path: root/gcc/ada/libgnat
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authorRaphael Amiard <amiard@adacore.com>2018-05-24 13:05:38 +0000
committerPierre-Marie de Rodat <pmderodat@gcc.gnu.org>2018-05-24 13:05:38 +0000
commit8f1b88f82b9cbfd134544fd2230a6f3e5c82acce (patch)
tree263d507f01dd01c7441c8c88c33a865454e169d2 /gcc/ada/libgnat
parentc06a59be1990743d1520b89016a532572a9256ab (diff)
[Ada] Add documentation from the Ada RM to Ada.Containers.Vector
2018-05-24 Raphael Amiard <amiard@adacore.com> gcc/ada/ * libgnat/a-convec.ads: Add documentation. From-SVN: r260655
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/libgnat')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-convec.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-convec.ads
index eee415f..803fcfc 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-convec.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-convec.ads
@@ -37,11 +37,38 @@ with Ada.Containers.Helpers;
private with Ada.Finalization;
private with Ada.Streams;
+-- The language-defined generic package Containers.Vectors provides private
+-- types Vector and Cursor, and a set of operations for each type. A vector
+-- container allows insertion and deletion at any position, but it is
+-- specifically optimized for insertion and deletion at the high end (the end
+-- with the higher index) of the container. A vector container also provides
+-- random access to its elements.
+-- A vector container behaves conceptually as an array that expands as
+-- necessary as items are inserted. The length of a vector is the number of
+-- elements that the vector contains. The capacity of a vector is the maximum
+-- number of elements that can be inserted into the vector prior to it being
+-- automatically expanded.
+-- Elements in a vector container can be referred to by an index value of a
+-- generic formal type. The first element of a vector always has its index
+-- value equal to the lower bound of the formal type.
+-- A vector container may contain empty elements. Empty elements do not have a
+-- specified value.
type Index_Type is range <>;
type Element_Type is private;
with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
+ -- The actual function for the generic formal function "=" on Element_Type
+ -- values is expected to define a reflexive and symmetric relationship and
+ -- return the same result value each time it is called with a particular
+ -- pair of values. If it behaves in some other manner, the functions
+ -- defined to use it return an unspecified value. The exact arguments and
+ -- number of calls of this generic formal function by the functions defined
+ -- to use it are unspecified.
package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
pragma Annotate (CodePeer, Skip_Analysis);
@@ -51,8 +78,12 @@ package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
subtype Extended_Index is Index_Type'Base
range Index_Type'First - 1 ..
Index_Type'Min (Index_Type'Base'Last - 1, Index_Type'Last) + 1;
+ -- The subtype Extended_Index includes the indices covered by Index_Type
+ -- plus the value No_Index and, if it exists, the successor to the
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
No_Index : constant Extended_Index := Extended_Index'First;
+ -- No_Index represents a position that does not correspond to any element.
type Vector is tagged private
@@ -61,91 +92,193 @@ package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
Default_Iterator => Iterate,
Iterator_Element => Element_Type;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Vector);
+ -- Vector type, to be instantiated by users of this package. If an object
+ -- of type Vector is not otherwise initialized, it is initialized to
+ -- Empty_Vector.
type Cursor is private;
pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Cursor);
+ -- Cursor pointing into an instance of vector. If an object of type Cursor
+ -- is not otherwise initialized, it is initialized to No_Element
No_Element : constant Cursor;
+ -- No_Element represents a cursor that designates no element.
function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True if Position designates an element, and returns False
+ -- otherwise.
package Vector_Iterator_Interfaces is new
Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor, Has_Element);
Empty_Vector : constant Vector;
+ -- Empty_Vector represents the empty vector object. It has a length of 0.
overriding function "=" (Left, Right : Vector) return Boolean;
+ -- If Left and Right denote the same vector object, then the function
+ -- returns True. If Left and Right have different lengths, then the
+ -- function returns False. Otherwise, it compares each element in Left to
+ -- the corresponding element in Right using the generic formal equality
+ -- operator. If any such comparison returns False, the function returns
+ -- False; otherwise it returns True. Any exception raised during evaluation
+ -- of element equality is propagated.
function To_Vector (Length : Count_Type) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector with a length of Length, filled with empty elements.
function To_Vector
(New_Item : Element_Type;
Length : Count_Type) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector with a length of Length, filled with elements
+ -- initialized to the value New_Item.
function "&" (Left, Right : Vector) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector comprising the elements of Left followed by the
+ -- elements of Right.
function "&" (Left : Vector; Right : Element_Type) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector comprising the elements of Left followed by the element
+ -- Right.
function "&" (Left : Element_Type; Right : Vector) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector comprising the element Left followed by the elements of
+ -- Right.
function "&" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Vector;
+ -- Returns a vector comprising the element Left followed by the element
+ -- Right.
function Capacity (Container : Vector) return Count_Type;
+ -- Returns the capacity of Container.
procedure Reserve_Capacity
(Container : in out Vector;
Capacity : Count_Type);
+ -- Reserve_Capacity allocates new internal data structures such that the
+ -- length of the resulting vector can become at least the value Capacity
+ -- without requiring an additional call to Reserve_Capacity, and is large
+ -- enough to hold the current length of Container. Reserve_Capacity then
+ -- copies the elements into the new data structures and deallocates the old
+ -- data structures. Any exception raised during allocation is propagated
+ -- and Container is not modified.
function Length (Container : Vector) return Count_Type;
+ -- Returns the number of elements in Container.
procedure Set_Length
(Container : in out Vector;
Length : Count_Type);
+ -- If Length is larger than the capacity of Container, Set_Length calls
+ -- Reserve_Capacity (Container, Length), then sets the length of the
+ -- Container to Length. If Length is greater than the original length of
+ -- Container, empty elements are added to Container; otherwise elements are
+ -- removed from Container.
function Is_Empty (Container : Vector) return Boolean;
+ -- Equivalent to Length (Container) = 0.
procedure Clear (Container : in out Vector);
+ -- Removes all the elements from Container. The capacity of Container does
+ -- not change.
function To_Cursor
(Container : Vector;
Index : Extended_Index) return Cursor;
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container), then No_Element is returned. Otherwise, a cursor
+ -- designating the element at position Index in Container is returned.
function To_Index (Position : Cursor) return Extended_Index;
+ -- If Position is No_Element, No_Index is returned. Otherwise, the index
+ -- (within its containing vector) of the element designated by Position is
+ -- returned.
function Element
(Container : Vector;
Index : Index_Type) return Element_Type;
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container), then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise, Element
+ -- returns the element at position Index.
function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;
+ -- If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated.
+ -- Otherwise, Element returns the element designated by Position.
procedure Replace_Element
(Container : in out Vector;
Index : Index_Type;
New_Item : Element_Type);
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container), then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise
+ -- Replace_Element assigns the value New_Item to the element at position
+ -- Index. Any exception raised during the assignment is propagated. The
+ -- element at position Index is not an empty element after successful call
+ -- to Replace_Element.
procedure Replace_Element
(Container : in out Vector;
Position : Cursor;
New_Item : Element_Type);
+ -- If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated; if
+ -- Position does not designate an element in Container, then Program_Error
+ -- is propagated. Otherwise Replace_Element assigns New_Item to the element
+ -- designated by Position. Any exception raised during the assignment is
+ -- propagated. The element at Position is not an empty element after
+ -- successful call to Replace_Element.
procedure Query_Element
(Container : Vector;
Index : Index_Type;
Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type));
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container), then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise,
+ -- Query_Element calls Process.all with the element at position Index as
+ -- the argument. Program_Error is propagated if Process.all tampers with
+ -- the elements of Container. Any exception raised by Process.all is
+ -- propagated.
procedure Query_Element
(Position : Cursor;
Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type));
+ -- If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated.
+ -- Otherwise, Query_Element calls Process.all with the element designated
+ -- by Position as the argument. Program_Error is propagated if Process.all
+ -- tampers with the elements of Container. Any exception raised by
+ -- Process.all is propagated.
procedure Update_Element
(Container : in out Vector;
Index : Index_Type;
Process : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type));
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container), then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise,
+ -- Update_Element calls Process.all with the element at position Index as
+ -- the argument. Program_Error is propagated if Process.all tampers with
+ -- the elements of Container. Any exception raised by Process.all is
+ -- propagated.
+ --
+ -- If Element_Type is unconstrained and definite, then the actual Element
+ -- parameter of Process.all shall be unconstrained.
+ --
+ -- The element at position Index is not an empty element after successful
+ -- completion of this operation.
procedure Update_Element
(Container : in out Vector;
Position : Cursor;
Process : not null access procedure (Element : in out Element_Type));
+ -- If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated; if
+ -- Position does not designate an element in Container, then Program_Error
+ -- is propagated. Otherwise Update_Element calls Process.all with the
+ -- element designated by Position as the argument. Program_Error is
+ -- propagated if Process.all tampers with the elements of Container. Any
+ -- exception raised by Process.all is propagated.
+ --
+ -- If Element_Type is unconstrained and definite, then the actual Element
+ -- parameter of Process.all shall be unconstrained.
+ --
+ -- The element designated by Position is not an empty element after
+ -- successful completion of this operation.
type Constant_Reference_Type
(Element : not null access constant Element_Type) is
@@ -182,34 +315,64 @@ package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
function Copy (Source : Vector; Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return Vector;
procedure Move (Target : in out Vector; Source : in out Vector);
+ -- If Target denotes the same object as Source, then Move has no effect.
+ -- Otherwise, Move first calls Clear (Target); then, each element from
+ -- Source is removed from Source and inserted into Target in the original
+ -- order. The length of Source is 0 after a successful call to Move.
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Extended_Index;
New_Item : Vector);
+ -- If Before is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container) + 1, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If
+ -- Length(New_Item) is 0, then Insert does nothing. Otherwise, it computes
+ -- the new length NL as the sum of the current length and Length
+ -- (New_Item); if the value of Last appropriate for length NL would be
+ -- greater than Index_Type'Last then Constraint_Error is propagated.
+ --
+ -- If the current vector capacity is less than NL, Reserve_Capacity
+ -- (Container, NL) is called to increase the vector capacity. Then Insert
+ -- slides the elements in the range Before .. Last_Index (Container) up by
+ -- Length(New_Item) positions, and then copies the elements of New_Item to
+ -- the positions starting at Before. Any exception raised during the
+ -- copying is propagated.
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Cursor;
New_Item : Vector);
+ -- If Before is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. Otherwise, if
+ -- Length(New_Item) is 0, then Insert does nothing. If Before is
+ -- No_Element, then the call is equivalent to Insert (Container, Last_Index
+ -- (Container) + 1, New_Item); otherwise the call is equivalent to Insert
+ -- (Container, To_Index (Before), New_Item);
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Cursor;
New_Item : Vector;
Position : out Cursor);
+ -- If Before is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. If Before equals
+ -- No_Element, then let T be Last_Index (Container) + 1; otherwise, let T
+ -- be To_Index (Before). Insert (Container, T, New_Item) is called, and
+ -- then Position is set to To_Cursor (Container, T).
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Extended_Index;
New_Item : Element_Type;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, Before, To_Vector (New_Item, Count));
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Cursor;
New_Item : Element_Type;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, Before, To_Vector (New_Item, Count));
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
@@ -217,122 +380,243 @@ package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
New_Item : Element_Type;
Position : out Cursor;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to
+ -- Insert (Container, Before, To_Vector (New_Item, Count), Position);
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Extended_Index;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Before is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container) + 1, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If Count is 0,
+ -- then Insert does nothing. Otherwise, it computes the new length NL as
+ -- the sum of the current length and Count; if the value of Last
+ -- appropriate for length NL would be greater than Index_Type'Last then
+ -- Constraint_Error is propagated.
+ --
+ -- If the current vector capacity is less than NL, Reserve_Capacity
+ -- (Container, NL) is called to increase the vector capacity. Then Insert
+ -- slides the elements in the range Before .. Last_Index (Container) up by
+ -- Count positions, and then inserts elements that are initialized by
+ -- default (see 3.3.1) in the positions starting at Before.
procedure Insert
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Cursor;
Position : out Cursor;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Before is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. If Before equals
+ -- No_Element, then let T be Last_Index (Container) + 1; otherwise, let T
+ -- be To_Index (Before). Insert (Container, T, Count) is called, and then
+ -- Position is set to To_Cursor (Container, T).
procedure Prepend
(Container : in out Vector;
New_Item : Vector);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, First_Index (Container), New_Item).
procedure Prepend
(Container : in out Vector;
New_Item : Element_Type;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, First_Index (Container), New_Item,
+ -- Count).
procedure Append
(Container : in out Vector;
New_Item : Vector);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, Last_Index (Container) + 1, New_Item).
procedure Append
(Container : in out Vector;
New_Item : Element_Type;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to Insert (Container, Last_Index (Container) + 1, New_Item,
+ -- Count).
procedure Insert_Space
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Extended_Index;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Before is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container) + 1, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If Count is 0,
+ -- then Insert_Space does nothing. Otherwise, it computes the new length NL
+ -- as the sum of the current length and Count; if the value of Last
+ -- appropriate for length NL would be greater than Index_Type'Last then
+ -- Constraint_Error is propagated.
+ --
+ -- If the current vector capacity is less than NL, Reserve_Capacity
+ -- (Container, NL) is called to increase the vector capacity. Then
+ -- Insert_Space slides the elements in the range Before .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container) up by Count positions, and then inserts empty elements in
+ -- the positions starting at Before.
procedure Insert_Space
(Container : in out Vector;
Before : Cursor;
Position : out Cursor;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Before is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. If Before equals
+ -- No_Element, then let T be Last_Index (Container) + 1; otherwise, let T
+ -- be To_Index (Before). Insert_Space (Container, T, Count) is called, and
+ -- then Position is set to To_Cursor (Container, T).
procedure Delete
(Container : in out Vector;
Index : Extended_Index;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Index is not in the range First_Index (Container) .. Last_Index
+ -- (Container) + 1, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If Count is 0,
+ -- Delete has no effect. Otherwise Delete slides the elements (if any)
+ -- starting at position Index + Count down to Index. Any exception raised
+ -- during element assignment is propagated.
procedure Delete
(Container : in out Vector;
Position : in out Cursor;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Position equals No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If
+ -- Position does not designate an element in Container, then Program_Error
+ -- is propagated. Otherwise, Delete (Container, To_Index (Position), Count)
+ -- is called, and then Position is set to No_Element.
procedure Delete_First
(Container : in out Vector;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- Equivalent to Delete (Container, First_Index (Container), Count).
procedure Delete_Last
(Container : in out Vector;
Count : Count_Type := 1);
+ -- If Length (Container) <= Count then Delete_Last is equivalent to Clear
+ -- (Container). Otherwise it is equivalent to Delete (Container,
+ -- Index_Type'Val(Index_Type'Pos(Last_Index (Container)) - Count + 1),
+ -- Count).
procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out Vector);
+ -- Reorders the elements of Container in reverse order.
procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector; I, J : Index_Type);
+ -- If either I or J is not in the range First_Index (Container) ..
+ -- Last_Index (Container), then Constraint_Error is propagated. Otherwise,
+ -- Swap exchanges the values of the elements at positions I and J.
procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector; I, J : Cursor);
+ -- If either I or J is No_Element, then Constraint_Error is propagated. If
+ -- either I or J do not designate an element in Container, then
+ -- Program_Error is propagated. Otherwise, Swap exchanges the values of the
+ -- elements designated by I and J.
function First_Index (Container : Vector) return Index_Type;
+ -- Returns the value Index_Type'First.
function First (Container : Vector) return Cursor;
+ -- If Container is empty, First returns No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a
+ -- cursor that designates the first element in Container.
function First_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type;
+ -- Equivalent to Element (Container, First_Index (Container)).
function Last_Index (Container : Vector) return Extended_Index;
+ -- If Container is empty, Last_Index returns No_Index. Otherwise, it
+ -- returns the position of the last element in Container.
function Last (Container : Vector) return Cursor;
+ -- If Container is empty, Last returns No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a
+ -- cursor that designates the last element in Container.
function Last_Element (Container : Vector) return Element_Type;
+ -- Equivalent to Element (Container, Last_Index (Container)).
function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
+ -- If Position equals No_Element or designates the last element of the
+ -- container, then Next returns the value No_Element. Otherwise, it returns
+ -- a cursor that designates the element with index To_Index (Position) + 1
+ -- in the same vector as Position.
procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor);
+ -- Equivalent to Position := Next (Position).
function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
+ -- If Position equals No_Element or designates the first element of the
+ -- container, then Previous returns the value No_Element. Otherwise, it
+ -- returns a cursor that designates the element with index To_Index
+ -- (Position) - 1 in the same vector as Position.
procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);
+ -- Equivalent to Position := Previous (Position).
function Find_Index
(Container : Vector;
Item : Element_Type;
Index : Index_Type := Index_Type'First) return Extended_Index;
+ -- Searches the elements of Container for an element equal to Item (using
+ -- the generic formal equality operator). The search starts at position
+ -- Index and proceeds towards Last_Index (Container). If no equal
+ -- element is found, then Find_Index returns No_Index. Otherwise, it
+ -- returns the index of the first equal element encountered.
function Find
(Container : Vector;
Item : Element_Type;
Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
+ -- If Position is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. Otherwise Find searches
+ -- the elements of Container for an element equal to Item (using the
+ -- generic formal equality operator). The search starts at the first
+ -- element if Position equals No_Element, and at the element designated
+ -- by Position otherwise. It proceeds towards the last element of
+ -- Container. If no equal element is found, then Find returns
+ -- No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a cursor designating the first
+ -- equal element encountered.
function Reverse_Find_Index
(Container : Vector;
Item : Element_Type;
Index : Index_Type := Index_Type'Last) return Extended_Index;
+ -- Searches the elements of Container for an element equal to Item (using
+ -- the generic formal equality operator). The search starts at position
+ -- Index or, if Index is greater than Last_Index (Container), at
+ -- position Last_Index (Container). It proceeds towards First_Index
+ -- (Container). If no equal element is found, then Reverse_Find_Index
+ -- returns No_Index. Otherwise, it returns the index of the first equal
+ -- element encountered.
function Reverse_Find
(Container : Vector;
Item : Element_Type;
Position : Cursor := No_Element) return Cursor;
+ -- If Position is not No_Element, and does not designate an element in
+ -- Container, then Program_Error is propagated. Otherwise Reverse_Find
+ -- searches the elements of Container for an element equal to Item
+ -- (using the generic formal equality operator). The search starts at
+ -- the last element if Position equals No_Element, and at the element
+ -- designated by Position otherwise. It proceeds towards the first
+ -- element of Container. If no equal element is found, then Reverse_Find
+ -- returns No_Element. Otherwise, it returns a cursor designating the
+ -- first equal element encountered.
function Contains
(Container : Vector;
Item : Element_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Equivalent to Has_Element (Find (Container, Item)).
procedure Iterate
(Container : Vector;
Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
+ -- Invokes Process.all with a cursor that designates each element in
+ -- Container, in index order. Program_Error is propagated if Process.all
+ -- tampers with the cursors of Container. Any exception raised by Process
+ -- is propagated.
procedure Reverse_Iterate
(Container : Vector;
Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor));
+ -- Iterates over the elements in Container as per Iterate, except that
+ -- elements are traversed in reverse index order.
+ --
function Iterate (Container : Vector)
return Vector_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;
@@ -342,13 +626,35 @@ package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
+ -- The actual function for the generic formal function "<" of
+ -- Generic_Sorting is expected to return the same value each time it is
+ -- called with a particular pair of element values. It should define a
+ -- strict ordering relationship, that is, be irreflexive, asymmetric,
+ -- and transitive; it should not modify Container. If the actual for "<"
+ -- behaves in some other manner, the behavior of the subprograms of
+ -- Generic_Sorting are unspecified. How many times the subprograms of
+ -- Generic_Sorting call "<" is unspecified.
package Generic_Sorting is
function Is_Sorted (Container : Vector) return Boolean;
+ -- Returns True if the elements are sorted smallest first as determined
+ -- by the generic formal "<" operator; otherwise, Is_Sorted returns
+ -- False. Any exception raised during evaluation of "<" is propagated.
procedure Sort (Container : in out Vector);
+ -- Reorders the elements of Container such that the elements are sorted
+ -- smallest first as determined by the generic formal "<" operator
+ -- provided. Any exception raised during evaluation of "<" is
+ -- propagated.
procedure Merge (Target : in out Vector; Source : in out Vector);
+ -- Merge removes elements from Source and inserts them into Target;
+ -- afterwards, Target contains the union of the elements that were
+ -- initially in Source and Target; Source is left empty. If Target and
+ -- Source are initially sorted smallest first, then Target is ordered
+ -- smallest first as determined by the generic formal "<" operator;
+ -- otherwise, the order of elements in Target is unspecified. Any
+ -- exception raised during evaluation of "<" is propagated.
end Generic_Sorting;