diff options
author | Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> | 2019-07-01 13:35:07 +0000 |
committer | Pierre-Marie de Rodat <pmderodat@gcc.gnu.org> | 2019-07-01 13:35:07 +0000 |
commit | 1d88851ce9576ee755b9a47f076d434e8e1057cf (patch) | |
tree | 747084b74e3b8148e6bbdb5b94e820ab1717cd9b /gcc | |
parent | 02fd808ca20ce82ad63e5a760b5835b87342ba6f (diff) | |
download | gcc-1d88851ce9576ee755b9a47f076d434e8e1057cf.zip gcc-1d88851ce9576ee755b9a47f076d434e8e1057cf.tar.gz gcc-1d88851ce9576ee755b9a47f076d434e8e1057cf.tar.bz2 |
[Ada] Clean up of GNAT.Sets
-- Source --
-- operations.adb
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT; use GNAT;
with GNAT.Sets; use GNAT.Sets;
procedure Operations is
function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type;
package Integer_Sets is new Membership_Sets
(Element_Type => Integer,
"=" => "=",
Hash => Hash);
use Integer_Sets;
procedure Check_Empty
(Caller : String;
S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer);
-- Ensure that none of the elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are
-- present in set S, and that the set's length is 0.
procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
(Caller : String;
S : in out Membership_Set);
-- Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are locked
procedure Check_Present
(Caller : String;
S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer);
-- Ensure that all elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are present
-- in set S.
procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
(Caller : String;
S : in out Membership_Set);
-- Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are unlocked
procedure Populate
(S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer);
-- Add elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem in set S
procedure Test_Contains
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive);
-- Verify that Contains properly identifies that elements in the range
-- Low_Elem .. High_Elem are within a set. Init_Size denotes the initial
-- size of the set.
procedure Test_Create;
-- Verify that all set operations fail on a non-created set
procedure Test_Delete
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive);
-- Verify that Delete properly removes elements in the range Low_Elem ..
-- High_Elem from a set. Init_Size denotes the initial size of the set.
procedure Test_Is_Empty;
-- Verify that Is_Empty properly returns this status of a set
procedure Test_Iterate;
-- Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations
procedure Test_Iterate_Empty;
-- Verify that iterators properly manipulate mutation operations of an
-- empty set.
procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive);
-- Verify that an iterator that is forcefully advanced by Next properly
-- unlocks the mutation operations of a set. Init_Size denotes the initial
-- size of the set.
procedure Test_Size;
-- Verify that Size returns the correct size of a set
-- Check_Empty --
procedure Check_Empty
(Caller : String;
S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer)
Siz : constant Natural := Size (S);
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
if Contains (S, Elem) then
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": extra element" & Elem'Img);
end if;
end loop;
if Siz /= 0 then
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": wrong size");
Put_Line ("expected: 0");
Put_Line ("got :" & Siz'Img);
end if;
end Check_Empty;
-- Check_Locked_Mutations --
procedure Check_Locked_Mutations
(Caller : String;
S : in out Membership_Set)
Delete (S, 1);
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: no exception raised");
when Iterated =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Delete: unexpected exception");
Destroy (S);
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: no exception raised");
when Iterated =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Destroy: unexpected exception");
Insert (S, 1);
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert: no exception raised");
when Iterated =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Insert: unexpected exception");
end Check_Locked_Mutations;
-- Check_Present --
procedure Check_Present
(Caller : String;
S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer)
Elem : Integer;
Iter : Iterator;
Iter := Iterate (S);
for Exp_Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
Next (Iter, Elem);
if Elem /= Exp_Elem then
Put_Line ("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: wrong element");
Put_Line ("expected:" & Exp_Elem'Img);
Put_Line ("got :" & Elem'Img);
end if;
end loop;
-- At this point all elements should have been accounted for. Check for
-- extra elements.
while Has_Next (Iter) loop
Next (Iter, Elem);
("ERROR: " & Caller & ": Check_Present: extra element" & Elem'Img);
end loop;
when Iterator_Exhausted =>
("ERROR: "
& Caller
& "Check_Present: incorrect number of elements");
end Check_Present;
-- Check_Unlocked_Mutations --
procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations
(Caller : String;
S : in out Membership_Set)
Delete (S, 1);
Insert (S, 1);
end Check_Unlocked_Mutations;
-- Hash --
function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type is
return Bucket_Range_Type (Key);
end Hash;
-- Populate --
procedure Populate
(S : Membership_Set;
Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer)
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
Insert (S, Elem);
end loop;
end Populate;
-- Test_Contains --
procedure Test_Contains
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive)
Low_Bogus : constant Integer := Low_Elem - 1;
High_Bogus : constant Integer := High_Elem + 1;
S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);
Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);
-- Ensure that the elements are contained in the set
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
if not Contains (S, Elem) then
("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Elem'Img & " not in set");
end if;
end loop;
-- Ensure that arbitrary elements which were not inserted in the set are
-- not contained in the set.
if Contains (S, Low_Bogus) then
("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & Low_Bogus'Img & " in set");
end if;
if Contains (S, High_Bogus) then
("ERROR: Test_Contains: element" & High_Bogus'Img & " in set");
end if;
Destroy (S);
end Test_Contains;
-- Test_Create --
procedure Test_Create is
Count : Natural;
Flag : Boolean;
Iter : Iterator;
S : Membership_Set;
-- Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a set which
-- has not been created yet.
Flag := Contains (S, 1);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Contains: unexpected exception");
Delete (S, 1);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Delete: unexpected exception");
Insert (S, 1);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Insert: unexpected exception");
Flag := Is_Empty (S);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Is_Empty: unexpected exception");
Iter := Iterate (S);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Iterate: unexpected exception");
Count := Size (S);
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: no exception raised");
when Not_Created =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Create: Size: unexpected exception");
end Test_Create;
-- Test_Delete --
procedure Test_Delete
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive)
Iter : Iterator;
S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);
Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);
-- Delete all even elements
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
if Elem mod 2 = 0 then
Delete (S, Elem);
end if;
end loop;
-- Ensure that all remaining odd elements are present in the set
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
if Elem mod 2 /= 0 and then not Contains (S, Elem) then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Delete: missing element" & Elem'Img);
end if;
end loop;
-- Delete all odd elements
for Elem in Low_Elem .. High_Elem loop
if Elem mod 2 /= 0 then
Delete (S, Elem);
end if;
end loop;
-- At this point the set should be completely empty
(Caller => "Test_Delete",
S => S,
Low_Elem => Low_Elem,
High_Elem => High_Elem);
Destroy (S);
end Test_Delete;
-- Test_Is_Empty --
procedure Test_Is_Empty is
S : Membership_Set := Create (8);
if not Is_Empty (S) then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is not empty");
end if;
Insert (S, 1);
if Is_Empty (S) then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is empty");
end if;
Delete (S, 1);
if not Is_Empty (S) then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Is_Empty: set is not empty");
end if;
Destroy (S);
end Test_Is_Empty;
-- Test_Iterate --
procedure Test_Iterate is
Elem : Integer;
Iter_1 : Iterator;
Iter_2 : Iterator;
S : Membership_Set := Create (5);
Populate (S, 1, 5);
-- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
-- the set.
Iter_1 := Iterate (S);
-- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
-- with at least one outstanding iterator.
(Caller => "Test_Iterate",
S => S);
-- Obtain another iterator
Iter_2 := Iterate (S);
-- Ensure that every mutation is still locked
(Caller => "Test_Iterate",
S => S);
-- Exhaust the first itertor
while Has_Next (Iter_1) loop
Next (Iter_1, Elem);
end loop;
-- Ensure that every mutation is still locked
(Caller => "Test_Iterate",
S => S);
-- Exhaust the second itertor
while Has_Next (Iter_2) loop
Next (Iter_2, Elem);
end loop;
-- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable
(Caller => "Test_Iterate",
S => S);
Destroy (S);
end Test_Iterate;
-- Test_Iterate_Empty --
procedure Test_Iterate_Empty is
Elem : Integer;
Iter : Iterator;
S : Membership_Set := Create (5);
-- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
-- the set.
Iter := Iterate (S);
-- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
-- with at least one outstanding iterator.
(Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
S => S);
-- Attempt to iterate over the elements
while Has_Next (Iter) loop
Next (Iter, Elem);
("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Empty: element" & Elem'Img & " exists");
end loop;
-- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable
(Caller => "Test_Iterate_Empty",
S => S);
Destroy (S);
end Test_Iterate_Empty;
-- Test_Iterate_Forced --
procedure Test_Iterate_Forced
(Low_Elem : Integer;
High_Elem : Integer;
Init_Size : Positive)
Elem : Integer;
Iter : Iterator;
S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size);
Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem);
-- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of
-- the set.
Iter := Iterate (S);
-- Ensure that every mutation routine defined in the API fails on a set
-- with at least one outstanding iterator.
(Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
S => S);
-- Forcibly advance the iterator until it raises an exception
for Guard in Low_Elem .. High_Elem + 1 loop
Next (Iter, Elem);
end loop;
("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: Iterator_Exhausted not raised");
when Iterator_Exhausted =>
when others =>
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Iterate_Forced: unexpected exception");
-- Ensure that all mutation operations are once again callable
(Caller => "Test_Iterate_Forced",
S => S);
Destroy (S);
end Test_Iterate_Forced;
-- Test_Size --
procedure Test_Size is
S : Membership_Set := Create (6);
Siz : Natural;
Siz := Size (S);
if Siz /= 0 then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
Put_Line ("expected: 0");
Put_Line ("got :" & Siz'Img);
end if;
Populate (S, 1, 2);
Siz := Size (S);
if Siz /= 2 then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
Put_Line ("expected: 2");
Put_Line ("got :" & Siz'Img);
end if;
Populate (S, 3, 6);
Siz := Size (S);
if Siz /= 6 then
Put_Line ("ERROR: Test_Size: wrong size");
Put_Line ("expected: 6");
Put_Line ("got :" & Siz'Img);
end if;
Destroy (S);
end Test_Size;
-- Start of processing for Operations
(Low_Elem => 1,
High_Elem => 5,
Init_Size => 5);
(Low_Elem => 1,
High_Elem => 10,
Init_Size => 10);
(Low_Elem => 1,
High_Elem => 5,
Init_Size => 5);
end Operations;
-- Compilation and output --
$ gnatmake -q operations.adb -largs -lgmem
$ ./operations
$ gnatmem operations > leaks.txt
$ grep -c "non freed allocations" leaks.txt
2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com>
* libgnat/g-sets.adb: Use type Membership_Set rathern than
Instance in various routines.
* libgnat/g-sets.ads: Change type Instance to Membership_Set.
Update various routines that mention the type.
* gnat.dg/sets1.adb: Update.
From-SVN: r272862
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc')
-rw-r--r-- | gcc/ada/ChangeLog | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.adb | 62 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.ads | 42 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/sets1.adb | 48 |
5 files changed, 100 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog index 570a04a..05aaf23 100644 --- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog +++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ 2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> + * libgnat/g-sets.adb: Use type Membership_Set rathern than + Instance in various routines. + * libgnat/g-sets.ads: Change type Instance to Membership_Set. + Update various routines that mention the type. + +2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> + * libgnat/g-lists.adb: Use type Doubly_Linked_List rather than Instance in various routines. * libgnat/g-lists.ads: Change type Instance to diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.adb index f9e9213..1490181 100644 --- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.adb +++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.adb @@ -31,37 +31,40 @@ package body GNAT.Sets is - -------------------- - -- Membership_Set -- - -------------------- + --------------------- + -- Membership_Sets -- + --------------------- - package body Membership_Set is + package body Membership_Sets is -------------- -- Contains -- -------------- - function Contains (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type) return Boolean is + function Contains + (S : Membership_Set; + Elem : Element_Type) return Boolean + is begin - return Hashed_Set.Get (Hashed_Set.Instance (S), Elem); + return Hashed_Set.Get (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S), Elem); end Contains; ------------ -- Create -- ------------ - function Create (Initial_Size : Positive) return Instance is + function Create (Initial_Size : Positive) return Membership_Set is begin - return Instance (Hashed_Set.Create (Initial_Size)); + return Membership_Set (Hashed_Set.Create (Initial_Size)); end Create; ------------ -- Delete -- ------------ - procedure Delete (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type) is + procedure Delete (S : Membership_Set; Elem : Element_Type) is begin - Hashed_Set.Delete (Hashed_Set.Instance (S), Elem); + Hashed_Set.Delete (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S), Elem); end Delete; ------------- @@ -78,9 +81,9 @@ package body GNAT.Sets is -- Destroy -- ------------- - procedure Destroy (S : in out Instance) is + procedure Destroy (S : in out Membership_Set) is begin - Hashed_Set.Destroy (Hashed_Set.Instance (S)); + Hashed_Set.Destroy (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S)); end Destroy; -------------- @@ -96,34 +99,41 @@ package body GNAT.Sets is -- Insert -- ------------ - procedure Insert (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type) is + procedure Insert + (S : Membership_Set; + Elem : Element_Type) + is begin - Hashed_Set.Put (Hashed_Set.Instance (S), Elem, True); + Hashed_Set.Put (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S), Elem, True); end Insert; -------------- -- Is_Empty -- -------------- - function Is_Empty (S : Instance) return Boolean is + function Is_Empty (S : Membership_Set) return Boolean is begin - return Hashed_Set.Is_Empty (Hashed_Set.Instance (S)); + return Hashed_Set.Is_Empty (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S)); end Is_Empty; ------------- -- Iterate -- ------------- - function Iterate (S : Instance) return Iterator is + function Iterate (S : Membership_Set) return Iterator is begin - return Iterator (Hashed_Set.Iterate (Hashed_Set.Instance (S))); + return + Iterator (Hashed_Set.Iterate (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S))); end Iterate; ---------- -- Next -- ---------- - procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator; Elem : out Element_Type) is + procedure Next + (Iter : in out Iterator; + Elem : out Element_Type) + is begin Hashed_Set.Next (Hashed_Set.Iterator (Iter), Elem); end Next; @@ -132,28 +142,28 @@ package body GNAT.Sets is -- Present -- ------------- - function Present (S : Instance) return Boolean is + function Present (S : Membership_Set) return Boolean is begin - return Hashed_Set.Present (Hashed_Set.Instance (S)); + return Hashed_Set.Present (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S)); end Present; ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- - procedure Reset (S : Instance) is + procedure Reset (S : Membership_Set) is begin - Hashed_Set.Reset (Hashed_Set.Instance (S)); + Hashed_Set.Reset (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S)); end Reset; ---------- -- Size -- ---------- - function Size (S : Instance) return Natural is + function Size (S : Membership_Set) return Natural is begin - return Hashed_Set.Size (Hashed_Set.Instance (S)); + return Hashed_Set.Size (Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table (S)); end Size; - end Membership_Set; + end Membership_Sets; end GNAT.Sets; diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.ads index 43610af..1898e26 100644 --- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.ads +++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-sets.ads @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ package GNAT.Sets is -- -- The following use pattern must be employed with this set: -- - -- Set : Instance := Create (<some size>); + -- Set : Membership_Set := Create (<some size>); -- -- <various operations> -- @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ package GNAT.Sets is with function Hash (Key : Element_Type) return Bucket_Range_Type; -- Map an arbitrary key into the range of buckets - package Membership_Set is + package Membership_Sets is -------------------- -- Set operations -- @@ -74,44 +74,50 @@ package GNAT.Sets is -- The following type denotes a membership set handle. Each instance -- must be created using routine Create. - type Instance is private; - Nil : constant Instance; + type Membership_Set is private; + Nil : constant Membership_Set; - function Contains (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type) return Boolean; + function Contains + (S : Membership_Set; + Elem : Element_Type) return Boolean; -- Determine whether membership set S contains element Elem - function Create (Initial_Size : Positive) return Instance; + function Create (Initial_Size : Positive) return Membership_Set; -- Create a new membership set with bucket capacity Initial_Size. This -- routine must be called at the start of the membership set's lifetime. - procedure Delete (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type); + procedure Delete + (S : Membership_Set; + Elem : Element_Type); -- Delete element Elem from membership set S. The routine has no effect -- if the element is not present in the membership set. This action will -- raise Iterated if the membership set has outstanding iterators. - procedure Destroy (S : in out Instance); + procedure Destroy (S : in out Membership_Set); -- Destroy the contents of membership set S, rendering it unusable. This -- routine must be called at the end of the membership set's lifetime. -- This action will raise Iterated if the hash table has outstanding -- iterators. - procedure Insert (S : Instance; Elem : Element_Type); + procedure Insert + (S : Membership_Set; + Elem : Element_Type); -- Insert element Elem in membership set S. The routine has no effect -- if the element is already present in the membership set. This action -- will raise Iterated if the membership set has outstanding iterators. - function Is_Empty (S : Instance) return Boolean; + function Is_Empty (S : Membership_Set) return Boolean; -- Determine whether set S is empty - function Present (S : Instance) return Boolean; + function Present (S : Membership_Set) return Boolean; -- Determine whether set S exists - procedure Reset (S : Instance); + procedure Reset (S : Membership_Set); -- Destroy the contents of membership set S, and reset it to its initial -- created state. This action will raise Iterated if the membership set -- has outstanding iterators. - function Size (S : Instance) return Natural; + function Size (S : Membership_Set) return Natural; -- Obtain the number of elements in membership set S ------------------------- @@ -132,7 +138,7 @@ package GNAT.Sets is type Iterator is private; - function Iterate (S : Instance) return Iterator; + function Iterate (S : Membership_Set) return Iterator; -- Obtain an iterator over the elements of membership set S. This action -- locks all mutation functionality of the associated membership set. @@ -152,7 +158,7 @@ package GNAT.Sets is procedure Destroy (B : in out Boolean); -- Destroy boolean B - package Hashed_Set is new Dynamic_HTable + package Hashed_Set is new Dynamic_Hash_Tables (Key_Type => Element_Type, Value_Type => Boolean, No_Value => False, @@ -164,10 +170,10 @@ package GNAT.Sets is Destroy_Value => Destroy, Hash => Hash); - type Instance is new Hashed_Set.Instance; - Nil : constant Instance := Instance (Hashed_Set.Nil); + type Membership_Set is new Hashed_Set.Dynamic_Hash_Table; + Nil : constant Membership_Set := Membership_Set (Hashed_Set.Nil); type Iterator is new Hashed_Set.Iterator; - end Membership_Set; + end Membership_Sets; end GNAT.Sets; diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog b/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog index 782dd4b..7e5f38c 100644 --- a/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog +++ b/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ 2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> + * gnat.dg/sets1.adb: Update. + +2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> + * gnat.dg/linkedlist.adb: Update. 2019-07-01 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/sets1.adb b/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/sets1.adb index 54a4983..42bad38 100644 --- a/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/sets1.adb +++ b/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/sets1.adb @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ with GNAT.Sets; use GNAT.Sets; procedure Sets1 is function Hash (Key : Integer) return Bucket_Range_Type; - package Integer_Sets is new Membership_Set + package Integer_Sets is new Membership_Sets (Element_Type => Integer, "=" => "=", Hash => Hash); @@ -15,28 +15,32 @@ procedure Sets1 is procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; - S : Instance; + S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Ensure that none of the elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are -- present in set S, and that the set's length is 0. - procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; S : in out Instance); + procedure Check_Locked_Mutations + (Caller : String; + S : in out Membership_Set); -- Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are locked procedure Check_Present (Caller : String; - S : Instance; + S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Ensure that all elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem are present -- in set S. - procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller : String; S : in out Instance); + procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations + (Caller : String; + S : in out Membership_Set); -- Ensure that all mutation operations of set S are unlocked procedure Populate - (S : Instance; + (S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer); -- Add elements in the range Low_Elem .. High_Elem in set S @@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is procedure Check_Empty (Caller : String; - S : Instance; + S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is @@ -110,7 +114,10 @@ procedure Sets1 is -- Check_Locked_Mutations -- ---------------------------- - procedure Check_Locked_Mutations (Caller : String; S : in out Instance) is + procedure Check_Locked_Mutations + (Caller : String; + S : in out Membership_Set) + is begin begin Delete (S, 1); @@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is procedure Check_Present (Caller : String; - S : Instance; + S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is @@ -189,7 +196,10 @@ procedure Sets1 is -- Check_Unlocked_Mutations -- ------------------------------ - procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations (Caller : String; S : in out Instance) is + procedure Check_Unlocked_Mutations + (Caller : String; + S : in out Membership_Set) + is begin Delete (S, 1); Insert (S, 1); @@ -209,7 +219,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is -------------- procedure Populate - (S : Instance; + (S : Membership_Set; Low_Elem : Integer; High_Elem : Integer) is @@ -231,7 +241,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is Low_Bogus : constant Integer := Low_Elem - 1; High_Bogus : constant Integer := High_Elem + 1; - S : Instance := Create (Init_Size); + S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size); begin Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem); @@ -269,7 +279,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is Count : Natural; Flag : Boolean; Iter : Iterator; - S : Instance; + S : Membership_Set; begin -- Ensure that every routine defined in the API fails on a set which @@ -346,7 +356,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is Init_Size : Positive) is Iter : Iterator; - S : Instance := Create (Init_Size); + S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size); begin Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem); @@ -391,7 +401,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is ------------------- procedure Test_Is_Empty is - S : Instance := Create (8); + S : Membership_Set := Create (8); begin if not Is_Empty (S) then @@ -421,7 +431,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is Elem : Integer; Iter_1 : Iterator; Iter_2 : Iterator; - S : Instance := Create (5); + S : Membership_Set := Create (5); begin Populate (S, 1, 5); @@ -482,7 +492,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is procedure Test_Iterate_Empty is Elem : Integer; Iter : Iterator; - S : Instance := Create (5); + S : Membership_Set := Create (5); begin -- Obtain an iterator. This action must lock all mutation operations of @@ -526,7 +536,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is is Elem : Integer; Iter : Iterator; - S : Instance := Create (Init_Size); + S : Membership_Set := Create (Init_Size); begin Populate (S, Low_Elem, High_Elem); @@ -573,7 +583,7 @@ procedure Sets1 is --------------- procedure Test_Size is - S : Instance := Create (6); + S : Membership_Set := Create (6); Siz : Natural; begin |