diff options
3 files changed, 466 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/qga/commands-posix-ssh.c b/qga/commands-posix-ssh.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f74d896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qga/commands-posix-ssh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ /*
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+ * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+ */
+#include "qemu/osdep.h"
+#include <glib-unix.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include "qapi/error.h"
+#include "qga-qapi-commands.h"
+static struct passwd *
+test_get_passwd_entry(const gchar *user_name, GError **error)
+ struct passwd *p;
+ int ret;
+ if (!user_name || g_strcmp0(user_name, g_get_user_name())) {
+ g_set_error(error, G_UNIX_ERROR, 0, "Invalid user name");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = g_new0(struct passwd, 1);
+ p->pw_dir = (char *)g_get_home_dir();
+ p->pw_uid = geteuid();
+ p->pw_gid = getegid();
+ ret = g_mkdir_with_parents(p->pw_dir, 0700);
+ g_assert(ret == 0);
+ return p;
+#define g_unix_get_passwd_entry_qemu(username, err) \
+ test_get_passwd_entry(username, err)
+static struct passwd *
+get_passwd_entry(const char *username, Error **errp)
+ g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL;
+ struct passwd *p;
+ p = g_unix_get_passwd_entry_qemu(username, &err);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to lookup user '%s': %s",
+ username, err->message);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return p;
+static bool
+mkdir_for_user(const char *path, const struct passwd *p,
+ mode_t mode, Error **errp)
+ if (g_mkdir(path, mode) == -1) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to create directory '%s': %s",
+ path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (chown(path, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid) == -1) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to set ownership of directory '%s': %s",
+ path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (chmod(path, mode) == -1) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to set permissions of directory '%s': %s",
+ path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool
+check_openssh_pub_key(const char *key, Error **errp)
+ /* simple sanity-check, we may want more? */
+ if (!key || key[0] == '#' || strchr(key, '\n')) {
+ error_setg(errp, "invalid OpenSSH public key: '%s'", key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool
+check_openssh_pub_keys(strList *keys, size_t *nkeys, Error **errp)
+ size_t n = 0;
+ strList *k;
+ for (k = keys; k != NULL; k = k->next) {
+ if (!check_openssh_pub_key(k->value, errp)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (nkeys) {
+ *nkeys = n;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool
+write_authkeys(const char *path, const GStrv keys,
+ const struct passwd *p, Error **errp)
+ g_autofree char *contents = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL;
+ contents = g_strjoinv("\n", keys);
+ if (!g_file_set_contents(path, contents, -1, &err)) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to write to '%s': %s", path, err->message);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (chown(path, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid) == -1) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to set ownership of directory '%s': %s",
+ path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (chmod(path, 0600) == -1) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to set permissions of '%s': %s",
+ path, g_strerror(errno));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static GStrv
+read_authkeys(const char *path, Error **errp)
+ g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *contents = NULL;
+ if (!g_file_get_contents(path, &contents, NULL, &err)) {
+ error_setg(errp, "failed to read '%s': %s", path, err->message);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return g_strsplit(contents, "\n", -1);
+qmp_guest_ssh_add_authorized_keys(const char *username, strList *keys,
+ Error **errp)
+ g_autofree struct passwd *p = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *ssh_path = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *authkeys_path = NULL;
+ g_auto(GStrv) authkeys = NULL;
+ strList *k;
+ size_t nkeys, nauthkeys;
+ if (!check_openssh_pub_keys(keys, &nkeys, errp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p = get_passwd_entry(username, errp);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ssh_path = g_build_filename(p->pw_dir, ".ssh", NULL);
+ authkeys_path = g_build_filename(ssh_path, "authorized_keys", NULL);
+ authkeys = read_authkeys(authkeys_path, NULL);
+ if (authkeys == NULL) {
+ if (!g_file_test(ssh_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR) &&
+ !mkdir_for_user(ssh_path, p, 0700, errp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ nauthkeys = authkeys ? g_strv_length(authkeys) : 0;
+ authkeys = g_realloc_n(authkeys, nauthkeys + nkeys + 1, sizeof(char *));
+ memset(authkeys + nauthkeys, 0, (nkeys + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+ for (k = keys; k != NULL; k = k->next) {
+ if (g_strv_contains((const gchar * const *)authkeys, k->value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ authkeys[nauthkeys++] = g_strdup(k->value);
+ }
+ write_authkeys(authkeys_path, authkeys, p, errp);
+qmp_guest_ssh_remove_authorized_keys(const char *username, strList *keys,
+ Error **errp)
+ g_autofree struct passwd *p = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *authkeys_path = NULL;
+ g_autofree GStrv new_keys = NULL; /* do not own the strings */
+ g_auto(GStrv) authkeys = NULL;
+ GStrv a;
+ size_t nkeys = 0;
+ if (!check_openssh_pub_keys(keys, NULL, errp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p = get_passwd_entry(username, errp);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ authkeys_path = g_build_filename(p->pw_dir, ".ssh",
+ "authorized_keys", NULL);
+ if (!g_file_test(authkeys_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ authkeys = read_authkeys(authkeys_path, errp);
+ if (authkeys == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ new_keys = g_new0(char *, g_strv_length(authkeys) + 1);
+ for (a = authkeys; *a != NULL; a++) {
+ strList *k;
+ for (k = keys; k != NULL; k = k->next) {
+ if (g_str_equal(k->value, *a)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k != NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_keys[nkeys++] = *a;
+ }
+ write_authkeys(authkeys_path, new_keys, p, errp);
+#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 60, 0)
+static const strList test_key2 = {
+ .value = (char *)"algo key2 comments"
+static const strList test_key1_2 = {
+ .value = (char *)"algo key1 comments",
+ .next = (strList *)&test_key2,
+static char *
+ return g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".ssh", "authorized_keys", NULL);
+static void
+test_authorized_keys_set(const char *contents)
+ g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *path = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".ssh", NULL);
+ ret = g_mkdir_with_parents(path, 0700);
+ g_assert(ret == 0);
+ g_free(path);
+ path = test_get_authorized_keys_path();
+ g_file_set_contents(path, contents, -1, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+static void
+test_authorized_keys_equal(const char *expected)
+ g_autoptr(GError) err = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *path = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *contents = NULL;
+ path = test_get_authorized_keys_path();
+ g_file_get_contents(path, &contents, NULL, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+ g_assert(g_strcmp0(contents, expected) == 0);
+static void
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ qmp_guest_ssh_add_authorized_keys("", NULL, &err);
+ error_free_or_abort(&err);
+ qmp_guest_ssh_remove_authorized_keys("", NULL, &err);
+ error_free_or_abort(&err);
+static void
+ strList key = {
+ .value = (char *)"not a valid\nkey"
+ };
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ qmp_guest_ssh_add_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(), &key, &err);
+ error_free_or_abort(&err);
+ qmp_guest_ssh_remove_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(), &key, &err);
+ error_free_or_abort(&err);
+static void
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ qmp_guest_ssh_add_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(),
+ (strList *)&test_key2, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+ test_authorized_keys_equal("algo key2 comments");
+ qmp_guest_ssh_add_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(),
+ (strList *)&test_key1_2, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+ /* key2 came first, and should'nt be duplicated */
+ test_authorized_keys_equal("algo key2 comments\n"
+ "algo key1 comments");
+static void
+ Error *err = NULL;
+ static const char *authkeys =
+ "algo key1 comments\n"
+ /* originally duplicated */
+ "algo key1 comments\n"
+ "# a commented line\n"
+ "algo some-key another\n";
+ test_authorized_keys_set(authkeys);
+ qmp_guest_ssh_remove_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(),
+ (strList *)&test_key2, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+ test_authorized_keys_equal(authkeys);
+ qmp_guest_ssh_remove_authorized_keys(g_get_user_name(),
+ (strList *)&test_key1_2, &err);
+ g_assert(err == NULL);
+ test_authorized_keys_equal("# a commented line\n"
+ "algo some-key another\n");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ g_test_init(&argc, &argv, G_TEST_OPTION_ISOLATE_DIRS, NULL);
+ g_test_add_func("/qga/ssh/invalid_user", test_invalid_user);
+ g_test_add_func("/qga/ssh/invalid_key", test_invalid_key);
+ g_test_add_func("/qga/ssh/add_keys", test_add_keys);
+ g_test_add_func("/qga/ssh/remove_keys", test_remove_keys);
+ return g_test_run();
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ g_test_message("test skipped, needs glib >= 2.60");
+ return 0;
+#endif /* GLIB_2_60 */
+#endif /* BUILD_UNIT_TEST */
diff --git a/qga/meson.build b/qga/meson.build
index cd08bd9..635de9a 100644
--- a/qga/meson.build
+++ b/qga/meson.build
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ qga_ss.add(files(
qga_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_POSIX', if_true: files(
- 'commands-posix.c'))
+ 'commands-posix.c',
+ 'commands-posix-ssh.c',
qga_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_WIN32', if_true: files(
@@ -87,3 +89,24 @@ else
alias_target('qemu-ga', all_qga)
+test_env = environment()
+test_env.set('G_TEST_SRCDIR', meson.current_source_dir())
+test_env.set('G_TEST_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir())
+# disable qga-ssh-test for now. glib's G_TEST_OPTION_ISOLATE_DIRS triggers
+# the leak detector in build-oss-fuzz Gitlab CI test. we should re-enable
+# this when an alternative is implemented or when the underlying glib
+# issue is identified/fix
+#if 'CONFIG_POSIX' in config_host
+if false
+ qga_ssh_test = executable('qga-ssh-test',
+ files('commands-posix-ssh.c'),
+ dependencies: [qemuutil],
+ c_args: ['-DQGA_BUILD_UNIT_TEST'])
+ test('qga-ssh-test',
+ qga_ssh_test,
+ env: test_env,
+ suite: ['unit', 'qga'])
diff --git a/qga/qapi-schema.json b/qga/qapi-schema.json
index e123a00..a2727ed 100644
--- a/qga/qapi-schema.json
+++ b/qga/qapi-schema.json
@@ -1346,3 +1346,38 @@
{ 'command': 'guest-get-devices',
'returns': ['GuestDeviceInfo'] }
+# @guest-ssh-add-authorized-keys:
+# @username: the user account to add the authorized keys
+# @keys: the public keys to add (in OpenSSH/sshd(8) authorized_keys format)
+# Append public keys to user .ssh/authorized_keys on Unix systems (not
+# implemented for other systems).
+# Returns: Nothing on success.
+# Since: 5.2
+{ 'command': 'guest-ssh-add-authorized-keys',
+ 'data': { 'username': 'str', 'keys': ['str'] },
+ 'if': 'defined(CONFIG_POSIX)' }
+# @guest-ssh-remove-authorized-keys:
+# @username: the user account to remove the authorized keys
+# @keys: the public keys to remove (in OpenSSH/sshd(8) authorized_keys format)
+# Remove public keys from the user .ssh/authorized_keys on Unix systems (not
+# implemented for other systems). It's not an error if the key is already
+# missing.
+# Returns: Nothing on success.
+# Since: 5.2
+{ 'command': 'guest-ssh-remove-authorized-keys',
+ 'data': { 'username': 'str', 'keys': ['str'] },
+ 'if': 'defined(CONFIG_POSIX)' }