path: root/libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java
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authorTom Tromey <tromey@gcc.gnu.org>2007-01-09 19:58:05 +0000
committerTom Tromey <tromey@gcc.gnu.org>2007-01-09 19:58:05 +0000
commit97b8365cafc3a344a22d3980b8ed885f5c6d8357 (patch)
tree996a5f57d4a68c53473382e45cb22f574cb3e4db /libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java
parentc648dedbde727ca3f883bb5fd773aa4af70d3369 (diff)
Merged gcj-eclipse branch to trunk.
From-SVN: r120621
Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java b/libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java
index 3ea3f90..04196bd 100644
--- a/libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java
+++ b/libjava/classpath/java/awt/LightweightDispatcher.java
@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ exception statement from your version. */
package java.awt;
+import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
+import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent;
+import java.awt.peer.LightweightPeer;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ import java.util.WeakHashMap;
* @author Roman Kennke (kennke@aicas.com)
-class LightweightDispatcher
+final class LightweightDispatcher
@@ -60,26 +63,17 @@ class LightweightDispatcher
private static WeakHashMap instances = new WeakHashMap();
- * The component that is the start of a mouse dragging. All MOUSE_DRAGGED
- * events that follow the initial press must have the source set to this,
- * as well as the MOUSE_RELEASED event following the dragging.
- */
- private Component dragTarget;
- /**
- * Stores the button number which started the drag operation. This is needed
- * because we want to handle only one drag operation and only the button that
- * started the dragging should be able to stop it (by a button release).
- */
- private int dragButton;
- /**
* The last mouse event target. If the target changes, additional
* MOUSE_ENTERED and MOUSE_EXITED events must be dispatched.
private Component lastTarget;
+ * The current mouseEventTarget.
+ */
+ private Component mouseEventTarget;
+ /**
* Returns an instance of LightweightDispatcher for the current thread's
* thread group.
@@ -113,9 +107,9 @@ class LightweightDispatcher
* @param event the event
- public boolean dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event)
+ public boolean dispatchEvent(final AWTEvent event)
- if (event instanceof MouseEvent && event.getSource() instanceof Window)
+ if (event instanceof MouseEvent)
MouseEvent mouseEvent = (MouseEvent) event;
return handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent);
@@ -130,151 +124,49 @@ class LightweightDispatcher
* @param ev the mouse event
* @return whether or not we found a lightweight that handled the event.
- private boolean handleMouseEvent(MouseEvent ev)
+ private boolean handleMouseEvent(final MouseEvent ev)
- Window window = (Window) ev.getSource();
- // Find the target for the mouse event. We first seach the deepest
- // component at the specified location. The we go up to its parent and
- // try to find a neighbor of the deepest component that is suitable as
- // mouse event target (it must be showing, at that location and have either
- // a MouseListener or MouseMotionListener installed). If no such component
- // is found, then we walk up the container hierarchy and find the next
- // container that has a MouseListener or MouseMotionListener installed.
- Component deepest = window.findComponentAt(ev.getX(), ev.getY());
- if (deepest == null)
- return false;
- Container parent = deepest.getParent();
- Point loc = ev.getPoint();
- loc = convertPointToChild(window, loc, parent);
- Component target = null;
- if (parent != null)
- {
- target = findTarget(parent, loc);
- while (target == null && parent != null)
- {
- if (parent.mouseListener != null
- || parent.mouseMotionListener != null
- || (parent.eventMask
- {
- target = parent;
- }
- else
- parent = parent.getParent();
- }
- }
- if (target == null || target.isLightweight())
+ Container container = (Container) ev.getSource();
+ Component target = findTarget(container, ev.getX(), ev.getY());
+ trackEnterExit(target, ev);
+ int id = ev.getID();
+ // Dont update the mouseEventTarget when dragging. Also, MOUSE_CLICKED
+ // must be dispatched to the original target of MOUSE_PRESSED, so don't
+ // update in this case either.
+ if (! isDragging(ev) && id != MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED)
+ mouseEventTarget = (target != container) ? target : null;
+ if (mouseEventTarget != null)
- // Dispatch additional MOUSE_EXITED and MOUSE_ENTERED if event target
- // is different from the last event target.
- if (target != lastTarget)
+ switch (id)
- if (lastTarget != null)
- {
- Point p1 = convertPointToChild(window, ev.getPoint(),
- lastTarget);
- MouseEvent mouseExited =
- new MouseEvent(lastTarget, MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED,
- ev.getWhen(), ev.getModifiers(), p1.x, p1.y,
- ev.getClickCount(), ev.isPopupTrigger());
- //System.err.println("event: " + mouseExited);
- lastTarget.dispatchEvent(mouseExited);
- }
- // If a target exists dispatch the MOUSE_ENTERED event.
- // Experimenting shows that the MOUSE_ENTERED is also dispatched
- // when the mouse is dragging.
- if (target != null)
- {
- Point p = convertPointToChild(window, ev.getPoint(), target);
- MouseEvent mouseEntered =
- new MouseEvent(target,
- MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, ev.getWhen(),
- ev.getModifiers(), p.x, p.y, ev.getClickCount(),
- ev.isPopupTrigger());
- //System.err.println("event: " + mouseEntered);
- target.dispatchEvent(mouseEntered);
- }
- }
- switch (ev.getID())
- {
- case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
- // Handle the start of a drag operation or discard the event if
- // one is already in progress. This prevents focus changes with the
- // other mouse buttons when one is used for dragging.
- if (dragTarget == null)
- {
- lastTarget = dragTarget = target;
- // Save the button that started the drag operation.
- dragButton = ev.getButton();
- }
- else
- return false;
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED:
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED:
+ // This is already handled in trackEnterExit().
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
- // Stop the drag operation only when the button that started
- // it was released.
- if (dragTarget != null && dragButton == ev.getButton())
- {
- // Only post MOUSE_RELEASED to dragTarget (set in
- // MOUSE_PRESSED) when the dragTarget is actually visible.
- // Otherwise post the event to the normal target.
- if (dragTarget.isVisible())
- target = dragTarget;
- dragTarget = null;
- }
- lastTarget = target;
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
+ redispatch(ev, mouseEventTarget, id);
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED:
- // When we receive a MOUSE_CLICKED, we set the target to the
- // previous target, which must have been a MOUSE_RELEASED event.
- // This is necessary for the case when the MOUSE_RELEASED has
- // caused the original target (like an internal component) go
- // away.
- // This line is the reason why it is not possible to move the
- // 'lastTarget = target' assignment before the switch-statement.
- target = lastTarget;
+ // MOUSE_CLICKED must be dispatched to the original target of
+ if (target == mouseEventTarget)
+ redispatch(ev, mouseEventTarget, id);
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
- // We consider only dragTarget for redispatching the event still
- // we have to act in a way that the newly found target component
- // was handled.
- lastTarget = target;
- target = dragTarget;
+ if (isDragging(ev))
+ redispatch(ev, mouseEventTarget, id);
- default:
- // Only declare current target as the old value in all other
- // cases.
- lastTarget = target;
- break;
- }
- if (target != null)
- {
- Point targetCoordinates = convertPointToChild(window,
- ev.getPoint(),
- target);
- int dx = targetCoordinates.x - ev.getX();
- int dy = targetCoordinates.y - ev.getY();
- ev.translatePoint(dx, dy);
- ev.setSource(target);
- target.dispatchEvent(ev);
- // We reset the event, so that the normal event dispatching is not
- // influenced by this modified event.
- ev.setSource(window);
- ev.translatePoint(-dx, -dy);
+ case MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL:
+ redispatch(ev, mouseEventTarget, id);
- return true;
+ ev.consume();
- else
- return false;
+ return ev.isConsumed();
@@ -290,58 +182,180 @@ class LightweightDispatcher
* @return the actual receiver of the mouse event, or null, if no such
* component has been found
- private Component findTarget(Container c, Point loc)
+ private Component findTarget(final Container c, final int x, final int y)
- int numComponents = c.getComponentCount();
Component target = null;
- if (c != null)
+ // First we check the children of the container.
+ // Note: It is important that we use the package private Container
+ // fields ncomponents and component here. There are applications
+ // that override getComponentCount()
+ // and getComponent() to hide internal components, which makes
+ // the LightweightDispatcher not work correctly in these cases.
+ // As a positive sideeffect this is slightly more efficient.
+ int nChildren = c.ncomponents;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nChildren && target == null; i++)
- for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
+ Component child = c.component[i];
+ int childX = x - child.x;
+ int childY = y - child.y;
+ if (child != null && child.visible
+ && child.peer instanceof LightweightPeer
+ && child.contains(childX, childY))
- Component child = c.getComponent(i);
- if (child.isShowing())
+ // Check if there's a deeper possible target.
+ if (child instanceof Container)
- if (child.contains(loc.x - child.getX(), loc.y - child.getY())
- && (child.mouseListener != null
- || child.mouseMotionListener != null
- || (child.eventMask
- {
- target = child;
- break;
- }
+ Component deeper = findTarget((Container) child,
+ childX, childY);
+ if (deeper != null)
+ target = deeper;
+ // Check if the child itself is interested in mouse events.
+ else if (isMouseListening(child))
+ target = child;
+ // Check the container itself, if we didn't find a target yet.
+ if (target == null && c.contains(x, y) && isMouseListening(c))
+ target = c;
return target;
- * Converts a point in the parent's coordinate system to a child coordinate
- * system. The resulting point is stored in the same Point object and
- * returned.
+ * Checks if the specified component would be interested in a mouse event.
+ *
+ * @param c the component to check
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if the component has mouse listeners installed,
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise
+ */
+ private boolean isMouseListening(final Component c)
+ {
+ // Note: It is important to NOT check if the component is listening
+ // for a specific event (for instance, mouse motion events). The event
+ // gets dispatched to the component if the component is listening
+ // for ANY mouse event, even when the component is not listening for the
+ // specific type of event. There are applications that depend on this
+ // (sadly).
+ return c.mouseListener != null
+ || c.mouseMotionListener != null
+ || c.mouseWheelListener != null
+ || (c.eventMask & AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK) != 0
+ || (c.eventMask & AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK) != 0
+ || (c.eventMask & AWTEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK) != 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tracks MOUSE_ENTERED and MOUSE_EXIT as well as MOUSE_MOVED and
+ * MOUSE_DRAGGED and creates synthetic MOUSE_ENTERED and MOUSE_EXITED for
+ * lightweight component.s
+ *
+ * @param target the current mouse event target
+ * @param ev the mouse event
+ */
+ private void trackEnterExit(final Component target, final MouseEvent ev)
+ {
+ int id = ev.getID();
+ if (target != lastTarget)
+ {
+ if (lastTarget != null)
+ redispatch(ev, lastTarget, MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED);
+ if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED)
+ ev.consume();
+ if (target != null)
+ redispatch(ev, target, MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED);
+ if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED)
+ ev.consume();
+ lastTarget = target;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Redispatches the specified mouse event to the specified target with the
+ * specified id.
- * @param parent the parent component
- * @param p the point
- * @param child the child component
+ * @param ev the mouse event
+ * @param target the new target
+ * @param id the new id
+ */
+ private void redispatch(MouseEvent ev, Component target, int id)
+ {
+ Component source = ev.getComponent();
+ if (target != null)
+ {
+ // Translate coordinates.
+ int x = ev.getX();
+ int y = ev.getY();
+ for (Component c = target; c != null && c != source; c = c.getParent())
+ {
+ x -= c.x;
+ y -= c.y;
+ }
+ // Retarget event.
+ MouseEvent retargeted;
+ if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL)
+ {
+ MouseWheelEvent mwe = (MouseWheelEvent) ev;
+ retargeted = new MouseWheelEvent(target, id, ev.getWhen(),
+ ev.getModifiers()
+ | ev.getModifiersEx(), x, y,
+ ev.getClickCount(),
+ ev.isPopupTrigger(),
+ mwe.getScrollType(),
+ mwe.getScrollAmount(),
+ mwe.getWheelRotation());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retargeted = new MouseEvent(target, id, ev.getWhen(),
+ ev.getModifiers() | ev.getModifiersEx(),
+ x, y, ev.getClickCount(),
+ ev.isPopupTrigger(), ev.getButton());
+ }
+ if (target == source)
+ ((Container) target).dispatchNoLightweight(retargeted);
+ else
+ target.dispatchEvent(retargeted);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines if we are in the middle of a drag operation, that is, if
+ * any of the buttons is held down.
+ *
+ * @param ev the mouse event to check
- * @return the translated point
+ * @return <code>true</code> if we are in the middle of a drag operation,
+ * <code>false</code> otherwise
- private Point convertPointToChild(Component parent, Point p,
- Component child)
+ private boolean isDragging(MouseEvent ev)
- int offX = 0;
- int offY = 0;
- Component comp = child;
- while (comp != null && comp != parent)
+ int mods = ev.getModifiersEx();
+ int id = ev.getID();
+ if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED || id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED)
- offX += comp.getX();
- offY += comp.getY();
- comp = comp.getParent();
+ switch (ev.getButton())
+ {
+ case MouseEvent.BUTTON1:
+ mods ^= InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK;
+ break;
+ case MouseEvent.BUTTON2:
+ mods ^= InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK;
+ break;
+ case MouseEvent.BUTTON3:
+ mods ^= InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK;
+ break;
+ }
- p.x -= offX;
- p.y -= offY;
- return p;
+ return (mods & (InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK
+ | InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK
+ | InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK)) != 0;