path: root/docs
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authorErik Skultety <eskultet@redhat.com>2022-07-14 12:41:35 +0200
committerErik Skultety <eskultet@redhat.com>2022-07-14 15:14:19 +0200
commit5d21175965f20ecda0dac8bafe08831f6da296ea (patch)
tree111916507cc9d7506e263d02a383c242cd1566c0 /docs
parent6af299348aab3122e24cdc7e99e127c2560e59bf (diff)
README: Move sections about VMs into a standalone RST document
Signed-off-by: Erik Skultety <eskultet@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/vms.rst b/docs/vms.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2454b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/vms.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+VM handling
+Before you can start installing or managing machines, you need to create
+``~/.config/lcitool/config.yml``, ideally by copying the
+``config.yml`` template, and set at least the options marked as
+"(mandatory)" depending on the flavor (``test``, ``gitlab``) you wish to
+use with your machines.
+If managing VMs installed locally with libvirt you can use the
+`libvirt NSS plugin <https://libvirt.org/nss.html>`_ to your
+convenience and after installing an enabling the plugin on the host you can
+refer to your machines by their name in the Ansible inventory.
+As for the plugin settings, you'll be mainly interested in the ``libvirt_guest``
+variant of the plugin.
+To keep guests up to date over time, you might find it useful to have an entry
+such as this one
+ 0 0 * * * lcitool update all all
+in your crontab.
+Installing local VMs
+In order to install a local VM with lcitool, run the following:
+ lcitool install $host --target $target_os
+where ``$host`` is the name for the VM and ``$target_os`` is one of the
+supported target OS plaforms (see `Usage and examples`_ below).
+Another option of installing guests with lcitool is by adding a managed host
+entry in the Ansible inventory in which case lcitool's invocation would look
+like this:
+ lcitool install $host
+Refer to the `Ansible inventory`_ and `Managed hosts`_ sections below on how to
+use an inventory with lcitool. Note that not all guests can be installed using
+the ways described above, e.g. FreeBSD or Alpine guests.
+See the `FreeBSD`_ section below to know how to add such a host in that case.
+Ansible inventory
+In addition to creating a configuration file as described in `Configuration`_,
+you may also need to provide an Ansible inventory depending on whether
+you want to manage external hosts (e.g. machines hosted in public cloud) with
+lcitool. The inventory will then have to be placed under the
+``~/.config/lcitool`` directory and must be named ``inventory``. It can either
+be a single file or a directory containing multiple inventory sources just like
+Ansible would allow. You can use any format Ansible recognizes for inventories
+- it can even be a dynamic one, i.e. a script conforming to Ansible's
+There's one requirement however that any inventory source **must** comply with
+to be usable with lcitool - every single host must be a member of a group
+corresponding to one of our supported target OS platforms (see the next section
+on how to obtain the list of targets).
+Please avoid naming your hosts and inventory groups identically, otherwise
+Ansible will complain by issuing a warning about this which may in turn result
+in an unexpected Ansible behaviour.
+Managed hosts
+Since hosts may come from a public cloud environment, we don't execute all the
+Ansible tasks which set up the VM environment by default because some of the
+tasks could render such hosts unusable. However, for hosts that are going to
+be installed as local VMs, we do recommend adding ``fully_managed=True`` as
+an inventory variable because it is safe to run all the Ansible tasks in this
+An example of a simple INI inventory:
+ [centos-stream-8]
+ centos-stream-8-1
+ centos-stream-8-2
+ some-other-centos-stream-8
+ [fedora-35]
+ fedora-test-1
+ fedora-test-2 fully_managed=True
+ [debian-10]
+Usage and examples
+Before any project can be built using VMs with lcitool, make sure that lcitool
+knows about the host, either by installing a new guest or updating the Ansible
+inventory with an external one as mentioned in previous sections. Then you need
+run the following:
+ $ lcitool update $guest $project
+This will go through all the post-installation configuration steps required to
+make the newly-added machine usable and ready to be used for building
+``$project``. It is also recommended to run the same command periodically to
+ensure the machine configuration is sane and all installed packages are updated
+for maintenance purposes.
+To get a list of known target platforms run:
+ $ lcitool targets
+If you're interested in the list of hosts currently provided through the
+inventory sources, run:
+ $ lcitool hosts
+To see the list of supported projects that can be built from source with
+lcitool, run:
+ $ lcitool projects
+You can run operations involving multiple guests and projects during a single
+execution as well since both hosts and project specification support shell
+globbing. Using the above inventory as an example, running
+ $ lcitool update '*fedora*' '*osinfo*'
+will update all Fedora guests and get them ready to build libosinfo and related
+projects. Once hosts have been prepared following the steps above, you can use
+``lcitool`` to perform builds as well: for example, running
+ $ lcitool build '*debian*' libvirt-python
+will fetch libvirt-python's ``master`` branch from the upstream repository
+and build it on all Debian hosts.
+You can add more git repositories by tweaking the ``git_urls`` dictionary
+defined in ``playbooks/build/jobs/defaults.yml`` and then build arbitrary
+branches out of those with
+ $ lcitool build -g github/cool-feature all libvirt
+Note that unlike other lcitool commands which take projects as input the 'build'
+command doesn't accept the project list specified either as 'all' or with a
+Test use
+If you are a developer trying to reproduce a bug on some OS you don't
+have easy access to, you can use these tools to create a suitable test
+The ``test`` flavor is used by default, so you don't need to do anything
+special in order to use it: just follow the steps outlined above. Once
+a guest has been prepared, you'll be able to log in as ``test`` either
+via SSH (your public key will have been authorized) or on the serial
+console (password: ``test``).
+Once logged in, you'll be able to perform administrative tasks using
+``sudo``. Regular root access will still be available, either through
+SSH or on the serial console.
+Since guests created for this purpose are probably not going to be
+long-lived or contain valuable information, you can configure your
+SSH client to skip some of the usual verification steps and thus
+prompt you less frequently; moreover, you can have the username
+selected automatically for you to avoid having to type it in every
+single time you want to connect. Just add
+ Host libvirt-*
+ User test
+ GSSAPIAuthentication no
+ StrictHostKeyChecking no
+ CheckHostIP no
+ UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
+to your ``~/.ssh/config`` file to achieve all of the above.
+If you intend to use the generated images as templates to be instantiated in
+a cloud environment like OpenStack, then you want to set the
+``install.cloud_init`` key to ``true`` in ``~/.config/lcitool/config.yaml``. This will
+install the necessary cloud-init packages and enable the corresponding services
+at boot time. However, there are still a few manual steps involved to create a
+generic template. You'll need to install the ``libguestfs-tools`` package for that.
+Once you have it installed, shutdown the machines gracefully. First, we're going to
+"unconfigure" the machine in a way, so that clones can be made out of it.
+ $ virt-sysprep -a libvirt-<machine_distro>.qcow2
+Then, we sparsify and compress the image in order to shrink the disk to the
+smallest size possible
+ $ virt-sparsify --compress --format qcow2 <indisk> <outdisk>
+Now you're ready to upload the image to your cloud provider, e.g. OpenStack
+ $ glance image-create --name <image_name> --disk-format qcow2 --file <outdisk>
+FreeBSD is tricky with regards to cloud-init, so have a look at the
+`Cloud-init with FreeBSD`_ section instead.
+Installation of FreeBSD guests must be performed manually; alternatively,
+the official qcow2 images can be used to quickly bring up such guests.
+ $ MAJOR=12
+ $ MINOR=1
+ $ sudo wget -O /var/lib/libvirt/images/libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR.qcow2.xz \
+ https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/$VER/amd64/Latest/FreeBSD-$VER-amd64.qcow2.xz
+ $ sudo unxz /var/lib/libvirt/images/libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR.qcow2.xz
+ $ virt-install \
+ --import \
+ --name libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR \
+ --vcpus 2 \
+ --graphics vnc \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ --console pty \
+ --sound none \
+ --rng device=/dev/urandom,model=virtio \
+ --memory 2048 \
+ --os-variant freebsd$MAJOR.0 \
+ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR.qcow2
+The default qcow2 images are sized too small to be usable. To enlarge
+them do
+ $ virsh blockresize libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR \
+ /var/lib/libvirt/images/libvirt-freebsd-$MAJOR.qcow2 15G
+Then inside the guest, as root, enlarge the 3rd partition & filesystem
+to consume all new space:
+ # gpart resize -i 3 vtbd0
+ # service growfs onestart
+Some manual tweaking will be needed, in particular:
+* ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` must contain the ``PermitRootLogin yes`` directive;
+* ``/etc/rc.conf`` must contain the ``sshd_enable="YES"`` setting;
+* the root password must be manually set to "root" (without quotes).
+Once these steps have been performed, FreeBSD guests can be managed just
+like all other guests.
+Cloud-init with FreeBSD
+FreeBSD doesn't fully support cloud-init, so in order to make use of it, there
+are a bunch of manual steps involved. First, you want to install the base OS
+manually rather than use the official qcow2 images, in contrast to the
+suggestion above, because cloud-init requires a specific disk partitioning scheme.
+Best you can do is to look at the official
+`OpenStack guide <https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/freebsd-image.html>`_
+and follow only the installation guide (along with the ``virt-install`` steps
+outlined above).
+Now, that you have and OS installed and booted, set the ``install.cloud_init``
+key to ``true`` in ``~/.config/lcitool/config.yaml`` and update it with the
+desired project.
+The sysprep phase is completely manual, as ``virt-sysprep`` cannot work with
+FreeBSD's UFS filesystem (because the Linux kernel can only mount it read-only).
+Compressing and uploading the image looks the same as was mentioned in the
+earlier sections
+ $ virt-sparsify --compress --format qcow2 <indisk> <outdisk>
+ $ glance image-create --name <image_name> --disk-format qcow2 --file <outdisk>