path: root/vgasrc/stdvgamodes.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-02-11vgabios: Make sure stdvga_list_modes() doesn't overrun the buffer.Kevin O'Connor1-1/+1
2013-12-04vgabios: Load the DAC palette in "packed" modes on Cirrus and BochsVGA.Kevin O'Connor1-0/+7
2013-09-18Move function definitions for output.c from util.h to new file output.h.Kevin O'Connor1-2/+2
2013-09-18Rename util.c to string.c and introduce string.h.Kevin O'Connor1-1/+2
2012-09-10Report stdvga modes in VBE via int10 (AX = 4F00h)Christian Gmeiner1-0/+10
2012-02-01vgabios: Move stdvga_set_mode() to stdvgamodes.c.Kevin O'Connor1-2/+118
2012-02-01vgabios: Move BDA setting from driver code to common code.Kevin O'Connor1-0/+7
2012-01-16vgabios: Don't have geode code peak into stdvga mode struct.Kevin O'Connor1-0/+11
2012-01-16vgabios: Rename vgatables.c to stdvgamodes.c.Kevin O'Connor1-0/+362