path: root/sim/mips/gencode.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sim/mips/gencode.c')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/sim/mips/gencode.c b/sim/mips/gencode.c
index ceb471d..4f2044a 100644
--- a/sim/mips/gencode.c
+++ b/sim/mips/gencode.c
@@ -1001,20 +1001,21 @@ letter_for_data_len( insn )
static char*
-type_for_data_len( insn )
+type_for_data_len( insn , is_signed )
struct instruction* insn;
+ int is_signed;
- return "int";
+ return is_signed ? "int" : "unsigned int";
- return "int";
+ return is_signed ? "int" : "unsigned int";
else if (GETDATASIZEINSN(insn) == WORD)
- return "long";
+ return is_signed ? "signed64" : "unsigned64";
- return "long long";
+ return 0;
return 0;
@@ -3363,48 +3364,55 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
char* tmptype;
char* maximum;
+ char* maxsat;
char* minimum;
- char* signedness;
char* signletter;
if ( insn->flags & UNSIGNED )
- tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn );
- signedness = "unsigned";
+ tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn, 0/*unsigned*/ );
signletter = "U";
maximum = umax_for_data_len( insn );
+ maxsat = (insn->flags & SUBTRACT) ? "0" : maximum;
minimum = 0;
else if ( insn->flags & SATURATE )
- tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn );
- signedness = "";
+ tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn, 1/*signed*/ );
signletter = "S";
maximum = max_for_data_len( insn );
+ maxsat = maximum;
minimum = min_for_data_len( insn );
- tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn );
- signedness = "";
+ tmptype = type_for_data_len( insn, 1/*signed*/ );
signletter = "S";
maximum = 0;
+ maxsat = 0;
minimum = 0;
- printf("int i;\n");
- printf("for(i=0;i<%sS_IN_MMI_REGS;i++)\n", name );
- printf(" {\n");
- printf(" %s %s r = RS_%s%s(i) %s RT_%s%s(i);\n", signedness, tmptype, signletter, letter, op, signletter, letter );
+ printf(" int i;\n");
+ printf(" for (i=0; i < %sS_IN_MMI_REGS; i++)\n", name );
+ printf(" {\n");
+ printf(" %s s = RS_%s%s(i);\n", tmptype, signletter, letter);
+ printf(" %s t = RT_%s%s(i);\n", tmptype, signletter, letter);
+ printf(" %s r = s %s t;\n", tmptype, op);
if ( maximum )
- printf(" if (r > %s) GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = %s;\n", maximum, signletter, letter, maximum );
+ printf(" if (r > %s)\n", maximum);
+ printf(" GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = %s;\n", signletter, letter, maxsat );
if ( minimum )
- printf(" else if (r < %s) GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = %s;\n", minimum, signletter, letter, minimum );
- printf(" else ");
+ {
+ printf(" else if (r < %s)\n", minimum);
+ printf(" GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = %s;\n", signletter, letter, minimum );
+ }
+ printf(" else\n");
+ printf(" ");
- printf("GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = r;\n", signletter, letter );
- printf(" }\n");
+ printf(" GPR_%s%s(destreg,i) = r;\n", signletter, letter );
+ printf(" }\n");
@@ -3433,61 +3441,74 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
char* op;
char* sign = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "U" : "S";
- char* prodtype = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "uword64" : "word64";
+ char* prodtype = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "unsigned64" : "signed64";
char* constructor = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "UWORD64" : "WORD64";
- printf("%s prod0;\n", prodtype );
- printf("%s prod1;\n", prodtype );
if ( insn->flags & SUBTRACT )
op = "-";
- printf("prod0 = %s( HI_SW(0), LO_SW(0) );\n", constructor );
- printf("prod1 = %s( HI_SW(2), LO_SW(2) );\n", constructor );
+ printf(" %s sum0 = %s( HI_SW(0), LO_SW(0) );\n", prodtype, constructor );
+ printf(" %s sum1 = %s( HI_SW(2), LO_SW(2) );\n", prodtype, constructor );
else if ( insn->flags & ADDITION )
op = "+";
- printf("prod0 = %s( HI_SW(0), LO_SW(0) );\n", constructor );
- printf("prod1 = %s( HI_SW(2), LO_SW(2) );\n", constructor );
+ printf(" %s sum0 = %s( HI_SW(0), LO_SW(0) );\n", prodtype, constructor );
+ printf(" %s sum1 = %s( HI_SW(2), LO_SW(2) );\n", prodtype, constructor );
- op = "";
+ {
+ op = "";
+ printf(" %s sum0 = 0;\n", prodtype );
+ printf(" %s sum1 = 0;\n", prodtype );
+ }
+ printf(" %s prod0 = (%s)RS_%sW(0) * (%s)RT_%sW(0);\n", prodtype, prodtype, sign, prodtype, sign );
+ printf(" %s prod1 = (%s)RS_%sW(2) * (%s)RT_%sW(2);\n", prodtype, prodtype, sign, prodtype, sign );
- printf("prod0 %s= (%s)RS_SW(0) * (%s)RT_SW(0);\n", op, prodtype, prodtype );
- printf("prod1 %s= (%s)RS_SW(2) * (%s)RT_SW(2);\n", op, prodtype, prodtype );
+ printf(" sum0 %s= prod0;\n", op );
+ printf(" sum1 %s= prod1;\n", op );
- printf("GPR_%sD(destreg,0) = prod0;\n", sign );
- printf("GPR_%sD(destreg,1) = prod1;\n", sign );
+ printf(" GPR_%sD(destreg,0) = sum0;\n", sign );
+ printf(" GPR_%sD(destreg,1) = sum1;\n", sign );
- printf("LO = SIGNEXTEND( prod0, 32 );\n");
- printf("HI = SIGNEXTEND( WORD64HI(prod0), 32 );\n");
- printf("LO1 = SIGNEXTEND( prod1, 32 );\n");
- printf("HI1 = SIGNEXTEND( WORD64HI(prod1), 32 );\n");
+ printf(" LO = SIGNEXTEND( sum0, 32 );\n");
+ printf(" HI = SIGNEXTEND( WORD64HI(sum0), 32 );\n");
+ printf(" LO1 = SIGNEXTEND( sum1, 32 );\n");
+ printf(" HI1 = SIGNEXTEND( WORD64HI(sum1), 32 );\n");
case PDIVW:
- {
- char* sign = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "U" : "S";
- printf("LO = RS_%sW(0) / RT_%sW(0);\n", sign, sign );
- printf("HI = RS_%sW(0) %% RT_%sW(0);\n", sign, sign );
- printf("LO1 = RS_%sW(2) / RT_%sW(2);\n", sign, sign );
- printf("HI1 = RS_%sW(2) %% RT_%sW(2);\n", sign, sign );
- break;
- }
+ {
+ char* sign = (insn->flags & UNSIGNED) ? "U" : "S";
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i ++)
+ {
+ char hi = (i == 0 ? ' ' : '1');
+ int d = i * 2;
+ printf("if (RT_UW(%d) != 0)\n", d );
+ printf(" {\n");
+ printf("LO%c = (signed32)(RS_%sW(%d) / RT_%sW(%d));\n", hi, sign, d, sign, d );
+ printf("HI%c = (signed32)(RS_%sW(%d) %% RT_%sW(%d));\n", hi, sign, d, sign, d );
+ printf(" }\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case PDIVBW:
- printf("int devisor = RT_SH(0);\n");
- printf("LO_SW(0) = RS_SW(0) / devisor;\n");
- printf("HI_SW(0) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(0) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
- printf("LO_SW(1) = RS_SW(1) / devisor;\n");
- printf("HI_SW(1) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(1) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
- printf("LO_SW(2) = RS_SW(2) / devisor;\n");
- printf("HI_SW(2) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(2) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
- printf("LO_SW(3) = RS_SW(3) / devisor;\n");
- printf("HI_SW(3) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(3) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
+ printf("signed32 devisor = RT_SH(0);\n");
+ printf("if (devisor != 0)\n");
+ printf(" {\n");
+ printf(" LO_SW(0) = RS_SW(0) / devisor;\n");
+ printf(" HI_SW(0) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(0) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
+ printf(" LO_SW(1) = RS_SW(1) / devisor;\n");
+ printf(" HI_SW(1) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(1) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
+ printf(" LO_SW(2) = RS_SW(2) / devisor;\n");
+ printf(" HI_SW(2) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(2) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
+ printf(" LO_SW(3) = RS_SW(3) / devisor;\n");
+ printf(" HI_SW(3) = SIGNEXTEND( (RS_SW(3) %% devisor), 16 );\n");
+ printf(" }\n");
case PADSBH:
@@ -3530,8 +3551,12 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
case PSLLVW:
- printf("GPR_UD(destreg,0) = RT_UW(0) << (RS_UB(0) & 0x1F);\n");
- printf("GPR_UD(destreg,1) = RT_UW(2) << (RS_UB(8) & 0x1F);\n");
+ printf("int s0 = (RS_UB(0) & 0x1F);\n");
+ printf("int s1 = (RS_UB(8) & 0x1F);\n");
+ printf("signed32 temp0 = RT_UW(0) << s0;\n");
+ printf("signed32 temp1 = RT_UW(2) << s1;\n");
+ printf("GPR_SD(destreg,0) = (signed64)temp0;\n");
+ printf("GPR_SD(destreg,1) = (signed64)temp1;\n");
case PSRLVW:
@@ -3876,13 +3901,29 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
printf(" }\n");
printf("else if (op1 == 2)\n");
printf(" {\n");
- printf(" unsigned long long t = ((uword64)HI_UW(0) << 32) | (uword64)LO_UW(0);\n");
- printf(" if ( t > 0x7FFFFFFF )\n");
- printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = 0x7FFFFFFF;\n");
- printf(" else if ( t > (uword64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL )\n");
- printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = (uword64)0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL;\n");
+ printf(" /* NOTE: This code implements a saturate according to the\n");
+ printf(" figure on page B-115 and not according to the\n");
+ printf(" definition on page B-113 */\n");
+ printf(" signed64 t = ((unsigned64)HI_UW(0) << 32) | (unsigned64)LO_UW(0);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 u = ((unsigned64)HI_UW(2) << 32) | (unsigned64)LO_UW(2);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 x000000007FFFFFFF = LSMASK64 (31);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 xFFFFFFFF80000000 = MSMASK64 (33);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = LSMASK64 (63);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 x8000000000000000 = MSMASK64 (1);\n");
+ printf(" signed64 x0000000080000000 = x000000007FFFFFFF + 1;\n");
+ printf(" signed64 minus0000000080000000 = -x0000000080000000;\n");
+ printf(" if ( t > x000000007FFFFFFF )\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = x000000007FFFFFFF;\n");
+ printf(" else if ( t < minus0000000080000000 )\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = minus0000000080000000;\n");
+ printf(" else\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = t;\n");
+ printf(" if ( u > x000000007FFFFFFF )\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,1) = x000000007FFFFFFF;\n");
+ printf(" else if ( u < minus0000000080000000 )\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,1) = minus0000000080000000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
- printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,0) = SIGNEXTEND(t,32);\n");
+ printf(" GPR_SD(destreg,1) = u;\n");
printf(" }\n");
printf("else if (op1 == 3)\n");
printf(" {\n");
@@ -3897,58 +3938,58 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
printf(" }\n");
printf("else if (op1 == 4)\n");
printf(" {\n");
- printf(" if (LO_UW(0) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (LO_SW(0) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (LO_UW(0) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (LO_SW(0) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = LO_UH(0);\n");
- printf(" if (LO_UW(1) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (LO_SW(1) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (LO_UW(1) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (LO_SW(1) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = LO_UH(2);\n");
- printf(" if (HI_UW(0) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (HI_UW(0) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = 0x8000;\n");
+ printf(" if (HI_SW(0) > 0x7FFF)\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,2) = 0x7FFF;\n");
+ printf(" else if (HI_SW(0) < -0x8000)\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,2) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,0) = HI_UH(0);\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,2) = HI_UH(0);\n");
- printf(" if (HI_UW(1) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (HI_UW(1) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = 0x8000;\n");
+ printf(" if (HI_SW(1) > 0x7FFF)\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,3) = 0x7FFF;\n");
+ printf(" else if (HI_SW(1) < -0x8000)\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,3) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
- printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,1) = HI_UH(2);\n");
+ printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,3) = HI_UH(2);\n");
- printf(" if (LO_UW(2) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (LO_SW(2) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,4) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (LO_UW(2) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (LO_SW(2) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,4) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,4) = LO_UH(4);\n");
- printf(" if (LO_UW(3) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (LO_SW(3) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,5) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (LO_UW(3) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (LO_SW(3) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,5) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,5) = LO_UH(6);\n");
- printf(" if (HI_UW(2) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (HI_SW(2) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,6) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (HI_UW(2) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (HI_SW(2) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,6) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,6) = HI_UH(4);\n");
- printf(" if (HI_UW(3) > 0x00007FFF)\n");
+ printf(" if (HI_SW(3) > 0x7FFF)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,7) = 0x7FFF;\n");
- printf(" else if (HI_UW(3) >= 0xFFFF8000)\n");
+ printf(" else if (HI_SW(3) < -0x8000)\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,7) = 0x8000;\n");
printf(" else\n");
printf(" GPR_UH(destreg,7) = HI_UH(6);\n");
@@ -3981,7 +4022,7 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
printf("int i;\n");
printf(" {\n");
- printf(" int x = RT_UW(i);\n");
+ printf(" unsigned32 x = RT_UW(i);\n");
printf(" GPR_UW(destreg,i) = ((x & (1 << 15)) << (31 - 15)) \n");
printf(" | ((x & (31 << 10)) << (19 - 10)) \n");
printf(" | ((x & (31 << 5)) << (11 - 5)) \n");
@@ -3993,7 +4034,7 @@ build_instruction (doisa, features, mips16, insn)
printf("int i;\n");
printf(" {\n");
- printf(" int x = RT_UW(i);\n");
+ printf(" unsigned32 x = RT_UW(i);\n");
printf(" GPR_UW(destreg,i) = ((x & (1 << 31)) >> (31 - 15)) \n");
printf(" | ((x & (31 << 19)) >> (19 - 10)) \n");
printf(" | ((x & (31 << 11)) >> (11 - 5)) \n");