and loaded. If that operation fails,
* then this method throws a <code>ClassNotFoundException</code>
- * @param in An <code>ObjectInput</code> instance for reading in the object
+ * @param in An <code>ObjectInput</code> instance for reading in the object
* state
- * @exception ClassNotFoundException If the class of an object being
+ * @exception ClassNotFoundException If the class of an object being
* restored cannot be found
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
- void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
+ void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException;
* This method is responsible for writing the instance data of an object
* to the passed in stream. Note that this stream is not a subclass of
* <code>OutputStream</code>, but rather is a class that implements the
- * <code>ObjectOutput</code> interface. That interface provides a
+ * <code>ObjectOutput</code> interface. That interface provides a
* number of methods
* for writing Java data values to a stream.
* <p>
* Not that the implementation of this method must be coordinated with
* the implementation of <code>readExternal</code>.
- * @param out An <code>ObjectOutput</code> instance for writing the
+ * @param out An <code>ObjectOutput</code> instance for writing the
* object state
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/File.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/File.java
index f023310..4f670e1 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/File.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/File.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This is the first character of the file separator string. On many
- * hosts (for example, on the GNU system), this represents the entire
+ * hosts (for example, on the GNU system), this represents the entire
* separator string. The complete separator string is obtained from the
* <code>file.separator</code>system property.
public static final char separatorChar = separator.charAt(0);
* This is the string that is used to separate the host name from the
* path name in paths that include the host name. It is the value of
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public static final String pathSeparator
= SystemProperties.getProperty("path.separator");
* This is the first character of the string used to separate the host name
* from the path name in paths that include a host. The separator string
@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* may be an absolute or relative path name.
private String path;
* The time (millisecond), when the last temporary file was created.
private static long last_tmp;
* The number of files, created during the current millisecond.
- private static int n_created;
+ private static int n_created;
* This method tests whether or not the current thread is allowed to
@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* (if any) allows access to the file via it's <code>checkRead</code>
* method 3) the file is readable.
- * @return <code>true</code> if reading is allowed,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if reading is allowed,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
- * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
+ * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
* does not allow access to the file
public boolean canRead()
@@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* whether or not a non-existent file can be created, check the parent
* directory for write access.
- * @return <code>true</code> if writing is allowed, <code>false</code>
+ * @return <code>true</code> if writing is allowed, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
- * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
+ * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
* does not allow access to the file
public boolean canWrite()
// First do a SecurityCheck before doing anything else.
// Test for existence. This is required by the spec
if (! VMFile.exists(path))
return false;
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* (if any) allows access to the file via it's <code>checkExec</code>
* method 3) the file is executable.
- * @return <code>true</code> if execution is allowed,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if execution is allowed,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
- * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
+ * @exception SecurityException If the <code>SecurityManager</code>
* does not allow access to the file
public boolean canExecute()
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return false;
return VMFile.canExecute(path);
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method deletes the file represented by this object. If this file
* is a directory, it must be empty in order for the delete to succeed.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the file was deleted, <code>false</code>
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the file was deleted, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
* @exception SecurityException If deleting of the file is not allowed
@@ -222,33 +222,33 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public synchronized boolean delete()
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
if (s != null)
return VMFile.delete(path);
- * This method tests two <code>File</code> objects for equality by
+ * This method tests two <code>File</code> objects for equality by
* comparing the path of the specified <code>File</code> against the path
* of this object. The two objects are equal if an only if 1) The
* argument is not null 2) The argument is a <code>File</code> object and
* 3) The path of the <code>File</code>argument is equal to the path
* of this object.
* <p>
- * The paths of the files are determined by calling the
+ * The paths of the files are determined by calling the
* <code>getPath()</code>
* method on each object.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the two objects are equal,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the two objects are equal,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (! (obj instanceof File))
return false;
File other = (File) obj;
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
path = normalizePath (name);
// Remove duplicate and redundant separator characters.
private String normalizePath(String p)
@@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (separatorChar == '\\')
p = p.replace ('/', '\\');
- // We have to special case the "\c:" prefix.
- if (p.length() > 2 && p.charAt(0) == '\\' &&
- ((p.charAt(1) >= 'a' && p.charAt(1) <= 'z') ||
- (p.charAt(1) >= 'A' && p.charAt(1) <= 'Z')) &&
- p.charAt(2) == ':')
- p = p.substring(1);
+ // We have to special case the "\c:" prefix.
+ if (p.length() > 2 && p.charAt(0) == '\\' &&
+ ((p.charAt(1) >= 'a' && p.charAt(1) <= 'z') ||
+ (p.charAt(1) >= 'A' && p.charAt(1) <= 'Z')) &&
+ p.charAt(2) == ':')
+ p = p.substring(1);
int dupIndex = p.indexOf(dupSeparator);
@@ -310,25 +310,25 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Ignore trailing separator (though on Windows "a:\", for
// example, is a valid and minimal path).
if (plen > 1 && p.charAt (plen - 1) == separatorChar)
- {
- if (! (separatorChar == '\\' && ((plen == 3 && p.charAt(1) == ':')
+ {
+ if (! (separatorChar == '\\' && ((plen == 3 && p.charAt(1) == ':')
|| (plen == 2 && p.charAt(0) == separatorChar))))
- return p.substring (0, plen - 1);
- }
- else
- return p;
+ return p.substring (0, plen - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ return p;
CPStringBuilder newpath = new CPStringBuilder(plen);
int last = 0;
while (dupIndex != -1)
newpath.append(p.substring(last, dupIndex));
- // Ignore the duplicate path characters.
- while (p.charAt(dupIndex) == separatorChar)
- {
- dupIndex++;
- if (dupIndex == plen)
+ // Ignore the duplicate path characters.
+ while (p.charAt(dupIndex) == separatorChar)
+ {
+ dupIndex++;
+ if (dupIndex == plen)
if ((separatorChar == '\\'
&& newpath.length() == 2
@@ -337,14 +337,14 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
- return newpath.toString();
+ return newpath.toString();
- }
- newpath.append(separatorChar);
- last = dupIndex;
- dupIndex = p.indexOf(dupSeparator, last);
+ }
+ newpath.append(separatorChar);
+ last = dupIndex;
+ dupIndex = p.indexOf(dupSeparator, last);
// Again, ignore possible trailing separator (except special cases
// like "a:\" on Windows).
int end;
@@ -360,10 +360,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
end = plen;
newpath.append(p.substring(last, end));
return newpath.toString();
* This method initializes a new <code>File</code> object to represent
* a file in the specified named directory. The path name to the file
@@ -380,35 +380,35 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
throw new NullPointerException();
if (dirPath != null)
- if (dirPath.length() > 0)
- {
- // Try to be smart about the number of separator characters.
- if (dirPath.charAt(dirPath.length() - 1) == separatorChar
- || name.length() == 0)
- path = normalizePath(dirPath + name);
- else
- path = normalizePath(dirPath + separatorChar + name);
- }
- else
- {
- // If dirPath is empty, use a system dependant
- // default prefix.
- // Note that the leading separators in name have
- // to be chopped off, to prevent them forming
- // a UNC prefix on Windows.
- if (separatorChar == '\\' /* TODO use ON_WINDOWS */)
- {
- int skip = 0;
- while(name.length() > skip
- && (name.charAt(skip) == separatorChar
- || name.charAt(skip) == '/'))
- {
- skip++;
- }
- name = name.substring(skip);
- }
- path = normalizePath(separatorChar + name);
- }
+ if (dirPath.length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Try to be smart about the number of separator characters.
+ if (dirPath.charAt(dirPath.length() - 1) == separatorChar
+ || name.length() == 0)
+ path = normalizePath(dirPath + name);
+ else
+ path = normalizePath(dirPath + separatorChar + name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If dirPath is empty, use a system dependant
+ // default prefix.
+ // Note that the leading separators in name have
+ // to be chopped off, to prevent them forming
+ // a UNC prefix on Windows.
+ if (separatorChar == '\\' /* TODO use ON_WINDOWS */)
+ {
+ int skip = 0;
+ while(name.length() > skip
+ && (name.charAt(skip) == separatorChar
+ || name.charAt(skip) == '/'))
+ {
+ skip++;
+ }
+ name = name.substring(skip);
+ }
+ path = normalizePath(separatorChar + name);
+ }
path = normalizePath(name);
@@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public File(URI uri)
if (uri == null)
- throw new NullPointerException("uri is null");
+ throw new NullPointerException("uri is null");
if (!uri.getScheme().equals("file"))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid uri protocol");
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid uri protocol");
String name = uri.getPath();
if (name == null)
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* "." and "..", and symbolic links.
* <p>
* Note that this method, unlike the other methods which return path
- * names, can throw an IOException. This is because native method
+ * names, can throw an IOException. This is because native method
* might be required in order to resolve the canonical path
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -499,11 +499,11 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// On Windows, getAbsolutePath might end up calling us, so we
// have to special case that call to avoid infinite recursion.
if (separatorChar == '\\' && path.length() == 2 &&
- ((path.charAt(0) >= 'a' && path.charAt(0) <= 'z') ||
- (path.charAt(0) >= 'A' && path.charAt(0) <= 'Z')) &&
- path.charAt(1) == ':')
+ ((path.charAt(0) >= 'a' && path.charAt(0) <= 'z') ||
+ (path.charAt(0) >= 'A' && path.charAt(0) <= 'Z')) &&
+ path.charAt(1) == ':')
- return VMFile.toCanonicalForm(path);
+ return VMFile.toCanonicalForm(path);
// Call getAbsolutePath first to make sure that we do the
// current directory handling, because the native code
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public String getName()
- return VMFile.getName(path);
+ return VMFile.getName(path);
@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
String prefix = null;
int nameSeqIndex = 0;
if (path.equals(""))
return null;
- // The "prefix", if present, is the leading "/" on UNIX and
+ // The "prefix", if present, is the leading "/" on UNIX and
// either the drive specifier (e.g. "C:") or the leading "\\"
// of a UNC network path on Windows.
if (separatorChar == '/' && path.charAt (0) == '/')
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
- // According to the JDK docs, the returned parent path is the
+ // According to the JDK docs, the returned parent path is the
// portion of the name sequence before the last separator
// character, if found, prefixed by the prefix, otherwise null.
if (nameSeqIndex < path.length())
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return prefix;
else if (last == (nameSeq.length() - 1))
// Note: The path would not have a trailing separator
- // except for cases like "C:\" on Windows (see
+ // except for cases like "C:\" on Windows (see
// normalizePath( )), where Sun's JRE 1.4 returns null.
return null;
else if (last == 0)
@@ -598,8 +598,8 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return nameSeq.substring (0, last);
- // Sun's JRE 1.4 returns null if the prefix is the only
- // component of the path - so "/" gives null on UNIX and
+ // Sun's JRE 1.4 returns null if the prefix is the only
+ // component of the path - so "/" gives null on UNIX and
// "C:", "\\", etc. return null on Windows.
return null;
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method returns a <code>File</code> object representing the parent
* file of this one.
- * @return a <code>File</code> for the parent of this object.
+ * @return a <code>File</code> for the parent of this object.
* <code>null</code>
* will be returned if this object does not have a parent.
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* by system. As an example, on GNU systems, a path is absolute if it starts
* with a "/".
- * @return <code>true</code> if this object represents an absolute
+ * @return <code>true</code> if this object represents an absolute
* file name, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isAbsolute()
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method tests whether or not the file represented by this object
* is a directory. In order for this method to return <code>true</code>,
* the file represented by this object must exist and be a directory.
- *
+ *
* @return <code>true</code> if this file is a directory, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public boolean isDirectory()
- return VMFile.isDirectory(path);
+ return VMFile.isDirectory(path);
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* is a "plain" file. A file is a plain file if and only if it 1) Exists,
* 2) Is not a directory or other type of special file.
- * @return <code>true</code> if this is a plain file, <code>false</code>
+ * @return <code>true</code> if this is a plain file, <code>false</code>
* otherwise
* @exception SecurityException If reading of the file is not permitted
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* time value returned is an abstract value that should not be interpreted
* as a specified time value. It is only useful for comparing to other
* such time values returned on the same system. In that case, the larger
- * value indicates a more recent modification time.
+ * value indicates a more recent modification time.
* <p>
* If the file does not exist, then a value of 0 is returned.
@@ -759,13 +759,13 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* directory. If read access to the directory is denied, an exception
* will be thrown.
- * @param filter An object which will identify files to exclude from
+ * @param filter An object which will identify files to exclude from
* the directory listing.
- * @return An array of files in the directory, or <code>null</code>
+ * @return An array of files in the directory, or <code>null</code>
* if this object does not represent a valid directory.
- *
- * @exception SecurityException If read access is not allowed to the
+ *
+ * @exception SecurityException If read access is not allowed to the
* directory by the <code>SecurityManager</code>
public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter)
@@ -774,10 +774,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (!exists() || !isDirectory())
return null;
// Get the list of files
String files[] = VMFile.list(path);
// Check if an error occured in listInternal().
// This is an unreadable directory, pretend there is nothing inside.
if (files == null)
@@ -785,15 +785,15 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (filter == null)
return files;
// Apply the filter
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
if (filter.accept(this, files[i]))
- ++count;
+ ++count;
- files[i] = null;
+ files[i] = null;
String[] retfiles = new String[count];
@@ -817,10 +817,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* directory. If read access to the directory is denied, an exception
* will be thrown.
- * @return An array of files in the directory, or <code>null</code> if
+ * @return An array of files in the directory, or <code>null</code> if
* this object does not represent a valid directory.
- *
- * @exception SecurityException If read access is not allowed to the
+ *
+ * @exception SecurityException If read access is not allowed to the
* directory by the <code>SecurityManager</code>
public String[] list()
@@ -850,14 +850,14 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return listFiles((FilenameFilter) null);
* This method returns an array of <code>File</code> objects representing
* all the files in the directory represented by this object. If this
* object does not represent a directory, <code>null</code> is returned.
* Each of the returned <code>File</code> object is constructed with this
* object as its parent.
- * <p>
+ * <p>
* In this form of the <code>listFiles()</code> method, a filter is specified
* that allows the caller to control which files are returned in the
* list. The <code>FilenameFilter</code> specified is called for each
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter)
String[] filelist = list(filter);
if (filelist == null)
return null;
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* object does not represent a directory, <code>null</code> is returned.
* Each of the returned <code>File</code> object is constructed with this
* object as its parent.
- * <p>
+ * <p>
* In this form of the <code>listFiles()</code> method, a filter is specified
* that allows the caller to control which files are returned in the
* list. The <code>FileFilter</code> specified is called for each
@@ -958,13 +958,13 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public URI toURI()
String abspath = getAbsolutePath();
if (isDirectory() || path.equals(""))
abspath = abspath + separatorChar;
if (separatorChar == '\\')
abspath = separatorChar + abspath;
return new URI("file", null, null, -1,
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Can't happen.
throw (InternalError) new InternalError("Unconvertible file: "
- + this).initCause(use);
+ + this).initCause(use);
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @return A <code>URL</code> for this object.
- * @exception MalformedURLException If the URL cannot be created
+ * @exception MalformedURLException If the URL cannot be created
* successfully.
public URL toURL() throws MalformedURLException
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method creates a directory for the path represented by this object.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the directory was created,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the directory was created,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception SecurityException If write access is not allowed to this file
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method creates a directory for the path represented by this file.
* It will also create any intervening parent directories if necessary.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the directory was created,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the directory was created,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception SecurityException If write access is not allowed to this file
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return mkdir();
File f = new File(parent);
if (!f.exists())
@@ -1038,12 +1038,12 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
- * This method creates a temporary file in the specified directory. If
- * the directory name is null, then this method uses the system temporary
- * directory. The files created are guaranteed not to currently exist and
- * the same file name will never be used twice in the same virtual
- * machine instance.
- * The system temporary directory is determined by examinging the
+ * This method creates a temporary file in the specified directory. If
+ * the directory name is null, then this method uses the system temporary
+ * directory. The files created are guaranteed not to currently exist and
+ * the same file name will never be used twice in the same virtual
+ * machine instance.
+ * The system temporary directory is determined by examinging the
* <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> system property.
* <p>
* The <code>prefix</code> parameter is a sequence of at least three
@@ -1057,18 +1057,18 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @param prefix The character prefix to use in generating the path name.
* @param suffix The character suffix to use in generating the path name.
- * @param directory The directory to create the file in, or
+ * @param directory The directory to create the file in, or
* <code>null</code> for the default temporary directory
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the patterns is not valid
- * @exception SecurityException If there is no permission to perform
+ * @exception SecurityException If there is no permission to perform
* this operation
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
* @since 1.2
public static synchronized File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix,
- File directory)
+ File directory)
throws IOException
// Grab the system temp directory if necessary
@@ -1076,8 +1076,8 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
String dirname = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
if (dirname == null)
- throw new IOException("Cannot determine system temporary directory");
+ throw new IOException("Cannot determine system temporary directory");
directory = new File(dirname);
if (! VMFile.exists(directory.path))
throw new IOException("System temporary directory "
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Now identify a file name and make sure it doesn't exist.
File file;
if (!VMFile.IS_DOS_8_3)
- {
+ {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
String name = Long.toHexString(now);
if (n_created > 0)
name += '_'+Integer.toHexString(n_created);
@@ -1143,16 +1143,16 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Now create the file and return our file object
// XXX - FIXME race condition.
- VMFile.create(file.getAbsolutePath());
+ VMFile.create(file.getAbsolutePath());
return file;
* This method sets the owner's read permission for the File represented by
* this object.
- *
+ *
* It is the same as calling <code>setReadable(readable, true)</code>.
- *
+ *
* @param <code>readable</code> <code>true</code> to set read permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset the read permission.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file permissions are changed,
@@ -1165,21 +1165,21 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return setReadable(readable, true);
* This method sets the read permissions for the File represented by
* this object.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>true</code> then only the
* read permission bit for the owner of the file is changed.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>false</code>, the file
* permissions are changed so that the file can be read by everyone.
- *
+ *
* On unix like systems this sets the <code>user</code>, <code>group</code>
* and <code>other</code> read bits and is equal to call
* <code>chmod a+r</code> on the file.
- *
+ *
* @param <code>readable</code> <code>true</code> to set read permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset the read permission.
* @param <code>ownerOnly</code> <code>true</code> to set read permission
@@ -1195,13 +1195,13 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return VMFile.setReadable(path, readable, ownerOnly);
* This method sets the owner's write permission for the File represented by
* this object.
- *
- * It is the same as calling <code>setWritable(readable, true)</code>.
- *
+ *
+ * It is the same as calling <code>setWritable(readable, true)</code>.
+ *
* @param <code>writable</code> <code>true</code> to set write permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset write permission.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file permissions are changed,
@@ -1214,25 +1214,25 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return setWritable(writable, true);
* This method sets the write permissions for the File represented by
* this object.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>true</code> then only the
* write permission bit for the owner of the file is changed.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>false</code>, the file
* permissions are changed so that the file can be written by everyone.
- *
+ *
* On unix like systems this set the <code>user</code>, <code>group</code>
* and <code>other</code> write bits and is equal to call
* <code>chmod a+w</code> on the file.
- *
+ *
* @param <code>writable</code> <code>true</code> to set write permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset write permission.
* @param <code>ownerOnly</code> <code>true</code> to set write permission
- * for owner only, <code>false</code> for all.
+ * for owner only, <code>false</code> for all.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file permissions are changed,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @exception SecurityException If write access of the file is not permitted.
@@ -1244,13 +1244,13 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
return VMFile.setWritable(path, writable, ownerOnly);
* This method sets the owner's execute permission for the File represented
* by this object.
- *
- * It is the same as calling <code>setExecutable(readable, true)</code>.
- *
+ *
+ * It is the same as calling <code>setExecutable(readable, true)</code>.
+ *
* @param <code>executable</code> <code>true</code> to set execute permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset execute permission.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file permissions are changed,
@@ -1259,29 +1259,29 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @see #setExecutable(boolean, boolean)
* @since 1.6
- public boolean setExecutable(boolean executable)
+ public boolean setExecutable(boolean executable)
return setExecutable(executable, true);
* This method sets the execute permissions for the File represented by
* this object.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>true</code> then only the
* execute permission bit for the owner of the file is changed.
- *
+ *
* If <code>ownerOnly</code> is set to <code>false</code>, the file
* permissions are changed so that the file can be executed by everyone.
- *
+ *
* On unix like systems this set the <code>user</code>, <code>group</code>
* and <code>other</code> write bits and is equal to call
* <code>chmod a+x</code> on the file.
- *
+ *
* @param <code>executable</code> <code>true</code> to set write permission,
* <code>false</code> to unset write permission.
* @param <code>ownerOnly</code> <code>true</code> to set write permission
- * for owner only, <code>false</code> for all.
+ * for owner only, <code>false</code> for all.
* @return <code>true</code> if the file permissions are changed,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @exception SecurityException If write access of the file is not permitted.
@@ -1296,8 +1296,8 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* Get the total space for the partition pointed by this file path, in bytes.
- *
- * @return the total number of bytes in this partition.
+ *
+ * @return the total number of bytes in this partition.
* @since 1.6
public long getTotalSpace()
@@ -1307,14 +1307,14 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (s != null)
s.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("getFileSystemAttributes"));
return VMFile.getTotalSpace(path);
* Get the free space in the partition pointed by this file path, in bytes.
- *
- * @return the number of free bytes in this partition.
+ *
+ * @return the number of free bytes in this partition.
* @since 1.6
public long getFreeSpace()
@@ -1324,25 +1324,25 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (s != null)
s.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("getFileSystemAttributes"));
return VMFile.getFreeSpace(path);
* Get the usable space in the partition pointed by this file path, in bytes.
* This is not necessarily the same as the number returned by
* {@link #getFreeSpace()}.
- *
+ *
* <strong>Implementation note</strong>: Unlike the RI, on Linux and UNIX
* like systems this methods take into account the reserved space for the
* "root" user. This means that the returned results will be a little
* different if a normal user or root perform the query.
- *
+ *
* Also, the bytes returned should be interpreted as an hint, and may be
* different at each call of this method or even right after the method
* returns.
- *
- * @return the number of usable bytes in this partition.
+ *
+ * @return the number of usable bytes in this partition.
* @since 1.6
public long getUsableSpace()
@@ -1352,18 +1352,18 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
if (s != null)
s.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("getFileSystemAttributes"));
// root users can use the reserved extra space
String user = System.getProperty("user.name");
if (user != null && user.equals("root"))
return VMFile.getFreeSpace(path);
return VMFile.getUsableSpace(path);
* This method sets the file represented by this object to be read only.
- * A read only file or directory cannot be modified. Please note that
+ * A read only file or directory cannot be modified. Please note that
* GNU systems allow read only files to be deleted if the directory it
* is contained in is writable.
@@ -1401,44 +1401,44 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
public static File[] listRoots()
File[] roots = VMFile.listRoots();
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
if (s != null)
- // Only return roots to which the security manager permits read access.
- int count = roots.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- s.checkRead (roots[i].path);
- }
- catch (SecurityException sx)
- {
- roots[i] = null;
- count--;
- }
- }
- if (count != roots.length)
- {
- File[] newRoots = new File[count];
- int k = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++)
- {
- if (roots[i] != null)
- newRoots[k++] = roots[i];
- }
- roots = newRoots;
- }
+ // Only return roots to which the security manager permits read access.
+ int count = roots.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ s.checkRead (roots[i].path);
+ }
+ catch (SecurityException sx)
+ {
+ roots[i] = null;
+ count--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count != roots.length)
+ {
+ File[] newRoots = new File[count];
+ int k = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (roots[i] != null)
+ newRoots[k++] = roots[i];
+ }
+ roots = newRoots;
+ }
return roots;
- * This method creates a temporary file in the system temporary directory.
+ * This method creates a temporary file in the system temporary directory.
* The files created are guaranteed not to currently exist and the same file
* name will never be used twice in the same virtual machine instance. The
- * system temporary directory is determined by examinging the
+ * system temporary directory is determined by examinging the
* <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> system property.
* <p>
* The <code>prefix</code> parameter is a sequence of at least three
@@ -1450,14 +1450,14 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* If a <code>SecurityManager</code> exists, then its <code>checkWrite</code>
* method is used to verify that this operation is permitted.
* <p>
- * This method is identical to calling
+ * This method is identical to calling
* <code>createTempFile(prefix, suffix, null)</code>.
* @param prefix The character prefix to use in generating the path name.
* @param suffix The character suffix to use in generating the path name.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If the prefix or suffix are not valid.
- * @exception SecurityException If there is no permission to perform
+ * @exception SecurityException If there is no permission to perform
* this operation
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -1470,13 +1470,13 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* This method compares the specified <code>File</code> to this one
* to test for equality. It does this by comparing the canonical path names
- * of the files.
+ * of the files.
* <p>
* The canonical paths of the files are determined by calling the
* <code>getCanonicalPath</code> method on each object.
* <p>
* This method returns a 0 if the specified <code>Object</code> is equal
- * to this one, a negative value if it is less than this one
+ * to this one, a negative value if it is less than this one
* a positive value if it is greater than this one.
* @return An integer as described above
@@ -1497,10 +1497,10 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @param dest The <code>File</code> object representing the target name
- * @return <code>true</code> if the rename succeeds, <code>false</code>
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the rename succeeds, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
- * @exception SecurityException If write access is not allowed to the
+ * @exception SecurityException If write access is not allowed to the
* file by the <code>SecurityMananger</code>.
public synchronized boolean renameTo(File dest)
@@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @since 1.2
- public boolean setLastModified(long time)
+ public boolean setLastModified(long time)
if (time < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative modification time: " + time);
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Check the SecurityManager
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
if (s != null)
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Check the SecurityManager
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
if (s != null)
@@ -1558,12 +1558,12 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// Check the SecurityManager
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager();
if (s != null)
- /**
+ /**
* Calling this method requests that the file represented by this object
* be deleted when the virtual machine exits. Note that this request cannot
* be cancelled. Also, it will only be carried out if the virtual machine
@@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
* @exception SecurityException If deleting of the file is not allowed
- * @since 1.2
+ * @since 1.2
public void deleteOnExit()
@@ -1597,10 +1597,9 @@ public class File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
// If the file was from an OS with a different dir separator,
// fixup the path to use the separator on this OS.
char oldSeparatorChar = ois.readChar();
if (oldSeparatorChar != separatorChar)
path = path.replace(oldSeparatorChar, separatorChar);
-} // class File
+} // class File
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileDescriptor.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileDescriptor.java
index cf9ff20..ce58a9f 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileDescriptor.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileDescriptor.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
- * @date September 24, 1998
+ * @date September 24, 1998
public final class FileDescriptor
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public final class FileDescriptor
* This method forces all data that has not yet been physically written to
- * the underlying storage medium associated with this
+ * the underlying storage medium associated with this
* <code>FileDescriptor</code>
* to be written out. This method will not return until all data has
* been fully written to the underlying device. If the device does not
@@ -111,17 +111,17 @@ public final class FileDescriptor
if (channel instanceof FileChannel)
- try
- {
- ((FileChannel) channel).force(true);
- }
- catch (IOException ex)
- {
- if (ex instanceof SyncFailedException)
- throw (SyncFailedException) ex;
- else
- throw new SyncFailedException(ex.toString());
- }
+ try
+ {
+ ((FileChannel) channel).force(true);
+ }
+ catch (IOException ex)
+ {
+ if (ex instanceof SyncFailedException)
+ throw (SyncFailedException) ex;
+ else
+ throw new SyncFailedException(ex.toString());
+ }
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ public final class FileDescriptor
* This methods tests whether or not this object represents a valid open
* native file handle.
- * @return <code>true</code> if this object represents a valid
+ * @return <code>true</code> if this object represents a valid
* native file handle, <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean valid ()
- {
+ {
ByteChannel c = channel;
return (c != null) && (c.isOpen());
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileFilter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileFilter.java
index e57ac9f..087c5e9 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileFilter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileFilter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ package java.io;
* This interface has one method which is used for filtering pathnames
- * returned in a pathname listing. It is currently used by the
+ * returned in a pathname listing. It is currently used by the
* <code>File.listFiles(FileFilter)</code> method.
* <p>
* The method in this interface determines if a particular pathname should
* or should not be included in the pathname listing.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
- *
+ *
* @see File#listFiles(java.io.FileFilter)
public interface FileFilter
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public interface FileFilter
* @param pathname The pathname to test
- * @return <code>true</code> if the path should be included in the list,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the path should be included in the list,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
boolean accept(File pathname);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileInputStream.java
index 8217668..0e71caf 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct.
- * This class is a stream that reads its bytes from a file.
+ * This class is a stream that reads its bytes from a file.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
* This method initializes a <code>FileInputStream</code> to read from the
* specified named file. A security check is first made to determine
* whether or not access to this file is allowed. This is done by
- * calling the <code>checkRead()</code> method of the
+ * calling the <code>checkRead()</code> method of the
* <code>SecurityManager</code>
* (if one exists) with the name of this file. An exception is thrown
* if reading is not allowed. If the file does not exist, an exception
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
* @param name The name of the file this stream should read from
* @exception SecurityException If read access to the file is not allowed
- * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file does not exist
+ * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file does not exist
* or if it is a directory
public FileInputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
* specified <code>FileDescriptor</code> object. A security
* check is first made to
* determine whether or not access to this file is allowed. This is done by
- * calling the <code>checkRead()</code> method of the
+ * calling the <code>checkRead()</code> method of the
* <code>SecurityManager</code>
- * (if one exists) with the specified <code>FileDescriptor</code>
- * An exception is
+ * (if one exists) with the specified <code>FileDescriptor</code>
+ * An exception is
* thrown if reading is not allowed.
- * @param fdObj The <code>FileDescriptor</code> object this stream
+ * @param fdObj The <code>FileDescriptor</code> object this stream
* should read from
* @exception SecurityException If read access to the file is not allowed
@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
synchronized (this)
- if (fd == null)
- fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
- return fd;
+ if (fd == null)
+ fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
+ return fd;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
* This method read bytes from a stream and stores them into a caller
- * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index
+ * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index
* <code>offset</code> into
* the buffer and attempts to read <code>len</code> bytes. This method can
* return before reading the number of bytes requested. The actual number
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
public synchronized long skip (long numBytes) throws IOException
if (numBytes < 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Can't skip negative bytes: " +
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Can't skip negative bytes: " +
if (numBytes == 0)
@@ -314,10 +314,9 @@ public class FileInputStream extends InputStream
* A file channel must be created by first creating an instance of
* Input/Output/RandomAccessFile and invoking the getChannel() method on it.
- public synchronized FileChannel getChannel ()
+ public synchronized FileChannel getChannel ()
return ch;
} // class FileInputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileOutputStream.java
index b012e60..6915822 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileOutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* Before opening a file, a security check is performed by calling the
* <code>checkWrite</code> method of the <code>SecurityManager</code> (if
* one exists) with the name of the file to be opened. An exception is
- * thrown if writing is not allowed.
+ * thrown if writing is not allowed.
* @param path The name of the file this stream should write to
* @param append <code>true</code> to append bytes to the end of the file,
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* Before opening a file, a security check is performed by calling the
* <code>checkWrite</code> method of the <code>SecurityManager</code> (if
* one exists) with the name of the file to be opened. An exception is
- * thrown if writing is not allowed.
+ * thrown if writing is not allowed.
* @param path The name of the file this stream should write to
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* This method initializes a <code>FileOutputStream</code> object to write
- * to the specified <code>File</code> object. The file is created if it
- * does not exist, and the bytes written are written starting at the
+ * to the specified <code>File</code> object. The file is created if it
+ * does not exist, and the bytes written are written starting at the
* beginning of the file.
* <p>
* Before opening a file, a security check is performed by calling the
* <code>checkWrite</code> method of the <code>SecurityManager</code> (if
* one exists) with the name of the file to be opened. An exception is
- * thrown if writing is not allowed.
+ * thrown if writing is not allowed.
* @param file The <code>File</code> object this stream should write to
@@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* This method initializes a <code>FileOutputStream</code> object to write
- * to the specified <code>File</code> object. The file is created if it
- * does not exist, and the bytes written are written starting at the
- * beginning of the file if the <code>append</code> parameter is
+ * to the specified <code>File</code> object. The file is created if it
+ * does not exist, and the bytes written are written starting at the
+ * beginning of the file if the <code>append</code> parameter is
* <code>false</code>. Otherwise bytes are written at the end of the
* file.
* <p>
* Before opening a file, a security check is performed by calling the
* <code>checkWrite</code> method of the <code>SecurityManager</code> (if
* one exists) with the name of the file to be opened. An exception is
- * thrown if writing is not allowed.
+ * thrown if writing is not allowed.
* @param file The <code>File</code> object this stream should write to
* @param append <code>true</code> to append bytes to the end of the file,
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* Before opening a file, a security check is performed by calling the
* <code>checkWrite</code> method of the <code>SecurityManager</code> (if
* one exists) with the specified <code>FileDescriptor</code> as an argument.
- * An exception is thrown if writing is not allowed.
+ * An exception is thrown if writing is not allowed.
* @param fdObj The <code>FileDescriptor</code> this stream should write to
@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
synchronized (this)
- if (fd == null)
- fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
- return fd;
+ if (fd == null)
+ fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
+ return fd;
- * This method writes a single byte of data to the file.
+ * This method writes a single byte of data to the file.
* @param b The byte of data to write, passed as an <code>int</code>
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
- * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the byte array
+ * This method writes <code>len</code> bytes from the byte array
* <code>buf</code> to the file starting at index <code>offset</code>.
* @param buf The array of bytes to write to the file
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
|| len < 0
|| offset + len > buf.length)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ();
ch.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, offset, len));
@@ -301,10 +301,9 @@ public class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream
* A file channel must be created by first creating an instance of
* Input/Output/RandomAccessFile and invoking the getChannel() method on it.
- public synchronized FileChannel getChannel()
+ public synchronized FileChannel getChannel()
return ch;
} // class FileOutputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilePermission.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilePermission.java
index 0872a37..5aa10b3 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilePermission.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilePermission.java
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
String action;
int i = actionsString.indexOf(',');
int startI = 0;
- while (i != -1)
+ while (i != -1)
action = actionsString.substring(startI, i).trim().toLowerCase();
if (action.equals("read"))
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
executePerm = true;
else if (action.equals("delete"))
deletePerm = true;
- else
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action: " + action);
+ else
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown action: " + action);
startI = i + 1;
i = actionsString.indexOf(',', startI);
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
* permission represents. The actions must be "read", "write",
* "execute" and/or "delete".
- public FilePermission(String pathExpression, String actionsString)
+ public FilePermission(String pathExpression, String actionsString)
// FIXME: what to do when the file string is malformed?
@@ -110,26 +110,26 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
this.actionsString = actionsString;
* Get the actions this FilePermission supports.
* @return the String representing the actions this FilePermission supports.
- public String getActions()
+ public String getActions()
return actionsString;
* Get the hash code for this Object.<P>
- * FilePermission's hash code is calculated as the exclusive or of the
+ * FilePermission's hash code is calculated as the exclusive or of the
* target
* String's hash code and the action String's hash code.
- * @specnote Sun did not specify how to calculate the hash code;
+ * @specnote Sun did not specify how to calculate the hash code;
* I made this up.
* @return the hash code for this Object.
- public int hashCode()
+ public int hashCode()
return getName().hashCode() ^ actionsString.hashCode();
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
* @param o the Object to compare to.
* @return whether the Objects are semantically equivalent.
- public boolean equals(Object o)
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
if (! (o instanceof FilePermission))
return false;
@@ -152,38 +152,38 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
// Compare names, taking into account if they refer to a directory
// and one has a separator and the other does not.
- if (f1.length() > 0 && f1.charAt(f1.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
+ if (f1.length() > 0 && f1.charAt(f1.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
if (f2.length() > 0
- && f2.charAt(f2.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
+ && f2.charAt(f2.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
- if (! f2.equals(f1))
- return false;
+ if (! f2.equals(f1))
+ return false;
- if (! f2.equals(f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 1)))
- return false;
+ if (! f2.equals(f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 1)))
+ return false;
if (f2.length() > 0
- && f2.charAt(f2.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
+ && f2.charAt(f2.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
- if (! f1.equals(f2.substring(0, f2.length() - 1)))
- return false;
+ if (! f1.equals(f2.substring(0, f2.length() - 1)))
+ return false;
- if (! f1.equals(f2))
- return false;
+ if (! f1.equals(f2))
+ return false;
return (readPerm == p.readPerm
- && writePerm == p.writePerm
- && executePerm == p.executePerm
- && deletePerm == p.deletePerm);
+ && writePerm == p.writePerm
+ && executePerm == p.executePerm
+ && deletePerm == p.deletePerm);
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
* Permission A implies permission B if these things are all true:
* <OL>
* <LI>A and B are both FilePermissions.</LI>
- * <LI>All possible files in B are included in A
+ * <LI>All possible files in B are included in A
* (possibly more are in A).</LI>
* <LI>All actions B supports, A also supports.</LI>
* </OL>
* @param p the Permission to compare against.
* @return whether this Permission implies p
- public boolean implies(Permission p)
+ public boolean implies(Permission p)
if (! (p instanceof FilePermission))
return false;
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
if (f1.equals(ALL_FILES))
return true;
FilePermission fp = (FilePermission) p;
String f2 = fp.getName();
@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
- f1 = new File(f1).getCanonicalPath();
- f2 = new File(f2).getCanonicalPath();
+ f1 = new File(f1).getCanonicalPath();
+ f2 = new File(f2).getCanonicalPath();
catch (IOException ioe)
- return false;
+ return false;
String sub1;
@@ -229,54 +229,54 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
switch (f1.charAt(f1.length() - 1))
case '*':
- sub1 = f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 1); // chop off "*"
- if (f2.length() <= sub1.length())
- {
- // If it's smaller, there is no way it could be part of
- // this directory. If it's the same (or length - 1), it
- // could be the same directory but specifies access to
- // the directory rather than the files in it.
- return false;
- }
- else if (f2.charAt(sub1.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
- {
- // Make sure the part before the "/" is the same.
- if (! f2.substring(0, sub1.length()).equals(sub1))
- return false;
- // Make sure there are no subdirectories specified
- // underneath this one.
- if (f2.substring(sub1.length() + 1).indexOf(File.separatorChar)
- != -1)
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Obviously not equal: f2 is either not a directory or
- // is not the same directory (its name continues further
- // than we want).
- return false;
- }
- break;
+ sub1 = f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 1); // chop off "*"
+ if (f2.length() <= sub1.length())
+ {
+ // If it's smaller, there is no way it could be part of
+ // this directory. If it's the same (or length - 1), it
+ // could be the same directory but specifies access to
+ // the directory rather than the files in it.
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f2.charAt(sub1.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
+ {
+ // Make sure the part before the "/" is the same.
+ if (! f2.substring(0, sub1.length()).equals(sub1))
+ return false;
+ // Make sure there are no subdirectories specified
+ // underneath this one.
+ if (f2.substring(sub1.length() + 1).indexOf(File.separatorChar)
+ != -1)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Obviously not equal: f2 is either not a directory or
+ // is not the same directory (its name continues further
+ // than we want).
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
case '-':
- // Chop off "/-".
- sub1 = f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 2);
- if (f2.length() < sub1.length())
- {
- // If it's smaller, there is no way it could be part of
- // this directory.
- return false;
- }
- else if (f2.length() > sub1.length()
- && f2.charAt(sub1.length()) != File.separatorChar)
- return false;
- else if (! f2.substring(0, sub1.length()).equals(sub1))
- return false;
- break;
+ // Chop off "/-".
+ sub1 = f1.substring(0, f1.length() - 2);
+ if (f2.length() < sub1.length())
+ {
+ // If it's smaller, there is no way it could be part of
+ // this directory.
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (f2.length() > sub1.length()
+ && f2.charAt(sub1.length()) != File.separatorChar)
+ return false;
+ else if (! f2.substring(0, sub1.length()).equals(sub1))
+ return false;
+ break;
- if (!f1.equals(f2))
- return false;
- break;
+ if (!f1.equals(f2))
+ return false;
+ break;
if (fp.readPerm && ! readPerm)
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public final class FilePermission extends Permission implements Serializable
return false;
if (fp.deletePerm && ! deletePerm)
return false;
return true;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileReader.java
index 4a1dd5f..05e14c3 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ package java.io;
* This class provides a convenient way to set up a <code>Reader</code>
* to read from a file. It opens the specified file for reading and creates
- * the <code>InputStreamReader</code> to read from the
+ * the <code>InputStreamReader</code> to read from the
* resulting <code>FileInputStream</code>. This class can only be used
* to read from files using the default character encoding. Use
* <code>InputStreamReader</code> directly to use a non-default encoding.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class FileReader extends InputStreamReader
* @param file The <code>File</code> object representing the file to read from
- * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is not found or some other
+ * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is not found or some other
* error occurs
public FileReader(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class FileReader extends InputStreamReader
* @param name The name of the file to read from
- * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is not found or some other
+ * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is not found or some other
* error occurs
public FileReader(String name) throws FileNotFoundException
@@ -89,4 +89,3 @@ public class FileReader extends InputStreamReader
super(new FileInputStream(name));
} // class FileReader
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileWriter.java
index ce18efe..95d5eea 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FileWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ package java.io;
* This is a convenience class for writing to files. It creates an
- * <code>FileOutputStream</code> and initializes an
+ * <code>FileOutputStream</code> and initializes an
* <code>OutputStreamWriter</code> to write to it.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class FileWriter extends OutputStreamWriter
- * This method intializes a new <code>FileWriter</code> object to
+ * This method intializes a new <code>FileWriter</code> object to
* write to the
* specified named file.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class FileWriter extends OutputStreamWriter
- * This method intializes a new <code>FileWriter</code> object to
+ * This method intializes a new <code>FileWriter</code> object to
* write to the
* specified named file. This form of the constructor allows the caller
* to determine whether data should be written starting at the beginning or
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilenameFilter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilenameFilter.java
index 57b4d3b..5a9045f 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilenameFilter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilenameFilter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ package java.io;
* This interface has one method which is used for filtering filenames
- * returned in a directory listing. It is currently used by the
- * <code>File.list(FilenameFilter)</code> method and by the filename
+ * returned in a directory listing. It is currently used by the
+ * <code>File.list(FilenameFilter)</code> method and by the filename
* dialog in AWT.
* <p>
* The method in this interface determines if a particular file should
@@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ public interface FilenameFilter
boolean accept(File dir, String name);
} // interface FilenameFilter
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterInputStream.java
index d3cb9e4..c9d50e5 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ package java.io;
- * This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter
+ * This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter
* input. It acts as a layer on top of an underlying <code>InputStream</code>
* and simply redirects calls made to it to the subordinate InputStream
* instead. Subclasses of this class perform additional filtering
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ package java.io;
* When creating a subclass of <code>FilterInputStream</code>, override the
* appropriate methods to implement the desired filtering. However, note
* that the <code>read(byte[])</code> method does not need to be overridden
- * as this class redirects calls to that method to
+ * as this class redirects calls to that method to
* <code>read(byte[], int, int)</code> instead of to the subordinate
* <code>InputStream read(byte[])</code> method.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class FilterInputStream extends InputStream
* Calls the <code>in.skip(long)</code> method
- * @param numBytes The requested number of bytes to skip.
+ * @param numBytes The requested number of bytes to skip.
* @return The value returned from <code>in.skip(long)</code>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ public class FilterInputStream extends InputStream
- * Calls the <code>read(byte[], int, int)</code> overloaded method.
- * Note that
+ * Calls the <code>read(byte[], int, int)</code> overloaded method.
+ * Note that
* this method does not redirect its call directly to a corresponding
* method in <code>in</code>. This allows subclasses to override only the
* three argument version of <code>read</code>.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class FilterInputStream extends InputStream
* This method closes the input stream by closing the input stream that
* this object is filtering. Future attempts to access this stream may
* throw an exception.
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
public void close() throws IOException
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterOutputStream.java
index 4c2dfc0..401e547 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterOutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ package java.io;
- * This class is the common superclass of output stream classes that
+ * This class is the common superclass of output stream classes that
* filter the output they write. These classes typically transform the
* data in some way prior to writing it out to another underlying
- * <code>OutputStream</code>. This class simply overrides all the
+ * <code>OutputStream</code>. This class simply overrides all the
* methods in <code>OutputStream</code> to redirect them to the
* underlying stream. Subclasses provide actual filtering.
@@ -141,10 +141,9 @@ public class FilterOutputStream extends OutputStream
public void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) throws IOException
// Don't do checking here, per Java Lang Spec.
- for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
+ for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
write(buf[offset + i]);
} // class FilterOutputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterReader.java
index 1abaa8a..0e57e21 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ package java.io;
- * This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter
+ * This is the common superclass of all standard classes that filter
* input. It acts as a layer on top of an underlying <code>Reader</code>
* and simply redirects calls made to it to the subordinate Reader
* instead. Subclasses of this class perform additional filtering
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ package java.io;
* When creating a subclass of <code>FilterReader</code>, override the
* appropriate methods to implement the desired filtering. However, note
* that the <code>read(char[])</code> method does not need to be overridden
- * as this class redirects calls to that method to
+ * as this class redirects calls to that method to
* <code>read(yte[], int, int)</code> instead of to the subordinate
* <code>Reader} read(yte[])</code> method.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public abstract class FilterReader extends Reader
* Calls the <code>in.markSupported()</code> method.
- * @return <code>true</code> if mark/reset is supported,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if mark/reset is supported,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean markSupported()
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public abstract class FilterReader extends Reader
* Calls the <code>in.skip(long)</code> method
- * @param num_chars The requested number of chars to skip.
+ * @param num_chars The requested number of chars to skip.
* @return The value returned from <code>in.skip(long)</code>
@@ -182,4 +182,3 @@ public abstract class FilterReader extends Reader
} // class FilterReader
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterWriter.java
index 9b9ce33..382dec0 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/FilterWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ package java.io;
- * This class is the common superclass of output character stream classes
+ * This class is the common superclass of output character stream classes
* that filter the output they write. These classes typically transform the
* data in some way prior to writing it out to another underlying
- * <code>Writer</code>. This class simply overrides all the
+ * <code>Writer</code>. This class simply overrides all the
* methods in <code>Writer</code> to redirect them to the
* underlying stream. Subclasses provide actual filtering.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
- * @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
+ * @author Tom Tromey (tromey@cygnus.com)
public abstract class FilterWriter extends Writer
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public abstract class FilterWriter extends Writer
* starting at position <code>offset</code>.
* @param str The <code>String</code> that is to be written
- * @param offset The character offset into the <code>String</code>
+ * @param offset The character offset into the <code>String</code>
* to start writing from
* @param len The number of chars to write
@@ -144,4 +144,3 @@ public abstract class FilterWriter extends Writer
} // class FilterWriter
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStream.java
index 2934f00..58b3dbd 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable
* if they support mark/reset functionality.
* @return <code>true</code> if mark/reset functionality is
- * supported, <code>false</code> otherwise
+ * supported, <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean markSupported()
@@ -200,18 +200,18 @@ public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- {
- if ((ch = read()) < 0)
- return i == 0 ? -1 : i; // EOF
- b[off + i] = (byte) ch;
- }
+ {
+ if ((ch = read()) < 0)
+ return i == 0 ? -1 : i; // EOF
+ b[off + i] = (byte) ch;
+ }
catch (IOException ex)
- {
- // Only reading the first byte should cause an IOException.
- if (i == 0)
- throw ex;
- return i;
- }
+ {
+ // Only reading the first byte should cause an IOException.
+ if (i == 0)
+ throw ex;
+ return i;
+ }
return i;
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable
while (n > 0L)
- int numread = read(tmpbuf, 0, n > buflen ? buflen : (int) n);
- if (numread <= 0)
- break;
- n -= numread;
+ int numread = read(tmpbuf, 0, n > buflen ? buflen : (int) n);
+ if (numread <= 0)
+ break;
+ n -= numread;
return origN - n;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStreamReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStreamReader.java
index 6c5297f..51925a8 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStreamReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InputStreamReader.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
* This class reads characters from a byte input stream. The characters
- * read are converted from bytes in the underlying stream by a
+ * read are converted from bytes in the underlying stream by a
* decoding layer. The decoding layer transforms bytes to chars according
- * to an encoding standard. There are many available encodings to choose
+ * to an encoding standard. There are many available encodings to choose
* from. The desired encoding can either be specified by name, or if no
* encoding is selected, the system default encoding will be used. The
* system default encoding name is determined from the system property
- * <code>file.encoding</code>. The only encodings that are guaranteed to
+ * <code>file.encoding</code>. The only encodings that are guaranteed to
* be availalbe are "8859_1" (the Latin-1 character set) and "UTF8".
* Unforunately, Java does not provide a mechanism for listing the
* ecodings that are supported in a given implementation.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
* <li>More later</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
- * It is recommended that applications do not use
+ * It is recommended that applications do not use
* <code>InputStreamReader</code>'s
* directly. Rather, for efficiency purposes, an object of this class
* should be wrapped by a <code>BufferedReader</code>.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
* @author Robert Schuster
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Per Bothner (bothner@cygnus.com)
- * @date April 22, 1998.
+ * @date April 22, 1998.
public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
@@ -148,44 +148,44 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>InputStreamReader</code>
* to read from the specified stream using the default encoding.
- * @param in The <code>InputStream</code> to read from
+ * @param in The <code>InputStream</code> to read from
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in)
if (in == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.in = in;
- try
- {
- encoding = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding");
- // Don't use NIO if avoidable
- if(EncodingHelper.isISOLatin1(encoding))
- {
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- decoder = null;
- return;
- }
- Charset cs = EncodingHelper.getCharset(encoding);
- decoder = cs.newDecoder();
- encoding = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
- try {
- maxBytesPerChar = cs.newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar();
- } catch(UnsupportedOperationException _){
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- }
- decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
- decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
- decoder.reset();
- } catch(RuntimeException e) {
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- decoder = null;
- } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- decoder = null;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ encoding = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding");
+ // Don't use NIO if avoidable
+ if(EncodingHelper.isISOLatin1(encoding))
+ {
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ decoder = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ Charset cs = EncodingHelper.getCharset(encoding);
+ decoder = cs.newDecoder();
+ encoding = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
+ try {
+ maxBytesPerChar = cs.newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar();
+ } catch(UnsupportedOperationException _){
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ }
+ decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ decoder.reset();
+ } catch(RuntimeException e) {
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ decoder = null;
+ } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ decoder = null;
+ }
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
* to read from the specified stream using a caller supplied character
* encoding scheme. Note that due to a deficiency in the Java language
* design, there is no way to determine which encodings are supported.
- *
+ *
* @param in The <code>InputStream</code> to read from
* @param encoding_name The name of the encoding scheme to use
- * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException If the encoding scheme
+ * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException If the encoding scheme
* requested is not available.
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String encoding_name)
@@ -206,23 +206,23 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
if (in == null
|| encoding_name == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.in = in;
// Don't use NIO if avoidable
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- decoder = null;
- return;
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ decoder = null;
+ return;
try {
Charset cs = EncodingHelper.getCharset(encoding_name);
try {
maxBytesPerChar = cs.newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar();
} catch(UnsupportedOperationException _){
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- }
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ }
decoder = cs.newDecoder();
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
* Creates an InputStreamReader that uses a decoder of the given
* charset to decode the bytes in the InputStream into
* characters.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.4
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset charset) {
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
* Creates an InputStreamReader that uses the given charset decoder
* to decode the bytes in the InputStream into characters.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.4
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, CharsetDecoder decoder) {
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
maxBytesPerChar = charset.newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar();
} catch(UnsupportedOperationException _){
- maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
- }
+ maxBytesPerChar = 1f;
+ }
@@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
if (charset == null)
encoding = "US-ASCII";
- encoding = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(decoder.charset().name());
+ encoding = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(decoder.charset().name());
- * This method closes this stream, as well as the underlying
+ * This method closes this stream, as well as the underlying
* <code>InputStream</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -304,14 +304,14 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
synchronized (lock)
- // Makes sure all intermediate data is released by the decoder.
- if (decoder != null)
- decoder.reset();
- if (in != null)
- in.close();
- in = null;
- isDone = true;
- decoder = null;
+ // Makes sure all intermediate data is released by the decoder.
+ if (decoder != null)
+ decoder.reset();
+ if (in != null)
+ in.close();
+ in = null;
+ isDone = true;
+ decoder = null;
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
* If the stream is not ready to be read, it could (although is not required
* to) block on the next read attempt.
- * @return <code>true</code> if the stream is ready to be read,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the stream is ready to be read,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
if (in == null)
throw new IOException("Reader has been closed");
return in.available() != 0;
@@ -367,10 +367,10 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
return -1;
if(decoder != null)
- int totalBytes = (int)((double) length * maxBytesPerChar);
+ int totalBytes = (int)((double) length * maxBytesPerChar);
if (byteBuffer != null)
totalBytes = Math.max(totalBytes, byteBuffer.remaining());
- byte[] bytes;
+ byte[] bytes;
// Fetch cached bytes array if available and big enough.
@@ -381,57 +381,57 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
bytesCache = null;
- int remaining = 0;
- if(byteBuffer != null)
- {
- remaining = byteBuffer.remaining();
- byteBuffer.get(bytes, 0, remaining);
- }
- int read;
- if(totalBytes - remaining > 0)
- {
- read = in.read(bytes, remaining, totalBytes - remaining);
- if(read == -1){
- read = remaining;
- isDone = true;
- } else
- read += remaining;
- } else
+ int remaining = 0;
+ if(byteBuffer != null)
+ {
+ remaining = byteBuffer.remaining();
+ byteBuffer.get(bytes, 0, remaining);
+ }
+ int read;
+ if(totalBytes - remaining > 0)
+ {
+ read = in.read(bytes, remaining, totalBytes - remaining);
+ if(read == -1){
+ read = remaining;
+ isDone = true;
+ } else
+ read += remaining;
+ } else
read = remaining;
- byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, 0, read);
- CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(buf, offset, length);
- int startPos = cb.position();
- if(hasSavedSurrogate){
- hasSavedSurrogate = false;
- cb.put(savedSurrogate);
- read++;
- }
- CoderResult cr = decoder.decode(byteBuffer, cb, isDone);
- decoder.reset();
- // 1 char remains which is the first half of a surrogate pair.
- if(cr.isOverflow() && cb.hasRemaining()){
- CharBuffer overflowbuf = CharBuffer.allocate(2);
- cr = decoder.decode(byteBuffer, overflowbuf, isDone);
- overflowbuf.flip();
- if(overflowbuf.hasRemaining())
- {
- cb.put(overflowbuf.get());
- savedSurrogate = overflowbuf.get();
- hasSavedSurrogate = true;
- isDone = false;
- }
- }
- if(byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
- byteBuffer.compact();
- byteBuffer.flip();
- isDone = false;
- } else
- byteBuffer = null;
- read = cb.position() - startPos;
+ byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, 0, read);
+ CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(buf, offset, length);
+ int startPos = cb.position();
+ if(hasSavedSurrogate){
+ hasSavedSurrogate = false;
+ cb.put(savedSurrogate);
+ read++;
+ }
+ CoderResult cr = decoder.decode(byteBuffer, cb, isDone);
+ decoder.reset();
+ // 1 char remains which is the first half of a surrogate pair.
+ if(cr.isOverflow() && cb.hasRemaining()){
+ CharBuffer overflowbuf = CharBuffer.allocate(2);
+ cr = decoder.decode(byteBuffer, overflowbuf, isDone);
+ overflowbuf.flip();
+ if(overflowbuf.hasRemaining())
+ {
+ cb.put(overflowbuf.get());
+ savedSurrogate = overflowbuf.get();
+ hasSavedSurrogate = true;
+ isDone = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
+ byteBuffer.compact();
+ byteBuffer.flip();
+ isDone = false;
+ } else
+ byteBuffer = null;
+ read = cb.position() - startPos;
// Put cached bytes array back if we are finished and the cache
// is null or smaller than the used bytes array.
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
- byte[] bytes;
+ byte[] bytes;
// Fetch cached bytes array if available and big enough.
synchronized (cacheLock)
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
bytesCache = null;
- int read = in.read(bytes);
- for(int i=0;i<read;i++)
+ int read = in.read(bytes);
+ for(int i=0;i<read;i++)
buf[offset+i] = (char)(bytes[i]&0xFF);
// Put back byte array into cache if appropriate.
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
if (bytesCache == null || bytesCache.length < bytes.length)
bytesCache = bytes;
- return read;
+ return read;
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ public class InputStreamReader extends Reader
if (in == null)
throw new IOException("Reader has been closed");
return super.skip(count);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InvalidClassException.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InvalidClassException.java
index c71b0c6..e31a44f 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/InvalidClassException.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/InvalidClassException.java
@@ -108,4 +108,3 @@ public class InvalidClassException extends ObjectStreamException
return (classname == null ? "" : classname + "; ") + msg;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java
index da43097..2d8e362 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
private boolean justReadReturnChar = false;
- * Create a new <code>LineNumberInputStream</code> that reads from the
+ * Create a new <code>LineNumberInputStream</code> that reads from the
* specified subordinate <code>InputStream</code>
* @param in The subordinate <code>InputStream</code> to read from
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* functionality.
* @param readlimit The number of bytes that can be read before the
- * mark becomes invalid
+ * mark becomes invalid
public void mark(int readlimit)
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* to be read.
* @return The byte read or -1 if end of stream
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
public int read() throws IOException
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
if (ch == '\n')
if (justReadReturnChar)
- {
- ch = in.read();
+ {
+ ch = in.read();
justReadReturnChar = false;
- }
+ }
- lineNumber++;
+ lineNumber++;
else if (ch == '\r')
- ch = '\n';
- justReadReturnChar = true;
- lineNumber++;
+ ch = '\n';
+ justReadReturnChar = true;
+ lineNumber++;
justReadReturnChar = false;
@@ -239,11 +239,11 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
final int origOff = off;
while (len-- > 0)
- int ch = read();
- if (ch < 0)
- break;
+ int ch = read();
+ if (ch < 0)
+ break;
- b[off++] = (byte) ch;
+ b[off++] = (byte) ch;
// This is safe since we already know that some bytes were
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* This method sets the current line number to the specified value.
- *
+ *
* @param lineNumber The new line number
public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
- * This method skips up to the requested number of bytes in the
+ * This method skips up to the requested number of bytes in the
* input stream. The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. If the
* desired number of bytes to skip is negative, no bytes are skipped.
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ public class LineNumberInputStream extends FilterInputStream
- int ch = read();
- if (ch < 0)
- break;
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- lineNumber++;
+ int ch = read();
+ if (ch < 0)
+ break;
+ if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
+ lineNumber++;
while (--n > 0);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberReader.java
index 5e263f7..6ac0b55 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/LineNumberReader.java
@@ -151,22 +151,22 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
synchronized (lock)
- // This is basically the same as BufferedReader.mark.
- // However, if the previous character was a '\r', we need to
- // save that 'r', in case the next character is a '\n'.
- if (pos + readLimit > limit)
- {
- int saveCR = matchedNewLine ? 1 : 0;
- char[] old_buffer = buffer;
- if (readLimit > limit)
- buffer = new char[saveCR + readLimit];
- int copy_start = pos - saveCR;
- savedLineNumber = lineNumber;
- limit -= copy_start;
- System.arraycopy(old_buffer, copy_start, buffer, 0, limit);
- pos = saveCR;
- }
- markPos = pos;
+ // This is basically the same as BufferedReader.mark.
+ // However, if the previous character was a '\r', we need to
+ // save that 'r', in case the next character is a '\n'.
+ if (pos + readLimit > limit)
+ {
+ int saveCR = matchedNewLine ? 1 : 0;
+ char[] old_buffer = buffer;
+ if (readLimit > limit)
+ buffer = new char[saveCR + readLimit];
+ int copy_start = pos - saveCR;
+ savedLineNumber = lineNumber;
+ limit -= copy_start;
+ System.arraycopy(old_buffer, copy_start, buffer, 0, limit);
+ pos = saveCR;
+ }
+ markPos = pos;
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (markPos < 0)
- throw new IOException("mark never set or invalidated");
- lineNumber = savedLineNumber;
- pos = markPos;
- matchedNewLine = (markPos > 0 && buffer[markPos-1] == '\r');
+ if (markPos < 0)
+ throw new IOException("mark never set or invalidated");
+ lineNumber = savedLineNumber;
+ pos = markPos;
+ matchedNewLine = (markPos > 0 && buffer[markPos-1] == '\r');
@@ -237,24 +237,24 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
synchronized (lock)
- skipRedundantLF();
- if (pos >= limit && fill() < 0)
- return -1;
- char ch = buffer[pos++];
- if ((matchedNewLine = (ch == '\r')) || ch == '\n')
- {
- lineNumber++;
- return '\n';
- }
- matchedNewLine = false;
- return (int) ch;
+ skipRedundantLF();
+ if (pos >= limit && fill() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ char ch = buffer[pos++];
+ if ((matchedNewLine = (ch == '\r')) || ch == '\n')
+ {
+ lineNumber++;
+ return '\n';
+ }
+ matchedNewLine = false;
+ return (int) ch;
* This method reads chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
- * supplied buffer. It starts storing data at index <code>offset</code> into
+ * supplied buffer. It starts storing data at index <code>offset</code> into
* the buffer and attemps to read <code>len</code> chars. This method can
* return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual number
* of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicated the
@@ -288,37 +288,37 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
if (count <= 0)
- if (count < 0)
- throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
- return 0;
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ return 0;
synchronized (lock)
- if (pos >= limit && fill() < 0)
- return -1;
- int start_offset = offset;
- boolean matched = matchedNewLine;
- while (count-- > 0 && pos < limit)
- {
- char ch = buffer[pos++];
- if (ch == '\r')
- {
- lineNumber++;
- matched = true;
- }
- else if (ch == '\n' && !matched)
- lineNumber++;
- else
- matched = false;
- buf[offset++] = ch;
- }
- matchedNewLine = matched;
- return offset - start_offset;
+ if (pos >= limit && fill() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ int start_offset = offset;
+ boolean matched = matchedNewLine;
+ while (count-- > 0 && pos < limit)
+ {
+ char ch = buffer[pos++];
+ if (ch == '\r')
+ {
+ lineNumber++;
+ matched = true;
+ }
+ else if (ch == '\n' && !matched)
+ lineNumber++;
+ else
+ matched = false;
+ buf[offset++] = ch;
+ }
+ matchedNewLine = matched;
+ return offset - start_offset;
@@ -326,20 +326,20 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
if (pos > 0 && matchedNewLine)
- if (pos < limit)
- { // fast case
- if (buffer[pos] == '\n')
- pos++;
- }
- else
- { // check whether the next buffer begins with '\n'.
- // in that case kill the '\n'.
- if (fill() <= 0)
- return;
- if (buffer[pos] == '\n')
- pos++;
- }
- matchedNewLine = true;
+ if (pos < limit)
+ { // fast case
+ if (buffer[pos] == '\n')
+ pos++;
+ }
+ else
+ { // check whether the next buffer begins with '\n'.
+ // in that case kill the '\n'.
+ if (fill() <= 0)
+ return;
+ if (buffer[pos] == '\n')
+ pos++;
+ }
+ matchedNewLine = true;
@@ -414,4 +414,3 @@ public class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader
return skipped;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInput.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInput.java
index 175b60f..f8d51e0 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInput.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInput.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
-package java.io;
+package java.io;
* This interface extends the <code>DataInput</code> interface to provide a
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput
* This method reading a byte of data from a stream. It returns that byte
- * as an <code>int</code>. This method blocks if no data is available
+ * as an <code>int</code>. This method blocks if no data is available
* to be read.
- *
+ *
* @return The byte of data read
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput
* This method reads raw bytes and stores them them a byte array buffer.
- * Note that this method will block if no data is available. However,
+ * Note that this method will block if no data is available. However,
* it will not necessarily block until it fills the entire buffer. That is,
* a "short count" is possible.
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput
* This method reads raw bytes and stores them in a byte array buffer
- * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> into the
- * buffer. A
+ * <code>buf</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> into the
+ * buffer. A
* maximum of <code>len</code> bytes will be read. Note that this method
* blocks if no data is available, but will not necessarily block until
* it can read <code>len</code> bytes of data. That is, a "short count" is
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ public interface ObjectInput extends DataInput
* @return The object instance that was read
- * @exception ClassNotFoundException If a class for the object cannot be
+ * @exception ClassNotFoundException If a class for the object cannot be
* found
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
- Object readObject()
+ Object readObject()
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java
index 6b2a651..c37f766 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputStream.java
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (DEBUG)
- String val = System.getProperty("gcj.dumpobjects");
- if (dump == false && val != null && !val.equals(""))
- {
- dump = true;
- System.out.println ("Serialization debugging enabled");
- }
- else if (dump == true && (val == null || val.equals("")))
- {
- dump = false;
- System.out.println ("Serialization debugging disabled");
- }
+ String val = System.getProperty("gcj.dumpobjects");
+ if (dump == false && val != null && !val.equals(""))
+ {
+ dump = true;
+ System.out.println ("Serialization debugging enabled");
+ }
+ else if (dump == true && (val == null || val.equals("")))
+ {
+ dump = false;
+ System.out.println ("Serialization debugging disabled");
+ }
this.resolveEnabled = false;
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* <code>private void readObject (ObjectInputStream)</code>.
* If an exception is thrown from this method, the stream is left in
- * an undefined state. This method can also throw Errors and
+ * an undefined state. This method can also throw Errors and
* RuntimeExceptions if caused by existing readResolve() user code.
- *
+ *
* @return The object read from the underlying stream.
* @exception ClassNotFoundException The class that an object being
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* <code>private void readObject (ObjectInputStream)</code>.
* If an exception is thrown from this method, the stream is left in
- * an undefined state. This method can also throw Errors and
+ * an undefined state. This method can also throw Errors and
* RuntimeExceptions if caused by existing readResolve() user code.
- *
+ *
* @param shared true if handles created by this call should be shared
* with later calls.
* @return The object read from the underlying stream.
@@ -212,15 +212,15 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
- ret_val = parseContent(marker, shared);
+ ret_val = parseContent(marker, shared);
- setBlockDataMode(old_mode);
- if (DEBUG)
- depth -= 2;
+ setBlockDataMode(old_mode);
+ if (DEBUG)
+ depth -= 2;
return ret_val;
@@ -246,75 +246,75 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
switch (marker)
- {
- ret_val = null;
- is_consumed = true;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ ret_val = null;
+ is_consumed = true;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if (marker == TC_BLOCKDATALONG)
- { if(dump) dumpElementln("BLOCKDATALONG"); }
- else
- { if(dump) dumpElementln("BLOCKDATA"); }
- readNextBlock(marker);
- }
+ {
+ if (marker == TC_BLOCKDATALONG)
+ { if(dump) dumpElementln("BLOCKDATALONG"); }
+ else
+ { if(dump) dumpElementln("BLOCKDATA"); }
+ readNextBlock(marker);
+ }
case TC_NULL:
- {
- if(dump) dumpElementln("NULL");
- ret_val = null;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("NULL");
+ ret_val = null;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if(dump) dumpElement("REFERENCE ");
- int oid = realInputStream.readInt();
- if(dump) dumpElementln(Integer.toHexString(oid));
- ret_val = lookupHandle(oid);
- if (!shared)
- throw new
- InvalidObjectException("References can not be read unshared.");
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElement("REFERENCE ");
+ int oid = realInputStream.readInt();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln(Integer.toHexString(oid));
+ ret_val = lookupHandle(oid);
+ if (!shared)
+ throw new
+ InvalidObjectException("References can not be read unshared.");
+ break;
+ }
case TC_CLASS:
- {
- if(dump) dumpElementln("CLASS");
- ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
- Class clazz = osc.forClass();
- assignNewHandle(clazz,shared);
- ret_val = clazz;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("CLASS");
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
+ Class clazz = osc.forClass();
+ assignNewHandle(clazz,shared);
+ ret_val = clazz;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if(dump) dumpElementln("PROXYCLASS");
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("PROXYCLASS");
- // The grammar at this point is
- // TC_PROXYCLASSDESC newHandle proxyClassDescInfo
- // i.e. we have to assign the handle immediately after
- // reading the marker.
- int handle = assignNewHandle("Dummy proxy",shared);
+ // The grammar at this point is
+ // TC_PROXYCLASSDESC newHandle proxyClassDescInfo
+ // i.e. we have to assign the handle immediately after
+ // reading the marker.
+ int handle = assignNewHandle("Dummy proxy",shared);
- int n_intf = this.realInputStream.readInt();
- String[] intfs = new String[n_intf];
- for (int i = 0; i < n_intf; i++)
- {
- intfs[i] = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
- }
- boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
- Class cl = resolveProxyClass(intfs);
- setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
- ObjectStreamClass osc = lookupClass(cl);
+ int n_intf = this.realInputStream.readInt();
+ String[] intfs = new String[n_intf];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_intf; i++)
+ {
+ intfs[i] = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
+ }
+ boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
+ Class cl = resolveProxyClass(intfs);
+ setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = lookupClass(cl);
if (osc.firstNonSerializableParentConstructor == null)
osc.realClassIsSerializable = true;
@@ -331,216 +331,216 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
- rememberHandle(osc,shared,handle);
+ rememberHandle(osc,shared,handle);
- if (!is_consumed)
- {
- byte b = this.realInputStream.readByte();
- throw new IOException("Data annotated to class was not consumed." + b);
- }
- else
- is_consumed = false;
- ObjectStreamClass superosc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
- osc.setSuperclass(superosc);
- ret_val = osc;
- break;
- }
+ if (!is_consumed)
+ {
+ byte b = this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ throw new IOException("Data annotated to class was not consumed." + b);
+ }
+ else
+ is_consumed = false;
+ ObjectStreamClass superosc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
+ osc.setSuperclass(superosc);
+ ret_val = osc;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- ObjectStreamClass osc = readClassDescriptor();
- if (!is_consumed)
- {
- byte b = this.realInputStream.readByte();
- throw new IOException("Data annotated to class was not consumed." + b);
- }
- else
- is_consumed = false;
- osc.setSuperclass ((ObjectStreamClass)readObject());
- ret_val = osc;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = readClassDescriptor();
+ if (!is_consumed)
+ {
+ byte b = this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ throw new IOException("Data annotated to class was not consumed." + b);
+ }
+ else
+ is_consumed = false;
+ osc.setSuperclass ((ObjectStreamClass)readObject());
+ ret_val = osc;
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if(dump) dumpElement("STRING=");
- String s = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
- if(dump) dumpElementln(s);
- ret_val = processResolution(null, s, assignNewHandle(s,shared),
- shared);
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElement("STRING=");
+ String s = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln(s);
+ ret_val = processResolution(null, s, assignNewHandle(s,shared),
+ shared);
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if(dump) dumpElement("STRING=");
- String s = this.realInputStream.readUTFLong();
- if(dump) dumpElementln(s);
- ret_val = processResolution(null, s, assignNewHandle(s,shared),
- shared);
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElement("STRING=");
+ String s = this.realInputStream.readUTFLong();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln(s);
+ ret_val = processResolution(null, s, assignNewHandle(s,shared),
+ shared);
+ break;
+ }
case TC_ARRAY:
- {
- if(dump) dumpElementln("ARRAY");
- ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
- Class componentType = osc.forClass().getComponentType();
- if(dump) dumpElement("ARRAY LENGTH=");
- int length = this.realInputStream.readInt();
- if(dump) dumpElementln (length + "; COMPONENT TYPE=" + componentType);
- Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
- int handle = assignNewHandle(array,shared);
- readArrayElements(array, componentType);
- if(dump)
- for (int i = 0, len = Array.getLength(array); i < len; i++)
- dumpElementln(" ELEMENT[" + i + "]=", Array.get(array, i));
- ret_val = processResolution(null, array, handle, shared);
- break;
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("ARRAY");
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
+ Class componentType = osc.forClass().getComponentType();
+ if(dump) dumpElement("ARRAY LENGTH=");
+ int length = this.realInputStream.readInt();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln (length + "; COMPONENT TYPE=" + componentType);
+ Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
+ int handle = assignNewHandle(array,shared);
+ readArrayElements(array, componentType);
+ if(dump)
+ for (int i = 0, len = Array.getLength(array); i < len; i++)
+ dumpElementln(" ELEMENT[" + i + "]=", Array.get(array, i));
+ ret_val = processResolution(null, array, handle, shared);
+ break;
+ }
- {
- if(dump) dumpElementln("OBJECT");
- ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
- Class clazz = osc.forClass();
- if (!osc.realClassIsSerializable)
- throw new NotSerializableException
- (clazz + " is not Serializable, and thus cannot be deserialized.");
- if (osc.realClassIsExternalizable)
- {
- Externalizable obj = osc.newInstance();
- int handle = assignNewHandle(obj,shared);
- boolean read_from_blocks = ((osc.getFlags() & SC_BLOCK_DATA) != 0);
- boolean oldmode = this.readDataFromBlock;
- if (read_from_blocks)
- setBlockDataMode(true);
- obj.readExternal(this);
- if (read_from_blocks)
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("OBJECT");
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass)readObject();
+ Class clazz = osc.forClass();
+ if (!osc.realClassIsSerializable)
+ throw new NotSerializableException
+ (clazz + " is not Serializable, and thus cannot be deserialized.");
+ if (osc.realClassIsExternalizable)
+ {
+ Externalizable obj = osc.newInstance();
+ int handle = assignNewHandle(obj,shared);
+ boolean read_from_blocks = ((osc.getFlags() & SC_BLOCK_DATA) != 0);
+ boolean oldmode = this.readDataFromBlock;
+ if (read_from_blocks)
+ setBlockDataMode(true);
+ obj.readExternal(this);
+ if (read_from_blocks)
- setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
- if (!oldmode)
- if (this.realInputStream.readByte() != TC_ENDBLOCKDATA)
- throw new IOException("No end of block data seen for class with readExternal (ObjectInputStream) method.");
- }
+ setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
+ if (!oldmode)
+ if (this.realInputStream.readByte() != TC_ENDBLOCKDATA)
+ throw new IOException("No end of block data seen for class with readExternal (ObjectInputStream) method.");
+ }
- ret_val = processResolution(osc, obj, handle,shared);
+ ret_val = processResolution(osc, obj, handle,shared);
- } // end if (osc.realClassIsExternalizable)
- Object obj = newObject(clazz, osc.firstNonSerializableParentConstructor);
- int handle = assignNewHandle(obj,shared);
- Object prevObject = this.currentObject;
- ObjectStreamClass prevObjectStreamClass = this.currentObjectStreamClass;
- TreeSet<ValidatorAndPriority> prevObjectValidators =
- this.currentObjectValidators;
- this.currentObject = obj;
- this.currentObjectValidators = null;
- ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy = hierarchy(clazz);
- for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.length; i++)
+ } // end if (osc.realClassIsExternalizable)
+ Object obj = newObject(clazz, osc.firstNonSerializableParentConstructor);
+ int handle = assignNewHandle(obj,shared);
+ Object prevObject = this.currentObject;
+ ObjectStreamClass prevObjectStreamClass = this.currentObjectStreamClass;
+ TreeSet<ValidatorAndPriority> prevObjectValidators =
+ this.currentObjectValidators;
+ this.currentObject = obj;
+ this.currentObjectValidators = null;
+ ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy = hierarchy(clazz);
+ for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.length; i++)
- this.currentObjectStreamClass = hierarchy[i];
- if(dump) dumpElementln("Reading fields of " + this.currentObjectStreamClass.getName ());
- // XXX: should initialize fields in classes in the hierarchy
- // that aren't in the stream
- // should skip over classes in the stream that aren't in the
- // real classes hierarchy
- Method readObjectMethod = this.currentObjectStreamClass.readObjectMethod;
- if (readObjectMethod != null)
- {
- fieldsAlreadyRead = false;
- boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
- callReadMethod(readObjectMethod, this.currentObjectStreamClass.forClass(), obj);
- setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
- }
- else
- {
- readFields(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
- }
- if (this.currentObjectStreamClass.hasWriteMethod())
- {
- if(dump) dumpElement("ENDBLOCKDATA? ");
- try
- {
- /* Read blocks until an end marker */
- byte writeMarker = this.realInputStream.readByte();
- while (writeMarker != TC_ENDBLOCKDATA)
- {
- parseContent(writeMarker, shared);
- writeMarker = this.realInputStream.readByte();
- }
- if(dump) dumpElementln("yes");
- }
- catch (EOFException e)
- {
- throw (IOException) new IOException
- ("No end of block data seen for class with readObject (ObjectInputStream) method.").initCause(e);
- }
- }
- }
- this.currentObject = prevObject;
- this.currentObjectStreamClass = prevObjectStreamClass;
- ret_val = processResolution(osc, obj, handle, shared);
- if (currentObjectValidators != null)
- invokeValidators();
- this.currentObjectValidators = prevObjectValidators;
- break;
- }
+ this.currentObjectStreamClass = hierarchy[i];
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("Reading fields of " + this.currentObjectStreamClass.getName ());
+ // XXX: should initialize fields in classes in the hierarchy
+ // that aren't in the stream
+ // should skip over classes in the stream that aren't in the
+ // real classes hierarchy
+ Method readObjectMethod = this.currentObjectStreamClass.readObjectMethod;
+ if (readObjectMethod != null)
+ {
+ fieldsAlreadyRead = false;
+ boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
+ callReadMethod(readObjectMethod, this.currentObjectStreamClass.forClass(), obj);
+ setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ readFields(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
+ }
+ if (this.currentObjectStreamClass.hasWriteMethod())
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElement("ENDBLOCKDATA? ");
+ try
+ {
+ /* Read blocks until an end marker */
+ byte writeMarker = this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ while (writeMarker != TC_ENDBLOCKDATA)
+ {
+ parseContent(writeMarker, shared);
+ writeMarker = this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ }
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("yes");
+ }
+ catch (EOFException e)
+ {
+ throw (IOException) new IOException
+ ("No end of block data seen for class with readObject (ObjectInputStream) method.").initCause(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.currentObject = prevObject;
+ this.currentObjectStreamClass = prevObjectStreamClass;
+ ret_val = processResolution(osc, obj, handle, shared);
+ if (currentObjectValidators != null)
+ invokeValidators();
+ this.currentObjectValidators = prevObjectValidators;
+ break;
+ }
case TC_RESET:
- if(dump) dumpElementln("RESET");
- clearHandles();
- ret_val = readObject();
- break;
+ if(dump) dumpElementln("RESET");
+ clearHandles();
+ ret_val = readObject();
+ break;
- {
- if(dump) dumpElement("EXCEPTION=");
- Exception e = (Exception)readObject();
- if(dump) dumpElementln(e.toString());
- clearHandles();
- throw new WriteAbortedException("Exception thrown during writing of stream", e);
- }
+ {
+ if(dump) dumpElement("EXCEPTION=");
+ Exception e = (Exception)readObject();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln(e.toString());
+ clearHandles();
+ throw new WriteAbortedException("Exception thrown during writing of stream", e);
+ }
case TC_ENUM:
- {
- /* TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName */
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln("ENUM=");
- ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass) readObject();
- String constantName = (String) readObject();
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln("CONSTANT NAME = " + constantName);
- Class clazz = osc.forClass();
- Enum instance = Enum.valueOf(clazz, constantName);
- assignNewHandle(instance,shared);
- ret_val = instance;
- break;
- }
+ {
+ /* TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName */
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln("ENUM=");
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = (ObjectStreamClass) readObject();
+ String constantName = (String) readObject();
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln("CONSTANT NAME = " + constantName);
+ Class clazz = osc.forClass();
+ Enum instance = Enum.valueOf(clazz, constantName);
+ assignNewHandle(instance,shared);
+ ret_val = instance;
+ break;
+ }
- throw new IOException("Unknown marker on stream: " + marker);
+ throw new IOException("Unknown marker on stream: " + marker);
return ret_val;
@@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* This method makes a partial check of types for the fields
* contained given in arguments. It checks primitive types of
- * fields1 against non primitive types of fields2. This method
- * assumes the two lists has already been sorted according to
+ * fields1 against non primitive types of fields2. This method
+ * assumes the two lists has already been sorted according to
* the Java specification.
* @param name Name of the class owning the given fields.
@@ -562,45 +562,45 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
throws InvalidClassException
int nonPrimitive = 0;
- for (nonPrimitive = 0;
- nonPrimitive < fields1.length
- && fields1[nonPrimitive].isPrimitive(); nonPrimitive++)
+ for (nonPrimitive = 0;
+ nonPrimitive < fields1.length
+ && fields1[nonPrimitive].isPrimitive(); nonPrimitive++)
if (nonPrimitive == fields1.length)
int i = 0;
ObjectStreamField f1;
ObjectStreamField f2;
while (i < fields2.length
- && nonPrimitive < fields1.length)
+ && nonPrimitive < fields1.length)
- f1 = fields1[nonPrimitive];
- f2 = fields2[i];
- if (!f2.isPrimitive())
- break;
- int compVal = f1.getName().compareTo (f2.getName());
- if (compVal < 0)
- {
- nonPrimitive++;
- }
- else if (compVal > 0)
- {
- i++;
- }
- else
- {
- throw new InvalidClassException
- ("invalid field type for " + f2.getName() +
- " in class " + name);
- }
+ f1 = fields1[nonPrimitive];
+ f2 = fields2[i];
+ if (!f2.isPrimitive())
+ break;
+ int compVal = f1.getName().compareTo (f2.getName());
+ if (compVal < 0)
+ {
+ nonPrimitive++;
+ }
+ else if (compVal > 0)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidClassException
+ ("invalid field type for " + f2.getName() +
+ " in class " + name);
+ }
@@ -634,31 +634,31 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if(dump) dumpElementln(Short.toString(field_count));
ObjectStreamField[] fields = new ObjectStreamField[field_count];
ObjectStreamClass osc = new ObjectStreamClass(name, uid,
- flags, fields);
+ flags, fields);
for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i++)
- if(dump) dumpElement(" TYPE CODE=");
- char type_code = (char)this.realInputStream.readByte();
- if(dump) dumpElement(type_code + "; FIELD NAME=");
- String field_name = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
- if(dump) dumpElementln(field_name);
- String class_name;
- // If the type code is an array or an object we must
- // decode a String here. In the other case we convert
- // the type code and pass it to ObjectStreamField.
- // Type codes are decoded by gnu.java.lang.reflect.TypeSignature.
- if (type_code == 'L' || type_code == '[')
- class_name = (String)readObject();
- else
- class_name = String.valueOf(type_code);
- fields[i] =
- new ObjectStreamField(field_name, class_name);
+ if(dump) dumpElement(" TYPE CODE=");
+ char type_code = (char)this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ if(dump) dumpElement(type_code + "; FIELD NAME=");
+ String field_name = this.realInputStream.readUTF();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln(field_name);
+ String class_name;
+ // If the type code is an array or an object we must
+ // decode a String here. In the other case we convert
+ // the type code and pass it to ObjectStreamField.
+ // Type codes are decoded by gnu.java.lang.reflect.TypeSignature.
+ if (type_code == 'L' || type_code == '[')
+ class_name = (String)readObject();
+ else
+ class_name = String.valueOf(type_code);
+ fields[i] =
+ new ObjectStreamField(field_name, class_name);
/* Now that fields have been read we may resolve the class
* (and read annotation if needed). */
Class clazz = resolveClass(osc);
@@ -721,63 +721,63 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* Check that there is no type inconsistencies between the lists.
* A special checking must be done for the two groups: primitive types and
- * not primitive types.
+ * not primitive types.
checkTypeConsistency(name, real_fields, stream_fields);
checkTypeConsistency(name, stream_fields, real_fields);
while (stream_idx < stream_fields.length
- || real_idx < real_fields.length)
+ || real_idx < real_fields.length)
- ObjectStreamField stream_field = null;
- ObjectStreamField real_field = null;
- if (stream_idx == stream_fields.length)
- {
- real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
- }
- else if (real_idx == real_fields.length)
- {
- stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
- }
- else
- {
- int comp_val =
- real_fields[real_idx].compareTo (stream_fields[stream_idx]);
- if (comp_val < 0)
- {
- real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
- }
- else if (comp_val > 0)
- {
- stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
- }
- else
- {
- stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
- real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
- if (stream_field.getType() != real_field.getType())
- throw new InvalidClassException
- ("invalid field type for " + real_field.getName() +
- " in class " + name);
- }
- }
- /* If some of stream_fields does not correspond to any of real_fields,
- * or the opposite, then fieldmapping will go short.
- */
- if (map_idx == fieldmapping.length)
- {
- ObjectStreamField[] newfieldmapping =
- new ObjectStreamField[fieldmapping.length + 2];
- System.arraycopy(fieldmapping, 0,
- newfieldmapping, 0, fieldmapping.length);
- fieldmapping = newfieldmapping;
- }
- fieldmapping[map_idx++] = stream_field;
- fieldmapping[map_idx++] = real_field;
+ ObjectStreamField stream_field = null;
+ ObjectStreamField real_field = null;
+ if (stream_idx == stream_fields.length)
+ {
+ real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
+ }
+ else if (real_idx == real_fields.length)
+ {
+ stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int comp_val =
+ real_fields[real_idx].compareTo (stream_fields[stream_idx]);
+ if (comp_val < 0)
+ {
+ real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
+ }
+ else if (comp_val > 0)
+ {
+ stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream_field = stream_fields[stream_idx++];
+ real_field = real_fields[real_idx++];
+ if (stream_field.getType() != real_field.getType())
+ throw new InvalidClassException
+ ("invalid field type for " + real_field.getName() +
+ " in class " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If some of stream_fields does not correspond to any of real_fields,
+ * or the opposite, then fieldmapping will go short.
+ */
+ if (map_idx == fieldmapping.length)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField[] newfieldmapping =
+ new ObjectStreamField[fieldmapping.length + 2];
+ System.arraycopy(fieldmapping, 0,
+ newfieldmapping, 0, fieldmapping.length);
+ fieldmapping = newfieldmapping;
+ }
+ fieldmapping[map_idx++] = stream_field;
+ fieldmapping[map_idx++] = real_field;
osc.fieldMapping = fieldmapping;
@@ -808,12 +808,12 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (this.currentObject == null || this.currentObjectStreamClass == null)
throw new NotActiveException("defaultReadObject called by non-active"
- + " class and/or object");
+ + " class and/or object");
if (fieldsAlreadyRead)
throw new NotActiveException("defaultReadObject called but fields "
- + "already read from stream (by "
- + "defaultReadObject or readFields)");
+ + "already read from stream (by "
+ + "defaultReadObject or readFields)");
boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(false);
readFields(this.currentObject, this.currentObjectStreamClass);
@@ -842,20 +842,20 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* object currently being deserialized
public void registerValidation(ObjectInputValidation validator,
- int priority)
+ int priority)
throws InvalidObjectException, NotActiveException
if (this.currentObject == null || this.currentObjectStreamClass == null)
throw new NotActiveException("registerValidation called by non-active "
- + "class and/or object");
+ + "class and/or object");
if (validator == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException("attempt to add a null "
- + "ObjectInputValidation object");
+ + "ObjectInputValidation object");
if (currentObjectValidators == null)
currentObjectValidators = new TreeSet<ValidatorAndPriority>();
currentObjectValidators.add(new ValidatorAndPriority(validator, priority));
@@ -953,10 +953,10 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* represent the class hierarchy for clazz.
private ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy(Class clazz)
- {
+ {
ObjectStreamClass osc = lookupClass(clazz);
- return osc == null ? new ObjectStreamClass[0] : osc.hierarchy();
+ return osc == null ? new ObjectStreamClass[0] : osc.hierarchy();
@@ -982,27 +982,27 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
ClassLoader cl = currentLoader();
Class<?>[] clss = new Class<?>[intfs.length];
if(cl == null)
- for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
- clss[i] = Class.forName(intfs[i]);
- cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
+ for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
+ clss[i] = Class.forName(intfs[i]);
+ cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
- clss[i] = Class.forName(intfs[i], false, cl);
- try
+ clss[i] = Class.forName(intfs[i], false, cl);
+ try
- return Proxy.getProxyClass(cl, clss);
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+ return Proxy.getProxyClass(cl, clss);
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
- throw new ClassNotFoundException(null, e);
+ throw new ClassNotFoundException(null, e);
* If <code>enable</code> is <code>true</code> and this object is
* trusted, then <code>resolveObject (Object)</code> will be called
@@ -1016,9 +1016,9 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (enable)
- SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
- if (sm != null)
- sm.checkPermission(new SerializablePermission("enableSubstitution"));
+ SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
+ if (sm != null)
+ sm.checkPermission(new SerializablePermission("enableSubstitution"));
boolean old_val = this.resolveEnabled;
@@ -1051,9 +1051,9 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (this.readDataFromBlock)
- if (this.blockDataPosition >= this.blockDataBytes)
- readNextBlock();
- return (this.blockData[this.blockDataPosition++] & 0xff);
+ if (this.blockDataPosition >= this.blockDataBytes)
+ readNextBlock();
+ return (this.blockData[this.blockDataPosition++] & 0xff);
return this.realInputStream.read();
@@ -1070,11 +1070,11 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
remain = this.blockDataBytes - this.blockDataPosition;
length = Math.min(length, remain);
- System.arraycopy(this.blockData, this.blockDataPosition,
- data, offset, length);
- this.blockDataPosition += length;
+ System.arraycopy(this.blockData, this.blockDataPosition,
+ data, offset, length);
+ this.blockDataPosition += length;
- return length;
+ return length;
return this.realInputStream.read(data, offset, length);
@@ -1084,10 +1084,10 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (this.readDataFromBlock)
- if (this.blockDataPosition >= this.blockDataBytes)
- readNextBlock ();
+ if (this.blockDataPosition >= this.blockDataBytes)
+ readNextBlock ();
- return this.blockDataBytes - this.blockDataPosition;
+ return this.blockDataBytes - this.blockDataPosition;
return this.realInputStream.available();
@@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* @return A valid freshly created 'GetField' instance to get access to
* the deserialized stream.
- * @throws IOException An input/output exception occured.
- * @throws ClassNotFoundException
+ * @throws IOException An input/output exception occured.
+ * @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws NotActiveException
public GetField readFields()
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (fieldsAlreadyRead)
throw new NotActiveException("readFields called but fields already read from"
- + " stream (by defaultReadObject or readFields)");
+ + " stream (by defaultReadObject or readFields)");
final ObjectStreamClass clazz = this.currentObjectStreamClass;
final byte[] prim_field_data = new byte[clazz.primFieldSize];
@@ -1350,247 +1350,247 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
prereadFields = new GetField()
- public ObjectStreamClass getObjectStreamClass()
- {
- return clazz;
- }
- public boolean defaulted(String name)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField f = clazz.getField(name);
- /* First if we have a serialized field use the descriptor */
- if (f != null)
- {
- /* It is in serialPersistentFields but setClass tells us
- * it should not be set. This value is defaulted.
- */
- if (f.isPersistent() && !f.isToSet())
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- /* This is not a serialized field. There should be
- * a default value only if the field really exists.
- */
- try
- {
- return (clazz.forClass().getDeclaredField (name) != null);
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
- }
- }
- public boolean get(String name, boolean defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Boolean.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- return prim_field_data[field.getOffset()] == 0 ? false : true;
- }
- public char get(String name, char defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Character.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return (char)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
- }
- public byte get(String name, byte defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Byte.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- return prim_field_data[field.getOffset()];
- }
- public short get(String name, short defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Short.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return (short)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
- }
- public int get(String name, int defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Integer.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF);
- }
- public long get(String name, long defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Long.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return (long)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 56)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 48)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 40)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 32)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
- }
- public float get(String name, float defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Float.TYPE);
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return Float.intBitsToFloat(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
- }
- public double get(String name, double defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Double.TYPE);
+ public ObjectStreamClass getObjectStreamClass()
+ {
+ return clazz;
+ }
+ public boolean defaulted(String name)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField f = clazz.getField(name);
+ /* First if we have a serialized field use the descriptor */
+ if (f != null)
+ {
+ /* It is in serialPersistentFields but setClass tells us
+ * it should not be set. This value is defaulted.
+ */
+ if (f.isPersistent() && !f.isToSet())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* This is not a serialized field. There should be
+ * a default value only if the field really exists.
+ */
+ try
+ {
+ return (clazz.forClass().getDeclaredField (name) != null);
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean get(String name, boolean defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Boolean.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ return prim_field_data[field.getOffset()] == 0 ? false : true;
+ }
+ public char get(String name, char defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Character.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- int off = field.getOffset();
- return Double.longBitsToDouble
- ( (long) (((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 56)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 48)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 40)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 32)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
- | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF)));
- }
- public Object get(String name, Object defvalue)
- throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field =
- getField(name, defvalue == null ? null : defvalue.getClass ());
- if (field == null)
- return defvalue;
- return objs[field.getOffset()];
- }
- private ObjectStreamField getField(String name, Class type)
- throws IllegalArgumentException
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = clazz.getField(name);
- boolean illegal = false;
+ return (char)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
+ }
+ public byte get(String name, byte defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Byte.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ return prim_field_data[field.getOffset()];
+ }
+ public short get(String name, short defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Short.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ return (short)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
+ }
+ public int get(String name, int defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Integer.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ return ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF);
+ }
+ public long get(String name, long defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Long.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ return (long)(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 56)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 48)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 40)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 32)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
+ }
+ public float get(String name, float defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Float.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ return Float.intBitsToFloat(((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF));
+ }
+ public double get(String name, double defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name, Double.TYPE);
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ return Double.longBitsToDouble
+ ( (long) (((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 56)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 48)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 40)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFFL) << 32)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 24)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 16)
+ | ((prim_field_data[off++] & 0xFF) << 8)
+ | (prim_field_data[off] & 0xFF)));
+ }
+ public Object get(String name, Object defvalue)
+ throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field =
+ getField(name, defvalue == null ? null : defvalue.getClass ());
+ if (field == null)
+ return defvalue;
+ return objs[field.getOffset()];
+ }
+ private ObjectStreamField getField(String name, Class type)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = clazz.getField(name);
+ boolean illegal = false;
// XXX This code is horrible and needs to be rewritten!
- try
- {
- try
- {
- Class field_type = field.getType();
- if (type == field_type ||
- (type == null && !field_type.isPrimitive()))
- {
- /* See defaulted */
- return field;
- }
- illegal = true;
- throw new IllegalArgumentException
- ("Field requested is of type "
- + field_type.getName()
- + ", but requested type was "
- + (type == null ? "Object" : type.getName()));
- }
- catch (NullPointerException _)
- {
- /* Here we catch NullPointerException, because it may
- only come from the call 'field.getType()'. If field
- is null, we have to return null and classpath ethic
- say we must try to avoid 'if (xxx == null)'.
- */
- }
- catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
- {
- throw e;
- }
- return null;
- }
- finally
- {
- /* If this is an unassigned field we should return
- * the default value.
- */
- if (!illegal && field != null && !field.isToSet() && field.isPersistent())
- return null;
- /* We do not want to modify transient fields. They should
- * be left to 0.
- */
- try
- {
- Field f = clazz.forClass().getDeclaredField(name);
- if (Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException
- ("no such field (non transient) " + name);
- if (field == null && f.getType() != type)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException
- ("Invalid requested type for field " + name);
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
- {
- if (field == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
- }
- }
- }
+ try
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Class field_type = field.getType();
+ if (type == field_type ||
+ (type == null && !field_type.isPrimitive()))
+ {
+ /* See defaulted */
+ return field;
+ }
+ illegal = true;
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Field requested is of type "
+ + field_type.getName()
+ + ", but requested type was "
+ + (type == null ? "Object" : type.getName()));
+ }
+ catch (NullPointerException _)
+ {
+ /* Here we catch NullPointerException, because it may
+ only come from the call 'field.getType()'. If field
+ is null, we have to return null and classpath ethic
+ say we must try to avoid 'if (xxx == null)'.
+ */
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+ {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ /* If this is an unassigned field we should return
+ * the default value.
+ */
+ if (!illegal && field != null && !field.isToSet() && field.isPersistent())
+ return null;
+ /* We do not want to modify transient fields. They should
+ * be left to 0.
+ */
+ try
+ {
+ Field f = clazz.forClass().getDeclaredField(name);
+ if (Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("no such field (non transient) " + name);
+ if (field == null && f.getType() != type)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Invalid requested type for field " + name);
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
+ {
+ if (field == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
fieldsAlreadyRead = true;
@@ -1659,11 +1659,11 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
* @see #lookupHandle
private void rememberHandle(Object obj, boolean shared,
- int handle)
+ int handle)
handles.put(handle, new Pair<Boolean,Object>(shared, obj));
* Look up the object associated with a given handle.
@@ -1678,43 +1678,43 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
Pair<Boolean,Object> result = handles.get(handle);
if (result == null)
- throw new StreamCorruptedException("The handle, " +
- Integer.toHexString(handle) +
- ", is invalid.");
+ throw new StreamCorruptedException("The handle, " +
+ Integer.toHexString(handle) +
+ ", is invalid.");
if (!result.getLeft())
- throw new InvalidObjectException("The handle, " +
- Integer.toHexString(handle) +
- ", is not shared.");
+ throw new InvalidObjectException("The handle, " +
+ Integer.toHexString(handle) +
+ ", is not shared.");
return result.getRight();
private Object processResolution(ObjectStreamClass osc, Object obj, int handle,
- boolean shared)
+ boolean shared)
throws IOException
if (osc != null && obj instanceof Serializable)
- try
- {
- Method m = osc.readResolveMethod;
- if(m != null)
- {
- obj = m.invoke(obj, new Object[] {});
- }
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException ignore)
- {
- }
- catch (InvocationTargetException exception)
- {
- Throwable cause = exception.getCause();
- if (cause instanceof ObjectStreamException)
- throw (ObjectStreamException) cause;
- else if (cause instanceof RuntimeException)
- throw (RuntimeException) cause;
- else if (cause instanceof Error)
- throw (Error) cause;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ Method m = osc.readResolveMethod;
+ if(m != null)
+ {
+ obj = m.invoke(obj, new Object[] {});
+ }
+ }
+ catch (IllegalAccessException ignore)
+ {
+ }
+ catch (InvocationTargetException exception)
+ {
+ Throwable cause = exception.getCause();
+ if (cause instanceof ObjectStreamException)
+ throw (ObjectStreamException) cause;
+ else if (cause instanceof RuntimeException)
+ throw (RuntimeException) cause;
+ else if (cause instanceof Error)
+ throw (Error) cause;
+ }
if (this.resolveEnabled)
@@ -1723,24 +1723,24 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
rememberHandle(obj, shared, handle);
if (!shared)
- if (obj instanceof byte[])
- return ((byte[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof short[])
- return ((short[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof int[])
- return ((int[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof long[])
- return ((long[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof char[])
- return ((char[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof boolean[])
- return ((boolean[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof float[])
- return ((float[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof double[])
- return ((double[]) obj).clone();
- if (obj instanceof Object[])
- return ((Object[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof byte[])
+ return ((byte[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof short[])
+ return ((short[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof int[])
+ return ((int[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof long[])
+ return ((long[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof char[])
+ return ((char[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof boolean[])
+ return ((boolean[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof float[])
+ return ((float[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof double[])
+ return ((double[]) obj).clone();
+ if (obj instanceof Object[])
+ return ((Object[]) obj).clone();
return obj;
@@ -1767,19 +1767,19 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (marker == TC_BLOCKDATA)
- if(dump) dumpElement("BLOCK DATA SIZE=");
- this.blockDataBytes = this.realInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
- if(dump) dumpElementln (Integer.toString(this.blockDataBytes));
+ if(dump) dumpElement("BLOCK DATA SIZE=");
+ this.blockDataBytes = this.realInputStream.readUnsignedByte();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln (Integer.toString(this.blockDataBytes));
else if (marker == TC_BLOCKDATALONG)
- if(dump) dumpElement("BLOCK DATA LONG SIZE=");
- this.blockDataBytes = this.realInputStream.readInt();
- if(dump) dumpElementln (Integer.toString(this.blockDataBytes));
+ if(dump) dumpElement("BLOCK DATA LONG SIZE=");
+ this.blockDataBytes = this.realInputStream.readInt();
+ if(dump) dumpElementln (Integer.toString(this.blockDataBytes));
- throw new EOFException("Attempt to read primitive data, but no data block is active.");
+ throw new EOFException("Attempt to read primitive data, but no data block is active.");
if (this.blockData.length < this.blockDataBytes)
@@ -1794,68 +1794,68 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
if (clazz.isPrimitive())
- if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE)
- {
- boolean[] cast_array = (boolean[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readBoolean();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Byte.TYPE)
- {
- byte[] cast_array = (byte[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readByte();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Character.TYPE)
- {
- char[] cast_array = (char[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readChar();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Double.TYPE)
- {
- double[] cast_array = (double[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readDouble();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Float.TYPE)
- {
- float[] cast_array = (float[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readFloat();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Integer.TYPE)
- {
- int[] cast_array = (int[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readInt();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Long.TYPE)
- {
- long[] cast_array = (long[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readLong();
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Short.TYPE)
- {
- short[] cast_array = (short[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readShort();
- return;
- }
+ if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE)
+ {
+ boolean[] cast_array = (boolean[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readBoolean();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Byte.TYPE)
+ {
+ byte[] cast_array = (byte[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readByte();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Character.TYPE)
+ {
+ char[] cast_array = (char[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readChar();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Double.TYPE)
+ {
+ double[] cast_array = (double[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readDouble();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Float.TYPE)
+ {
+ float[] cast_array = (float[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readFloat();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Integer.TYPE)
+ {
+ int[] cast_array = (int[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readInt();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Long.TYPE)
+ {
+ long[] cast_array = (long[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readLong();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Short.TYPE)
+ {
+ short[] cast_array = (short[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = this.realInputStream.readShort();
+ return;
+ }
- Object[] cast_array = (Object[])array;
- for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
- cast_array[i] = readObject();
+ Object[] cast_array = (Object[])array;
+ for (int i=0; i < cast_array.length; i++)
+ cast_array[i] = readObject();
@@ -1866,121 +1866,121 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 2)
- ObjectStreamField stream_field = fields[i];
- ObjectStreamField real_field = fields[i + 1];
- boolean read_value = (stream_field != null && stream_field.getOffset() >= 0 && stream_field.isToSet());
- boolean set_value = (real_field != null && real_field.isToSet());
- String field_name;
- char type;
- if (stream_field != null)
- {
- field_name = stream_field.getName();
- type = stream_field.getTypeCode();
- }
- else
- {
- field_name = real_field.getName();
- type = real_field.getTypeCode();
- }
- switch(type)
- {
- case 'Z':
- {
- boolean value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readBoolean() : false;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setBooleanField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'B':
- {
- byte value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readByte() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setByteField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'C':
- {
- char value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readChar(): 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setCharField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'D':
- {
- double value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readDouble() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setDoubleField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'F':
- {
- float value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readFloat() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setFloatField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'I':
- {
- int value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readInt() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setIntField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'J':
- {
- long value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readLong() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setLongField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'S':
- {
- short value =
- read_value ? this.realInputStream.readShort() : 0;
- if (dump && read_value && set_value)
- dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setShortField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- case 'L':
- case '[':
- {
- Object value =
- read_value ? readObject() : null;
- if (set_value)
- real_field.setObjectField(obj, value);
- break;
- }
- default:
- throw new InternalError("Invalid type code: " + type);
- }
+ ObjectStreamField stream_field = fields[i];
+ ObjectStreamField real_field = fields[i + 1];
+ boolean read_value = (stream_field != null && stream_field.getOffset() >= 0 && stream_field.isToSet());
+ boolean set_value = (real_field != null && real_field.isToSet());
+ String field_name;
+ char type;
+ if (stream_field != null)
+ {
+ field_name = stream_field.getName();
+ type = stream_field.getTypeCode();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ field_name = real_field.getName();
+ type = real_field.getTypeCode();
+ }
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 'Z':
+ {
+ boolean value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readBoolean() : false;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setBooleanField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'B':
+ {
+ byte value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readByte() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setByteField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'C':
+ {
+ char value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readChar(): 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setCharField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'D':
+ {
+ double value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readDouble() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setDoubleField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'F':
+ {
+ float value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readFloat() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setFloatField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'I':
+ {
+ int value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readInt() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setIntField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'J':
+ {
+ long value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readLong() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setLongField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'S':
+ {
+ short value =
+ read_value ? this.realInputStream.readShort() : 0;
+ if (dump && read_value && set_value)
+ dumpElementln(" " + field_name + ": " + value);
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setShortField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'L':
+ case '[':
+ {
+ Object value =
+ read_value ? readObject() : null;
+ if (set_value)
+ real_field.setObjectField(obj, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new InternalError("Invalid type code: " + type);
+ }
// Toggles writing primitive data to block-data buffer.
private boolean setBlockDataMode (boolean on)
@@ -2000,10 +2000,10 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
if (constructor == null)
- throw new InvalidClassException("Missing accessible no-arg base class constructor for " + real_class.getName());
+ throw new InvalidClassException("Missing accessible no-arg base class constructor for " + real_class.getName());
- return VMObjectInputStream.allocateObject(real_class, constructor.getDeclaringClass(), constructor);
+ return VMObjectInputStream.allocateObject(real_class, constructor.getDeclaringClass(), constructor);
catch (InstantiationException e)
@@ -2018,17 +2018,17 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
- Iterator<ValidatorAndPriority> it = currentObjectValidators.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext())
- {
- ValidatorAndPriority vap = it.next();
- ObjectInputValidation validator = vap.validator;
- validator.validateObject();
- }
+ Iterator<ValidatorAndPriority> it = currentObjectValidators.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext())
+ {
+ ValidatorAndPriority vap = it.next();
+ ObjectInputValidation validator = vap.validator;
+ validator.validateObject();
+ }
- currentObjectValidators = null;
+ currentObjectValidators = null;
@@ -2037,32 +2037,32 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
- readObject.invoke(obj, new Object[] { this });
+ readObject.invoke(obj, new Object[] { this });
catch (InvocationTargetException x)
/* Rethrow if possible. */
- Throwable exception = x.getTargetException();
- if (exception instanceof RuntimeException)
- throw (RuntimeException) exception;
- if (exception instanceof IOException)
- throw (IOException) exception;
+ Throwable exception = x.getTargetException();
+ if (exception instanceof RuntimeException)
+ throw (RuntimeException) exception;
+ if (exception instanceof IOException)
+ throw (IOException) exception;
if (exception instanceof ClassNotFoundException)
throw (ClassNotFoundException) exception;
- throw (IOException) new IOException(
- "Exception thrown from readObject() on " + klass).initCause(x);
+ throw (IOException) new IOException(
+ "Exception thrown from readObject() on " + klass).initCause(x);
catch (Exception x)
- throw (IOException) new IOException(
- "Failure invoking readObject() on " + klass).initCause(x);
+ throw (IOException) new IOException(
+ "Failure invoking readObject() on " + klass).initCause(x);
// Invalidate fields which has been read through readFields.
prereadFields = null;
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
private DataInputStream realInputStream;
@@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
private void dumpElementln (String msg)
@@ -2107,11 +2107,11 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
- System.out.print(msg);
- if (java.lang.reflect.Proxy.isProxyClass(obj.getClass()))
- System.out.println(obj.getClass());
- else
- System.out.println(obj);
+ System.out.print(msg);
+ if (java.lang.reflect.Proxy.isProxyClass(obj.getClass()))
+ System.out.println(obj.getClass());
+ else
+ System.out.println(obj);
catch (Exception _)
@@ -2140,4 +2140,3 @@ public class ObjectInputStream extends InputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java
index 4fdb841..fb6de19 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectInputValidation.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* ObjectInputValidation.java -- Validate an object
+/* ObjectInputValidation.java -- Validate an object
Copyright (C) 1998, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Classpath.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
-package java.io;
+package java.io;
* This class allows an object to validate that it is valid after
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ package java.io;
* be used to perform re-initialization type activities on an object
* after it has been completely deserialized.
- * Since this method functions as a type of callback, it must be
+ * Since this method functions as a type of callback, it must be
* registered through <code>ObjectInputStream.registerValidation</code>
* in order to be invoked. This is typically done in the
* <code>readObject</code> method.
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutput.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutput.java
index d35a09c..628f8b9 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutput.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutput.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ package java.io;
* This interface extends <code>DataOutput</code> to provide the additional
* facility of writing object instances to a stream. It also adds some
- * additional methods to make the interface more
+ * additional methods to make the interface more
* <code>OutputStream</code> like.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public interface ObjectOutput extends DataOutput
* output stream.
* @param buf The array of bytes to write.
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
void write(byte[] buf) throws IOException;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public interface ObjectOutput extends DataOutput
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
- void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
+ void write(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException;
@@ -108,4 +108,3 @@ public interface ObjectOutput extends DataOutput
void close() throws IOException;
} // interface ObjectOutput
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java
index 303aed4..71d2e0b 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectOutputStream.java
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (DEBUG)
- String val = System.getProperty("gcj.dumpobjects");
- if (val != null && !val.equals(""))
- dump = true;
+ String val = System.getProperty("gcj.dumpobjects");
+ if (val != null && !val.equals(""))
+ dump = true;
@@ -246,261 +246,261 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (useSubclassMethod)
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln ("WRITE OVERRIDE: " + obj);
- writeObjectOverride(obj);
- return;
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln ("WRITE OVERRIDE: " + obj);
+ writeObjectOverride(obj);
+ return;
if (dump)
dumpElementln ("WRITE: ", obj);
- depth += 2;
+ depth += 2;
boolean was_serializing = isSerializing;
boolean old_mode = setBlockDataMode(false);
- isSerializing = true;
- boolean replaceDone = false;
- Object replacedObject = null;
- while (true)
- {
- if (obj == null)
- {
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_NULL);
- break;
- }
- int handle = findHandle(obj);
- if (handle >= 0 && shared)
- {
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_REFERENCE);
- realOutput.writeInt(handle);
- break;
- }
- if (obj instanceof Class)
- {
- Class cl = (Class)obj;
- ObjectStreamClass osc = ObjectStreamClass.lookupForClassObject(cl);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_CLASS);
- if (!osc.isProxyClass)
- {
- writeObject (osc);
- }
- else
- {System.err.println("1");
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_PROXYCLASSDESC);
- Class[] intfs = cl.getInterfaces();
- realOutput.writeInt(intfs.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
- realOutput.writeUTF(intfs[i].getName());
- boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
- annotateProxyClass(cl);
- setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
- writeObject(osc.getSuper());
- }
- if (shared)
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- break;
- }
- if (obj instanceof ObjectStreamClass)
- {
- writeClassDescriptor((ObjectStreamClass) obj);
- break;
- }
- Class clazz = obj.getClass();
- ObjectStreamClass osc = ObjectStreamClass.lookupForClassObject(clazz);
- if (osc == null)
- throw new NotSerializableException(clazz.getName());
- if (osc.isEnum())
- {
- /* TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName */
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENUM);
- writeObject(osc);
- if (shared)
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- writeObject(((Enum) obj).name());
- break;
- }
- if ((replacementEnabled || obj instanceof Serializable)
- && ! replaceDone)
- {
- replacedObject = obj;
- if (obj instanceof Serializable)
- {
- try
- {
+ isSerializing = true;
+ boolean replaceDone = false;
+ Object replacedObject = null;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (obj == null)
+ {
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ int handle = findHandle(obj);
+ if (handle >= 0 && shared)
+ {
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_REFERENCE);
+ realOutput.writeInt(handle);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof Class)
+ {
+ Class cl = (Class)obj;
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = ObjectStreamClass.lookupForClassObject(cl);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_CLASS);
+ if (!osc.isProxyClass)
+ {
+ writeObject (osc);
+ }
+ else
+ {System.err.println("1");
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_PROXYCLASSDESC);
+ Class[] intfs = cl.getInterfaces();
+ realOutput.writeInt(intfs.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeUTF(intfs[i].getName());
+ boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
+ annotateProxyClass(cl);
+ setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
+ writeObject(osc.getSuper());
+ }
+ if (shared)
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof ObjectStreamClass)
+ {
+ writeClassDescriptor((ObjectStreamClass) obj);
+ break;
+ }
+ Class clazz = obj.getClass();
+ ObjectStreamClass osc = ObjectStreamClass.lookupForClassObject(clazz);
+ if (osc == null)
+ throw new NotSerializableException(clazz.getName());
+ if (osc.isEnum())
+ {
+ /* TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName */
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENUM);
+ writeObject(osc);
+ if (shared)
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ writeObject(((Enum) obj).name());
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((replacementEnabled || obj instanceof Serializable)
+ && ! replaceDone)
+ {
+ replacedObject = obj;
+ if (obj instanceof Serializable)
+ {
+ try
+ {
Method m = osc.writeReplaceMethod;
if (m != null)
obj = m.invoke(obj, new Object[0]);
- }
- catch (IllegalAccessException ignore)
- {
- }
- catch (InvocationTargetException ignore)
- {
- }
- }
- if (replacementEnabled)
- obj = replaceObject(obj);
- replaceDone = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (obj instanceof String)
- {
+ }
+ catch (IllegalAccessException ignore)
+ {
+ }
+ catch (InvocationTargetException ignore)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if (replacementEnabled)
+ obj = replaceObject(obj);
+ replaceDone = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof String)
+ {
String s = (String)obj;
long l = realOutput.getUTFlength(s, 0, 0);
if (l <= 65535)
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_STRING);
- if (shared)
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- realOutput.writeUTFShort(s, (int)l);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_STRING);
+ if (shared)
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ realOutput.writeUTFShort(s, (int)l);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_LONGSTRING);
- if (shared)
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- realOutput.writeUTFLong(s, l);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_LONGSTRING);
+ if (shared)
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ realOutput.writeUTFLong(s, l);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (clazz.isArray ())
+ {
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_ARRAY);
+ writeObject(osc);
+ if (shared)
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ writeArraySizeAndElements(obj, clazz.getComponentType());
+ break;
+ }
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_OBJECT);
+ writeObject(osc);
+ if (shared)
+ if (replaceDone)
+ assignNewHandle(replacedObject);
+ else
+ assignNewHandle(obj);
+ if (obj instanceof Externalizable)
+ {
+ if (protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_2)
+ setBlockDataMode(true);
+ ((Externalizable)obj).writeExternal(this);
+ if (protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_2)
+ {
+ setBlockDataMode(false);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (obj instanceof Serializable)
+ {
+ Object prevObject = this.currentObject;
+ ObjectStreamClass prevObjectStreamClass = this.currentObjectStreamClass;
+ currentObject = obj;
+ ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy = osc.hierarchy();
+ for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.length; i++)
+ {
+ currentObjectStreamClass = hierarchy[i];
+ fieldsAlreadyWritten = false;
+ if (currentObjectStreamClass.hasWriteMethod())
+ {
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln ("WRITE METHOD CALLED FOR: ", obj);
+ setBlockDataMode(true);
+ callWriteMethod(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
+ setBlockDataMode(false);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln ("WRITE ENDBLOCKDATA FOR: ", obj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln ("WRITE FIELDS CALLED FOR: ", obj);
+ writeFields(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
+ }
- break;
- }
- if (clazz.isArray ())
- {
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_ARRAY);
- writeObject(osc);
- if (shared)
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- writeArraySizeAndElements(obj, clazz.getComponentType());
- break;
- }
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_OBJECT);
- writeObject(osc);
- if (shared)
- if (replaceDone)
- assignNewHandle(replacedObject);
- else
- assignNewHandle(obj);
- if (obj instanceof Externalizable)
- {
- if (protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_2)
- setBlockDataMode(true);
- ((Externalizable)obj).writeExternal(this);
- if (protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_2)
- {
- setBlockDataMode(false);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (obj instanceof Serializable)
- {
- Object prevObject = this.currentObject;
- ObjectStreamClass prevObjectStreamClass = this.currentObjectStreamClass;
- currentObject = obj;
- ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy = osc.hierarchy();
- for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.length; i++)
- {
- currentObjectStreamClass = hierarchy[i];
- fieldsAlreadyWritten = false;
- if (currentObjectStreamClass.hasWriteMethod())
- {
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln ("WRITE METHOD CALLED FOR: ", obj);
- setBlockDataMode(true);
- callWriteMethod(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
- setBlockDataMode(false);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_ENDBLOCKDATA);
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln ("WRITE ENDBLOCKDATA FOR: ", obj);
- }
- else
- {
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln ("WRITE FIELDS CALLED FOR: ", obj);
- writeFields(obj, currentObjectStreamClass);
- }
- }
- this.currentObject = prevObject;
- this.currentObjectStreamClass = prevObjectStreamClass;
- currentPutField = null;
- break;
- }
- throw new NotSerializableException(clazz.getName()
- + " in "
- + obj.getClass());
- } // end pseudo-loop
+ this.currentObject = prevObject;
+ this.currentObjectStreamClass = prevObjectStreamClass;
+ currentPutField = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ throw new NotSerializableException(clazz.getName()
+ + " in "
+ + obj.getClass());
+ } // end pseudo-loop
catch (ObjectStreamException ose)
- // Rethrow these are fatal.
- throw ose;
+ // Rethrow these are fatal.
+ throw ose;
catch (IOException e)
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_EXCEPTION);
- reset(true);
- setBlockDataMode(false);
- try
- {
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- e.printStackTrace(System.out);
- }
- writeObject(e);
- }
- catch (IOException ioe)
- {
- StreamCorruptedException ex =
- new StreamCorruptedException
- (ioe + " thrown while exception was being written to stream.");
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
- }
- throw ex;
- }
- reset (true);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_EXCEPTION);
+ reset(true);
+ setBlockDataMode(false);
+ try
+ {
+ if (DEBUG)
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace(System.out);
+ }
+ writeObject(e);
+ }
+ catch (IOException ioe)
+ {
+ StreamCorruptedException ex =
+ new StreamCorruptedException
+ (ioe + " thrown while exception was being written to stream.");
+ if (DEBUG)
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
+ }
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ reset (true);
- isSerializing = was_serializing;
- setBlockDataMode(old_mode);
- depth -= 2;
+ isSerializing = was_serializing;
+ setBlockDataMode(old_mode);
+ depth -= 2;
- if (dump)
- dumpElementln ("END: ", obj);
+ if (dump)
+ dumpElementln ("END: ", obj);
@@ -509,13 +509,13 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (osc.isProxyClass)
- Class[] intfs = osc.forClass().getInterfaces();
- realOutput.writeInt(intfs.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
- realOutput.writeUTF(intfs[i].getName());
+ Class[] intfs = osc.forClass().getInterfaces();
+ realOutput.writeInt(intfs.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeUTF(intfs[i].getName());
boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
@@ -525,37 +525,37 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
- if (osc.isEnum())
- realOutput.writeLong(0L);
- else
- realOutput.writeLong(osc.getSerialVersionUID());
+ if (osc.isEnum())
+ realOutput.writeLong(0L);
+ else
+ realOutput.writeLong(osc.getSerialVersionUID());
int flags = osc.getFlags();
if (protocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_2
- && osc.isExternalizable())
+ && osc.isExternalizable())
flags |= SC_BLOCK_DATA;
ObjectStreamField[] fields = osc.fields;
- if (fields == ObjectStreamClass.INVALID_FIELDS)
- throw new InvalidClassException
- (osc.getName(), "serialPersistentFields is invalid");
+ if (fields == ObjectStreamClass.INVALID_FIELDS)
+ throw new InvalidClassException
+ (osc.getName(), "serialPersistentFields is invalid");
ObjectStreamField field;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
- field = fields[i];
- realOutput.writeByte(field.getTypeCode ());
- realOutput.writeUTF(field.getName ());
+ field = fields[i];
+ realOutput.writeByte(field.getTypeCode ());
+ realOutput.writeUTF(field.getName ());
- if (! field.isPrimitive())
- writeObject(field.getTypeString());
+ if (! field.isPrimitive())
+ writeObject(field.getTypeString());
boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(true);
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
* Writes the current objects non-transient, non-static fields from
* the current class to the underlying output stream.
@@ -598,11 +598,11 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (currentObject == null || currentObjectStreamClass == null)
throw new NotActiveException
- ("defaultWriteObject called by non-active class and/or object");
+ ("defaultWriteObject called by non-active class and/or object");
if (fieldsAlreadyWritten)
throw new IOException
- ("Only one of writeFields and defaultWriteObject may be called, and it may only be called once");
+ ("Only one of writeFields and defaultWriteObject may be called, and it may only be called once");
fieldsAlreadyWritten = true;
@@ -629,12 +629,12 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (!internal)
- if (isSerializing)
- throw new IOException("Reset called while serialization in progress");
+ if (isSerializing)
+ throw new IOException("Reset called while serialization in progress");
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_RESET);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_RESET);
@@ -650,29 +650,29 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
* For an explanation of the differences between the two protocols
* see the Java Object Serialization Specification.
* </p>
- *
+ *
* @param version the version to use.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>version</code> is not a valid
+ *
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>version</code> is not a valid
* protocol.
* @throws IllegalStateException if called after the first the first object
* was serialized.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
- *
+ *
* @see ObjectStreamConstants#PROTOCOL_VERSION_1
* @see ObjectStreamConstants#PROTOCOL_VERSION_2
- *
+ *
* @since 1.2
public void useProtocolVersion(int version) throws IOException
if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION_1 && version != PROTOCOL_VERSION_2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid protocol version requested.");
if (nextOID != baseWireHandle)
- throw new IllegalStateException("Protocol version cannot be changed "
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Protocol version cannot be changed "
+ "after serialization started.");
protocolVersion = version;
@@ -728,9 +728,9 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (enable)
- SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
- if (sm != null)
- sm.checkPermission(new SerializablePermission("enableSubstitution"));
+ SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
+ if (sm != null)
+ sm.checkPermission(new SerializablePermission("enableSubstitution"));
boolean old_val = replacementEnabled;
@@ -799,10 +799,10 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (writeDataAsBlocks)
- if (blockDataCount == BUFFER_SIZE)
- drain();
+ if (blockDataCount == BUFFER_SIZE)
+ drain();
- blockData[ blockDataCount++ ] = (byte)data;
+ blockData[ blockDataCount++ ] = (byte)data;
@@ -825,20 +825,20 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (writeDataAsBlocks)
- if (len < 0)
- throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
- if (blockDataCount + len < BUFFER_SIZE)
- {
- System.arraycopy(b, off, blockData, blockDataCount, len);
- blockDataCount += len;
- }
- else
- {
- drain();
- writeBlockDataHeader(len);
- realOutput.write(b, off, len);
- }
+ if (len < 0)
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ if (blockDataCount + len < BUFFER_SIZE)
+ {
+ System.arraycopy(b, off, blockData, blockDataCount, len);
+ blockDataCount += len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drain();
+ writeBlockDataHeader(len);
+ realOutput.write(b, off, len);
+ }
realOutput.write(b, off, len);
@@ -1014,143 +1014,143 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
currentPutField = new PutField()
- private byte[] prim_field_data
- = new byte[currentObjectStreamClass.primFieldSize];
- private Object[] objs
- = new Object[currentObjectStreamClass.objectFieldCount];
- private ObjectStreamField getField (String name)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field
- = currentObjectStreamClass.getField(name);
- if (field == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such serializable field " + name);
- return field;
- }
- public void put(String name, boolean value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'Z');
- prim_field_data[field.getOffset ()] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0);
- }
- public void put(String name, byte value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'B');
- prim_field_data[field.getOffset()] = value;
- }
- public void put(String name, char value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'C');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
- }
- public void put(String name, double value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField (name);
- checkType(field, 'D');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- long l_value = Double.doubleToLongBits (value);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 52);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 48);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 40);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 32);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 24);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 16);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)l_value;
- }
- public void put(String name, float value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'F');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- int i_value = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 24);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 16);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)i_value;
- }
- public void put(String name, int value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'I');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
- }
- public void put(String name, long value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'J');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 52);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 48);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 40);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 32);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
- }
- public void put(String name, short value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- checkType(field, 'S');
- int off = field.getOffset();
- prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
- prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
- }
- public void put(String name, Object value)
- {
- ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
- if (value != null &&
- ! field.getType().isAssignableFrom(value.getClass ()))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + value.getClass() +
- " cannot be cast to " + field.getType());
- objs[field.getOffset()] = value;
- }
- public void write(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- {
- // Apparently Block data is not used with PutField as per
- // empirical evidence against JDK 1.2. Also see Mauve test
- // java.io.ObjectInputOutput.Test.GetPutField.
- boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(false);
- out.write(prim_field_data);
- for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; ++ i)
- out.writeObject(objs[i]);
- setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
- }
- private void checkType(ObjectStreamField field, char type)
- throws IllegalArgumentException
- {
- if (TypeSignature.getEncodingOfClass(field.getType()).charAt(0)
- != type)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
+ private byte[] prim_field_data
+ = new byte[currentObjectStreamClass.primFieldSize];
+ private Object[] objs
+ = new Object[currentObjectStreamClass.objectFieldCount];
+ private ObjectStreamField getField (String name)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field
+ = currentObjectStreamClass.getField(name);
+ if (field == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such serializable field " + name);
+ return field;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, boolean value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'Z');
+ prim_field_data[field.getOffset ()] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ public void put(String name, byte value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'B');
+ prim_field_data[field.getOffset()] = value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, char value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'C');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, double value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField (name);
+ checkType(field, 'D');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ long l_value = Double.doubleToLongBits (value);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 52);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 48);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 40);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 32);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 24);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 16);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(l_value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)l_value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, float value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'F');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ int i_value = Float.floatToIntBits(value);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 24);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 16);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(i_value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)i_value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, int value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'I');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, long value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'J');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 52);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 48);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 40);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 32);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 24);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 16);
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, short value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ checkType(field, 'S');
+ int off = field.getOffset();
+ prim_field_data[off++] = (byte)(value >>> 8);
+ prim_field_data[off] = (byte)value;
+ }
+ public void put(String name, Object value)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField field = getField(name);
+ if (value != null &&
+ ! field.getType().isAssignableFrom(value.getClass ()))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + value.getClass() +
+ " cannot be cast to " + field.getType());
+ objs[field.getOffset()] = value;
+ }
+ public void write(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
+ {
+ // Apparently Block data is not used with PutField as per
+ // empirical evidence against JDK 1.2. Also see Mauve test
+ // java.io.ObjectInputOutput.Test.GetPutField.
+ boolean oldmode = setBlockDataMode(false);
+ out.write(prim_field_data);
+ for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; ++ i)
+ out.writeObject(objs[i]);
+ setBlockDataMode(oldmode);
+ }
+ private void checkType(ObjectStreamField field, char type)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ if (TypeSignature.getEncodingOfClass(field.getType()).charAt(0)
+ != type)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
// end PutFieldImpl
@@ -1174,13 +1174,13 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (size < 256)
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_BLOCKDATA);
- realOutput.write(size);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_BLOCKDATA);
+ realOutput.write(size);
- realOutput.writeByte(TC_BLOCKDATALONG);
- realOutput.writeInt(size);
+ realOutput.writeByte(TC_BLOCKDATALONG);
+ realOutput.writeInt(size);
@@ -1217,76 +1217,76 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
if (clazz.isPrimitive())
- if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE)
- {
- boolean[] cast_array = (boolean[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt (length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeBoolean(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Byte.TYPE)
- {
- byte[] cast_array = (byte[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- realOutput.write(cast_array, 0, length);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Character.TYPE)
- {
- char[] cast_array = (char[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeChar(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Double.TYPE)
- {
- double[] cast_array = (double[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeDouble(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Float.TYPE)
- {
- float[] cast_array = (float[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeFloat(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Integer.TYPE)
- {
- int[] cast_array = (int[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeInt(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Long.TYPE)
- {
- long[] cast_array = (long[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt (length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeLong(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
- if (clazz == Short.TYPE)
- {
- short[] cast_array = (short[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt (length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- realOutput.writeShort(cast_array[i]);
- return;
- }
+ if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE)
+ {
+ boolean[] cast_array = (boolean[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt (length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeBoolean(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Byte.TYPE)
+ {
+ byte[] cast_array = (byte[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ realOutput.write(cast_array, 0, length);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Character.TYPE)
+ {
+ char[] cast_array = (char[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeChar(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Double.TYPE)
+ {
+ double[] cast_array = (double[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeDouble(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Float.TYPE)
+ {
+ float[] cast_array = (float[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeFloat(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Integer.TYPE)
+ {
+ int[] cast_array = (int[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeInt(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Long.TYPE)
+ {
+ long[] cast_array = (long[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt (length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeLong(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (clazz == Short.TYPE)
+ {
+ short[] cast_array = (short[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt (length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ realOutput.writeShort(cast_array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
- Object[] cast_array = (Object[])array;
- realOutput.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- writeObject(cast_array[i]);
+ Object[] cast_array = (Object[])array;
+ realOutput.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ writeObject(cast_array[i]);
@@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
IOException e = new IOException("Unexpected exception " + _);
- }
+ }
* Helper function for writeFields(Object,ObjectStreamClass): write
@@ -1347,10 +1347,10 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
ObjectStreamField osf = fields[i];
Field field = osf.field;
if (DEBUG && dump)
dumpElementln ("WRITE FIELD: " + osf.getName() + " type=" + osf.getType());
switch (osf.getTypeCode())
case 'Z': realOutput.writeBoolean(field.getBoolean(obj)); break;
@@ -1361,9 +1361,9 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
case 'F': realOutput.writeFloat (field.getFloat (obj)); break;
case 'J': realOutput.writeLong (field.getLong (obj)); break;
case 'D': realOutput.writeDouble (field.getDouble (obj)); break;
- case 'L':
+ case 'L':
case '[': writeObject (field.get (obj)); break;
- default:
+ default:
throw new IOException("Unexpected type code " + osf.getTypeCode());
@@ -1402,27 +1402,27 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
catch (InvocationTargetException x)
/* Rethrow if possible. */
- Throwable exception = x.getTargetException();
- if (exception instanceof RuntimeException)
- throw (RuntimeException) exception;
- if (exception instanceof IOException)
- throw (IOException) exception;
- IOException ioe
- = new IOException("Exception thrown from writeObject() on " +
- osc.forClass().getName() + ": " +
+ Throwable exception = x.getTargetException();
+ if (exception instanceof RuntimeException)
+ throw (RuntimeException) exception;
+ if (exception instanceof IOException)
+ throw (IOException) exception;
+ IOException ioe
+ = new IOException("Exception thrown from writeObject() on " +
+ osc.forClass().getName() + ": " +
- ioe.initCause(exception);
- throw ioe;
+ ioe.initCause(exception);
+ throw ioe;
catch (Exception x)
- IOException ioe
- = new IOException("Failure invoking writeObject() on " +
- osc.forClass().getName() + ": " +
- x.getClass().getName());
- ioe.initCause(x);
- throw ioe;
+ IOException ioe
+ = new IOException("Failure invoking writeObject() on " +
+ osc.forClass().getName() + ": " +
+ x.getClass().getName());
+ ioe.initCause(x);
+ throw ioe;
@@ -1430,21 +1430,21 @@ public class ObjectOutputStream extends OutputStream
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
- System.out.print (" ");
- System.out.print (Thread.currentThread() + ": ");
- System.out.print (msg);
- if (java.lang.reflect.Proxy.isProxyClass(obj.getClass()))
- System.out.print (obj.getClass());
- else
- System.out.print (obj);
+ for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
+ System.out.print (" ");
+ System.out.print (Thread.currentThread() + ": ");
+ System.out.print (msg);
+ if (java.lang.reflect.Proxy.isProxyClass(obj.getClass()))
+ System.out.print (obj.getClass());
+ else
+ System.out.print (obj);
catch (Exception _)
- System.out.println ();
+ System.out.println ();
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java
index 8ebf32c..b71f548 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
* Warning: If this class contains an invalid serialPersistentField arrays
* lookup will not throw anything. However {@link #getFields()} will return
- * an empty array and {@link java.io.ObjectOutputStream#writeObject} will throw an
+ * an empty array and {@link java.io.ObjectOutputStream#writeObject} will throw an
* {@link java.io.InvalidClassException}.
* @see java.io.Serializable
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
return osc;
- osc = new ObjectStreamClass(cl);
- classLookupTable.put(cl, osc);
- return osc;
+ osc = new ObjectStreamClass(cl);
+ classLookupTable.put(cl, osc);
+ return osc;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
if (fields[i].getName().equals(name))
- return fields[i];
+ return fields[i];
return null;
@@ -256,24 +256,24 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
ObjectStreamClass[] hierarchy()
- ObjectStreamClass[] result = hierarchy;
+ ObjectStreamClass[] result = hierarchy;
if (result == null)
- int d = 0;
+ int d = 0;
for(ObjectStreamClass osc = this; osc != null; osc = osc.getSuper())
result = new ObjectStreamClass[d];
for (ObjectStreamClass osc = this; osc != null; osc = osc.getSuper())
result[--d] = osc;
- hierarchy = result;
+ hierarchy = result;
- return result;
+ return result;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
ObjectStreamClass(String name, long uid, byte flags,
- ObjectStreamField[] fields)
+ ObjectStreamField[] fields)
this.name = name;
this.uid = uid;
@@ -322,117 +322,117 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
uid = class_uid;
- // Check that the actual UID of the resolved class matches the UID from
- // the stream. Mismatches for array classes are ignored.
- if (!cl.isArray() && uid != class_uid)
- {
- String msg = cl +
- ": Local class not compatible: stream serialVersionUID="
- + uid + ", local serialVersionUID=" + class_uid;
- throw new InvalidClassException (msg);
- }
+ // Check that the actual UID of the resolved class matches the UID from
+ // the stream. Mismatches for array classes are ignored.
+ if (!cl.isArray() && uid != class_uid)
+ {
+ String msg = cl +
+ ": Local class not compatible: stream serialVersionUID="
+ + uid + ", local serialVersionUID=" + class_uid;
+ throw new InvalidClassException (msg);
+ }
isProxyClass = clazz != null && Proxy.isProxyClass(clazz);
this.superClass = superClass;
- ObjectStreamField[] exportedFields = getSerialPersistentFields (clazz);
- if (exportedFields == null)
- return;
- ObjectStreamField[] newFieldList = new ObjectStreamField[exportedFields.length + fields.length];
- int i, j, k;
- /* We now check the import fields against the exported fields.
- * There should not be contradiction (e.g. int x and String x)
- * but extra virtual fields can be added to the class.
- */
- Arrays.sort(exportedFields);
- i = 0; j = 0; k = 0;
- while (i < fields.length && j < exportedFields.length)
- {
- int comp = fields[i].compareTo(exportedFields[j]);
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
- fields[i].setPersistent(false);
- fields[i].setToSet(false);
- i++;
- }
- else if (comp > 0)
- {
- /* field not found in imported fields. We add it
- * in the list of supported fields.
- */
- newFieldList[k] = exportedFields[j];
- newFieldList[k].setPersistent(true);
- newFieldList[k].setToSet(false);
- try
- {
- newFieldList[k].lookupField(clazz);
- newFieldList[k].checkFieldType();
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
- {
- }
- j++;
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- exportedFields[j].lookupField(clazz);
- exportedFields[j].checkFieldType();
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
- {
- }
- if (!fields[i].getType().equals(exportedFields[j].getType()))
- throw new InvalidClassException
- ("serialPersistentFields must be compatible with" +
- " imported fields (about " + fields[i].getName() + ")");
- newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
- fields[i].setPersistent(true);
- i++;
- j++;
- }
- k++;
- }
- if (i < fields.length)
- for (;i<fields.length;i++,k++)
- {
- fields[i].setPersistent(false);
- fields[i].setToSet(false);
- newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
- }
- else
- if (j < exportedFields.length)
- for (;j<exportedFields.length;j++,k++)
- {
- exportedFields[j].setPersistent(true);
- exportedFields[j].setToSet(false);
- newFieldList[k] = exportedFields[j];
- }
- fields = new ObjectStreamField[k];
- System.arraycopy(newFieldList, 0, fields, 0, k);
+ ObjectStreamField[] exportedFields = getSerialPersistentFields (clazz);
+ if (exportedFields == null)
+ return;
+ ObjectStreamField[] newFieldList = new ObjectStreamField[exportedFields.length + fields.length];
+ int i, j, k;
+ /* We now check the import fields against the exported fields.
+ * There should not be contradiction (e.g. int x and String x)
+ * but extra virtual fields can be added to the class.
+ */
+ Arrays.sort(exportedFields);
+ i = 0; j = 0; k = 0;
+ while (i < fields.length && j < exportedFields.length)
+ {
+ int comp = fields[i].compareTo(exportedFields[j]);
+ if (comp < 0)
+ {
+ newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
+ fields[i].setPersistent(false);
+ fields[i].setToSet(false);
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (comp > 0)
+ {
+ /* field not found in imported fields. We add it
+ * in the list of supported fields.
+ */
+ newFieldList[k] = exportedFields[j];
+ newFieldList[k].setPersistent(true);
+ newFieldList[k].setToSet(false);
+ try
+ {
+ newFieldList[k].lookupField(clazz);
+ newFieldList[k].checkFieldType();
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
+ {
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ exportedFields[j].lookupField(clazz);
+ exportedFields[j].checkFieldType();
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
+ {
+ }
+ if (!fields[i].getType().equals(exportedFields[j].getType()))
+ throw new InvalidClassException
+ ("serialPersistentFields must be compatible with" +
+ " imported fields (about " + fields[i].getName() + ")");
+ newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
+ fields[i].setPersistent(true);
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (i < fields.length)
+ for (;i<fields.length;i++,k++)
+ {
+ fields[i].setPersistent(false);
+ fields[i].setToSet(false);
+ newFieldList[k] = fields[i];
+ }
+ else
+ if (j < exportedFields.length)
+ for (;j<exportedFields.length;j++,k++)
+ {
+ exportedFields[j].setPersistent(true);
+ exportedFields[j].setToSet(false);
+ newFieldList[k] = exportedFields[j];
+ }
+ fields = new ObjectStreamField[k];
+ System.arraycopy(newFieldList, 0, fields, 0, k);
catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore)
- return;
+ return;
catch (IllegalAccessException ignore)
- return;
+ return;
@@ -450,31 +450,31 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
int fcount = fields.length;
for (i = 0; i < fcount; ++ i)
- field = fields[i];
- if (! field.isPrimitive())
- break;
- field.setOffset(primFieldSize);
- switch (field.getTypeCode())
- {
- case 'B':
- case 'Z':
- ++ primFieldSize;
- break;
- case 'C':
- case 'S':
- primFieldSize += 2;
- break;
- case 'I':
- case 'F':
- primFieldSize += 4;
- break;
- case 'D':
- case 'J':
- primFieldSize += 8;
- break;
- }
+ field = fields[i];
+ if (! field.isPrimitive())
+ break;
+ field.setOffset(primFieldSize);
+ switch (field.getTypeCode())
+ {
+ case 'B':
+ case 'Z':
+ ++ primFieldSize;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ case 'S':
+ primFieldSize += 2;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ case 'F':
+ primFieldSize += 4;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ case 'J':
+ primFieldSize += 8;
+ break;
+ }
for (objectFieldCount = 0; i < fcount; ++ i)
@@ -482,12 +482,12 @@ public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable
private Method findMethod(Method[] methods, String name, Class[] params,
- Class returnType, boolean mustBePrivate)
+ Class returnType, boolean mustBePrivate)
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
- final Method m = methods[i];
+ final Method m = methods[i];
int mods = m.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isStatic(mods)
|| (mustBePrivate && !Modifier.isPrivate(mods)))
@@ -495,23 +495,23 @@ outer:
- if (m.getName().equals(name)
- && m.getReturnType() == returnType)
- {
- Class[] mp = m.getParameterTypes();
- if (mp.length == params.length)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < mp.length; j++)
- {
- if (mp[j] != params[j])
- {
- continue outer;
- }
- }
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new SetAccessibleAction(m));
- return m;
- }
- }
+ if (m.getName().equals(name)
+ && m.getReturnType() == returnType)
+ {
+ Class[] mp = m.getParameterTypes();
+ if (mp.length == params.length)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < mp.length; j++)
+ {
+ if (mp[j] != params[j])
+ {
+ continue outer;
+ }
+ }
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(new SetAccessibleAction(m));
+ return m;
+ }
+ }
return null;
@@ -540,23 +540,23 @@ outer:
for (Class c = from; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass())
- try
- {
- Method res = c.getDeclaredMethod(name, noArgs);
- int mods = res.getModifiers();
- if (c == from
- || Modifier.isProtected(mods)
- || Modifier.isPublic(mods)
- || (! Modifier.isPrivate(mods) && inSamePackage(c, from)))
- {
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new SetAccessibleAction(res));
- return res;
- }
- }
- catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
- {
- }
+ try
+ {
+ Method res = c.getDeclaredMethod(name, noArgs);
+ int mods = res.getModifiers();
+ if (c == from
+ || Modifier.isProtected(mods)
+ || Modifier.isPublic(mods)
+ || (! Modifier.isPrivate(mods) && inSamePackage(c, from)))
+ {
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(new SetAccessibleAction(res));
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
+ {
+ }
return null;
@@ -576,37 +576,37 @@ outer:
private static boolean loadedByBootOrApplicationClassLoader(Class cl)
ClassLoader l = cl.getClassLoader();
- return
- ( l == null /* boot loader */ )
+ return
+ ( l == null /* boot loader */ )
|| (l == ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() /* application loader */);
- }
+ }
+ static Hashtable methodCache = new Hashtable();
- static Hashtable methodCache = new Hashtable();
static final Class[] readObjectSignature = { ObjectInputStream.class };
static final Class[] writeObjectSignature = { ObjectOutputStream.class };
private void cacheMethods()
- Class cl = forClass();
- Method[] cached = (Method[]) methodCache.get(cl);
+ Class cl = forClass();
+ Method[] cached = (Method[]) methodCache.get(cl);
if (cached == null)
cached = new Method[4];
Method[] methods = cl.getDeclaredMethods();
cached[0] = findMethod(methods, "readObject",
- readObjectSignature,
+ readObjectSignature,
Void.TYPE, true);
cached[1] = findMethod(methods, "writeObject",
- writeObjectSignature,
+ writeObjectSignature,
Void.TYPE, true);
// readResolve and writeReplace can be in parent classes, as long as they
// are accessible from this class.
cached[2] = findAccessibleMethod("readResolve", cl);
cached[3] = findAccessibleMethod("writeReplace", cl);
/* put in cache if classes not loaded by user class loader.
* For a user class loader, the cache may otherwise grow
* without limit.
@@ -681,65 +681,65 @@ outer:
if (!isSerializable() || isExternalizable() || isEnum())
- fields = NO_FIELDS;
- return;
+ fields = NO_FIELDS;
+ return;
- final Field f =
- cl.getDeclaredField("serialPersistentFields");
- setAccessible.setMember(f);
- AccessController.doPrivileged(setAccessible);
- int modifiers = f.getModifiers();
- if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)
- && Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)
- && Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
- {
- fields = getSerialPersistentFields(cl);
- if (fields != null)
- {
- ObjectStreamField[] fieldsName = new ObjectStreamField[fields.length];
- System.arraycopy(fields, 0, fieldsName, 0, fields.length);
- Arrays.sort (fieldsName, new Comparator() {
- public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
- {
- ObjectStreamField f1 = (ObjectStreamField)o1;
- ObjectStreamField f2 = (ObjectStreamField)o2;
- return f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName());
- }
- });
- for (int i=1; i < fields.length; i++)
- {
- if (fieldsName[i-1].getName().equals(fieldsName[i].getName()))
- {
- fields = INVALID_FIELDS;
- return;
- }
- }
- Arrays.sort (fields);
- // Retrieve field reference.
- for (int i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- fields[i].lookupField(cl);
- }
- catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
- {
- fields[i].setToSet(false);
- }
- }
- calculateOffsets();
- return;
- }
- }
+ final Field f =
+ cl.getDeclaredField("serialPersistentFields");
+ setAccessible.setMember(f);
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(setAccessible);
+ int modifiers = f.getModifiers();
+ if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)
+ && Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)
+ && Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
+ {
+ fields = getSerialPersistentFields(cl);
+ if (fields != null)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField[] fieldsName = new ObjectStreamField[fields.length];
+ System.arraycopy(fields, 0, fieldsName, 0, fields.length);
+ Arrays.sort (fieldsName, new Comparator() {
+ public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
+ {
+ ObjectStreamField f1 = (ObjectStreamField)o1;
+ ObjectStreamField f2 = (ObjectStreamField)o2;
+ return f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName());
+ }
+ });
+ for (int i=1; i < fields.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (fieldsName[i-1].getName().equals(fieldsName[i].getName()))
+ {
+ fields = INVALID_FIELDS;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Arrays.sort (fields);
+ // Retrieve field reference.
+ for (int i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ fields[i].lookupField(cl);
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException _)
+ {
+ fields[i].setToSet(false);
+ }
+ }
+ calculateOffsets();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore)
@@ -755,34 +755,34 @@ outer:
// set non-serializable fields to null in all_fields
for (int i = 0; i < all_fields.length; i++)
- modifiers = all_fields[i].getModifiers();
- if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)
- || Modifier.isStatic(modifiers))
- all_fields[i] = null;
- else
- num_good_fields++;
+ modifiers = all_fields[i].getModifiers();
+ if (Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)
+ || Modifier.isStatic(modifiers))
+ all_fields[i] = null;
+ else
+ num_good_fields++;
// make a copy of serializable (non-null) fields
fields = new ObjectStreamField[ num_good_fields ];
for (int from = 0, to = 0; from < all_fields.length; from++)
if (all_fields[from] != null)
- {
- final Field f = all_fields[from];
- setAccessible.setMember(f);
- AccessController.doPrivileged(setAccessible);
- fields[to] = new ObjectStreamField(all_fields[from]);
- to++;
- }
+ {
+ final Field f = all_fields[from];
+ setAccessible.setMember(f);
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(setAccessible);
+ fields[to] = new ObjectStreamField(all_fields[from]);
+ to++;
+ }
// Make sure we don't have any duplicate field names
// (Sun JDK 1.4.1. throws an Internal Error as well)
for (int i = 1; i < fields.length; i++)
- if(fields[i - 1].getName().equals(fields[i].getName()))
- throw new InternalError("Duplicate field " +
- fields[i].getName() + " in class " + cl.getName());
+ if(fields[i - 1].getName().equals(fields[i].getName()))
+ throw new InternalError("Duplicate field " +
+ fields[i].getName() + " in class " + cl.getName());
@@ -796,17 +796,17 @@ outer:
long result = 0;
Long cache = (Long) uidCache.get(cl);
if (cache != null)
- result = cache.longValue();
+ result = cache.longValue();
- // Note that we can't use Class.isEnum() here, because that returns
- // false for java.lang.Enum and enum value sub classes.
- if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(cl) || Proxy.isProxyClass(cl))
- {
- // Spec says that enums and dynamic proxies have
- // a serialVersionUID of 0L.
- return 0L;
- }
+ // Note that we can't use Class.isEnum() here, because that returns
+ // false for java.lang.Enum and enum value sub classes.
+ if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(cl) || Proxy.isProxyClass(cl))
+ {
+ // Spec says that enums and dynamic proxies have
+ // a serialVersionUID of 0L.
+ return 0L;
+ }
result = getClassUIDFromField(cl);
@@ -844,11 +844,11 @@ outer:
* @throws NoSuchFieldException if such a field does not exist or is
* not static, not final, not of type Long or not accessible.
- long getClassUIDFromField(Class cl)
+ long getClassUIDFromField(Class cl)
throws NoSuchFieldException
long result;
// Use getDeclaredField rather than getField, since serialVersionUID
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ outer:
SetAccessibleAction setAccessible = new SetAccessibleAction(suid);
int modifiers = suid.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)
&& Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)
&& suid.getType() == Long.TYPE)
@@ -887,12 +887,12 @@ outer:
* @throws IOException if writing to the DigestOutputStream causes
* an IOException.
- long calculateClassUID(Class cl)
+ long calculateClassUID(Class cl)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException
- long result;
+ long result;
MessageDigest md;
- try
+ try
md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
@@ -903,19 +903,19 @@ outer:
md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
DigestOutputStream digest_out =
new DigestOutputStream(nullOutputStream, md);
DataOutputStream data_out = new DataOutputStream(digest_out);
int modifiers = cl.getModifiers();
// just look at interesting bits
modifiers = modifiers & (Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.FINAL
| Modifier.INTERFACE | Modifier.PUBLIC);
// Pretend that an array has no interfaces, because when array
// serialization was defined (JDK 1.1), arrays didn't have it.
if (! cl.isArray())
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ outer:
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
Field field;
Field[] fields = cl.getDeclaredFields();
Arrays.sort(fields, memberComparator);
@@ -937,12 +937,12 @@ outer:
&& (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)
|| Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)))
data_out.writeUTF(TypeSignature.getEncodingOfClass (field.getType()));
// write class initializer method if present
if (VMObjectStreamClass.hasClassInitializer(cl))
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ outer:
Constructor constructor;
Constructor[] constructors = cl.getDeclaredConstructors();
Arrays.sort (constructors, memberComparator);
@@ -960,16 +960,16 @@ outer:
modifiers = constructor.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
// the replacement of '/' with '.' was needed to make computed
// SUID's agree with those computed by JDK
- data_out.writeUTF
+ data_out.writeUTF
Method method;
Method[] methods = cl.getDeclaredMethods();
Arrays.sort(methods, memberComparator);
@@ -979,16 +979,16 @@ outer:
modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
// the replacement of '/' with '.' was needed to make computed
// SUID's agree with those computed by JDK
(TypeSignature.getEncodingOfMethod(method).replace('/', '.'));
byte[] sha = md.digest();
result = 0;
@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ outer:
* @param clazz Class to retrieve 'serialPersistentFields' from.
* @return The content of 'serialPersistentFields'.
- private ObjectStreamField[] getSerialPersistentFields(Class clazz)
+ private ObjectStreamField[] getSerialPersistentFields(Class clazz)
throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException
ObjectStreamField[] fieldsArray = null;
@@ -1021,12 +1021,12 @@ outer:
int modifiers = f.getModifiers();
if (!(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) &&
- Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) &&
- Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)))
+ Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) &&
+ Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)))
return null;
o = (ObjectStreamField[]) f.get(null);
if (o == null)
return null;
@@ -1047,40 +1047,40 @@ outer:
- if (constructor == null)
- {
- try
- {
- final Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction()
- {
- public Object run()
- {
- c.setAccessible(true);
- return null;
- }
- });
- constructor = c;
- }
- catch(NoSuchMethodException x)
- {
- throw new InvalidClassException(clazz.getName(),
- "No public zero-argument constructor");
- }
- }
+ if (constructor == null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ final Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction()
+ {
+ public Object run()
+ {
+ c.setAccessible(true);
+ return null;
+ }
+ });
+ constructor = c;
+ }
+ catch(NoSuchMethodException x)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidClassException(clazz.getName(),
+ "No public zero-argument constructor");
+ }
+ }
- return (Externalizable)constructor.newInstance();
+ return (Externalizable)constructor.newInstance();
catch(Exception x)
- throw (InvalidClassException)
- new InvalidClassException(clazz.getName(),
- "Unable to instantiate").initCause(x);
+ throw (InvalidClassException)
+ new InvalidClassException(clazz.getName(),
+ "Unable to instantiate").initCause(x);
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ outer:
if (comp == 0)
return TypeSignature.getEncodingOfMember(m1).
- compareTo(TypeSignature.getEncodingOfMember(m2));
+ compareTo(TypeSignature.getEncodingOfMember(m2));
return comp;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java
index a29db2a..8f70196 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamConstants.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,24 +45,24 @@ package java.io;
* <code>ObjectInputStream</code>, and <code>ObjectStreamClass</code>.
* The values for these constants are specified by the Java library
* specification.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.1
public interface ObjectStreamConstants
- /**
+ /**
* The serialization stream protocol version 1. This version was
* the default serialization protocol before JDK 1.2.
- *
+ *
* @see ObjectOutputStream#useProtocolVersion(int)
* @since 1.2
- /**
+ /**
* The serialization stream protocol version 2. This version is
* used as the default serialization protocol since JDK 1.2.
- *
+ *
* @see ObjectOutputStream#useProtocolVersion(int)
* @since 1.2
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
* The magic number that is written as part of the stream header.
short STREAM_MAGIC = (short)0xaced;
* The stream version number that is written as part of the stream header.
* Note that this is different from the protocol version that specifies
@@ -84,70 +84,70 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
* Token value to designate a <code>null</code> reference in the stream.
byte TC_NULL = (byte)112; //0x70
* Token value to designate a reference to an already serialized object.
byte TC_REFERENCE = (byte)113; //0x71
* Token value to designate a class descriptor is next in the stream.
byte TC_CLASSDESC = (byte)114; //0x72
- * Token value to designate a new object is next in the stream.
+ * Token value to designate a new object is next in the stream.
byte TC_OBJECT = (byte)115; //0x73
* Token value to designate a new string is next in the stream.
byte TC_STRING = (byte)116; //0x74
* Token value to designate a new array is next in the stream.
byte TC_ARRAY = (byte)117; //0x75
* Token reference to designate a reference to a class.
byte TC_CLASS = (byte)118; //0x76
* Token value to designate a block of primitive data is next in the stream.
* The next byte in the stream holds the size of the block (in bytes).
byte TC_BLOCKDATA = (byte)119; //0x77
* Token value to designate the end of a block of primitve data.
byte TC_ENDBLOCKDATA = (byte)120; //0x78
* Token value to designate a reset of the stream state.
byte TC_RESET = (byte)121; //0x79
* Token value to designate a long block of primitive data is next in the
* stream. The next long in the stream holds the size of the block
- * (in bytes).
+ * (in bytes).
byte TC_BLOCKDATALONG = (byte)122; //0x7A
* Token value to designate an exception occured during serialization.
byte TC_EXCEPTION = (byte)123; //0x7B
* Token value to designate a long string is next in the stream.
byte TC_LONGSTRING = (byte)124; //0x7C
* Token value to designate a proxy class descriptor is next in the stream.
@@ -155,16 +155,16 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
* Token value to designate an enum constant is next in the stream.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
byte TC_ENUM = (byte)126; //0x7E
* The first token value.
* The last token value.
@@ -180,23 +180,23 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
* defines the <code>writeObject</code> method.
byte SC_WRITE_METHOD = 0x01;
* Flag used in <code>ObjectStreamClass</code> to designate that the class
* is serializeable.
byte SC_SERIALIZABLE = 0x02;
* Flag used in <code>ObjectStreamClass</code> to designate that the class
* is externalizable.
* Flag used in <code>ObjectStreamClass</code> to designate that
* externalizable data is written in block data mode.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.2
byte SC_BLOCK_DATA = 0x08;
@@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
* Flag used in <code>ObjectStreamClass</code> to designate that the class
* is an enum constant.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
byte SC_ENUM = 0x10;
* Constant for use with a <code>SecurityManager</code> to check if
* substitution of objects is allowed.
@@ -224,4 +224,3 @@ public interface ObjectStreamConstants
= new SerializablePermission("enableSubclassImplementation");
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamField.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamField.java
index 91f5578..dfb6728 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamField.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/ObjectStreamField.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
* @author Michael Koch (konqueror@gmx.de)
* @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org)
-public class ObjectStreamField
+public class ObjectStreamField
implements Comparable<Object>
private String name;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
- * This constructor creates an ObjectStreamField instance
+ * This constructor creates an ObjectStreamField instance
* which represents a field named <code>name</code> and is
* of the type <code>type</code>.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
- * This constructor creates an ObjectStreamField instance
+ * This constructor creates an ObjectStreamField instance
* which represents a field named <code>name</code> and is
* of the type <code>type</code>.
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
this.typename = TypeSignature.getEncodingOfClass(type);
this.unshared = unshared;
- * There are many cases you can not get java.lang.Class from typename
+ * There are many cases you can not get java.lang.Class from typename
* if your context class loader cannot load it, then use typename to
* construct the field.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
* This method returns the name of the field represented by the
* ObjectStreamField instance.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
* {@link #getTypeCode()} in the case the type is a real
* class (and not a primitive).
- * @return The name of the type (class name) if it is not a
+ * @return The name of the type (class name) if it is not a
* primitive, in the other case null is returned.
public String getTypeString ()
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
* This method sets the current offset of the field.
- *
+ *
* @param off The offset of the field in bytes.
* @see #getOffset()
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
* the field should not be changed when the stream is read (if it is not
* explicitly specified using serialPersistentFields).
- * @param persistent True if the field is persistent, false in the
+ * @param persistent True if the field is persistent, false in the
* other cases.
* @see #isPersistent()
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
- * This method is specific to classpath's implementation and so
+ * This method is specific to classpath's implementation and so
* has the default access. It changes the state of this field as
* to be set by ObjectInputStream.
@@ -312,16 +312,16 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
void lookupField(Class clazz) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException
final Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField(name);
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction()
- public Object run()
- {
- f.setAccessible(true);
- return null;
- }
+ public Object run()
+ {
+ f.setAccessible(true);
+ return null;
+ }
this.field = f;
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
if (!ftype.isAssignableFrom(type))
throw new InvalidClassException
- ("invalid field type for " + name +
- " in class " + field.getDeclaringClass());
+ ("invalid field type for " + name +
+ " in class " + field.getDeclaringClass());
@@ -356,19 +356,19 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
final void setBooleanField(Object obj, boolean val)
- VMObjectStreamClass.setBooleanNative(field, obj, val);
+ VMObjectStreamClass.setBooleanNative(field, obj, val);
final void setByteField(Object obj, byte val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setByteNative(field, obj, val);
final void setCharField(Object obj, char val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setCharNative(field, obj, val);
final void setShortField(Object obj, short val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setShortNative(field, obj, val);
@@ -378,24 +378,24 @@ public class ObjectStreamField
VMObjectStreamClass.setIntNative(field, obj, val);
final void setLongField(Object obj, long val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setLongNative(field, obj, val);
final void setFloatField(Object obj, float val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setFloatNative(field, obj, val);
final void setDoubleField(Object obj, double val)
VMObjectStreamClass.setDoubleNative(field, obj, val);
final void setObjectField(Object obj, Object val)
- {
+ {
VMObjectStreamClass.setObjectNative(field, obj, val);
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStream.java
index e3caa70..5ba9478 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
- * This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that
+ * This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that
* write output as a stream of bytes. It provides a common set of methods
* for writing bytes to stream. Subclasses implement and/or extend these
- * methods to write bytes in a particular manner or to a particular
+ * methods to write bytes in a particular manner or to a particular
* destination such as a file on disk or network connection.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public abstract class OutputStream implements Closeable, Flushable
* Subclasses must provide an implementation of this abstract method
* @param b The byte to be written to the output stream, passed as
- * the low eight bits of an <code>int</code>
+ * the low eight bits of an <code>int</code>
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public abstract class OutputStream implements Closeable, Flushable
* @param b The array of bytes to write from
* @param off The index into the array to start writing from
* @param len The number of bytes to write
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
public void write (byte[] b, int off, int len)
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java
index 5ccceed..27067fd 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/OutputStreamWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException;
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Per Bothner (bothner@cygnus.com)
- * @date April 17, 1998.
+ * @date April 17, 1998.
public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
* design, there is no way to determine which encodings are supported.
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to
- * @param encoding_scheme The name of the encoding scheme to use for
+ * @param encoding_scheme The name of the encoding scheme to use for
* character to byte translation
- * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException If the named encoding is
+ * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException If the named encoding is
* not available.
- public OutputStreamWriter (OutputStream out, String encoding_scheme)
+ public OutputStreamWriter (OutputStream out, String encoding_scheme)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException
CharsetEncoder encoder;
@@ -125,58 +125,58 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
this.out = out;
outputBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE);
- try
+ try
- // Don't use NIO if avoidable
- if(EncodingHelper.isISOLatin1(encoding_scheme))
- {
- encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
- encoder = null;
- }
+ // Don't use NIO if avoidable
+ if(EncodingHelper.isISOLatin1(encoding_scheme))
+ {
+ encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
+ encoder = null;
+ }
- {
- /*
- * Workaround for encodings with a byte-order-mark.
- * We only want to write it once per stream.
- */
- try
- {
- if(encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UnicodeBig") ||
- encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-16") ||
- encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF16"))
- {
- encoding_scheme = "UTF-16BE";
- out.write((byte)0xFE);
- out.write((byte)0xFF);
- }
- else if(encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UnicodeLittle"))
- {
- encoding_scheme = "UTF-16LE";
- out.write((byte)0xFF);
- out.write((byte)0xFE);
- }
- }
- catch(IOException ioe)
- {
- }
- Charset cs = EncodingHelper.getCharset(encoding_scheme);
- if(cs == null)
- throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Encoding "+encoding_scheme+
- " unknown");
- encoder = cs.newEncoder();
- encodingName = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
- encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
- encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
- }
- }
- catch(RuntimeException e)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Workaround for encodings with a byte-order-mark.
+ * We only want to write it once per stream.
+ */
+ try
+ {
+ if(encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UnicodeBig") ||
+ encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-16") ||
+ encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF16"))
+ {
+ encoding_scheme = "UTF-16BE";
+ out.write((byte)0xFE);
+ out.write((byte)0xFF);
+ }
+ else if(encoding_scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("UnicodeLittle"))
+ {
+ encoding_scheme = "UTF-16LE";
+ out.write((byte)0xFF);
+ out.write((byte)0xFE);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(IOException ioe)
+ {
+ }
+ Charset cs = EncodingHelper.getCharset(encoding_scheme);
+ if(cs == null)
+ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Encoding "+encoding_scheme+
+ " unknown");
+ encoder = cs.newEncoder();
+ encodingName = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
+ encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(RuntimeException e)
- // Default to ISO Latin-1, will happen if this is called, for instance,
- // before the NIO provider is loadable.
- encoder = null;
- encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
+ // Default to ISO Latin-1, will happen if this is called, for instance,
+ // before the NIO provider is loadable.
+ encoder = null;
+ encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
this.encoder = encoder;
this.encodingName = encodingName;
@@ -194,23 +194,23 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
String encodingName;
this.out = out;
outputBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE);
- try
+ try
- String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
- Charset cs = Charset.forName(encoding);
- encoder = cs.newEncoder();
- encodingName = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
- }
- catch(RuntimeException e)
+ String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
+ Charset cs = Charset.forName(encoding);
+ encoder = cs.newEncoder();
+ encodingName = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
+ }
+ catch(RuntimeException e)
- encoder = null;
- encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
+ encoder = null;
+ encodingName = "ISO8859_1";
if(encoder != null)
- encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
- encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
+ encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE);
this.encoder = encoder;
this.encodingName = encodingName;
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to
* @param cs The <code>Charset</code> of the encoding to use
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, Charset cs)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
outputBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE);
encodingName = EncodingHelper.getOldCanonical(cs.name());
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>OutputStreamWriter</code>
* to write to the specified stream using a given
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to
* @param enc The <code>CharsetEncoder</code> to encode the output with
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, CharsetEncoder enc)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
- * This method closes this stream, and the underlying
+ * This method closes this stream, and the underlying
* <code>OutputStream</code>
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -291,17 +291,17 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
public void flush () throws IOException
- if(out != null){
- if(outputBuffer != null){
- char[] buf = new char[outputBuffer.position()];
- if(buf.length > 0){
- outputBuffer.flip();
- outputBuffer.get(buf);
- writeConvert(buf, 0, buf.length);
- outputBuffer.clear();
- }
- }
- out.flush ();
+ if(out != null){
+ if(outputBuffer != null){
+ char[] buf = new char[outputBuffer.position()];
+ if(buf.length > 0){
+ outputBuffer.flip();
+ outputBuffer.get(buf);
+ writeConvert(buf, 0, buf.length);
+ outputBuffer.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ out.flush ();
@@ -324,71 +324,71 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
throw new IOException("Buffer is null.");
if(outputBuffer != null)
- {
- if(count >= outputBuffer.remaining())
- {
- int r = outputBuffer.remaining();
- outputBuffer.put(buf, offset, r);
- writeConvert(outputBuffer.array(), 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
- outputBuffer.clear();
- offset += r;
- count -= r;
- // if the remaining bytes is larger than the whole buffer,
- // just don't buffer.
- if(count >= outputBuffer.remaining()){
+ {
+ if(count >= outputBuffer.remaining())
+ {
+ int r = outputBuffer.remaining();
+ outputBuffer.put(buf, offset, r);
+ writeConvert(outputBuffer.array(), 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ outputBuffer.clear();
+ offset += r;
+ count -= r;
+ // if the remaining bytes is larger than the whole buffer,
+ // just don't buffer.
+ if(count >= outputBuffer.remaining()){
writeConvert(buf, offset, count);
- return;
- }
- }
- outputBuffer.put(buf, offset, count);
- } else writeConvert(buf, offset, count);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ outputBuffer.put(buf, offset, count);
+ } else writeConvert(buf, offset, count);
* Converts and writes characters.
- private void writeConvert (char[] buf, int offset, int count)
+ private void writeConvert (char[] buf, int offset, int count)
throws IOException
if(encoder == null)
byte[] b = new byte[count];
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
- b[i] = nullConversion(buf[offset+i]);
+ b[i] = nullConversion(buf[offset+i]);
} else {
try {
- ByteBuffer output = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(buf,offset,count));
- encoder.reset();
- if(output.hasArray())
- out.write(output.array());
- else
- {
- byte[] outbytes = new byte[output.remaining()];
- output.get(outbytes);
- out.write(outbytes);
- }
+ ByteBuffer output = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(buf,offset,count));
+ encoder.reset();
+ if(output.hasArray())
+ out.write(output.array());
+ else
+ {
+ byte[] outbytes = new byte[output.remaining()];
+ output.get(outbytes);
+ out.write(outbytes);
+ }
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {
- throw new IOException("Internal error.");
+ throw new IOException("Internal error.");
} catch(MalformedInputException e) {
- throw new IOException("Invalid character sequence.");
+ throw new IOException("Invalid character sequence.");
} catch(CharacterCodingException e) {
- throw new IOException("Unmappable character.");
+ throw new IOException("Unmappable character.");
private byte nullConversion(char c) {
- return (byte)((c <= 0xFF)?c:'?');
+ return (byte)((c <= 0xFF)?c:'?');
- * This method writes <code>count</code> bytes from the specified
+ * This method writes <code>count</code> bytes from the specified
* <code>String</code> starting at position <code>offset</code> into the
* <code>String</code>.
* @param str The <code>String</code> to write chars from
- * @param offset The position in the <code>String</code> to start
+ * @param offset The position in the <code>String</code> to start
* writing chars from
* @param count The number of chars to write
@@ -411,20 +411,19 @@ public class OutputStreamWriter extends Writer
public void write (int ch) throws IOException
- // No buffering, no encoding ... just pass through
- if (encoder == null && outputBuffer == null) {
- out.write(nullConversion((char)ch));
- } else {
- if (outputBuffer != null) {
- if (outputBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
- writeConvert(outputBuffer.array(), 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
- outputBuffer.clear();
- }
- outputBuffer.put((char)ch);
- } else {
- writeConvert(new char[]{ (char)ch }, 0, 1);
- }
- }
+ // No buffering, no encoding ... just pass through
+ if (encoder == null && outputBuffer == null) {
+ out.write(nullConversion((char)ch));
+ } else {
+ if (outputBuffer != null) {
+ if (outputBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
+ writeConvert(outputBuffer.array(), 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ outputBuffer.clear();
+ }
+ outputBuffer.put((char)ch);
+ } else {
+ writeConvert(new char[]{ (char)ch }, 0, 1);
+ }
+ }
} // class OutputStreamWriter
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedInputStream.java
index 924cc66..0171a1b 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
-// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedReader. If you
-// fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to the
+// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedReader. If you
+// fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to the
// PipedReader code.
* An input stream that reads its bytes from an output stream
- * to which it is connected.
+ * to which it is connected.
* <p>
* Data is read and written to an internal buffer. It is highly recommended
- * that the <code>PipedInputStream</code> and connected
+ * that the <code>PipedInputStream</code> and connected
* <code>PipedOutputStream</code>
- * be part of different threads. If they are not, the read and write
+ * be part of different threads. If they are not, the read and write
* operations could deadlock their thread.
- * @specnote The JDK implementation appears to have some undocumented
+ * @specnote The JDK implementation appears to have some undocumented
* functionality where it keeps track of what thread is writing
* to pipe and throws an IOException if that thread susequently
* dies. This behaviour seems dubious and unreliable - we don't
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ package java.io;
public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
- /** PipedOutputStream to which this is connected. Null only if this
+ /** PipedOutputStream to which this is connected. Null only if this
* InputStream hasn't been connected yet. */
PipedOutputStream source;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* The index into buffer where the next byte from the connected
- * <code>PipedOutputStream</code> will be written. If this variable is
+ * <code>PipedOutputStream</code> will be written. If this variable is
* equal to <code>out</code>, then the buffer is full. If set to < 0,
* the buffer is empty.
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
private byte[] read_buf = new byte[1];
- * Creates a new <code>PipedInputStream</code> that is not connected to a
- * <code>PipedOutputStream</code>. It must be connected before bytes can
+ * Creates a new <code>PipedInputStream</code> that is not connected to a
+ * <code>PipedOutputStream</code>. It must be connected before bytes can
* be read from this stream.
public PipedInputStream()
@@ -114,24 +114,24 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* Creates a new <code>PipedInputStream</code> of the given size that is not
* connected to a <code>PipedOutputStream</code>.
* It must be connected before bytes can be read from this stream.
- *
+ *
* @since 1.6
* @since IllegalArgumentException If pipeSize <= 0.
- public PipedInputStream(int pipeSize) throws IllegalArgumentException
+ public PipedInputStream(int pipeSize) throws IllegalArgumentException
if (pipeSize <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pipeSize must be > 0");
this.buffer = new byte[pipeSize];
* This constructor creates a new <code>PipedInputStream</code> and connects
- * it to the passed in <code>PipedOutputStream</code>. The stream is then
+ * it to the passed in <code>PipedOutputStream</code>. The stream is then
* ready for reading.
- * @param source The <code>PipedOutputStream</code> to connect this
+ * @param source The <code>PipedOutputStream</code> to connect this
* stream to
* @exception IOException If <code>source</code> is already connected.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* size and connects it to the passed in <code>PipedOutputStream</code>.
* The stream is then ready for reading.
- * @param source The <code>PipedOutputStream</code> to connect this
+ * @param source The <code>PipedOutputStream</code> to connect this
* stream to
* @since 1.6
@@ -159,30 +159,30 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
- * This method connects this stream to the passed in
+ * This method connects this stream to the passed in
* <code>PipedOutputStream</code>.
* This stream is then ready for reading. If this stream is already
* connected or has been previously closed, then an exception is thrown
* @param source The <code>PipedOutputStream</code> to connect this stream to
- * @exception IOException If this PipedInputStream or <code>source</code>
+ * @exception IOException If this PipedInputStream or <code>source</code>
* has been connected already.
public void connect(PipedOutputStream source) throws IOException
- // The JDK (1.3) does not appear to check for a previously closed
+ // The JDK (1.3) does not appear to check for a previously closed
// connection here.
if (this.source != null || source.sink != null)
throw new IOException ("Already connected");
source.sink = this;
this.source = source;
* This method receives a byte of input from the source PipedOutputStream.
* If the internal circular buffer is full, this method blocks.
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* @specnote This code should be in PipedOutputStream.write, but we
* put it here in order to support that bizarre recieve(int)
* method.
- */
+ */
synchronized void receive(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
@@ -219,59 +219,59 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
int bufpos = offset;
int copylen;
while (len > 0)
- {
- while (in == out)
- {
- // The pipe is full. Wake up any readers and wait for them.
- notifyAll();
- wait();
- // The pipe could have been closed while we were waiting.
- if (closed)
- throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
- }
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ix)
- {
+ {
+ while (in == out)
+ {
+ // The pipe is full. Wake up any readers and wait for them.
+ notifyAll();
+ wait();
+ // The pipe could have been closed while we were waiting.
+ if (closed)
+ throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ix)
+ {
throw new InterruptedIOException ();
- }
- if (in < 0) // The pipe is empty.
- in = 0;
- // Figure out how many bytes from buf can be copied without
- // overrunning out or going past the length of the buffer.
- if (in < out)
- copylen = Math.min (len, out - in);
- else
- copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - in);
- // Copy bytes until the pipe is filled, wrapping if necessary.
- System.arraycopy(buf, bufpos, buffer, in, copylen);
- len -= copylen;
- bufpos += copylen;
- in += copylen;
- if (in == buffer.length)
- in = 0;
+ }
+ if (in < 0) // The pipe is empty.
+ in = 0;
+ // Figure out how many bytes from buf can be copied without
+ // overrunning out or going past the length of the buffer.
+ if (in < out)
+ copylen = Math.min (len, out - in);
+ else
+ copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - in);
+ // Copy bytes until the pipe is filled, wrapping if necessary.
+ System.arraycopy(buf, bufpos, buffer, in, copylen);
+ len -= copylen;
+ bufpos += copylen;
+ in += copylen;
+ if (in == buffer.length)
+ in = 0;
// Notify readers that new data is in the pipe.
* This method reads one byte from the stream.
* -1 is returned to indicated that no bytes can be read
* because the end of the stream was reached. If the stream is already
* closed, a -1 will again be returned to indicate the end of the stream.
- *
+ *
* <p>This method will block if no byte is available to be read.</p>
* @return the value of the read byte value, or -1 of the end of the stream
* was reached
- *
+ *
* @throws IOException if an error occured
public int read() throws IOException
@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
int r = read(read_buf, 0, 1);
return r != -1 ? (read_buf[0] & 0xff) : -1;
* This method reads bytes from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
- * It starts storing bytes at position <code>offset</code> into the
+ * It starts storing bytes at position <code>offset</code> into the
* buffer and
- * reads a maximum of <code>len</code> bytes. Note that this method
+ * reads a maximum of <code>len</code> bytes. Note that this method
* can actually
- * read fewer than <code>len</code> bytes. The actual number of bytes
+ * read fewer than <code>len</code> bytes. The actual number of bytes
* read is
* returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no bytes can be read
* because the end of the stream was reached - ie close() was called on the
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* @exception IOException If <code>close()</code> was called on this Piped
* InputStream.
- */
+ */
public synchronized int read(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
@@ -319,61 +319,61 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
if (len == 0)
return 0;
- // If the buffer is empty, wait until there is something in the pipe
+ // If the buffer is empty, wait until there is something in the pipe
// to read.
- while (in < 0)
- {
- if (source.closed)
- return -1;
- wait();
- }
+ while (in < 0)
+ {
+ if (source.closed)
+ return -1;
+ wait();
+ }
catch (InterruptedException ix)
throw new InterruptedIOException();
int total = 0;
int copylen;
while (true)
- // Figure out how many bytes from the pipe can be copied without
- // overrunning in or going past the length of buf.
- if (out < in)
- copylen = Math.min (len, in - out);
- else
- copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - out);
+ // Figure out how many bytes from the pipe can be copied without
+ // overrunning in or going past the length of buf.
+ if (out < in)
+ copylen = Math.min (len, in - out);
+ else
+ copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - out);
System.arraycopy (buffer, out, buf, offset, copylen);
- offset += copylen;
- len -= copylen;
- out += copylen;
- total += copylen;
- if (out == buffer.length)
- out = 0;
- if (out == in)
- {
- // Pipe is now empty.
- in = -1;
- out = 0;
- }
+ offset += copylen;
+ len -= copylen;
+ out += copylen;
+ total += copylen;
+ if (out == buffer.length)
+ out = 0;
+ if (out == in)
+ {
+ // Pipe is now empty.
+ in = -1;
+ out = 0;
+ }
// If output buffer is filled or the pipe is empty, we're done.
- if (len == 0 || in == -1)
- {
- // Notify any waiting outputstream that there is now space
- // to write.
- notifyAll();
- return total;
- }
+ if (len == 0 || in == -1)
+ {
+ // Notify any waiting outputstream that there is now space
+ // to write.
+ notifyAll();
+ return total;
+ }
* This method returns the number of bytes that can be read from this stream
* before blocking could occur. This is the number of bytes that are
@@ -384,12 +384,12 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
* @return The number of bytes that can be read before blocking might occur
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
- */
+ */
public synchronized int available() throws IOException
- // The JDK 1.3 implementation does not appear to check for the closed or
+ // The JDK 1.3 implementation does not appear to check for the closed or
// unconnected stream conditions here.
if (in < 0)
return 0;
else if (out < in)
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
return (buffer.length - out) + in;
* This methods closes the stream so that no more data can be read
* from it.
@@ -411,4 +411,3 @@ public class PipedInputStream extends InputStream
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedOutputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedOutputStream.java
index 8188105..839cb1e 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedOutputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedOutputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
-// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedWriter. If you
-// fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to the
+// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedWriter. If you
+// fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to the
// PipedWriter code.
- * This class writes its bytes to a <code>PipedInputStream</code> to
+ * This class writes its bytes to a <code>PipedInputStream</code> to
* which it is connected.
* <p>
* It is highly recommended that a <code>PipedOutputStream</code> and its
- * connected <code>PipedInputStream</code> be in different threads. If
+ * connected <code>PipedInputStream</code> be in different threads. If
* they are in the same thread, read and write operations could deadlock
* the thread.
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ package java.io;
public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
- /** Target PipedInputStream to which this is connected. Null only if this
+ /** Target PipedInputStream to which this is connected. Null only if this
* OutputStream hasn't been connected yet. */
PipedInputStream sink;
/** Set to true if close() has been called on this OutputStream. */
boolean closed;
- /**
+ /**
* Create an unconnected PipedOutputStream. It must be connected
* to a <code>PipedInputStream</code> using the <code>connect</code>
* method prior to writing any data or an exception will be thrown.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
* @param sink The <code>PipedInputStream</code> to connect this stream to.
- * @exception IOException If <code>sink</code> has already been connected
+ * @exception IOException If <code>sink</code> has already been connected
* to a different PipedOutputStream.
public PipedOutputStream(PipedInputStream sink) throws IOException
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
- * Connects this object to the specified <code>PipedInputStream</code>
+ * Connects this object to the specified <code>PipedInputStream</code>
* object. This stream will then be ready for writing.
* @param sink The <code>PipedInputStream</code> to connect this stream to
@@ -103,29 +103,29 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
- * Write a single byte of date to the stream. Note that this method will
- * block if the <code>PipedInputStream</code> to which this object is
+ * Write a single byte of date to the stream. Note that this method will
+ * block if the <code>PipedInputStream</code> to which this object is
* connected has a full buffer.
* @param b The byte of data to be written, passed as an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If the stream has not been connected or has
* been closed.
- */
+ */
public void write(int b) throws IOException
if (sink == null)
throw new IOException ("Not connected");
if (closed)
throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
sink.receive (b);
* This method writes <code>len</code> bytes of data from the byte array
* <code>buf</code> starting at index <code>offset</code> in the array
- * to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
+ * to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
* <code>PipedInputStream</code> to which this object is connected has
* a buffer that cannot hold all of the bytes to be written.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
throw new IOException ("Not connected");
if (closed)
throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
sink.receive(buffer, offset, len);
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
public void flush() throws IOException
* This method closes this stream so that no more data can be written
* to it. Any further attempts to write to this stream may throw an
@@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ public class PipedOutputStream extends OutputStream
// A close call on an unconnected PipedOutputStream has no effect.
if (sink != null)
- closed = true;
- // Notify any waiting readers that the stream is now closed.
- synchronized (sink)
- {
- sink.notifyAll();
- }
+ closed = true;
+ // Notify any waiting readers that the stream is now closed.
+ synchronized (sink)
+ {
+ sink.notifyAll();
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedReader.java
index 8a3363a..4f449ff 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
-// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedInputStream.
-// If you fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to
+// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedInputStream.
+// If you fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to
// the PipedInputStream code.
- * An input stream that reads characters from a piped writer to which it is
- * connected.
+ * An input stream that reads characters from a piped writer to which it is
+ * connected.
* <p>
* Data is read and written to an internal buffer. It is highly recommended
* that the <code>PipedReader</code> and connected <code>PipedWriter</code>
* be part of different threads. If they are not, there is a possibility
* that the read and write operations could deadlock their thread.
- * @specnote The JDK implementation appears to have some undocumented
+ * @specnote The JDK implementation appears to have some undocumented
* functionality where it keeps track of what thread is writing
* to pipe and throws an IOException if that thread susequently
* dies. This behaviour seems dubious and unreliable - we don't
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ package java.io;
public class PipedReader extends Reader
- /** PipedWriter to which this is connected. Null only if this
+ /** PipedWriter to which this is connected. Null only if this
* Reader hasn't been connected yet. */
PipedWriter source;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
* The index into buffer where the next char from the connected
- * <code>PipedWriter</code> will be written. If this variable is
+ * <code>PipedWriter</code> will be written. If this variable is
* equal to <code>out</code>, then the buffer is full. If set to < 0,
* the buffer is empty.
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
char[] read_buf = new char[1];
- * Creates a new <code>PipedReader</code> that is not connected to a
- * <code>PipedWriter</code>. It must be connected before chars can
+ * Creates a new <code>PipedReader</code> that is not connected to a
+ * <code>PipedWriter</code>. It must be connected before chars can
* be read from this stream.
public PipedReader()
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
* This constructor creates a new <code>PipedReader</code> and connects
- * it to the passed in <code>PipedWriter</code>. The stream is then
+ * it to the passed in <code>PipedWriter</code>. The stream is then
* ready for reading.
* @param source The <code>PipedWriter</code> to connect this stream to
@@ -118,28 +118,28 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
- * This method connects this stream to the passed in
+ * This method connects this stream to the passed in
* <code>PipedWriter</code>.
* This stream is then ready for reading. If this stream is already
* connected or has been previously closed, then an exception is thrown
* @param source The <code>PipedWriter</code> to connect this stream to
- * @exception IOException If this PipedReader or <code>source</code>
+ * @exception IOException If this PipedReader or <code>source</code>
* has been connected already.
public void connect(PipedWriter source) throws IOException
- // The JDK (1.3) does not appear to check for a previously closed
+ // The JDK (1.3) does not appear to check for a previously closed
// connection here.
if (this.source != null || source.sink != null)
throw new IOException ("Already connected");
source.sink = this;
this.source = source;
* This method is used by the connected <code>PipedWriter</code> to
* write chars into the buffer.
@@ -152,67 +152,67 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
* @specnote This code should be in PipedWriter.write, but we
* put it here in order to support that bizarre recieve(int)
* method.
- */
+ */
void receive(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
synchronized (lock)
if (closed)
- throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
+ throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
int bufpos = offset;
int copylen;
while (len > 0)
- {
+ {
- {
- while (in == out)
- {
- // The pipe is full. Wake up any readers and wait for them.
- lock.notifyAll();
- lock.wait();
- // The pipe could have been closed while we were waiting.
- if (closed)
- throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
- }
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ix)
- {
+ {
+ while (in == out)
+ {
+ // The pipe is full. Wake up any readers and wait for them.
+ lock.notifyAll();
+ lock.wait();
+ // The pipe could have been closed while we were waiting.
+ if (closed)
+ throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ix)
+ {
throw new InterruptedIOException ();
- }
- if (in < 0) // The pipe is empty.
- in = 0;
- // Figure out how many chars from buf can be copied without
- // overrunning out or going past the length of the buffer.
- if (in < out)
- copylen = Math.min (len, out - in);
- else
- copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - in);
- // Copy chars until the pipe is filled, wrapping if necessary.
- System.arraycopy(buf, bufpos, buffer, in, copylen);
- len -= copylen;
- bufpos += copylen;
- in += copylen;
- if (in == buffer.length)
- in = 0;
- }
+ }
+ if (in < 0) // The pipe is empty.
+ in = 0;
+ // Figure out how many chars from buf can be copied without
+ // overrunning out or going past the length of the buffer.
+ if (in < out)
+ copylen = Math.min (len, out - in);
+ else
+ copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - in);
+ // Copy chars until the pipe is filled, wrapping if necessary.
+ System.arraycopy(buf, bufpos, buffer, in, copylen);
+ len -= copylen;
+ bufpos += copylen;
+ in += copylen;
+ if (in == buffer.length)
+ in = 0;
+ }
// Notify readers that new data is in the pipe.
* This method reads chars from the stream into a caller supplied buffer.
- * It starts storing chars at position <code>offset</code> into the
+ * It starts storing chars at position <code>offset</code> into the
* buffer and
- * reads a maximum of <code>len</code> chars. Note that this method
+ * reads a maximum of <code>len</code> chars. Note that this method
* can actually
- * read fewer than <code>len</code> chars. The actual number of chars
+ * read fewer than <code>len</code> chars. The actual number of chars
* read is
* returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no chars can be read
* because the end of the stream was reached. If the stream is already
@@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
int r = read(read_buf, 0, 1);
return r != -1 ? read_buf[0] : -1;
- * This method reads characters from the stream into a caller supplied
- * buffer. It starts storing chars at position <code>offset</code> into
- * the buffer and reads a maximum of <code>len</code> chars. Note that
- * this method can actually read fewer than <code>len</code> chars.
+ * This method reads characters from the stream into a caller supplied
+ * buffer. It starts storing chars at position <code>offset</code> into
+ * the buffer and reads a maximum of <code>len</code> chars. Note that
+ * this method can actually read fewer than <code>len</code> chars.
* The actual number of chars read is
* returned. A -1 is returned to indicated that no chars can be read
* because the end of the stream was reached - ie close() was called on the
@@ -250,102 +250,102 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
* @exception IOException If <code>close()</code> was called on this Piped
* Reader.
- */
+ */
public int read(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
synchronized (lock)
if (source == null)
- throw new IOException ("Not connected");
+ throw new IOException ("Not connected");
if (closed)
- throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
+ throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
// Don't block if nothing was requested.
if (len == 0)
return 0;
- // If the buffer is empty, wait until there is something in the pipe
+ // If the buffer is empty, wait until there is something in the pipe
// to read.
- {
- while (in < 0)
- {
- if (source.closed)
- return -1;
- lock.wait();
- }
- }
+ {
+ while (in < 0)
+ {
+ if (source.closed)
+ return -1;
+ lock.wait();
+ }
+ }
catch (InterruptedException ix)
- {
+ {
throw new InterruptedIOException();
- }
+ }
int total = 0;
int copylen;
while (true)
- {
- // Figure out how many chars from the pipe can be copied without
- // overrunning in or going past the length of buf.
- if (out < in)
- copylen = Math.min (len, in - out);
- else
- copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - out);
+ {
+ // Figure out how many chars from the pipe can be copied without
+ // overrunning in or going past the length of buf.
+ if (out < in)
+ copylen = Math.min (len, in - out);
+ else
+ copylen = Math.min (len, buffer.length - out);
System.arraycopy (buffer, out, buf, offset, copylen);
- offset += copylen;
- len -= copylen;
- out += copylen;
- total += copylen;
+ offset += copylen;
+ len -= copylen;
+ out += copylen;
+ total += copylen;
- if (out == buffer.length)
- out = 0;
+ if (out == buffer.length)
+ out = 0;
- if (out == in)
- {
- // Pipe is now empty.
- in = -1;
- out = 0;
- }
+ if (out == in)
+ {
+ // Pipe is now empty.
+ in = -1;
+ out = 0;
+ }
// If output buffer is filled or the pipe is empty, we're done.
- if (len == 0 || in == -1)
- {
- // Notify any waiting Writer that there is now space
- // to write.
- lock.notifyAll();
- return total;
- }
- }
+ if (len == 0 || in == -1)
+ {
+ // Notify any waiting Writer that there is now space
+ // to write.
+ lock.notifyAll();
+ return total;
+ }
+ }
public boolean ready() throws IOException
- // The JDK 1.3 implementation does not appear to check for the closed or
+ // The JDK 1.3 implementation does not appear to check for the closed or
// unconnected stream conditions here. However, checking for a
// closed stream is explicitly required by the JDK 1.2 and 1.3
// documentation (for Reader.close()), so we do it.
synchronized (lock)
if (closed)
- throw new IOException("Pipe closed");
+ throw new IOException("Pipe closed");
if (in < 0)
- return false;
+ return false;
int count;
if (out < in)
- count = in - out;
+ count = in - out;
- count = (buffer.length - out) - in;
+ count = (buffer.length - out) - in;
return (count > 0);
* This methods closes the stream so that no more data can be read
* from it.
@@ -362,4 +362,3 @@ public class PipedReader extends Reader
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedWriter.java
index 92786e5..0d48ab0 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PipedWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
-// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedOutputStream.
-// If you fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to
+// NOTE: This implementation is very similar to that of PipedOutputStream.
+// If you fix a bug in here, chances are you should make a similar change to
// the PipedOutputStream code.
- * This class writes its chars to a <code>PipedReader</code> to
+ * This class writes its chars to a <code>PipedReader</code> to
* which it is connected.
* <p>
* It is highly recommended that a <code>PipedWriter</code> and its
- * connected <code>PipedReader</code> be in different threads. If
+ * connected <code>PipedReader</code> be in different threads. If
* they are in the same thread, read and write operations could deadlock
* the thread.
@@ -55,17 +55,17 @@ package java.io;
public class PipedWriter extends Writer
- /** Target PipedReader to which this is connected. Null only if this
+ /** Target PipedReader to which this is connected. Null only if this
* Writer hasn't been connected yet. */
PipedReader sink;
/** Set to true if close() has been called on this Writer. */
boolean closed;
/** Buffer used to implement single-argument write */
char[] read_buf = new char[1];
- /**
+ /**
* Create an unconnected PipedWriter. It must be connected
* to a <code>PipedReader</code> using the <code>connect</code>
* method prior to writing any data or an exception will be thrown.
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
* @param sink The <code>PipedReader</code> to connect this stream to.
- * @exception IOException If <code>sink</code> has already been connected
+ * @exception IOException If <code>sink</code> has already been connected
* to a different PipedWriter.
public PipedWriter(PipedReader sink) throws IOException
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
- * Connects this object to the specified <code>PipedReader</code>
+ * Connects this object to the specified <code>PipedReader</code>
* object. This stream will then be ready for writing.
* @param sink The <code>PipedReader</code> to connect this stream to
@@ -106,25 +106,25 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
- * Write a single char of date to the stream. Note that this method will
- * block if the <code>PipedReader</code> to which this object is
+ * Write a single char of date to the stream. Note that this method will
+ * block if the <code>PipedReader</code> to which this object is
* connected has a full buffer.
* @param b The char of data to be written, passed as an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If the stream has not been connected or has
* been closed.
- */
+ */
public void write(int b) throws IOException
read_buf[0] = (char) (b & 0xffff);
sink.receive (read_buf, 0, 1);
* This method writes <code>len</code> chars of data from the char array
* <code>buf</code> starting at index <code>offset</code> in the array
- * to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
+ * to the stream. Note that this method will block if the
* <code>PipedReader</code> to which this object is connected has
* a buffer that cannot hold all of the chars to be written.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
throw new IOException ("Not connected");
if (closed)
throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
sink.receive(buffer, offset, len);
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
if (closed)
throw new IOException ("Pipe closed");
* This method closes this stream so that no more data can be written
* to it. Any further attempts to write to this stream may throw an
@@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ public class PipedWriter extends Writer
// A close call on an unconnected PipedWriter has no effect.
if (sink != null)
- closed = true;
- // Notify any waiting readers that the stream is now closed.
- synchronized (sink)
- {
- sink.notifyAll();
- }
+ closed = true;
+ // Notify any waiting readers that the stream is now closed.
+ synchronized (sink)
+ {
+ sink.notifyAll();
+ }
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintStream.java
index 9347ac3..eaab7c3 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintStream.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import gnu.classpath.SystemProperties;
* This class prints Java primitive values and object to a stream as
* text. None of the methods in this class throw an exception. However,
* errors can be detected by calling the <code>checkError()</code> method.
- * Additionally, this stream can be designated as "autoflush" when
+ * Additionally, this stream can be designated as "autoflush" when
* created so that any writes are automatically flushed to the underlying
* output sink when the current line is terminated.
* <p>
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
private boolean error_occurred = false;
- * This is <code>true</code> if auto-flush is enabled,
+ * This is <code>true</code> if auto-flush is enabled,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
private final boolean auto_flush;
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
* This method initializes a new <code>PrintStream</code> object to write
* to the specified output sink. This constructor also allows "auto-flush"
* functionality to be specified where the stream will be flushed after
- * every <code>print</code> or <code>println</code> call, when the
- * <code>write</code> methods with array arguments are called, or when a
+ * every <code>print</code> or <code>println</code> call, when the
+ * <code>write</code> methods with array arguments are called, or when a
* single new-line character is written.
* <p>
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to.
- * @param auto_flush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
+ * @param auto_flush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
* line, <code>false</code> otherwise
public PrintStream (OutputStream out, boolean auto_flush)
@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
super (out);
String encoding;
try {
- encoding = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding");
+ encoding = SystemProperties.getProperty("file.encoding");
} catch (SecurityException e){
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
} catch (NullPointerException e){
- encoding = "ISO8859_1";
+ encoding = "ISO8859_1";
this.encoding = encoding;
this.auto_flush = auto_flush;
@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
* This method initializes a new <code>PrintStream</code> object to write
* to the specified output sink. This constructor also allows "auto-flush"
* functionality to be specified where the stream will be flushed after
- * every <code>print</code> or <code>println</code> call, when the
- * <code>write</code> methods with array arguments are called, or when a
+ * every <code>print</code> or <code>println</code> call, when the
+ * <code>write</code> methods with array arguments are called, or when a
* single new-line character is written.
* <p>
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to.
- * @param auto_flush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
+ * @param auto_flush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
* line, <code>false</code> otherwise
* @param encoding The name of the character encoding to use for this
* object.
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
* <code>true</code> forever for this stream. Before checking for an
* error condition, this method flushes the stream.
- * @return <code>true</code> if an error has occurred,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if an error has occurred,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean checkError ()
@@ -255,16 +255,16 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
- flush();
- out.close();
+ flush();
+ out.close();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
catch (IOException e)
- setError ();
+ setError ();
@@ -276,15 +276,15 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
- out.flush();
+ out.flush();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
catch (IOException e)
- setError ();
+ setError ();
@@ -293,39 +293,39 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
writeChars(str, 0, str.length());
- if (println)
- writeChars(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
- if (auto_flush)
- flush();
+ if (println)
+ writeChars(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
+ if (auto_flush)
+ flush();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
catch (IOException e)
- setError ();
+ setError ();
private synchronized void print (char[] chars, int pos, int len,
- boolean println)
+ boolean println)
writeChars(chars, pos, len);
- if (println)
- writeChars(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
- if (auto_flush)
- flush();
+ if (println)
+ writeChars(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
+ if (auto_flush)
+ flush();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
+ Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
catch (IOException e)
- setError ();
+ setError ();
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
* This method writes a byte of data to the stream. If auto-flush is
* enabled, printing a newline character will cause the stream to be
* flushed after the character is written.
- *
+ *
* @param oneByte The byte to be written
public void write (int oneByte)
@@ -585,13 +585,13 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
out.write (oneByte & 0xff);
if (auto_flush && (oneByte == '\n'))
flush ();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
+ Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
catch (IOException e)
@@ -612,13 +612,13 @@ public class PrintStream extends FilterOutputStream implements Appendable
out.write (buffer, offset, len);
if (auto_flush)
flush ();
catch (InterruptedIOException iioe)
- Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
+ Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
catch (IOException e)
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintWriter.java
index 5b4294c..a67a7f8 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PrintWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import java.util.Formatter;
* This class prints Java primitive values and objects to a stream as
* text. None of the methods in this class throw an exception. However,
* errors can be detected by calling the <code>checkError()</code> method.
- * Additionally, this stream can be designated as "autoflush" when
+ * Additionally, this stream can be designated as "autoflush" when
* created so that any writes are automatically flushed to the underlying
* output sink whenever one of the <code>println</code> methods is
* called. (Note that this differs from the <code>PrintStream</code>
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import java.util.Formatter;
* @author Per Bothner (bothner@cygnus.com)
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
- * @date April 17, 1998.
+ * @date April 17, 1998.
public class PrintWriter extends Writer
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* on this stream.
private boolean error;
* Indicates whether or not the stream has been closed.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* every line is terminated or newline character is written.
* @param wr The <code>Writer</code> to write to.
- * @param autoflush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
+ * @param autoflush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
* line, <code>false</code> otherwise
public PrintWriter(Writer wr, boolean autoflush)
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* This method initializes a new <code>PrintWriter</code> object to write
* to the specified <code>OutputStream</code>. Characters will be converted
- * to chars using the system default encoding. This form of the
+ * to chars using the system default encoding. This form of the
* constructor allows auto-flush functionality to be enabled if desired
* @param out The <code>OutputStream</code> to write to
- * @param autoflush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
+ * @param autoflush <code>true</code> to flush the stream after every
* <code>println</code> call, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoflush)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* OutputStreamWriter using the default encoding.
* @param file name of the file to write to
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file cannot be written or created
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
public PrintWriter(String file) throws FileNotFoundException
@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* @param enc the encoding to use
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file cannot be written or created
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
- public PrintWriter(String file, String enc)
+ public PrintWriter(String file, String enc)
throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException
this(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), enc));
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* OutputStreamWriter using the default encoding.
* @param file the file to write to
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file cannot be written or created
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
public PrintWriter(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
@@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* @param enc the encoding to use
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file cannot be written or created
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported
- *
+ *
* @since 1.5
- public PrintWriter(File file, String enc)
+ public PrintWriter(File file, String enc)
throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException
this(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), enc));
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* <code>true</code> forever for this stream. Before checking for an
* error condition, this method flushes the stream.
- * @return <code>true</code> if an error has occurred,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if an error has occurred,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean checkError()
@@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
- out.flush();
+ out.flush();
catch (IOException ex)
- error = true;
+ error = true;
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
catch (IOException ex)
- error = true;
+ error = true;
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
* This is the system dependent line separator
private static final char[] line_separator
- = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n").toCharArray();
+ = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n").toCharArray();
* This method prints a line separator sequence to the stream. The value
@@ -393,16 +393,16 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- try
- {
- write(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
- if (autoflush)
- out.flush();
- }
- catch (IOException ex)
- {
- error = true;
- }
+ try
+ {
+ write(line_separator, 0, line_separator.length);
+ if (autoflush)
+ out.flush();
+ }
+ catch (IOException ex)
+ {
+ error = true;
+ }
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(bool);
- println();
+ print(bool);
+ println();
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(inum);
- println();
+ print(inum);
+ println();
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(lnum);
- println();
+ print(lnum);
+ println();
@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(fnum);
- println();
+ print(fnum);
+ println();
@@ -487,8 +487,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(dnum);
- println();
+ print(dnum);
+ println();
@@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(obj);
- println();
+ print(obj);
+ println();
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(str);
- println();
+ print(str);
+ println();
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(ch);
- println();
+ print(ch);
+ println();
@@ -556,30 +556,30 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
synchronized (lock)
- print(charArray);
- println();
+ print(charArray);
+ println();
- * This method writes a single char to the stream.
- *
+ * This method writes a single char to the stream.
+ *
* @param ch The char to be written, passed as a int
public void write(int ch)
- out.write(ch);
+ out.write(ch);
catch (IOException ex)
- error = true;
+ error = true;
- * This method writes <code>count</code> chars from the specified array
+ * This method writes <code>count</code> chars from the specified array
* starting at index <code>offset</code> into the array.
* @param charArray The array of chars to write
@@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
- out.write(charArray, offset, count);
+ out.write(charArray, offset, count);
catch (IOException ex)
- error = true;
+ error = true;
@@ -611,11 +611,11 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
- out.write(str, offset, count);
+ out.write(str, offset, count);
catch (IOException ex)
- error = true;
+ error = true;
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
public void write(char[] charArray)
write(charArray, 0, charArray.length);
- }
+ }
* This method writes the contents of the specified <code>String</code>
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
public void write(String str)
write(str, 0, str.length());
- }
+ }
/** @since 1.5 */
public PrintWriter append(char c)
@@ -687,4 +687,3 @@ public class PrintWriter extends Writer
return this;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackInputStream.java
index ff202c7..6273787 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
- * This subclass of <code>FilterInputStream</code> provides the ability to
+ * This subclass of <code>FilterInputStream</code> provides the ability to
* unread data from a stream. It maintains an internal buffer of unread
* data that is supplied to the next read operation. This is conceptually
- * similar to mark/reset functionality, except that in this case the
+ * similar to mark/reset functionality, except that in this case the
* position to reset the stream to does not need to be known in advance.
* <p>
* The default pushback buffer size one byte, but this can be overridden
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* This is the position in the buffer from which the next byte will be
* read. Bytes are stored in reverse order in the buffer, starting from
- * <code>buf[buf.length - 1]</code> to <code>buf[0]</code>. Thus when
- * <code>pos</code> is 0 the buffer is full and <code>buf.length</code> when
+ * <code>buf[buf.length - 1]</code> to <code>buf[0]</code>. Thus when
+ * <code>pos</code> is 0 the buffer is full and <code>buf.length</code> when
* it is empty
protected int pos;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* might (or might not) occur on the very next read attempt.
* <p>
* This method will return the number of bytes available from the
- * pushback buffer plus the number of bytes available from the
+ * pushback buffer plus the number of bytes available from the
* underlying stream.
* @return The number of bytes that can be read before blocking could occur
@@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
public int available() throws IOException
- try
+ try
- return (buf.length - pos) + super.available();
- }
- catch (NullPointerException npe)
+ return (buf.length - pos) + super.available();
+ }
+ catch (NullPointerException npe)
- throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
+ throw new IOException ("Stream closed");
* This method closes the stream and releases any associated resources.
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs.
public synchronized void close() throws IOException
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* <p>
* This method will block until some data can be read.
* <p>
- * This method first reads bytes from the pushback buffer in order to
+ * This method first reads bytes from the pushback buffer in order to
* satisfy the read request. If the pushback buffer cannot provide all
- * of the bytes requested, the remaining bytes are read from the
+ * of the bytes requested, the remaining bytes are read from the
* underlying stream.
* @param b The array into which the bytes read should be stored
@@ -211,18 +211,18 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
if (numBytes > 0)
- System.arraycopy (buf, pos, b, off, numBytes);
- pos += numBytes;
- len -= numBytes;
- off += numBytes;
+ System.arraycopy (buf, pos, b, off, numBytes);
+ pos += numBytes;
+ len -= numBytes;
+ off += numBytes;
- if (len > 0)
+ if (len > 0)
len = super.read(b, off, len);
if (len == -1) //EOF
- return numBytes > 0 ? numBytes : -1;
- numBytes += len;
+ return numBytes > 0 ? numBytes : -1;
+ numBytes += len;
return numBytes;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
- * This method pushes all of the bytes in the passed byte array into
+ * This method pushes all of the bytes in the passed byte array into
* the pushback bfer. These bytes are pushed in reverse order so that
* the next byte read from the stream after this operation will be
* <code>b[0]</code> followed by <code>b[1]</code>, etc.
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
* requested amount.
* <p>
* This method first discards bytes from the buffer, then calls the
- * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying <code>InputStream</code> to
+ * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying <code>InputStream</code> to
* skip additional bytes if necessary.
* @param n The requested number of bytes to skip
@@ -323,11 +323,11 @@ public class PushbackInputStream extends FilterInputStream
if (n > 0L)
- int numread = (int) Math.min((long) (buf.length - pos), n);
- pos += numread;
- n -= numread;
- if (n > 0)
- n -= super.skip(n);
+ int numread = (int) Math.min((long) (buf.length - pos), n);
+ pos += numread;
+ n -= numread;
+ if (n > 0)
+ n -= super.skip(n);
return origN - n;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackReader.java
index 04bccc7..43bf826 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/PushbackReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
- * This subclass of <code>FilterReader</code> provides the ability to
+ * This subclass of <code>FilterReader</code> provides the ability to
* unread data from a stream. It maintains an internal buffer of unread
* data that is supplied to the next read operation. This is conceptually
- * similar to mark/reset functionality, except that in this case the
+ * similar to mark/reset functionality, except that in this case the
* position to reset the stream to does not need to be known in advance.
* <p>
* The default pushback buffer size one char, but this can be overridden
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* This is the position in the buffer from which the next char will be
* read. Bytes are stored in reverse order in the buffer, starting from
- * <code>buf[buf.length - 1]</code> to <code>buf[0]</code>. Thus when
- * <code>pos</code> is 0 the buffer is full and <code>buf.length</code> when
+ * <code>buf[buf.length - 1]</code> to <code>buf[0]</code>. Thus when
+ * <code>pos</code> is 0 the buffer is full and <code>buf.length</code> when
* it is empty
private int pos;
* This method initializes a <code>PushbackReader</code> to read from the
- * specified subordinate <code>Reader</code> with a default pushback buffer
+ * specified subordinate <code>Reader</code> with a default pushback buffer
* size of 1.
* @param in The subordinate stream to read from
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- buf = null;
- super.close();
+ buf = null;
+ super.close();
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* This method returns <code>false</code> to indicate that it does not support
* mark/reset functionality.
- * @return This method returns <code>false</code> to indicate that this
+ * @return This method returns <code>false</code> to indicate that this
* class does not support mark/reset functionality
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* read in the pushback buffer or if the underlying stream is ready to
* be read.
- * @return <code>true</code> if this stream is ready to be read,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if this stream is ready to be read,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException ("stream closed");
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException ("stream closed");
- if (((buf.length - pos) > 0) || super.ready())
- return(true);
- else
- return(false);
+ if (((buf.length - pos) > 0) || super.ready())
+ return(true);
+ else
+ return(false);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* requested amount.
* <p>
* This method first discards chars from the buffer, then calls the
- * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying <code>Reader</code> to
+ * <code>skip</code> method on the underlying <code>Reader</code> to
* skip additional chars if necessary.
* @param num_chars The requested number of chars to skip
@@ -204,21 +204,21 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (num_chars <= 0)
- return(0);
+ if (num_chars <= 0)
+ return(0);
- if ((buf.length - pos) >= num_chars)
- {
- pos += num_chars;
- return(num_chars);
- }
+ if ((buf.length - pos) >= num_chars)
+ {
+ pos += num_chars;
+ return(num_chars);
+ }
- int chars_discarded = buf.length - pos;
- pos = buf.length;
+ int chars_discarded = buf.length - pos;
+ pos = buf.length;
- long chars_skipped = in.skip(num_chars - chars_discarded);
+ long chars_skipped = in.skip(num_chars - chars_discarded);
- return(chars_discarded + chars_skipped);
+ return(chars_discarded + chars_skipped);
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
+ if (buf == null)
throw new IOException("stream closed");
- if (pos == buf.length)
- return(super.read());
+ if (pos == buf.length)
+ return(super.read());
- ++pos;
- return((buf[pos - 1] & 0xFFFF));
+ ++pos;
+ return((buf[pos - 1] & 0xFFFF));
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* <p>
* This method will block until some data can be read.
* <p>
- * This method first reads chars from the pushback buffer in order to
+ * This method first reads chars from the pushback buffer in order to
* satisfy the read request. If the pushback buffer cannot provide all
- * of the chars requested, the remaining chars are read from the
+ * of the chars requested, the remaining chars are read from the
* underlying stream.
* @param buffer The array into which the chars read should be stored
@@ -279,21 +279,21 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
+ if (buf == null)
throw new IOException("stream closed");
- if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > buffer.length)
+ if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || offset + length > buffer.length)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
- int numBytes = Math.min(buf.length - pos, length);
- if (numBytes > 0)
- {
- System.arraycopy (buf, pos, buffer, offset, numBytes);
- pos += numBytes;
- return numBytes;
- }
+ int numBytes = Math.min(buf.length - pos, length);
+ if (numBytes > 0)
+ {
+ System.arraycopy (buf, pos, buffer, offset, numBytes);
+ pos += numBytes;
+ return numBytes;
+ }
- return super.read(buffer, offset, length);
+ return super.read(buffer, offset, length);
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* <p>
* If the pushback buffer is full, this method throws an exception.
* <p>
- * The argument to this method is an <code>int</code>. Only the low eight
+ * The argument to this method is an <code>int</code>. Only the low eight
* bits of this value are pushed back.
* @param b The char to be pushed back, passed as an int
@@ -315,18 +315,18 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
- throw new IOException("stream closed");
- if (pos == 0)
- throw new IOException("Pushback buffer is full");
+ if (buf == null)
+ throw new IOException("stream closed");
+ if (pos == 0)
+ throw new IOException("Pushback buffer is full");
- --pos;
- buf[pos] = (char)(b & 0xFFFF);
+ --pos;
+ buf[pos] = (char)(b & 0xFFFF);
- * This method pushes all of the chars in the passed char array into
+ * This method pushes all of the chars in the passed char array into
* the pushback buffer. These chars are pushed in reverse order so that
* the next char read from the stream after this operation will be
* <code>buf[0]</code> followed by <code>buf[1]</code>, etc.
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
* This method pushed back chars from the passed in array into the pushback
- * buffer. The chars from <code>buf[offset]</code> to
+ * buffer. The chars from <code>buf[offset]</code> to
* <code>buf[offset + len]</code>
* are pushed in reverse order so that the next char read from the stream
* after this operation will be <code>buf[offset]</code> followed by
@@ -365,20 +365,19 @@ public class PushbackReader extends FilterReader
synchronized (lock)
- if (buf == null)
+ if (buf == null)
throw new IOException("stream closed");
- if (pos < length)
- throw new IOException("Pushback buffer is full");
+ if (pos < length)
+ throw new IOException("Pushback buffer is full");
- // Note the order that these chars are being added is the opposite
- // of what would be done if they were added to the buffer one at a time.
- // See the Java Class Libraries book p. 1397.
- System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf, pos - length, length);
+ // Note the order that these chars are being added is the opposite
+ // of what would be done if they were added to the buffer one at a time.
+ // See the Java Class Libraries book p. 1397.
+ System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buf, pos - length, length);
- // Don't put this into the arraycopy above, an exception might be thrown
- // and in that case we don't want to modify pos.
- pos -= length;
+ // Don't put this into the arraycopy above, an exception might be thrown
+ // and in that case we don't want to modify pos.
+ pos -= length;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java
index 036fc8c..da0c812 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/RandomAccessFile.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
// The corresponding input and output streams.
private DataOutputStream out;
private DataInputStream in;
* This method initializes a new instance of <code>RandomAccessFile</code>
- * to read from the specified <code>File</code> object with the specified
- * access mode. The access mode is either "r" for read only access or "rw"
+ * to read from the specified <code>File</code> object with the specified
+ * access mode. The access mode is either "r" for read only access or "rw"
* for read-write access.
* <p>
* Note that a <code>SecurityManager</code> check is made prior to
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* @param file The <code>File</code> object to read and/or write.
* @param mode "r" for read only or "rw" for read-write access to the file
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException If <code>mode</code> has an
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException If <code>mode</code> has an
* illegal value
- * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file
+ * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file
* is not allowed
- * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is a directory, or
+ * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is a directory, or
* any other error occurs
public RandomAccessFile (File file, String mode)
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
fdmode = FileChannelImpl.READ | FileChannelImpl.WRITE;
else if (mode.equals("rws"))
- fdmode = (FileChannelImpl.READ | FileChannelImpl.WRITE
- | FileChannelImpl.SYNC);
+ fdmode = (FileChannelImpl.READ | FileChannelImpl.WRITE
+ | FileChannelImpl.SYNC);
else if (mode.equals("rwd"))
- fdmode = (FileChannelImpl.READ | FileChannelImpl.WRITE
- | FileChannelImpl.DSYNC);
+ fdmode = (FileChannelImpl.READ | FileChannelImpl.WRITE
+ | FileChannelImpl.DSYNC);
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("invalid mode: " + mode);
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* @param fileName The name of the file to read and/or write
* @param mode "r", "rw", "rws", or "rwd"
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException If <code>mode</code> has an
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException If <code>mode</code> has an
* illegal value
- * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file
+ * @exception SecurityException If the requested access to the file
* is not allowed
- * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is a directory or
+ * @exception FileNotFoundException If the file is a directory or
* any other error occurs
public RandomAccessFile (String fileName, String mode)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method returns a <code>FileDescriptor</code> object that
+ * This method returns a <code>FileDescriptor</code> object that
* represents the native file handle for this file.
* @return The <code>FileDescriptor</code> object for this file
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
synchronized (this)
- if (fd == null)
- fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
- return fd;
+ if (fd == null)
+ fd = new FileDescriptor (ch);
+ return fd;
@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
ch.truncate (newLen);
else if (newLen > length())
- long pos = getFilePointer();
- seek(newLen - 1);
- write(0);
- seek(pos);
+ long pos = getFilePointer();
+ seek(newLen - 1);
+ write(0);
+ seek(pos);
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads bytes from the file into the specified array. The
- * bytes are stored starting at the beginning of the array and up to
+ * bytes are stored starting at the beginning of the array and up to
* <code>buf.length</code> bytes can be read.
* @param buffer The buffer to read bytes from the file into
@@ -310,14 +310,14 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* value returned is <code>false</code> If the byte is non-zero, then
* the value returned is <code>true</code>
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>boolean</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>boolean</code> written by an object
* implementing the
- * <code>writeBoolean()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
+ * <code>writeBoolean()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
* @return The <code>boolean</code> value read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
* boolean
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a Java byte value from an input stream. The value
* is in the range of -128 to 127.
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>byte</code> written by an object
- * implementing the
+ * This method can read a <code>byte</code> written by an object
+ * implementing the
* <code>writeByte()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The <code>byte</code> value read
@@ -347,24 +347,24 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * This method reads a Java <code>char</code> value from an input stream.
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single 16-bit Java <code>char</code> The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code> represent
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code> represent
* the first
* and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
* transformed to a <code>char</code> in the following manner:
* <p>
* <code>(char)(((byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 8) | (byte2 &amp; 0xFF)</code>
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>char</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>char</code> written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeChar()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
- * @return The <code>char</code> value read
+ * @return The <code>char</code> value read
* @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the char
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -379,19 +379,19 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a Java double value from an input stream. It operates
* by first reading a <code>logn</code> value from the stream by calling the
- * <code>readLong()</code> method in this interface, then
+ * <code>readLong()</code> method in this interface, then
* converts that <code>long</code>
- * to a <code>double</code> using the <code>longBitsToDouble</code>
+ * to a <code>double</code> using the <code>longBitsToDouble</code>
* method in the class <code>java.lang.Double</code>
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>double</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>double</code> written by an object
* implementing the
- * <code>writeDouble()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
+ * <code>writeDouble()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code>
* interface.
* @return The <code>double</code> value read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading
* the double
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -406,12 +406,12 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a Java float value from an input stream. It operates
* by first reading an <code>int</code> value from the stream by calling the
- * <code>readInt()</code> method in this interface, then converts
+ * <code>readInt()</code> method in this interface, then converts
* that <code>int</code>
- * to a <code>float</code> using the <code>intBitsToFloat</code> method in
+ * to a <code>float</code> using the <code>intBitsToFloat</code> method in
* the class <code>java.lang.Float</code>
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>float</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>float</code> written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeFloat()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* @param buffer The buffer into which to read the data
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling the
* buffer
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -446,19 +446,19 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array <code>buf</code>
+ * This method reads raw bytes into the passed array <code>buf</code>
* starting
- * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes read
+ * <code>offset</code> bytes into the buffer. The number of bytes read
* will be
- * exactly <code>len</code> Note that this method blocks until the data is
- * available and throws an exception if there is not enough data left in
+ * exactly <code>len</code> Note that this method blocks until the data is
+ * available and throws an exception if there is not enough data left in
* the stream to read <code>len</code> bytes.
* @param buffer The buffer into which to read the data
* @param offset The offset into the buffer to start storing data
* @param count The number of bytes to read into the buffer
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before filling
* the buffer
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -470,22 +470,22 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a Java <code>int</code> value from an input stream
- * It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading four bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>int</code> The bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte4</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte4</code>
* represent the first
* four bytes read from the stream, they will be
* transformed to an <code>int</code> in the following manner:
* <p>
- * <code>(int)(((byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 24) + ((byte2 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 16) +
+ * <code>(int)(((byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 24) + ((byte2 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 16) +
* ((byte3 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 8) + (byte4 &amp; 0xFF)))</code>
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
* <p>
- * This method can read an <code>int</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read an <code>int</code> written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeInt()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
@@ -503,17 +503,17 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads the next line of text data from an input stream.
- * It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes to
+ * It operates by reading bytes and converting those bytes to
* <code>char</code>
- * values by treating the byte read as the low eight bits of the
+ * values by treating the byte read as the low eight bits of the
* <code>char</code>
* and using <code>0</code> as the high eight bits. Because of this, it does
* not support the full 16-bit Unicode character set.
* <p>
* The reading of bytes ends when either the end of file or a line terminator
* is encountered. The bytes read are then returned as a <code>String</code>
- * A line terminator is a byte sequence consisting of either
- * <code>\r</code> <code>\n</code> or <code>\r\n</code> These
+ * A line terminator is a byte sequence consisting of either
+ * <code>\r</code> <code>\n</code> or <code>\r\n</code> These
* termination charaters are
* discarded and are not returned as part of the string.
* <p>
@@ -533,25 +533,25 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a Java long value from an input stream
- * It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading eight bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>long</code> The bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte8</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> through <code>byte8</code>
* represent the first
* eight bytes read from the stream, they will be
* transformed to an <code>long</code> in the following manner:
* <p>
* <code>
- * (long)((((long)byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 56) + (((long)byte2 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 48) +
- * (((long)byte3 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 40) + (((long)byte4 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 32) +
- * (((long)byte5 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 24) + (((long)byte6 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 16) +
+ * (long)((((long)byte1 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 56) + (((long)byte2 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 48) +
+ * (((long)byte3 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 40) + (((long)byte4 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 32) +
+ * (((long)byte5 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 24) + (((long)byte6 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 16) +
* (((long)byte7 &amp; 0xFF) &lt;&lt; 8) + ((long)byte9 &amp; 0xFF)))</code>
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
* <p>
- * This method can read an <code>long</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read an <code>long</code> written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeLong()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
@@ -569,12 +569,12 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads a signed 16-bit value into a Java in from the stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single 16-bit Java <code>short</code> The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
* represent the first
* and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
* transformed to a <code>short</code> in the following manner:
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* <p>
* The value returned is in the range of -32768 to 32767.
* <p>
- * This method can read a <code>short</code> written by an object
+ * This method can read a <code>short</code> written by an object
* implementing the
* <code>writeShort()</code> method in the <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
@@ -600,12 +600,12 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java <code>int</code> value
- * from the
+ * This method reads 8 unsigned bits into a Java <code>int</code> value
+ * from the
* stream. The value returned is in the range of 0 to 255.
* <p>
- * This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object implementing
- * the <code>writeUnsignedByte()</code> method in the
+ * This method can read an unsigned byte written by an object implementing
+ * the <code>writeUnsignedByte()</code> method in the
* <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The unsigned bytes value read as a Java <code>int</code>
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method reads 16 unsigned bits into a Java int value from the stream.
- * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
+ * It operates by reading two bytes from the stream and converting them to
* a single Java <code>int</code> The two bytes are stored most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") regardless of the native
- * host byte ordering.
+ * host byte ordering.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
* represent the first
* and second byte read from the stream respectively, they will be
* transformed to an <code>int</code> in the following manner:
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* The value returned is in the range of 0 to 65535.
* <p>
* This method can read an unsigned short written by an object implementing
- * the <code>writeUnsignedShort()</code> method in the
+ * the <code>writeUnsignedShort()</code> method in the
* <code>DataOutput</code> interface.
* @return The unsigned short value read as a Java <code>int</code>
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method reads a <code>String</code> from an input stream that
+ * This method reads a <code>String</code> from an input stream that
* is encoded in
* a modified UTF-8 format. This format has a leading two byte sequence
* that contains the remaining number of bytes to read. This two byte
@@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* interface.
* <p>
* After the number of remaining bytes have been determined, these bytes
- * are read an transformed into <code>char</code> values.
+ * are read an transformed into <code>char</code> values.
* These <code>char</code> values
* are encoded in the stream using either a one, two, or three byte format.
* The particular format in use can be determined by examining the first
- * byte read.
+ * byte read.
* <p>
* If the first byte has a high order bit of 0 then
* that character consists on only one byte. This character value consists
@@ -673,14 +673,14 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* <p>
* <code>(char)byte1</code>
* <p>
- * If the first byte has <code>110</code> as its high order bits, then the
+ * If the first byte has <code>110</code> as its high order bits, then the
* character consists of two bytes. The bits that make up the character
* value are in positions 0 through 4 of the first byte and bit positions
- * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
+ * 0 through 5 of the second byte. (The second byte should have
* 10 as its high order bits). These values are in most significant
* byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> and <code>byte2</code>
* are the first two bytes
* read respectively, and the high order bits of them match the patterns
* which indicate a two byte character encoding, then they would be
@@ -695,27 +695,27 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* have <code>10</code> as their high order bits). These values are in most
* significant byte first (i.e., "big endian") order.
* <p>
- * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> <code>byte2</code>
+ * As an example, if <code>byte1</code> <code>byte2</code>
* and <code>byte3</code> are the
* three bytes read, and the high order bits of them match the patterns
* which indicate a three byte character encoding, then they would be
* converted to a Java <code>char</code> like so:
* <p>
- * <code>(char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
+ * <code>(char)(((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
* (byte3 & 0x3F))</code>
* <p>
* Note that all characters are encoded in the method that requires the
* fewest number of bytes with the exception of the character with the
- * value of <code>&#92;u0000</code> which is encoded as two bytes. This is
+ * value of <code>&#92;u0000</code> which is encoded as two bytes. This is
* a modification of the UTF standard used to prevent C language style
* <code>NUL</code> values from appearing in the byte stream.
* <p>
* This method can read data that was written by an object implementing the
* <code>writeUTF()</code> method in <code>DataOutput</code>
- *
+ *
* @return The <code>String</code> read
- * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
+ * @exception EOFException If end of file is reached before reading the
* String
* @exception UTFDataFormatException If the data is not in UTF-8 format
* @exception IOException If any other error occurs
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method sets the current file position to the specified offset
+ * This method sets the current file position to the specified offset
* from the beginning of the file. Note that some operating systems will
* allow the file pointer to be set past the current end of the file.
- * @param pos The offset from the beginning of the file at which to set
+ * @param pos The offset from the beginning of the file at which to set
* the file pointer
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes
- * in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested.
+ * This method attempts to skip and discard the specified number of bytes
+ * in the input stream. It may actually skip fewer bytes than requested.
* The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. This method will not
* skip any bytes if passed a negative number of bytes to skip.
@@ -759,10 +759,10 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
if (numBytes < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Can't skip negative bytes: " +
if (numBytes == 0)
return 0;
long oldPos = ch.position();
long newPos = oldPos + numBytes;
long size = ch.size();
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
- * This method writes a Java <code>boolean</code> to the underlying output
+ * This method writes a Java <code>boolean</code> to the underlying output
* stream. For a value of <code>true</code>, 1 is written to the stream.
* For a value of <code>false</code>, 0 is written.
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a Java <code>byte</code> value to the underlying
* output stream.
- * @param val The <code>byte</code> to write to the stream, passed
+ * @param val The <code>byte</code> to write to the stream, passed
* as an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a Java <code>short</code> to the stream, high byte
* first. This method requires two bytes to encode the value.
- * @param val The <code>short</code> value to write to the stream,
+ * @param val The <code>short</code> value to write to the stream,
* passed as an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a single <code>char</code> value to the stream,
* high byte first.
- * @param val The <code>char</code> value to write, passed as
+ * @param val The <code>char</code> value to write, passed as
* an <code>int</code>.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a Java <code>float</code> value to the stream. This
- * value is written by first calling the method
+ * value is written by first calling the method
* <code>Float.floatToIntBits</code>
* to retrieve an <code>int</code> representing the floating point number,
* then writing this <code>int</code> value to the stream exactly the same
@@ -944,13 +944,13 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a Java <code>double</code> value to the stream. This
- * value is written by first calling the method
+ * value is written by first calling the method
* <code>Double.doubleToLongBits</code>
* to retrieve an <code>long</code> representing the floating point number,
* then writing this <code>long</code> value to the stream exactly the same
* as the <code>writeLong()</code> method does.
- * @param val The double precision floating point number to write to the
+ * @param val The double precision floating point number to write to the
* stream.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes all the characters in a <code>String</code> to the
* stream. There will be two bytes for each character value. The high
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method writes a Java <code>String</code> to the stream in a modified
* UTF-8 format. First, two bytes are written to the stream indicating the
@@ -1006,10 +1006,10 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* encoded <code>String</code> not the <code>String</code> length. Next
* come the encoded characters. Each character in the <code>String</code>
* is encoded as either one, two or three bytes. For characters in the
- * range of <code>&#92;u0001</code> to <code>&#92;u007F</code>,
+ * range of <code>&#92;u0001</code> to <code>&#92;u007F</code>,
* one byte is used. The character
* value goes into bits 0-7 and bit eight is 0. For characters in the range
- * of <code>&#92;u0080</code> to <code>&#92;u007FF</code>, two
+ * of <code>&#92;u0080</code> to <code>&#92;u007FF</code>, two
* bytes are used. Bits
* 6-10 of the character value are encoded bits 0-4 of the first byte, with
* the high bytes having a value of "110". Bits 0-5 of the character value
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ public class RandomAccessFile implements DataOutput, DataInput, Closeable
* This method creates a java.nio.channels.FileChannel.
* Nio does not allow one to create a file channel directly.
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Reader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Reader.java
index 6da1813..11a12f8 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Reader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Reader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
/* Written using "Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition, plus online
@@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ import java.nio.CharBuffer;
* or network connection.
* @author Per Bothner (bothner@cygnus.com)
- * @date April 21, 1998.
- * @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
+ * @date April 21, 1998.
+ * @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
* This is the <code>Object</code> used for synchronizing critical code
- * sections. Subclasses should use this variable instead of a
+ * sections. Subclasses should use this variable instead of a
* synchronized method or an explicit synchronization on <code>this</code>
protected Object lock;
* Unitializes a <code>Reader</code> that will use the object
* itself for synchronization of critical code sections.
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
* Read chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
- * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index <code>offset</code>
- * into the buffer and attempts to read <code>len</code> chars. This method
- * can return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual
- * number of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate
+ * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index <code>offset</code>
+ * into the buffer and attempts to read <code>len</code> chars. This method
+ * can return before reading the number of chars requested. The actual
+ * number of chars read is returned as an int. A -1 is returned to indicate
* the end of the stream.
* <p>
* This method will block until some data can be read.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
public abstract int read(char buf[], int offset, int count)
throws IOException;
* Reads chars from a stream and stores them into a caller
* supplied buffer. This method attempts to completely fill the buffer,
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
* point.
* <p>
* This method always returns <code>false</code> in this class, but
- * subclasses can override this method to return <code>true</code> if they
+ * subclasses can override this method to return <code>true</code> if they
* support mark/reset functionality.
- * @return <code>true</code> if mark/reset functionality is supported,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if mark/reset functionality is supported,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
@@ -197,17 +197,17 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
* Marks a position in the input to which the stream can be
* "reset" by calling the <code>reset()</code> method. The parameter
- * <code>readlimit</code> is the number of chars that can be read from the
+ * <code>readlimit</code> is the number of chars that can be read from the
* stream after setting the mark before the mark becomes invalid. For
- * example, if <code>mark()</code> is called with a read limit of 10, then
- * when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
- * <code>reset()</code> method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
+ * example, if <code>mark()</code> is called with a read limit of 10, then
+ * when 11 chars of data are read from the stream before the
+ * <code>reset()</code> method is called, then the mark is invalid and the
* stream object instance is not required to remember the mark.
- * @param readLimit The number of chars that can be read before the mark
+ * @param readLimit The number of chars that can be read before the mark
* becomes invalid
- * @exception IOException If an error occurs such as mark not being
+ * @exception IOException If an error occurs such as mark not being
* supported for this class
public void mark(int readLimit) throws IOException
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
- * Resets a stream to the point where the <code>mark()</code>
- * method was called. Any chars that were read after the mark point was
+ * Resets a stream to the point where the <code>mark()</code>
+ * method was called. Any chars that were read after the mark point was
* set will be re-read during subsequent reads.
* <p>
* This method always throws an IOException in this class, but subclasses
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
* <p>
* This method always returns <code>false</code> in this class
- * @return <code>true</code> if the stream is ready to be read,
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the stream is ready to be read,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ public abstract class Reader implements Closeable, Readable
synchronized (lock)
while (todo > 0)
- {
- int skipped = read(buffer, 0, bsize > todo ? (int) todo : bsize);
- if (skipped <= 0)
- break;
- todo -= skipped;
- }
+ {
+ int skipped = read(buffer, 0, bsize > todo ? (int) todo : bsize);
+ if (skipped <= 0)
+ break;
+ todo -= skipped;
+ }
return count - todo;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/SequenceInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/SequenceInputStream.java
index 5ff85e9..92f032cc 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/SequenceInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/SequenceInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import java.util.Enumeration;
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct.
* This class merges a sequence of multiple <code>InputStream</code>'s in
* order to form a single logical stream that can be read by applications
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream
* Closes this stream. This will cause any remaining unclosed subordinate
- * <code>InputStream</code>'s to be closed as well. Subsequent attempts to
+ * <code>InputStream</code>'s to be closed as well. Subsequent attempts to
* read from this stream may cause an exception.
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream
while (in != null)
- in.close();
- in = getNextStream ();
+ in.close();
+ in = getNextStream ();
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream
while (in != null && (ch = in.read()) < 0)
- in.close();
+ in.close();
in = getNextStream();
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream
// don't bother doing it here.
while (in != null && (ch = in.read(b, off, len)) < 0)
- in.close();
+ in.close();
in = getNextStream();
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream
if (e != null)
if (e.hasMoreElements())
- nextIn = e.nextElement();
+ nextIn = e.nextElement();
else if (in2 != null)
- nextIn = in2;
- in2 = null;
+ nextIn = in2;
+ in2 = null;
return nextIn;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Serializable.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Serializable.java
index a6d99f6..869fa6d 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Serializable.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Serializable.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/SerializablePermission.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/SerializablePermission.java
index b5c07e4..88846cc 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/SerializablePermission.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/SerializablePermission.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ import java.security.BasicPermission;
public final class SerializablePermission extends BasicPermission
static final long serialVersionUID = 8537212141160296410L;
* Class Variables
private static final String[] legal_names = { "enableSubclassImplementation",
- "enableSubstitution" };
+ "enableSubstitution" };
* Constructors
- * This method initializes a new instance of
+ * This method initializes a new instance of
* <code>SerializablePermission</code>
* that has the specified name.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public final class SerializablePermission extends BasicPermission
- * This method initializes a new instance of
+ * This method initializes a new instance of
* <code>SerializablePermission</code>
* that has the specified name and action list. Note that the action list
* is unused in this class.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public final class SerializablePermission extends BasicPermission
* @param name The name of the permission.
* @param actions The action list (unused).
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the name is not valid for
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the name is not valid for
* this class.
public SerializablePermission(String name, String actions)
@@ -110,4 +110,3 @@ public final class SerializablePermission extends BasicPermission
} // class SerializablePermission
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StreamTokenizer.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StreamTokenizer.java
index 87384f3..0245fbf 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StreamTokenizer.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StreamTokenizer.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
* This class parses streams of characters into tokens. There are a
- * million-zillion flags that can be set to control the parsing, as
+ * million-zillion flags that can be set to control the parsing, as
* described under the various method headings.
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
- * @date October 25, 1998.
+ * @date October 25, 1998.
/* Written using "Java Class Libraries", 2nd edition, ISBN 0-201-31002-3
* "The Java Language Specification", ISBN 0-201-63451-1
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct.
public class StreamTokenizer
/** A constant indicating that the end of the stream has been read. */
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
* Contains the type of the token read resulting from a call to nextToken
* The rules are as follows:
* <ul>
- * <li>For a token consisting of a single ordinary character, this is the
+ * <li>For a token consisting of a single ordinary character, this is the
* value of that character.</li>
* <li>For a quoted string, this is the value of the quote character</li>
* <li>For a word, this is TT_WORD</li>
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
- * This method initializes a new <code>StreamTokenizer</code> to read
+ * This method initializes a new <code>StreamTokenizer</code> to read
* characters from a <code>Reader</code> and parse them. The char values
* have their hight bits masked so that the value is treated a character
* in the range of 0x0000 to 0x00FF.
@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 255)
- comment[ch] = true;
- whitespace[ch] = false;
- alphabetic[ch] = false;
- numeric[ch] = false;
- quote[ch] = false;
+ comment[ch] = true;
+ whitespace[ch] = false;
+ alphabetic[ch] = false;
+ numeric[ch] = false;
+ quote[ch] = false;
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
- * This method returns the current line number. Note that if the
+ * This method returns the current line number. Note that if the
* <code>pushBack()</code> method is called, it has no effect on the
* line number returned by this method.
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
* This method sets a flag that indicates whether or not alphabetic
* tokens that are returned should be converted to lower case.
- *
+ *
* @param flag <code>true</code> to convert to lower case,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
- * This method reads the next token from the stream. It sets the
- * <code>ttype</code> variable to the appropriate token type and
+ * This method reads the next token from the stream. It sets the
+ * <code>ttype</code> variable to the appropriate token type and
* returns it. It also can set <code>sval</code> or <code>nval</code>
* as described below. The parsing strategy is as follows:
* <ul>
@@ -266,13 +266,13 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
* is stored in <code>sval</code>. If lower case mode is set, the token
* stored in <code>sval</code> is converted to lower case. The end of line
* sequence terminates a word only if EOL signficance has been turned on.
- * The start of a comment also terminates a word. Any character with a
+ * The start of a comment also terminates a word. Any character with a
* non-alphabetic and non-numeric attribute (such as white space, a quote,
* or a commet) are treated as non-alphabetic and terminate the word.</li>
* <li>If a comment character is parsed, then all remaining characters on
* the current line are skipped and another token is parsed. Any EOL or
* EOF's encountered are not discarded, but rather terminate the comment.</li>
- * <li>If a quote character is parsed, then all characters up to the
+ * <li>If a quote character is parsed, then all characters up to the
* second occurrence of the same quote character are parsed into a
* <code>String</code>. This <code>String</code> is stored as
* <code>sval</code>, but is not converted to lower case, even if lower case
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
* (\b (backspace), \t (HTAB), \n (linefeed), \f (form feed), \r
* (carriage return), \" (double quote), \' (single quote), \\
* (backslash), \XXX (octal esacpe)) are converted to the appropriate
- * char values. Invalid esacape sequences are left in untranslated.
+ * char values. Invalid esacape sequences are left in untranslated.
* Unicode characters like ('\ u0000') are not recognized. </li>
* <li>If the C++ comment sequence "//" is encountered, and the parser
* is configured to handle that sequence, then the remainder of the line
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
if (pushedBack)
- pushedBack = false;
- if (ttype != TT_NONE)
- return ttype;
+ pushedBack = false;
+ if (ttype != TT_NONE)
+ return ttype;
sval = null;
@@ -314,196 +314,196 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
// Skip whitespace. Deal with EOL along the way.
while (isWhitespace(ch = in.read()))
if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- {
- lineNumber++;
- // Throw away \n if in combination with \r.
- if (ch == '\r' && (ch = in.read()) != '\n')
- {
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- }
- if (eolSignificant)
- return (ttype = TT_EOL);
- }
+ {
+ lineNumber++;
+ // Throw away \n if in combination with \r.
+ if (ch == '\r' && (ch = in.read()) != '\n')
+ {
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ }
+ if (eolSignificant)
+ return (ttype = TT_EOL);
+ }
if (ch == '/')
if ((ch = in.read()) == '/' && slashSlash)
- {
- while ((ch = in.read()) != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != TT_EOF)
- ;
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases
- }
- else if (ch == '*' && slashStar)
- {
- while (true)
- {
- ch = in.read();
- if (ch == '*')
- {
- if ((ch = in.read()) == '/')
- break;
- else if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- }
- else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- {
- lineNumber++;
- if (ch == '\r' && (ch = in.read()) != '\n')
- {
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- }
- }
- else if (ch == TT_EOF)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases
- }
+ {
+ while ((ch = in.read()) != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != TT_EOF)
+ ;
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases
+ }
+ else if (ch == '*' && slashStar)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ ch = in.read();
+ if (ch == '*')
+ {
+ if ((ch = in.read()) == '/')
+ break;
+ else if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ }
+ else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
+ {
+ lineNumber++;
+ if (ch == '\r' && (ch = in.read()) != '\n')
+ {
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ch == TT_EOF)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases
+ }
- {
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- ch = '/';
- }
+ {
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ ch = '/';
+ }
if (ch == TT_EOF)
ttype = TT_EOF;
else if (isNumeric(ch))
- boolean isNegative = false;
- if (ch == '-')
- {
- // Read ahead to see if this is an ordinary '-' rather than numeric.
- ch = in.read();
- if (isNumeric(ch) && ch != '-')
- {
- isNegative = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- return (ttype = '-');
- }
- }
- CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
- tokbuf.append((char) ch);
- int decCount = 0;
- while (isNumeric(ch = in.read()) && ch != '-')
- if (ch == '.' && decCount++ > 0)
- break;
- else
- tokbuf.append((char) ch);
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- ttype = TT_NUMBER;
- try
- {
- nval = Double.valueOf(tokbuf.toString()).doubleValue();
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException _)
- {
- nval = 0.0;
- }
- if (isNegative)
- nval = -nval;
+ boolean isNegative = false;
+ if (ch == '-')
+ {
+ // Read ahead to see if this is an ordinary '-' rather than numeric.
+ ch = in.read();
+ if (isNumeric(ch) && ch != '-')
+ {
+ isNegative = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ return (ttype = '-');
+ }
+ }
+ CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
+ tokbuf.append((char) ch);
+ int decCount = 0;
+ while (isNumeric(ch = in.read()) && ch != '-')
+ if (ch == '.' && decCount++ > 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ tokbuf.append((char) ch);
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ ttype = TT_NUMBER;
+ try
+ {
+ nval = Double.valueOf(tokbuf.toString()).doubleValue();
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException _)
+ {
+ nval = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (isNegative)
+ nval = -nval;
else if (isAlphabetic(ch))
- CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
- tokbuf.append((char) ch);
- while (isAlphabetic(ch = in.read()) || isNumeric(ch))
- tokbuf.append((char) ch);
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- ttype = TT_WORD;
- sval = tokbuf.toString();
- if (lowerCase)
- sval = sval.toLowerCase();
+ CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
+ tokbuf.append((char) ch);
+ while (isAlphabetic(ch = in.read()) || isNumeric(ch))
+ tokbuf.append((char) ch);
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ ttype = TT_WORD;
+ sval = tokbuf.toString();
+ if (lowerCase)
+ sval = sval.toLowerCase();
else if (isComment(ch))
- while ((ch = in.read()) != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != TT_EOF)
- ;
- if (ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases.
+ while ((ch = in.read()) != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != TT_EOF)
+ ;
+ if (ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ return nextToken(); // Recursive, but not too deep in normal cases.
else if (isQuote(ch))
- ttype = ch;
- CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
- while ((ch = in.read()) != ttype && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' &&
- ch != TT_EOF)
- {
- if (ch == '\\')
- switch (ch = in.read())
- {
- case 'a': ch = 0x7;
- break;
- case 'b': ch = '\b';
- break;
- case 'f': ch = 0xC;
- break;
- case 'n': ch = '\n';
- break;
- case 'r': ch = '\r';
- break;
- case 't': ch = '\t';
- break;
- case 'v': ch = 0xB;
- break;
- case '\n': ch = '\n';
- break;
+ ttype = ch;
+ CPStringBuilder tokbuf = new CPStringBuilder();
+ while ((ch = in.read()) != ttype && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' &&
+ ch != TT_EOF)
+ {
+ if (ch == '\\')
+ switch (ch = in.read())
+ {
+ case 'a': ch = 0x7;
+ break;
+ case 'b': ch = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'f': ch = 0xC;
+ break;
+ case 'n': ch = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r': ch = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't': ch = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 'v': ch = 0xB;
+ break;
+ case '\n': ch = '\n';
+ break;
case '\r': ch = '\r';
- break;
- case '\"':
- case '\'':
- case '\\':
- break;
- default:
- int ch1, nextch;
- if ((nextch = ch1 = ch) >= '0' && ch <= '7')
- {
- ch -= '0';
- if ((nextch = in.read()) >= '0' && nextch <= '7')
- {
- ch = ch * 8 + nextch - '0';
- if ((nextch = in.read()) >= '0' && nextch <= '7' &&
- ch1 >= '0' && ch1 <= '3')
- {
- ch = ch * 8 + nextch - '0';
- nextch = in.read();
- }
- }
- }
- if (nextch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(nextch);
- }
- tokbuf.append((char) ch);
- }
- // Throw away matching quote char.
- if (ch != ttype && ch != TT_EOF)
- in.unread(ch);
- sval = tokbuf.toString();
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ case '\'':
+ case '\\':
+ break;
+ default:
+ int ch1, nextch;
+ if ((nextch = ch1 = ch) >= '0' && ch <= '7')
+ {
+ ch -= '0';
+ if ((nextch = in.read()) >= '0' && nextch <= '7')
+ {
+ ch = ch * 8 + nextch - '0';
+ if ((nextch = in.read()) >= '0' && nextch <= '7' &&
+ ch1 >= '0' && ch1 <= '3')
+ {
+ ch = ch * 8 + nextch - '0';
+ nextch = in.read();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(nextch);
+ }
+ tokbuf.append((char) ch);
+ }
+ // Throw away matching quote char.
+ if (ch != ttype && ch != TT_EOF)
+ in.unread(ch);
+ sval = tokbuf.toString();
- ttype = ch;
+ ttype = ch;
return ttype;
@@ -591,11 +591,11 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
if (ch >= 0 && ch <= 255)
- quote[ch] = true;
- comment[ch] = false;
- whitespace[ch] = false;
- alphabetic[ch] = false;
- numeric[ch] = false;
+ quote[ch] = true;
+ comment[ch] = false;
+ whitespace[ch] = false;
+ alphabetic[ch] = false;
+ numeric[ch] = false;
@@ -692,8 +692,8 @@ public class StreamTokenizer
hi = 255;
for (int i = low; i <= hi; i++)
- resetChar(i);
- whitespace[i] = true;
+ resetChar(i);
+ whitespace[i] = true;
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java
index 0908819..28405d9 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringBufferInputStream.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ package java.io;
* plus online API docs for JDK 1.2 beta from http://www.javasoft.com.
* Status: Believed complete and correct. Deprecated in JDK 1.1.
* This class permits a <code>String</code> to be read as an input stream.
* The low eight bits of each character in the <code>String</code> are the
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ package java.io;
* discarded.
* <p>
* The mark/reset functionality in this class behaves differently than
- * normal. The <code>mark()</code> method is always ignored and the
- * <code>reset()</code> method always resets in stream to start reading from
- * position 0 in the String. Note that since this method does not override
- * <code>markSupported()</code> in <code>InputStream</code>, calling that
+ * normal. The <code>mark()</code> method is always ignored and the
+ * <code>reset()</code> method always resets in stream to start reading from
+ * position 0 in the String. Note that since this method does not override
+ * <code>markSupported()</code> in <code>InputStream</code>, calling that
* method will return <code>false</code>.
* <p>
* Note that this class is deprecated because it does not properly handle
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class StringBufferInputStream extends InputStream
- * This method reads one byte from the stream. The <code>pos</code> counter
+ * This method reads one byte from the stream. The <code>pos</code> counter
* is advanced to the next byte to be read. The byte read is returned as
* an int in the range of 0-255. If the stream position is already at the
* end of the buffer, no byte is read and a -1 is returned in order to
@@ -115,18 +115,18 @@ public class StringBufferInputStream extends InputStream
public int read()
if (pos >= count)
- return -1; // EOF
+ return -1; // EOF
return ((int) buffer.charAt(pos++)) & 0xFF;
* This method reads bytes from the stream and stores them into a caller
- * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index <code>offset</code>
+ * supplied buffer. It starts storing the data at index <code>offset</code>
* into the buffer and attempts to read <code>len</code> bytes. This method
* can return before reading the number of bytes requested if the end of the
- * stream is encountered first. The actual number of bytes read is
- * returned. If no bytes can be read because the stream is already at
+ * stream is encountered first. The actual number of bytes read is
+ * returned. If no bytes can be read because the stream is already at
* the end of stream position, a -1 is returned.
* <p>
* This method does not block.
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class StringBufferInputStream extends InputStream
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (pos >= count)
- return -1; // EOF
+ return -1; // EOF
int numRead = Math.min(len, count - pos);
if (numRead < 0)
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringReader.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringReader.java
index 7e4e7d8..c4021a8 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringReader.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringReader.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ package java.io;
- * This class permits a <code>String</code> to be read as a character
+ * This class permits a <code>String</code> to be read as a character
* input stream.
* <p>
* The mark/reset functionality in this class behaves differently than
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ package java.io;
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
* @author Warren Levy (warrenl@cygnus.com)
- * @date October 19, 1998.
+ * @date October 19, 1998.
public class StringReader extends Reader
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ public class StringReader extends Reader
private int count;
- * Create a new <code>StringReader</code> that will read chars from the
- * passed in <code>String</code>. This stream will read from the beginning
+ * Create a new <code>StringReader</code> that will read chars from the
+ * passed in <code>String</code>. This stream will read from the beginning
* to the end of the <code>String</code>.
* @param buffer The <code>String</code> this stream will read from.
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class StringReader extends Reader
* This method attempts to skip the requested number of chars in the
- * input stream. It does this by advancing the <code>pos</code> value by
+ * input stream. It does this by advancing the <code>pos</code> value by
* the specified number of chars. It this would exceed the length of the
* buffer, then only enough chars are skipped to position the stream at
* the end of the buffer. The actual number of chars skipped is returned.
@@ -206,4 +206,3 @@ public class StringReader extends Reader
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringWriter.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringWriter.java
index 5a16e63..85500b5 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringWriter.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/StringWriter.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class StringWriter extends Writer
* as a <code>String</code>.
* @return A <code>String</code> representing the chars written to
- * this stream.
+ * this stream.
public String toString ()
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class StringWriter extends Writer
* @param str The <code>String</code> to write characters from
* @param offset The character position to start writing from
* @param len The number of characters to write.
- */
+ */
public void write (String str, int offset, int len)
// char[] tmpbuf = new char[len];
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java
index cf0ab64..5975975 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException.java
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.io;
- * This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is
+ * This exception is thrown when the requested character encoding is
* not supported.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Writer.java b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Writer.java
index 660b690..5b3e707 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/io/Writer.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/io/Writer.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ package java.io;
- * This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that
+ * This abstract class forms the base of the hierarchy of classes that
* write output as a stream of chars. It provides a common set of methods
* for writing chars to stream. Subclasses implement and/or extend these
- * methods to write chars in a particular manner or to a particular
+ * methods to write chars in a particular manner or to a particular
* destination such as a file on disk or network connection.
* @author Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
public abstract void flush() throws IOException;
- * This method closes the stream. Any internal or native resources
+ * This method closes the stream. Any internal or native resources
* associated
* with this stream are freed. Any subsequent attempt to access the stream
* might throw an exception.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
public abstract void close() throws IOException;
- * This method writes a single char to the output stream.
+ * This method writes a single char to the output stream.
* @param b The char to be written to the output stream, passed as an int
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
- * This method all the writes char from the passed array to the output
- * stream. This method is equivalent to
+ * This method all the writes char from the passed array to the output
+ * stream. This method is equivalent to
* <code>write(buf, 0, buf.length)</code> which
* is exactly how it is implemented in this class.
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
* @param buf The array of char to write from
* @param offset The index into the array to start writing from
* @param len The number of char to write
- *
+ *
* @exception IOException If an error occurs
- public abstract void write(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
+ public abstract void write(char[] buf, int offset, int len)
throws IOException;
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
public void write(String str) throws IOException
write(str, 0, str.length());
- }
+ }
* This method writes <code>len</code> chars from the <code>String</code>
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public abstract class Writer implements Appendable, Closeable, Flushable
public void write(String str, int offset, int len) throws IOException
- // FIXME - for libgcj re-write using native code to not require
+ // FIXME - for libgcj re-write using native code to not require
// copied buffer.
char[] buf = new char[len];