path: root/slof/fs/node.fs
diff options
authorAdrian Reber <adrian@lisas.de>2008-11-21 12:45:38 +0100
committerAdrian Reber <adrian@lisas.de>2008-11-21 12:45:38 +0100
commit1015f69140c36be1c56653075636be60ca433a6d (patch)
tree23c81fb82a757758186b8ad9adab8f48badd3a16 /slof/fs/node.fs
parent07ec038eec68116cbfcc42b4eea568fd334e8c88 (diff)
imported slof-JX-1.4.0-0 releaseslof-JX-1.4.0-0
Diffstat (limited to 'slof/fs/node.fs')
1 files changed, 663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slof/fs/node.fs b/slof/fs/node.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae52b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slof/fs/node.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+\ *****************************************************************************
+\ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation
+\ * All rights reserved.
+\ * This program and the accompanying materials
+\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
+\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+\ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
+\ *
+\ * Contributors:
+\ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation
+\ ****************************************************************************/
+\ Device nodes.
+VARIABLE device-tree
+VARIABLE current-node
+: get-node current-node @ dup 0= ABORT" No active device tree node" ;
+ cell FIELD node>peer
+ cell FIELD node>parent
+ cell FIELD node>child
+ cell FIELD node>properties
+ cell FIELD node>words
+ cell FIELD node>instance
+ cell FIELD node>instance-size
+ cell FIELD node>space?
+ cell FIELD node>space
+ cell FIELD node>addr1
+ cell FIELD node>addr2
+ cell FIELD node>addr3
+: find-method ( str len phandle -- false | xt true )
+ node>words @ voc-find dup IF link> true THEN ;
+\ Instances.
+#include "instance.fs"
+1000 CONSTANT max-instance-size
+3000000 CONSTANT space-code-mask
+: create-node ( parent -- new )
+ max-instance-size alloc-mem dup max-instance-size erase >r
+ align wordlist >r wordlist >r
+ here 0 , swap , 0 , r> , r> , r> , /instance-header , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ;
+: peer node>peer @ ;
+: parent node>parent @ ;
+: child node>child @ ;
+: peer dup IF peer ELSE drop device-tree @ THEN ;
+: link ( new head -- ) \ link a new node at the end of a linked list
+ BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ REPEAT ! ;
+: link-node ( parent child -- )
+ swap dup IF node>child link ELSE drop device-tree ! THEN ;
+\ Set a node as active node.
+: set-node ( phandle -- )
+ current-node @ IF previous THEN
+ dup current-node !
+ ?dup IF node>words @ also context ! THEN
+ definitions ;
+: get-parent get-node parent ;
+: new-node ( -- phandle ) \ active node becomes new node's parent;
+ \ new node becomes active node
+\ XXX: change to get-node, handle root node creation specially
+ current-node @ dup create-node
+ tuck link-node dup set-node ;
+: finish-node ( -- )
+\ we should resize the instance template buffer, but that doesn't help with our
+\ current implementation of alloc-mem anyway, so never mind. XXX
+ get-node parent set-node ;
+: device-end ( -- ) 0 set-node ;
+\ Properties.
+CREATE $indent 100 allot VARIABLE indent 0 indent !
+#include "property.fs"
+\ Unit address.
+: #address-cells s" #address-cells" rot parent get-property
+ ABORT" parent doesn't have a #address-cells property!"
+ decode-int nip nip ;
+: my-#address-cells get-node #address-cells ; \ bit of a misnomer... "my-"
+: encode-phys ( phys.hi ... phys.low -- str len )
+ encode-first? IF encode-start ELSE here 0 THEN
+ my-#address-cells 0 ?DO rot encode-int+ LOOP ;
+: decode-phys
+ my-#address-cells BEGIN dup WHILE 1- >r decode-int r> swap >r REPEAT drop
+ my-#address-cells BEGIN dup WHILE 1- r> swap REPEAT drop ;
+: decode-phys-and-drop
+ my-#address-cells BEGIN dup WHILE 1- >r decode-int r> swap >r REPEAT 3drop
+ my-#address-cells BEGIN dup WHILE 1- r> swap REPEAT drop ;
+: reg >r encode-phys r> encode-int+ s" reg" property ;
+: >space node>space @ ;
+: >space? node>space? @ ;
+: >address dup >r #address-cells dup 3 > IF r@ node>addr3 @ swap THEN
+ dup 2 > IF r@ node>addr2 @ swap THEN
+ 1 > IF r@ node>addr1 @ THEN r> drop ;
+: >unit dup >r >address r> >space ;
+: my-space ( -- phys.hi )
+ my-self ihandle>phandle >space ;
+: my-address my-self ihandle>phandle >address ;
+: my-unit my-self ihandle>phandle >unit ;
+\ Return lower 64 bit of address
+: my-unit-64 ( -- phys.lo+1|phys.lo )
+ my-unit ( phys.lo ... phys.hi )
+ my-self ihandle>phandle #address-cells ( phys.lo ... phys.hi #ad-cells )
+ 2 OF lxjoin EXIT ENDOF
+ 3 OF drop lxjoin EXIT ENDOF
+ dup OF 2drop lxjoin EXIT ENDOF
+: set-space get-node dup >r node>space ! true r> node>space? ! ;
+: set-address my-#address-cells 1 ?DO
+ get-node node>space i cells + ! LOOP ;
+: set-unit set-space set-address ;
+: set-unit-64 ( phys.lo|phys.hi -- )
+ my-#address-cells 2 <> IF
+ ." set-unit-64: #address-cells <> 2 " abort
+ xlsplit set-unit
+\ Never ever use this in actual code, only when debugging interactively.
+\ Thank you.
+: set-args ( arg-str len unit-str len -- )
+ s" decode-unit" get-parent $call-static set-unit set-my-args ;
+: $cat-unit dup parent 0= IF drop EXIT THEN
+ dup >space? not IF drop EXIT THEN
+ dup >r >unit s" encode-unit" r> parent $call-static dup IF
+ dup >r here swap move s" @" $cat here r> $cat
+ ELSE 2drop THEN ;
+\ Getting basic info about a node.
+: node>name dup >r s" name" rot get-property IF r> (u.) ELSE 1- r> drop THEN ;
+: node>qname dup node>name rot ['] $cat-unit CATCH IF drop THEN ;
+: node>path here 0 rot BEGIN dup WHILE dup parent REPEAT 2drop
+ dup 0= IF [char] / c, THEN
+ BEGIN dup WHILE [char] / c, node>qname here over allot swap move
+ REPEAT drop here 2dup - allot over - ;
+: interposed? ( ihandle -- flag )
+ \ We cannot actually detect if an instance is interposed; instead, we look
+ \ if an instance is part of the "normal" chain that would be opened by
+ \ open-dev and friends, if there were no interposition.
+ dup instance>parent @ dup 0= IF 2drop false EXIT THEN
+ ihandle>phandle swap ihandle>phandle parent <> ;
+: instance>qname dup >r interposed? IF s" %" ELSE 0 0 THEN
+ r@ ihandle>phandle node>qname $cat r> instance>args 2@
+ dup IF 2>r s" :" $cat 2r> $cat ELSE 2drop THEN ;
+: instance>qpath \ With interposed nodes.
+ here 0 rot BEGIN dup WHILE dup instance>parent @ REPEAT 2drop
+ dup 0= IF [char] / c, THEN
+ BEGIN dup WHILE [char] / c, instance>qname here over allot swap move
+ REPEAT drop here 2dup - allot over - ;
+: instance>path \ Without interposed nodes.
+ here 0 rot BEGIN dup WHILE
+ dup interposed? 0= IF dup THEN instance>parent @ REPEAT 2drop
+ dup 0= IF [char] / c, THEN
+ BEGIN dup WHILE [char] / c, instance>qname here over allot swap move
+ REPEAT drop here 2dup - allot over - ;
+: .node node>path type ;
+: pwd get-node .node ;
+: .instance instance>qpath type ;
+: .chain dup instance>parent @ ?dup IF recurse THEN
+ cr dup . instance>qname type ;
+\ Alias helper
+defer find-node
+: set-alias ( alias-name len device-name len -- )
+ encode-string
+ 2swap s" /aliases" find-node dup IF set-property ELSE drop THEN ;
+: find-alias ( alias-name len -- false | dev-path len )
+ s" /aliases" find-node dup IF
+ get-property 0= IF 1- dup 0= IF nip THEN ELSE false THEN
+ THEN ;
+: .alias ( alias-name len -- )
+ find-alias dup IF type ELSE ." no alias available" THEN ;
+: (.print-alias) ( lfa -- )
+ link> dup >name name>string
+ \ Don't print name property
+ 2dup s" name" string=ci IF 2drop drop
+ ELSE cr type space ." : " execute type
+ THEN ;
+: (.list-alias) ( phandle -- )
+ node>properties @ cell+ @ BEGIN dup WHILE dup (.print-alias) @ REPEAT drop ;
+: list-alias ( -- )
+ s" /aliases" find-node dup IF (.list-alias) THEN ;
+: devalias ( "{alias-name}<>{device-specifier}<cr>" -- )
+ parse-word parse-word dup IF set-alias
+ ELSE 2drop dup IF .alias
+ ELSE 2drop list-alias THEN THEN ;
+\ sub-alias does a single iteration of an alias at the begining od dev path
+\ expression. de-alias will repeat this until all indirect alising is resolved
+: sub-alias ( arg-str arg-len -- arg' len' | false )
+ 2dup
+ 2dup [char] / findchar ?dup IF ELSE 2dup [char] : findchar THEN
+ ( a l a l [p] -1|0 ) IF nip dup ELSE 2drop 0 THEN >r
+ ( a l l p -- R:p | a l -- R:0 )
+ find-alias ?dup IF ( a l a' p' -- R:p | a' l' -- R:0 )
+ r@ IF 2swap r@ - swap r> + swap $cat strdup ( a" l-p+p' -- )
+ ELSE ( a' l' -- R:0 ) r> drop ( a' l' -- ) THEN
+ ELSE ( a l -- R:p | -- R:0 ) r> IF 2drop THEN false ( 0 -- ) THEN
+: de-alias ( arg-str arg-len -- arg' len' )
+ BEGIN over c@ [char] / <> dup IF drop 2dup sub-alias ?dup THEN
+ WHILE 2swap 2drop REPEAT
+\ Display the device tree.
+: +indent ( not-last? -- )
+ IF s" | " ELSE s" " THEN $indent indent @ + swap move 4 indent +! ;
+: -indent ( -- ) -4 indent +! ;
+: ls-node ( node -- )
+ cr $indent indent @ type
+ dup peer IF ." |-- " ELSE ." +-- " THEN node>qname type ;
+: (ls) ( node -- )
+ child BEGIN dup WHILE dup ls-node dup child IF
+ dup peer +indent dup recurse -indent THEN peer REPEAT drop ;
+: ls ( -- ) get-node dup cr node>path type (ls) 0 indent ! ;
+: show-devs ( {device-specifier}<eol> -- )
+ skipws 0 parse dup IF de-alias ELSE 2drop s" /" THEN ( str len )
+ find-node dup 0= ABORT" No such device path" (ls)
+VARIABLE interpose-node
+2VARIABLE interpose-args
+: interpose ( arg len phandle -- ) interpose-node ! interpose-args 2! ;
+: open-node ( arg len phandle -- ihandle | 0 )
+ current-node @ >r set-node create-instance set-my-args
+ ( and set unit-addr )
+\ XXX: assume default of success for nodes without open method
+ s" open" ['] $call-my-method CATCH IF 2drop true THEN
+ 0= IF my-self destroy-instance 0 to my-self THEN
+ my-self my-parent to my-self r> set-node
+ \ Handle interposition.
+ interpose-node @ IF my-self >r to my-self
+ interpose-args 2@ interpose-node @
+ interpose-node off recurse r> to my-self THEN ;
+: close-node ( ihandle -- )
+ my-self >r to my-self
+ s" close" ['] $call-my-method CATCH IF 2drop THEN
+ my-self destroy-instance r> to my-self ;
+: close-dev ( ihandle -- )
+ my-self >r to my-self
+ BEGIN my-self WHILE my-parent my-self close-node to my-self REPEAT
+ r> to my-self ;
+: new-device ( -- )
+ my-self new-node node>instance @ dup to my-self instance>parent !
+ get-node my-self instance>node ! ;
+: finish-device ( -- )
+ ( check for "name" property here, delete this node if not there )
+ finish-node my-parent my-self max-instance-size free-mem to my-self ;
+: split ( str len char -- left len right len )
+ >r 2dup r> findchar IF >r over r@ 2swap r> 1+ /string ELSE 0 0 THEN ;
+: generic-decode-unit ( str len ncells -- addr.lo ... addr.hi )
+ dup >r -rot BEGIN r@ WHILE r> 1- >r [char] , split 2swap
+ $number IF 0 THEN r> swap >r >r REPEAT r> 3drop
+ BEGIN dup WHILE 1- r> swap REPEAT drop ;
+: generic-encode-unit ( addr.lo ... addr.hi ncells -- str len )
+ 0 0 rot ?dup IF 0 ?DO rot (u.) $cat s" ," $cat LOOP 1- THEN ;
+: hex-decode-unit ( str len ncells -- addr.lo ... addr.hi )
+ base @ >r hex generic-decode-unit r> base ! ;
+: hex-encode-unit ( addr.lo ... addr.hi ncells -- str len )
+ base @ >r hex generic-encode-unit r> base ! ;
+: handle-leading-/ ( path len -- path' len' )
+ dup IF over c@ [char] / = IF 1 /string device-tree @ set-node THEN THEN ;
+: match-name ( name len node -- match? )
+ over 0= IF 3drop true EXIT THEN
+ s" name" rot get-property IF 2drop false EXIT THEN
+ 1- string=ci ; \ XXX should use decode-string
+0 VALUE #search-unit CREATE search-unit 4 cells allot
+: match-unit ( node -- match? )
+ node>space search-unit #search-unit 0 ?DO 2dup @ swap @ <> IF
+ 2drop false UNLOOP EXIT THEN cell+ swap cell+ swap LOOP 2drop true ;
+: match-node ( name len node -- match? )
+ dup >r match-name r> match-unit and ; \ XXX e3d
+: find-kid ( name len -- node|0 )
+ dup -1 = IF \ are we supposed to stay in the same node? -> resolve-relatives
+ 2drop get-node
+ get-node child >r BEGIN r@ WHILE 2dup r@ match-node
+ IF 2drop r> EXIT THEN r> peer >r REPEAT
+ r> 3drop false
+ THEN ;
+: set-search-unit ( unit len -- )
+ dup 0= IF to #search-unit drop EXIT THEN
+ s" #address-cells" get-node get-property THROW
+ decode-int to #search-unit 2drop
+ s" decode-unit" get-node $call-static
+ #search-unit 0 ?DO search-unit i cells + ! LOOP ;
+: resolve-relatives ( path len -- path' len' )
+ \ handle ..
+ 2dup 2 = swap s" .." comp 0= and IF
+ get-node parent ?dup IF
+ set-node drop -1
+ s" Already in root node." type
+ \ handle .
+ 2dup 1 = swap c@ [CHAR] . = and IF
+ drop -1
+ ;
+: find-component ( path len -- path' len' args len node|0 )
+ [char] / split 2swap ( path'. component. )
+ [char] : split 2swap ( path'. args. node-addr. )
+ [char] @ split ['] set-search-unit CATCH IF 2drop 2drop 0 EXIT THEN
+ resolve-relatives find-kid ;
+: .find-node ( path len -- phandle|0 )
+ current-node @ >r
+ handle-leading-/ current-node @ 0= IF 2drop r> set-node 0 EXIT THEN
+ BEGIN dup WHILE \ handle one component:
+ find-component ( path len args len node ) dup 0= IF
+ 3drop 2drop r> set-node 0 EXIT THEN
+ set-node 2drop REPEAT 2drop
+ get-node r> set-node ;
+' .find-node to find-node
+: find-node ( path len -- phandle|0 ) de-alias find-node ;
+: delete-node ( phandle -- )
+ dup node>parent @ node>child @ ( phandle 1st peer )
+ 2dup = IF
+ node>peer @ swap node>parent @ node>child !
+ dup node>peer @
+ BEGIN 2 pick 2dup <> WHILE
+ drop
+ nip dup node>peer @
+ dup 0= IF 2drop drop unloop EXIT THEN
+ drop
+ node>peer @ swap node>peer !
+ drop
+: open-dev ( path len -- ihandle|0 )
+ de-alias current-node @ >r
+ handle-leading-/ current-node @ 0= IF 2drop r> set-node 0 EXIT THEN
+ my-self >r 0 to my-self
+ 0 0 >r >r BEGIN dup WHILE \ handle one component:
+ ( arg len ) r> r> get-node open-node to my-self
+ find-component ( path len args len node ) dup 0= IF
+ 3drop 2drop my-self close-dev r> to my-self r> set-node 0 EXIT THEN
+ set-node >r >r REPEAT 2drop
+ \ open final node
+ r> r> get-node open-node to my-self
+ my-self r> to my-self r> set-node ;
+: select-dev open-dev dup to my-self ihandle>phandle set-node ;
+: find-device ( str len -- ) \ set as active node
+ find-node dup 0= ABORT" No such device path" set-node ;
+: dev skipws 0 parse find-device ;
+: (lsprop) ( node --)
+ dup cr $indent indent @ type ." node: " node>qname type
+ false +indent (.properties) cr -indent ;
+: (show-children) ( node -- )
+ child BEGIN dup WHILE
+ dup (lsprop) dup child IF false +indent dup recurse -indent THEN peer
+ REPEAT drop
+: lsprop ( {device-specifier}<eol> -- )
+ skipws 0 parse dup IF de-alias ELSE 2drop s" /" THEN
+ find-device get-node dup dup
+ cr ." node: " node>path type (.properties) cr (show-children) 0 indent ! ;
+\ node>path does not allot the memory, since it is internally only used
+\ for typing.
+\ The external variant needs to allot memory !
+: (node>path) node>path ;
+: node>path ( phandle -- str len )
+ node>path dup allot
+\ Support for support packages.
+\ The /packages node.
+0 VALUE packages
+\ We can't use the standard find-node stuff, as we are required to find the
+\ newest (i.e., last in our tree) matching package, not just any.
+: find-package ( name len -- false | phandle true )
+ 0 >r packages child BEGIN dup WHILE dup >r node>name 2over string=ci r> swap
+ IF r> drop dup >r THEN peer REPEAT 3drop r> dup IF true THEN ;
+: open-package ( arg len phandle -- ihandle | 0 ) open-node ;
+: close-package ( ihandle -- ) close-node ;
+: $open-package ( arg len name len -- ihandle | 0 )
+ find-package IF open-package ELSE 2drop false THEN ;
+\ Pseudocode in C Syntax
+\ if((addr>=child)&&(addr<=child+size)
+\ return (addr - child) + parent
+\ else return false
+: translate-range ( child parent size addr -- taddr true | addr false )
+ swap 3 pick + over \ calculate child+size address
+ ( child parent size addr child+size )
+ > IF \ verify if addr is below child+size address
+ ( child parent addr )
+ 2 pick over \ fetch child and addr for compare
+ ( child parend addr child addr )
+ <= IF \ verify if addr is above child address
+ ( child parent addr )
+ 2 pick - + nip true \ pick child, calculate addr-child + parent, drop child and return true
+ ( taddr true )
+ 2drop false \ drop child parent size and return false
+ ( addr false )
+ ( child parent addr )
+ nip nip false \ drop child parent size and return false
+ ( addr false )
+\ helper function based on decode-int to decode an integer property
+\ from a prop-encoded-array
+\ my-property cannot be used since this depends on a current instance
+: get-property-decoded ( addr len -- n )
+ get-node get-property
+ IF cr cr cr ." get-property-decoded: no such property" EXIT THEN decode-int nip nip
+0 VALUE pci-phys-hi
+1C000000 CONSTANT pci-stop-mapping-code
+\ Explanation to pci-stop-mapping-code:
+\ Bits 26..28 are unsused in phys.hi in the IEEE 1275 PCI binding
+\ and set to 0. Use value where these bits are set in pci-phys-hi to communicate that
+\ translation sould stop.
+\ Helper function to extract one element of the child parent size tuple coded
+\ into the ranges properties array, element being exactly one of child, parent
+\ and size
+: extract-range-element ( ranges-addr ranges-len #cells -- element ranges-addr' ranges-len' )
+ \ -rot decode-int 3 roll 1 > IF 20 lshift -rot decode-int 3 roll + THEN -rot
+ 1 OF decode-int -rot ENDOF
+ 2 OF decode-int 20 lshift -rot decode-int 3 roll + -rot ENDOF
+ 3 OF
+ dup 0= IF
+ false ( ranges-addr ranges-len false )
+ decode-int
+ pci-phys-hi \ for PCI phys.hi lies on the stack below addr
+ space-code-mask and
+ <> \ compare phys.hi
+ \ discard phys.mid, phys.lo, parent, and size values. Then go to next PCI ranges tuple
+ 18 dup -rot - -rot + swap
+ dup 0= IF ( ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ pci-stop-mapping-code to pci-phys-hi ( ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ \ ranges size >= 8, since phys.hi
+ \ was read in ELSE of WHILE condition
+ decode-int 20 lshift -rot decode-int 3 roll + -rot
+\ Function to convert a whole child parent size sequence into decoded-int format
+: extract-range ( ranges-addr ranges-len -- child parent size ranges-addr' ranges-len' )
+ \ child
+ s" #address-cells" get-property-decoded
+ extract-range-element
+ \ exit criterium for PCI: ranges-len is 0 and false on top of stack
+ pci-phys-hi pci-stop-mapping-code = IF EXIT THEN ( ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ \ parent ( child ranges-addr' ranges-len' )
+ decode-phys ( child ranges-addr" ranges-len" phys.lo .. phys.hi )
+ my-#address-cells 1 > IF 20 lshift + THEN ( child ranges-addr''' ranges-len''' parent )
+ -rot ( child parent ranges-addr''' ranges-len''' )
+ \ size
+ s" #size-cells" get-property-decoded ( child parent ranges-addr''' ranges-len''' #size-cells )
+ extract-range-element ( child parent size ranges-addr"" ranges-len"" )
+\ Function to process a whole array one or more of child parent size sequences
+\ Prerequisite: Empty ranges handing is assumed to already exist.
+: translate-ranges-node ( addr ranges-addr ranges-len -- taddr true|false )
+ dup 0 > \ ranges-len > 0
+ extract-range
+ pci-phys-hi pci-stop-mapping-code =
+ IF ( addr ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ nip nip EXIT ( false )
+ ( addr child parent size ranges-addr' ranges-len' )
+ 2rot ( parent size ranges-addr' ranges-len' addr child )
+ 5 roll ( size ranges-addr' ranges-len' addr child parent )
+ 5 roll ( ranges-addr' ranges-len' addr child parent size )
+ 3 roll ( ranges-addr' ranges-len' child parent size addr )
+ translate-range ( ranges-addr' ranges-len' taddr true | ranges-addr' ranges-len' addr false )
+ IF nip nip true EXIT
+ ELSE ( ranges-addr' ranges-len' addr )
+ -rot
+ ( addr ranges-addr' ranges-len' )
+ ( ranges-addr' ranges-len' taddr true | ranges-addr' ranges-len' false )
+ \ remove addr ranges-addr' ranges-len' from stack
+ nip nip \ leaving the 0 ranges-len' as false
+ ( false )
+\ Helper function to search the first ranges in current node or one of its parents
+\ and make that node the 'current node'
+\ Prerequisite: root node must have a ranges property
+\ Returns address, length, true if ranges property was found, otherwise false.
+: translate-set-to-next-ranges-node ( -- addr-ranges len-ranges true|false )
+ s" ranges" 2dup get-node get-property
+ IF
+ ( addr len true )
+ get-parent dup set-node get-property
+ IF
+ cr cr cr
+ s" no translatable address space due to missing ranges property" type
+ cr cr cr
+ false
+ true
+ ( addr len addr-ranges len-ranges )
+ rot drop rot drop true
+ ( ranges-addr ranges-len true|false )
+: translate-address-end ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+ \ get back to the node where translation was started
+ dup IF
+ rot ( taddr true phandle-start )
+ set-node ( taddr true )
+ swap ( phandle-start false )
+ set-node ( false )
+\ Function to step up the device tree up to the root node.
+\ Contains empty ranges handling.
+\ Returns the translated address and true, when the address is translatable, otherwise false.
+: translate-ranges ( addr -- taddr true|false )
+ \ set-node semantic required here to continue from nodes found below.
+ translate-set-to-next-ranges-node
+ not IF false EXIT THEN ( false ) \ address is not translatable
+ \ due to missing ranges property in the hierarchy.
+ ( phandle-start addr ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ dup 0=
+ IF
+ \ empty ranges property detected, assume 1 : 1 translation
+ 2drop true
+ ( phandle-start addr true )
+ ( phandle-start addr ranges-addr ranges-len )
+ translate-ranges-node
+ ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+ dup IF
+ ( phandle-start taddr true ) \ found a translation
+ drop
+ get-parent
+ dup 0=
+ IF \ arrived at root node, stop translation
+ drop true dup
+ ( phandle-start taddr true true )
+ \ go to parent and continue
+ set-node false
+ ( phandle-start taddr true phandle-parent false )
+ true \ address translation failed, exit loop
+ ( phandle-start false true )
+ ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+: translate-address-back-to-start-node ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+ \ get back to the node where translation was started
+ dup IF
+ rot ( taddr true phandle-start )
+ set-node ( taddr true )
+ swap ( phandle-start false )
+ set-node ( false )
+: translate-address ( addr -- taddr true|false )
+ get-node swap \ save current node ( phandle-start addr )
+ translate-ranges ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+ translate-address-back-to-start-node ( taddr true|false )
+: translate-address-pci ( phys.lo phys.mid phys.hi -- taddr true|false )
+ to pci-phys-hi ( phys.lo phys.mid )
+ lxjoin ( phys.addr )
+ get-node \ save current node ( phys.addr phandle-start )
+ swap ( phandle-start phys.addr )
+ translate-ranges \ fetches phys.hi for PCI ( phandle-start taddr true|phandle-start false )
+ translate-address-back-to-start-node ( taddr true|false )
+\ device tree translate-address
+#include <translate.fs>