path: root/tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py
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authorSimon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>2023-02-23 18:18:04 -0700
committerSimon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>2023-03-08 11:40:49 -0800
commit4583c00236efd4ee768ff874f92526c229891a05 (patch)
treed4a3f04f59f88876d54415dc2c341402ba0dd54f /tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py
parent00290d6a5bdf41dc610d89d763fcb48936285600 (diff)
patman: Move library functions into a library directory
The patman directory has a number of modules which are used by other tools in U-Boot. This makes it hard to package the tools using pypi since the common files must be copied along with the tool that uses them. To address this, move these files into a new u_boot_pylib library. This can be packaged separately and listed as a dependency of each tool. Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py b/tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d79f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/u_boot_pylib/terminal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
+"""Terminal utilities
+This module handles terminal interaction including ANSI color codes.
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+# Selection of when we want our output to be colored
+# Initially, we are set up to print to the terminal
+print_test_mode = False
+print_test_list = []
+# The length of the last line printed without a newline
+last_print_len = None
+# credit:
+# stackoverflow.com/questions/14693701/how-can-i-remove-the-ansi-escape-sequences-from-a-string-in-python
+ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])')
+class PrintLine:
+ """A line of text output
+ Members:
+ text: Text line that was printed
+ newline: True to output a newline after the text
+ colour: Text colour to use
+ """
+ def __init__(self, text, colour, newline=True, bright=True):
+ self.text = text
+ self.newline = newline
+ self.colour = colour
+ self.bright = bright
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (self.text == other.text and
+ self.newline == other.newline and
+ self.colour == other.colour and
+ self.bright == other.bright)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("newline=%s, colour=%s, bright=%d, text='%s'" %
+ (self.newline, self.colour, self.bright, self.text))
+def calc_ascii_len(text):
+ """Calculate the length of a string, ignoring any ANSI sequences
+ When displayed on a terminal, ANSI sequences don't take any space, so we
+ need to ignore them when calculating the length of a string.
+ Args:
+ text: Text to check
+ Returns:
+ Length of text, after skipping ANSI sequences
+ >>> col = Color(COLOR_ALWAYS)
+ >>> text = col.build(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> len(text)
+ 14
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(text)
+ 3
+ >>>
+ >>> text += 'def'
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(text)
+ 6
+ >>> text += col.build(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(text)
+ 9
+ """
+ result = ansi_escape.sub('', text)
+ return len(result)
+def trim_ascii_len(text, size):
+ """Trim a string containing ANSI sequences to the given ASCII length
+ The string is trimmed with ANSI sequences being ignored for the length
+ calculation.
+ >>> col = Color(COLOR_ALWAYS)
+ >>> text = col.build(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> len(text)
+ 14
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(trim_ascii_len(text, 4))
+ 3
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(trim_ascii_len(text, 2))
+ 2
+ >>> text += 'def'
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(trim_ascii_len(text, 4))
+ 4
+ >>> text += col.build(Color.RED, 'ghi')
+ >>> calc_ascii_len(trim_ascii_len(text, 7))
+ 7
+ """
+ if calc_ascii_len(text) < size:
+ return text
+ pos = 0
+ out = ''
+ left = size
+ # Work through each ANSI sequence in turn
+ for m in ansi_escape.finditer(text):
+ # Find the text before the sequence and add it to our string, making
+ # sure it doesn't overflow
+ before = text[pos:m.start()]
+ toadd = before[:left]
+ out += toadd
+ # Figure out how much non-ANSI space we have left
+ left -= len(toadd)
+ # Add the ANSI sequence and move to the position immediately after it
+ out += m.group()
+ pos = m.start() + len(m.group())
+ # Deal with text after the last ANSI sequence
+ after = text[pos:]
+ toadd = after[:left]
+ out += toadd
+ return out
+def tprint(text='', newline=True, colour=None, limit_to_line=False, bright=True):
+ """Handle a line of output to the terminal.
+ In test mode this is recorded in a list. Otherwise it is output to the
+ terminal.
+ Args:
+ text: Text to print
+ newline: True to add a new line at the end of the text
+ colour: Colour to use for the text
+ """
+ global last_print_len
+ if print_test_mode:
+ print_test_list.append(PrintLine(text, colour, newline, bright))
+ else:
+ if colour:
+ col = Color()
+ text = col.build(colour, text, bright=bright)
+ if newline:
+ print(text)
+ last_print_len = None
+ else:
+ if limit_to_line:
+ cols = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
+ text = trim_ascii_len(text, cols)
+ print(text, end='', flush=True)
+ last_print_len = calc_ascii_len(text)
+def print_clear():
+ """Clear a previously line that was printed with no newline"""
+ global last_print_len
+ if last_print_len:
+ print('\r%s\r' % (' '* last_print_len), end='', flush=True)
+ last_print_len = None
+def set_print_test_mode(enable=True):
+ """Go into test mode, where all printing is recorded"""
+ global print_test_mode
+ print_test_mode = enable
+ get_print_test_lines()
+def get_print_test_lines():
+ """Get a list of all lines output through tprint()
+ Returns:
+ A list of PrintLine objects
+ """
+ global print_test_list
+ ret = print_test_list
+ print_test_list = []
+ return ret
+def echo_print_test_lines():
+ """Print out the text lines collected"""
+ for line in print_test_list:
+ if line.colour:
+ col = Color()
+ print(col.build(line.colour, line.text), end='')
+ else:
+ print(line.text, end='')
+ if line.newline:
+ print()
+class Color(object):
+ """Conditionally wraps text in ANSI color escape sequences."""
+ BOLD = -1
+ BRIGHT_START = '\033[1;%dm'
+ NORMAL_START = '\033[22;%dm'
+ BOLD_START = '\033[1m'
+ RESET = '\033[0m'
+ def __init__(self, colored=COLOR_IF_TERMINAL):
+ """Create a new Color object, optionally disabling color output.
+ Args:
+ enabled: True if color output should be enabled. If False then this
+ class will not add color codes at all.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._enabled = (colored == COLOR_ALWAYS or
+ (colored == COLOR_IF_TERMINAL and
+ os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())))
+ except:
+ self._enabled = False
+ def start(self, color, bright=True):
+ """Returns a start color code.
+ Args:
+ color: Color to use, .e.g BLACK, RED, etc.
+ Returns:
+ If color is enabled, returns an ANSI sequence to start the given
+ color, otherwise returns empty string
+ """
+ if self._enabled:
+ base = self.BRIGHT_START if bright else self.NORMAL_START
+ return base % (color + 30)
+ return ''
+ def stop(self):
+ """Returns a stop color code.
+ Returns:
+ If color is enabled, returns an ANSI color reset sequence,
+ otherwise returns empty string
+ """
+ if self._enabled:
+ return self.RESET
+ return ''
+ def build(self, color, text, bright=True):
+ """Returns text with conditionally added color escape sequences.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ color: Text color -- one of the color constants defined in this
+ class.
+ text: The text to color.
+ Returns:
+ If self._enabled is False, returns the original text. If it's True,
+ returns text with color escape sequences based on the value of
+ color.
+ """
+ if not self._enabled:
+ return text
+ if color == self.BOLD:
+ start = self.BOLD_START
+ else:
+ base = self.BRIGHT_START if bright else self.NORMAL_START
+ start = base % (color + 30)
+ return start + text + self.RESET