path: root/slof/fs/fcode/1275.fs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'slof/fs/fcode/1275.fs')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slof/fs/fcode/1275.fs b/slof/fs/fcode/1275.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ee3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slof/fs/fcode/1275.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+\ *****************************************************************************
+\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation
+\ * All rights reserved.
+\ * This program and the accompanying materials
+\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
+\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+\ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
+\ *
+\ * Contributors:
+\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
+\ ****************************************************************************/
+0 value function-type ' function-type @ constant <value>
+ variable function-type ' function-type @ constant <variable>
+0 constant function-type ' function-type @ constant <constant>
+: function-type ; ' function-type @ constant <colon>
+create function-type ' function-type @ constant <create>
+defer function-type ' function-type @ constant <defer>
+\ variable tmp-buf-current
+\ variable orig-here
+\ create tmp-buf 10000 allot
+( ---------------------------------------------------- )
+: fcode-revision ( -- n )
+ 00030000 \ major * 65536 + minor
+ ;
+: b(lit) ( -- n )
+ next-ip read-fcode-num32
+ ?compile-mode IF literal, THEN
+ ;
+: b(")
+ next-ip read-fcode-string
+ ?compile-mode IF fc-string, align postpone count THEN
+ ;
+: b(')
+ next-ip read-fcode# get-token drop ?compile-mode IF literal, THEN
+ ;
+: ?jump-direction ( n -- )
+ dup 8000 >= IF FFFF swap - negate 2- THEN
+ ;
+: ?negative
+ 8000 and
+ ;
+: dest-on-top
+ 0 >r BEGIN dup @ 0= WHILE >r REPEAT
+ BEGIN r> dup WHILE swap REPEAT
+ drop
+ ;
+: ?branch
+ true =
+ ;
+: read-fcode-offset \ ELSE needs to be fixed!
+ ?offset16 IF next-ip read-fcode-num16 ELSE THEN
+ ;
+: b?branch ( flag -- )
+ ?compile-mode IF
+ read-fcode-offset ?negative IF dest-on-top postpone until
+ ELSE postpone if
+ ?branch IF 2 jump-n-ip
+ ELSE read-fcode-offset
+ ?jump-direction 2- jump-n-ip
+ ; immediate
+: bbranch ( -- )
+ ?compile-mode IF
+ read-fcode-offset
+ ?negative IF dest-on-top postpone again
+ ELSE postpone else
+ get-ip next-ip fcode@ B2 = IF drop ELSE set-ip THEN
+ read-fcode-offset ?jump-direction 2- jump-n-ip
+ ; immediate
+: b(<mark) ( -- )
+ ?compile-mode IF postpone begin THEN
+ ; immediate
+: b(>resolve) ( -- )
+ ?compile-mode IF postpone then THEN
+ ; immediate
+: ffwto; ( -- )
+ BEGIN fcode@ dup c2 <> WHILE
+." ffwto: skipping " dup . ." @ " get-ip . cr
+ CASE 10 OF ( lit ) read-fcode-num32 drop ENDOF
+ 11 OF ( ' ) read-fcode# drop ENDOF
+ 12 OF ( " ) read-fcode-string 2drop ENDOF
+ 13 OF ( bbranch ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 14 OF ( b?branch ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 15 OF ( loop ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 16 OF ( +loop ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 17 OF ( do ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 18 OF ( ?do ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ 1C OF ( of ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ C6 OF ( endof ) read-fcode-offset drop ENDOF
+ C3 OF ( to ) read-fcode# drop ENDOF
+ dup OF next-ip ENDOF
+ REPEAT next-ip
+: rpush ( rparm -- ) \ push the rparm to be on top of return stack after exit
+ r> swap >r >r
+: rpop ( -- rparm ) \ pop the rparm that was on top of return stack before this
+ r> r> swap >r
+: b1(;) ( -- )
+." b1(;)" cr
+ rpop set-ip
+\ : b1(:) ( -- )
+\ ." b1(:)" cr
+\ <colon> compile, get-ip 1+ literal ] get-ip rpush set-ip [
+\ ffwto;
+\ ; immediate
+: b(;) ( -- )
+ postpone exit reveal postpone [
+ ; immediate
+: b(:) ( -- )
+ <colon> compile, ]
+ ; immediate
+: b(case) ( sel -- sel )
+ postpone case
+ ; immediate
+: b(endcase)
+ postpone endcase
+ ; immediate
+: b(of)
+ postpone of
+ read-fcode-offset drop \ read and discard offset
+ ; immediate
+: b(endof)
+ postpone endof
+ read-fcode-offset drop
+ ; immediate
+: b(do)
+ postpone do
+ read-fcode-offset drop
+ ; immediate
+: b(?do)
+ postpone ?do
+ read-fcode-offset drop
+ ; immediate
+: b(loop)
+ postpone loop
+ read-fcode-offset drop
+ ; immediate
+: b(+loop)
+ postpone +loop
+ read-fcode-offset drop
+ ; immediate
+: b(leave)
+ postpone leave
+ ; immediate
+: new-token \ unnamed local fcode function
+ align here next-ip read-fcode# 0 swap set-token
+ ;
+: external-token ( -- ) \ named local fcode function
+ next-ip read-fcode-string
+ header ( str len -- ) \ create a header in the current dictionary entry
+ new-token
+ ;
+: new-token
+ eva-debug? IF
+ s" x" get-ip >r next-ip read-fcode# r> set-ip (u.) $cat strdup
+ header
+ THEN new-token
+: named-token \ decide wether or not to give a new token an own name in the dictionary
+ fcode-debug? IF new-token ELSE external-token THEN
+ ;
+: b(to) ( x -- )
+ next-ip read-fcode#
+ get-token drop
+ >body cell -
+ ?compile-mode IF literal, postpone ! ELSE ! THEN
+ ; immediate
+: b(value)
+ <value> , , reveal
+ ;
+: b(variable)
+ <variable> , 0 , reveal
+ ;
+: b(constant)
+ <constant> , , reveal
+ ;
+: undefined-defer
+ cr cr ." Unititialized defer word has been executed!" cr cr
+ true fcode-end !
+ ;
+: b(defer)
+ <defer> , reveal
+ postpone undefined-defer
+ ;
+: b(create)
+ <variable> ,
+ postpone noop reveal
+ ;
+: b(field) ( E: addr -- addr+offset ) ( F: offset size -- offset+size )
+ <colon> , over literal,
+ postpone + postpone exit
+ +
+ ;
+: b(buffer:) ( E: -- a-addr) ( F: size -- )
+ <variable> , allot
+ ;
+: suspend-fcode ( -- )
+ noop \ has to be implemented more efficiently ;-)
+ ;
+: offset16 ( -- )
+ 16 to fcode-offset
+ ;
+: version1 ( -- )
+ 1 to fcode-spread
+ 8 to fcode-offset
+ read-header
+ ;
+: start0 ( -- )
+ 0 to fcode-spread
+ offset16
+ read-header
+ ;
+: start1 ( -- )
+ 1 to fcode-spread
+ offset16
+ read-header
+ ;
+: start2 ( -- )
+ 2 to fcode-spread
+ offset16
+ read-header
+ ;
+: start4 ( -- )
+ 4 to fcode-spread
+ offset16
+ read-header
+ ;
+: end0 ( -- )
+ true fcode-end !
+ ;
+: end1 ( -- )
+ end0
+ ;
+: ferror ( -- )
+ clear end0
+ cr ." FCode# " fcode-num @ . ." not assigned!"
+ cr ." FCode evaluation aborted." cr
+ ." ( -- S:" depth . ." R:" rdepth . ." ) " .s cr
+ abort
+ ;
+: reset-local-fcodes
+ FFF 800 DO ['] ferror 0 i set-token LOOP
+ ;
+: byte-load ( addr xt -- )
+ >r >r
+ save-evaluator-state
+ r> r>
+ reset-fcode-end
+ 1 to fcode-spread
+ dup 1 = IF drop ['] rb@ THEN to fcode-rb@
+ set-ip
+ reset-local-fcodes
+ depth >r
+ evaluate-fcode
+ r> depth 1- <> IF clear end0
+ cr ." Ambiguous stack depth after byte-load!"
+ cr ." FCode evaluation aborted." cr cr
+ ELSE restore-evaluator-state
+ ['] c@ to fcode-rb@
+ ;
+create byte-load-test-fcode
+f1 c, 08 c, 18 c, 69 c, 00 c, 00 c, 00 c, 68 c,
+12 c, 16 c, 62 c, 79 c, 74 c, 65 c, 2d c, 6c c,
+6f c, 61 c, 64 c, 2d c, 74 c, 65 c, 73 c, 74 c,
+2d c, 66 c, 63 c, 6f c, 64 c, 65 c, 21 c, 21 c,
+90 c, 92 c, ( a6 c, a7 c, 2e c, ) 00 c,
+: byte-load-test
+ byte-load-test-fcode ['] w@
+ ; immediate
+: fcode-ms
+ s" ms" $find IF 0= IF compile, ELSE execute THEN THEN ; immediate
+: fcode-$find
+ $find
+ IF
+ drop true
+ false
+ ;
+( ---------------------------------------------------- )