path: root/gcc/ada
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authorPiotr Trojanek <trojanek@adacore.com>2020-08-26 14:20:20 +0200
committerPierre-Marie de Rodat <derodat@adacore.com>2020-10-23 04:24:41 -0400
commit4d4ba374a73b226dc16af7190c688728f3e5d2c5 (patch)
tree5f0402385166b88a2884786830ae69c5e04f47fd /gcc/ada
parent846744902e122804242af2cb9f6c6828e887cdf9 (diff)
[Ada] Sync code for external properties with SPARK RM
gcc/ada/ * sem_prag.adb (Check_External_Properties): Rewrite to match the SPARK RM description.
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
index 409ff76..3c9c748 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
@@ -29600,44 +29600,38 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
ER : Boolean;
EW : Boolean)
- begin
- -- All properties enabled
- if AR and AW and ER and EW then
- null;
- -- Async_Readers + Effective_Writes
- -- Async_Readers + Async_Writers + Effective_Writes
- elsif AR and EW and not ER then
- null;
- -- Async_Writers + Effective_Reads
- -- Async_Readers + Async_Writers + Effective_Reads
- elsif AW and ER and not EW then
- null;
- -- Async_Readers + Async_Writers
- elsif AR and AW and not ER and not EW then
- null;
+ type Properties is array (Positive range 1 .. 4) of Boolean;
+ type Combinations is array (Positive range <>) of Properties;
+ -- Arrays of Async_Readers, Async_Writers, Effective_Writes and
+ -- Effective_Reads properties and their combinations, respectively.
+ Specified : constant Properties := (AR, AW, EW, ER);
+ -- External properties, as given by the Item pragma
+ Allowed : constant Combinations :=
+ (1 => (True, False, True, False),
+ 2 => (False, True, False, True),
+ 3 => (True, False, False, False),
+ 4 => (False, True, False, False),
+ 5 => (True, True, True, False),
+ 6 => (True, True, False, True),
+ 7 => (True, True, False, False),
+ 8 => (True, True, True, True));
+ -- Allowed combinations, as listed in the SPARK RM 7.1.2(6) table
- -- Async_Readers
- elsif AR and not AW and not ER and not EW then
- null;
- -- Async_Writers
+ begin
+ -- Check if the specified properties match any of the allowed
+ -- combination; if not, then emit an error.
- elsif AW and not AR and not ER and not EW then
- null;
+ for J in Allowed'Range loop
+ if Specified = Allowed (J) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
- else
- ("illegal combination of external properties (SPARK RM 7.1.2(6))",
- Item);
- end if;
+ ("illegal combination of external properties (SPARK RM 7.1.2(6))",
+ Item);
end Check_External_Properties;